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hello vitamin Army and welcome to Mansion Tycoon I know I just played this bounce house tycoon game and now I'm building a house so yeah it's probably important um okay what do I do first should probably buy some land right well I don't notice a change at all except for this little Hill oh great excuse me out of my driveway soon to be driveway please yeah this is mine now please give me a wall in the gate immediately to block the children I'm gonna buy some lights for a hundred dollars yay your income is now five sweet what can I uh buy over here driveway wall okay we're just gonna focus on the driveway who cares about the house I just want to get a car and go drive over some uh well I can't say it anyway parking spot is twenty five thousand dollars I don't think I can afford that so let's buy I guess I have to buy the path yes now my income is seven what is all this stuff here buy the hyper car pack no if I'm gonna buy anything it's gonna be wait what did I just click I have four different houses oh my goodness but yeah if I'm gonna buy anything it's gonna be the times to cash just makes life easier might as well buy it now because I know I'm gonna need it that's the only game pass I'm gonna buy We're not gonna buy VIP or anything like that we're just gonna suffer this way all right so we got fifteen hundred dollars it's time to buy another floor I have to build a mega mansion as you saw here I'm one percent done and then after the mega mansion I can build the beach house and the penthouse tropical I'm like okay just a lot of stuff we'll do that in other videos all right let's buy a door I finally have a door to a house so I'm not gonna be homeless soon so buy a window and another window okay cool the windows are getting really expensive that's not actually what I want to see but I don't have a choice do I okay well I'm now broke so let's run back to my mailbox pick up eighteen hundred dollars and join a new server because I don't want this stupid kid all right we're at a new server it's also daytime that's nice and I have three thousand dollars look there's this locked doors button this is gonna be really handy when I get sworn by sussy fans so let's buy a wall and what kind of wall I just paid a thousand dollars for this are you kidding me okay let's buy another one bam all right um I'm buying incomplete walls that doesn't really make sense but let's buy a wall panel and then another floor oh boy this is gonna get expensive really quickly everything right here is just thousands of dollars okay well this is Mega Mansion Tycoon I guess I should have expected this let's buy a window hello oh it's telling me that I'm broke can I buy times two money again and get no okay that would have been kind of cool anyway four thousand one hundred dollars that's literally not enough to buy any of this stuff over here okay well what about over here this floor is 960 dollars it gave me more income that that's always good oh that's an expensive wall let's buy this wall first it's only 600. oh okay a lot of stuff just popped out of the ground here let's buy a Better Door good and do I want to complete this stuff I don't know oh a painting three thousand dollars oh no it's so much I can buy a counter yay I'm broke again I wish I could run faster my Mansion is slowly getting big I'm making forty two dollars a second but it's actually eighty four dollars because I bought that stupid game pass but anyway let's buy some cabinets is this the garage or a kitchen what is this how about the counter okay I'm broke already dude oh my gosh this developer all right whatever let's get some more money 27.50 that's not enough let's buy these cats that's the end so that brought me up to 48 per second in the wall so everything I buy does increase my income a little bit that's at least something to be happy about oh we're building the garage door I see yeah good I want to get cars first the quicker I get a car the quicker I can go run people over 3 800 what do I want to get the cheapest thing so let's get the garage door oh there we go here uh no keep it closed we don't want people coming in let's get the other garage door oh there it is okay open right now let's close it make sure no one can get in and what can I buy with a thousand dollars this window is only 600 everything I buy increases my money by two dollars every single second so that means I want to buy the cheapest button possible every single time no matter what it is so we'll get the window this time laggy game hello thank you and then we'll get another window and another one and another one okay good so now we're up to 66 per second you can see my money is starting to increase pretty quickly let's grab it and the cheapest thing we have is this wall for 1200 so there we go ooh a table 750 good and what else do we have here we have