Never Lose To The Scandinavian Again

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today I'm going to show you how to absolutely destroy the Scandinavian defense if you are an E4 player as white it's one of the most annoying openings you can face but I'm going to show you a system a complete system that does two things number one it's going to take your opponents out of their comfort zone it's going to take them into unknown territory very quickly and number two it's going to lead to aggressive attacking positions where you can work on your tactics and Checkmate your opponent's king early in the game this is going to be uh Bobby Fisher why are you interrupting my video oh chess Adventures is back and Peter pots are an average Jo oh cool yes absolutely I will make sure to let my audience know thanks for stopping by all right take care all right that was weird anyway as I was saying uh you're going to have a lot of fun learning this opening on how to destroy the Scandinavian let's go ahead and Jump Right In All right so first things first when your opponent plays a Scandinavian and you take this you are immediately stepping into territory that they are more familiar with than you are and you just can't really get around this because if they play this every single time they face E4 they're getting a chance to practice this position but you're only seeing it every once in a while which is why it's so dangerous for E4 players to actually take the pawn there's two ways they can take with the queen or they can bring the Knight out okay and you have to know what to do against both situations it adds a lot to that you have to learn so what I'm going to be teaching you guys today and the move that I am recommending way here's the secret move is the move d4 now at first glance you might think wait that's a weird move this is actually What's called the black mardar Gambit okay and it could also arise from the moves D4 D5 and E4 okay now you say Nelson why are we doing this well the idea is that it takes your opponent into unknown territory this is not an opening that Scandinavian players are going to be familiar with right they're used to people capturing and there's a few other lines maybe that they've been familiar with but this is a totally separate opening and the positions that you get out of this opening do not look like the positions that you get out of the Scandinavian they just look totally different so that is a huge factor that you should not underestimate okay so let's go ahead and jump into what's most likely going to happen from this position now first of all they don't have to take you but that is by far the most common and it's the best move for black to accept you if they don't they could play like a French defense but again a Scandinavian player is not going to want to play a French defense right if they did they would have just played E6 on the first move so they're probably not going to be familiar with that okay and there's not a a lot of other moves that really make any sense here so most people are going to take this Pawn now after they take the pawn we're going to Simply play the move Knight to C3 threatening to regain our pawn and here you're most likely going to see Knight to F6 this is the most logical move it's probably the best move for black they simply develop and they defend the pawn but I do want to show you briefly if they try to get very aggressive and defend it with the on this is actually bad and the reason that this is bad is because they permanently weaken this diagonal and this diagonal okay and we are going to be able to take advantage of that over the next couple of moves so what I want you to do is play the move F3 and this is you're going to see this this is a theme in pretty much any line we're going to follow this up with F3 the point is that we're trying to recapture and get control of the center and the only way black can really stop us is if they take us but when they do we now have a lead in development we have two pieces out and look at all of Black's pieces still sitting on the back okay the other thing that we do by by doing this is this F2 Pawn is now gone and one advantage of that is when we Castle kingside our Rook can immediately start playing a role in the game and another Advantage is this diagonal is actually open which we can use to our benefit you might think that sounds weird but trust me later in the video you're going to see exactly what I'm talking about when I say that okay so just keep in mind we have a lot going for us even though we're down a pawn temporarily so as an example most people are going to follow this up with Knight to F6 developing putting Knight behind the pawn and I want you to play Bishop to C4 remember I talked about it they permanently weakened this diagonal so we need to take advantage of that right away so we're going to play Bishop C4 let's say they play E6 because they want to get their Bishop out they want to Castle and they're trying to block you off you're going to Simply castle and after they do something you're going to start attacking Knight to G5 I want you to remember this move when they play F5 normally this Pawn here on E6 is going to be defended by the F7 Pawn right it would be sitting here defending it but because they've moved it this E6 Pawn is a nice Target for us and this is very very important it's very very difficult for black to figure out how to defend this actually there's not a good way as an example Queen to E7 adding a Defender what do you think we're going to do some going to play Rook e one and line up again and now Black's out of pieces that can defend it you have no good way of Defending that you can't try to block our Bishop off because this is pinned I simply