"Never Forgive Him" - Dame Dash Reveals Who Killed Aaliyah, TELLS ALL About R. Kelly & Jay-Z

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what's the most painful moment in your life when aiyah died okay so when when that happened I think we were all shocked I was broken I know you were nobody more than you because you you guys our mother and father were but they they didn't move on at all ever and you can't but yeah it was very painful there do you still listen to any of her music or no no it hurts so much like on her birthday one day I was listening to it I forgot with uh Nicollet and this girl big dooa cuz she's a fan and we were I was trying to write for a movie and that had me crying I was crying I didn't like the way I felt you know that's something it's a feeling that you have to learn to live with but I was you know I was really in love with her and she died tragically Dame did did did that event ever want you to find out exactly who was behind it and what happened or did you block all the theories that people were presenting behind it where you or was it like I'm going to get to the bottom of it and find out exactly what happened I mean I know happened so I didn't have to get to the bottom of it does does what the media and the market write about what happened match if I know what happens why would I give a about what the media says that's like saying I'm they're writing about my girl and I'm with her every day you understand what I mean yeah so I don't do the media so much you know what I mean like of course I've heard they said I'm like everyone to me gets deter at some conspiracy so again when you know what people write about you personally it's hard to believe everything that read so no I don't I I to me it's an oxymoron to be famous or be known and care about what people think that's the dumbest in the world and to let that dictate what you do that's weakness and you know I'm not driven by insecurity sustainable it's not and that's why a lot of people go nuts cuz they're so scared about people that they don't know that aren't participating in the art they are that's a great point and and and and and they're worried about what these people think and and that's insecurity I'm not that guy I've never presented myself as that guy you're May 3d right yeah I don't usually care what people think other than if I respect exactly you've done and you've done something that I need to do or I'm trying to do but other than that unless you're my family and I don't care what nobody think can I I don't have to I'm not going to listen to a conspiracy theory if I know the truth but I'm not going to tell you what the truth is in this moment we in public okay there's a lot of truths that I know that because I'm just not a sucker and I don't feel like dealing with certain things that I'm not going to come out publicly cuz a lot of things I've been saying and exposing years ago no one them said up until until just now so if you remember I was beefing with Harvey onstein I'm beefing with Leo I'm beefing with Steve Stout most of the people that I'm beefing with and I'm saying beefing because they're conspiring together having meetings about how to put me out of business and stop my cash flow that's actually happening do you believe in accountability of course that's what's happening so wouldn't you want to hold people accountable for what they did to Aaliyah yeah so can I can I wait wait wait what happened to Aaliyah that I don't know what do you talk about can I give you what I what I've but don't tell me what you heard on Tik Tok no not Tik Tok it's not TI Tok cuz you're smarter than no no it's not Tik so I always listen to the man that's asking me the question and I know the nature of the question by the intelligence of the man and what their intention is so just be selective about that question yeah I mean listen and and what I what I respect about you is Dame you can simply say don't want to commment don't want to say anything no problem we'll move on to the next thing I'll Just sh what I'm going to want to know is why what your in problem and then there'll be accountability well for me I I got four kids you know and and when you see somebody like this who had an incredible voice and she was in that one movie with what did you hear though what did you hear I don't what what did you hear my question why are you saying a conspiracy why no it's not a conspiracy so what I heard is she's coming up and the whole uh uh challenge where she used to be married to R Kelly she 15 she wasn't married 15 years old can't married 15 to a grown ass man I know but so why would you still listen to him knowing that they said he married a 15-year-old that was the issue that you knew it was illegal to be married to a 15-year-old and a dude could actually put out a album that says AJ nothing but and y'all going to listen to it and not say a word that's where people should be I'm with you I I agree so but what's the conspiracy so then it's not even the conspiracy so then you know are Kelly and her then you know you don't know the conspiracy then then Jay you're looking for a conspiracy then Jay no not at all not not at all Rob matter of fact you may want to stop Googling stop Googling because he's thinking I'm looking at what you're putting up what's the conspiracy that you ask me about so then Jay and then later on with you she starts um being with you for you you you said don't you want to find out what happened and I want to know what what want asking you what you heard happen you got in a plane crash if Lenny did Lenny Kravitz offer his plane cuz hype did some made H say no for cuz hype's a sucker for that and I'm I'm never going to forgive him for that so period we know it ain't no conspiracy I've been told yall that so you asking me did I find out the conspiracy if I'm curious I told you I already know so I'm asking you what you know that I don't so if you know something I don't let me know so I could go deal with it if you don't why are we talking about it yeah so I don't I don't think it's whether I know or you don't know what's the conspiracy that you're talking about I no no it's not even a conspiracy is if that was the event so I guess that was the event then what the public knows and what you know is the same thing so what's the conspiracy where's the gray area but where I'm going with that is the frustration with the fact that you know oh that my my partner did a album and did a tour with him that was the frustration that's the frustration yeah and with the frustration is why y'all didn't say nothing about it that's what my was how is nobody saying nothing about it like this raping girls they know that it was a girl he said he married