Prosperity Consciousness - How to use the power of your mind to create prosperity in your life

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[Music] welcome to the reality revolution I'm your host Brian Scott and this is dedicated to all those spirits out there who believe life is meant to be magical and fun it contains advanced view points for the multi-dimensional human beings of the 21st century here we venture to share the very mysteries of self and reality my primary purpose is to reawaken your sense of fascination and AH towards life to shatter your rigid belief systems and the ways that you see the world my goal is to help you hack reality to unleash your potential and open unlimited possibilities of wealth health and relationships in your life you know I've said that many times and today's podcast we're gonna talk about prosperity consciousness I really haven't focused on this in particular for specific podcast yet so far but isn't it one of the most important reasons that people get into reality creation that people study the law of attraction and reality Tran surfing one of the primary reasons is to make money to understand money to understand why money in our mind the way that our mind affects the way we make money the way our thoughts affect the way we make money going all the way back to the right after the depression when thinking Grow Rich was written by Napoleon Hill one of the all-time greatest books of all time I probably have read it or listen to it 100 times I definitely recommend that you read it but all the way back then was the idea that's just through your mind you can find riches you can find wealth you can find prosperity you can find abundance all through your mind and so that we talk about all of these different techniques and meditations but a lot of times that's what the primary goal is and this goes beyond just any meditation you're not going to get rich just on a simple meditation it is a consciousness it is a prosperity consciousness and that is the goal of this podcast I want you to have prosperity consciousness not just prosperity because prosperity could mean a moment in time in which you have a certain amount of money that you lose or that you spend I'm talking about prosperity consciousness so you have lifelong prosperity that is growing infinitely and you're open to the unlimited possibilities around you that allow you to make money to spend money to live in this world there are so many different possibilities right now for the things that you want in your life and I see a future I see this incredible future where everybody is wealthy now I know right now you instantly had that thought when I said that that that's impossible you've been trained in this idea it's just simply how the world works there are people that are always going to be poor and there's but I do I believe there's gonna be a time in the near future if you read Ray Kurzweil's Fantastic Voyage when you read more and more books about technology and the advancements in technology and what we're understanding it's so amazing when we look at quantum computing there's a real possibility with these new discoveries that that prosperity will be unlimited that we will find whole new ways of wealth and money in general with the way that what money is spent everything's going to change when we all understand that it's our mindset that affects our wealth and we have to reach that point of conscious awakening that we understand as a society universally there will be a shifting point and it will spread like a virus this prosperity consciousness will spread because there's people out there that simply do not believe that this is possible and there's others that think that they can capitalize on your ignorance of this prosperity consciousness and I'm gonna try to discuss and teach you about what I've learned about prosperity consciousness I'm gonna give you some examples and we're going to talk about it and this is just free flow I've got I haven't got anything numbered I've been working on this for a long time there's it's taken me a few days I've taken a few days off the podcast to work on this podcast because it's a it's it's my favorite group of self-help literature let me just say that first I have listened to or consumed or read thousands of books on every type of on what's the best way for me to make money what's the best way for me to invest money how should I think about money and there are some incredible books that you have to read Rich Dad Poor Dad is an amazing book there are so many amazing books in actuality before Think and Grow Rich the the secrets book there's a book that Napoleon Hill wrote called the law of success which is even better than thinking Grow Rich there's so many other books that it is really at the fundamental core of self-help literature of New Age literature of New Thought literature but it's difficult to talk about because it's such a complicated subject and I think all of you out there will agree with me that money is spiritual it is a spiritual lesson and every dollar that we spend and every dollar that we receive we are learning a spiritual lesson that goes to the very core of why we're here and this universe and everything and that is what is amazing about it once the switch is flipped and our consciousness changes it also invites a greater understanding of the universe as well because look out at the wealth of the universe the trillions of galaxies and brazilians of trillions of stars and obviously within each of those stars to be multiple planets and variations so many different resources just spread out throughout the universe the infinite universe that we have is the wealth of the god itself when you look at the abundance it goes on and on and consider that every black hole may have an entire universe behind it and we also may have multiple parallel universes at the same time this universe is supposed to be abundant and you are supposed to have abundance but you do not even realize it for oftentimes we are ingratiating and educated at such an early age because every time our parents spent money they transmitted this energy the nervousness the stress the worry or the happiness and joy whatever they did they transmitted that to you in you while you were in the womb and all that was transferred to you and so you literally come out of the womb with a certain kind of consciousness about money have you ever questioned the reasons that you think about money in the ways that you do have you ever asked yourself why you believe that it's not possible for you to make the money that other people make I know there's a voice that you hear in your head that says I just that's just not for me I'm not going to be able to do it I don't have the experience I don't know what to do I just don't know how to do it I understand and I talk to people sometimes that really want to have those things but they simply do not believe they deserve it they don't believe they should have it they feel ashamed of it and it's amazing that we do it to ourselves because if we tell that story to ourselves that we don't deserve the money that we're not good enough that money is evil that money is dirty if we tell those things to ourselves that we will not take those actions that could literally blossom who we are as people and how we understand the planet oftentimes in your search for understanding your greater purpose you you do make money on the way it sometimes it's it's completely has nothing to do with your purpose but we are all meant to be here in a world full of joy and happiness money is just paper it's just a thing but let me ask you a question and it's a question that you should ask yourself are you willing to be wealthy I want you to analyze your response in every way how did you feel are you willing to be wealthy where did you feel it do you feel a feeling in your stomach did you eat yourself just all the sensations in your body are you willing to be wealthy you may have feelings about money that you're not even aware of so let me ask you a question after you've analyzed your response and if you need to pause just ask yourself are you willing to be wealthy and so let's ask let's go beyond that what let's talk about wealthy what do you mean by wealthy what do I mean by wealthy when I say wealthy so the question for you is how much do you need to be wealthy find a specific number some people may not understand some but understand that everybody is going to be different somebody might say that I feel like I'd be wealthy if I had 50 grand and some people will say 100 grand some people will say 2 million some people will say 2 billion no one is right or wrong so some people just simply do not understand the way that money works so let me give you an example when we start talking about money in increments of a hundred thousand that is not the same as money that you spend when you go and buy something at McDonald's about what so let's just say above a hundred thousand is finance that's when you start signing pieces of paper when you start having to make payments and those kind of thing so imagine if right now if I were to give you a thousand dollars and you have to spend it for yourself you have to spend it today you have to spend it something you're happy with today you can't keep it what would you spend it on you should almost have an instantaneous answer you should know exactly what you're gonna spend it on but oftentimes people are confused and they don't have an answer it could be luggage or clothes or new computer what was your first response and then what does your body feel like with that 1,000 and when you get a lot of money do you feel different you start acting different around under there other people because that may be a sign that there's an imbalance with the way that you received money because it shouldn't change who you are as a person now if I were to give you the same thousand you had to spend it every day for a week could you do that would you know what you were going to spend the money on now imagine if you did that somebody said you have to spend a thousand for a month okay could you figure out how to spend the month some people simply don't have an idea of what they would do for many people it's very difficult people feel guilt or they don't allow the possibility of it so just if you were to continue pay spending $1,000 after two years and nine months you would have spent a million dollars so they understand that how much you could buy for them two thousand and then but two years and nine months spending a thousand dollars a day you could spend that a million dollars now the question is how much would you need to spend a billion to to to reach a billion it's two thousand seven hundred and thirty nine years so you need to start thinking about money on a different level large amounts of money large amounts of money because you can you can ask the universe to have money come to you and you can talk to money and then you get a dollar and when you do it is crucial that you act just as grateful for the penny that you received as the million dollars keep the gratitude the same