a window for 1500 Hunter that's expensive but it is a big window so I understand but yes I am once again sassy poor all right this stuff in here is just expensive look at that lights for 67.50 a painting for three thousand oh no hey go away lock the door doors locked you can't come in bro go away yeah you can't come in here no no wait he can open the garage door stupid developer all right we're back I have nine thousand dollars why the heck can the kids open the garage that's ridiculous oh The Sassy developer okay we're gonna finish up the garage here because I'm angry so it's by the roof buy some lights and does that mean my garage is done I guess here's by a bush it's really expensive but that's not a bush that's just a hit I don't know but I guess children could come over and open my garage door I'm kind of angry about that it's really cringe so if I lock the door I can't get in even the owner is banned from entering his own Mansion but anyone can just walk over open my garage and then just sneak into my house yeah I don't oh wait okay at least this door's closed okay if I unlock my doors can I go in oh yes I can all right so we want to keep the doors locked the kids can go into the garage and play around like idiots line here he comes another okay bro get your llama Avatar away from my face ooh twelve thousand dollars that's a lot no you're not welcome you can't come in yeah you go over there you play in the garage I'm gonna finish up and build these walls over here oh I gotta finish this quickly before he comes right here here's a wall good and then that's all it was okay dude what I'm paying so much money for these tiny walls oh it is really nice artwork are these Bob Ross paintings I think they are anyway let's buy a couch oh this one first it's cheaper I'm gonna sit because I'm pissed just buy a small table and a lamp it's cheap and what can I get for 1900 anything I don't think I can get anything oh well you know what I'm not really upset about a lamb being in my Mansion you can stay in there okay just enjoy the seat no get off my lamp freaking lamb anyway I have another twelve thousand dollars to collect I'm gonna finish the garage might as well oh okay Mr Lamb's in here here's buy my painting this is really cool that's how I show off to the girls and then let's buy a ceiling yay I'm now making 92 per second oh we got to get lights okay am I finally done dude oh my gosh okay you kids stay in the garage I'm locking the doors don't come out just stay in there okay I need to get this man sealed can I just like climb over sure I can but I don't want to waste my time trying all right let's build this floor oh my gosh this mansion's huge okay but we got a cheap wall here any more cheap walls no this one's three thousand dollars that's a scam what's this button over here oh another wall that yeah that's really expensive but I'm gonna buy it I don't care so that wall cost me 4 500 but this one's only 900 so oh and that one's way okay so I just got way more wall for much cheaper oh a bowling alley that's what I'm building here okay maybe I'll play with the land all right let's buy this door for 900 this is a back door it's locked good and then another door for 37.50 I don't have enough weight I can buy this door damn okay good we're slowly sealing myself in oh good lamb you are seated in my seat that's a very good spot for you just stay there I'm really poor with only 13 so let's go pick up some more money oh my gosh I'm making a lot I'm almost at twenty thousand no lamb get back in the seat oh my gosh he never listens all right well let's get this Mansion finished here another door so that sets up this wall and let's get this wall here we want a completely enclose my Mansion so none of the children can come inside here a window and that's all it did oh my gosh what about this wall here three thousand dollars ready okay we're so close but we gotta get the window and then this wall and then window yeah we're actually so close to finishing my house here wait what about this whole area what's going on here how do I seal this up maybe I need a wall here let's get this one okay yeah I think that was the one to get but I'm now broke no pop cat you cannot come in no open the door no okay you know what fine you're actually really cute all right come on in come on yeah vitamins pop cat too you're allowed to come in wait hello are you okay you're only loud in my house if you're an animal hey bro go on in it's okay you can come into my house come on there we go all right you just here come over here the seat is for you Mr Pop cat yeah you just stay in here I'm gonna lock the door so they actually can't leave so actually this is not a mansion it's gonna become a zoo just where I put all my animals twenty seven thousand dollars in a flipped car can I drive this oh all right well the pop cat drove a Tesla over here but