a 15year old and everybody at that point until it became common or like it became the end thing to do wasn't nobody disrespecting AR Kelly everybody was still going to his shows until it became popular opinion people weren't looking the other way so what I was was disappointed in every fan that didn't care that this dude was raping a little girl and actually you know tried to you can't sugarcoat you cannot marry a 15-year-old period in America you understand what I'm saying but she died she died in the plane crash there ain't no conspiracy there there is no conspir the problem was and again a lot of things happen behind the scenes to get up to that point but that's the stuff that people don't know and I don't feel like talking about all that because it'll open up a whole can of worms yeah so you know again and I I appreciate you for uh even sharing what you just shared I know it's a sensitive topic you just didn't tell me the conspiracy yet though no it's not for me it's it's more like okay for example I was just holding you accountable for question you said accountability you said do you go with the conspiracies that you hear and I'm saying which one did you hear that I didn't know about like what I be looking for in August 25th of 01 I was 21 years old applying for a job 22 years old applying for a job at Morgan stany Dean W on my first day was 910 2001 so at this point I'm thinking about whether I'm going to go back into the army and stay in the marketplace M and no one knows what's going on with the story we're reading about it and we know what happened till later on our AR oh that no we all knew what was going on he made you're in the world no it was common knowledge that he was married to a Leah or he painted that picture of him being sexually with her at 15 yeah that was publicized it wasn't no conspiracy everybody know the question is while you're in the Army why didn't you think that was weird oh for sure I thought it was Weir did you still listen to him listen to who R Kelly at that time yeah I'm sure I did knowing that he is having sex with a 15-year-old as a grown man I mean are you kidding me the stuff that we heard with Michael Jackson everybody's trying to verify and say is that possible the reason why I'm asking you this is you know the DNA and the problems I have to deal with even though a smart man like yourself knows something is wrong you still going to do it list to any but you don't know something's wrong so it's kind of you do know wait a second you're wait wait wait you're telling me that if your little sister was 15 and uh grown man married her or said he married her you would know something's wrong there's no question about it and that was not a hidden thing is what I'm telling you there but but it was not hidden but you're in the world it's for example it's kind of like saying I'm asking the public did you did you believe Trump was Trump was dealing with Russia did you believe it did you think he was cuz I know you're not a you know maybe you're not supportive of him did you think he was colluding with Russia it was with the gray areas I don't really give a okay but he's your president he would be your President right he your president he was like to me My President is me see I don't depend on public assistance and no disrespect to anybody that does but whoever is the the the the the president only thing that's going to be affected with me is taxes but either way I'm going do what I'm going to do I find Donald Trump did you think he was colluding with Russia I I was curious okay so I think I think with Donald Trump there's always a great I think with Donald Trump no matter what yeah it's a gray area so were you surprised later on to find out that Hillary Clinton paid for that fake Russian the collusion that I'm not even again that's the politics that I think people use to distract us from paying attention to ourselves but what I'm what I'm saying saying what I'm saying is I didn't give it that much thought right I wasn't listening to am but it affects your taxes though right and taxes let me tell you something right raping a little girl is way different there's three things in the street you don't with no matter what snitches pedophiles and rapists I'm with you so I don't give a about politics if I hear that someone is raping a little girl I'm no longer supporting them period and just cuz everyone else isn't looking the other way doesn't mean that you shouldn't so you as a common person that was not to say common but a person that you said was in the audience I'm curious to know I'm curious to know how could you know that somebody was raping a little girl just because it was put in a different sentence structure and you still think it's okay until the rest of the world says something so then I got a question for you so you said you don't want to comment on Diddy M right and I said I want to comment on it I said this certain things well wait a minute though then then it's a double standard because with Diddy it's been proven that what he's done with young you know boys and all these other things that come up million I'm not running around do you think the market needs to know about that I know him personally right you don't know Paul's puff I don't know arelly personally you do right so why would I jump in conclusion if I don't know the guy personally what I'm saying is if you hear a guy raped a 15-year-old right are you interviewing him he's got an open invitation I wouldn't I know you wouldn't yeah that's what we that's what we differ so I guess what I'm saying is what I was asking and again I'm not saying I still with puff at all I'm not saying I ever did it's just it's not for me to knock anyone down while they're down unless I had a personal problem with them but I'm not doesn't mean I'm going with them it's just I'm not going to do that but just because I know him but I'm not going to be a fan honestly as it relates to Michael Jackson I still listen to Michael Jackson I as well and and I went to never Neverland when he wasn't there with kadada you know out of curiosity well I wasn't a kid you know he would get knocked out you know what I mean but I I didn't I wasn't jacking that though I wasn't cool with it so I'm just saying I'm I wasn't a fan of him how could you be a fan of a person that you know and the Reas I was using you is because what do you think the average person is doing they see things that are imoral they look past it until it's public opinion and I'm a person that can't look past things until it's public opinion so put it like this if I had a problem with puff and I may or may not it didn't just start after everyone started having a problem with him I wasn't never at none of