Neville Goddard Whatever You Believe In And Persist In Will Come To Pass

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Now, if I said to you that whatever you believe, if you persist in it, it will come to pass, that all things are possible to him who believes, would you believe it?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/chiefexecutiveprime 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Are these videos actually real lectures from Neville or are they just somebodies commentary on them?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/crimsoncrack1987 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome to the reality revolution I am your host Brian Scott today we're gonna explore a wonderful lecture by neville goddard if you have never checked out an episode of the reality of evolution check out previous episodes we have explored neville goddard in detail he was a fantastic teacher of reality creation this particular lecture is called whatever you believe and persistent will come to pass delivered on November 3rd 1967 and it is a beautiful lecture that gets to the very core of the Neville method and it is the most important thing for you to remember your belief system is at the core of what you see around you everything that you see around you right now is what you believed in that's sometimes hard to take but it's ok now that you have this realization you know that you can believe in something different if that's what you want anything is possible so you got to find a way to change your beliefs and the next step after that is be persistent in this change it really gets to the very core of the secret to praying neville goddard wrote a beautiful book called prayer the art of believing and that is the art that you need to master if you want to change the reality to what you want and that is the art of believing Neville explores this in this beautiful lecture whatever you believe and persist in will come to pass by neville goddard now if i said to you that whatever you believe if you persist in it it will come to pass that all things are possible to him who believes would you believe it so if you asked me have you any reason for making that bold assertion if I quoted scripture and said these are the words of Jesus Christ you might say well after all that's Jesus Christ but I am simply John Brown and I cannot bring myself to believe that whatever I assume that I am if I persist in it that it will become a reality that is only because you do not know who Jesus Christ is Jesus Christ is the true identity of every man say I am that's Jesus Christ that is God well man does not believe that he will say well that's all well and good for someone who has called Jesus Christ who is called either God or the Son of God but certainly not for me well I tell you the true identity of every man is Jesus Christ now tonight I want to show you who Jesus Christ really is I have told you and I mean it that I stood in the presence of the risen Lord that he embraced me and incorporated me into his being that was 1929 he was infinite love but when I looked at him I saw him as another and then at that moment I became what I beheld I was actually embraced and actually fused with the body of the Living Lord the risen Lord [Music] but I did not know Jesus Christ you do not know him that way I saw him as another he embraced me and actually incorporated me into his body and I was one with the risen Lord but we are told in Scripture that no one has ever seen God the only son who is in the bosom of the Father he has made him known John 1:18 well now to see and to know are the same words in Greek same words so when I am told that no one has ever seen God I might just as well have been told that no one has ever known God no one except the son who is in the bosom of the Father has made him known when that is true it was 30 years later that the son in the bosom of the father made him know I did not realize when I was incorporated into the body of God that I was God 30 years later when the son David of biblical fame broke within me as I exploded within myself and he stood before me I didn't have to ask anything he called me father well whether he called me father or not I knew instantly who he was and who I was in a relationship between father and son and so it takes the Sun to reveal me Who I am I will tell of the decree of the Lord said David and the Lord said unto me thou art my son today I have begotten thee psalms 2:7 well now when I read that in school as a child and when I read in in my mature years and when I heard it said by others it never occurred to me that this character of scripture who was supposed to have lived 2,000 years while a thousand BC was in any way related to me certainly not the relationship of father to son so it is true no one knows actually knows the father no one has ever actually seen God until the son who is in the bosom of the Father makes him known only when within your own being there is an explosion and David in spirit calls you father then you know it even though prior to that you stood in the presence of the risen Christ and he asked you to name the greatest thing in the world and you named it love and that he embraced you incorporated you into his own being and you felt the fusion with God but you didn't know that you were he not for one moment until the son so it is true only when the son reveals him do you really know who you are so people do not know Jesus Christ they say well that's all well and good for Jesus Christ but I am telling you from my own experience Jesus Christ is the true identity of every man