How To Attract Money By Dr. Joseph Murphy (Unabridged Audiobook)

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Wanting money is a fundamental right of every human being. They want to live a decent life which is possible only with money. It is your right to be rich. You are here to lead the abundant life, and to be happy, radiant, and free. To obtain this wealth, along with the positive actions of your conscious mind, you have to train your subconscious as well. You are here to grow, expand, and unfold—spiritually, mentally, and materially. You should surround yourself with beauty and luxury.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/chiefexecutiveprime 📅︎︎ Apr 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome to the reality revolution I'm your host Brian Scott today I'm really excited to narrate a fantastic short little book by dr. Joseph Murphy called how to attract money dr. Joseph Murphy supposedly also trained with Abdullah who was novel Goddard's mentor beyond that I recommend all of his books he has a very unique way of writing it's very hopeful you can't walk away from one of dr. Murphy's books feeling like you have control over the universe he has a very simple way of explaining how to influence the subconscious mind and was the forerunner in this field of discussing on ways to reprogram the subconscious and the power of the subconscious and this short little book is wonderful and it gets right to how to use the subconscious mind to attract money I loved it and I couldn't wait to share it with you how to attract money by dr. Joseph Murphy introduction wanting money is a fundamental right of every human being they want to live a decent life which is possible only with money is your right to be rich you're here to lead the abundant life and to be happy radiant and free to obtain this wealth along with the positive actions of your conscious mind you have to train your subconscious as well you are here to grow expand and unfold spiritually mentally and materially you should surround yourself with beauty and luxury chapter one your right to be rich it is your right to be rich you are here to lead the abundant life and to be happy radiant and free you should therefore have all the money you need to lead a full happy prosperous life there is no virtue in poverty the latter is a mental disease and it should be abolished from the face of the earth you are here to grow expand and unfold spiritually mentally and materially you have the inalienable right to fully develop and express yourself along all lines you should surround yourself with beauty and luxury why be satisfied with just enough to go around when you can enjoy the riches of the infinite in this book you will learn to make friends with money and you will always have a surplus your desire to be rich is a desire for a fuller happier more wonderful life it is a cosmic urge it is good and very good begin to see money and its true significance as a symbol of a change it means to you freedom from want it means a beauty luxury abundance and refinement as you listen to this chapter you are probably saying I want more money I am worthy of a higher salary than I am receiving I believe most people are inadequately compensated one of the reasons many people do not have more money is that they are silently or openly condemning it they refer to money as filthy lucre or they believe that love of money is the root of all evil another reason they do not prosper is that they have a sneaky subconscious feeling that there is some virtue in poverty this subconscious pattern may be due to early childhood training superstition or it could be based on a false interpretation of the Scriptures there is no virtue in poverty it is a disease like any other mental disease if you were physically ill you would think there was something wrong with you you would seek help or do something about the condition at once likewise if you do not have money constantly circulating in your life there is something radically wrong with you money is only a symbol it has taken many forms as a medium of exchange down through the centuries such as salt beads and trinkets of various kinds in early times man's wealth was determined by the number of sheep or oxen he had it is much more convenient to write a check than to carry some sheep around with you to pay your bills God does not want you to live in a hovel or to go hungry God wants you to be happy prosperous and successful God is always successful in all his undertakings whether he makes a star or a cosmos you may wish to take a trip around the world study art in foreign countries go to college or send your children to a superior school you certainly wish to bring up your children in lovely surroundings so that they might learn to appreciate beauty order symmetry and proportion you were born to succeed to win to conquer all difficulties and to have all your faculties fully developed if there is a financial lack in your life do something about it get away immediately from all superstitious beliefs about money do not ever regard money as evil or filthy if you do you cause it to take wings and fly away from you remember that you lose what you condemned suppose for example you found gold silver lead copper or iron in the ground would you pronounce these things evil God pronounced all things good the evil comes from man's darkened understanding from his own illumined mind from his false interpretation of life and his misuse of divine power uranium LED or some other metal could have been used as a medium of exchange we use paper bills checks etc surely the piece of paper is not evil neither is the cheque physicists and scientists know today that the only difference between one mental and another is the number and rate of motion of the Tron's revolving around a central nucleus they are now changing one metal into another through a bombardment of the atoms in the powerful cyclotron gold under certain conditions becomes mercury it will be only a little while until gold silver and other metals will be made synthetically in the chemical laboratory I cannot imagine seeing anything evil in electrons neutrons protons and isotopes the piece of paper in your pocket is composed of electrons and protons arranged differently their number and rate of motion is different that is the only way the paper differs from the silver in your pocket some people will say Oh people kill for money they steal for money it has been associated with countless crimes but that does not make it evil a man may give another 50 dollars to kill someone he has misused money and using it for a destructive purpose you can use electricity to kill someone or to light the house you can use water to quench the baby's thirst or use it to drown the child you can use fire to warm the child or burn it to death another illustration would be if you brought some earth from your garden and put it in your coffee cup for breakfast that would be your evil yet the earth is not evil neither is the coffee the earth is misplaced it belongs in your garden similarly if a needle was stuck in your thumb it would be your evil the needle or pin belongs in the pin cushion not in your thumb we know the forces or elements of nature are not evil it depends on our use of them whether they bless or hurt us a man said to me one time I am broke I do not like money it is the root of all evil love of money to the exclusion of everything else will cause you to become lopsided and unbalanced you are here to use your power or authority wisely some men crave power others crave money if you set your heart on money and say that is all I want I am going to give all my attention to amassing money nothing else matters you can get money and attain a fortune but you have forgotten that you are here to lead a balanced life man does not live by bread alone for example if you belong to some cult or religious group and become fanatical about it excluding yourself from your friends society and social activities you will become unbalanced inhibited and frustrated nature insists on a balanced if all your time is devoted to external things and possessions you will find yourself hungry for peace of mind harmony love joy or perfect health you will find that you cannot buy anything that is real you can amass a fortune or have a million dollars that is not evil or bad love of money to the exclusion of everything else results in frustration disappointment and disillusionment in that sense it is the root of your evil by making money your sole aim you simply made a wrong choice you thought that was all you wanted but you found after all your efforts that it was not only the money you needed what you really desired was your true place peace of mind and abundance you could have the million or many millions if you wanted them and still have peace of mind harmony perfect health and divine expression everyone wants enough money and not just enough to go around he wants abundance and to spare he should have it the urges desires and impulses we have for food clothing in homes better means of transportation expression procreation and abundance are all god-given divine and good but we made it misdirect these impulses desires and urges resulting in evil or negative experiences in our lives man does not have an evil nature there is no evil nature in you it is God the universal wisdom or life seeking expression through you for example a boy wants to go to college but he does not have enough money he sees other boys in the neighborhood going off to college and the University his desire increases he says to himself I want an education to such a youth may steal or embezzle money for the purpose of going to college the desire to go to college was basic and fundamentally good he misdirected that desire or urged by violating the laws of society the cosmic law of harmony or the Golden Rule then he finds himself in trouble however if this boy knew the laws of mind and his unqualified capacity through the use of the spiritual power to go to college he would be free and non jail who put him in jail he placed himself there the policeman who locked him up in prison was an instrument of the man-made laws which he violated he first imprisoned himself in his mind by stealing and hurting others fear and a guilt consciousness followed this is the prison of the mind followed by the prison walls made of bricks and stones money is a symbol of God's opulence beauty refinement and abundance and it should be used wisely judiciously and constructively to bless humanity in countless ways it is merely a symbol of the economic health of the nation when your blood is circulating freely you are healthy when money is circulating freely in your life you are economically healthy when people begin to hoard money to put it away in tin boxes and become charged with fear there is economic illness the crash of 1929 was a psychological panic it was fear seizing the minds of people everywhere it was a sort of negative hypnotic spell you are living in a subjective and objective world you must not neglect the spiritual food such as peace of mind love beauty harmony joy and laughter knowledge of the spiritual power is the means to the royal road to riches of all kinds whether you desire is spiritual mental or material the student of the laws of mind or the student of the spiritual principle believes and knows absolutely that regardless of the economic situation stock market fluctuation depression strikes war or other conditions and circumstances he will always be amply supplied regardless of what form of money may take the reason for this is he abides in the consciousness of wealth the student has convinced himself in his mind that wealth is forever flowing freely in his life and there is always a divine surplus should there be a war tomorrow