I'm gonna steal hello can I can't steal oh my gosh I can't steal an animal's car oh look at him oh I'm sorry do you want to come out no you can't come out popcat you stay in there welcome to my Zoo don't try jumping over Pop cat you stay in I'm gonna walk all the way around and I'm gonna finish off the wall over here how far am I oh 10 great yo pop cat he discovered the the wall here hey come on in Mr Pop cat just uh don't leave for a little bit okay we're building wall there we go okay oh no I almost trapped him in there how do I fish off this area maybe I need a ceiling let's buy the ceiling that's looking nice but this whole area I don't I'm really confused all right let's buy some bowling alley lanes and then what is this down here a bowling alley that's expensive but okay all right pop cat you can now throw bowling balls down here all right so you guys just play enjoy your zoo I'm gonna finish up this whole area like what's goldify so for 35 Bo Buck I get an extra five dollars per second no that's scam I just want to seal off this wall over here and but I have no idea how to do it so what I'm gonna do is finish up this area here I think this is the bathroom yeah the toilet mirror everything I can wash my hands oh yeah look at that water oh he's taking a crap okay let me get out of here wait I'm gonna turn off the lights for you okay have a good trip right you two stay here I'm Gonna Leave really quickly and then lock the door no he got out four thousand dollars Come On Pop Cat come back into the zoo once he comes in okay now we lock the doors all right so he can't leave why the heck can I not build this wall here it's really making me angry I'm gonna finish this whole area okay I think this is done I don't know how to seal off all this whatever dude let's just focus on the counter and then all this uh stuff here whatever I'm hoping it'll eventually oh yeah look it opened up all this stuff over here oh finally some walls to trap my animals there we go uh yeah now you're trapped for sure I do have a nice fireplace for you so enjoy it hello lag what's this button do oh lamps okay and some nice carpet all right you guys enjoy your zoo I'm gonna go grab some money you're trapped you can't leave now stop trying to leave you cannot leave can we be friends uh no stand by Zoo oh great you're not an animal you're not allowed here you're not allowed gotta find a way to sneak in like I got an idea I opened my garage and then I unlock the doors I go in and then I lock it okay good so now my animals are stuck in the mansion and that one human cannot come in so spend money on cheap stuff like this chair and another chair in this table people in another chair oh this floor is only 900 yes we definitely want that oh got some more stuff outside to build but let's get this counter for 1800 oh we got a carpet over here and ceiling so yeah let's buy both of these there we go so this whole area is almost done ooh lamps and those are some really expensive lights but these lights are even more expensive okay oh staircase twelve hundred dollars wait no we don't want to buy that yet because then the animals will be able to go up and Escape so let's make sure we finish everything down here first big couch for 7.50 that's cheap some tables bean bags here lamb take a seat into this be back here yeah look at that look how comfortable we are hey Pop cat excuse me sir can you get off of me please Mr popcat please I'm allergic bro Stop Dancing I'll buy some lamps and then a couch that is not a couch this is a single Cedar unless I'm just really obese all right let's buy a ceiling and lights all right we are owning it's starting to actually look like a mansion no you cannot come in here no you're not allowed hey excuse me no you can't come in here this is only for Animals both of you a half to to leave this is my private Zoo I'm a millionaire I have a bunch of animals they are for my own entertainment wait look if I reset yes I can go outside and get money oh excellent a hundred thousand dollars waiting for me oh yeah now I have to find a way to sneak in without these people figuring it out oh wait a parking spot for 25 yeah let's buy that oh yeah starter pack how much is this that's a scam actually that's probably cheap now we can buy all these cars and then be cool and impress girls I guess it doesn't like that another parking spot is 100 000 weight so how do I get a car we have to stand on this so this car is 220 000 these cars are free but not really because you have to buy the executive pack so they're not free the developer is lying that's false advertisement I could report them to the FTC get them sent to jail for 75 years Rob go away it's only for Animals okay leave my animals alone Rob please how am I gonna sneak into we could figure out a way here come on pop cat just stay in there I'm trying to find a way in what the heck is