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[Music] say hello everybody how did you get your arm like that how did you get your arm like that cheeky did you have a nice nap did you have a nice nap yeah wow look at you okay if you're gonna be like that i'm just gonna leave bye ellie joking i'm not going to leave you am i come on then let's get you up what happened do you get a bit excited [Laughter] yes we need to show them what's in here where's the baby where's the baby yeah good boy boy you you are you gonna go play in your room a second do you know what it's so gloomy and dark today but hello everybody welcome back to my vlog this is an exciting vlog you stay away stay away this is noah's room vlog so you'll be able to see his new nursery which is really exciting um but first it's black friday obviously this whole week in particular tomorrow so i wanted to show you some bits that i've got look at the size of this castle anyone else's child hate getting dressed because noah hates it the scenes behind the camera right now mummy to have to help of course i am anyways i've got a few things that i want to show you because um if you are looking for gifts for christmas for like your child or someone else's child or a new mom to be or a new mum natural baby shower have literally so much on their site um they're like one of the websites that kind of stock a load of different brands so i've picked out a variety of things we've also got a new snooze pod coming which i'll show you in my next vlog if it's here by then um it was meant to be for this video but it's not arrived yet so i'll just show you what i've got because we've got some super cute bits i think i've got some really cute bits that will be really good as a gift if you're struggling especially like noah had his birthday in august so he really doesn't need i know that seems like quite a big gap but he really doesn't need any more toys so trying to buy a one-year-old stuff that has everything which i'm sure quite a lot of one-year-olds do um then i feel like i've got some good gift ideas which i will show you first so we have recently transitioned from a cot sleeping bag to baby like a toddler duvet and pillow so we did actually pick him up a new duvet set this is from the brand leeward i think that's how you pronounce it or maybe lywood they have the cutest bits on there um and the patterns and stuff are so so nice this is all organic so i'm gonna be putting this on his bedding this afternoon um which yeah so cute it's nice to have um a set even if you know someone that's got a set it's always handy to have a spare set especially with a toddler honestly wouldn't not recommend if that makes sense and then for baby girl i picked up some new muslins so again if you've got a friend or someone in your family that's expecting a baby um then this like little bundle of this is how they came they came like bundled up like this a little bundle of muslins is a really really nice gift too and again this is from the brand lee wood and again i think these are all yeah 100 organic so really really lovely bits we've also got this little baby bottle which i'm really intrigued about i also put on the screen the discounts because they have up to 30 off everything which is amazing um especially if you're needing to buy more bulky bits like this um i highly recommend like getting on the site whilst the black friday deals are on because you can save yourself a lot of money um this is just a little baby bottle that they wanted to send out because i think it might be maybe a new product on their site and this would be good for more so a newborn um but yeah it's like a it's a really interesting shaped teeth which is quite cool it's actually like a silicone bottle so i think it's going to be easier for a little baby to hold and i think also the idea is kind of shaped like a breast if that makes sense so yeah that is from the brand i'm not even going to try to pronounce that because i'll probably pronounce it wrong and then in this box we've actually got a new high chair because the high chair we've got don't get me wrong it's lasted us the whole time but it's just a nightmare to clean like it's it's a wipeable one but it's got like a lever in the middle where you close it um and all the food gets caught in it and you can't really clean that properly and for some reason i don't know if you're kind of doing something wrong you can't take the topper off to clean it um i've tried it before but it's all like i don't even know how to explain it it's all like attached to the plastic so i might have to get conn to help me with this when you open this so i open this i'll show you the high chair and yeah like i said all the discounts will be on the screen i'll leave all the details down below and then we can get into this vlog but i'm really excited about this one because it's kind of just all baby related which i love and i'm sure you guys do as well whenever i ask about what videos you want to see they're always like mom baby vlogs so yeah that's what this vlog is going to be so this is what the high chair looks like how cute is it i love it it's so so nice i don't know if you can see but it's kind of got like it's actually metal but it's got like a wood effect and then yeah it's got this on the top which obviously you can use to put drinks in snacks in and stuff but it also comes off as well so you can just have it as a normal tray too um also comes with obviously the newborn insect well not newborn but for when they're a little bit smaller so it has more support and then we've also got like a chair seat for when they're bigger and then that's also like a foot support as well but there is already one on here so i don't actually know if i've done this right probably not knowing me but yeah highly recommend checking out natural baby shower for some great baby bits i'll leave it all in the description box for you guys and all the discounts good afternoon guys i literally i'm just so freaking tired all the time it's so annoying it's quiet in the house while semi quiet connor's actually just doing some working stuff next door i'll show you everything it's because um we're doing noah's room and this is like yeah a lot to do um you ready ready to see this that's not even like all of it either connor's mum and dad have got noah today um and he's gonna stay