and all the students present holdings become valueless as the German Marx did after the first world war he would still attract wealth and be cared for regardless of the form the new currency took wealth is a state of consciousness it is a mind conditioned to divine supply forever flowing the scientific thinker looks at money or wealth like the tide ie it goes out but it always comes back the tides never fail neither will man supply when he trusts a tireless changeless immortal presence which is omnipresent and flowing ceaselessly the man who knows the workings of the subconscious mind is never therefore worried about the economic situation stock market panics devaluation or inflation of currency since he abides in the consciousness of God's eternal supply such a man is always supplied and watched over by an overshadowing presence behold the birds of the air for they sow not neither do they reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly Father feedeth them are you not much better than they as you consciously commune with the divine presence claiming and knowing that it leads and guides you in all your ways that it is a lamp unto your feet and a light on your path you will be divinely prospered and sustained beyond your wildest dreams here is a simple way for you to impress your subconscious mind with the idea of constant supply or wealth quiet the wheels of your mind relax let go immobilize the attention get into a sleepy drowsy meditative state of mind this reduces effort to the minimum then in a quiet relaxed passive way reflect on the following simple truths ask yourself where do ideas come from where does wealth come from where did you come from where did your brain and your mind come from you will be led back to the one source you find yourself on a spiritual working basis now it will no longer insult your intelligence to realize that wealth is a state of mind take this little phrase repeat it slowly for five minutes for three or four times a day quietly to yourself particularly before you go to sleep money is forever circulating freely in my life and there is always a divine surplus as you do this regularly and systematically the idea of wealth will be conveyed to your deeper mind and you will develop a wealth consciousness idle mechanical repetition will not succeed in building the consciousness of wealth begin to feel the truth of what you affirm you know what you are doing and why you are doing it you know your deeper self is responsive to what you consciously accept as true in the beginning people who are in financial difficulties do not get results with such affirmation as I am wealthy I am prosperous I am successful such statements may cause their conditions to get worse the reason is the subconscious mind will only accept the dominant of two ideas or the dominant mood or feeling when they say I am prosperous their feeling of lack is greater and something within them says no you are not prosperous you are broke the feeling of lack is dominant so that each affirmation calls forth this mood of lack and more lack becomes there's the way to overcome this for beginners is to affirm what the conscious and subconscious mind will agree on then there will be no contradiction our subconscious mind accepts our beliefs feelings convictions and what we consciously accept as true a man could engage the cooperation of his subconscious mind by saying I am prospering every day I am growing in wealth and in wisdom every day every day my wealth is multiplying I am advancing growing and moving forward financially these and similar statements would not create any conflict in the mind for instance if a Salesman has only ten cents in his pocket he could easily agree that he could have more tomorrow if he sold a pair of shoes tomorrow there is nothing within him which says his sales could not increase he could use statements such as my sales are increasing every day I am advancing and moving forward he would find these would be sound psychologically and acceptable to his mind and they would produce desirable fruit the spiritually advanced students who quietly knowingly and feelingly say I am prosperous I am successful I am wealthy get wonderful results also why would this be true when they think feel or say I am prosperous they mean God is all supply or infinite riches and what is true of God is true of them when they say I am wealthy they know God is infinite supply the inexhaustible treasure house and what is true of God is therefore true of them for God is within them many men get wonderful results dwelling on these abstract ideas such as health wealth and success health is a divine reality a quality of God wealth is of God it is eternal and endless success is of God God is always successful in all his undertakings the way they produce remarkable results is to stand before a mirror as they shave and repeat for five or ten minutes health wealth and success they do not say I am healthy or I am successful they create no opposition in their minds they're quiet and relaxed thus the mind is receptive and passive then they repeat these words amazing results follow all they are doing is identifying with truths that our eternal changeless and timeless you can develop a wealth consciousness but the principles enunciated and elaborated on in this book to practice and your desert will rejoice and blossom as the rose I worked with a young boy in Australia many years ago who wanted to become a physician and surgeon but he had no money nor had he graduated from high school for expenses he used to clean doctors offices wash windows and do odd repair jobs he told me that every night as he went to sleep he used to see a diploma on a wall with his name in big bold letters he used to clean and shine the diplomas in the medical building where he worked it was not hard for him to engrave the Diploma in his mind and develop it there I do not know how long he continued this imaging but it must have been for some months results followed as he persisted one of the doctors took a great liking to this young boy and after training him in the art of sterilizing instruments giving hypodermic injections another miscellaneous first-aid work he became a technical assistant in his office the doctor sent him to high school and also to college at his own expense today this man is a prominent doctor in Montreal Canada he had a dream a clear image in his mind his wealth was in his mind wealth is your idea desire talent urge for service capacity to give to mankind your ability for usefulness to society and your love for Humanity in general this young boy operated a great law unconsciously showered says having seen the end you have willed the means to the realization of the end the end in this boy's case was to be a physician to imagine see and feel the reality of being a doctor now to live with that idea sustain it nourish it and to love it until through his imagination it penetrated the layers of the subconscious became a conviction and paved the way to the fulfillment of his dreams he could have said I have no education I do not know the right people I am too old to go to school now I have no money it would take years and I am NOT intelligent he would then be beaten before he started as wealth was in his use of the spiritual power within him which responded to his thought the means or way in which our prayers answer is always hidden from us except that occasionally we may intuitively perceive a part of the process my ways are past finding out the ways are not known the only thing man has to do is to imagine and accept in the end in his mind and leave its unfoldment to the subjective wisdom within oftentimes the question is asked what should I do after meditating on the end and accepting my desire in consciousness the answer is simple you will be compelled to do whatever is necessary for the unfoldment of your ideal the law of the subconscious is compulsion the law of life is action and reaction what we do is the automatic response to our inner movements of the mind inner feeling and conviction a few months ago as I went to sleep I imagined I was reading one of my most popular books magic of faith in French I began to realize and imagine this book going into all french-speaking nations for several weeks I did this every night falling asleep of the imaginary French edition of magic of faith in my hands just before Christmas in 1954 I received a letter from leading publisher in Paris France enclosing a contract drawn up asking me to sign it giving him permission to publish and promote abroad to all french-speaking countries the French edition of magic of faith you might ask me what I do about publishing this book after the prayer I would have to say nothing the subjective wisdom took over and brought it to pass in its own way which was far better than any method I could consciously desire all of our external movements motions and actions follow the inner movements of the mind interaction proceeds all outer action whatever steps you take physically or what you seem to do objectively will all be a part of a pattern which you were compelled to fulfill accepting the end wills the means to the realization of the end believe that you have it now and you shall receive it we must cease denying our good realize that the only thing that keeps us from the riches that lie all around us is our mental attitude or the way we look at God life and the world in general No believe and act on the positive assumption that there is no reason why you cannot have B and do whatever you wish to accomplish through the great laws of God your knowledge of how your mind works is your Savior and Redeemer thought and feeling are your destiny you possess everything by right of consciousness the consciousness of health produces health the consciousness of wealth produces wealth the world seems to deny or oppose what you pray for your senses sometimes mock and laugh at you if you say to your friend that you are opening up a new business for yourself he may proceed to give you all the reasons why you were bound to fail you are susceptible to his hypnotic spell he may instill fear of failure in your mind as you become aware of the spiritual power which is one and indivisible and which responds to your thought you will reject the darkness and ignorance of the world and know that you possess all the equipment power and knowledge to succeed to walk on the Royal Road to riches you must not place obstacles and impediments on the pathway of others neither must you be jealous or envious of others actually when you entertain these negative states of mind you are hurting and injuring yourself because you are thinking and feeling it the suggestion as Quimby said you give to another you are giving to yourself this is the reason that the law of golden rule is a cosmic divine law I'm sure you have heard men say that fellow has a racket he is a racketeer he is getting money dishonestly he is a fakir I knew him when he had nothing he is crooked a fee and a swindler if you analyze the man who talks like that he's usually in want or suffering from some financial or physical illness perhaps his former college friends went up the ladder of success and excelled him now he is bitter an envious of their progress in many instances this is the cause of his downfall thinking negatively of these classmates and condemning their wealth causes the wealth and prosperity he is praying for to vanish and flee away he is condemning the things he is praying for he is praying to ways on the one hand he is saying God is prospering me and in the next breath silently or audibly he is saying I resent that fellow's wealth always make it a special point to bless the other person and rejoice in his prosperity and success when you do you bless and prosper yourself if you go into the bank