that at my front door I see a bodybuilder oh my gosh let's just buy these stairs oh and then another floor okay good my gosh someone stuff to buy out here all right let's buy all this stuff no animals you cannot come out this is for me to relax we've got some more walls and floors and stuff am I building a pool oh I am all right cool let's uh finish up this area we got a staircase uh-oh I better hurry up and close this area off because that's how uh sussy humans are gonna sneak into my house and please build some windows or something here okay we got some bushes but this isn't enough to block people oh well at least we got my animals inside the house still that's all that really matters to me and let's go get some more money HopCat just died oh gosh okay hold on let's go in it's a sad day is the Lamb still here at least oh good I still got my lamb oh yeah dude I don't know what you are but I guess you're kind of an animal you're like a buff Doge okay fine you know what here come over here dog no you're going the wrong whatever all right let's build my basement oh now this is fancy look at this I got a safe down here here what the heck 189 thousand dollars okay no uh yeah that's for really really rich people I'm just a mediocre YouTuber I don't have that much money oh good the dog made it let's lock the door okay welcome to my Zoo you're now stuck here forever and I'm gonna buy some lights all right I think I finished this first floor just kidding let me buy these ones okay how far am I done 23 so we have a lot more to go it's time for the staircase here we go second floor come on lamb come check out your new floor I'm buying all this for you Mr land I'm buying another couch for you see these are couches like actual couches I can sit here with the lamb and my buff dog bro sit down thank you look at us here we're just relaxing bro those are some amazing biceps and pecs what do you think like oh you're a two-headed lamb I just realized I didn't know that that makes you extra rare I can charge a really expensive fee for people to come into the zoo and look at you I have to buy all these chairs individually hello scam but they have like a set package or something Ikea oh I don't know how do I even get out here is there a door hello let me unlock oh here we go sliding door yeah but hey Pop cat you're back yeah the door's open you can go in it's okay man go on in I got a second floor come on man this is a really sweet Zoo let me show you the second floor I got yeah I've been building it with the lamb and the the buff Doge over there so we're just gonna build outside here we got I got a waterfall look at this thing pop cat you guys this is where you guys can bathe oh wait I guess it's kind of a scam it's not real water we got a bridge oh wow well this is really uh something else isn't it let's fish off this area can I relax hello oh yeah here PopCap I'm needing to apply some sunblock to me man I'm really pasty look at that I'm the widest as you can be no don't have the buff does apply he he's too strong it hurts let me buy some lights it's getting dark there we go oh yeah this fake Waters actually I don't like that anyway let's buy a lamp and a table this table was ten thousand dollars bro what am I spending my money on here come on let's go finish up this uh whatever this area is there's something down here I have to buy another wall okay bam look at that that's really cool huh these columns they came straight from Rome and we'll also have to buy out here can we sneak in just like a little sneaky sneaker oh papa look at that we're hacking eleven thousand dollars for a wall I don't think so I'm gonna buy this couch and then this one too there we go we want to buy the cheap stuff so let's get this floor and what's cheap here this wall is pretty cheap and this TV is actually cheap yeah I know how to budget because interact with the TV oh meet the Jackson family no turn that crap off let's buy a wall and some windows these are cheap good oh no I just bought okay whatever it's just spend all my money whatever all right animals you stay in the zoo I gotta go get some more money I have exactly 100 000 let's go finish the upstairs actually I don't have nearly enough uh money but that's okay let's finish up this area here it's kind of expensive but whatever I'm just gonna spend the money get a cheap TV once again and now we get a cheap table so this stuff is all pretty cheap here we're getting two dollars per second every time we spend money on this so that's good 9600 for a wall that's way too much let's go buy some cheap stuff I see some pool chairs for three thousand dollars are we building a new pool up here twenty five thousand dollars for a new pool okay I'm gonna do it Mr Pop cat okay I'm swimming with my animals this is awesome every child dreams of swimming School lights oh my gosh it's so beautiful let's go back into