Neville Johnson (5/11) Kept in the Quiver of God - Friday 10am, 2 November 2012, Sheffield, UK

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it's gonna start there's something greater the John Wesley insane people need this kind of wish and so that homes people have it in their homes yeah and it creates a that miss Meena keeps it atmosphere and you just need to think about Joe chapter 2 verse 23 be glad you children of Zion proper can rejoice in the Lord your God for he has given you the former a moderately and he will course it come down for you the grain Palmer 18 in the first month the result of that is and your floors shall be full of the weeks and the back shall overflow with mine and and I will restore the years that the locust the pour out of his spirit first upon these people to restore the years and of one you are have I eaten into your lives you know I should go through life we collect a lot of things in black turns you collect all kinds of stuff right no its life God says I want to do something I'm going to restore the videos I'm going to bring your items back and you'll be a brand new person he said I'm a poor performer in the first month and I'll restore the years that you come to class after that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons in you do is your prophesy three dreams see visions for myself or my spirit on the servants upon your hand maidens in those days so there's two different kinds of outpourings of the spirit there is the former rain on God's people let's just get your described a pouring fire the things of God restore the years then after that he's gonna pour out his spirit all flesh means all flesh worldwide Wow the entire world when that happens you need to be around for these people and this is sequential process taking kg Twila pouring one upon God's people and then one upon the unsaved my god pours a spirit about on on these people that will be a measure of others comes with that because people will want to know what's going on and they'll be a measure of how some people will start to come in it's not the main hours gonna pour out your spirit see Jesus cannot return until every tongue every tribe everyone on this planet has heard the gospel with verifying signs following yes it's not just the gospel yes it's a gospel true yes I silence following a man raised in the day yeah they can become so common when this begins to happen you know I still got point man his spirit on a group and Islamic and Jesus was appealing to them and kind of interesting because I store this in clear vision for there was a funeral taking place because it was an incoming field a lot of people that were someone very important and right in the middle of the funeral God raised him from the dead I heard this man say I see Jesus and he we got a preach God knows what he's doing that was what he's doing it's not just the gospel but the gospel of the kingdom the gospel with signs of wonders that we have never seen in the world before and so do you have followings of the Holy Spirit Java went on to say Joel chapter 2 and I was shown wonders in the heavens and in the earth occasion blood and fire and pillars of smoke Sun shall be turned into darkness to moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord so he can assure science in heavens one of the problems we're going to face over the next 10 years is coming from the Sun these not son of God this stallion and it's going to be sunspots that's going to devastate many many cities in the world take out the power supplies and there'll be signs in the heavens I saw three volcanoes in America erupt at the same time by the same time and it was like night was so dark these are the days in which we are living the Bible tells us that just before the return of the Lord that could be a major earthquake taking down every major city in the world suddenly the earth is free of extension there will never be another are we looking in exciting days it's really important that we do not exist in a permissive will of God anyway you have to be in the perfect yeah didn't miss it will of God is you don't want that's not perfect but that allows that it's your choice you know there is no safety in the permissive will of God understand what I'm saying by the permissive will go yes okay it's like you know it's not the perfect will of that but is okay that's what you want it's okay we can bless you in that to a measure but that's not good enough for the days that are coming secondly very important that you know you're in the right place living geographically if you know that you're in the right place in the will of God geographically he will protect you but don't get out of the mystic villain see I like the veil over here you go be in the will of God geographically it's imported and and so before the great and terrible day of the Lord that's God's wrath or that earlier you know God has appointed us to wrath when God exists when God begins to pour off out of the earth the church will not be around but we still will go through a Great Tribulation before that day of rough understand I'm saying that's going to rearrange the planet geographically during his day of loss and will not look the same again the maps will not be the same hallelujah the kind of change things he kind of set this plan it up for another gonna be okay pillars of smoke you know nuclear they a nuclear explosion gotta be solemn limited and you could exchange your every will somebody wants it when you see all these things the arrow is that fly by night if you dwelling in the secret place of the most under the shadow not to me radiation here's a way of protecting us in the midst of all this