FASTEST CLASSIC SPORTS CAR IN GTA ONLINE?! - Grand Theft Auto 5 Multiplayer - Part 557

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what's up guys and welcome back to another episode of a GTA online today we are back here in our office and we're going to be checking out another one of the brand new vehicles that was added in with the doomsday heist update so well our last episode we checked out the the i8 and GTA online you guys really really enjoyed that one and I'm excited to continue this on we still have a few more new cars check out so I think in this episode we're going to be taking a look at the Lemp and dotty Viserys or something like that I don't know we're gonna open up our phone as soon as we get out of this elevator and we're gonna see what we're working with alright guys here we go so it's under legendary motorsport and it's this one right here it was eight hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars the Lampa dotty Viserys there were a lot of things to like about the limpid daddies Viserys the smooth handling the chiseled good looks the salts of the earth engineering more than anything else you had to love the unmistakable roar of its barbaric VA but if you thought that sweet sweet song couldn't be improved you were wrong offset with the rattle of twin forward-facing machineguns it takes on a whole new depth of character weapon mods can only be applied at a vehicle workshop inside the adventure or mobile operations center I did not know you could put weapons on this thing that makes me a little bit more excited but uh this is a sports classics car you guys can see I mean it looks really good I really like the look of it I looked it up on the wiki and it's supposedly modeled after the dead Tomaso Pantera GTS or the Maserati Merak I don't really know what those are I haven't seen those before I looked them up they do look similar but really when I saw this I thought Lamborghini Miura or Mira Mira I think that's how you say it right meet Mira Mira I'm pretty sure that's how you say it but yeah it doesn't really have the headlights like the Miura the the headlights on the mirror kind of the most iconic thing about it but the body style and the kind of like way that the the scoop comes down and stuff like that I don't know it just it kind of reminds me of the Miura a little bit but the other ones it's definitely more more like it but yeah this thing dude it looks pretty good I really like the way it looks I just realized we just we just made an orange black car and I ordered this one an orange so we may have to change up the color a little bit it's uh it's got those wide fenders front and especially on the back dude I think this thing's gonna be sick and we're gonna be able to mount machine guns on it I doubt we're gonna be able to actually use them in races but this should be interesting and it's cool because it's a sports classics car which we don't really experiment with sports classics all that much so let's go ahead and take this thing down we're gonna take her for a little little Joyride it's got a pretty good sound to it what in the world is going I don't even want to go that way because I don't want to have this thing blown up and I want to call my insurance it's got a good sound look at those fat tires bro and that's phat with a pH that's not even an F that that is a pH phat on those tires dude it's not the fastest thing in the world but we're definitely to be upgrading that obviously I don't know dude I like it it's got a good feel to it and of course I mean being a sports classics car it's also not gonna be as fast as a lot of the other vehicles that we use so we're gonna take this thing back in our garage we're gonna take it to our tune-up shop and let's make it ours alright guys so you know I like to go through and do the definites all the way through first so armor and brakes engine level four there's an engine cover tune so we're gonna have to check that out too this thing sounds so nice alright Sport Suspension race turbo okay looks good to me alright so for bumpers what do we have here front bumpers I'm gonna go with the race setup that looks pretty sick their rear bumpers removed or Chrome I think I'm gonna leave it stock I like having a bumpy bumper on there alright chassis I think I'm just gonna keep it keep it normal I like being able to see the engine down there engine cover Oh carbon vented vented carbon louvers or we've got the scoops or we've got the vanity cover bro I'm not gonna lie that vanity covers pretty sick but so is the so is the vintage and so is that I'm gonna go with the vanity cover though just because you could see that entire thing in there all eight cylinders all right well we'll take that looks good to me exhaust what do we want here there's a horizontal single that's kind of interesting I've got the carbon big bore the canons oh dude I think I'm going with that rule mark 1 or mark - I think I'm gonna go mark 1 mark 1 defuser's do that is dumb that actually looks really really good all right wide body kit that kind of smoothes it all over but I kind of like the look I like the look of it being bolted on like I like looking like it's kind of like a Liberty walk type look I mean the wide body can't do the wide body kit looks pretty sick I'm not gonna lie especially from the rear ends because it's got those extra vents in there I'm gonna go with the wide body kit I like the panel splits but the wide body kits pretty dope I think I'm gonna go with the single vent here lights we're not gonna put any lights on there yet respray will do in a second blackened extensions primary extensions secondary extensions bolted extensions I'm gonna go with bolted extensions just because it kind of matches our front bumper there spoiler there's a hood lip a slipstream ooh Carbon dovetail Oh dude a lot of these look pretty mean I'm gonna go with the carbon dovetail okay this thing's actually looking pretty unique I wasn't expecting this here I didn't think we were gonna have this many customization options all right definitely get a limo this thing out now let's take a look at the respray what is the secondary color even affect the engine piece inside basically like the strut bar and the mirrors that's it so I think I'm gonna go with just like a black let's go with something to match all the carbon fiber on the car a little bit lighter anthracite black alright that looks good to me now for the primary color trim color you might change that all right primary color what do we want to go with here is the question yellow looks pretty good yellow looks it's kind of got like a Fisker Karma grille do you guys see that this right here makes me