my pool wait I actually like this pool it's three-dimensional that's some crazy technology what do you expect I'm a millionaire let's buy this wall it's pretty expensive but I don't care anything cheap over here the answer is no the cheapest thing is actually the ceiling and then these lights are pretty cheap as you can tell I'm pretty Frugal in real life actually I'm gonna buy this carpet and now I'm broke once again oh I can buy the couch awesome all right pop cat you just hang out on the couch I'm gonna go get money I'm also gonna lock the door no you guys can't leave a lamb somehow snuck out it's okay my money is going up really fast look at this money lamb wait how'd you get out pop cat gosh I think he's hacking let's get back up here and finish this what's cheap oh accounts 2700 good let's get it bam six thousand dollar table I don't think so going for the couch first and then the lamps right now I buy the table Yeah six thousand dollars for this trash I'm jumping on hope it breaks um what do I buy next how about a wall and a door and another wall some shells what am I building here is this my walk-in closet oh no it's another restroom oh okay this is a Fancy's second floor restroom oh yeah look this spending all my money on this bathroom it's so nice a golden toilet no you go take a crap lamb you can have privacy I just bought you a door this light switch is way off wait maybe I have to buy the wall oh there we go oh more Robux to spend no I'm not gonna do that that's cringe but I am broke so maybe I should yeah you know what let's just do it's 35 cents literally I don't care yes I'm buying it okay oh that's gold now look at that you know what I'm gonna buy this as well make this uh let's just make the pinball gold probably let's buy it oh yeah I'm cringe I don't care oh no we have a human quick let me out and now let's lock the door no you cannot go in Nick I am 38 done with my mega mansion crap unlock quick Nick is slacking let me in unlock come on okay lock lock okay good no humans yeah get out of here Nick all right let's get back to work constructing my dream home got some lights we got another wall goldify I think so uh yeah I tend to be so cringe what's this get me oh golden wall cool waterfall ooh golden waterfall now that's just crazy let's finish up whatever this is supposed to be a wall here a fridge oh this is a like a like a kitchen something crazy let's buy yeah you know we're just buying all this look at these expensive lights yeah this is like a pantry with a refrigerator and a stove it's just a really expensive area you wouldn't understand if you're watching this video because my fans are all poor it was by a counter and a fridge kitchen island kitchen table chair another chair another chair another chair and now I'm broke oh are you cooking for me oh thank you oh yeah we only have two chairs sorry buff Doge guy you're gonna have to chill oh he's got food as well you're bringing me pancakes it's so nice of you and the llama's Got Sushi PopCap what are you feeding me it's okay let's go back to my mailbox I have some more money 115 000 I mean like a thousand every seconds go on in oh I can build a ceiling finally let's do that wow and then lights now I have a really fancy entrance way bro my house is getting decked out did I say house I meant zoo let's finish up the kitchen over here all right I'm gonna need you guys to get some food for me please we're all gonna be able to sit around the table and eat all right how did you guys even get food let's see get food hello oh I want a cake I have a cake wait what's this oh I can bake oh my gosh a cookie for me I have the best animals ever okay can I put this on the ground wait what did I do I just hold on to it can I eat it pop cat eat it eat the cake pop cat it's really good for you oh my gosh well I have to sit for this the lamb has made me a turkey you're just such a good animal lamb wait how do you put them on here oh you click the table and puts all the food on here oh my gosh guys this is just amazing meal with my zoo animals this is just everything thing I ever dreamed of it's just crazy said that missing Doge anyway let's go spend some more money because that's what rich people do like me so rich I'm gonna buy another hallway just so rich easy a wall for 12 000 that's easy if you're rich another floor because I'm rich and I'm actually about to be poor because yeah I can't afford that I'm poor oh I can buy this wall but that door is way too expensive dude everything's getting so pricey I actually cannot buy anything all right come on back to the mailbox how much money has my rich dad sent me oh 165 000 thanks Dad I worked so hard for it all right come on let me in wait why does the lamb get to go in hello thank you let's finish buying all this stuff up here what is this room is this like a bedroom a closet I don't know but all the walls