people are going to come and say why aren't you affected see if we don't have a picture clear understanding of what it coming and why we will not be prepared for it it stuns and in order to the prophesy simulations and see dreams one of the major ways that God communicated all the way through the Bible and the major way was through visions of dreams we kind of missed out you know we all want to hear the voice of God that's good and unique to the voice of God nurse didn't normal but the major way God communicated was visions and dreams and that's gonna restore that again in a major way back to the church I just want to talk about that for a little while because it's one of the primary ways God communicates with us we're gonna have a in increase of God rusty turning up angels turning up the Lord turning up in our dreams and speaking to you if you desire this you'll give it to you if you don't desire it look at the person next to you see nothing just count you have to sing that's not so I'll press him you know that the various levels you know and I know this is best bit basic but we need to touch it today because the Lord spoke to me about it during the 90s God speaks to us on the level of impressions you know you have an impression and it spontaneous you didn't start it didn't make it up generated oh it's just an impression freshman's can be very hard yes but the varies be very gentle and easy to miss you know impressions from the homies second level is visions from the eyes in the heart visions could be on a number of levels and they can be very accurate I said haha see you've got one screen up here which the problem is that screen all humans have you can protect going to it right I asked you to imagine your house right now it could create that we projected up on your screen right the devil has a projector in God has one so can get confusing this three area see normally when God is speaking to us it is spontaneous we never thought about we never started it it just happened and you have to analyze that as well but sometimes the enemy but when God speak to us it's spontaneous it bypasses here you didn't project it when you want to connect with the Lord and focus on the Lord you project onto that screen the Lord with me focus how do you focus you project on that screen the enemy for the project whether the enemy projects something it becomes with his nature okay he must reject it straight away yeah but you must learn that that you know this happens and it's just remember one time I was driving a car to a car wash it many years ago the only cemani was in this carwash and suddenly I saw myself teaching in the Bible to go you know in the middle the result of that we said on full-time training center that trained hundreds of people all there was was a very brief on taneous they should project it onto that screen Wow that's all what I could have missed it just as easy as that if you learn to walk with the Lord in these ways seeing with the eyes of the heart stay with the eyes of the heart that's a spontaneous thing I started here is that here this morning when wandering into worship and suddenly I saw the Lord suspended there I never generated that it was spontaneous I just didn't see him with these eyes I wasn't even looking ah I was looking down what I could see there and he had a ball of fire arrows no where did these things come from that was spontaneous I noticed that sometimes when an angel turns up in our house in our own there's a change in the atmospheric pressure often my ears will pop the pressure the room changes slightly and that's an alerting me to a slight change I don't know why how that happens or why but often that's the case you saw in the Holy Spirit you know just triggers us just makes us aware that something's going on you know oh you know my open visions you know I like watching something on a movie screen you cannot interact with it but you can watch it there's another level which is interactive visions oh I don't know if we're going to call them trances or what but you can interact with them I told you know when Peter who she's not pudding I could talk to her and I could interact I can forward not to know that you know you know you have a part of you that does not live without limitations of space of time and it's your spirit not limited to where physical body our brain is limited to it's it's not limited to that it lives in another dimension it exists in the fourth dimension exists in the realm of spirit it is spirit okay the scripture says that he that is the Lord has become one spirit right the adjoint in him has one spirit so I spirit as it continues in connection with the Lord and the heavenly right stammers the next joint of the lord is one spirit and that's your spirit and his spirit of a continuous connection join to the Lord and so we have to be how many of you are aware of your your spirit your human spirit see it's really important people go through the day and they're never aware there is another unit you know you have to think about it you have to visualize use your spirit yeah he dwells that spirit you know spirit dwells in a whole different dimension to this visit in this physical world and he's connected to the Lord continually so his spirit will prompt you in many many many ways in you have to become sensitive really sensitive to that sometimes your spiriting can create physical reactions to get your attention you know Georgie Lake say missed one of his books did more the moment he touched a person with his hands he could tell everything about that person's physical condition he saves it was and what was causing it just by touching the person you know william branham