because eventually that day will come when you see the penny on the street you pick it up with intense gratitude and it's always funny and one of the I've read all of Wayne Dyer's books and one of wine tires things as he found some kind of form of money every single day he would go running every day running or walking and every single day he would find some money when he would go out now maybe because he when you stunt that starts to happen you start looking for it and it's just like walking on the street and finding a dollar or a penny sometimes making money is just like that it's just seeing where the money is and going and getting it that's all you're doing a lot of times but people keep their minds closed and so do you understand how prosperity consciousness works if you walk around with a blinder on how can you make money if you don't see the opportunity what if the universe is constantly walking around standing in front of you holding money out to give to you and you're just walking by because you can't see it because you're not looking at it you're just moving forward through your little stream just understand so we've talked about the concept of money and Finance are different be open minded and realistic about money so here's another mind puzzle to give you Philip Lerman I think has a book called prosperity consciousness there's there's six or seven books called prosperity consciousness on the internet and they're all fantastic and I'll try to give you some sources later but money and finance that we talked about are different and we talked about large amounts of money and how to spend those large amounts of money and then what we feel like when we have money so another thought puzzle is you can knock on your door so you go to the door then you open it up and it's a big huge box and it has a knight on it a note write on it and it says this is for you this the contents of this box are yours and it has a legal document saying it's something that says it's yours you barely can pull it in it's so heavy and you pull and slide the box into your house and you open it up and it's filled with cash $20 bills all wrapped individually in bundles just like on Breaking Bad like you know just like you would see like and bundled up and in a gigantic box right now go into that moment how do you feel are you worried is your first thought you're worried you're gonna get in trouble or this shouldn't happen right now or something is wrong what's your worst what's your first thought be honest are you overjoyed many people feel negative thoughts when they do this mind puzzle you must start to understand the feedback of your mind you must be willing to get money money will solve many problems it will provide safety if you think you're unsafe if you don't know how to spend your money you can find somebody that knows how to spend money for you if you don't know how to invest it you can find it an investor people always make up stories I shouldn't have money now it's too complicated I wouldn't know what to do with it it makes me feel it's dangerous I'll just lose it anyway there's always a way with the money to protect yourself from all of that so that's all these stories that what stories are you telling yourself people say well I just don't want to pay all those taxes well if you're making more money you'll pay more taxes but here's another thing the more money you make a lot of times statistically you pay less taxes look at Donald Trump who pays barely any taxes or anybody that is at the same level as him is probably paying much much lower and that's not necessarily because it's illegal but that you end up paying less simply because of the way that you have your money managed and if you manage your money sensibly you can make this system work for you so look at your thoughts about money that's what we want to do with this be prepared to be receptive you project a message that you're not even aware of out to the world so when you have somebody that's willing to offer money and then you have project a message that says don't give me money and I'm not quite ready I'm not quite ready for it okay so you're literally telling and in this energy field that's around you there's this chance that you could have money because you have all these things and you're putting out into the mud and out into the ether out all around you you're broadcasting out like a broadcast tower and you're saying don't give me the money yet I'm not quite ready you have to see the world of growing prosperity full of abundance in the future understand as I said the discoveries and things the collective unconsciousness it's happening right now on technological scale is incredible and the prosperity that we are going to see in the future right now people are living in houses that go beyond at just a standard middle-class family is living with more luxurious things than kings and queens of the past all of us live so much better than you realize right now and that's going to double and triple and then the kind of prosperity that we are going to experience is beyond anything that you can fathom with unlimited resources and things being able to be printed literally just out of information so I believe there's gonna be a collective reality revolution and that will shift and everybody begin to understand a simple change in thinking and action can transform their prosperity abundance and wealth very quickly and easily and just can you imagine a wave of abundance and prosperity because poverty is one of the most is terrible diseases and it really afflicts a lot of people and as I show so far a lot of times it's the story that you're telling yourself and look I understand let me tell you man I've been through so many different and I'll talk about this as I can but I've been through so many different versions of this I've been poor the been broke I've been unemployed and I've reached a point where you only reach a certain you get into certain jobs and you lose a ceiling it's like you can never cross that ceiling and it's hard to save money and it's hard to find a way to pay the debt and the debt grows and I've been and had you know as being self-employed and you go through different times with your business I've had huge amounts of debt that I've had to pay off and paid off I've experienced foreclosures in 2008 I was during the mortgage crisis in the mortgage industry kind of fell apart and I've seen I've been in situations where I've had to make money immediately and the fear that you have when you don't know what you're gonna do to get make your next money and and how much time you're willing to spend and what kind of life that you want to live and what kind of job that you want of quit jobs that were good jobs that did just didn't find enjoyable and I've had opportunities to go through educational courses after my Master's so that I could have made great money if I could have gone into certain areas of law or medicine and there's that I could have easily made a lot of money in those particular vocations but then there's that little part of you that says it's not just about the money when I say prosperity consciousness we're not talking about money consciousness we're also talking about prosperity consciousness and so once I you know I had gone to a seminar and kind of learned some of these principles and started applying him in my life and I was able to you know double and triple my income every three months using different techniques learning different variations opening my mind to different possibilities being willing to fail because a lot of times you're going to try stuff and it's not going to work and the learning process and learning how to do it yourself and quickly adapting to what's going on and not overthinking things and starting a new business it's one of those things that has helped me when we talk about prosperity consciousness it doesn't mean starting a new business I'm not talking about that but I'm just saying that there's examples of that in my story that's my particular story but I think that the the process of it and understanding prosperity consciousness was the way it doubled my income and also it allowed me to work more creatively and efficiently anyone can do this and that's the thing when I was able to apply these principles and I realized anybody can do this and then it's the sadness that overcomes me when I see that so many people could be living in such incredible prosperous lives right now simply by changing the way they think about money and the way that they act about money and the way that they live about money and just me saying the word money is making people uncomfortable right now that are listening to this podcast why does the word money make you uncomfortable it is such a loaded term and it goes all the way back when my mom said money doesn't grow on trees well yeah mom it does grow on trees because trees make paper and so all that pay all that money we have came from some tree at some point in time or we just there's never enough to go around and when you are ingrained with these thoughts that money is evil one of the classic ones is you could do the eye of the needle the quote in the Bible that for man it's difficult to go to heaven for it's like going through the eye of a needle that's literally a place in the Bible that's allocate a geographic location and then we're just saying that when you walk with a camel and you walk through and you have a lot of stuff that it's a difficult to go through this needle which is a big archway and but people have applied this in a plan and they're saying that you can't go to heaven if and if you read about some different sects of seven different religious sects they would literally take poverty vows and go and go impoverished because they feel tremendous guilt and we can quote both on both sides and I can go through any of the quotes in the Bible and I can show you that there is an opposite quote and also the positivity of that quote and that's what I'm saying the story that you're telling yourself right now could be what's destroying your ability to live an incredible life there's a part of you that thinks that you can't have it you can have it all you can have it all anybody can do this that's why I'm so excited how this is going to revolutionize the world people are going to find ways to make money in so many different ways in easy ways when they design their lifestyles that the way they want join the reality revolution if you want wealth to enjoy your life the first key to rich to being rich that I'll bet you that any person that is rich Bill Gates or Oprah the first key is to love yourself none of the people that are incredibly wealthy hated themselves because they wouldn't have even taken the actions to do it you have to love yourself if you love respect and honor yourself and treat yourself with care respect and approval you stopped the desperate frenzied hassle chasing after the world's goods when you stop chasing energy energy starts chasing you so the second key to becoming rich is to love others I'm telling you the reality revolution is about choosing love over fear