say I am Exodus 3:14 that's Jesus Christ that's the Lord Jehovah that's God there is no other God there is no other Savior you came out of yourself all these proceeded out of the body of the Lord Jesus Christ and all beings will return having completed their journey to the one body the Lord Jesus Christ who is the one spirit the law the one Lord the one god and father of all so all are coming back but they will not return until this experience takes place within them now let me explain it in this way at the end of the seventh chapter of Luke it is said he forgave a woman of her sins and those who set with him at the table said who is this who forgives sins then it goes into this little drama and drama is this that he went from city to city village to village teaching and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God there were with him three women Mary Magdalene Joanna and Susanna and they provided for him out of their means well then you read these words and if you are not aware of this great mystery of Scripture well then you'll come to the same conclusion that all of the scholars have because here is the most learned group of scholars today because they are drawing upon all of the scholars of the past and in these twelve volumes of the great interpreters Bible these scholars made this observation and this is the exegesis which is simply taking the words apart and trying to come to some understanding of it that is what they say that Jesus did not depend on chance hospitality but was supported by wealthy women out of their means can you believe that one who will say to you to me to all whatever you desire believe that you have received it and you will to depend on another that all things are possible to him who believes now I am quoting accurately from the interpreters Bible considered the most scholarly work as of the moment because they have as background these 150 odd men who brought it in they have an enormous range of scholarly works and they have researched it gone through it with a fine-tooth comb and yet they come up with this why because they have not experienced Jesus Christ how could anyone tell me that Jesus Christ was supported by wealthy women out of their own means and others they also add and others but they mentioned three they mentioned Mary Magdalene Joanna and Susanna hasn't a thing to do with any three wealthy women these are the eternal characters for they were still present at the empty tomb not Susana she only appears once and then another mary takes her place as so they came to the tomb and they saw the empty tomb and they told what they had seen they related their own experience but those who hear it and the apostles are the ones who heard it it is said of them that it seemed to them an idle tale and they did not believe it then comes a story that they walked with these women in these individuals who their risen Lord and he asked them what is it all about and they said do you not know do you not know the great prophet who was delivered into the hands of the elders and the authorities and they crucified him they did not recognise him then he said was it not necessary that Christ should suffer these things and then come into his glory Luke 24 26 they still didn't recognize him and then beginning with Moses in the law and all the prophets he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself verse 27 they still didn't recognize him but it was late and they restrained him and asked him to remain with them so he entered their home and while seated at the table he took bread and having blessed it he broke it and gave it to them and then at that moment they recognized him and he vanished out of their sight he gave it to them and they recognized him and he vanished out of their sight well what is his bread a piece of bread no he said I am the bread of life when I am in man breaks like a seed that is growing it erupts when it breaks you recognize the truth of the eternal story this story is true it is contained in man man finds it difficult to grasp until it breaks from within not something on the outside of man is having dinner it's late and he takes a piece of bread and he breaks it and he gives it the bread is in every one that bread is I am I am the bread of life it is in every one can you say I am well that is it the day will come that it will break it will erupt just like a seed bursting itself and the plan is contained within the seed whatever is said of Jesus Christ and whatever he claimed of himself will unfold within the one in whom it breaks then and only then will he really know who he is so in the end he will know himself as God when David in the spirit calls him father David in the spirit will call him father and only then even though prior to that he stood in the presence of the risen Lord and their risen Lord questioned him he answered correctly he was embraced incorporated into the body of God which is called baptism in Scripture if we have been baptized into the body of God we have been baptized unto his death and if we have been United with him in a deathlike his we shall certainly be unified with him in a resurrection like his Romans 6:5 see the difference in tents we have been United with him in a death like his we shall be united with him in a resurrection like his so the seed has been broken and it's being broken day after day after day in all and it's coming out in all of us so in the end there's only one body one spirit one Lord one God and Father of all and you are that God and Father of all it comes out of you so I came out of myself into this world I'll return from this world to where