there tonight so we can get things done i've spent it it's three o'clock now i've spent the whole morning working i've had approvals to do i've had changes i've needed to make between videos um editing uploading instagram stories just everything today actually i thought i wasn't gonna be busy today but that should mean actually tomorrow i won't have anything on um let me check my calendar because i've done it all today so that's great um so yeah we need we're needing to sort those room out and we've got new furniture coming on thursday i'm really excited about this vlog actually because it's going to be like noah's like the nursery decor renovation thing um which is going to be really fun ow what did that just pinch my ears oh god what did i just do but yeah i've been working on this morning so i haven't been able to help connie yet so i don't know what he's doing to be honest putting up the curtain pole hey so this is what the room looks like right now an absolute state it's just trying trying to figure out where everything's going because we've got um like i said new furniture coming on thursday today's tuesday so the measurements of the coat are literally exactly the same as this cot anyway the wardrobe's a little bit smaller not as tall um it's wider it's a little bit wider though and obviously we've got no soft clay and stuff so it's just like trying to figure out where everything's gonna go and what's gonna fit where um we've also got a new one of these maps but i don't know when that's going to be here we've got kitchen stuff to do do you like connor's painting outfit we've got work to do throughout the kitchen but colin made a b q order and it hasn't arrived yet i think you'll probably have to do that tomorrow morning yeah actually you can do it this evening all right i'll have to help you so yeah we've got a new radiator cover just because when we had his soft plane stuff here obviously having the radiator open and when we have the heating on he could possibly burn himself in the radiator basically so that's why we've got that these hangers came today for the clothing rail i didn't want white hangers on my nice rail i wanted metal ones so yeah i think these are gonna look really cute i'm gonna go through and hang a lot of the baby stuff up because yeah it's all in like this box right now so everything's everywhere right now we're just redoing it all see any work that we do today any progress i will obviously film for you guys where did you get that draw set from put it back in there [Music] wish i could say i was finally over you but that's not the truth everyone always keep falling in love again what's wrong with them i don't understand maybe it will pass by [Music] um this corner is pretty much done um and the cot as well so i think we're gonna have the drawers here and then the wardrobe where the wardrobe is this isn't the proper wardrobe we're having and then the rail here so the wardrobe is obviously going to be a little bit shorter and it's going to be white so it's not going to be this color yeah this is looking so much better with those curtains and then this area here it's just looking super cute i'm gonna take these down because i'm not having full prints all in a row um i'm gonna put the lion this one the hanging that's the same as that i'm gonna put that one up here and then i'll probably have two prints up there and then probably two prints over here that's what i'm thinking anyway we'll see or i'd have one print above here and then one print on this wall which could look probably better but you guys will see once i get through to that i'm going to go through the new baby's clothes and hang them up on there also going to go through noah's clothes and just like sort it all out to be honest hung the line went up there i'm sure noah's going to play with that but um this is what the shelf looks like how cute it's that and then we're just gonna have his books lined up along here um and then just i think um have a few bits just hanging off i don't know i don't know to be honest until the furniture comes we can't really do much else um but yeah it's definitely looking better in here already i'll leave this in here okay i don't i think i still won't want to use that we can always hang it here can't we hmm a bit close yeah maybe yeah yeah not i've been available back and forward 707 with work editing editing literally drags the life out of me um so trying to do that and then sort out the bits we need to sort out for noah's room as well god got you balancing my knee um yeah i just feel very tired i've just posted a video well when i say just posted i literally posted it three hours ago two hours ago but i've got a video up but i've also got some bits i need to send over for a little thing i needed some paracetamol because i've got a really bad headache but i couldn't find any downstairs times that was next to me up here but these dogs sleep really well too but yeah i haven't actually looked on riddle thing or misguided or anything in so long so i'm gonna have a bright little go looking through pretty little thing to choose out some bits for my haul um which will be a black friday haul which is really fun oh god did you take my earrings out and before anybody asks i always get people in my dms about my earrings they're from anna louisa if you saw my last vlog i actually love their jewelry it's so nice as well as my necklace as well i can't actually see my clothes because it's around the back oh and also glasses quickly up to tell you guys what my classes are from because i'll probably get questions on them these are actually from shein i believe oh good night good morning guys i look pretty much exactly the same as just six i've just chucked on the same jumper but um it is wednesday today i've got a few things going on behind the scenes at the moment today um but other than that i'm just having some toast hopefully working on i don't know i don't know today we are going to be doing as much as we can well actually i don't really know what else we can do in the nursery until the other bits come right i'm going to paint the scene that tomorrow why don't you do that today if i have time but we gotta get a little mana stuff yeah we do need to go through to being cute all right we're gonna go to b and q and asda oh lovely pop it to asda but i have pretty much all my