Never throw Disc 11 in the Minecraft void..

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diamond sword in my hand in case anything tries to creep up on me we do know minecraft is full of many eerie uh hidden secrets uh we don't know if there's an entity herobrine or anything creeping around a corner we've been having some strange encounters if you haven't seen some of the previous videos you need to pause this one and go watch them but today be sure to subscribe and it will post notification ringing the bell make it a go ding okay got to ring the bell i i guess he's out he's ready to go start his day i mean it's raining i would maybe ringing the bell kind of oh no okay the villagers think it's time to go outside now because i see that's what happens when you subscribe um anyways today we are going to be doing another investigation uh yeah it's back um we have had some crazy uh things happen on the channel here recently things that we don't even need to go over and go go over the people that know no uh they've been watching god that they know um let me tell you it's been getting a little bit crazy and um today we're going back to the disc 11. now disc 11 is something that i see in my comment section all the time people are always talking about disc 11 like hey you need to go back and uh look into disc 11 a little bit things just seem a bit odd surrounding this strange music disc and i have to agree with you 100 disc 11 has been something that has been in the question for a long time and many people have been looking and researching it and guess what with every update disc 11 slightly changes i don't know if anybody noticed this or this may be new information for a lot of people but every update in minecraft a lot of times disc 11 will get altered or changed in some slight way now as per usual this is not announced in the change log this is something that is secretly added not really announced alongside many other little fine details well one of the most recent changes of disk 11 was no other than the visual representation of it in minecraft disc 11 changed its whole visual look it used to look very different it used to not have a complete uh broken piece off of it i don't know they changed the texture of disc 11 a little bit which i thought was very odd and maybe it implies that a missing piece of disc 11 is out there somewhere for us to find or maybe there's a sound bite somewhere that we can put together with disc 11 that kind of adds a translation to what the sound is in telling we don't know and we have been on the verge of slowly getting the meaning of this strange disc finally uh discovered but what we're doing today is something that a viewer recommended in the comments section and guys if you have anything you want me to investigate or experiment on with villagers or anything crazy off the top like this i always say post in the comment section below i read those comments okay i do and a lot of times these comments uh go a long way and then you end up with a video like this where someone was like what happens if you throw disc 11 in the minecraft void well one of the more successful videos on this channel right now is a video titled don't mess with the minecraft void because things just don't go good when we mess with the minecraft void it it it never goes good we've been having issues on issues every time we do something with the void and it's getting creepy at this point well you may recognize this hole right here oh well no not that one this one it goes directly down to the void we pushed a helpless villager down there to see what would happen to him and um well let me tell you it wasn't pleasant so what we're going to do is dig all the way down to the void yet again and see what happens if we throw one of these uh music discs uh oh uh oh we got some lava coming in we cannot have that all right here's the void we have a whole okay i need to get some torches or something going on down here there is absolutely this is just unacceptable behavior um all right let me get some torches here this is looking a bit better i i'm imagining this place is full of lava because i have obsidian and things probably block in potential lava yep i was right all right well we know that's what we're dealing with now that looks terrifying uh it looks like nothing but pitch black that literally looks like the void now thankfully when it's daytime and it's not raining in the void it is a little bit more vibrant in color it gives you this resonant of blue a very light blue such as the sky and it kind of soothes you a little bit somewhat it's still the minecraft void the most terrifying place in minecraft that you can access usually if you somehow can break bedrock which is well actually quite impossible if you're in survival but oh look how terrifyingly dark this is all right this is going to be a great thing for research purposes let's go ahead and set the time today as you can tell it turned gray still gray um let's go weather clear and um that should fix us up a little bit there that should brighten it up okay things are a bit more bright it's still looking scary as ever but this is going to give us a idea on what we can do now this is very interesting to me what's going to happen because i don't know if you recall but we did an experiment where a little bit of a ritual of some sort it seemed like where we threw some steep heads into the void and it looked like it fell straight from the sky all the way down again so i'm interested to see if that happens again with the disc 11 and i'm also interested to see if anything happens at all maybe it's just complete nothing maybe nothing happens and but i'm oh i'm almost certain there has to be 90 of players out there that's never tried this before and that's why we're doing it today because we're breaking the myth we're breaking the uh little idea here that maybe the disc 11 thrown in the void isn't a good idea so on the count of three we're gonna do this one two three what what was that do you guys see that well that was weird um was that just me or did the screen kind of like flicker or something like did i like glitch a minecraft or something what in the world that was a bit weird okay so that was unexpected i guess we did kind of oh wait a second like that was odd i'm not gonna guys that was very odd i did not expect something to actually happen what happened was like we we threw disc 11 and it instantly disappeared right what if we throw it down here it just vanishes right from my hand nothing no flickering of the screen there what well that is super odd okay well don't know what to make of that what i wanted to do was actually see what happens if we play let's cause let's make the music box flow let's actually put the music box right there one block above and let's see if it you know distorts or changes the effect of disc 11 in any way let's go ahead and play this [Music] ah so still to this day that music disc is just got such a eerie vibe around it like it's so unexplained like we don't know what's going on but we know he he was looking he was running from something and countless people have said herobrine and so many theories have arise from this and we still don't know exactly 100 percent what disc 11 isn't telling well this has been a weird one i'm not gonna lie we threw disc 11 in there the screen flickered um nothing really different occurred not that i'm aware of or called if you guys caught something that i did not in this video please do post in the comment section below so i can go back maybe look at a timestamp maybe look over it again and actually see something i missed tends this happened a lot actually so if you guys enjoyed today's video i ask that you do drop a like below share with friends and family to expand and grow the channel maybe become a member if you want to support the channel a little bit extra more and well with that all aside we're gonna be coming to the concluding factor of today's video don't throw disc 11 in the void it seems like i got some weird responses but we didn't quite have enough time to fully tackle this investigation to the full length that i would have liked but i think we tapped into something a little odd here today which could mean we might have to return back to disc 11 at some point in the future if you would like to see that please do hit the like button if you want to see me continuing the disc 11 investigation please do hit the like button that lets me know if the likes are high on this video to continue if the likes are normal or lower than average then we probably are not going to continue but either way i will see you all in the next video which will be out first thing tomorrow so [Music] keep a watch out for that and i will be catching you all in the next one ah the next gen concerts [Music] you
Channel: O1G
Views: 34,958
Rating: 4.8975935 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft Pocket Edition, MCPE, Minecraft PE, Pocket Edition, Disc 11, Minecraft Disc 11, Disc 11 Minecraft, Disc 11 Minecraft Theory, Disc 11 Minecraft Explained, Minecraft Disc 11 Explained, Minecraft Disc 11 Void, Void Disc 11, Disc 11 Void, Never throw Disc 11 in the Minecraft void, Minecraft Void, Void Minecraft, Experiment, Scary, Creepy, Creepypasta, Scary Minecraft Videos, Minecraft Videos Scary, Gameplay, MC, O1G
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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