Never Play a Trivia Game on the Dark Web...

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[Music] i've had an obsessive fascination with the obscurely random my entire life facts and tidbits of information that any normal person wouldn't even think twice about brought me so much more joy than reading about actual useful things as such i never did well in school i couldn't explain the importance of pie in mathematics but i could tell you that mount everest was originally measured at exactly 29 000 feet but that it felt so unbelievable that they publicly claimed it to be twenty nine thousand two feet tall what about the fact that pepsi once owned the sixth largest navy in the world for a brief amount of time in 1989 who would possibly care to know that while the claim sounds absolutely ridiculous i can assure you it is true do you feel more fulfilled knowing these facts well that's the story of my life so while my knowledge had a tendency to bring very little of value into my existence i was absurdly good at quizzes all the factoids and fun facts i'd accumulated over the years finally came to good use i even won a small amount of money from random competitions and pubs and so on then there was my second obsession the dark web it was just another place to gather random bits of information more obscure than on the surface web but interesting nonetheless i spent hours filling my brain up with junk fully believing i wouldn't ever get the chance to use it but as fate would have it all that useless information would save my life when i found a dark web quiz it was such an eye-catching ad a bright picture with thick text placed on an otherwise dark and plain background the hardest quiz you'll ever take price ten thousand dollars it read with animated blinking letters obviously i thought the cash part was a scam but i still wanted to check out what they consider to be the hardest questions ever so i clicked on the link letting it redirect me to an entirely new site all it contained was a boring chat box with five other members listed on the side each just a first name except for the showmaster they were ethan alex linda and myself lance hello i typed into the chat hey we have four players now can we begin ethan responded we don't even know the rules yet linda chimed in rules it's just a quiz isn't it i asked yeah but it's supposed to be something special i don't know i've never done this before linda said the chat fell silent for a moment i tried to type in another message for clarification but i'd been blocked then it finally began welcome honorable contestants to the death match quiz where you'll face the hardest questions and harshest punishments the rules are simple each round consists of a few questions you are given points for right answers at the end of each round a player will get eliminated last man or woman standing receives a prize of ten thousand us dollars to be paid to your bank account once you are in there's no backing out until the game is over the showmaster said agree now or leave it once the choice popped up whether to accept or to decline the offer seeing little harm in doing an online quiz i clicked accept as did the others which led us to the first question screen one what does the word loquacious mean a angry b chatty c beautiful d shy it wasn't a particularly hard question so i hit b without further thought a few seconds passed while the other contestants chose their answers each of them getting it correct then the second question came up two the hammer and the sickle are the most recognizable symbols of which of the political ideologies a republicanism b communism c conservatism d liberalism again an easy question one each of us could answer as was the third and the fourth i started to get worried that the challenge came from beating the others if each of us got a 100 score he would win once the fifth question had been answered without any problem another message from the showmaster popped up on the screen well done you've all made it to the second round take a moment talk and get to know each other round two will begin shortly with that i regained control of my keyboard well that was easy ethan typed in yeah i'm a bit disappointed if i'm honest linda said maybe it was just a warm-up round i suggested i guess so alex said i'm definitely going to beat you all though he continued what makes you so certain i asked but i didn't get a response because only 30 seconds after the first round had ended the keyboard locked once again prompting the beginning of round two one the deadliest elevator accident took place in which location during which year a wuhan china 2012 b orkney south africa 1995. c makivka ukraine 2011 d istanbul turkey 2014. it was a bit of a morbid question but one i knew the answer to nevertheless the deadliest elevator accident had taken place in orkney when a locomotive hit the safety barrier sliding into a mine shaft with an elevator carrying 105 people all of whom succumbed in the disaster i just hit b and waited for the others three of us got the answer right but ethan chose c then the second question appeared on the screen two which one of you is most likely to die first a linda b alex c lance d ethan a frozen place the question had come so sudden out of place and wrong it had to be a prank of sorts but why i didn't answer the question nor did the others we just sat in silence waiting for something to happen when the timer ran out no one had answered which meant no one got a point the next three questions were all morbid asking about deadly events horrible diseases and mass extinctions i got two of them correct as did everyone else which left three of us in a tied lead and ethan at the bottom round two is now over and as the score would have it ethan is the weakest elimination is already in process let's all thank him for his valiant effort and let him have a few last words before he bids us goodbye the keyboard starts functioning again what the hell is happening i can't move my legs ethan typed in what are you serious alex asked please please help me i can't move i can't talk i can't call for help please do something ethan continue typing frantically into the chat what the hell is going on linda asked ethan but he never responded ethan has left the game let's wish him a safe journey to the afterlife as we delve into round three the showmaster said i was panicking trying to close my browser but it didn't work when i tried to get up from my chair i realized i couldn't even physically bring myself to stand up i could move my legs and arms but leaving my chair had somehow become an impossible task a question popped up on the screen what how do you think you will die a in indescribable agony b in an accident c from cancer d from old age peacefully in your own bed i clicked d praying that the game would let us get out alive everyone followed suit and we were all wrong two what was ethan's biggest fear a suffocation b drowning c being shot d being stabbed i chose drowning as it is the most common fear i got it right as did linda alex on the other hand had chosen suffocation that concludes round three the show master said with only two questions a loser had been chosen the chat was once again enabled with all of us rushing to try to figure out what was going on i can't get out of my chair linda said what the [ __ ] is this i ask alex are you there linda asked for a few seconds no one said a word until alex parted us with two simple words can't breathe that was the last we ever heard from him before we could even get a chance to process what was going on the chat locked marking the beginning of round four and so we move on to the final round with our best contestants congratulations for making it here and be happy that one of you will make it through the show master said a question popped up on the screen one who should we eliminate a lance b linda that was it a simple question carrying an immense weight my survival instincts were kicking in yet i could not bring myself to choose someone else to die in my place i knew that if i made it through i wouldn't ever be able to live with myself despite her being a stranger i would always know that i chose her death so with great trepidation i clicked on my own name but linda was not as merciful and chose my name as well meaning we both voted for my death that concludes the final round congratulations the showmaster said with that i felt my body release itself from the chair as if whatever invisible force had been removed i could breathe i could move around i was free the chat function returned but i was confused as to why i hadn't been killed linda i typed in but she never responded then a congratulations message popped up marking me as the winner of the contest we had both chosen my death yet i'd been spared while linda had presumably been killed had it all been just a test to see who'd show mercy i did receive the cash prize as well it just popped into my bank account a day after the ordeal of course i alerted the authorities but what could they do even the bank transfer wasn't traceable who the others were i don't know their first names weren't a lot to go on and i couldn't find any news reports on the incident all i know is that i'm keeping to the regular web because whatever lurks in the depths of the dark web is beyond our understanding of how the world works thanks for watching you can watch another scary animation here also don't forget to subscribe and to hit that notification bell to stay tuned for future videos
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 222,288
Rating: 4.9401398 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, animated horror stories, scary animated stories, dr no sleep, animated stories, scary animations, scary stories, horror stories, nosleep, dr nosleep animations, dark web horror stories, dark web horror stories animated, dark web horror story, deep web horror stories, deep web horror story, dark web animation, dr. no sleep, dark web horror story animated, dr no sleep horror stories
Id: RcemYoA6Aio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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