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hello everyone and welcome to an incredible game from round two of this year's USC chess cup uh sorry I have 2024 there twice just realized uh and it's one of those games that uh players play like there's no chess Theory it's like a game from let's say the the 1900s or maybe even 1800s uh it's a it's a really wild game at some point the the uh the white king ends up on e4 then on D4 uh with Queen's Rook still on the board it's a it's a complete mess so it's like I said from the USC chess Cup round two some very strong players playing here if some other games arise I will talk a little bit more about the tournament but you guys need to know that it's a classical event so an hour and a half for the entire game and also uh I I uh did include the clocks for this video I usually don't do it for classical chess but here it's crucial to understand what's happening you'll see what I mean by this uh so okay not back with white pieces opens with Pawn to D4 last time we featured notbe on channel was last year in Qatar Masters where that game against the other Notre against Notre ABD satov two of them finished on seven out of nine it was an incredible event and it's a it's a pretty wild game so if you haven't seen it will be the first link in the description below uh Pawn to D5 and pawn to C4 we have the Queen's Gambit and vidit accepts the Gambit de captures and C4 and for those of you who are only uh getting into chess and you might be uh you know crazed out by all of the lines of the Queen's Gambit declined maybe accepting the Gambit isn't a bad way to go uh probably your opponent will know less how to play against this as well uh we have Pawn to E4 and now usually E5 is played here just to give you an example let's say Pawn to E5 Knight F3 black will capture on D4 white will capture on C4 let's say Knight C6 you defend the pawn castles Knight to F6 and now something like well Knight to F6 isn't even a good move uh here you have to be really careful with something like Bishop to E6 but if if you play a natural looking move like Knight F6 already uh black can be in in quite some trouble if if Knight A5 going after the uh Queen and Bishop you're not in time just like in the Evans gamb with your first capture on F7 and let's save the queen defends Bishop D2 take away the A5 Square from the knight uh this is already very very strong for white but here vid is prepared Pawn to B5 it's I think like the fifth most popular continuation here sort of the old way of playing the Queen's Gambit um accepted and everyone including your uncle knows that B5 is always countered with A5 I don't think there's a position in the Queen's Gambit accepted where B5 is not countered with A5 A4 so Pawn to C6 we have captur captures and now Pawn to B3 and I know when you're playing this with black and you have this setup here and white plays B3 you start uh getting really scared and you blunder the game uh but it's actually very simple to continue this and vidit will show us the way Pawn to E5 now the idea is uh you're inviting white to play Pawn to D5 and it looks like a great move White gets a pass Pawn but now the problem is you give black too much um too quickly Knight F6 already comes with an attack on the pawn let's say Knight to D2 defending already Bishop to B4 and in the hands of a strong Grandmaster this will be winning for black so instead after this Pawn to E5 move also Knight to F3 can be played but here D captures on E5 was played and this is what uh why I included the clocks here so if you if you check out the clocks uh nrec spent some 20 minutes on the clock uh vit spend zero time here blitzed out all of his moves he still has an hour and 30 minutes on the clock and de captures on E5 is in fact the uh the top move recommended by the engine so the engine says de captures on E5 is the strongest move and VI is the one who obviously surprised Notre Beck here as he spent zero time reaching this position but vidit for his next move does not play instantly or after a minute or even after 5 minutes vid it plays a bishop to B4 check and look at the clock now 47 minutes so he spent half of his time almost 45 minutes U on this one Bishop to B4 move it is the top move recommended by the engine but while was vidit thinking there it's very very hard to say maybe he just didn't know it because no one ever played D captures on E5 maybe it's just not a very ambitious way for white to play so no one really checks it uh but it um uh you know results in a very interesting game Bishop to D2 and now vidit instantly goes Bishop to C5 so he was calculating this for a very long time uh Knight to F3 and now Knight to C6 just continuing development we have Knight to C3 and Bishop to G4 pinning the Knight so vidit now should just develop the Knight Castle King side and he will be safe we have Knight captur on B5 uh preparing some Knight to D6 check maybe so Knight captures on E5 putting pressure on the F3 Knight and Bishop captures on C4 so inviting the doubling of the pawns on the f file Knight to F6 and now Pawn to H3 uh Notre Beck um there resed to capture on F3 and it is the safest way to play it's even good for black you just capture and after G captures you just castle and it's it's a very nice game the white king is in the center of the board okay there is the maybe the semiopen G file to worry about but it doesn't look very likely so instead vided goes for Bishop captures on F2 check and he starts the attack against the white king before Notre Beck has a chance to Castle Bishop captures on F2 check uh King captures on F2 uh King to E2 is actually much better uh but okay that's besides the point King captures on F2 Knight captures on e4 with check we have King to E3 only move that is is playable for white uh Bishop captures on F3 G captures and now Knight captures on D2 We have Queen captures and now of course you cannot trade Queens you're down a piece Queen to G5 with check there's only one move that doesn't lose for Nob that is Pawn to F4 and now Knight captures on C4 with check first B captures and now Queen to G3 with check and here King to E4 uh castles by vit and look at this Notre backck is up a piece he has this beautiful Knight here but with its Queen cutting off the white king completely the Rooks are coming to E8 and d8 is this is this just resigns territory for white turns out not really uh Knight to C3 the idea being that now once The Rook lands on d8 you will put the Knight on D5 uh and here there are moves you could play for example you could give a check King goes to D4 you give another check let's say Knight to D5 and okay the game continues you play something like Queen to G6 um it's uh not like uh White is enjoying his time with the King on D4 but vid played Rook 8 to C8 and this is now uh very very tricky now there is uh only one move that allows Notre to maintain not just equality but also gain an advantage so feel free to