take your knight you can't recapture you lose your queen you I mean what else can you do if you try to push it forward I'm just going to take it I have a fork and if you try to take me back look at this you've walked into kind of a double pin there I'm just going to pile up on it and this is totally winning for white as an example if some they try to defend you can simply take it and queen to D4 you keep attacking you just keep attacking and the the pin just makes it so difficult for black to even do anything okay so they don't really want to do that and probably I don't know most people in this case actually just decide to Castle just abandon it give it up but they're still losing because now you take care with the Knight and look at this you're hitting the Rook you have the bishop lined up and if they try to trade it's even worse The Rook comes in and you have the same thing look at this they have to save their Queen they move it somewhere but then bam you unleash the bishop with the check and you get the queen next move it's totally crushing so the point that I want you to take away and by the way I'm going to put all these lines in a PGN in the description so you can check it out okay so don't feel like you have to memorize anything you can go back and review it after just focus on the concepts right now okay so the point is that if they do try to defend the pawn going all the way back here with F5 they they create those weaknesses and we will take advantage of those like I showed you castling Bishop C4 and then the Knight eventually goes to G5 okay that's what you have to remember now most people um are not going to that they're probably going to play Knight to F6 which is a better move that's okay I just wanted to show you just in case we're still going to play the move F3 and it's the same idea we're going to recapture here get two Pawns in the center if they don't do something about it so most people are going to take you you recapture with the Knight and again we have two pieces out black only has one so a little bit of a lead in development but also we have the open files in this diagonal like I mentioned now when you get to this position you're primarily going to see one of two moves okay so this is this is important so listen carefully black is either going to decide to use this bishop right away and develop it probably to G4 or they're going to decide you know what I'm not worried about that right now I'm just going to play E6 get this bishop out and try to Castle quickly these are the two primary things that your opponent is going to do okay there of course there are some other moves but most people it's going to be one of these two we're going to start with Bishop G4 okay if they play Bishop G4 I want you to attack that thing right away okay and I want you to remember you're playing an aggressive opening you are going going to attack black regardless of what they do and the way we're going to do it here is attack right away now say Nelson aren't I weakening my king you are to an extent but the Knight does a good job of Defending those and even if the Knight gets traded which I'm going to talk about now you actually are going to follow up with the bishop and the bishop does a good job of Defending as well and Black's not really in a position to take advantage of that okay so if they take you you take H with the queen and you're now threatening on B7 okay so most players are going going to play C6 and stop you from doing that okay now we're going to defend our Pawn with Bishop to E3 and let's say E6 Black's probably going to try to get this bishop out and Castle you were going to play Bishop to D3 and black could do one of two things they could play Bishop E7 or Bishop to B4 and your plan is going to be mostly the same in either case let's just say they play Bishop to B4 you are now going to Castle let's say they traded and Castle themselves so what do we have here we have a position where we have the two Bishops against the two knights but it's kind of an open position and if you don't know this Bishops are better than knights in open positions and this is a perfect example of how our Bishops are crisscrossing across the board here controlling so many squares black has to be extremely careful and I'm going to give you a very simple plan here to get you in a really good position you're going to play the move Rook to F2 Black's probably going to develop and you're going to play Rook 8 F1 a triple battery is lined up here now that might not seem like much to you but this is very dangerous for your opponent I'm going to show you an example of why a lot of people in this position will play Knight to D5 trying to jump their Knight around put some pressure on some of your pieces what you're going to do here is play the move Queen to E4 why are we doing this remember it's an aggressive opening we're trying to attack the king look at this Checkmate is being threatened okay black might think you know what Knight to F6 now I'm attacking the queen I'm defending this is a great position for me wrong here we go back to the power of the battery we're going to do a double Rook sacrifice we give up one we give up the other and at the end of everything look what we have left Checkmate to the king beautiful right beautiful stuff so that's just an example of how be on the lookout for sacrifices be on the lookout for making use of your pieces and checkmating your opponent okay so this is your plan this is a very aggressive position it's going to be a lot of fun um and and you're going to do very well I think from that position so of course the bishop didn't have to go to B4 could have also went to E7 but again very similar type of thing okay you can Castle you can play Rook to F2 