and you see your competitor across the street deposit twenty times more than you do or you see him deposit ten thousand dollars rejoice and be exceedingly glad to see God's abundance being manifested through one of his sons you are then blessing and exalting what you are praying for what you bless you multiply what you condemn you lose if you are working in a large organization and you are silently thinking of and resenting the fact that you are underpaid that you are not appreciated and that you deserve more money and greater recognition you are subconsciously severing your ties with that organization you are setting a law in motion then the superintendent or manager says to you we have to let you go you dismissed yourself the manager was simply the instrument through which your own negative mental state was confirmed in other words he was a messenger telling you that you conceived as true about yourself it was an example of the law of action and reaction the action was the internal movement of your mind the reaction was the response of the outer world to conform to your inner thinking perhaps as you read this you are thinking of someone was prospered financially by taking advantage of others by defrauding them by selling them unsound investments in property etc the answer to this is obvious because if we rob cheat or defraud another we do the same to ourselves in reality in this case we are actually hurting or robbing from ourselves we are in a mood of lack in the first place which is bound to attract loss to us the loss may come in many ways may come in loss of health prestige peace of mind social status sickness in the home or in the business it may not necessarily come in loss of money we must not be short-sighted and think that the loss has to come in just dollars and cents isn't it a wonderful feeling to place your head on the pillow at night and feel you are at peace with the whole world and that your heart is full of goodwill toward all there are some people who have accumulated money the wrong way by trampling on others trickery deceit and chicanery what is the price sometimes it is mental and physical disease guilt complexes insomnia or hidden fears as one man said to me yes I rode roughshod over others I got what I wanted but I got cancer doing it he realized he had attained his wealth in the wrong way you can be wealthy and prosperous without hurting anyone many men are constantly robbing themselves they steal from themselves peace of mind health joy inspiration happiness and the laughter of God they may say that they have never stolen but is it true every time we resent another or are jealous or envious of another's wealth or success we are stealing from ourselves these are the thieves and robbers which Jesus cast out the temples likewise you must cast them out incisively and decisively do not let them live in your mind cut their heads off with the fire of right thought and feeling I remember in the early days of the war reading about a woman in Brooklyn New York who went around from store to store buying up all the coffee she could she knew it was going to be rationed she was full of fear that there would not be enough for her she bought as much as she could and stored it in in the cellar that evening she went to church services and when she came home burglars had broken down the door stolen not only the coffee but silverware money jewelry and other things this good woman said what they all say why did this happen to me when I was at church I never stole from anyone is it true was she not in the consciousness of lack and fear when she began to hoard supplies of coffee her mood and fear of lack were sufficient to bring about loss in her home and possessions she did not have to put her hand on the cash register or rob a bank her fear of lack produced lack this is the reason that many people or what society calls good citizens suffer loss they are good in the worldly sense ie they pay their taxes they obey the laws vote regularly and are generous to charities but they are resentful of others possessions their wealth or societal position if they would like to take money when no one was looking such an attitude is definitely and positively a state of lack and may cause the person who indulges in such a mental state to attract charlatans or knaves who may swindle or cheat them in some business transaction before the outer thief robs us we have first robbed ourselves there must be an inner thief before the outer one appears a man can have a guilt complex and accuse himself constantly I knew such a man he was very honest as a teller in a bank he never stole any money but he had an illicit romance he was supporting another woman and denying his family he lived in fear that he would be discovered a deep sense of guilt resulted fear follows guilt fear causes a contraction of the muscles and mucous membranes acute sinusitis developed medication gave him only temporary relief i explained to this client the cause of this trouble and told him the cure was to give up his outside affair he said he couldn't she was his soulmate and that he had tried he was always condemning and accusing himself one day he was accused by one of the officials of the bank of having embezzled some money it looked serious for him as the evidence was circumstantial he became panic-stricken and realized the only reason he was wrongfully accused was that he had been accusing and condemning himself he saw how mind operates and as much as he always accusing himself on the inner plane he would be accused on the outer he broke off the relationship immediately the other woman due to the shock of being accused of embezzling and began to pray for divine harmony and understanding between himself and the bank official he began to claim there is nothing hidden that is not revealed the peace of God reigns supreme in the minds and hearts of all concerned truth prevailed the whole matter was dissolved in the light of truth another young man was discovered as the culprit the bank teller knew that only through prayer was he saved from a jail sentence the great law is as you would that men should think about you think about them in the same manner as you would that men should feel about you feel you also about them in like manner say from your heart I wish for every man who walks the earth what I wish for myself the sincere wish of my heart is there for Peace Love joy abundance and God's blessing to all men everywhere rejoice and be glad in the progression advancement and prosperity of all men whatever you claim as true for yourself claim it for all men and women everywhere if you pray for happiness and peace of mind let your claim be peace and happiness for all do not ever try to deprive another of any joy if you do you deprive yourself when the ship comes in for your friend it comes in for you also if someone is promoted in your organization be glad and happy congratulate him rejoice in his advancement and recognition if you are angry or resentful you are demoting yourself do not try to withhold from another his god-given birthright to happiness success achievement abundance and all good things jesus said store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where the moth and the rust doth not consume and where thieves cannot break through and steal hatred and resentment rot and corrode the heart causing us to become full of scars impurities toxins and poisons the treasure of heavens are the truths of God which we possess in our soul fill your minds with peace harmony faith joy honesty integrity loving kindness and gentleness then you will be sewing for yourself treasures in the heavens of your own mind if you are seeking wisdom regarding investments or if you are worried about your stocks or bonds quietly claim infinite intelligence governs and watches over all my financial transactions and whatsoever I do shall prosper do this frequently and you will find that your investments will be wise moreover you will be protected from loss as you will be prompted to sell your securities or holdings before any loss accrues to you let the following prayer be used daily by you regarding your home business and possessions the overshadowing presence which guides the planets on their course and causes the Sun to shine watches over all my possessions home business and all things that are mine God is my fortress and vault all my possessions are secure in God it is wonderful by reminding yourself daily of this great truth and by observing the laws of love you will always be guided watched over and prospered in all your ways you will never suffer from loss for you have chosen the most high as your counselor and guide the envelope of God's love surrounds and folds and encompasses you at all times you rest in the everlasting arms of God all of us should seek an inner guidance for our problems if you have a financial problem repeat this before you retire at night now I shall sleep in peace I have turned this matter over to the god wisdom within it knows only the answer as the Sun rises in the morning so will my answer be resurrected I know the Sun Rise never fails and then go off to sleep do not fret fuss or fume over a problem night brings counsel sleep on it your intellect cannot solve all your problems pray for the light that is to come remember that the dawn always comes when the shadows flee away let your sleep every night be contented bliss you are not a victim of circumstances except you believe you are you can rise and overcome any circumstance or condition you will have different experiences as you stand on the rock of spiritual truth steadfast and faithful to your deeper desires and purposes in large stores the management employ store detectives to prevent people from stealing they catch a number every day trying to get something for nothing all such people are living in the consciousness of lack and limitation and they are stealing from themselves attracting at the same time all manner of loss these people lack faith in God and the understanding of how their minds work if they would pray for true peace divine expression and supply they would find work then buy honesty integrity and perseverance they would become a credit to themselves and society at large jesus said for ye have the poor always with you but me you have not always the poor states of consciousness are always with us in this sense that no matter how much wealth you now have there is something that you want with all your heart it may be a problem of health perhaps a son or daughter needs guidance or harmony is lacking in the home at that moment you are poor we could not know what abundance was except we were conscious of lack I have chosen twelve and one of you is a devil whether it be the king of England or the boy in the slums we are all born into limitation and into the race belief it is through these limitations we grow we can never discover the inner power except through problems and difficulties these are our poor states which Pradas in seeking the solution we could not know what joy was except we could shed a tear of sorrow we must be aware of poverty to seek liberation and freedom and ascend into God's opulence the poor states such as fear ignorance worry lack and pain are not bad when they cause you to seek the opposite when you get into trouble and get kicked from pillar to post when you ask negative heart-rending questions such as why are all these things happening to me why does this seem to be a jinx following me light will come into your mind through your suffering pain or misery you will discover the truth which sets you free sweet are the uses of adversity like a toad ugly and venomous yet wears a precious jewel on its head through dissatisfaction we are led to satisfaction although studying the laws of life have been dissatisfied with