Never Break Into Preston's Impossible RAINBOW House! (Minecraft)

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try and break into this rainbow house the floor is lava and that doesn't sound good what is happening in here so I have just found this glorious house I feel like I would like to live in it I mean it is colorful it's actually as colorful as my royally Beamer I mean it is rainbow and if you don't have any go on to really be calm right now because it's fabulous just like this house Breanna Breanna Breanna I have an impossible challenge for you try and break into this rainbow house why is it that every time I find a secret and impressively fancy beautiful house its Preston's auntie won't just invite me in he makes me have puzzles gadgets and gizmos of pleasure no I'm not gonna quote this me right now why can't you just let me in okay you know what it's time to impress my husband so next time he has a house I can just be welcomed in that's gonna be the goal of this so just you wait Preston oh my goodness what did I say I'm going to impress him I don't know when this potion wears off but I hope it doesn't happen before I get to Preston's door okay how do I go down oh I thought I was gonna lose all my lives okay it is time to enter the front door here we go oh oh no no no no this is like an entryway of sorts this must be Preston's favorite part cause it's like his fire merge colors but wait this will fight the first room so I have to go in the first room of the house it's all purple that's my favorite color other than pink but it's like my college color TCU so let's see what is this like literally everything is purple from the flowers to the furniture and this is that a great I just pressed enough grapes in here how do I pick this up do I just break it whoa so it is a great okay another great Preston you did not hide these very well okay I found another one here is the grapevine Wow I did that pretty well my question is what am I supposed to do with these he has one there so if there's one there is it one two three what was that sound something magical just occurred I know it ah hello oh I know a door in this rainbow hallway must have opened I mean that's the most logical thing I wonder what's gonna happen in this blue oh okay I am NOT a very good swimmer where is the book cert your answer of the gold flocks near the top hey I found the golden blocks where is the book I don't know where the book is leave a comment if you see where the books are looking for the books I'm looking for the books oh I see yeah where is it okay oh I have this one to the surface who's better Diglett or floopy okay umm umm it's the hard answer I survived you know what I have to say something before I leave this room please subscribe to this channel if you haven't already I'm a very bad swimmer and I'm really impressed with myself that I got through that channel on to the next room oh I like this color Preston are you living in there that's why I haven't seen you in days I'm kidding I have there are 20,000 beds here excuse me I just clicked on a bed and it gave me poetry journal what is this hello okay I'm getting a lot of poetry journal so you have to read what it says hello can I please read you okay the warmth of the poppy shines on my face whilst all the while I the tulips sit in a dark place an orchid is my keeper of place in time the daisy is the king of all including this rhyme de Preston right this is that why it doesn't make sense Preston please oh oh oh there there are flowers in this room okay so here's a flower oh okay we're gonna place that pot back there I am breaking things we are gonna take this flower yet again I'm not meaning to break any pots in the making of this video we're gonna do some parkour here oh that was hiding there so now I have a poppy a tulip an orchid and a daisy that's convenient okay fireplace nightstand bed frame and a clock let's see if this makes sense so the warmth of the poppy shines on my face so maybe the poppy goes by the fire guys I may be absolutely wrong let's see please comment down below what you think the order would be I could be totally wrong whilst all the while the tulips sit in a dark place I don't feel like any of these is there they're a pot in here oh there is okay I think the tulip should go in here then orchid is my keeper of place and time oh there's a clock orchid okay the Daisy is the king of all including this room king of all including this run King maybe it's this bed a king bed right guys I got this right on the first try thank you thank you I'll be here all week okay now where am I going okay it looks like I'm going upstairs now and there are cobwebs where am I there are a lot of torches in here I don't feel safe yep old laundry he wants me to wash wait this is glowing blue like the Goblet of Fire I hope you've seen that movie wait all he had to do is right-click this torch and it turned red I have magical powers I'm proud of myself I I don't really understand what I did though I just happened to right-click it okay what else am I supposed to do up here I haven't found anything that intriguing other than the amount of cleaning that needs to be done maybe there's a couple more torches he wants me to light hmm please don't let me light on fire feel like one of these has to be in a chest ahh I am not very good at a hide and seek which I know this isn't hide and seek but I feel like the torches are hiding for me wait maybe that no it's not nice these porches are mocking me you guys did you know we have a new channel called cactus Jones you have to click the link in the description to go subscribe and a torch hide in the chest I don't know now I'm questioning my life whoa why am i able to fly all the sudden oh I see one I see you when I see one and so I'm going to see here we go wait so that's two how am I supposed to know how many I'm supposed to like couldn't somebody have have like left a note or something like hello I'm getting overwhelmed I don't know what I'm really doing in here I was just led upstairs with no note