Running Minecraft on MAX Graphics 16k - Minecraft Hardcore #8

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Lozo108 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thank you, u/connexionwithal, very cool!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SnooMemesjellies2532 📅︎︎ Dec 31 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/AshVR2378 📅︎︎ Jan 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] good morning gamers what a beautiful day huh don't you just love it wow i do love my house now i think it looks great i'm very happy with it look at this it's safe have a little opening there for me and you're going to ride out like the storm yes i did a little off-camera work but what are you gonna do sue me huh we're gonna do hire a harvard phd i can't yeah oh yeah oh yeah this is gonna be confusing if you didn't watch the live stream which i understand it was like five hours four hours we all know the incident drowned in the kiddie pool i didn't think it was possible but apparently they can okay then another a ride that's in there i think he's in there unless he so i'm just going to assume the new is the old i realized how the sound and how insane this minecraft let's play is whatever we're playing it hardcore and you know that workout would say speaking off-camera work you guys are gonna like this all right i need to do a little bit of cooking better check out my uh furnace house a lot of people don't actually know this you can have a furnace as a mailbox you're gonna furnace as a whole line a whole entire um place oh this is nice this is really nice oh look it's so cozy let me uh let me cook some meat in here oh wow oh wow that feels good oh wow yeah you know what i can cook meat here i can cook meat here i can cook meat wherever i want because it's my house i can sleep while it cooks you all don't understand i don't get the respect i deserve as a minecraft bedroom all right i'm eating bread now by the way i've been playing i've been playing minecraft with marzia and she doesn't like me killing the animals so i have to look into how you uh how you get food without murdering catholics and i realized i came to conclusion you can actually just make bread [Applause] [Music] look how beautiful this is look at gorgeous dude my god oh that reminds me i downloaded this like high resolution texture pack i downloaded it ages ago i want to show you it's kind of cool actually yeah now it looks kind of cool look at the grass dude if i send you this would you be like is that minecraft look at that grass look at that sand dude oh my god gorgeous oh so pretty ugh look at the wheat bro amazing it only really looks good if you zoom in but i'm not gonna play with this because i i feel like it loses the the soul of minecraft a little bit but it's still kind of cool dude look at the hardwood floor i love it that's so cool this is sick look at the tree trunks my dude and then you have a torch that ruins it but look at the floor oh how does a furnace house look oh the [ __ ] is this oh okay [Music] look at the tree how does it look like in hd like an actual bee come out come out that's so weird it's all blocky i'll turn it up just thought that was cool you know for today i want to go back to the nether because people say i'm not brave enough and i'm a chicken and that's what a coward is i'm not coward okay uh now that i have breda's food so delicious look i won't have to kill you anymore that's right look i made it bigger by the way they have been complaining that there's not enough space but look there's there's plenty of there's plenty of space right guys this guy does not give a [ __ ] does he iron cow all right here you go there you go i fill in a given christmas gift the mood no more killing look how much space there is back there dude amazing i don't get what the whole fuzz is you know so yeah i'm level 24. i have a mending book that i had forever and i want to put that on a pickaxe and i want to get rods yeah so we're going to go into the nether and try and level up i can make legs that's it that's all i can make [ __ ] legs amazing cool i'm poor oh no don't look at me i'm so poor as you can see has made a bunch of honey so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna get it joke you thought i would fall for that you think i'm not a minecraft veteran i didn't realize i had that all right don't kill me i'm just gonna cook you all right so you calm down and now yeah hey sorry i didn't steal anything look how happy he is oh my god he's so happy you can you can tell there's pure joy in those eyes staring blankly into nowhere that's happiness right there he is so happy there's no i'm so glad [Laughter] yeah those yellow boots who doesn't love them here we go see ya jurgen take care of cows if i don't make make it back i made it a little safer i have golden boots can't touch me ah come on are you serious why why do they keep coming on my bridge you got no business what do i do i run past them or do i kill them hmm what if i put a oh yeah i can put water in there do i push them off oh [ __ ] no oh no oh oh that's a problem oh god go get it get up get up get it if i could fall i could follow oh jesus christ oh i hate this biome i thought a ton i thought i gotta make it oh oh all right new strat bridge number two coming right up good thing i brought a ton of stone that's right i don't i don't really like that bridge [Music] [Laughter] go away this is my maid i'm way there what do i do i build my way back there and then build my way back to the bridge yeah let's do that and then i'll murder the child see i don't understand why the pigs keeps attacking me i really don't all right safe here oh look at this idiot you're gonna die you're so dead you're gonna die you're gonna die can you push me up that's the real question let's be responsible here i ain't taking no chances anymore i got a pet b now i got a reason to live can you help can you help all right i'm not i'm not afraid of a child come on are you so you're so dead run to mommy run to mommy run to mommy run to mommy run to mommy run to mommy you didn't see nothing here have a bed oh another child run your little fools run run oh you're sad come back yeah oh all right well that cooks i'll kill the child ah a child is not gonna kill me yeah run idiot [Music] all right let's keep going this is going great are they coming from there it closes up make sure the bridge is safe i spend so much time making it safe it's clearly not safe i'm gonna lose it dude uh yeah i don't know why i'm doing this just felt appropriate oh mom tastes so good mmm i love pork they could drop down from there on my bridge and that's illegal i built this bridge i deserve it oh look at that that's phenomenal all right so what i'm gonna do and i came up with this