are red it's kind of kind of scaring me oh a workout room we got treadmills a bench press dumbbells is this how the Doge got so buff that's just awesome okay here let me work out wait oh we've got a TV in here so that's an 11 000 TV what it's really expensive dude I need to work out low let me bench please get a wall for seven thousands buy this and then a cheap door that wall is a rip-off let's not let's avoid this door wait those are my only options just got these three buttons all right let's buy this wall it's the cheapest and now I'm broke again bro why am I always so broke Daddy I'm out of money daddy Oh Daddy oh thank you Dad he's so nice he knows how hard I'm working working so hard for all this money I have such a good dad all right let's buy this door and then this wall we're just gonna fish everything up here okay that's a cheap wall that's what I like to see what's this room gonna be I don't know we have another wall here and we have oh bedroom finally building a place to sleep and I'm already out of money I gotta go call my dad really quick hold on oh the buff doge is back bro the door is actually unlocked you can go in come on in buff Doge I just got off the phone with my dad he said he's sending me more money oh yeah that's not a lot gosh I hate my dad daddy send me more okay good daddy sent me more he's such a good daddy let's go upstairs and finish my bedroom it's gonna be a little expensive here but who cares let's just buy all of this 17 000 for lights that's a scam I'm gonna have to call my dad again what is it is this my walk-in closet okay finally I am building my closet there we go yeah you guys like these clothes oh yeah just climb it you're so buff oh it's also a bathroom I see I'm once again poor can I sleep yeah I can all right I'm gonna take a little nap and wait for my daddy to send me some money we'll see you in a little bit send a wake up for my nap see how much money daddy sent me hey what are you guys doing hello is this a football excuse me yeah only animals are allowed into my Zoo you're not an animal you're a furry furries are also banned all right let's go get Daddy's Money oh boy 1.2 million dollars daddy is so nice it's time to go spend it all I worked so hard for it I'm currently 51 of the way finished with my Mansion so let's finish up my bedroom or wait no the bathroom here yeah just gotta buy all this thank you Daddy look at that bathtub let's try it out here oh yeah can you turn the water on pop cat please fill up my tub okay he's not turning it on whatever go away furry anyway let's build this wall 28 000 yeah I'm really glad that Daddy pulled through sent me a bunch of money is this another bedroom oh it is okay this is where the pop cat can sleep this stuff is all really expensive oh my gosh we're gonna get a lot of stuff done because my daddy's really generous what is this is this another closet or something or a bathroom maybe yeah another closet and then another bathroom okay let's finish off uh this area here I don't know what this is gonna be seems like some sort of lounging around room oh oh a movie theater oh my gosh I could sit here with all my animals and we can watch movies like The Lion King would that be really fun pop cat gosh this is so awesome okay let's go build some more stuff what do we have out here another wall and then a window a door a deck whoa that was a big build and so we just this is just basically a big hallway how do I go outside oh there's a door okay a canopy so is this like a second floor um outdoor area I got bushes and stuff oh we can totally eat outside oh yeah definitely got to build this up I can't wait we're just gonna Lounge out here okay wait that's it what am I missing oh that's the basement down here I don't yeah that might actually be the next area for me to do let's see so I clicked this button yeah it wants me to head down to the basement so now it's gonna get real oh wait no another Sarah we got a third floor oh my goodness this is crazy but the button still wants me to go down to the basement heck no it's really expensive like a hundred thousand dollars for one wall I don't think so I'm gonna build my third floor instead make sure we're buying all the cheap stuff first that'll make Daddy happy so let's get this floor and then this cheap door and then these windows here and a roof well the stupid football you're not an animal go away got some lights excellent oh some more walls everything's so expensive I just spent twenty six thousand dollars for those doors Daddy I'm already running out of money and I need more soon about this wall here what's this gonna give me I don't know I'm just buying everything that's cheap that's really all I'm trying to do look a gaming computer for 27 000 that yeah that's a ripoff I'm still using the same computer from 2015. I told you I was cheap put bed for 13 000. I think so all right