and if you choose fear you are moving away from the prosperity consciousness the second key is to love others all they ever wanted is some love and once you love them you will receive more gifts money and attention then you can even cope with there are many other keys to being rich but if you can develop and expand on this one the other keys will become apparent there is nothing wrong in wanting to get rich the desire for riches is really the desire for a richer fuller and more abundant life and that is a desire that is worthy of praise the person who does not desire to live more abundantly is abnormal and so the person who does not desire to have the money enough to buy all he wants is also abnormal as Wallace Waddell said there are three motives for which we live we live for the body we live for the mind and we live for the soul no one of these is better or holier than the other all three are alike desirable and no one of them the body mind or soul can live fully if either of the others is cut short of full life and expression it is not right or noble to live only for the Soul and deny mind or body and it is wrong to live for the intellect and deny body or soul we are all acquainted with the loathsome consequences of living for the body and denying both the mind and soul and we see that the real life means that complete expression of all that a person can give forth through body mind and soul whatever he can say no one can be really happy or satisfied unless his body is living fully in every function and unless the same is true of his mind and his soul wherever there is unexpressed possibility or function not performed there is unsatisfied desire desire is possibility seeking expression or function seeking performance a person cannot live fully and body without good food comfortable clothing and warm shelter and without freedom from excessive toil rest and reaction and Recreation are also necessary to this physical life one cannot live fully in mind without books and time to study them without opportunity for travel and observation or without intellectual companionship to live fully in your mind a person must have intellectual recreations and must surround himself with all the objects of art and beauty he is capable of using and appreciating to live fully in Soul a person must have love and love is denied fullest expression by poverty persons highest happiness is found in the bestowal of benefits on those he loves love finds its most natural and spontaneous expression in giving the individual who has nothing to give cannot fill his place as a spouse or parent as a citizen or as a human being it is in the use of material things that a person finds full life for his body develops his mind and unfolds his soul it is therefore supreme portance to him that he should be rich it is perfectly right that you should desire to be rich if you are normal man or woman who cannot help doing so it is perfectly right that you should give your best attention to the prosperity consciousness for it is the most necessary of all studies if you neglect this study you are derelict in your duty to yourself to the world around you for you can render this world no greater service than to make the most of yourself those are the words of Wallace wattles and the science of getting rich read that book it's beautiful it's a wonderful book and it gives you the idea that it is okay to be rich and being rich is a noble pursuit and is what you are meant to do to be a spiritual being in this world to be a spiritual being it is absolutely your necessity your duty to be rich no one is kept poor because opportunity has been taken away from him because other people have monopolized the wealth and have put a fence around it you may be shut off from engaging in business in certain lines but there are other channels open to you probably it would be hard for you to get control of any great railroad systems that field is pretty well multiplies but there are other businesses still in their infancy offering plenty of scope for enterprise Waddell says there are many industries still at developing why not turn your attention to them at different periods the tide of opportunity sets in at different directions according to the needs of the whole and the particular stage of social evolution which has been reached there is abundance of opportunity for those who will go with the tide instead of trying to swim against it no one has kept in poverty by a shortage in the supply of riches there's more than enough for all so in those words even though he was talking about railroads back then he is saying there's always going to be an opportunity out there and go with the wave follow the tide be aware be ready be open to it you must get rid of the last vestiges of the old idea that there is a God whose will it is that you should be poor now if you believe that God wants you to be poor why do you believe that under what pretense do you believe that God would want you to be poor and such a rich and abundant and infinite universe that we are in now you are meant to be rich whose purpose may be served by keeping you in poverty that thing that is a part of us all and lives in all and lives in you the source the source filled this consciously living information field being conscious it must have the nature and inherent desire of every living intelligence free increase of life every living thing must continually seek for the enlargement of its life because life in the mere act of living must increase itself a seed dropped onto the ground springs into activity and in the act of living produces hundreds of more seeds life by living multiplies itself it is forever becoming more it must do so if it continues to be at all intelligence is under the same necessity for continuous increase we are continuously increasing our own intelligence every thought that we think makes it necessary for us to think another thought consciousness is increasing everything we do is increasing every thought we think makes it necessary for us to think another thought consciousness is expanding every fact we learn leads us to learning of another fact the facts we have our abundant knowledge is continually increased every talent that we bring to the mind the desire to cultivate another talent we are subject to the urge of life seeking expression which ever drives us on to know more to do more and be more in order to know more do more and be more we must have more we must have things to use for we learn and do and become only by using things we must get rich so that we can live more in order to know more to do more and to be more we must have more we must have things to use for we learn and become only by using things we must get rich so that we can live more the desire for riches is simply the capacity for larger life seeking fulfillment every desire is the effort for an unexpressed possibility come into action it is the power seeking to manifest which causes desire this power inside of you the source field that we've talked about on this podcast it wants to manifest it desperately wants to move through your mind to manifest what you desire it's seeking out to do that through this energy of money [Music] abundance is not something that we just acquire it is clearly evident that the abundance of nature in the universe poverty is no part of nature's plan but the very reverse is true according to Napoleon Hill nature designed abundance for all her provision for man's wants covers not only his necessities but as super abundance is the law of nature's beneficence not having money brings a stress and strife and unhappiness but no you say it's hard to make money I'm struggling it's hard to find that job the market is bad I don't have the opportunities I hear you I hear you I'm creating this podcast for you because I want you to know it's just a little change in the way you think that everything can be better you first of all deserve to be as wealthy as anyone else I know how it feels not to deserve to be wealthy I have had times in my life when I've looked in the mirror and I said you don't deserve it I hate you you don't deserve it and when I had to come to grips with myself and to learn to love myself and say that I deserved it just that little thing just saying it wasn't enough I had to say it again and again and when I said it eventually eventually the tide turned because by saying and I created that thought and I said I deserved it and tears came to my eyes because I knew that I deserved it and literally within days my business that I had would double and triple one of the crazy things about being self-employed and it's not for everybody but the universe has more avenues to respond because you have different venues and outlets where people will buy your products or your services or whatever it is when you give yourself those open possibilities they're simply open possibilities you don't have to worry about what it is exactly the more different avenues of possibilities the universe will always use every single resource what I have found have I've had incredible crazy things where I've had fifty five thousand dollar bills and one thousand dollar bills and and rent and all these things then that looked impossible to pay and everything would come in I would have everything down to the very penny in my account where it was I needed an extra seven thousand four hundred sixty-two dollars and sixty seven cents and that's exactly what I had in my account the universe was winking at me but it was like what why can't I have anything left over when I'm done because I wasn't thinking that and so I had to change the way I thought and we'll talk about that when we get to affirmations which are particularly important for prosperity consciousness continue to remind yourself that you live in an incredibly abundant world there's more than enough to go around when you get money you're not taking it from anyone else it's a generous world with more than enough resources when you identify what others needs and you share what they need with them the laws of the universe dictate that what you give away will come back to you a thousandfold and a lot of times we hold on to money and only end up losing it because we hold on to it but the more that you give and the more that you put out you receive back and beyond anything that you can imagine and this is one of the hardest things to teach because it's a testament faith and I have found the most powerful way is to not brag about it tell anybody about it when I've had the greatest results I'm just telling you if you see somebody that needs help help them and do not tell anybody else about it do not create importance around it do not brag about it but what you're doing is creating a reflection into the universe and you all have people that will give to you in the same manner so give big and you'll be given back big and that is the true mirror that is amazing and unbelievable to watch I'm sure that we all have stories that we have seen people that have given that have received a thousand fold researchers flow to you in a never-ending stream right now whatever your situation