pause the video here and figure it out why would you play here with white it's not easy you know especially considering the times not 12 minutes and the clock vid it for for almost 5 minutes but it's a classical game uh have at it while I give you a couple of seconds so for those of you who were able to do it congratulations on finding it and for those of you who just want to enjoy the show it is King to D4 that's the only move you defend the C4 Pawn with the King uh or okay I could just show you what happens if you don't do this let's say you play Queen D4 you you you defend the the pawn this way already F5 and now you've taken away the D4 Square from the white king let's see go King to D5 Queen to G2 check King to D6 and it's a very very quick Checkmate there's no way out of this so King to D4 is crucial here now okay we have Rook F to d8 Rook F to d8 and now Knight to D5 we have Rook a to c uh sorry Queen to B3 uh preparing to capture on C4 and Rook eight to C1 and now what can vidit play here uh I will tell you the top move recommended by the engine because it's King h8 but who plays this uh so I will I will give you uh what seems like a normal move Queen to B6 check okay the Knight is pinned uh King to E4 and now you repeat Queen to B3 again you go and you hope for a repetition here as maybe notbe is also a very low on time here but he would also have Queen to C3 he would block here and if F5 with check King F3 and now you would be forced into a trade you will play Queen captures now the trick is Rook cannot capture to defend the pawn if Rook Capt you just capture the Knight here and if Pawn captures you also capture The Rook with check so Knight would have to capture and now you capture on C4 and okay you have two Rooks versus two Rooks and a knight but you do have two extra pawns so maybe you can save this however vit played Pawn to F5 first he sees the uh the glimpses of the variation because he's very low on time he just doesn't find the correct move order now Rook H to E1 and now Queen to B6 no longer does anything if Queen to B6 check now you just go King D3 and if Queen to B3 check you you can even play Rook to C3 and not a lot of a lot of ways for you to continue this so here Rook to D6 by vidit now comes Rook to E5 putting pressure on F5 and also preparing to double up on the E file if the situation allows it we have King to h8 by vidit Sid stepping um any nasty checks here and queen to C3 offering a queen trade vid it has to decline Queen to A2 and now Queen to C2 again offering a trade Queen A3 and now Rook C to E1 uh the C4 Pawn is sufficiently defended and you don't have to worry about anything here but vidit has to worry about Rook to E8 check so he brings the Rook back Rook to d8 uh Queen to C3 offering a queen trade and now Queen to A2 we have King to D3 uh Queen to G2 now preparing Queen captures on H3 you have to take uh you know every little bit your opponent gives you uh Queen to D2 uh Notre even invites the capture Queen captures and now Queen to E three notbe is is happily inviting a queen trade as his position is um objectively winning Queen to H5 and now Rook to E7 just nicely grabbing more space Here pawn to H6 by vidit creating some breathing room for his King so he doesn't have to you know have everything here guarding that E8 Square uh and now comes Queen to G3 threatening Checkmate uh they're both very low on time so I will just show it you can also play Rook capis on G7 here is just a much nicer and quicker way to do this but of course Notre will not um uh you know Miss his chance to take down a 2700 just to get a a fancier Checkmate let's say queen F6 check King to G8 Rook to G1 check and now a very nice Checkmate to let say King H7 and this will be Checkmate so after H6 Queen to G3 was played going after G7 so allowing viit to fight a little bit more Rook to G8 and now Rook to G1 tripling up on that G7 Pawn Rook to B8 VI knows that he has to give it up look for some counter playay here even Rook to B3 check is not dangerous the Knight can simply Retreat so you can see how this Knight is this is a monster Knight attacking defending controlling the entire position uh I mean the the the white king survived on e4 and on D4 absolutely incredible Rook CIS on G7 Rook to B3 check okay Knight blocks and now Rook to d8 with check King to C2 and now Rook captures and c31 last attempt by vidit King captures Queen to E8 uh now uh or rather no I think after the captur uh captur was resignation I think I will just check just give me a second I don't want to trick you guys uh let me just check real quickly yeah King captures and here vidit resigned the game it was in this position on move 40 that vidit resigned the game uh as there is nothing more to be down here obviously point being that uh mate is threatened and if he play something like Queen to E8 to stop Rook G then there's even Rook to H7 check a nice final sacrifice to deliver Checkmate so beautiful game beautiful opening I I you know lately I've uh uh really started enjoying the Queen's Gambit accepted I've started learning it a little bit tried employing it in my games un leaches it's a really wild like all of my games look like this not in not uh in quality of moves but in you know the madness appearing on the board so I I'm enjoying it quite a lot I just have to learn a little bit more to you know get the hand on my opponents uh you know uh a few times more than they do on me uh but yeah it's uh it's really really crazy opening and uh I I I thought this was incredible I have no idea what happened here D captures on E5 uh top move recommended by the engine vit is the one who prepared this position like nck is the one uh trying to you know F figure it out and then you spend half of your time on Bishop to B4 check 45 43 minutes on Bishop to B4 check uh incredible and it was a great game but in the end nck prevails so yeah if you haven't seen it last video like I said versus notbe abdat of the battle of two nck check it out it's a a pretty cool game uh I would like to thank Michael Bowers Eric Lee Timothy Lin ding power and the William Cooper for a contribution to my channel thank you a lot I really appreciate it as usual you can check two of my previous videos here thank all for watching and I will see you soon continuing to check up on your wonderful suggestions and whatever else happens in the Chess World this game also was a suggestion on the the previous video so thank you for suggesting it uh so thank you all I will see you soon and have an excellent rest of your day
Channel: agadmator's Chess Channel
Views: 144,238
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Keywords: agadmator, chess, best chess channel, best youtube chess channel, youtube chess, chess.com, play magnus, magnus carlsen, best chess videos, learn chess, best way to learn chess
Id: dlL4vSuFJ6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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