back into myself but I'll be enhanced enriched by the experience of the word translated as suffer was it not necessary for the Christ to suffer these things and to enter into his glory the word suffer means to experience these sensations that's all that it means it has translated many ways in scripture like suffer little children let them come don't stop them suffer little children to come unto me don't stop them allow them permit them let them come but the word translated in this passage is simply to experience sensations these sensations in the world of death so I come into this world to experience all of this and so I empty myself of my divine being take upon myself the limitations of this world called the limitations of the slave and commit myself unto death this is a world of death everything here dies but everything dies no matter what it is eventually dies so I became one with death and then I overcome for the last thing to overcome is death you overcome it when you simply break it and discover who you are then you are born from above man then is born from above he said unless you are born from above you cannot enter the kingdom of God John 3:3 when you are born from above then you will know know what well then you will know in this way you will lift up the son of man when you lift up the Son of man you will know that I am he the being talking to you now the center of man's being is Jesus Christ its I am when I lift up the Son of Man I will know that I am he unless I know that I am he I remain missing my mark in this world and I died in my sins unless you believe that I am he you die in your sins John 8:24 not a being talking to you from the outside but man takes it this way in the beginning from the outside as though there's another on the outside now everything is said of him I must fulfill and you must fulfill individually not collectively but individually because you are unique there's no one like you you can't be replaced in the kingdom of God so when I am told in the 14th chapter of John in my father's house are many rooms were it not so what I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you and when I go and prepare a place for you I will come again and receive you unto myself that's where I am there ye may be also verse 2 now it seemed like an idle tale now how are these women mentioned in the story I'm addressing all but I call them my witnesses in Scripture you shall be my witnesses and I will take you into the father's house a father of many mansions many rooms so you will describe it when you experience it as spacious you'll describe it as the most spacious building built by your father and I will take you right into the father's house you will see me and the word you will understand instantly as Sharon did I said my name is Friday she instantly knew the meaning of the word and she said oh that means oh my darling which in Scripture means the one that they had actually pierced as told us in the twelfth chapter the tenth verse of Zechariah oh that means they will look upon me now the pronoun is me in Hebrew it is not him but it's translated him in the Bible to give it sense it's not him the pronoun is me they will look upon me whom they have pierced and they will mourn for me as one mourns for an only child and then you nod that's right you know exactly in the depth of your soul who I am but you still do not know not yet because you're seeing in me and you're hearing me as another other than yourself I brought you into the father's house I can take you no further if I bring you into the father's house then you must find the father you can't find the father looking at me but when you have seen me you have seen the father but I am NOT the father when you look at me you will find the father only when the father's only begotten Son David stands in your presence and calls you father but I'll bring you to the father's house so in my father's house are many rooms were it not so would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you and when I go I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there ye shall be also bring her right into the father's house and she passed all these rooms room after room after room all painted white it was a white house and it was empty the only room occupied where I sat instructing but this time all my remarks are directed to her and there were only three mentioned in this series of dreams she mentioned three three women and then she spoke of others now in the chapter beginning with the first verse first second and third verses of the eighth chapter of Luke they only mentioned three by name and then they said and others you've got to fulfill Scripture so everyone is going to fulfill it and because we're all one anyway we bring our own being into the father's house I can take her no further she is right at the awakening I can't take her any further she came right into the house it was adjacent to where the father stood but he was invisible he's always invincible because she herself is the father the day will come in the not distant future when she will know that she is the father so the whole vast world must experience scripture and scripture is simply the story as told in the New Testament of Jesus Christ the Old Testament simply a prophetic blueprint the New Testament interprets this prophecy it's a foreshadowing it's a prefiguring in a not altogether conclusive or immediately evident way it's an adumbration when it happens it doesn't seem that it is the thing that was foretold but this is now it happens it happens in you the birth the discovery of the son revealing you as father the