is have you ever thought about all the resources that coming are coming to you available to you the internet the information resources your family your friends all of the resources have been coming to you in a never-ending stream imagine how much you've blocked what thoughts are blocking these resources to come to you when you reach that point where you start to create the prosperity conscious consciousness your subconscious mind will start to give you original creative ideas remember the most important concept we always talk about is everything is energy and it doesn't go away it remains energy but money is energy remind yourself of that money is energy and energy is retracted to energy you are retracting and compare repelling money all at any given time unless you can reach a level of neutrality about it you're constantly attracting or repelling it whatever you think and feel and strongly focus on is attracted to you so your thoughts will will attract a state of poverty to you if you're focused on poverty you will attract it to you if you focus on debt you will attract more debt to you even the word is something that you should avoid using find a way to get regulated automatic payments so you're not even thinking about it and focus on the increase in the money that you want to receive you have to choose between thoughts of worthiness and thoughts of plenty money is not the root of all evil just get rid of that phrase because it's not money is just energy and it's just paper it is only as good or bad as the use that it is put to so I want you to understand I want you to understand that you are an incredible and unique person you're the only person on the planet planet that is you nobody else is you your unique combination may never be seen again in the entire universe your unique genetic combination and since the different resources that you've shared are so powerful there is something inside of you that is so valuable and you know what it is but I want you to know that you deserve to be wealthy you deserve to be a master you cannot give to others without having wealth to give it's the law of reciprocity understand the idea of vacuums as well as I have found if you clear out a room in your house you don't plan on buying anything out but you get rid of if you have stuff that you want to get rid of clean clean room your house and watch how that vacuum fills it's one of the most amazing things when you create a vacuum anywhere if you go and give some of your stuff away you start attracting more of it to you don't get stuck with your stuff your stuff is just stuff and there's more stuff coming and a lot of times if it's not bringing you your joy you can get rid of it but you more joy will come to you so you can use vacuums because they end up being filled it's one of the most amazing ways to manifest imagine if you knew he was certainty that every time you gave something that it would come back to you to fold the only way that wealth works is it has to circulate it has to flow one thing that I like to do in seminars is just take a $10 bill and just have people in a group go around paying each other for services when you can see the way that money flows that when you spend $1 and how that money if you were to follow that dollar you were to go back and follow all the dollars that you've spent and you followed how they ended up getting spent in all the different places they worked through you understand that money is flowing okay and so when you hold on to it you're breaking the flow money wants to flow through you let the money flow Deepak Chopra says that life is a field of unlimited possibilities and there are unlimited possibilities of wealth for you I meet people that say I just don't have enough I'll never be able to reach that point and it's not true you can reach whatever point that you want to reach the one safeguard in the acquisition of wealth is the constant unremitting cultivation of the human sympathies and the exercise of benevolence without this the acquisition of money is generally attended by freezing up with a moral nature and growing love for money for purely selfish purposes or for money's sake ending in avarice and wretched condition of the map out of the miser it's not about the money it's about the experiences that you have with the money oftentimes you can have experiences for much cheaper than you think in much different places there's so many different ways that you need to think about it but one thing you need to know is understand your money how much money are you making what are your bills have you written them down sometimes this is hard you should write down your bills you need to write down everything out to give you the prosperity consciousness you don't simply ignore it because then you're saying that your money's not important every action that you take the reason this is such a powerful spiritual exercise is that every single little habit that you take throughout the day from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed is a part of this different differing powerful pendulum that you've created for yourself and it can either hurt you or it can help you and you were walking on eggshells and a tight wire at the first because you know that you're gonna have those thoughts you either need to overpower those with thoughts of prosperity the true meaning of prosperity thinking what does it mean you know many people think of prosperity in terms of monetary wealth true prosperity is a state of consciousness many people want someone to say do this this in this and you'll become a millionaire there's all these get-rich-quick seems that are constantly flowing through our Facebook feeds and our Instagram feeds that tell us that we can become a millionaire if we do this this and this this is backwards thinking due to the belief in causality most people believe that results are the production of specifications taken over time this is only a half truth to really understand what it takes to succeed in life we have to go one step back and figure out where effective actions stem from in the first place why is it that you don't do certain things in your life that you know that you should do why don't you lose the weight start the business or travel the world like you've been wanting to for so long it's because you don't know the right action steps to take no it's because your state of consciousness the right actions come naturally when you develop prosperity consciousness the reason you do not take the actions you know you need to take is because you have some degree of poverty consciousness which is the opposite still in place and you have made self-made limitations that prevent you from doing what is in your own best interest in other words you have a lot of excuses excuses our product of poverty consciousness a prosperous mind does not make excuses remember to write this phrase in a no-no cart faith first results later have faith and the result will come later if there's something that you want to be do or have you must always remember that it begins in consciousness not in your actions in other words you must see what you want in your mind's eye and you must have a very strong belief in reality of that image before you can effectively create it if you want to lose 50 pounds but you still think of yourself as someone who has 50 pounds overweight then you will remain 50 pounds overweight you have to see the outcome of your desire and start to think of from that place you should not think of what you want you should think from what you want when you think of something you see this somewhere in the future meaning that you're still in the consciousness of not having what you want when you think of something you see it and feel it happening now meaning that you are operating from an abundant state of consciousness rather than one of a lakh now sometimes this is overblown it's kind of annoying in a lot of Law of Attraction groups people will immediately go to this oh it's just a lack its lack thinking lack thinking sometimes we're a lot more complicated than that and there's a lot more to it than that this instant lack trick it's like some kind of trick oh no I'm thinking of lack but the more you understand this you'll understand what I mean by lack the key to your unlimited success is understanding the opposite of lack believing is seeing reality before it can be seen with physical eyes where do you think the creations of men come from how did they come into manifestation through only action that would be impossible what motivates the action in the first place what compels someone to create anything imagination and and that's all it's such a profound truth when you're driving down the street and you see that building that beautiful building that was inside the mind of somebody in a wave state before it became reality everything that you see if you walk outside everything you see all of man's creation was in their mind at some point when you walk around and look how everything comes back to some thought all the man's creations begin in the mind of one individual a clearer picture is formed the clarity of the image generated a certain degree of faith or belief and the possibility of that image becoming a physical reality and the action started to begin and they naturally took actions to create that as the physical creation progressed faith was increased until there was no more doubt and when no doubt remained the creation was complete this is how all things are created at least from a human perspective it is not through action that we gain faith it is through faith that we feel compelled to action it is not complete physical manifestation that removes all doubts it is the removal of all doubt that guarantees complete manifestation let me say that again it is not complete physical manifestation that removes all doubt it is the removal of all doubt first that guarantees complete manifestation can you see now how people have this all backwards this is why so many people are frustrated because they don't even know the basics of how to create things in their life you literally have to become an actor in your mind and create something that's not real to make it real in your mind can you see how this is hard it's difficult how many minds would be put at ease if they just knew that their key to their fortune was so close to their very own heart you are so powerful you are so powerful I hope you are starting to see that now you don't need to worry about your future anymore and what its gonna look like because you can start from where you are now and create your future exactly as you want it to be life is not a game of chance unless you choose to let the winds take you wherever they may but if you're smart you'll set your sails by imagining what you want and believing that it is already done coming always from a prosperous state of consciousness and thereby ensuring that your destination is reached in due time the final stage is effortless abundance of prosperity consciousness there are four learning stages all of us go through first of all there's the unconscious account incompetence