those parties I you never seen me in no real pictures with him other than the last 20 years and I was at his party once at the Hampton with Aaliyah Jennifer Lopez and ntin but that's it and we left early but just because I don't with someone publicly or privately it don't mean I'm going diss him publicly but if you diss me public publicly I'm getting at you if I know you so then let me let me go let me go I was just trying to tell you the temperature like we're in a world that people look the other way because when you again what I said about Trump is it all right that his whole crew went to jail I just answer that I think I think is that a good boss I think no one is being I didn't ask you that I'm asking you is it all right that his whole crew went to jail I I don't think anybody is being more demonized and car ask that don't Republican I want you to answer my question an independent I'm a register independent who liked voting for Clinton and I voted I'm just asking you a question from an independent if somebody's whole crew went to jail are they a good boy yeah yes or no I uh yes or no but but I don't know but I don't know yes or no no but you're also not giving the right answers when no you're not because you're a part of Dame respectfully respectfully I I I respect what you've done to the space you've been a part of it is very hard to make it to the highest level I got a lot of respect for you it depends on what you consider the highest level well where you have influence and you're able to sit down with bullies you said you like to bully the bully you know what one of the affirmations I teach my kids we do Bully to bully I tell my kids my my our new record is punch you in your face that's our anti-bully record yeah so but but the point is a lot of the things you talk about with raising boys family those things we may be on the same page in in a situation right now when I'm bringing up Diddy the only reason I'm bringing up Diddy is because you can bring them up yeah the last two months every day something new is coming up about you can't bring him up every listen he's the topic of conversation you can't unless you don't bring him up you're not going to let me ask this other questions are you familiar with Jaguar Wright um I'm not friendly with her but I remember her when we did um the unplugged the the MTV Unplugged The Heart of the City I think she was doing the she just sang background but I that's the only time I remember really interacting much we were I always remember us being cool do do you uh there's now some rumors circulating and you can shut it down the second I say it that there was a tie with the Jay-Z had some stuff to do with Diddy and they're kind of both being you know aligned and quiet about it they're in a lot of pictures together so yeah what about it I don't know I haven't been around him in the last 10 15 years got it okay like you know what's great I don't know about certain things cuz I haven't been around that's the reason why that's fair the reason why I pivoted because the gray area thing I don't play those games at all so whatever was going on I just never even engaged indulged or anything it not even looked the other way doesn't look at all I just left you don't see me in none of them pictures has the has the FED at all reached out to you for information or no I haven't been around him like that I'm not around him like that just cuz we black don't mean no that's not it but you guys were Partners like that's a part me and Jay at one point oh why would they reach out to me for what I don't know if they they want to say hey is there anything you want to talk to us about you know with what happened they've never reached out to you no cuz they reached reaching out to a lot of weird people right now I'm not weird okay they're not going to talk to me I'm not weird all right so so let me let me ask this other question well maybe within this context I hope they don't neither they better not come knocking at my door with that I ain't got to do with none of that so so let me ask let me ask this other question you see I'm out of there for for me uh uh class of 96 see I'm I'm the only one that can still talk I'm the one that can come outside I'm not hiding cuz I ain't got nothing to hi and that's what I mean I can sleep at night well that's what I'm saying I think are you would be the one that they wouldn't want talk they would be worried about you knowing stuff you got to remember like people that are committing crimes yeah only tend to commit crimes around other criminals I'm not a criminal like that I'm not going to they're not going to do things on my watch that I'm not that I'm not going to be all right with because they know I'm going say something so if I see anything that's unsavory or someone tries me yeah I'm not keeping that a secret cuz I'm not scared of the recourse I have no fear of any of those people that's why I could say no cuz there was no fear not you can't even look at you can't even ask me certain questions cuz you know you going to get embarrassed that's what's going to happen you know what I mean and if I if I lose that fight I'll lose it but I'm fighting it and everyone going to know what I'm fighting about and I'm not going to be scared of not being able to get a check from somebody cuz I'll go earn my own or like you said or like I said I because I'm not worried about what people perceive as a win I'm worried about being creative and love is my curency I care about being able to walk in here with my family and be able to work with my family do books with my family go to schools go help clo down jails like you know I think there's way better stuff that I'm doing and that's what I noticed what they don't talk about with no one makes a big deal until it's too late is damn I'm going into schools three or four times a week and talking to kids and teach them how to dream and I'm going into jails trying to get the retive rate down that's the that matters so if you like this clip and you want to watch another one click right here and if you want to watch the entire podcast click right here
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 381,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, Patrick Bet-David, PBD, patrick bet david podcast, Valuetainment podcast, valuetainment, patrick bet david, PBD podcast, Betdavid Podcast, Podcast Betdavid, PBDPodcast, money, politics, news, Economy, Business, Diddy, Damon dash, Hip hop, Rock a fella records, Diddy Allegations, Tupac, Biggie, Diddy Sex Allegations, Diddy Exposed, Diddy News, Diddy Raid, Bad Boy Records
Id: W7ReCwILzXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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