Koenigsegg Jesko & Regera DYNO + MAJOR Factory Tour Update!

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oh wow what a difference what we just got into fine-tuning the launch mode of yesco oh yeah there's my MAA MX5 Miata is that all you got here today yeah yeah today we're going to do some world's first we're going to dyno the kig gesco and see if it really makes 1600 horsepower we're going to dno the kig regera and we are here at the kig factory and Christian is going to take us for a walk around and show us some areas that we were not able to cover last time because they've done a lot of work since then you guys have to stay and check all of this stuff out I promise this is going to be an awesome Vlog all right hello gentlemen how are you good to see you again sir all right well thanks so much for having us over we really appreciate this for setting up the dinos that we are thoroughly pumped yeah I've seen your uh wild Dino sessions on YouTu pretty cool glad to have you here to show amazing very cool up here we're doing a new design studio yeah uh so we have a hoist where we can bring down the car into this room this is like kind of our town hall yeah this is where we did the deir launch we so but with the design studio up there we can hoist down the car and cover the windows here and get a really good perspective view of the designs while we're designing and then you can have the your design studio now is so nice but it'll be even better yeah very cool when you were here last I'm not sure it was empty there was just a parts counter okay oh wow what a difference w this is night and day in 6 month there was that there was literally just that part counter way in the back and it was empty you can see that it is totally empty right now this is a whole functioning production L different right wow and behind this uh we're doing some remodeling already in the new Factory here we we doing kind of how should we call it our jewelry division there okay it's a bit of a laboratory where we're making kind of the jewelry Parts like the key the lights the pedal boxes the mechanical shifters maybe a watch and things like that so that will be behind there yeah there something I really respect about you guys is is there's a lot of hypercar Manufacturers out there that are largely a a kit company and you guys built a lot of parts right here in the house it's ground up even I mean everything as you know from transmission engine electrical motors controller software harness whatever it is it's it's done uh inhouse yeah designed and engineered and built so here we have like an 11 station yesco line where the cars become more and more finished yep here we do pre-production of front reer sub frames these are all Jas these no these are all yesos oh these are yesos I'm sorry yeah yeah this is the yesco we're going down the oh okay so this is going to be yesco and J in here exactly so yesco line is kind of from this corner down to the air 11 station and there you have what you call PD which is test drive area so you have a monsoon in that corner there you can test the water Ingress and so on spraying from all directions go out to the test D drive you wash it go in there and then you check everything over here and you cycle that polished and delivered station behind against the wall that's called the J so yes go here and then J there very good so and we realized that Christian wasn't wearing a mic so we got that fixed now for you guys hopefully the sound was okay yeah yeah so I should I should have been tipped off that their yes go is based upon there's only two seats yeah idiot for four persons in you think that would have been enough but no not for me yeah so we we have these stations right now we're changing station every fourth day and we're aiming for a 3day so more than one per week yeah so that's really a speed up compared to before and anyway so we build the es from that side to there the yir line you can see a jir over there it goes in it's it's more station it's like 14 stations and it's like an s-shaped line so they meet the ends of the lines meet in this corner of the Factory and then they go out to test driving sort of together so I love the progression where you can just see a panoramic view of very base and then just more and more parts you see a full car down there so neat it it makes it easy to read and here you can see all the sub Assemblies of side rockers bumpers doors Ventures and in that room over there we were there last time you were here we build the engines and Transmissions I remember so they are fed into here as well those are still that's still happening yes absolutely so here we have the start of the jira line so uh we're we're now building a chassis every like uh third week of the jira okay and we're speeding that up so after the summer every second week and Autumn every week yeah and then every like second day beginning of next year so there a speed up we can start here where we see these are still all production or they're not production pre-production they're production spec but it's kind of validation of production test car build so we can see if you dive under here yeah so this this is where it kind of starts where we make the the monoco here we have the yesco monoco line over here where we Bond the monoco together so they come from like the tub being bonded to the dashboard carcass yes so you so you guys I don't think I've seen a a place that we we've been to all of the hyper car places at this point nobody actually does their own manoc Coxs but you you guys probably Source them and then assemble them together