let's just buy everything in this room here yeah just gonna spend all the money I don't care I have 69 000 left it's kind of sassy I'm poor I hope my daddy pulls through you need a lot of money you know what let's buy this orange computer whatever oh oh look at this thing oh yeah look like one of those really cringe streamers all right let's get off of that I don't like using a face cam but do I buy with 28 000 I use the all my money I can buy a bed and then a drawer so now I am okay why is that picture here this must be popcat's room Daddy I'm poor again but my Mansion is 66 completed oh only 500. dad he's not sending me money have I been bad it's okay I can work with 500 000 let's buy um this TV we'll finish up this bedroom actually so the lights and then it's completed all right how about this wall you know what actually let's get this stuff in here this is a really expensive gaming room I don't care look at it oh yeah bushes for 29 000. okay uh here we go this is a relaxing area stupid Talking Football get out of my house oh then we got the furry up here just wandering okay I jumped through my waterfall that's a scam hopefully my animals will stay inside they did not let's get some money from Daddy popcat you need to go inside okay okay the football's AFK he's typing quick and before he knows this come on pop cat yeah doors like can't come in here animals only yeah good job all right see you later now we just have to deal with the furry who's um stuck in here oh it's really cringe but whatever let's just build out this area oh that's a cheap wall I'll take it and another wall that's kind of cheap and then the couch is cheap and then that couch and that couch yes oh yeah I could get to buy all this stuff it's so cheap thank you Daddy what about this okay now it's actually getting expensive hello Dad oh my gosh okay wait we're at 71 so we're getting there okay I'm just gonna sit by the mailbox and wait for Daddy to send me money I'm back and Oh Daddy 1.6 million you shouldn't have come on animals are the stupid football still here ready to lock the doors yes I locked out both the furry and the football come on lamb I'm gonna finish all this up here thank you Daddy for sending me all that money oh a shower this would be painful that stream of water just hitting me on my bald head yeah that would actually really hurt anyway let's let's build all this stuff here we got the bench in the bathroom that's actually really nice I'm just gonna leave the shower on and waste money and there we go this bathroom is finished this is a massive bathroom we got a nice bathtub here I got a good view I can hear the shower wasting in the background all right let's finish building all this out here we got another wall here and some more windows walls we're just gonna build everything oh my gosh all this stuff just popped up well the ceiling was under 62 000 Daddy I need money oh no now we got a cringe anime poster okay this can be your room lamb I'm definitely not sleeping here it's just really cringe oh hey a pop cat how'd you get in I thought you got locked outside that's really impressive but let's uh finish building all this crap I've already spent almost all the money that Daddy gave me that's just crazy we're not even close to being done all the six or three thousand dollars for really high windows I guess that makes sense and then this wall here good and now this door another door another wall another wall and some bean bags and I'm broke whoops time to make another call to Daddy because I need some money my Mansion is currently 80 complete oh it's been about uh 12 hours of sitting here let's go see what Daddy gave me I hope he sent me a lot of money money because I deserve it oh my gosh daddy 80 million dollars okay okay Daddy oh no please please gosh get out of my house link to a new server all right quickly get in before the uh the sussers come it's time to spend my 80 million dollars I've been a good boy and by good boy I mean just AFK how much do we have okay so we're 80 of the way being finished let's buy a TV and then let's buy a 91 000 ceiling oh lights yay that's quite expensive uh how do I get out here I guess I have to unlock my doors okay come on there we go let's buy the canopy well lag and what's this over here another staircase we have a fourth floor oh my goodness this game is just crazy let's go ahead buy the new staircase and a new floor great it's time to spend my 80 million dollars and I'm probably gonna have to AFK for another 12 hours so let's not be negative let's be happy 150 000 roof oh that's just so insane what is this gonna be I don't know but we need a wall and then we need another wall and then another wall and all of this stuff here oh this is a bedroom this can be the master room uh yeah another goldify I think I'll take that it's very important to have these just kidding it's not but give