I'm just trying to go to the next room I don't know what color room I'm supposed to go to don't know why I'm lighting gorgeous but aren't you just like I know your torches and then be done wait I think I see one oh my goodness oh my goodness guys I am really good at this I did say I was magical earlier so wait okay three is the magic number but how many am I supposed to find geez nothing has happened yet guys I'm not trying to complain I am NOT I don't complain so well I mean everybody complains once in a while but I mean free is the magic number but nothing has happened guys please comment down below if you've seen a torch and I walked by it oh I'm getting a little worried because I haven't found it yet and the panic is slowly setting it I've even flown wait there's another one right here it popped is that a good sound no that's not an unlocking pop that's just a pop still nothing I'm up still nothing on my still nothing's unlocking and I got in a spiderweb wait I didn't look on the ceiling it is a big fire hazard if you placed a torch on the ceiling I just came down from the ceiling and immediately found this because God is good he really is he led me to this and finally three is not the magic number five is okay what room are we going to now oh wow I am very bad at stairs green green rooms are what we call things in theater like before you get ready and I'm sure you'll really want to know that I must be in theater oh my goodness what is happening what is happening in here by far this has to be my favorite room and I just entered it because there are cows there are strange sheep and there are jagged Green chickens chuckles look at this he does not know how to respond because he's never seen such a thing this is very cool I don't know what's going on I've never seen green animals before and I don't know if they're judging me but I really like them okay what am I supposed to do number one number two number three that does not help me very much um maybe if I click on it what is your answer okay I don't know what the answer is cuz you're mocking me and you haven't told me anything maybe I can't count the sheep one two no you keep walking you have to stay still sheeps one two three four five six yes they do say to count your sheep before Becht right so let's see correct I totally guess that are you harassing the cows cuz I think that represents some sort of meat and I really don't want to kill these cows so I'm just I can you've just put a bucket of meat weight milk I just said me no I don't want to kill the cows one two three four five six seven eight nine yes I think I'm correct the answer must be nine now it's time to count these chickens and they're gonna love me and let me answer this very quickly by five is the answer and I answered immediately cuz they love me on to the next room Floris lava the floor is lava and that doesn't sound good there are lovers I assume I have to do something with them nothing's happening what's happened oh there's redstone lamps okay um okay the lava is kind of rising over there so I don't think that's good okay let's hurry but hurry before I die none of this is working nah nah no no no no this is ah working and it's rising what about this oh gosh that was totally just by chance and uh I don't wanna die you choose this promise oh we are going to go to the next room very fast what is happening in here Oh Oh lovely we have some parkour and I'm not enjoying it already I'm not excited for this my question is who could make this jump what is happening is he just trolling me in here um I'm very glad that I walked around in anger because I think something is over here a lever I don't know if that's a good thing but I'm gonna use it on something I don't know if I'm gonna use it on the floor or put it on the wall what does this do where do I place this down oh okay there's redstone do I place it here okay was that good did I do that right I don't know if I did that right um that was really cute of me I am aware oh oh I made not really far jump that I was never able to make before and I'm stretching because it was very long to make that okay excuse me where am I supposed to go now is this a cruel sick joke am I supposed to use this lever I feel like I'm being trolled wait is there a lover up there and I make this jump oh my goodness short people props all over well that's can be yeah we we complete the puzzle parcours like my least good skill least good skill I don't know what that I don't think that was correct English but I think I just have one more room left let's go see am I gonna die if I do this I didn't die yay let's go see the last and final room if I can find my way out of here Oh what happened to the hallway it like opened and there stairs and there's lovers and there's holes and okay I don't know what's going on but I'm gonna flip one and see what happens it's shooting a laser okay what does this one do oh it's shooting is that gonna hurt me it's pretty though okay let's do it - the yellow place is this what forms the rainbow guys we have to do it to all of them this is the way I feel like this is how he formed the rainbow outside it's not a real rainbow it has to be from this let's go see let's go see the rainbow how did I end up at the front of the house I solved all the puzzles I wanted to see the rest of the house you told me if I figured out all of the puzzles you would let me explore the house and I'm gonna do solve everything for you Bree you think I would give up that easy I have plenty more surprises up my sleeve are you kidding me I just worked that hard for nothing I feel like he couldn't even get into his own rainbow house if you get to my videos within the first 60 minutes I will feature your comments down below
Channel: BriannaPlayz
Views: 3,560,135
Rating: 4.8219562 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mcpe, family, family friendly, funny, comedy, preston, brianna, prestonplayz, briannaplayz
Id: 04sD1EmRaJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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