this when you don't know what you don't know and then there's conscious incompetence this is where you where real learning begins this is when you discover something brand new and say oh I had no idea this existed now I want to learn more this is when you know you don't know and the third is conscious competence this is when you when we know how we how to do something because we have practiced but we still have to think about it and put some forth some effort and then there's unconscious competence and prosperity consciousness is unconscious prosperity competence this is when you might call mastery but we are all masters of something for example if you drive a car regularly you don't have to think about it anymore some people when they have that had done their jobs long enough they don't have to think or worry about it I'm sure if you've had the experience of driving somewhere and by the time you got there you forgot the whole journey it was like how did I get here you go through unconscious competence that's how your unconscious mind did the steering and accelerating and did the breaking for you and when you've done something so many times you no longer have to think about it this is the stage we all want to get to in life with regards to a prosperous state of consciousness when we don't have to put forth conscious effort anymore prosperity is earned by practicing prosperity happiness is earned by practicing happiness you cannot go on being miserable and expecting things to get easy by some stroke of good luck if you're not happy it's because you have habits of thinking and feeling or behavior that are making you that way if you're not where you want to be in life you must perform some conscious effort until you've built up enough momentum it's going to be somewhat difficult at the start and then you're gonna reach a tipping point of like 51% positivity the good news is that once you get get that positive ball rolling it becomes a whole lot easier to keep it rolling to keep it accelerated forward nothing is easy when you're a beginner but you'll always find the effort you put forth into mastering something is worth it so at the beginning if this is heart keep on doing it the rewards of mastering your own mind and state of consciousness are enormous it is the greatest thing that you can ever do for yourself and I'm telling you start today because prosperity begins now do not postpone positive feelings for the future when you have everything that you desire because if you do chances are you will never have what you desire success begins in consciousness as within so without never forget this essential truth you do not achieve happiness by manifesting your desires you manifest your desires by achieving happiness feel prosperous now feel confident now feel happy now what are you waiting for a future that never comes why not bring your positive future into the present and make today a joyous celebration of your inevitable success you might just find that you never needed the success in the first place you might just find that all you ever needed was to know that you are powerful enough to choose your experience of reality in each and every moment with each and every breath to know that you're not a victim of anything but your own self-imposed limits and that those limits can be broken by a simple choice you have the power own it use this power and prosper it is almost impossible to avoid a dependent relationship on money as Vadim Zeeland says because it's very hard to love money without wanting more of it all one can do is attempt to limit the aspect of dependency to a minimum would be happy if money has come to you but never kill yourself worrying about not having enough money or spending it otherwise you'll have less and less of it if a person does not earn much money they probably make the mistake of complaining that they never have enough because the parameters of this type of thought energy correspond to lifelines in which there is no wealth it is particularly dangerous to give in to any anxiety that your income is gradually decreasing fear represents the most energetically intense emotion a human being can experience and so when a person fears losing money or not earning enough money they activate the most effective method there is of shifting two lifelines or they really do have less and less money according to wadiyan zealand in reality tran surfing he says that freeing oneself from the money trap is difficult but it can be done first the cause of the excess potential has to be eliminated which will either be strong dependency on money or a very intense desire to have money so start by accepting enjoying what you already have as I said before remember that things could always be worse you do not have to stop wanting money entirely but you can relax about the fact that it is not rolling in with the force of a gushing river take the position of the gambler who could at any moment just as easily hit the jackpot as is everything for pensions money is a universal means of rewarding their adherence it is the activity of pendulums that has led to the widespread idolization of money money helps us to provide a good life for ourselves in the material world almost anything can be bought and sold all pendulums use money as payment and there is a hidden danger in this having taken the falsely glittering bait it is easy to switch to a lifeline that lies far away from your true happiness in pursuing their own interests because pendulums are serving their own interests and not yours pendulums have created the myth that in order to achieve your goals you have to have money as a result people replace their original goal with this artificial substitute of just money it's not going on that trip it's not writing that book or singing that song it's the money when it can be gained from different pendulums so people shift their focus from the goal to money and come under the influence of the pendulum that is alien to them and they and their their desire for money is taken away and they end up focusing on this alien pendulum people then lose a sense of what they really want from life and focus on the fruitless search of money so you're not just fruitlessly searching for money you're combining it with your heart and you're finding something that works for you as I had in my experience I was in the mortgage business and when I started selling mortgages they had these terrible loans and nagamma loans where the balance would go up and we'd have prepayment penalties with megohm loans with no equity in the property and they got these loans it would also often put them in terrible straits if anything happened and they couldn't afford their payment and their payment would go up and their balance would go up it was like having a credit card on their house I couldn't sell these loans and it was the only way for me to make money in the business and the job that I was working at the only way because I would make 5% of a loan amount if I did that but these were such bad loans and so when I reached the point in you know in 2008 uh and I could go back into the mortgage business and I said it didn't fit with my heart or align with my heart because that had been a pendulum that I've been pulled on too and I almost didn't escape and that would be the mortgage pendulum the way it was that large corporation and I'm not saying all large corporations are are bad I'm just saying some pendulums can pull you in in the wrong direction the state of affairs is very profitable for pendulums but not so profitable for the individual who becomes dependent on them and loses their way no one will ever make a lot of money working for a pendulum that functions outside of the context of their true purpose because they just end up serving someone else's objective a lot of people live in exactly this position this is how the myth arose that wealth is the privilege of the minority in fact anyone can become rich if they serve their own goals money is not the goal nor is it really even means to reaching the goal is simply an accompanying attribute the goal is what a person really wants in life has to have their own house and grow roses or travel a world or visit faraway places or catch fish in Alaska or go skiing in the Alps raise horses on their own farmer enjoy life on their oceanic Island become a movie star or an artist it is true that certain goals can be achieved if you have a sack of money so this is what the majority of people do they go after the sack by focusing on the money they put the goal itself on the back burner and they don't focus on catching the trout in Alaska they're not visualizing going to that faraway place they're visualizing the money so in in reality transferring it's like this is like trying to get onto a life line where your sack of money awaits but you find it impossible to get there because you're working for someone else's pendulum and the end the person loses out both on the money and their own goal because the thought energy is focused on a substitute for their true purpose there's one conclusion which is you have you've placed the likelihood of achieving your goal on the condition of getting rich drop the condition fast if you dream is to travel around the world then obviously that requires money to fulfill the dream do not think about the money keep your thoughts on the original goal the money will come to you because it's an accompanying attribute to the goal so imagine something wonderful that you want to do something what you won't have and the money will come it's that simple and it sounds unlikely I know but you have to believe that you are rich now and do the things that you are you can just see what a powerful influence pendulums have on money and you can become a millionaire and you can have your millions taken away and it depends on whose goal is achieving now after all in fact there are no limitations to wealth you can desire anything you want it is truly yours to have you will receive it if the goal has been imposed upon you by a pendulum you will not get anywhere you will talk about goals in more detail as we talk about it later but that's a good way of learning that you want to set goals that you want to achieve not the money you should be attentive to money and treat it carefully and as I said you see if you see the small coin in the street and are too lazy to pick it up it suggests you don't want you don't respect the money the money pendulum will be hardly be well disposed towards you if you treat it its attributes carelessly you shouldn't either should you worry about spending money because this is a necessary part of fulfilling your mission if you've made the decision to spend money on something have no regrets when you try to save up a handsome sum and spend as little as possible you create a strong excess potential because energy is built up in one place in this case it is highly likely that you could lose everything money should be spent wisely to keep a flow going as potential appears there is no flow of energy wealthy people support charities with good reason as it reduces excess potential of