tearing of the temple of your own body the discovery of the Holy Ghost descending upon you in bodily form as a dove and everything happens in this wonderful manner and you are Jesus Christ and you don't go out and brag about it because this world will imply again cut your throat tonight you go before any so-called holy man who thinks himself so good so holy the very ones who will say that Jesus was kept by wealthy women they'll believe that and may I tell you in my own profession there are thousands and thousands of men and women who will point to this passage in Scripture and then get from wealthy women support they will actually believe they are doing God's work while here on the outside these false prophets are milking them as you would milk cows the man could say whatever you desire believe that you have received it would then depend for his support on wealthy women may I tell you I've gone through the mill I have had offers of all kinds diamonds jewels money all kinds my rent paid for five years at a time and each time I have said no thank you I will live or die by what I teach keep your money and keep your rings they bring me all these things I have never once accepted one ring one bit for my rent I'll pay it out of everything I have but not from you but they say after all this is common practice I said if it's common practice I am NOT common go elsewhere I am not in the market for what you're offering so here I'm telling you it's in Scripture but a misunderstanding of Scripture is the strangest thing in the world so when the greatest scholars will interpret it that way you can't blame the hoi polloi for giving a similar interpretation to that passage that he depended upon the wealthy women for his support but there it is in the third verse of the eighth chapter of the Book of Luke but I tell you then what are they those who supported me the woman who will have an experience like Sharron and who will write me that letter only one in ten will do it were there not ten of you and nine did not come back to verify the law that he is teaching Luke 17 17 so one comes back and he asks were there not ten she writes her experience to support my claim that I must have proof and confirmation that everything said of Jesus Christ in scripture must be experienced by me should not cry suffer these things should he'd not experience these sensations these emotions and then enter into his glory so I must have it well if 10 had a similar experience all right so 9 will not come back one will so she brought it back my friend grace Griffith she brought hers back when in the depths of this moment when looking at the TV she just simply closed her eyes and then she said I must remember what Neville said I must remember what Neville said Jack said What did he say wait a second it's coming and then she said from the deep he said to me do not be disturbed I am with you to the ends of the age Matthew 28:20 she's quoting scripture I have to have these things confirmed for I am NOT just talking to you here on this level Sharon found me in other levels that goes from city to city from village to village well it started that way all the cities and villages you're talking in all these places as you talk in all these places I came to one place and it was this lovely wonderful campus and hear a single youth he's anxious he has to see you so he sits next to you and he loves you I could tell from his attitude that he loves you so he's in love with you as you explained to him all the mysteries of the Word of God and I eavesdrop now all along she does not find me directing any thought to her she goes into all these places even to this one with the young lad but in the end when I bring her into the father's house all of my remarks are to her and what do I tell her I simply aside from what she heard now listen to these words and did not our hearts burn within us when he opened unto us the Scriptures Luke 24 32 now in all of these experience of Sharon it was only talking about Scripture she used in her letter to me my heart exploded it began to split with excitement everything you said was simply splitting my heart with excitement and at the very end she could hardly contain herself did not our hearts burn within us when he opened us the scriptures what else is there in this world if you read the morning's paper thoroughly and have any memory that goes beyond say a month suppose your memory goes back to say six months oh you're blessed do you know the contradictions why you take what you and I admire in this world the medical profession if you read this morning's paper and remembered what the same one who wrote something about a year ago wrote on the same condition of the human heart it's complete contradiction but see he's only quoting what another doctor said well if there are 1 million doctors in the world do you know if there are 1 million different treatments for the same disease they are more fashionable than the clothing industry they changed their fashions month after month but one thing that does not change is the Word of God it is forever so when it happens to you and you're born from above everything said of him you are going to experience now listen to these words I am from above you are from below you are of this world I am not of this world John 823 now how can you say that this thing is secular he tells you that he is not of this world then where is Jesus Christ in the secular history of this world he's not he belongs to an entirely different region while you and I walk in this world we are born from above and the one born from above within us is Jesus Christ he is