7 Signs You May Be With The Wrong Person

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Psych2go is a digital media organization that raises mental health awareness by presenting psychological topics in a digestible and relatable manner Please share our content with those who need it All couples and potential couples have their doubts from time to time It's only natural to ask ourselves whether we´re with the right person So are you needlessly worrying or is there really something wrong with the relationship? Here are seven signs you may be with the wrong person One: You're constantly unhappy Remember loving relationships are supposed to be some of the most enjoyable parts of life If you are constantly unhappy while in a relationship, you may be with the wrong person This is especially true if you're feeling unhappy, even when you're hanging out together and going on dates Two: You're experiencing high levels of stress Aside from feeling unhappy relationships can also be a source of stress for many people While it's natural to worry about our relationships from time to time. There comes a point when the stress becomes a cause for alarm Ask yourself whether the relationship is making you feel relaxed or whether the scale is being tipped more towards anxiety and worry Three: Your expectations are not being met Everyone has their own vision of what a perfect partner is Inevitably they end up modifying those expectations to fit the partners that we meet. But how much are you willing to compromise? According to ideas explored in the developmental course of marital dysfunction Couples naturally adapt their expectations and come to terms with the fact that they're not quite with their dream partners If you can't see yourself adapting to your partner's negative traits, then you might be with the wrong person Four: You knew there were problems at the very beginning On that same note couples are usually willing to adapt to each other during the initial stages of the relationship Research has shown that people naturally ignore each other's negative traits during the initial courtship phase. In many cases people willingly ignore serious and obvious personality flaws Think back to the beginning of the relationship and ask yourself whether you noticed negative traits that have become more prominent and noticeable as the relationship advanced You could be coming out of the honeymoon phase and starting to notice serious issues that were previously sidestepped Five: Your gut tells you something is off, but you can't seem to pinpoint it Sometimes it's best to listen to your instincts being able to explain to yourself or your partner why you don't feel content isn't always essential If you feel a nagging constant voice telling you that you're with the wrong person. You might want to listen to that voice Although our subconscious mind can often point us in the right direction Its messages don't necessarily form coherent words and signs Sometimes it's best to simply listen to your gut Six: Your partner doesn't seem very conscientious- A 2004 study published by the Journal of family psychology attempted to link certain personality traits with marital satisfaction researchers found a connection between a number of personality traits and Unsatisfied couples and one trait was lowered conscientiousness additional traits linked with dissatisfaction Included high neuroticism and lowered agreeableness. If you're starting to wonder whether you might be with the wrong person You might want to ask yourself whether or not your partner has any of these traits. Low levels of conscientiousness? Should be fairly obvious In other words lazy people may not be the best partner, but if you're one of them, it doesn't mean that you can't change Seven: You're too similar You've probably heard the old saying opposites attract. But is there any science behind this? Well, a 2007 study found a greater overall personality similarities do have an effect on relationships and not necessarily positive ones. As similar couples spend more time together, the data suggests that a downward slope is more likely compared to couples who have very different personalities Researchers also found that couples who had similar levels of extraversion were even more likely to experience Dissatisfaction down the road. Other possible signs can include not showing the same values You don't feel like you can be you around them or something just feels off But at the end of the day only you can decide whether or not you're with the right or wrong person. As we mentioned previously Sometimes you just have to listen to your gut and follow your emotions. While these points can point us in the right direction, it's important to find your own reasons for making such a big decision Did you enjoy this video? Can you relate to any of these signs? If you enjoyed the video and found it helpful, please consider subscribing Share this video with someone who might need it. As always: Thanks for watching You
Channel: Psych2Go
Views: 1,764,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wrong person, wrong guy, relationship, girlfriend, boyfriend, dating, dating couple, couple, couples, dating advice, relationship advice for men, relationship advice for young couples women
Id: -urdsIY5XeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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