their accumulated wealth a poor person only sees the external side of wealth luxurious houses expensive cars ornaments clubs if you placed a poor person in this environment that would feel uncomfortable and if we're does that give them a suitcase of money they would do all sorts of foolish things with it until they had spent it all the frequency of energy that a poor person transmitted is sharply dissonant with that of a wealthy life until the person let's attributes of wealth into their comfort zone until they learn how it feels to be the owner of her expensive things they will remain poor even if they find a buried treasure another obstacle on to the path of wealth is envy to envy someone means sublime knowing by someone else's success let me just tell you this important secret whatever you envy you can never have if you are envious of your friends Lamborghini in a bad way if you're jealous of them you'll never have them Lamborghini whatever it is that you're super jealous about that someone else has your jealousy will take it away from you you cannot be jealous or envious the desire to pursue something you end up becoming you're telling yourself that that person is bad so yourself says ok if that person is bad that I shouldn't allow you to have money as well so on the subtle level the subconscious mind takes everything literally your conscious mind only plays at devaluing the object of envy to comfort the person for not having it but the subconscious mind takes it all seriously and bends over backwards to make sure that the person does not receive what it would have been so ardently devalued there's tenacious forces that hold a person to their lifeline of poverty as long as you do not get angry about it depressed or excessively anxious or resentful being deprived of potential source of energy the pendulum will come to rest this is a quite a weak source of energy so if the emotional response stops here the pendulum will be still so you must get rid of the thought of competition you are to create not to compete for what is already created you do not have to take anything away from anyone you do not have to drive sharp bargains you do not have to cheat or take advantage you do not have to let any person work for you less than what they earn you don't have to covet the property of others or to look at it with wishful eyes no one has anything of which you cannot have the like and without taking what he has away from him you were to become a creator not a competitor you're going to get what you want but in such a way that when you get it every other person whom you affect will have more than they have now you're able to become a creator just not a competitor you're going to go get what you want but in such a way when you get it every other person whom you affect will have more than they have now I'm aware that there are people who have who get a vast amount of money but proceeding in direct opposition to the statements in the what I have just said but let me explain individuals of that type become very rich do so sometimes purely by extraordinary ability on them on the plane of competition and sometimes they unconsciously relate themselves to substance and its greatest purposes in movements for the general racial upbuilding through the industrial evolution Rockefeller Carnegie Morgan have been unconscious agents of the Supreme in the necessary work of systematizing and organizing productive industry and in the end their work will contribute immensely toward an increased life for all their days nearly over they have organized production will soon be succeeded by the agents of the multitude who organized the machinery of distribution that was from Wallace Waddell so he's talking about how everything is changing and it has changed and it did change and it's continuing to change we know that thoughts are things engage in abundance thinking everyday look at the abundance all around you look at the water and the Sun and the sand and the trees ponder the infinite because infinity is where the abundance is money is the ultimate example of the particle wave duality you have the idea in your mind then it's wave and then you make that idea into something real like a book and then it's becomes particle money is the ultimate example of the particle wave duality so I'm going to tell you some things that you need to do write a letter to the universe asking exactly what you want in every way shape and form put it in a box and then come back to it in one year sometimes you can do it for three months and I want you to go for it I want you to take that chance to take that action if you see something that you feel right go for it create the wealth to afford the life you want to live make money consistent with your heart there are new ideas that are there you have to be ready for them because you're being given these ideas all the time don't be afraid to get uncomfortable one of the things that I've seen in people that have become wealthy they're willing to get uncomfortable they're willing to do the hard things allow yourself to be wealthy a lot of times it's simply just allowing yourself it's okay the time is now for you to do this don't be afraid to live large let let it flow look at the way that go and read the stories of Bill Gates or Warren Buffett they had a they had this wonderful joyful search in the end in their lives when you read about Warren Buffett it wasn't just about money he just had a fascination with numbers and investments almost like a game he still lives in a small house and he's a good example of the way to look at money look at Bill Gates so many different examples they all if they had been undergoing this poverty thinking we would not be where we are today because of their contributions another major aspect of making money is delayed gratification a lot of times they found if I were to give you five would you $5 now or if you wait three months then I'll give you $15 a lot of most people will take the five dollars now but if you're willing just to wait that three months then you can have the $15 that particular way of thinking is a part of prosperity consciousness that willing to hold off immediate gratification delayed gratification is this interesting aspect of prosperity consciousness be ready to make money at any time but be ready to delay the gratification of it receiving it at any time you must learn how to receive so if you're at a dinner and somebody offers to pay for the meal you say thank you you don't say oh no I'll take care of it you must be willing to receive if you feel guilty if somebody pays for a meal or does something for you you must be willing to receive it's the reception sometimes that blocks us we're simply unwilling to receive we feel that it was wrong for us to receive when people give you gifts start looking for money everywhere the other day when I was walking to the bank found this lottery ticket it was a scratch-off and I looked at it and it had been scratched and it was 20 bucks it already been scratched took it in I got 20 bucks from it had just been sitting on the it looked like just a piece of garbage that was there and somebody would probably walked by it multiple times every single day you're being given billion-dollar ideas and you know it focus on those focus on the wave that's coming in listen to this podcast over and over again and as you listen to it you'll get more and more tuned in to this prosperity consciousness it is your duty to get rich make the decision another from the prosperity consciousness book by Lerman he has another great technique create five savings accounts or just five accounts and have one where you put all your income in and from that from that one you you can put one for large purchases one for annual savings that you have saved up for just a year one for investments and one for financial independence and you can you can put a penny in each one but you have to put at least a penny in each one try to go for 10 percent of your income and financial independence you never touch the investment is just for investments and as you as it builds up each account by having these different accounts there is something magical that happens and I found it to be very powerful if you if you try that try that book prosperity consciousness by by Lerman it's very very good le h r ma n so when you read thinking worl rich one of the interesting things that he talks about in terms of making money is sexual transient transmutation and he's literally saying this is way back a long time ago when this book was written and he's saying that sexual energy is a part of making money he says there's ten different ways to buy to stimulate the mind and the number one way is a desire for sexual expression love is number two three is a burning desire for fame power or financial gain for his music five is friendship between either those with the same sex or those of the opposite sex six is a mastermind alliance based on the harmony of two or more people who ally themselves for spiritual or temporal advancement seven is mutual suffering such as experiences who people who are pious persecuted number eight is auto suggestion number nine is fear and number ten is drugs and alcohol and through any of these simulations the mind vibrates at a higher than average plane and using these stimulants and then he concentrates on the known factors of their invention or idea that they create in their mind a perfect picture of unknown factors of your invention he gives an example of the way that the thomas edison came up with ideas by using stimulation to his mind and then focusing and Edison tried out more than ten thousand different combinations of ideas through this technique through the synthetic Faculty of his imagination before he tuned in through the creative factory and got the answer which perfected the incandescent light his experience was a similar to when you produced the talking machine and he says that there's very there's a very real evidence that people that have been highly sexed are very good at sales and sex is the energy of creation you know that there's an energy there and it is a part of the poverty and prosperity consciousness so just another factor to consider there's some things just never find yourself saying if you listen to the voice in your head and if it says I can't afford it I spent too much I lost so much something like that don't say those things one of the best exercises that you can do is talk to money exercise and what you do is you sit down with a journal and you start asking questions to money itself the treat money like it's a channeled energy it is you'll start to have words come to your mind start to find it love for money find a love for the energy of money treat money like it's a living thing you've been in an abusive relationship all this time the seeker of wealth must keep all of his mental faculties alert and watching for openings chances favorable tides and be fertile enough in plans and bold enough encourage to turn them to account once to every man and nation comes the moment to decide as Shakespeare says there is a tide in the affairs of