think of a Fisker Karma what do we want to go with here boys a lot of these look good the purple looks pretty good the cream looks good the ice white looks good the black looks good I feel like we do read all the time even like the pink looks pretty good dude a burnt orange we did just do orange though so I'm not gonna do orange here bright orange [Music] I feel like I'm gonna go with yellow I like yellow dude do we want to go with like a metallic hey we could put a pearlescent over the yellow if we wanted but I'm not gonna do that all right we could go with any of these which I think all these are kind of ugly all right we're gonna leave it with yellow trim color should we go with the yellow I mean we have yellow in the middle of our steering wheel so we could go with the yellow trim on the inside all right there's things gonna be pretty pretty nuts now for wheels tires bulletproof of course yellow tire smoke tire design we're gonna have to change the wheel first wheel tight do we want like muscle type wheels or do we want like high-end type wheels I feel like the muscle type wheels are kind of dope fit it well let's check to the tuner let's check the the high end I don't know do the high ends look pretty nice get some carbon fiber wheels in there which ones what I want though something like that I think looks pretty dope alright I'm gonna go with the carbon solar and then four tires do we want I'm gonna leave those off I'm gonna keep it looking clean okay boom boys I actually really like the way this thing turned out this thing is nasty it looks really really good look at the size of those tires they're so chunky bro alright let's go ahead and exit to the grounds and hopefully this thing has improved quite a bit in terms of its performance hopefully we noticed a difference right out of the gate and then we're gonna try to find a race with this thing which is probably to prove pretty tough she's she's just slow off the start like this right here we're going pretty fast once we get going like once we get up to speed we are good to go we're feeling great but if we stop at this red light waiting for the green we sound like a dragster like a top fuel dragster just sitting here it's slow slow off the line dude but I guess ideally if we don't crash we're only gonna have to accelerate once at the very start of a race so if we can keep it going and we could just stay up to speed I think we're gonna be okay but that means that we can't crash and we're gonna be smart about our corners and stuff it's kind of heavy through the corners - holy cow dude this thing is just it's a behemoth it is very much of a hemad all right guys I'm gonna go try to find some races to get this thing in I'll see you guys when we do no way who's saying that did you just call me as hero bro I Love You Man I think I think we've got a we got multiple people in the in the lobby here recognizing us holy cow okay be a dim dude my uh my reputations on the line here we got to get it going here we go boys whoa what's that play boys we never even got to never even got what's it called like the the first boosts there but I'm pretty sure Ryan DC is actually a part of the crew so that's kind of cool dude what is going on why what is happening I can't even get up bro I can't even get up in them this is okay this is embarrassing I thought first of all I don't know why we spun out right there second of all I can't this thing doesn't really have the power to get a height I went to the social club and I checked for races that were available for the sports classics type of car and I sometimes there are cars but there are races that are not made for these types of cars and I I think this might be one of them IV it's a little bit too steep this thing dude okay I'm gonna go the other way for a second here we gotta get dude I literally I can't even go in a straight line here we go all right well this is dude this thing is so squirrely I literally cannot go straight like it won't go straight we're gonna have to pick a different type of race dude like one that's not a stunt race with with barrels up in the sky and stuff although I think one of those guys may have been using this car it appeared that he was able to make it work so hold on I mean I've I've done quite a few races in my day here in GTA online we've raced over a thousand times and I it is hard to keep this thing stable only the slightest movements dude oh my god yo nah right there can I get out of the car and just walk all right I'm gonna slow it down I'm gonna slow it down there we go that's the key you just got to slow it down I let off the gas a little bit and we were able to get through there all right was she so now waiting for me I hope he wasn't waiting for me okay we got through it oh my gosh Roque we're gonna be just fine this is the I think he's stuck to this is a whole new type of challenge here GT online folks racing sports classics cars in tunnels or they don't even really Oh No okay I'm gonna make sure we're smart about this we're going uphill any time there's an uphill section it really makes me nervous looks like we're two minutes behind the other two guys I don't know if they're struggling or if they're actually going to end up making it or how they're feeling we'll take it we just don't want to stop if we stop and lose our momentum that's when we're going to be in trouble okay [Music] whoa here we go fellas I'm gonna consider this a win if we even if we even complete one of these lives we're gonna be okay can we make it we can oh that was smooth that was so smooth right there all right keep the keep the speed up gotta be smart through here okay I'm just gonna keep flying dude we are not in control whatsoever but I'm just going to keep going for it in fact we could do a loop the momentum problem we're only 14 seconds behind the next guy we're actually we kind of caught up to the next guy but Ryan DC the guy that's in our crew he is by far the leader here okay this is in and we hit the whoops and we went over all of them this is an insane race I did not need to make this a a second lap race all right this guy's car is so slow so so dude whoo oh my gosh dude we're flying now we might actually do this is gonna be to come back in the century for real 110 percent to comeback of the century if we make this happen oh we're okay 360s for the win how far behind are we minute 16 we've caught up by a minute why did I make this race so long I had I checked it and it said it was like a three mile race at that three mile so that's nothing but it's actually way more than that because we're doing it in tunnels so this honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't like