genius plan on my own because i'm a minecraft veteran what we're gonna do is we're gonna dig underneath them this is actually what the vikings used to do a lot of people don't know this they dug tunnels and then they strike their knees all right we're taking it careful okay there we go strike their knees damn they hit hard yes right away dude oh they can't hit me here this is genius so we're under the spawn now does that mean it can spawn in here i should probably place this is why i brought these nope yes oh i'm i'm insane i know the plan is working swimmingly the knees belong to me no thanks give me your knees bro oh that was sexy oh ow stop i gotta back up shoot [Music] nice oh another one sweet i mean this is kind of working but i'm thinking more like for the future nope how many do i have i have three that means i have five is that enough hold up let me go back if you're nervous right now just know that you're the only one a ton of slabs let's cover it up [ __ ] there's a ton of them i think they keep spawning oh he dropped one damn it this is how the pros do it it i don't think so dude my little my little s you gotta hit in here brush mine craft it's a game oh god don't come in here just go leave please i have to shoot now shoot i'm just doing the half slabs for those of you noobs so they don't spawn in my tunnel i know you're super confused by my delight oh my god dude i have six of them i think i'm good i think i'm good cool yeah no one ever call me coward again ooh man this is really reminiscent of my old playthrough i remember trying to get to level 30. 27 baby oh yeah is the bridge shape you know i don't have to do this but you're it's too funny i don't know i'm not a psychopath they are all right it shouldn't be on my bridge i told them gotta pay the the pie toll what the hell is that oh yeah don't come near me see they're afraid now i asserted dominance no one dares go brian bridge near english is my second language thank you are they standing on top of each other that's so cute what i love that again i don't understand how you can die just don't die actually i understand now the kiddie pool you gotta watch out for the kiddie pool why fine this is mine it's so dumb i should just set up these that's actually kind of smart oh little lost baby looking for their mama watch out while you go there let you my darling [Music] oh no he did oh no oh that's so sad i just realized no we're cool we're cool are we cool he's just humping the wall that's fine people say that i don't play adventures you probably just want me to die i've been painted all right come on level 20 nine come on oh we're 29 i think i should kill him this will be my first enderman kill uh okay let's try the ice strategy dice hey you oh my god that was so easy are you serious okay nice oh let's go but where i i don't know home i would like to go home come on one more oh that one felt good all right let's go back in the beginning of this series i said to you guys which episode you think i'm gonna die at hey if if you didn't say episode 500 you lost you lost because it's happening level 30 baby what up oh yeah sorry i talked too much and then i understand disgusting but i've been isolating for the past year i don't know how to human anymore hey why is he not making honey hello hello oh lazy b lazy look i know i know yeah i know i know write in comment i know i just know oh we got one yeah okay nice that means next episode we can go to the the thing work harder [Music] god you know what happened to your predecessor i get no respect all right all right gamers this is what we're going to do oh yeah i need an anvil i don't know how i forgot everything everything minecraft related i need mad i don't think i have enough [ __ ] it's fine we're gonna start off with this come on give me something good come on come on efficiency fine is that it that's it okay this is fault somehow damn it's fast yeah vitamin d oh honey time you did good my man i'm not sure what i do with the honey but it's honey time oh yeah oh what a good slice what a good boy i just realized he can escape oh my god he didn't he didn't leave that means he loves it here thank you thank you all right let me just go to my little house oh this oh my god there's two of them oh yeah fight each other now excuse me while i just cook hey that's illegal how dare they enter my house i don't understand how they could even make it in here that's ridiculous we're running at 100 efficiency right now what can i say i'm a man of house ovens oh you play minecraft oh where you have furnace house oh oh you know oh okay now we can make a anvil yeah yeah yeah this took way too long hold up do i have to do this yep yeah wait i can't yeah damn they're expensive all right you go here and boom boom boom nice all right we're getting there hell yeah i want to do something really comfy at the end of this episode thanks for supporting this series so far by the way i love reading all the comments boom should i enchant the fishing rod on breaking uh all right fine if i break this will it come out because i want it to come out no don't hurt me you'll die you'll die if you hurt [Music] oh don't be mad at me don't be mad don't die don't die don't die i know you're angry i know you're angry do not hurt me you can't hurt me you use a wig [ __ ] oh my gosh i need that nice yeah we gonna do huh all right i'm gonna let you cool down for him oh there we go we homies now bruh all right nice there we go where'd he go go back look at him he's got a little hat look how cute he's just got his little hat on oh you're adorable all right let's leave him alone i want to do some quick fishing some morning fishing how are the cows here again oh they love it in here oh love it look yeah look at that oh i'm so glad you guys like your new barn that makes me happy oh all right if you come this way i got this little port set up boom oh dude look at this this is minecraft right here how do i how do i play fish why am i not getting anything oh there we go there we go [Music] oh my first fish it's a puffer fish look at this you're my new companion i'll keep you in my off hand another one all right oh yeah this is a bit boring i just wanted to take this time to say a huge thanks to everyone for supporting the sears supporting the channel it's been an amazing year i had so much fun and i keep getting puffer fishies thanks for watching another one i'll see you in the next year with another minecraft episode brofist
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 8,164,064
Rating: 4.9539447 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: OGpnZpEMlgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 16sec (1156 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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