men which is taken at its flood leads on to fortune a man should be ready in advance for these open doors the man in service should be ready for the higher post he's not more than fill his position is not fitted for a higher one read the lives of men who have risen from the lowest to the highest rung of the ladder and you'll find men who prepared themselves in advanced and by extra service prepared their own advance when the door opens enter when opportunity comes your way seize her by the forelock for as the ancients declared she is bald behind the Spanish have a motto half the misfortunes in life come from holding in one's horse when he is leaping money comes as Ellen Willman says from doing one of the untold secrets of wealth is that it become it comes to people who recognize the richness of the universe look at the beauty and vastness the colorful galaxies the shining star the planets and people things it's going to create compared to these supreme forces that we see earthly riches seems small and because they are dwarfed to the person who sees this way because the person has a different frame of reference the comparatively small things of Earth are easy to obtain does this make sense to you something that is seen so much bigger than you isn't less likely to fall within your grasp most people feel something when looking at the stars at night I feel so much ah at the grandness of creation that I do not stop staring for long periods of time infinity is your absolute point of reference that's the place where you wouldn't find the prosperity consciousness you must find that beauty for infinity you must find it whether the desire is for wealth or fame or power the same result follows when the desires satisfied a greater one takes place and spurs the ambitious one to further exertion he grasps the prize he believes to contain complete satisfaction only discover while he's pursuing it desire has grown beyond it and so the goal he he would attain is always far ahead of him thus we are tricked and apparently mocked by nature until we finally awake to the fact that all the objects of desire the fine remnants the jewels the palaces the wealth the power above vain and empty things and that the real award for our efforts is to secure them as not those objects at all but the new powers that we've evolved in getting them powers that we did not possess and which we should not have evolved before nature's great propulsive force that is what desire is giving us a spiritual understanding of our power the man who accumulates a fortune by many years of persistent effort in organizing and developing a business enterprise by careful planning and deep thinking by naturally enough look upon the fortune he will possess for a few years before it passes on to others as his reward but the truth is it is very transient and perishable and worthless thing compared to the new powers that weren't consciously evolved in getting it powers that will retained by man and brought into use in future incarnations talk to money when I talk to money money says that it wants me to love it to smile at it to collect it to enjoy it to feel it to spend it to invest it to give it to pay with it to take it that's what money says to me it says that it's energy and that it's powerful and beautiful that it's incredible with a web of connections it is light it is not dirty do not be afraid of it open up and embrace it fully it is not too late you can start now open yourself up and say yes be brave love it love love it so that it can accept your power and your glory in your light and your beauty the money is not the devil it never was it's a glorious being of light it connects human beings with each other it is so flexible you can use it and to become creative just go ahead join with it and love it it is energy it is light it is beautiful it is forever money is wonderful and powerful stop worrying understand the principle of increase is a very fundamental concept that's you can never handle and money successfully if you do not master the ability to increase this is based on the fundamental principle of life we've mentioned elsewhere of the infinitely expanding universe this means universes consists constantly increasing you are part of the universe and one of those principles is increased in order to develop things must increase whatever you do you must do with the principle of increase if you're increasing and attaining happiness you must be constantly increasing your happiness in other words look constantly for new and greater levels of happiness in fact increase happens as a series of waves rather than a straight line it is rather like breathing a constant wave-like motion of increase followed by decrease but always with an overriding pattern of increase you may wonder what happens when you get old and your world appears to shrink if you could see the truth behind human life you would understand that even older people are in fact increasing in many ways but because you do not usually build this knowledge of increase into your general understanding of life it is not recognized much suffering is caused by this lack of recognition when you can see the wave of motion of life and you appreciate the fact that that everything is increasing or expanding you'll start to look at the impact that has on your life no more will you would be able to say I have enough if you have enough of one thing it is only because your desire to increase something else of greater value to you anyone who says I have enough or tries to limit his or her desire for increase will start to feel a strong sense of resistance as if life is going against you things may start to seem as if they're going wrong more often or you may feel that life is becoming difficult in fact it is not life that is against you but the pushing against the principle of life life is always expanding it is incapable of shrinking therefore it looks for constantly expanding ways of expressing itself and you human beings are one of the ways for that to happen when you limit yourself you put breaks under the most powerful force in the universe life itself is it any wonder that is an uncomfortable experience and the same can be said when you try to stand still or stabilize your situation and you imagine trying to pull poor quickly expanding massive hugely powerful energy into a container that is unable to expand with the energy that is when you decide to stop growing and of course it is you feel come to uncomfortable you are meant to grow wealth in the first place does not simply mean a condition in which there's a large amount of matter to be wealthy means one has a large amount of something with which to do work with would benefit others that which works to benefit others is love and we put love into practice it becomes wealth Masaharu Taniguchi once you let go of wanting money you will actually have it wanting money is one of the only things that stands in the way of will having it just believing that you already have it if you want it that generates the lock having generates abundance because everyone wants money they don't have it you cannot want and have at the same time that is not how the invisible energy governs everything that works you can either want something or have it and by gradually letting go of wanting it its attainment becomes much easier [Music] don't judge the day by what you reap but by what you sow if you're focused on getting and taking you're almost almost focused on lock lock comes in many masks and best effort and catching yourself when you're in lack and then recognize okay I'm only in poverty conscience again and that's all one of the first authors on prosperity in the early nineteenth century Charles trimmer said think prosperity to talk prosperity not in general but specific terms not as something for the other fellow but as your very own right deny every appearance of failure stand by your guns and affirm supply support and increase in the very face of question and doubt then give thanks for plenty in all your affairs knowing for a certainty that your good is now being fulfilled in spirit in mind and in manifestation wanting money has not really gotten you anywhere has it otherwise you would not be listening to this podcast so why not try something different why not try feeling what it would feel like to already have them all the money in the world but his desire not the basis of achievement some will ask to which I say yes but only if desires coupled with belief in the achievement what I mean when I use the word want is not what I meant to say I want a cup of coffee it is the type of want that suggests a feeling of lack my favorite bible passage is Psalm 421 the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want what this means is that by trusting the power of the Universe you do not have to walk around feeling that something is lacking the same is taught when Buddha says desire is the root of suffering desire separates from the subject from the object I say I want but desire coupled with the belief that I can have do or be that creates the reality of it the type of want we're referring to is the want that says I want this but I cannot have it how much money you make is linked to how much value you attribute to yourself do you know yourself do you trust yourself do you value yourself the more you honor yourself the more people will honor you financially and otherwise respect and appreciate generate so much more prosperity than pathetic yearning and greedy and needy look on your face prosperity consciousness would never ask how can I get customers it would always ask how can I serve customers the only people thinking about sex all the time are the ones who don't think they can get it I want once met a very rich person who specifically addressed this issue I was twenty years old and he said to me the reason that you don't have any money is because you think about it all the time never mind money don't think about it think about the things that are really important that was a great lesson for me when I think about money we usually think of it with lacking feelings rarely do we think of it positively so if you find it difficult to think of money positively why not let go of the subject altogether and just go on with your life money has appreciated not as an ends but as a means to free attention for more important things rather than having attention drained by a constant chasing after money sufficient funds allow me to feel relaxed so there's some tools that you should use there's an interesting points of view feel the energy of the point of view and expand the way the universe is look at look at the infinity of the universe looking at different forms of wealth and what it would be like to feel those start looking at those things do you often give money supremacy and control over by attaching emotions to money do you worry about money when you look at your bank account do you function from the idea of spending money instead of creating money how do you feel when you spend money do you throw away your money by spending it as a way to be happy or as a way to survive do you