at that too so we do have to become sensitive to these things you know this out which we call extra-biblical imagine which we call a biblical writer now you learn to prophesy but you will taught in the Bible how to do that no where's your office I believe me or others who bring their before you can teach you how it how do you do that no work you see so that teaching on how it works is it extra biblical it's not written in the scriptures but it's not unbiblical it doesn't contradict the scriptures in any way understand what I'm saying yeah so summer stuff I'm talking to you is extra biblical which I've learned but it's not unbiblical that's what we took in a bit is things this morning which are not recorded in the word but we know we need to understand them your spirit does not live with these afflictions of time and space you have a natural manner and you have a spiritual life the idea is to get the natural mind and the spiritual mind unify them so they become one that's called walking in the spirit this one's another interference and I will tell you when the fire helps you the pub says be transformed by the renewing of your mind that word transformer is a Greek word Metamorpho which where we get our english with metamorphose and it depicts the difference between a caterpillar and a butterfly when your mind is not renewed spiritually you just caterpillar - we need it in other words your mind agrees with your spirit and it agrees with God that should be nude in its way of things the transformation is unbelievable that person's life be transformed by the renewing of your mind that same word transform is the same word that's used for Transfiguration it's exactly the same word when Jesus was a man of Transfiguration transfusions declaration occurred the word is shouldn't have been Transfiguration but writers didn't coin it's the same word PE he was transformed transmitted he was transformed and that transformation allowed the life and power of his your spirit to flow through you soul into your physical body so his skin began to restore restore you you know that us eat into us many reasons I'm gonna bring you back to where you were before all that stuff he's gonna do it so John said you'll see visions you know prophet Isaiah saw the day we were living in Middle East cookies basic science the worst of times we must have been afraid of the darkness there month it's coming and it's going to get worse I mean you see that you know the nations are actually losing that you know governments are losing control lawlessness breaking out all over the world you see what happened in the Arab Spring started with one nation and that spirit spread the mission of the nation not finished it's the Antichrist spirit the spirit of lawlessness we're going to see that you've seen that in London but no reason people go berserk you know the smallest of reasons what is that that's the Antichrist spirits the spirit of lawlessness and it's going to get worse but in the meantime the church is getting brighter and brighter am i right oh I know the glory of the Lord shall be seen upon you season the forces of the Gentiles become to you yeah you know what is great made of sugar is no holy spirit over the last few years this which has been hardly any difference between people and the Church of people the people ain't gonna come to you what is it whatever you got when there's no from them the world is disintegrating they said what is it that you've got come to your light we're gonna have to enjoy because it's not going to be easier there to harvest some were cheering at the same the same its Harding let me say it every scene that has been stolen from Adam through to this present time whether good or evil is maturing in this one generation of Wow all the pigeons are coming home to roost in this generation good and bad bad out there the world they're going to get even more worse because even the chewiness vomiting reaping is happening in one generation the whole thing through all of those ages cease at a song a ghost brings forth in this generation Jordan in bed we understand that you'll understand some of the things that are happening you know whoa Jesus said the enemy has sold in the field sold in the harvest field sister Henry sowed them is the devil the harvest is the end of the world and the Reapers are the Angels and therefore the tares that gathered will be gathered and burned so shall it be at the end of the world then shall the righteous shine forth as the Sun in his kingdom you know the righteous arise spiritual awareness is really important that we develop spiritual awareness you must learn quickly to move in the spirit you must learn quickly become sensitive to the spirit you know the pathway to maturity begins with spiritual awareness and you see like with Jesus he said in in John chapter 5 and verse 7 he said and I said Jesus said to them and said verily verily I say to you the son can do nothing but himself but only what he sees the father doing we have got to see what Jesus spiritual awareness Jesus set up a while and stuff I can't do nothing I said here judge I do not seek my own will but the will of the Father who sent me developing this awareness it's really important for your spiritual life see in order to keep your pulse on finger on the pulse of things you have to be aware you know all our senses open to the realm of the Spirit all of our senses okay something when the fire comes through use physical natural senses are going to be connected to the spirit your spirit and your conscience it's going to become razor sharp you know you know when you were saying you didn't exist here we you came from another dimension you