something they've had some problem or difficulty which they could not solve or they were not satisfied with the man-made answers to life riddles they have found their answer in the god presence within themselves the pearl of great price the precious jewel the Bible says I sought the Lord and I found him and he delivered me from all my fears when you realize your ambition or desire you will be satisfied for only a brief period of time then the urge to expand will come again this is life seeking to express itself at higher levels through you when one desire is satisfied another comes etc to infinity you are here to grow life is progression it is not static you are here to go from glory to glory there is no end for there is no end to God's glory we are all poor in the sense we are forever seeking more light wisdom happiness and greater joy out of life God is infinite and never in eternity could you exhaust the glory beauty and wisdom which is within this is how wonderful you are in the absolute state all things are finished but in the relative world we must awaken to that glory which was ours before the world was no matter how wise you are you are seeking more wisdom so you are still poor no matter how intelligent you are in the field of mathematics physics or astronomy you are only scratching the surface you are still poor the journey is ever onward upward and Godward it is really an awakening process whereby you realize creation is finished when you know God does not have to learn grow expand or unfold you begin to gradually awaken from the dream of limitation and become alive in God as the scales of fear ignorance race belief and mass hypnosis fall from your eyes you begin to see as God sees the blind spots are removed then you begin to see the world as God made it for we begin to see through God's eyes now you say behold the kingdom of heaven is at hand feed the poor within you clothe the naked ideas and give them form by believing in the reality of the idea trusting the great fabricator within to clothe it in form and objectify it now your word idea shall become flesh and take form when you are hungry in a poor state you seek food worried you seek peace you're sick you seek help and you're a weak you seek strength your desire for prosperity is the voice of God and you telling you that abundance is yours therefore through your poor state you find the urge to grow to expand to unfold to achieve and to accomplish your desires a pain in your shoulder is a blessing in disguise it tells you to do something about it at once if there were no pain and no indication of trouble your arm might fall off on the street your pain is God's alarm system telling you to seek his peace and his healing power and move from darkness to light to when cold you build a fire when you're hungry you eat when you are in lack enter into the mood of opulence and plenty imagine the end rejoice in it having imagined the end and felt it as true you have willed the means to the realization of the end when you are fearful and worried feed your mind with the great truths of God that have stood the test of time and will last forever you can receive comfort by meditating on the great Psalms for example the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want God is my refuge my salvation whom shall I fear God is an ever-present help in times of trouble my God in him will I trust he shall cover me with his feathers and under his wing shall I rest one with God is a majority if God be for me who can be against me or I do all things through Christ which strengthens me let the healing vibrations of these truths flood your mind and heart then you will crowd out of your mind all your fears and doubts and worries through this meditative process imbibe another great spiritual truth a merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance a merry heart hath a continual feast a merry heart doeth good like a medicine a broken spirit driveth the bones therefore I put V in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God within thee begin now to stir up the gift of God by completely rejecting the evidence of senses the tyranny and despotism of the race mind and give complete recognition to the spiritual power within you as the only cause the only power and the only presence know that it is a responsive and beneficent power draw nigh unto it and it will draw nigh unto you turn to it devotedly with assurance trust and love it will respond to you as love peace guidance and prosperity it will be your comforter guide counselor and your heavenly Father you will then say God is love I have found him he has truly delivered me from all my fears furthermore you will find yourself in green pastures where abundance and all of God's riches flow freely through you say to yourself freely and joyously during the day I walk in the consciousness of the presence of God all day long his fullness flows through me at all times filling up all the empty vessels in my life when you are filled full of the feeling of being what you longed to be your prayers answered are all the vessels full in your life look under health wealth love and expression are you fully satisfied on all levels is there something lacking in one of these for all that you seek no matter what it is comes under one of these classifications if you say all I want is truth or wisdom you are expressing the desire of all men everywhere that is what everyone wants even though he or she may word it differently truth or wisdom is the overall desire of every man this comes under the classification of expression you wish to express more and more of God here and now through your lack limitation and problems you grow in God's light and you discover yourself there is no other way whereby you could discover yourself if you could not use your power two ways you would never discover yourself neither would you ever deduce a law governing you if you were compelled to be good or compelled to love that would not be love you would then be an automaton you have freedom to love because you can give it or retain it if compelled to love there is no love aren't you flattered with some woman tells you she loves you and wants you she has chosen you from all the men in the world she does not have to love you if she were forced to love you you would not be flattered or happy about it you have a freedom to be a murderer or a holy man that is the reason that we pray such men as Lincoln and others they decided to choose the good we praise them for their choice we believe that circumstances conditions events age race religious training or early environment can preclude the possibilities of our attaining a happy prosperous life we are thieves and robbers all that is necessary to express happiness and prosperity is to feel happy and prosperous the feeling of wealth produces wealth states of consciousness manifest themselves this is why it is said all that ever came before me feelings are thieves and robbers feeling is the law and the laws the feeling your desire for prosperity is really the promise of God saying that his riches are yours accept this promise without any mental reservation Quinn be like in prayer to a lawyer pleading the case before the judge this teacher of the laws of mine said he could prove the defendant was not guilty as charged but that the person was a victim of Lies and false beliefs you are the judge you render your own verdict then you are set free the negative thoughts of lack poverty and failure are all false they are all lies there is nothing to back them up you know there is only one spiritual power one primal cause and you therefore cease giving power to conditions circumstances and opinions of men give all power to the spiritual power within you knowing that it will respond to your thought of abundance and prosperity recognising the supremacy of the spirit within and the power of your own thought or mental image is the way to opulence freedom and constant supply except the abundant life in your own mind your mental acceptance and expectancy of wealth has its own mathematical and mechanics of expression as you enter into the mood of opulence all things necessary for the abundant life will come to pass you are now the judge arriving at a decision in the court house of your mind you have like Quimby produced indisputable evidence showing how the laws of your mind work and you are now free from fear you have executed and chopped the heads off all the fear and superstitious thoughts in your mind fear is the signal for action it is not really bad it tells you to move to the opposite which is faith in God and all positive values let this be your daily prayer write it in your heart God is the source of my supply that supply is my supply now his riches flow to me freely copiously and abundantly I am forever conscious of my true worth I give my talents freely and I am wonderfully divinely compensated thank you Father chapter 2 the road to riches riches are of the mind let us suppose for a moment that a physician's diploma was stolen together with his office equipment I am sure you would agree that his wealth was in his mind he could still carry on diagnosed disease prescribe operate and lecture on materia medica only his symbols were stolen he can always get additional supplies his riches were in his mental capacity knowledge to help others and his ability to contribute to humanity in general he will always be wealthy when you have an intense desire to contribute to the good of mankind your urge for service ie to give of your talents to the world will always find a response in the heart of the universe I knew a man in New York during the financial crisis of 1929 who lost everything he had including his home and all his life savings I met him after a lecture which I had given at one of the hotels in the city this was what he said I lost everything I made a million dollars in four years I will make it again all I was lost is a symbol I can again attract the symbol of wealth in the same way that honey attracts flies I followed the career of this man for several years to discover the key to his success the key may seem strange to you yet it is a very old one the name he gave the key was change water into wine he read this passage in the Bible and he knew it was the answer to perfect health happiness peace of mind and prosperity wine in the Bible always means the realization of your desires urges plans dreams propositions in other words it is the things you wish to accomplish achieve and bring forth water in the Bible usually refers to your mind or consciousness water takes the shape of any vessel into which it is poured like whites whatever you feel and believe as true will become manifest in your world thus you are always changing water into wine the Bible was written by a Lew mind man it teaches practical everyday psychology in a way of life one of the cardinal tenets of the Bible is that you determine mold fashion and shape your own destiny through right thought feeling and beliefs it teaches you that you can solve any problem overcome any situation and that you are born to succeed to win and to triumph in order to discover the Royal Road to riches and receive the strength and security necessary to advance in life you must cease fueling the Bible in the traditional way the above man who was in a financial crisis used to say to himself frequently during the days when he was without funds I can change water into wine these words meant to him I can exchange the poverty ideas in my mind for the realization of my present desires or needs which are wealth and financial supply his mental attitude water was once I made a fortune honestly I will make it again wine his regular affirmation consisted of I attracted the symbol money once I am attracting it again I know this and feel it is true