no no we we we manufacture the part oh you are manufacturing the mans so so uh we we we have our carbon fiber uh facility here and then in uh I think it was about 10 years ago uh we uh acquired a very small company in Spain that made some parts for us with like seven people there were six seven people now we 60 people there fully owned subsidiary uh three autoc clovs and that we're making the monox there uh fantastic and then we bone them together here very cool so it's it's in-house in the sense it's kenx egg uh but the layup of the carbon is done by our fully owned subsidary that's that's K I think that's the first place that that manufactures are manoc that I know of very and here is the jira one so this is bigger you can see this jig to hold it together where everything bones together is much Bigg bigger you put the different parts you slide it together and you can see this one is just coming out of that jig that's that's very intimidating you're still targeting four 6'6 tall adults absolutely that's no that's no difference or or the average male height out here exactly basically but uh yeah here's Under the Skin and this will just be full of cars in in a few months as we're feeding on new chassis all the time that's exciting so it's very very exciting what a what a difference in here versus just 6 months ago amazing these are all Euros specs at this point yeah uh we're we're uh actually we have we have us on the line okay and we're planning to bring the first US Car to Monteray car week as a kickoff for the US uh deliveries excellent timing I love it we'll be there exciting yeah that's a big step it's us is always a big step yeah I believe because uh all the regulation is so different so it's always like a birthing process it keeps us on our toes you know it's it's uh basically no difference in regulation to the big oems and we're small so you really have to kind of make a big effort but it's it's so nice to have the cars in the US as well so the the harder that it is to get something done the harder it is for someone to compete with you that's what I've always like that so that's also true who knows very cool so yeah let's have a look at the uh the jira for uh for Goodwood we also have a little test track here oh I see so do some drifting out here I see some burnouts I love it yeah we we we uh we just kind of uh got into fine-tuning the launch mode mode of yesco and as you can see there uh and our cars are over the air updatable so we had we had a decent launch and was okay but we felt there's more in it so last week we did some some launches here and uh we we managed on this tarmac here with 1ot roll out 2.7 seconds on a rear wheeel drive car wow and without a roll out 2.91 I think it's pretty good that's fantastic for a rear wheeel drive car and uh on the test track with a not perfect launch we did a 9 54 mile that's exceptionally on a rewh drive car again look at the hu look at the huge con like the job you do on branding is better than any other manufacturer I just got to let you know taking a quick break from the kig dyno video because my kig back here at home needs gas and as you all know I pay a lot of money for gas and that's why we've teamed up today with upside to sponsor today's video now this free upside app gets you cash back on daily Essentials like gas groceries and dining and there are over a 100,000 gas stations grocery stores and restaurants on the upside app ensuring that 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to get an extra 25 cents back for every gallon on your first tank of gas or scan the QR code here to claim this offer oh yeah there's my my MAA MX5 Miata that's your personal one is that all you got here today yeah yeah I only live 5 minutes away so I bought that when I was 19 years old you should drop a kig motor in there yeah exactly world's first be had with the c motor and we're on an airport of course yeah that thing just took off from like 200 F feet away from us this is a pretty cool car uh we just renovated this there was this uh floods what was it called in Florida like one and a half year ago oh was that part of that like the same one that that took the P1 yeah exactly so this was kind of going up for it was I guess Sal or whatever you call it so we didn't want it to float around it's so complicated car with all the 800 volts electronics and things we didn't want anyone to meddle with it so we P picked it up took it apart refreshed everything and now it looks like this so it's not now it's like a brand new nice nice car again exposed carbon is is the way to go it's uh says the guy who's never done exposed carbon one of these days I've literally never done exposed carbon one day one day this is record car from last year oh cool 0 to 4 0 to 250 mph in 21 something I remember the 400 km per hour which is 20.8 so and that's scary fast it is for a rear wheeel drive car again to get that kind of acceleration uh is impressive I think and and I've felt the acceleration with mine it's it's incredible not really feeling I don't even know how to explain cuz it like it kind of shifts but it doesn't shift like it's I don't know if it's like sliding down like the cone or like I don't know you know show oh that would be fantastic I would love to be able to explain how my transmission works but uh I'm like I'm so simple that it's complicated to wrap your head around perfect good it's more like that I can't wait to see that thing cool and this is the one you guys are going to throw in the dyo uh yeah this is the one going in the dyo for you guys exactly good the world record car on the dyo