a seven mile race or something like that because we're not covering that much distance laterally we're doing most of it vertically all right this is this is the area where we messed up last time we're gonna be able to go balls to the wall all the way through the Westaway if we just make it through here let off the gas a little bit dude if we would have known that for the first round we would have won this race by a longshot all right guys well uh I think that's gonna do it we just did a nasty flip right there to skip the slowed down section at the end of that lap but it's aw man we got second place that was just that that initial Hill Climb we could not get past that section and holy cow I just don't think this race is really really meant for this car all right guys I'm gonna try to go find something that's a little bit less hectic we'll do more of like a pretend Race Course style thing maybe even like a Talladega 500 type deal just to kind of see what this car is made of compared to some of the other sports classic because that was not a good example the Talladega 500 a 2.0 there should be a better way of seeing what this thing can do here we go boys seeing uh actually chinchou back there he's got the same car as us okay that's interesting about I've got full drafting on I've got ketchup on I've got everything on so I mean we may end up getting spun out but off the bat here it does look like this thing is pretty good dude from a speed perspective this thing is insane we are blowing everybody else out of the water and I change so and I are oh oh I saved it this thing is quick to spin out I think that's why it was spinning out so much inside the tunnels I didn't dude this thing is fast holy cow but I think the the grip is a little weird I mean you guys saw right there we weren't turning the wheel very hard I'm just gonna try to keep my line here in the middle I'm not trying to run into anybody but yeah if you turn the wheel more than like I would guess like 30% this is real live video it's like are you making a video you like content it's starting to spin out a little bit but look at this - this thing's so fast oh yeah I need to drop under glide play they did rap dude why is this thing so quick okay so that's just that's that's the downside of it I guess I think this is one of the fastest cars sports classic cars in the game but I think from a turning perspective it just does not turn well it seems fair this would be weird but it seems very front heavy like the front is is fairly planted but the rear wheels get out from behind you as soon as you turn I don't know it's it's weird almost into the wall right there due to homely Callaway I don't even know where everybody else is these guys caught up a few loose in that cheetah I'm trying not to spin out dude this thing is very shaky from that perspective holy cow we're only three laps out of five honking if these guys got that thing dude we seriously were we're outperforming them I'll perform in them speed wise without a doubt they're having to draft to pass us and sometimes they don't even get around it's like look at this I'm gonna get back back ahead of this guy my god with no problem this is cool so this car is actually really good and it was only what was it like six hundred eight hundred thousand something like that I don't even need to drive but that's the problem that's the problem we're okay we're okay so that's a Ryan and butter out of his window is that what he said back bro the fact that this car is that fast is pretty insane oh these guys don't have custom cars that makes more sense I think chinchou has a custom car cuz he was up there with us off the start but that makes sense why we're so much faster than them [Music] there was no room for me in there there's nothing I can do so a good baby that was right in the last time - all right Gigi - these boys that that was fun oh my goodness this car is good it is fast I mean even even if they would have been tuned up we were significantly faster than they were like they had to drag just to stick with us we could just go straight out without drafting and we would pull away from so I think this car is particularly fast I just think the handling is very I don't know it's not the best and I mean you guys saw there we were spinning out just by turning the wheel not even turning sharply but just by turning the wheel in these baby turns No hope you guys enjoyed thank you guys so much for watching shout out to my crew here in this video and I'm gonna see you guys in the next one thanks watch you guys peace out y'all thought I forgot didn't you you thought I forgot about the weapon customization on this bad boy uh technically I kind of did a little big but before we sign now I do want to check out the machine guns we can put on here just because why not I know they're probably gonna be pretty lame they're probably not gonna be very effective the dual machine guns on a lot of these cars typically aren't that effective but we may as well check it out see if we have any other options we could end up putting some grenade launchers or something on there it's not like we could actually use that in the races unless we had GTA races I think you can in GTA races but I wanted to check this out so here we go weapons mounted machine guns that's all we get just two little two little nips sticking out on the front there alright let's go ahead and exit the mobile operation center so yeah this is just the normal machine gun I mean it looks cool coming out of the front like that I'm not gonna lie but is it effective we're about to find out we have a test car right here I'm just gonna apply some Carmex to my chapped lips here and the time it takes for this thing to blow up holy cow yeah this is uh not worth the upgrade whatsoever I see you bro you know got to be you know gonna be honking up in the video but yeah there you guys have it you can't put the the dueling machine guns on there but it's not gonna be worth it two million so hope you guys enjoyed the episode goodbye for the second time we're for real this time and I'm gonna see you guys there
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 87,738
Rating: 4.8943782 out of 5
Keywords: grand theft auto v, grand theft auto 5, gtav, gta5, gta 5, lets play, playthrough, guide, gameplay, game play, multiplayer, online, walkthrough, dlc, grand theft auto online dlc, gta online dlc, gta v, next gen, box one, playstation 4, ps4, gta next gen, gta xbox one, gta ps4, gta playstation 4, pc, gta pc, gta v pc, viseris, lampadati, lampadati viseris
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 13 2018
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