in us and then he has to be born but he has to be born from above not from below from the womb of woman he's born from above from the skull where he was buried in the beginning of time so Christ is buried in man in the skull of man and it is there that he will be born now may I tell you from my own experience believe it and if the whole vast world rises in opposition it makes no difference because you're going to experience it so let them rise in opposition and give you all the arguments and if perchance you are they are so stupid to hold on to certain things they quote these great scholars couldn't even support himself that sort of person I must worship he couldn't support himself he depended upon the support of wealthy women and of course they'll rise in opposition and cut your throat for it but just point out the passage in scripture for that's the God you worship one who dependent on the support from wealthy women and quoted there it is in the eighth chapter of the Book of Luke but you tell them that is not Jesus Christ that Jesus Christ is the true identity of every child born of women and every child born of woman will experience all that is said of Jesus Christ but everything to suffer doesn't mean any more suffering than you've suffered than I have suffered for Jesus Christ is in us is the one who has played the part so everything that I have ever done it was Jesus Christ who did it for he is the life of me the life of you without Jesus Christ in us we couldn't even breathe he is our life so he had to suffer these things in multiple ways he allowed it first of all and then he experienced everything that this world could offer as you have but God and His infinite mercy has removed memory from us so that we can't quite remember the horrors that we pass through but we have in the meanwhile may I tell you believe every precept of his literally it will be fulfilled literally those on other regions and some on this region for instance believe that you are what you want to be on this region yes it will be if I dare to persist in the assumption that I am demand that I want to be and live as though I were regardless of the evidence of my senses regardless of all things that would deny it I will become it try it but the other things that this level cannot comprehend know you will one day fulfill the entire scripture you too will take those who are walking with you into the father's house and when you take them in you'll simply reveal who you are I am he whom they pierced and may I tell you that crucifixion is not what the world believes it to be it's the most ecstatic thrill that you can imagine they are not nails nailed into the hand nailed into the feet and piercing of the body no these are vortices I can tell you the day that I experienced it it was only a memory for it was done in the beginning of time but in this moment in the 42nd chapter of the book of psalms and these things I remember so this was only a remembrance of that event and if the memory of the event was so ecstatic oh what the original thrill must have been even though what would follow would be the horrors of the world but no man takes away my life I lay it down myself I have the power to lay it down and the power to lift it up again John 10:18 therefore no one took it I laid it down I actually nailed it on humanity and that is the being who we are the Cosmic Christ when these things actually nail us they are vortices one vortex here points to the head hands inside vortex here vortex here and vortex here and vortices the soles of the feet these are the things that nail us two four six the six pointed star of david the mogen David nailed on it and I can't tell you the ecstasy of that thrill when it took place but we do not know after that it's a complete forgetfulness and then we come into this world nailed to these crosses then at a moment in time not a moment before not a moment too late we are born from above and the whole predestined state unfolds within us and then we know who Christ is so I tell you Christ is known to you as God the Father only when God's only begotten son stands before you and calls you father he who calls you father is David has told us in the 20th chapter of the Book of Luke what thinkI of the Christ whose son is he and they answered David then he said why then does David in the spirit call him Lord if David thus calls him Lord how can he be David's son so David calls him Lord and the word Lord is the expression that every son used of his father referred to his father as my Lord and so he calls him Lord but you know the feeling between that which confronts you and it is David so I tell you tonight this may seem not practical it's the most practical message that you could have because while you are roaming in your mind you are dwelling upon who you are I'm telling you who you are if you believe me well then you'll go out knowing that what I said whatever I believe if I persist in it I will realized it not he said it it's what you said in the beginning for the Christ of scripture is resident in man it's man's own wonderful human imagination that is the Christ of scriptures so that's what Christ said well then I said it and all that he said is true so I will go out believing that I am now what I want to be the things are as I desire them to be walking in this assumption persisting in it it will harden into fact now let us go into the silence I've been giving a couple minutes silence after these what the question is so short that we will just go to that so there is a question and answer there's one question the question is the vortices you mentioned a moment