things set up for tonight um yeah like i said i've just got a couple of things going on behind the scenes which could be quite fun so yeah anyways let's get on with that and i'll catch up with you when we have some more updates guys this is going to like blur my face in a minute a little bit because it has like a face smoothing filter look at my face oh you can still tell i just put on a new moisturizer literally just before i filmed that on the clip my face is so sensitive it reacts to everything so i've got like a face mask of redness right now when my face has reacted to it it was the q a ginger root one i wanted to get it off my face anyway because it's stank of skank it stank stunk standing is not a word yes it is it's thanks i don't care what it did but it's my so now my face is really warm and i've got hopefully this goes down because i need to leave the house uh yeah i love that for me my day was starting off really well there's some fun things going on behind the scenes my face swells it's not that bad just stop touching it what if it swells then code red it's code red right now literally because however you feel about the future it's definitely gone down really yeah yeah it's come down big time it's not getting any worse so my face has gone down now so that's good i can actually leave the house um that's to go on that one upstairs oh god i literally i've just taken a vitamin because i'm so tired but um if you struggle to take the pregnancy tablets they're massive um i've got these they're better than um the massive tablets these are my joggers so i've got some from house of cb and they are so nice they're so thick so i'm back from i forgot to take you with me but we didn't really go uh we weren't very long we literally went to pick up little man so little man's back here um and then we popped into bq to get the bits for the kitchen we actually opted for a different i'll show you actually when it's um one corner has brought it back in she's popping to the post office which is just down the road um to drop a parcel off i'll show you what it is because obviously currently in our kitchen we have like well i think all you can see right now is like a marble worktop but around the other side it's um not all we haven't finished it basically but that's what this weed is for it's for um getting everything done anyways um i've got a load of parcels here we've got two three four five to show you so i thought we could open them together on camera i'm not actually entirely sure what everything is and i know what the john lewis one is because i ordered noah a toddler duvet um the one i'm currently opening i don't know what it is so okay natural probiotics during pregnancy and lactation i'm just i get some like tummy issues and i know you get really bad trap wind in pregnancy and stuff like that so i'm taking probiotics for that reason so these are just from doctor formulated probiotics garden of life 16 probiotic strains gluten free dairy free yeah for mum and babies so i'm going to be taking them next up this i know is for actually it couldn't it might not be the one from noah's nursery because i actually ordered one college sister what are you doing to the telly yeah so we're actually kind of like potty training him right now which is i know it's quite early we're just trying to take it as it comes but he's really aware when he goes to the toilet i did actually explain it in my last vlog but i didn't actually include it so you won't know what i'm talking about so yeah i have gotten a potty and he has done a wee in it he has done a poo in it but only once and on different occasions we just leave it with his nappy off quite a lot at the moment just to get him used to not going in a nappy but he's been quite good to be fair the other day he did poop right next to his potty not in it but you know it was close enough so this is from a little etsy brand called stropy flamingo so i actually originally ordered a sister a little well known as arnis a little christmas present oh they're so cute i think noah's is in here too isn't it nice yeah look how cute so this is to go in the nursery this rainbow oh noah right anyway so this is to go from the nursery she made this for oh gosh she made this for us i did obviously pay for it myself i literally just found her on etsy and then i ordered connor's sister's one which i'll show you in a second and then i saw this obviously the nursery's neutral um i thought this is pretty neutral and i love these like autumnal colors do you like it do you like it yeah and then we also got this because the nursery theme has obviously got um like a safari theme to it and it just says wild and the reason i just was like no no i get off this because it's obviously wire i don't want him to bend it and that is so cute i think how nice so this one look how cute oh it's so nice obvious a little niece is called nelly so i got her this oh it says nelly how lovely so these two are four they go those two for their nursery and then these two there are no three cute ah i know what this is this is the mirror for the nursery but um just the whole vibe is what i like another parcel that i've got to show you is actually the new lampshade we've got for the nursery god i love it already and i haven't even finished it what are you doing it's all wet what is it i don't understand what you're saying it's not a ball so this is what we've just picked up from azer it's the new lamp shade these sort of colors you know can we see so i'm gonna put them up now roughly i mean i'm gonna put this in properly but like decorate with this exactly i'm gonna make noah's bending um i did get his bedding from zara home but the size is weird so i had to order a specific size from john lewis but i'll show you the bedding it's so cute this is the lampshade please bear in mind that we've got patchy paint today um but yeah everything's just a little bit nice but i'll show you once no one needs to go for his nap i'm going to show you after um but i'll show you his bedding because it's literally so sweet this is his new wedding so cute um so these are the new ones so these are called dc fix and obviously we live in rented accommodation so we like private rent but this is obviously we can't physically change everything here so yeah these are literally like sticky things that you put on top of the worktop um