feel guilty every time you spend money do you spend out of fear which produces lack or do you spend with empowerment which produces more do you care more about spending money than having it if you think money is about spending it then what is the likelihood that you'll have it do you often feel apprehensive and reticent about asking for more for money that is due to you is it hard for you to ask for money that you are owed are you diffident and incident hesitant when you must receive ask for or speak of money do you make choices based on cost only rather than the quality do you allow money to do all the choosing for you do you worry about paying for an event that may be happening in the future are you concerned about paying bills you expect to receive do you consistently think stressful thoughts about money so pay attention do you gift your freely of yourself is it hard for you to receive are your attitudes towards money often indicative of your attitudes towards life pay attention the next time you pull out your wallet or checkbook right then are you spending from a sense of loss or from gifting listen to what you're saying to yourself as you hand out money what is your attitude about it what is your attitude about gifting when is it easiest gift when is it hardest to give a gift listen to the inner voice ringing in your ears during your money transactions what is going to take you to become aware of the storylines of your personal expenditures if you can look closely at how you use money and how you feel when you spend your money then you'll be able to discover exactly how you relate to it do you have any many interesting excuses and justifications do you often say I need to spend money because the story of your personal spending can tell you a lot about the paradigm you're functioning in the way you function with money that hates how you handle difficulties another secret of wealth is rich people share is that we should loosely term awareness and is understanding that you need to have attention you 99% of being rich is your awareness and what you're focusing your attention on so a couple things read something inspirational 15 minutes innate do not skip a day just like brushing your teeth or showering listen to inspirational educational audiobooks instead of the radio when you're in your car get your mindset right when you hear the scary stuff in the news change it it eliminates the negative influence of the media and it stops stuff from accumulating in your mind that dilutes your prosperity consciousness set aside times throughout the day to day dream and imagine a life that you want to live this is not childish this is a very intelligent thing to do don't listen to anyone who says otherwise plan your perfect right life and write it down on paper write down what you want in life as if you had already achieved it it is a very powerful process for positive mental or programming daydreaming is one thing but when you write something down on paper you dramatically increase the chances of manifesting it no one really knows why this works but it is thought that writing helps images sink into the deeper layers of the mind record positive affirmations onto an audio track with relaxing music and listen to them on repeat wherever possible I have a number of professionally designed audio tracks that you can have for free say to yourself I desire deep consciousness of financial freedom I desire the flow of prosperity become equalized I desire greater consciousness of my power to attract the dollar I desire therefore take part in this movie willingly the more you love life as it is the more you will live as you are paradoxes the more you love normal life the more you will ascend spirituality wanting to get away from here as many spiritual teachings propose binds you to this reality even more as all resistance binds you if you look closely any reality reveals magic even the so called mundane profane and commonplace everything is infinity and as much miracle so there are really no commonplace things so when you stop chasing money and allow yourself to have it that's what we're doing here this year my income doubles say that to yourself start to say affirmations because an affirmation is just basically nothing more than a thought it's a thought that you want to have that is beneficial to you so when you say the affirmation you say the thought you say I say here's some great ones that I have come up with then I'll finish this off with it I'll kind of give you an idea if you repeat these on a regular basis if you write them down and create your own all good people that have made good money that have used prosperity consciousness have used affirmations my job is pipeline by which I tap the infinite wealth the world economy for my own personal desires I know that sounds crazy when you say personal desires but it gives you a feeling of understanding that you're tapping the infinite wealth and that you're tapping the world economy another is to say I deserve to be wealthy because you deserve to be wealthy another is to say my income increases every day whether I'm working sleeping or playing say these things hundreds of times you start to see them it's amazing how you start to see yeah that's happening in my world a part of all I earn is mind to keep you may want money to come into your life but you may not end up keeping it because you end up having to pay on bills or things like that so by saying a part of all I earn is mine to keep you're reiterating that the money they're earning is you get to keep my offer and if you don't believe your affirmations are working say this say my affirmations are effective whether I believe them or not say that repeatedly it works you want your income to increase your expenses you don't want a lot of money to come in while you have a lot of expenses so you say my income now exceeds my expenses you say every dollar I spend comes back to me multiplied and it's true every dollar I spend comes back to me multiplied you say part of all I spend goes into permanent capital expenses and reserves you say I'm released for my self-image to experience the infinite potential unfolding from within me I return to the innate wisdom of my mind to find wealth in my life I am financially free I am wealthy both spiritually and literally you say I constantly attract money so that it's not just one time that you receive money that it's constant you say oh you're wealthy but spiritually and literally because the well the wealth you're talking about goes beyond just money my inner compass guides me to wealth an abundance you refer to yourself that you have an inner compass that it's guiding you you see my wealth is abundant and appears when I need it you say I deserve prosperity money comes to me easily and quickly I'm an affluent in every way I keep a part of every dollar I make and you want to say that because you want to be able to keep the money that you make you say my income increases whether I'm sleeping working or playing my mind is a center of divine operation and I receive all the money that I desire through my spoken word all doors of abundance and wealth swing open for me now this gives note to the divine and allows for all possibilities to come to you miracles never cease my life is overflowing with abundance prosperity and lots of money this opens miracles into your life you say this spoken-word releases all the abundance that is mined by divine right unexpected doors open unexpected channels now release all the money and opportunity I need if you want a quick information that you can say that covers all the bases because you want money to come to you quickly I receive money quickly you want money to come to you easily so it's not difficult you want money to increase you wanted to come on a regular basis from multiple sources so this is the one to remember eyes large sums of money come to me easily and quickly in increasing quantities from multiple sources on a continuous basis in the best interest of all that I get to keep I'll say that again large sums of money come to me easily and quickly in increasing quantities from multiple sources on a continuous basis in the best interest of all that I get to keep I am wealthy beyond my wildest dreams I am wealthy beyond my wildest dreams I feel gratitude for all my wealth I have acquired now in the future and this gives you that gratitude that that signature of approval there's more and more and I'll put try to put together a future podcast where I simply read 30 minutes of affirmations and then you could use this and put it on fast speed listen to it while you're at the gym or walking around it works just like a meditation so I hope I've helped clue you in on this lesson that you can change the way you think and it will change the opportunities that you have in the world and I believe by joining this reality revolution you're joining a prosperity revolution thank you so much for spending this time with me there's so many more aspects of it I'm fascinated by it and I would love to hear what you do and think and say what practices that you have that allow you to tune into that vortex of prosperity consciousness in your life check out the Facebook group reality revolution where we discuss this stuff if you have coaching that you want coaching you can go to my website at Advance Success Institute calm okay you want other episodes of this podcast you can go to the reality revolution calm please contact me if you have any questions you can contact me at info at Advance Success Institute calm I would love to hear your thoughts and comments about this because I'm still learning about it and I've been able to transfer it but it's a constant process and I'm still learning it's one of the most fascinating least subtle and complicated and simplistic things is understanding prosperity it is a real joy to have spent this time with you thank you for sharing this time and I want abundance and you are worthy of receiving abundance you are worthy of money and success and money will flow and riches beyond anything that I could even imagine your financial security and financial freedom is coming to you in ways beyond anything that we can imagine you are overflowing with money financial abundance is yours and I'm so excited for you now that we are all joining on this reality revolution thank you for joining this reality revolution peace and love to all [Music]
Channel: Brian Scott
Views: 84,076
Rating: 4.8858266 out of 5
Keywords: law of attraction, prosperity consciousness, wealth affirmations, napoleon hill, reality transurfing, spirituality, vadim zeland, money mindset, wealth mindset, think and grow rich, prosperity, prosperity mindset, abundance mindset, reality revolution, money mindset motivation, money affirmations, prosperity affirmations, money mindset shift, poverty mindset to prosperity mindset, abundance network, subconscious mind reprogramming money, money consciousness
Id: kkMvngNKeDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 38sec (6038 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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