yeah yeah I'm excited for that this is kind of like a new like we didn't really get to kind of go on the this part this part we probably saw so here we have more y chassis uh these are uh for homologation testing we're building them for crash testing things like that how many do you have to build before you can build the first production I think we're building like six or seven crash cars and about 15 16 pre-production cars and three show cars that's just crazy are you able to repair the crash cars uh we only repair them for more crashing okay for example if you crash from the front if you well if you do a front crash and everything is fine behind the bulkhead and you do a rear crash you don't need to do anything there you just stack it in the rear and then if you do the side and it breaks a little bit maybe you repair that a bit to do another rear and then after a while it's kind of too too banged up to to do anything that's what she said so it's more to if if you have normal cars it's cheaper you have to do a front throw it away but here they're so expensive so you have to take care of a little bit of that and then do another test yeah this is this is roughly 60 to 70 GM cars just in one of these things exactly ex here we have in black and white I guess yeah this is what's going to uh to Goodwood wow oh oh that's right cuz you're sending it a good wow yeah are you guys really using polished components for is that a typical yeah yeah yeah this is what it looks like so that's kind of nice it is nice yeah huge bearings these are the same as on the Esco we have had for the last 20 years the biggest bearing in the industry is 240 mm dual contact bearings and why do you want a big bearing I me of course it's heavier and it's more expensive so those are two bad things yeah but at high speed you get less friction and less heat and in cornering you get less deflections you get better wheel control aw so uh three very good things against a little bit heavier but you got that stability and control and heat control and yeah I can show you over here uh so there we have uh one of the driving yira prototypes I think I showed you last time we can show that again but this is pretty cool over here th this is the wiring in a yamir and the controllers this is like a it's called an iron horse so we it's the low voltage stuff not the high voltage stuff so here um we can test dry run all the oh my gosh functions and over the a updates and everything uh in a much easier way than in a car so trying out new controls and things and what you see here that's inside there this is the new jira engine controller we developed okay so this is normally what like Bosch or vison does we do this inhouse for full OBD us everything for the engine it's sort of unheard of yeah uh that's the Next Generation and that's what it looks like inside yes amazing this is another overwhelming area where you're like and these even these small controllers when you look at kind of the the population of features and functions is just wild look at the brand on the stuff you never see they have the kig zeg logo I won't touch that I know static can mess it up here like it it's stuff that you really will never see but it's just you love the brand you want to make sure that you put your mark on it so it's there and and the reason why we do this is well we learned how to do like a simple system 20 years ago and then for something we needed and then we need another one and another one and then we started benchmarking if we try to Outsource this what's the cost yeah and what's the flexibility and how much do we learn for the next thing not not a lot yeah so then we rather set up the department doing it and now it's I wouldn't say it's like flowing water but it's like oh we need another one okay let's learn from this one boom here you go a prototype like two months later wow okay and it's like so much more less resistance than having to try to convince y some other company do exactly what we want I think I think what I've learned most is about controlling the timeline like quality I think other factories may be able to achieve price maybe but um but prioritization um for your brand I think that's where the biggest benefit comes exactly and then something oh actually we changed our mind or this doesn't really work and then you pick up the phone want to say hey what actually we're kind of busy and and now you're changing the spec right yes we want to change the spec yeah but we didn't agree to that right okay so then you have all of that friction instead of do it yeah right I love it so that that's the big benefit I would say here we have inverter development we have the dinos in here what we didn't show you maybe was the battery uh development if you're interested uh yeah for sure and then you were going to show me the uh the transmission too right yeah absolutely abolutely absolutely truly want to see how that thing works so here here we have a e-motor lab so that that's a a dor matter prototype there that goes into the jira Ah that's right and and here you can see actually we haven't really presented you see it it says Bulldog here yeah so we did the terer as the first version this this is the Bulldog going a little more strong sounding it's it's it's a combination this is our six- phas inverter this is our torque vectoring unit here and then you have uh on on the side coming on here you have the DOR matter motor so it's the most compact uh torque vectoring e-motor inverter setup compared to power and torque we've ever seen and that's going into the J oh these are pretty cool oh these