you can bring the other Rook over same kind of deal right nothing really changes here we're doing the same exact thing they could try to play G6 to stop you but look at this now your Bishop comes in this way if they try to save their Rook here we see it again the Rooks are ready to go they come down and you're about to Checkmate the king okay very bad position for black so to recap going all the way back to the original here we play F3 takes takes they can either block this bishop in and try to Castle very quickly or they can play Bishop G4 we're going to attack it right away and I just showed you what happens if they take you you take here you bring the Bishops to the center you Castle you triple up on the f file and you have a lot of fun now you say what if they don't take me what if they go back here if they go back here G4 again we're playing an aggressive opening you have to go into it with that mindset you don't slow down okay you keep up the pressure we're going to play G4 they're going to go back Knight to E5 why are we going Knight to E5 we want the pressure on the bishop and you're going to see why that's important in just a second so what is black going to do I don't know exactly but probably something one of two things they're either going to attack you with their Knight like this or they're going to play most likely E6 try to get this this bishop out so we'll come back if they attack your knight let's start with E6 here what we're going to do now is Play Bishop to G2 threatening to win a rook they're probably going to play C6 to stop you now we're going to play H4 threatening to trap their Bishop okay if you look carefully this guy doesn't have anywhere to go you can't go to any of these squares and if we're able to play H5 the bishop is gone so what is black most likely going to try to do H6 or H5 to save their Bishop what else can they play but on either of those moves now you see why we wanted our Knight here we take it and what have we accomplished these light light squares are totally destroyed okay they're very weak and we have a very simple followup of Queen to D3 and how does black defend this pawn and stop our Queen from coming in there's not a good way you can try to use your king but then we would slide our Rook over lining up on the king if you're wondering why we don't castle by the way it's because the King on G1 is actually weaker because you have to worry about stuff like this it's actually safer here and maybe you could even Castle this way so we just bring the Rook over and we're threatening to go here and and attack the Knight which can't move black is already in trouble Black's already in trouble going back here instead of H6 they could have also played H5 but it's the exact same thing we grab the bishop and in this case you can play G5 chasing the Knight away and then guess what we attack this again Queen D3 is okay but I also want to show you this one Bishop to E4 same idea attacking that pawn how does black defend there's not a good way if you try to use your king Watch What Happens The Rook comes over again then we grab it and if black is not paying attention I want to show you something really really really cool let's say they just try to develop mate in two for white can you guys find it had a chance to look at that Bishop to F7 check King has to go here and checkmate with a pawn because this is taken away by this bishop this is beautiful stuff this is move 17 and we just checkmated black with the pawn on G6 I mean this is this is so much fun right this is so cool so going back okay all of this happened because as soon as they played Bishop G4 we started to be aggressive and we just attacked all right that's what you have to remember there's two options I just showed you what to do against both of those now some people who have had bad experiences with playing a move like Bishop G4 or whatever decide you know what I don't want to move my Bishop out I'm just going to play E6 and take it slow leave that there you know do something like this just keep it real simple I don't want to get into trouble okay I'm gonna show you what to do if they do that Bishop to D3 okay um and you're going to see why we're lining up on this Pawn in a minute and I want you to remember most people who play E6 they're trying to get this bishop out because they want a castle okay so we're we're planning ahead for that by putting our Bishop on D3 let's see Bishop B7 we're going to Castle and they're probably going to Castle okay and once they Castle um I'm going to show you a very very easy to follow plan that is going to give you so many nice wins okay so here's what the plan is Queen to E1 do you remember earlier in the video I said this Pawn not being here open to this diagonal and we could take advantage of that this is how okay this is how this is a very common idea in any type of opening where you sacrifice this F Pawn early on King's Gambit uh or this black marar Gambit there's some other gambits that I like to play but when that pawn is gone the simple move Queen to E1 shifts your queen over to this diagonal now why do we care because the H4 Square for the queen is actually a very dangerous Square for it to be on for black because of the possibility of checkmating on H7 okay so if you see your opponent Castle you want to be thinking about Queen to E1 to H4 okay and as an example let's say black tries to play something like B6 maybe they're going to f and ketto over here you're going to bring the queen over to H4 and we're starting to threaten a very dangerous Checkmate and if black is not paying attention and they do something like this bishop to G5 and now we're threatening to take the Knight and as an example let's say they don't really know what's going