came as a spirit from heaven to earth right every person in the world it's a spirit that came from heaven to earth in that spirit well your spirit were invaded all of the qualities and standards of heaven we call that conscious every might had been built into the spirit you can override it with your mind and your own will and dead in and out but every mine eyes that this is a life aligned at every moment you know it was basically was generated for my spirit just being sensitive to what's happening in you physically you know that's how it works it's really important okay you know do something else now because time is running but you know is your sense of smell in the realm of the spirit I needed to become acute demons have a smell you know you can go into a house which is faultlessly clean but there's a spirit of poverty there and you can smell it how do you spell that but me everything generates some demonic spirits have a smell you know so you become sensitive to them you know the Lord has a smell I don't always pick it up but sometimes I do sometimes I hi I just hear the rustling you know right I saw the Lord standing with a bow in his hand nice ayat chapter 49 verse 1 it says listen alliance unto me how can you people from afar the Lord called me from my womb from the bowels of my mother he made mention of my name and he had made my mouth like a sharp sword and in the shadow of his hand heavy in men he made me polished talking about Jesus where he hit me that's prophetic about the Lord Jesus Christ right and it said listen to me young as Lord called me from his woman my mother made mention of your name he has made me mr. Thurlow Jesus my mind like a sharp sword and then the shadow abyss anything evening he made me my polish he made a polishes shot and then he's quiver talking about Jesus no I rehearse be part I just yeah that shot has to be dead straight I mean it must be luxury that has to be dead straight because if it's not this way when if you shoot that arrow the aerodynamics on that shot will take it off I mean if it's bet like that you try to fire on it's going to go off so it has to be dead straight and then it has to be highly polished again right now if you have a little nick in that I know the wind is gonna catch that Nick so he said he's made me like a polished shaft maybe you know God's making like a Polish so yeah you polished up and the other it has feathers fix the balances stability and has a tip it speak of the word of God the word of the Lord it's always a picture of the life of Jesus you know called from the world he had a mission you know if he starts growing up as a little child at the age of 12 we see him and we don't see anything more the mystery what happened in the Jews don't see anything more and quite a number of years where is he he's in the quiver hidden until the time comes say what was his mission his mission was to go to the cross the enemy was going to use everything to deflect him from that mission but he said save me come find anything in me you know the age of 12 he knew he had a mission he said I must be about my father's business and everything goes quiet where is it so you need supplies and then he's taking either the quiver huh see life is about making your polished shaft getting your character sorted out getting the quirks out of our lives polishing the shaft getting an hour in line with the word of God so the little things don't throw us out so we miss our calling somebody of Fame is you and you get thrown come on we've got time for that get over it you're going to get offended not everybody likes you've said it now I'm gonna like you know get over it you know don't get offended see you never hit the target does that thing in your character will throw you off and you'll miss the time so it's all about polishing dealing with your life and God will set you up to test you put you in this situations where people do really offend you and you're gonna have to forgive them really forgiving the problem but I set you up with all this kind of stuff until finally say find anything I'm not doing anything you know it because nothing's happened he know that was happening that's not true nothing said something is happening doesn't prepare either people you know yes man with a mission describes everything new things we'll have to now wish his preparation for everything mainly it's just preparation for what lies ahead and unless you know the fruit of the Spirit is far more important than the gifts of the Spirit far more far more powerful and the far more important we're gonna get that discrepancy between gifts and character matched you know the teachings of Jesus in the Beatitudes were the basic requirements for Kingdom living the beatitude beautiful someone does something against you or speaks against you from your heart you genuine do you want to bless I learned a long time don't put your name on the internet and Google 90% of what you're gonna read only lies and it'll be wrong yeah this Charlie said that come don't do it it's telling us to do you know speak of balance you know Fiji's 4:14 that we henceforth be no more children tossed to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine you know get caught up in the latest thing you know we've had a whole stream of different types of emphasis in the church sickest sensitive you know ah all kinds of emphasis not none of them work out in the end the only one emphasis we need is the world environment you know we had this seeker-sensitive be sensitive to one state people coming in don't you lowest common denominator because anyone who got into that church was going to come under convention and there was a line at the