are pretty cool just random this is part of the uh turbon transmission for the jira so when when we introduced the the jir with the V8 and the 9speed last year yeah uh we we made a version of our transmission from the Esco where we wrap it around the engine to make it fit and make it fourwh dve drive and add in the electrical motor and we we started seeing all the gears and cogs and the way it was laid up it was like a complicated Swiss watch so then we added light speed turbion transmission as for to celebrate kind of the complexity of swis swis watch making so these are actually the the gear cassettes going on the side of the engine so you have the output shaft here for one wheel then you have the transmission here and the another one wrapping around an output shaft so you can have the engine slightly in front of the rear axle but still crossing the rear axle and otherwise nothing would fit so this is really kind of an invention to make that work so how much of this stuff do you put like your personal like are are you looking at all or are you giving your check mark to all these big decisions basically all the big decisions I would say absolutely something like that that's yeah plus plus I go in and look at okay so what were you thinking here and what did you do here why does it look like this yeah maybe this shouldn't that be a little bit thicker or a little bit thinner yeah we simulated it can you check the simulation like just giving my feedback of experience of because when I started designing cars 100 years ago I did it on pen and paper didn't have any computer and and you kind of learned in the beginning what works or not emotionally now we're doing it more mathematically but I like to add that kind of em emotional layer of does this feel right or not you know of course so this this is kind of the iner of a a preproduction pack for yir this is this whole thing is one pack don't touch it I want to attach you yeah this is this is the size of the whole pack exactly yeah and this is M who who runs uh battery development it's very compact very light for what it is um a lot of innovation going in to make it simpler safer um lessons learned this kind of thing is the goal to replace single cells whenever there's a problem versus I would say we have we have 12 modules and uh we we would not go into the modules you would change the module if you need if still cheaper than replacing all exactly and that you can open it up and take a module out it's like Lego bricks kind of thing very cool yeah so this is kind of the miniature Factory and then I'll show you what it will be so this used to be the uh um final line so that's all move over there this will be the cc850 first customer car coming online here in August and by the end of the year you let let see six cars here so this is our lowest this is the original production line for cing s in in this facility and now it will be the lowest kind of most extreme car production line with the lowest volume so at some point you'll have yesos CCA 50s and J three lines up and running by the end of the year yeah that's so from one to three that's incredible we're revamping this for the for the battery production so we do module and battery and testing everything in here so this is a oh they get both they boths these both rooms and this is anti-static uh floor and then lot of special equipment in here for this kind of purpose so next time you're back this will be probably full of stuff factory tour V 3.0 here we have a bit of a building site because in a week or two there will be a big hole here with just a big glass window for the new design studio so they will have this wonderful view over the airport and everything and get a lot of ligh in for the full scale models so we can start here this is kind of the key uh actually we can see through there that's good so this is the key to the function very different looking than a torque converter actually it is a torque converter but I renamed it to Hydra coup because it's the most extreme torque converter and why Hydra coup because it's a torque converter it's in hydraulic coupling this is on the engine side it it's bolted sort of to a to a a flywheel kind of plate and inside here going through here from the from the rear axle yeah you have a shaft that sort of goes to a it's sort of a turbine propeller sitting in this void and it's covered here it's full of oil so when this spins with the engine it spinning the oil in here and eventually you start spinning this sort of impeller thing that goes out to there and to the rear axle so it's a hydraulic coupling when it spins if you're driving a normal car yeah if you release the brake it starts creeping forward a bit is because this is spinning slowly and it's making this thing here spins slowly a little bit but you can hold against it and that drives the rear wheels in the gear and the gearbox and when this starts spinning faster the hydraulic oil becomes almost rigid and starts forcing this other thing to spin faster as well and then we have a clutcher locking it up like a traditional clutch a wet clutch in here sure so when you get up to speed and you lift off it locks up and then you're in direct drive as we call it and you have this kdd lamp turning on and then when it that lights up you and then you're locked into the only gear you have which is sort of like the seventh gear yeah uh so you're uh at the highway you're maybe around 2,000 RPM or something and then if you floor it up and down you're just locked into the seventh gear but if you floor it we unlock that clutch and then you're into toque