it to me now I have a gold uh bed and a really expensive computer how is this computer more expensive than my gaming room downstairs that doesn't make any sense but whatever let's just build my awesome bedroom I think it's done oh this is gonna be a closet oh wow yeah that's more like it this this is what I'm talking about um yeah we're just building walls right now but this is the bathroom oh my goodness that's a big mirror shower 69 000 toilet house dude this should be gold I better massage my butt I don't see any more buttons I'm confused oh here's one Windows I'm now at a thousand dollars per second that's pretty good got some more windows to build out I think I have to go back inside but I don't know how do I get back in hello oh bushes here we go it spawned for some reason and then we have Sun chair so this is just like a fourth floor deck now how do I get back inside hello this is the game I have to go all the way around alright oh another staircase so we're gonna have a fifth floor all right well let's finish all this oh hello vitamins Axel some really nice shibs you got with you I like it what do you think of my house we got some lights here some more really expensive lights those are kind of a scam and uh some lights here here get off my PC please you're not allowed on there how much more do I have 88 so we still got to go do the basement that's where it's been wanting me to go forever oh nope we got another button over here so let's stomp on it a room 130 000 oh my gosh okay well we really need to finish this this video doesn't end until I finish this entire Mansion I don't care if it's an hour-long video oh vitamins actually are you stuck out there here let me unlock the door a helipad okay well I get a helicopter for three million dollars well there it is Spider-Man's Axel you want to go in here come on can you get in please oh good he's in listen how do I go up e and Q okay listen let's go just stomp on this kid here bro get away from my house here get me out of here oh I have a parachute oh no I blew up my helicopters on my mailbox down daddy's money thank you okay wait how do I wait no let me fly we gotta go back into my Mansion here we gotta finish what we started okay I'm just gonna jump out but look at that Landing that was perfect are there any more buttons for me to press I don't see any I did see a red button out here yeah it's on the grass down here all right we got trees and then another button just spawn in the front of the house more trees and oh we got a button over here so let's spawn these hello lag and I think that's it for the most part now we're gonna go into the basement so finally gonna follow the tutorial button but I am the tutorial we are 90 finished but the basement is really expensive look at this button 264 thousand dollars oh my goodness okay let's just start building all this down here we are almost done with the Mansion what's this Arc gonna be oh yeah that's definitely art another goldify okay 35 cents I'll take it oh it made it gold with laser eyes very cool let's buy a window over here bam another window a wall to trap me in and then oh we got some more lights some art this is just a basement art room a card display oh do I actually own this car I don't think so we just want to finish everything we want to get this Mansion done because I'm hungry let's build a wall do all this stuff here oh we got music is this music gonna get me banned turn off music anyways built a shelf some lights a desk oh this is my office I got stature I can goldify it okay developers stealing all my money wow look at that it's all gold now all right come on vitamins actually got some more things to finish we got a door here another wall another wall a TV another wall some really expensive carpet okay we just unlocked a new house 97 finished so we unlocked the beach house yeah we'll save that for another day yeah you guys just chill here you watch what's on the TV that's very good I mean arcade which is on building an arcade is this room finally done good I want an arcade like that that's awesome getting inspiration here uh some water wow now I'm just throwing money away this is what rich people do oh okay I get some fish I have an aquarium I think I just finished 100 I finished finally my mega mansion is done yeah vitamins this is your home you can go in there go in there my son isn't it beautiful so that is it I finally finished my mega mansion it only took me about 14 hours so if you enjoyed this video then uh and next time we'll build my beach house oh thank you Daddy welcome to Free dizzy
Channel: VitaminDelicious2
Views: 399,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox mega mansion tycoon
Id: H4Voqzd3dsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 50sec (1970 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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