wine the man went to work as a salesman for a chemical organization ideas for the better promotion of their products came to him he passed them on to his organization it was not long until he became vice-president within 4 years the company made him president his constant metal attitude was I can change water into wine look upon the story in john of changing water into wine in a figurative way and say to yourself as the above mentioned chemical salesman did I can make the invisible ideas urges and dreams and desires of mine visible because I have discovered a simple universal law of mind the law he demonstrated is the law of action and reaction it means your external world body circumstance environment and financial status are always a perfect reflection of your inner thinking beliefs feelings and convictions this being true you can now change your inner pattern of thought by dwelling on the idea of success wealth and peace of mind as you busy your mind with these latter concepts these ideas will gradually seep into your mentality like seeds planted in the ground as all seeds thoughts and ideas grow after their kind so will your habitual thinking and feeling manifest in prosperity success and peace of mind wise thought action is followed by right action reaction you can acquire riches when you become aware of the fact that prayer is a marriage feast the feast is a psychological one you meditate on mentally eat of your good or your desire until you become one with it I will now cite a case history from my files relating how a young girl performed her first miracle in transforming water into wine she operated a very beautiful hair salon her mother became ill and she had to devote considerable time at home neglecting her business during her absence two of her assistants embezzled funds she was forced into bankruptcy lost her home and found herself deeply in debt she was unable to pay hospital bills for her mother and she was now unemployed I explained to this woman the magic formula of changing water into wine again we made it clear to her that wine means answered prayer or the objectification of her ideal she was quarreling with the outside world she said look at the facts I've lost everything it is a cruel world I cannot pay my bills I do not pray for I have lost hope she was so absorbed and engrossed in the material world that she was completely oblivious to the internal cause of her situation as we talked she began to understand that she had to resolve the quarrel in her mind no matter what your desire or ideal is as you read this book you will also find some thought or idea in your mind opposed to it for example your desire may be for health perhaps there are several thoughts which has these in your minds simultaneously can't be healed I have tried but it is no use it's getting worse I don't know enough about spiritual mind healing as you study yourself don't you have a tug of war in your mind like this girl you find environment and external affairs challenging your desire of expression wealth and peace of mind true prayer is a mental marriage-feast and it teaches us all how to resolve the mental conflict in prayer you write what you believe in your own mind Emerson said a man is what he thinks all day long by your habitual thinking you make your own mental laws of belief by repeating a certain train of thought you establish definite options and beliefs in the deeper mind called the subconscious then such mental acceptances beliefs and opinions direct and control all the outer actions to understand this and begin to apply it is the first step in changing water into wine or changing lack and limitation into abundance and opulence the man who is unaware of his own inner spiritual powers is therefore subject to race beliefs lack and limitation open your Bible now and perform your first miracle as this beauty operator did you can do it if you merely read the Bible as a historical event you will miss the spiritual mental scientific view of the laws of the mind with which we are concerned in this book let us take this passage in the third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee and the mother of Jesus was there Galilee means your mind or consciousness Cana means your desire the marriage is purely mental or the subjective embodiment of your desire this whole beautiful drama of Prayer is a psychological one in which all the characters are mental states feelings and ideas within you one of the meanings of Jesus is illumined reason the mother of Jesus means the feeling moods or emotions which possess us and both Jesus was called and his disciples to the marriage your disciples are your inner powers and faculties enabling you to realize your desires when they wanted wine the mother of jesus saith unto him they have no wine wine as we have stated represents the answered prayer or the manifestation of your desire and ideals in life you can now see this as an everyday drama taking place in your own life when you wish to accomplish something as this girl did namely finding work supply and a way of out of your problem suggestions of lack come to you such as there is no hope all is lost I can't accomplish it it is hopeless this is the voice from the outside world saying to you they have no wine or look at the facts this is your feeling of lack limitation or bondage speaking how do you meet the challenge of circumstances and conditions by now you are getting acquainted with the laws of mind which are as follows as I think and feel inside so is my outside world ie my body finances environment social position and all phases of my external relationship to the world and man your internal mental movements and imagery govern control and direct the external plane in your life the Bible says as he thinketh in his heart so is he the heart is a child Ian's word meaning the subconscious mind in other words your thought must reach subjective levels by engaging the power of your subliminal self thought and feeling are your destiny thought charged with feeling and interest is always subjective fide and becomes manifest in your world prayer is a marriage of thought and feeling or your idea and emotion this is what the Americas Eyre of the mind felt as true comes to pass whether it is good or bad or indifferent knowing the law now that you might imagine and feel in your mind you will express manifest or experience in the outside enables you to begin to discipline your mind when suggestion of lack fear doubt or despair they have no wine comes to your mind immediately reject it 'mentally by focusing your attention at once on the answered prayer or the fulfillment of your desire the statement given in the Bible from John's second mine hour is not yet come and woman what have I to do with thee are figurative idiomatic oriental expressions as we paraphrase these quotations woman means the negative feeling that you indulge in these negative suggestions have no power or reality because there is nothing to back them up a suggestion of lack has no power the power is resident in your own thought and feeling what does God mean to you God is the name given to the one spiritual power God is the one invisible source from which all things flow when your thoughts are constructive and harmonious the spiritual power being responsive to your thought flows as harmony health and abundance practice the wonderful discipline of completely rejecting every thought of lack by immediately recognizing the availability of the spiritual power and its response to your constructive thoughts and imagery then you will be practicing the truth found in these words woman what have I to do with thee we read mine hour is not yet come this means that while you have not yet reached a conviction or positive state of mind you know you are on the way mentally because you are engaging your mind on the positive ideals goals and objectives in life whatever the mind dwells upon it multiplies magnifies and causes it to grow until finally the mind becomes qualified with new state of consciousness you are then conditioned positively whereas before you were conditioned negatively the spiritual man in prayer moves from the mood of lack to the mood of confidence peace and trust in the spiritual power within himself since his trust and faith are in the spiritual power his mother moods and feelings registers a feeling of triumph or victory this will bring about the solution or the answer to your prayer the waterpots in the story from the Bible refer to the mental cycles that man goes through in order to bring about the subjective realization of his desire the length of time may be a moment now or week or month depending on the faith and state of consciousness of the student in prayer we must cleanse our mind of false beliefs fear doubt and an anxiety for by becoming completely detached from the evidence of senses and the external world in the peacefulness and quietude of your mind wearing you have stilled the wheels of your mind meditate on the joy of the answered prayer until that inner certitude comes whereby you know that you know when you have succeeded in being one with your desire you have succeeded in the mental marriage or the union of your feeling with your idea I'm sure you wish to be married one with two health harmony success and achievement in your mind at this moment every time you pray you are trying to perform the marriage feast of Cana realization of your desires or ideals you want to be mentally identified with the concepts of peace success well-being in perfect health they filled them up to the brim the six waterpots represent your own mind in the spiritual and mental creative act you must fill your mind to the brim meaning you must become filled full of the feeling of being what you longed to be when you succeed in filling your mind with the ideal you wish to accomplish or Express you are full to the brim then you cease praying about it for you feel it's reality in your mind you know it is a finished state of consciousness you are at peace about it and he saith unto them draw out now and bare unto the governor of the feast whatever is impregnated in our subconscious mind is always objectified on the screen of space consequently when we enter a state of conviction that our prayer is answered we have given the command bare unto the governor of the feast you are always governing your mental feast during the day thousands of the thoughts suggestions opinions sights and sounds reach your eyes and ears you can reject them as unfit for mental consumption or entertain them as you choose your conscious reasoning intellectual mind is the governor of the feast when you consciously choose to entertain meditate feast upon and imagine your heart's desire as true it becomes a living embodiment and a part of your mentality so that your deeper self gives birth or expression to it in other words what is impressed subjectively it is expressed objectively your senses or conscious mind see the objectification of your good when the conscious mind becomes aware of water made into wine it becomes aware of the answered prayer water might be called also the invisible formless spiritual power unconditioned consciousness wine is conditioned consciousness or the mind giving birth to its beliefs and convictions the servants which draw the water for you represent the mood of peace confidence and faith according to your faith or feeling your good is attracted or drawn to you imbibe cherish fall in love with these spiritual principles which are discussed in this book in the first recorded miracle of Jesus you are told that prayer is a marriage feast or the mind uniting with its desire love is the fulfilling of the law love is really an emotional attachment a sense of oneness with your good you must be true to that which you love you must be loyal to your