Where Dead Mobs Go - Minecraft

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(Omnious music) (Sword clang) (Bones rattling, SKELETONS ARE BEING MURDERED. Even MORE omnious music.) (normal music) (CALM MUSIC) (Book pops into hand) (CALM MUSIC) (Skeletons rattling their bones IN FEAR) (Drum kicks in on music) (Door opens) (Door closes) (POP) HeRE COmes ya boi HErE to FiGht da human (OMINOUS MUSIC) (OMINOUS MUSIC) (OMINOUS MUSIC) (OMINOUS MUSIC) (OMINOUS MUSIC) (Music starts) (Arrow pings, then lots of arrows ping) (Calmer music) (Metal clanking of an Anvil) (Sneakier music) (Metal clanking of an Anvil) (Metal clanking of an Anvil) (Metal clanking of an Anvil) (EXCITED MUSIC) (POP GOES THE WEASEL (POP) (Sword metal clank) (WHISH) ( Serious music) (SKELLENGTONS JUST GETTING SLAUGHTERED, THE SOUND OF BONES CLATTERING) (Rewind sound)(Rewind sound) (longer and louder rewind sound) HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ( Door opening and closing) (Flint and steel strike) A certain noise which is sudden and short and happens when friction between two things finally loosens, and air rushes through the area. It is called a pop, no to be confused with soft drinks. Also happens when a bubble of air or some other substance collapses. (Arrow shot up) KILLS AND BONES RATTLE AND COLLAPSE, OH THE TERROR. THE GRIEVING, HIDE YOUR EYES! (Badum TSS) BYEEEE!
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,833,750
Rating: 4.8344774 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, ExplodingTNT, GoldenArmor, Where Dead Mobs Go, Where Killed Mobs Go, Dead Mobs, Killed Mobs, Mobs, Monsters, Animals, 100000 tnt vs dragon egg, minecraft biggest explosion, Hell, Nether, Demon, Afterlife, Death, Portal, Killing, XP Farm, Night, Dark, Scary, Mystery, Wonder, Heaven, Strange, Weird, Question, Answer, Big, Large, Insane, End
Id: Q4haqDwd3ac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 40sec (460 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2017
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