on they play a move like here we can take this and look at this the Queen's coming in and now black has to run and they they're barely surviving okay I want to show you another example if they play the Knight here thinking that okay if you take they'll take back with the Knight and they'll still be defended we have another tactic here in this position Bishop takes H7 check look at this this is beautiful stuff you say why would we do that isn't the Knight just going to take our Bishop aha but look at this we also have this battery we take here and we're forking these guys okay so it's super super dangerous for black and there's even some situations where you don't even have to use the bishop you can use the Knight to jump in and you sacrifice The Rook there to get checkmate that's another thing that sometimes will happen um you have to watch out for this if this is attacked too many times like if there was Knight sitting there or something maybe you couldn't but sometimes that Bishop G5 is probably the easiest but you see how dangerous Queen to E1 to H4 really is for black okay the other thing going back um some people don't play Bishop E7 they like to play Bishop to B4 play a little bit more aggressive but guess what you can do the exact same plan you don't have to change anything you Castle they can take you if they want doesn't really matter guess what we're going to do queen to E1 right this is the the plan this is the idea they're going to do something Queen to H4 and all of a sudden black is about to get checkmate and they don't even realize it right A lot of people don't even understand what's happening um by the way if they ever play H6 to try to stop Bishop G5 the best thing to do is just take it just sacrifice the bishop and you're ready to Checkmate the king okay you've got that set up and your followup is probably going to be either Knight to G5 or Knight to E5 followed by The Rook coming over to finish off the game okay I mean this is this is this is when chess is fun right when you're playing like this when you're getting all these really cool checkmates you're getting to practice your tactics and work on on these types of things uh this is where it's just so much fun okay so that's pretty much it guys this is going to cover like probably 80% of the responses that you're going to see from opponents we we've already talked about okay so let's just do a really fast recap because I know that was a lot but again pgns are going to be in the description follow along down there and and you're going to be just fine so we switch okay from a Scandinavian to a black mark dayar Gambit we don't give black a whole lot of options most people are going to take you we attack it they're probably going to defend this way I already showed you if they play F5 Bishop goes to C4 the Knight eventually jumps to G5 and you take advantage of the weaknesses okay on Knight to F6 again you play F3 you're going to take back here there's two options they either Play Bishop G4 or they play E6 you're going to see this most of the time this covers the vast majority of options on Bishop G4 immediately go on the offensive attack attack attack okay we play H3 right away we're happy if this happens the queen comes out remember we put the Bishops in the center we castle and we triple up on the f file and we attack okay if they go back what do we do G4 keep up the pressure Knight to E5 why because we want to play Bishop G2 we want to play H4 and H5 and trap the bishop if they stop us I already showed you this boom you grab it and then you attack the weaknesses okay and push you can go here I already showed you this really cool Checkmate right Rook comes over Bishop comes in boom and black is in trouble I'm going fast but I just just a recap and you've got the lines take your time go through it as slow as you need to with with the the PGN okay and then the other variation is if they don't bring the bishop out to G4 and they play E6 your plan changes a little bit you don't have a bishop to attack so that's why we're not going to do the same thing here but what we can do is put our Bishop on D3 getting ready for the quick Castle right Queen's going to go to E1 after e Castle it's going to come over and you're going to use all these pieces to launch a Killer attack on the king side okay I hope you guys learned a lot from this video I'm going to mention something that I don't usually mention I am going to put a PayPal Link in the description if you want to support me and the channel um I did have a lot of health issues that some of you are aware of I have a lot of medical bills and so I'm just going to mention that that being said um if nobody gives anything we will be just fine okay so please I'm not like trying to make it seem like oh no we we need help or no like it's just an option I'm just mentioning it if you want to support the channel the link is down there but no pressure whatsoever I hope you guys learn something from this video and I will see you next time thanks for watching stay sharp play smart and take [Music] care
Channel: Chess Vibes
Views: 295,388
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Keywords: chess, chess vibes, vibes, nelson lopez, nelson, nelsi, checkmate, how to play chess, chest, how to play chest, beginner chess, chess for beginners, how to learn chess, chess tutorial, chess openings, chess endgames, chess endings, chess strategy, chess tactics, chess tricks, chess traps, how to checkmate, how to win at chess, learning chess, board game, chess coach, youtube chess, chess on youtube, chess channel, youtube chess channel, chess for kids, easy chess
Id: wNic3uCaBTk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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