purpose or to your ideal we are not being true to the one we love when we are flirting or mentally entertaining other marriages with fear doubt worry anxiety or false beliefs love is a state of oneness a state of fulfillment refer to the book by the author love is freedom when this simple drama was explained to the beauty operator mentioned above she became rich mentally she understood this drama and she put it into practice in her life this is how she prayed she knew that the water her own mind would flow and fill up the empty vessels in response to her new way of thinking and feeling at night this client became very quiet and still relaxed her body and began to use constructive hymn imagery the stuff she used are as follows first step she began to imagine the local bank manager was congratulating her on her wonderful deposit in the bank she kept imagining that for about five minutes the second step in her imagination she heard her mother saying to her I am so happy about your wonderful new position she continued to hear her say this in a happy joyous way for about three to five minutes the third step she vividly imagined the writer was in front of her performing her marriage ceremony this woman heard me saying as the officiating Minister I now pronounce you man and wife completing this routine she went off to sleep feeling fulfilled full sensing and feeling within herself the joy of the answered prayer nothing happened for three weeks in fact things got much worse but she persevered refusing to take no for her answer she knew that in order to grow spiritually she too had to perform her first miracle by changing her fear to faith her mood of lack to a mood of opulence and prosperity by changing consciousness water into the conditions circumstances and experiences she wished to express consciousness awareness beingness principle spirit or whatever name you give it is the cause of all it is the only presence and power the spiritual power or spirit within us is the cause and substance of all things all things birds trees stars Sun Moon Earth gold silver and platinum are its manifestations it is the cause and substance of all things there is none else understanding this she knew that water consciousness could become supply in the form of money true place or true expression for herself health for her mother as well as companionship and fullness of life she saw the simple yet profound truth in the twinkling of an eye and she said to me I accept my good she knew that nothing is hidden from us all of God is within us waiting for our discovery and inquiry in less than a month this young girl got married the writer performed the ceremony I pronounced the words she heard me say over and over again in her meditative relaxed state a high now pronounce you man and wife her husband gave her a check for twenty four thousand as a wedding present as well as a trip around the world her new expression as a beauty operator was beautify her home and garden and make the desert of her mind rejoice and blossom as the rose she changed water into wine water or her consciousness became charged or conditioned by her constant true happy imagery these images when sustained regularly systematically and with faith in the developing powers of the deeper mind will come out of the darkness subconscious mind into light objectified on the screen of space there is one important rule do not expose this newly developed film to the shattering light of fear doubt despondency and worry whenever worry or fear knocks at your door immediately turn to the picture you developed in your mind and say to yourself a beautiful picture is being developed now in the dark house of my mind mentally poor on that picture your feeling of joy faith and understanding you know you have operated a psychological spiritual law for what is impressed shall be expressed it is wonderful the following is a sure certain way for developing and manifesting all the material riches and supply your needs all the days of your life if you apply this formula sincerely and honestly you should be amply rewarded on the external plane I will illustrate this by telling you of a man who came to see me in London in desperate financial straits he was a member of the Church of England and had studied the working of the subconscious mind to some extent I told him to say frequently during the day God is the source of my supply and all my needs are met at every moment of time and point of space think also of all the animal life in this world and all of the galaxies of space which are now being taken care of by an infinite intelligence notice how nature is lavish extravagant and bountiful think of the fish of the sea which are all being sustained as well as the birds of the air he began to realize that since he was born he had been taken care of that by his mother clothed by his father and watched over by tender loving parents this man got a job and was paid in a wonderful way he reasoned that it was logical to assume that the principle of life which gave him life and always took care of him which suddenly ceased to respond to him he realized that he had cut off his own supply by resenting his employer self-condemnation criticism of himself and by his own sense of unworthiness he had psychologically severed the cord which joined him to the infinite source of all things the indwelling spirit or life principle called by some consciousness or awareness man is not fed like the birds he must consciously commune with the indwelling power and presence and receive guidance strength vitality and all things necessary for the fulfillment of his needs this is the formula which he used to change water into the wine of abundance and financial success he realized God or the spiritual power within him was the cause of all furthermore he realized that if he could sell himself the idea that wealth was his by divine right he would manifest abundance of supply the affirmation he used was God as the source of my supply all my financial and other needs are met at every moment of time and point of space there is always a divine surplus this simple statement repeated frequently knowingly and intelligently conditioned his mind to a prosperity consciousness all he had to do was to sell himself this positive idea in the same way a good salesman has to sell himself on the merits of his product such a person is convinced of the integrity of his company the high quality of the product the good service which it will give the customer in the fact that the price is right etc I told him whenever negative thoughts came to his mind which would happen not to fight or quarrel with them in any way but simply go back to the spiritual mental formula and repeat it quietly and lovingly to himself negative thoughts came to him in avalanches at times in the form of a flood of negativity each time he met with the positive firm loyal conviction God supplies all my needs there is a divine surplus in my life he said that as he drove his car and went through his day's routine a host of sundry miscellaneous negative concepts crowded his mind from time to time such as there is no hope you are broke each time such negative thoughts came he refused their mental admission by turning to the eternal source of wealth health and all things which he knew to be his own spiritual awareness definitely and positively he claimed God is the source of my supply and that supply is mine now or there is a divine solution God's wealth is my wealth and other affirmative positive statements which charged his mind with hope faith expectancy and ultimately a conviction in an ever-flowing fountain of riches supplying all his needs copiously joyously and endlessly the negative flood of thoughts came to him as often as 50 times in an hour each time he refused to open the door of his mind to these gangsters assassins and thieves which he knew would only rob him of peace wealth success and all good things instead he opened the door of his mind to the idea of God's eternal life principle of supply flowing through him as wealth health energy power and all things necessary to lead a full and happy life here as he continued to do this the second day not so many thieves knocked at his door the third day the flow of negative visitors was less the fourth day they came intermittently hoping for admission but receiving the same mental response no entrance I accept only thoughts and concepts which activate he'll bless and inspire my mind he reconditioned his consciousness or mind to a wealth consciousness the prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me this conveys to your mind the negative thoughts such as fear lack worry anxiety came but they are received no response from his mind he was now immune God intoxicated and seized by a divine faith in an ever expanding consciousness of abundance and financial supply this man did not lose everything neither did he go into bankruptcy he was given extended credit his business improved new doors opened and he prospered remember always in the prayer process you must be loyal to your ideal purpose and objective many people fail to realize wealth and financial success because they pray two ways they affirm God as their supply and that they are divinely prospered but a few minutes later they deny their good by saying I can't pay this bill I can't afford this that or other thing or they say to themselves a jinx is following me I can't ever make ends meet I never have enough to go around all such statements are highly destructive neutralized your positive prayers this is what is called praying two ways you must be faithful to your plan or your goal you must be true to your knowledge of the spiritual power cease making negative marriages ie uniting with negative thoughts fears and worries prayer is like a captain directing the course of his ship you must have a destination you must know where you are going the captain of the ship knowing the laws of navigation regulates his course accordingly if the ship is turned from its course by storms or unruly waves he calmly redirects it along its true course you are the captain on the bridge and you are giving the orders in the way of thoughts feelings opinions beliefs moods and mental tones keep your eye on the beam you go where your vision is cease therefore looking at all the obstacles delays and impediments that would cause you to go off your course be definite and positive decide where you are going know that your mental attitude is the ship which will take you from the mood of lack and limitation to the mood and feeling of opulence and to the belief in the inevitable law of God working for you Quimby was a doctor a wonderful student and teacher of the mental and spiritual laws of mind said man acts as he is acted upon what moves you now what is that the term injure responds to life the answer is as follows your ideas beliefs and opinions activate your mind and condition you to the point that you become as Quimby stated an expression of your beliefs this illustrates the truth of Quimby statement man is belief expressed another popular statement of Quimby's was our minds mingle like atmospheres and each person has his identity in that atmosphere when you were a child you were subject to the moods beliefs feelings and the general mental atmosphere of the home the fears anxieties superstitions as well as the religious faith and convictions of the parents were impressed on your mind let us say the child had been brought up in a poverty-stricken home in which there was never enough to go around financially speaking he heard constantly the complaint of lack and limitation you could say like Salter in his conditioned reflex therapy that the child was conditioned to poverty the young man may have a poverty complex based on his early experience as training and