ago was that in the forehead or the top of your head nevel answer's no the head the whole head becomes a vortex the whole head the hands are vortices they are vortices the feet are vortices the right side is a vortex and the head but this happened in the beginning of time he chose us in him in the beginning of the world before the foundations were laid that's the one Cosmic Christ the creative power of God for Christ is the power of God not the wisdom of God to expand itself it has to contract itself and this is the contraction of the power of God so humanity it took it upon itself but each is unique in itself the head the hands the side and the soles of the feet and it's the most ecstatic joy in the world but that was only a memory that was when I led this troupe in procession to the house of God as told in the 42nd Psalm I went with them in procession they were all gay and happy Magdalene is the happy one the one that is cheerful full of life that's Magdalene Susana she's called the lily as told in the Song of Solomon the lily of the valleys here is Susana the story of Susana was once part of the Bible but the early fathers deleted it because it cast a shadow on them she was accused by two elders of the Church of prostitution so it was once part of the Book of Daniel and she was brought before the tribunal charted the prostitution by two elders and it was proved that because she resisted their advances that they accused her of prostitution so Daniel tried the case and asked the two separately to name the tree under which the events took place and they named different trees and so as told in the nineteenth chapter of Deuteronomy that it shall be done those who brought the accusation if the charge is not sustained so the law said she must be stoned to death therefore they were stoned to death the Apocrypha history of Susana that was part of of Scripture but the elders as they do this very day if it's going to throw any shadow upon their own so-called stupid holiness they didn't realize that holiness is no ticket into heaven none whatsoever what is holiness all this nonsense about holiness who will describe it for me so one takes the vow of celibacy and it's not part of the scripture is that holiness and they say this one lives longer because she took the vows and she became a nun so what she hasn't had the experiences of these sensations so she lived seventy years of what of nonsense living in a body where the body in which we are supposed to live the body of joy and the body of love is excrement Issus dwell upon it and see if this isn't hell and so they want to live longer in it thank you and good night so this was a very interesting lecture that repeats a lot of the same stuff that we've talked about in previous lectures I do think the title is a little misleading because it's talking about whatever you believe in and persistent and there wasn't as much of that it was more just a discussion of what awakening that Nevel went through now the really interesting way to look at this lecture is that Nevel is saying that he became this because he used his own technique which he talks about in earlier books of believing in something from the wish fulfilled so you see what he's saying in this lecture if you go back and listen to it is that he's saying is that he chose to use the law to become the Christ he and he has started mentioning this in previous lectures the idea of going to bed feeling that you are the Christ and then he then continues he starts to imagine that David is calling him father he goes through all of these spiritual things that are mentioned in the Bible he is experiencing all of this stuff because he created it he whatever you believe and persistent will come to pass so even though this lecture seems a little bit off talking about belief at the beginning really this lecture is saying that if you believe in something anything and you persist and it will come to pass and then Neville began to believe that he was God he persisted in this and it came to pass through a series of visions in Neville's life I would love to get your interpretations of this one there are many many more we have coming up and not all lectures may appeal to you but I promise if you consistently listen listen or read Neville Goddard's lectures you will find something that will appeal to you he is speaking to the soul and these are very powerful I would love to know your comments and your experience if anybody's experienced any of the visions that he talks about or what your perspective is of this particular lecture and in any case I love you all I hope you're staying safe I'm thinking about you I am imagining incredible things for you you are safe you are loved you are free you are prosperous all episodes of the reality revolution can be found at reality revolution calm and welcome to the reality revolution you
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 87,924
Rating: 4.8755245 out of 5
Keywords: brian scott neville goddard, neville goddard lectures, neville goddard imagination techniques, neville goddard imagination exercise, neville goddard method, neville goddard imagination, neville goddard feeling is the secret, neville goddard, neville goddard praying, dan radiostyle, josiah brandt neville goddard, joseph alai, neville goddard power, whatever you believe in and persist in will come to pass, neville goddard if you can really believe, neville goddard believe it in
Id: RUbiZBKB39s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 47sec (2567 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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