Nevada Desert WILDERNESS | Backpacking Alone!

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and I am the only one out here there's nobody [Music] okay that's a good one look at that this is this is his final resting place [Music] love it out here [Music] hey guys Chris here today I'm in Southern Nevada from Las Vegas and I'm gonna be heading out tonight and do a solo trip into the desert here and seeing some red rock country called bowl of fire just be a lot of fun that's next [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay it's a little bit later than I had hoped getting out heroes took me a little bit longer and I am totally off trail I don't know where I'll be camping tonight but I do know I'm heading into the bowl of fire which is right straight ahead and it's a called Aztec sandstone apparently it's a compressed layers of sand dunes and then they tilted and formed and eroded and created these crazy formations but this is really remote out here as you can see again there are no trails and it's just vast vast country so I kind of figured out exactly right parked so I can make sure I get back I'm right below that chocolate Mesa there straight below that and there's a kind of a flat top Mesa to the right those are my landmarks to get back but I am in old cactus country it's um there's not a lot of vegetation out here you can see it's just all these different kinds of rocks and and small brush a little bit of sagebrush and mesquite and different things like that sand some prickly pear cactus or some kind of a Hearst cactus but but yeah you can see the bowl of fire there's the red wall there that's where I'm aiming for I may not get to the top of that tonight but I'm gonna be in that valley and we'll be towards the base of that so but the Sun is dropping really fast and it's cloudy here's the Sun and you can see it's clouds of totally filtered out so it's even darker than it it it should be right now so so I got some work to do to get in and get set up all right I got a little bit of an obstacle to get over here it's uh it's not a canyon it's more like an Aurora I'm hoping right over here I can slope down and then just angle my way up the other side there but I still have to get back back right in this valley there's the knots to the hit to the get to the valley so all right good news I found a route down through this but this is what I was trying to get through here there's no way I'm climbing down that so all right Suns going down really fast I have a bat that's following me that must means is Venus getting dark whenever there's a bad so all right interesting we have tour helicopters that go to the Grand Canyon oh here here that these choppers right out here you can see that but they they take people on trips from Las Vegas and they go they go out to the Grand Canyon for sightseeing so they're all heading back now so yep interesting I'm got another wash here to navigate it's not as steep but yeah it's beautiful country out here I saw a snake when I first came in it was a yellow snake he was laying there under a bush and I didn't know if he was alive or dead so I took a small rock and kind of threw it over into the bush to see if he move or not and this snake he took off and he didn't take off like a snake does you know with the like that he took off on a straight line with his head up like that and just went super fast it really kind of scared me for a second and fortunately it was going the opposite direction I don't know what kind of snake it was but it was more afraid of me than I was ahem I guess but anyways keep my eyes out for things got the snakebite kit too so getting a nice sunset in here but yeah I'm just having to travel through it's like a little badlands or something I still don't know where I'm camping tonight I gotta find a spot here I probably got about 8 10 minutes before it's totally dark so and keep moving okay I think I found a spot as far as I can tell I think I'm right in the middle the bull of fire here you can see the Sun is still trying to set there but I'm up on a small Ridge right here just a small sand dune you can barely see out here but there's a small like sand dirt kind of a slope here and it's pretty smooth at the top some of these areas are really thick with rocks so camping here tonight so okay so I got camp set up I decided to leave the festival off get some airflow in there so it's got a lot of mess around it so I'm gonna get a good airflow tonight it's a slight breeze but it's pretty warm it's probably 65 maybe 68 or something tonight game in the desert so but I am gonna be making some dinner I got fettuccine alfredo here I'm getting kind of a flicker with my luminaid light this works great though very bright but it was we have fettuccine alfredo for dinner here so I got lots of moths flying around little teeny moss and almost look like mayflies or something look at that pretty cool they're not biting you anything so that's fine and the water is almost boiling here and the this is the fettuccine alfredo with the backpackers pantry and that really does smell really good so that'll cook up and about I think that's 15 minutes after that sit for 15 minutes but that's fine cozy little spot here I'm in the middle of the valley ringed with red rock for the most part and there's like these dunes I'm sitting on top of a dune right now so it's really smooth like a skirt or these undulations and I'm sitting at the top of one so it should really it's real real comfortable in here really easy to set up my tent I got the Alps links one tonight and that sets up great in the dark had the good the good head headlamp as well so it makes all the difference definitely makes a difference I am getting dirty really quick out here but hey that's half the fun so you're in the if you're playing in the dirt I think you're having fun so let's check this up oh yeah that is ready I love this stove look at that all right just let that sit for 15 15 minutes I got dinner so I'll probably be turning in early I'm gonna do some reading tonight and I have a big a big day of hiking around and exploring and and getting some good footage for you guys so all right we'll see you in the morning [Music] [Music] morning that's the eyewall we're gonna head there this morning there's a canyon right in the middle of it and we're gonna go up through that and get to the top of the escarpment and do that after have some coffee bowl of fire a beautiful country out here I love it all right just finishing my coffee then I'm gonna pack it up and then head