beliefs but he can rise above any situation and become free this is done through the power of prayer I knew a young boy age 17 who was born in a place called Hell's Kitchen in New York he listened to some lectures I was giving in Steinway Hall New York at the time this boy realized he had been the victim of negative destructive thinking and that he did not redirect his mind along constructive channels the world mind with its fears failures hates and jealousies would move in and control him man acts as he is acted upon it stands to reason as Quimby knew that if man will not take charge of his own house mind the propaganda false beliefs fears and worries of the phenomenal istic world will act as a hypnotic spell over him we are immersed in the race mind which believes in sickness death misfortune accident failures disease and diverse disasters follow the biblical injunction come out from among them and be separate identify yourself mentally and emotionally with the eternal verities which have stood the test of time the young man decided to think and plan for himself he decided to take the royal road to riches by accepting God's abundance here and now and to fill his mind with spiritual concepts and perceptions he knew as he did this he would automatically crowd out his mind all negative patterns he adopted a simple process called scientific imagination he had a wonderful voice but it was not cultivated or developed I told him the image he gave attention to in his mind would be developed in his deeper mind and come to pass he understood this to be the law of mind a law of action and reaction the response of the deeper mind to the mental picture held in the conscious mind this young man would sit down quietly in his room at home relax his whole body and vividly imagined himself singing before a microphone he would actually reach out for the feel of the instrument he would hear me congratulate him on his wonderful contract and tell him how magnificent his voice was by giving his attention and devotion to this mental image regularly and systematically a deep impression was made on his subconscious mind a short time elapsed and an Italian voice instructor in New York gave him free lessons several times a week because he saw his possibilities he got a contract which sent him abroad to sing in the salons of Europe Asia South Africa and other places his financial worries were over free also received a wonderful salary his hidden talents and ability to release them were his real riches these talents and powers within all of us are god-given let us release them did you ever say to yourself how can I be more useful to my fellow-creatures how can I contribute more to humanity and Minister friend of mine told me that in his early days he and his church suffered financially his technique or process was this simple prayer which worked wonders for him God reveals to me better ways to present the truths of God to my fellow creatures money poured in the mortgage was paid in a few years and he has never worried about money since as you read this chapter you have now learned that the inner feelings moods and beliefs of men always control and govern his external world the inner movements of the mind control the outer movements to change the outside you must change the inside as in heaven so on earth or as in my mind or consciousness so is it in my body circumstances and environment the Bible says there is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed for example if you are sick you are revealing a mental and emotional pattern which is the cause if you are upset or if you receive tragic news notice how you reveal it in your face eyes gestures tonal qualities also in your gait and posture as a matter of fact your whole body reveals your inner distress you could of course through mental discipline and prayer remain absolutely poised serene and calm refusing to betray your hidden feelings or mental states you could order the muscles of your body to relax be quiet and be still they would have to obey you your eyes face and lips would not betray any sign of grief anger or despondency on the other hand with a little discipline through prayer and meditation you could reverse the entire picture even though you had received disturbing news regardless of its grave nature you could show an exhibit joy peace relaxation and a vibrant buoyant nature no one would ever know that you are the recipient of the so called bad news regardless of what kind of news you receive today you could go to the mirror look at your face lips eyes and your gestures as you tell yourself and imagine you have heard the news of receiving a vast fortune dramatize it feel it thrill it to it and notice how your whole body responds to the inner thrill you can reverse any situation through prayer busy your mind with the concepts of peace success wealth and happiness identify yourself with these ideas mentally emotionally and pictorially get a picture of yourself as you want to be retain that image sustain it with joy faith and expectancy finally you will succeed in experiencing its manifestation I say to people who consult me regarding financial lack to marry wealth some see the point others do not as all Bible students know your wife is what you are mentally joined to United with or at one with in other words what you are conceiving and believing you give conception to if you believe the world is cold cruel and harsh that it is a dog-eat-dog way of life that is your concept you are married to it and you will have children or issue by that marriage the children from such a mental marriage or belief will be your experiences conditions and circumstances together with all other events in your life all your experiences and reactions to life will be the image and likeness of the ideas which fathered them look at the many wives the average man is living with such as fear doubt anxiety criticism jealousy and anger these play havoc with his mind marry wealth by claiming feeling and believing God supplies all my needs according to his riches and glory or take the following statement and repeat it over and over again knowingly until your consciousness is conditioned by it or it becomes part of your meditation I am divinely expressed and I have a wonderful income do not say this in a parrot-like fashion but know that you are a train of thought being engraved in your deeper mind and it becomes a conditioned state of consciousness let the phrase become meaningful to you poor life love and feeling on it making it alive one of my class students recently opened a restaurant he phoned me saying that he got married to a restaurant he meant that he had made up his mind to be very successful diligent and persevering and to see that his business prospered this man's wife mental was his belief in the accomplishment of his desire or wish identify yourself with your aim in life and cease mental marriage with criticism self condemnation anger fear and worry give attention to your chosen ideal being fully of faith and confidence in the inevitable law of prosperity and success you will accomplish nothing by loving your ideal one minute and denying it the next minute this is like mixing acid and alkali and you will get an inert substance in going along the Royal Road to riches you must be faithful to your chosen ideal we find illustrations in the Bible relating to these same truths for instance Eve came out of Adam's rib your rib is your concept desire idea plan goal or aim in life Eve means the emotion feeling nature or the inner tone in other words you must mother the idea the idea must be mothered loved and felt as true in order to manifest your aim in life the idea is the father the emotion is the mother this is the marriage feast which is always taking place in your mind Ouspensky spoke of the third element which entered in or was formed following the union of your desire and feeling he called it the neutral element we may call it peace for God is peace the Bible says and the government shall be on his shoulders in other words let divine wisdom be your guide let the subjective wisdom within your lead guide and govern you in all your ways turn over your request to this indwelling presence knowing in your heart and soul that it will dissipate the anxiety heal the wound and restore your soul to equanimity and tranquility open your mind and heart and say God is my pilot he leads me he prospers me he is my counselor let your prayer be night and morning I am a channel through which God's richer's flow ceaselessly copiously and freely write that prayer in your heart inscribe it in your mind keep on the beams of God's glory the man who does not know the inner workings of his own mind is full of burdens anxieties and worries he has not learned how to cast his burden on the indwelling presence and go free the Zen monk was asked by his disciple what is truth he replied in a symbolic way by taking the bag off his back and placing it on the ground the disciple then asked him Master how does it work the Zen monk still silent placed the bag on his back and walked on down the road singing to himself the bag is your burden or your problem you cast it on the subjective wisdom which knows all and has the know-how of accomplishment it knows only the answer placing the bag again on his back means though I still have the problem I now have mental rest and relief from the burden because I have invoked the divine wisdom on my behalf therefore I sing the song of triumph knowing that the answer to my prayer is on the way and I sing for the joy that is set before me it is wonderful every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine and when men have all well drunk then that which is worse but thou hast kept the good wine until now this is true of every man when he enters a knowledge of the laws of mind he sets out with high spirits and ambitions he is the new broom which sweeps clean and he is full of good intentions oftentimes he forgets the source of power he does not remain faithful to the principle within him which is scientific and effectual that would lift him out of his negative experiences and set him on the high road to freedom and peace of mind he begins to indulge mentally and emotionally with ideas and thoughts extraneous to his announced aim and goal in other words he is not faithful to his ideal or wife know that the subjective or deeper self within you will accept your requests and being the great fabricator it will bring it to pass in its own way all you do is release your request with faith and confidence in the same way you would cast a seed on the ground or mail a letter to a friend knowing the answer would come did you ever go between two great rocks and listen to the echo of your voice this is the way the life principle within you answers you you will hear the echo of your own voice your voice is your inner mental movement of the mind your inner psychological journey where you feast it mentally on an idea until you are full then you rested knowing this law and how to use it be sure you never become drunk with power arrogance pride or conceit use the law to bless heal inspire and lift up others as well as yourself man misuses the law by selfishly taking advantage of his fellow man if you do you hurt and attract loss to yourself power security and riches are not to be obtained externally they come from the treasure house of eternity within we should realize that the good wine is always present for God is the eternal now regardless of present circumstances you can prove your good is ever present by detaching yourself mentally from the problem going on the high watch and going about your father's business to go on the high watch is to envision your good to dwell on the concept of yourself to become married to it and sustain the happy mood by remaining