converter mod mode again and then you rev up I see because you make yourself free from the only gear you have and that's how it works well it's it's incredible it's a it's a unique feeling that I've never felt that's what she said yeah so I guess uh yesco dino time let's go do it yeah enjoy I'll see you in a little while thank you appreciate it so we have yet to see their Dino setup we're going to walk out there and check it out right now oh yeah yeah this is this is much nicer than the the stuff we used in the [Music] [Music] [Music] good ventilation yeah it's the best is that blowing air that blows air yeah yeah that's where the front fence all of the side fans as well so wow oh you guys are blowing air everywhere I love it yeah that's important we have the intercoolers on the side of the car so that's why we need xray there and it simulates more real world yeah because you're going to be going 200 miles yeah that makes sense exactly so it's uh electric Dyno so you have these uh big cables controlling the power okay um so we actually make Power M yeah yeah and we make power from the car uh so we're power in this and it's actually sent to the grid and we can use it like in the fact Factory like the power production by running the car so you're actually doing like good things in here yes and one of the mistakes we made with the theat dyno was everyone said we should have done a hub Dyno and said we did the we'll cut to that and we'll show you what we did but oh my God they're doing the actual Hub D that everybody seems to prefer and say we'll give us more realistic numbers so even if this a rear wheel drive car we have the fronts hook up yeah uh so if we want we can also spin the front wheels with the dyno so we can simulate driving outside on a road and it's like it's fully simulated for Road load and it's pretty awesome whatever you get yeah whatever whatever works best yeah exactly I love it and uh we also need to move these around when we Mount the car so we kind of position them and these are over 3 tons this is 3.5 tons so 7,000 lb right usually make a Tommy's mom joke but I'm not going to do that I we can't that yeah they're pretty cool like you you can um turn on some air cushions and you can just move them around by yourself 3.5 tons just yeah it's like a hover crop all right what very cool it's it's AOL we should do that after turn them into hovercraft and just ride around the power generators hover off one cool this is your this is your live view into the results yes what does the big red button do does that shut it down right away uh what does this button do the what can right away it does a ramp down so we're not going to use it but it's there no I got you good to have but otherwise we control the dyno yes from these two monitors also have these small one control fans but we do all the controls here and uh said we can control basically everything in there so we can make um Road load simulations we can simulate driving on some winding roads up and down to simulate the the arrow load and like Hills slopes everything so you'll still you'll still have him driving hitting the accelerator but you're in here changing road condition like changing the load like the resistance so that's super cool it's this is 10 times better than any setup we've ever used very nice I'm excited let's do it let's do it yeah I love the burbles I know uh 1,374 horsepower on the hubs so if you do% power loss 1616 horsepower oh yeah very nice what do you guys have it advertised at um 1,600 exit so we're better over performed a little bit yeah I don't know anything about that that room was way too well insulated so we asked them if we could come outside they mooved that three pipe thingy and we now have full unobstructed access to the back of this and they're going to do one more pull and this is why we flew all the way out here to Sweden really it was for this YCO we're going to get to see the regera too but this is this is the moment we've been waiting for got oh bro I can't wait for my all right I can't I now can't wait for mine to come oh my God that was so that's so much better outside it's so EAS yes dude that that was so cool that was the best title I think ever that's what I'm saying that's what I'm saying dude that's nuts was so much louder in here this the mic blow away the mic moved that one's so much louder in here dude what 1548 under promise overd deliver kig crazy very nice we should go outside now and do that yeah yeah all right cool I asked him if it was at like changed exhaust that's a factory exhaust it's so much louder than the Esco this is going to blow the mic away I know I'm stoked wow wow that's out it's so deep man that makes me want to get home and go whip around my kic regera dude that's what that makes me that's insane that's awesome let's see what that one pulled similar power even a bit more even a bit more that time what 1330 all right you got like 13 14 more 1564 yeah that is what I'm talking about back to back and that is that is impressive well done guys testimony to to your team building an amazing vehicle I love it thank you so much for uh doing the Dina POS you guys are amazing thank you Peter for having us welome thank you very much sir and there you have it guys be sure to like comment and subscribe and thanks so much for watching
Channel: The Hamilton Collection
Views: 489,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ok5N73_Tf1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 10sec (1810 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 03 2024
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