I was Blackmailed on the Dark Web...

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[Music] my name is not jackson asher but that's what you can call me even now months after this incident happened i don't feel safe sharing my real identity online and after i'm done explaining what happened to me and to my family i hope you will feel the same view what i am about to share with you as a warning and a lesson don't make my mistakes or others will face consequences far worse this all started because of a little league game my youngest landon has a game every thursday and for the longest time i'd been putting off being present when i did go i decided to be the best dad i could be and snap pictures of every hit and run that he had after the game i shared landon's game pictures across instagram and facebook i used as many hashtags as i could i guess i was overcompensating for the fact that i didn't spend much time with him or his older brother my work hours had increased and my recent divorce didn't help that fact anyways i shared his photos across social media accounts showing off how proud i was the next day i started noticing i was getting a lot of friend requests from people that were either from his school or friends or friends and i just accepted them all i figured there wouldn't be any harm but that night i received a message that changed everything it almost came an hour after my sons tim and landon fell asleep i was in my room doing some work stuff when the message appeared on my lower computer screen the caption read cute kid and it came from a dummy account curiously i clicked on it and read the rest of the message my heart beating a little faster as i went down the line of text i was browsing through my usual hunting grounds when i came across your pictures your children remind me so much of my darling avery she was my first now with your pictures of tap away she won't be my last i immediately deleted it and tried not to shudder still i thought that would be the end of it i took down all my accounts worried that some other sicko might be out there all of a sudden i received several new messages each from different burner accounts and all of them from the stalker they had decided to take things to the next level each email had attached a picture of landon or his little league team along with a warning of what was to come i thought you should be aware that i decided to keep copies of all those lovely pictures you posted so freely if you want to see what i'm doing with them click the link below i couldn't resist i needed to know what this was the link took me to a website that alerted my typical firewall software that i was leaving the security of the internet and entering the dark web the pictures were of my son landon and all were neatly arranged with price tags alongside them then i got another message from the predator sharing is caring but if you share this with the police i can guarantee a lot worse is going to happen i dared to reply to them to find out what their endgame was i will give you anything you want just don't hurt me or my children typed out i got an almost instant reply and where is the fun in that my body felt numb a worse feeling wiggled its way into my heart as i realized that this pervert wasn't in it for the money this isn't a game this is my family typed back for now you mean you're bluffing i'm going to the police and they will nail your ass to the wall i replied try me jackie boy i didn't know what to do i shut down the computer and called my father during the divorce he had helped me handle some of the legal intricacies and had always been on my side even as i was explaining the situation he kept telling me to slow down you're not making sense why would anyone do this what did they get out of it he asked i didn't know and that scared me to death then he offered me some sound advice just ignore them jack they can't hurt you if you take away their connection to you he insisted it sounded like a good idea i told him thank you and tried to get some sleep but the predator had other plans just as i was fully in dreamland my phone buzzed a dozen more messages flooded my screen i clicked on all of them to mark them as spam and tried to lay back down i even made sure landon and tim were fine just because the disturbing messages were making me paranoid then another message made me stop dead in my tracks sleep well jackie the caption read i opened it and found that i was watching a video of myself walking into my boys room and tucking them into bed i looked up at my home security system and screamed in fury just leave us alone leave my family alone i demanded i went to the closet and grabbed a baseball bat from landon i wasn't about to let this pervert or his friends watch my children sleep i smashed the cameras around my house to bits one by one landon got up hearing the noise dad what's wrong he asked legally get back in bed i ordered him as the phone pinged again bad move jack if you take away my access to them you're gonna regret it this time i was on the offensive i'm not letting you see anything about them ever again and i will go to the police first thing in the morning their reply was unexpected why wait let's call them now i couldn't help to text back a confused response what what do you mean landon kept tugging at me as i reconnected to their sicko website automatically are they hacked into my phone did you forget what got into your computer hard drive now i don't know about you but it looks pretty bad to have all these pics of other people's kids for sale jack the message said i knew what was happening and i felt powerless to stop it this was blackmail a power play they had linked all of their twisted messages directly to my computer making the connection to them untraceable i couldn't help but to break down in tears i just want this to stop make it stop send me more pictures and we can keep this between us no one has to know he replied the predator had complete control over me i needed to leave to restart my life everything i knew would need to be left behind change our names our numbers everything it was the only way where i would be their pawn forever i swallowed a gulp of air then i smashed my phone to bits i went to the back laundry room and got the power to the house waking up landon and tim dad it's the middle of the night where are we going they asked as i got them dressed put your shoes on we have to leave told them they were half asleep and didn't question me we got into the car and i started to drive we kept going for hours my first instinct was to take them to their moms they would be safer there while i sorted this out we got there just after sunrise i demanded she not asked questions and kissed my boys goodbye some part of me felt like it was going to be for a very long time tears fell down my face as i waved and drove off to try and make amends for such a simple careless mistake it's been a few months since and i have done all i can to keep them safe and to recreate my identity but i don't think we are out of the woods yet because my wife tells me sometimes she gets strange emails too no subject just attachments with pictures of the boys never open them never even consider clicking on them i warned her will we ever be safe again what scares me most is the fact that i don't think i will ever know for sure thanks for watching you can watch another scary animation here also don't forget to subscribe and to hit that notification bell to stay tuned for future videos
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 106,226
Rating: 4.9529409 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, animated horror stories, scary animated stories, dr no sleep, animated stories, scary animations, scary stories, horror stories, nosleep, dr nosleep animations, dark web horror stories, dark web horror stories animated, dark web horror story, deep web horror stories, deep web horror story, dark web animation, dr. no sleep, dark web horror story animated, dr no sleep horror stories
Id: esGq3xgCxeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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