faithful full of faith every step of the way knowing that the wine of joy the answered prayer is on the way now is the day of salvation the kingdom of heaven is at hand thou hast kept the good wine until now you can this moment travel psychologically in your mind and enter mentally through divine imagination into any desired state the wealth health or invention you wish to introduce are all invisible at first everything comes out of the invisible you must subjectively possess riches before you can objectively possess wealth the feeling of wealth produces wealth for wealth is a state of consciousness a state of consciousness is what you think feel believe and mentally could give consent to a teacher in California receiving over five or six thousand dollars a year looked in a window at a beautiful air mine coat that was priced had eight thousand dollars she said it would take me years to save that amount of money I could never afford it oh how I want it she listened to our lectures on Sunday mornings by ceasing to marry these negative concepts she learned that she could have a coat car or anything she wished without hurting anybody on the face of the earth I told her to imagine she had the coat on to feel it's beautiful fur and to get the feel of it on her she began to use the power of her imagination prior to sleep at night she put the imaginary coat on her fondled it caressed it like a child does with her doll she continued to do this and finally felt the thrill of it all she went to sleep every night wearing this imaginary coat and being so happy and possessing it three months went by and nothing happened she was about to waver but she reminded herself that it is the sustained mood which demonstrates he who persevered to the end shall be saved the solution will come to the person who does not waver but always goes on about that with the perfume of his presence with him the answer comes to the man who walks in the light that it is done you were always using the perfume of his presence when you sustained the happy joyous mood of expectancy knowing your good is on the way you saw it in the unseen and you know you will see it in the scene the sequel to the teachers drama of the mind is interesting one Sunday morning after our lecture a man accidentally stepped on her toe apologized profusely asked her where she lived and offered to drive her home she accepted gladly shortly after he proposed marriage gave her a beautiful diamond ring and said to her I saw the most wonderful coat you would simply look radiant wearing it it was the coach he admired three months previously the salesman said over 100 wealthy women looked at the coat admired it immensely but for some reason always selected another garment through your capacity to choose imagine the reality of what you have selected and through faith and perseverance you can realize your goal in life all the riches of heaven are here now within you waiting to be released peace joy love guidance inspiration goodwill and abundance all exist now all that is necessary in order to express God's riches is for you to leave the present now your limitation enter into the mental vision or picture and in a happy joyous mood become one with your ideal having seen and felt your good in moments of high exaltation you know that in a little while you shall see your ideal objectively as you walk through time and space as within so without as above so below as in heaven so on earth in other words you will see your beliefs expressed man is belief expressed and that is the ending of how to attract money by dr. Joseph Murphy a wonderful beautiful book that goes to the very core of the way that we think and the way that our thinking can create abundance or block it there are several wonderful stories in this book gotta love that last story about the coat all of the examples that are given in this book are 100% consistent with neville goddard in fact many times it felt like I was reading the words of neville goddard clearly Joseph Murphy was trained by the same man that trained Neville Goddard as discussed in my interview with maturer wits this assertion in this particular idea that feeling creates reality is clearly on display in this book there are some really interesting concepts that we can add to our overall understandings of how to attract money that are particular to this book for instance there is a very good technique and strategy on how to deal with negative thoughts a lot of times I talk to people and even though they know exactly what they want and they work on it they struggle because their monkey mind is constantly giving them negative thoughts all the time and here we have a great technique so as soon as you have that negative thought you repeat one of the several affirmations that he's given in this book when they're all terrific and be diligent as soon as you have that thought don't let open the door to it understanding the importance of your power you have a right to be rich and it's clearly shown in this book and I really love in the first chapter the story about the woman that hoarded the coffee right now as I'm reading this book we're in the middle of the coronavirus and so many people go to the store and just hoard items I've seen carts full of toilet paper and so all of these people are just going into the store and just buying everything and these people are broadcasting their lack when I went to the store the first time there was no toilet paper I didn't think twice about it it was no big deal check the second time I got some stuff I needed no toilet paper it was fine because guess what I had toilet paper in my house and normally I would not have bought any but then somebody who works at Target just brought me some toilet paper and I paid them a little bit for it and it was I was taken care of the universe is abundant and you will always be taken care of and just that woman in the story when she goes and hoards all the coffee and brings it in and then goes to church and they rob her apartment or condominium or whatever it is and they steal all of the coffee and more and she wants to know why what did I do what was the cause of it and you just by broadcasting this fear of lack that you have when you hoard can be the result of a poverty State and so that is a good lesson to give I wanted to just go over a final reminder of these affirmations so that you can use them again in the future I've tried to highlight some of them I might not have them all but first he began with money is forever circulating freely in my life and there is always a divine surplus the next one was I am prospering everyday I am growing in wealth and in wisdom every day every day my wealth is multiplying I am advancing growing and moving forward financially he makes a very good argument wide saying I am wealthy and I am prosperous can work against you I do have meditation where you say I am prosperity I am prosperous but it's very important that when you do any kind of affirmation that you're coming from the right place I always recommend coming from a memory so that it's something that's happened in the past or say it with feeling but as soon as you are thinking of the opposite in any way shape or form change your affirmation the feeling behind the information is obviously just as important as anything else the next a firm ation that I found was I wish for every man who walks the earth that I wish for myself this is in ceará wish of my heart is there for Peace Love joy abundance and God's blessing to all men everywhere then there is infinite intelligence governs and watches over all my financial transactions and whatsoever I do shall prosper another great one was the overshadowing presence which guides the planets on their course and causes the Sun to shine watches over all my possessions home business and all things that are mine God is my fortress and vault all my possessions are secure in God it is wonderful another great affirmation to say as you go to sleep now I shall sleep in peace I have turned this matter over to God wisdom within it knows only the answer as the Sun rises in the morning so will my answer be resurrected I know the Sun Rise never fails there's also God isn't the source of my supply that supplies my supply now his riches flow to me freely copiously and abundantly I am forever conscious my true worth I give of my talents freely and I am wonderfully divinely compensated thank you Father and the next one was God is the source of my supply and all my needs are met at every moment of time and point of space another one was God as a source of my supply and that supply is mine now then there's God reveals to me better ways to present the truths of God to my fellow creatures and finally I am divinely expressed and I have a wonderful income all of these are fantastic affirmations and I always suggest you try to find one that works for you make one for yourself take good ones and then the ones that reverberate for you are the best way to look at it but right now whatever your situation is take these teachings as another confirmation that you can have whatever you want you have to ignore the outside world and what it's telling you don't let those negative thoughts roll through you stay in the presence of the wish fulfilled of the answered prayer and feel it continue to feel it and don't give up it might take a couple of months but as you continue to do this something wonderful is going to happen a bridge of incidents will occur leading you to the answering of your prayer and to bring the wealth that you absolutely deserve I have created several other audiobooks on the podcast and check out the science of getting rich which is also fantastic but the biggest thing is to stop feeling guilty about making money it is okay to be wealthy as he explains at the beginning of this book money is an inert thing like electricity it can kill and it can light your home don't judge money as evil because by doing so it will fly away from you all of these lessons may seem repetitive with all these other books that regard prosperity and wealth but that's okay the repetition is important drive this into your brain until you never let it go because these are old truths that have been spoken of for thousands of years and they have not changed and they are constantly being verified and proven in other people's lives all the stories that neville goddard gives all the stories that doctor Joseph Murphy gives or Vadim Zealand or on Facebook there are so many stories how can you not believe so I'm telling you to believe that right now you don't need anything except your mind and you can have whatever you want by simply believing in it by changing your mindset and you can turn water into wine thank you for sharing this book with me I'd love to have your comments put a like on this video of by doing so other people might get this information which would be great especially in this current time all episodes of the reality revolution can be found at the reality revolution calm and welcome to the reality revolution you
Channel: Brian Scott
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Keywords: Brian Scott, reality revolution, how to attract money fast, how to attract money into your life, how to attract money joseph murphy audiobook, how to attract money instantly, how to attract money law of attraction guided meditation, how to attract money using mind power, how to attract money law of attraction, how to attract money by joseph murphy, how to attract money book, dr joseph murphy audio books, joseph murphy wealth, joseph murphy subconscious mind, Dr Joseph Murphy, LOA
Id: uFtT5jJ9LBQ
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Length: 128min 42sec (7722 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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