church door and if they stepped across there they were under if they were not saved we had parents dragged in nature it's punishment you can't do an atmosphere as I said I saw the water I'm undone I remember one guy see all these things you kind of balance out there's so much of it out there you know and Emmett they'll throw you off the purpose-driven - it sounds good don't smell it taste it takes the vision completely off alone yes now I can see Jesus said in John 14:2 he has made my mouth don't be distracted sidetracked there are many seemingly good things out there but but God is saying I will do it don't lose your focus and don't get discouraged if it doesn't come tomorrow on the next week of the next month God has its timing on this you know timing is the grace of God for us giving us more time is the grace of God because time will eventually win out and that's more time we got to prepare you know it's going to be I was in the primary or praying for the harvest and praying for the harvest to pray for the harvest and the Lord stood right next to me they were sitting practically clearly aware he's listening to all the prayers and then he said to me don't pray for the harvest I've got that under control he said you better pray for the Reapers they are not ready repeatedly beginning to me stop praying for all of us that's going to happen yeah he said I told you to pray for the repose he said I cannot bring the harvest right at this time because you're not ready for it but he said they would come a day we're gonna be ready for what's coming their mouth ready I know you've been in the quiver for a long time some of you just hang on a bit longer they don't keep polishing the shaft you know made my mouth like a sharp sword see the harvest another problem the Churches of God hey man I ain't lying here in this city there are states lying in this nation just waiting for the right what is coming up I mean far far greater than job was this point everything is gonna be seven four that's a great man of God in the history of this nation and they've gone they still have an interest in this nation they sold some cells which have not yet in this generation it's been appointed there are prophecies there are things that Smith Wigglesworth said which have never come to pass yet lies there see only in booths spoke about said about this nation which you've never come to pass champions Steelers they're waiting for the rain salvation how am I gonna receive a presentation about good people you know it's gonna be a green you need the unity many will be surprised you know seventh-day adventists they're gonna have a massive implantation of Revelation come with an outpouring of the Spirit upon their changes change we don't have all the truth no no one person has all the truth no one changes over to the throng spread into the body at least I'm coming together it's so God's working on you he's working on your actions and your reactions trying to find out how much you really have become love God you know it's unconditional how's everybody you must love everybody unconditional unconditional God's love for us is unconditional he cannot stop loving us because that's who he is favor is another thing God doesn't have favorites but he has those who find favor with him but his love is unconditional never changes he would always do the highest and the best he can because we always he says destiny coming to the kingdom for this time being a long time you came basically missed out on the charismatic move they didn't enter into the into the charismatic movement what come around again you cannot miss this time if you miss this time there's no so you're not going to miss it okay Lord you see every one of these people as an arrow in preparation summer still being polished someone still being ripped on but you want us to walk with your nature with unconditional love in every situation under every circumstance towards everything every person and only then can you trust us somewhere Lord some red equipment in a long time the time is now short and in an acceptable time you've heard the people of this land one of one of the things that's been a market in this is praying women pray mothers in this way it's had more thing many of you will be praying for their children three months I will restore these yes thank you I will restore it bring it back they'll honor your presidency because the time has come the same time god I thank you for these people I pray that his soul seeds into their heart which will effect changes in their lives give us Lord an understanding of the days in which we were living and how to prepare for the days give us wisdom not natural wisdom but the wisdom that comes from above yes give us understanding or what I pray we need wisdom we need understanding and the styling is not enough we need wisdom to know what to do with it therefore pray Lord that you'll release into these people it's hard today during this conference you release seeds understanding and wisdom they father my family's personal lives and the churches because you're raising up an army we'll enjoy it to the end he said behold I will do a new thing but Cooke said if I told you a paddy you wouldn't believe me well I just bless these people just blessed Lodi implant or east-west place bless them it's gonna start there's something greater than John Wesley it's getting bigger
Channel: Csaba N Eva Gegeny
Views: 7,959
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: Fri, 10am
Id: XhDImbsnMc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 20sec (3860 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2012
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