over check it out [Music] [Music] I love how raw the desert is it's just everything is in plain sight you can just tell where all the erosion is and all the you know it's not great when there's grass you can it's hard to tell what's going on but here every little thing I'll check this out this is interesting what is this let's see bowl of fire unit number one you see that interesting huh that's really interesting is these big cement slabs around it right in the middle of the desert here I don't know what this was or what they intended and somebody brought concrete out here to uh put this marker here I guess it's a there's more more markings yeah bunch of letters and stuff yeah must have been a key Junction or something all right well onward to the cliffs hey check this out I just found some petrified wood here in this area they said has petrified wood and I just found some look at that you can see it looks like wood fiber there you go see that Nick right it's a nice chunk of it and here's the other parts part so but it looks literally like a piece of wood doesn't it I'm gonna leave that right right there but there's all kinds of little pieces here this is great I'm just looking for more here oh here's another one here's another one look at that's a good one look at that petrified wood you can see the wood almost like fibers or whatever but that's awesome oh look at it's all over the place here's more pieces see the wood grain on it that's amazing look at that and you can see the Rings this one you can kind of see some rings on it there's a quite a bit here look at this here's some big pile of it right right here I know if you can see that look at that that is petrified petrified wood that's awesome you can even see the trunk on it like see the yeah [Laughter] all right like I said it's always farther than you think we got to get through this Canyon here and then get to the base of this and get up inside here love it out here so they said found some information they said there were some petrified camel tracks up here somewhere I'm not sure if I'll find them but that is interesting I do feel like I'm in you know some version of Egypt here it's pretty amazing great country and I am the only one out here there's nobody there's no trails there's there's no but I haven't seen a sign of anybody not even tracks that's how I like it anyway so but yeah pretty spectacular out here heading right for the canyon now getting close it divides this it this canyon divides this whole wall here this big wall and we're going to go up in and through it if we can get to the top I got a little bit of an obstacle here I have to get through up this got to work my way up there hopefully I love it all level out a little bit up there but I don't know it could be a lot of climbing all right I was hiking through the canyon here and I found it dead bighorn sheep so if you don't want to see a dead bighorn sheep you might want to fast forward here but we have a poor guy he's right here it wasn't too long to go either but you can see the horns on him look at that now a lot of water out here he did pick a very shady spot in the middle of this canyon and it does collect water in places but if it isn't rained in a while you maybe got dehydrated passed away [Music] [Music] yeah very very large animal to be living out here I've seen a lot of small small critters and things but this is this is his final resting place all right we're gonna be heading down through here I found out the reason pretty clear reason why the Sheep died and again if you're they want to see animal remains you may want to fast forward or something at this point but what we have behind me is a steep it's called a head wall and that means the canyon it ends right there at least for my purposes of climbing through and there's a big head wall and below the head wall is a pool or a big bowl that was carved out over the hundreds of thousands of years as the water runs off the through this Canyon it carves a hole and this is where the wildlife congregate when it's full of water but right now it's not full water and there's remains of other sheep down here I'm gonna go take a look again don't look if you're if you don't like this kind of thing but it is kind of the cycle of life and all that but check this out I'm lowering myself into this pool hair and you see there's bones on the ground here horns things like that check that out so that is why this must have dried up a while ago and then he's been hanging around hoping for some one rain and it never came all right I'm getting here at the top here I had to come back down the canyon because of that waterhole and then I took this side Canyon I'm in but to get up here I had to do some rock scrambling there was a small head Wallace and boulders I'd go under and I actually went under I pulled myself up to this ledge and then crawled under but it was safe wasn't too far or anything but so I had to kind of wiggle through there but very spectacular up here there's a whole maze of this red sandstone and these formations that we're gonna have to hike through and then head back down to the main bowl work back to the car what I love about this country there's a lot of these sandstone arches they're all over the place here's one right here yeah cool pretty amazing though there's some really big ones too I can see when I look off into the horizon I can see them little windows broken through the ridge and stuff up in here I know if you can see it from here but awesome stuff [Music] [Music] okay we're working my way towards this high point right here trying to get a final view and a great hike today here we go all right bolo fire you guys it's been a good day all right been a great trip a lot of fun out here if you liked the video hit the like subscribe you guys know what to do and we'll see you next time keep fighting [Music] [Music]
Channel: Base Camp Chris
Views: 35,993
Rating: 4.9094582 out of 5
Keywords: solo backpacking, camping overnight, hiking, base camp chris, desert hiking, las vegas, nevada, las vegas desert, alps lynx 1 tent, lake mead national recreation area, bowl of fire, red rock desert, epic, desert journey, canyon country, camp stove cooking, off trail, exploring, overnight, wilderness area, muddy mountains, wilderness backpacking, national park, desert bighorn sheep, osprey atmos 65, backpacking alone in wilderness, nevada red rock, muddy mountains wilderness
Id: BtgvhmftAVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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