i've done this to some of our old furniture that much to be fair we haven't got in here anymore but in the bedroom um so yeah we had this one on there and we never finished it we ran out um but we've actually gone for this color which is the same like marble but it's got this like warmer tones in it because the cupboards are like this not very nice wood color wow i asked come to get me some bits for our chocolate in the fridge section these are for me there for daddy this is very purple but yeah that's what's going to be going on i'll show you i'll do a little time lapse of us maybe doing it um and then just around the cooker and stuff with just silicone on top of it but obviously we're gonna have to redo it all so yeah also this is just tile paint we painted over the tiles guys i have done all of this and i'll promise doing the last two bits are you joking don't lie to the vlog are you gonna really play that game i know you're not gonna play that game you're normally quite honest i've done all of this all of this and he's just done this little strip there had this tiny strip at the back there um but yeah after that little bit at the back it's finished you have to silicone around it anyway what i mean but that's not tight enough over the edge you're not on the edge okay look at the state of me honestly i really shouldn't vlog like this i get to editing i'm like you literally look horrendous so past your bedtime what is the time it's quarter to eight i've still got half an hour if you want a bit of seven yesterday i know i was so tired but um as long as i sleep but halfway i'm fine so excuse the fact we've got some washing up on here um the kitchen is all done yay it looks so good yeah also please mind the blind is a bit wonky my stepdad's gonna cut this down um because he cut it and it fits perfectly up here but the tiles stick out literally like a centimeter um so it doesn't fit in the bottom properly so it's going to cut that but yeah definitely looks so much better like so much better so first night and sleeping without the sleeping bag he woke up at six o'clock this morning and he hasn't been back to sleep and we need to keep him up today because we're gonna try and cut out his nap so that's fun i think he might be right hot chocolates all around now i had a little baby chino just with milk and a little bit of cream i don't know why he's getting a nice treat when it's i mean it's not that early anymore but yeah yeah i've got work to do today and the furniture's not going to be delivered till 2 15 and 4 15 between then so that's great we're not going to be able to get much done today or that so yeah this is going great this week cheers daddy does the bedroom soft plays in here today you're so silly i'm watching i'm a celebrity just trying to chill what are you doing you're literally am i blind so spent the morning sorting things out finishing off paint because obviously we need to paint before the furniture honestly look at the state of me shall i sort myself out just a little bit and when i say something i'm literally just going to redo my hair so yeah i've actually spent my morning sorting out the kitchen as well so i'll show you my colors can you see from here apparently this is what the lounge looks like because i've got soft play in here but these are all the clothes i need to sort out from from his room um these aren't even half of his clothes oh my god i'm so sorry i'm so annoying i'm so tired um and then obviously there's some toys here that we need to sort through but um the main priority is sorting through the clothes anyways kitchen wise i've sorted through the cupboards and i've like organized them so these are all our little um spices and stuff like loads of different flavors like occasion and yeah loads of stuff and then again more seasoning and i thought it was really good because we can turn it around and you can see what you want and then in here we've just got tins um ketchup didn't fit in this tray these are just sauces and stuff as well i sorted out this cupboard it doesn't really look like i've sorted out but i have so these are all the sweets there's not enough room in this tub for those lollies these are like um sweet treats like biscuits and stuff in there and then i've moved all the hot chocolate and teas and stuff from this cupboard where i've just showed you to this cupboard and then i've had to put the bread in here because chai got into the bread and there's also our spreads up then that's like the baking shelf um so yeah this is the progress in the room this is the first set of drawers that have been built um obviously we've got the wardrobe and then the cots do the cot is pretty much exactly the same as this one already um obviously this stuff isn't going to be staying on here but for now the new ball pit came hey um yeah we've kind of just roughly tired this is all the stuff that we've still got left to do yeah it is coming together and it's definitely looking nicer and brighter and yeah this is little baby girls rail but yeah it's definitely looking better and i'm really excited for it all to be done now i'm very tired i've had like the longest day of my life good morning guys it's saturday i'm so sorry i didn't vlog anything yesterday like no updates because i literally spent the whole day working um we have actually pretty much almost finished the nursery now so i'll go through and take you in there in a minute i would show you noah but he's currently naked your favorite isn't it being naked yeah we got loads done yesterday which is why i didn't really vlog much because i was busy um i got all my work bits i needed to get for the weekend which is good because that leaves um [Music] that leaves my schedule am i definitely free yeah um to finish things off because i've got lots to sort out look at my bum posted a picture it looks i mean it doesn't look as big but um yeah it's definitely growing but little man is going off to my mind [Music] what are you pointing at little mine is going off to my mom's today so we can get some things done um and yeah that's the plans for today so before it gets dark i thought i'd quickly give you guys a run over of the nursery i will also let you guys know that um i've tagged every single thing in an instagram post so if you head to my instagram everything's tagged on there sorry my camera is blurry because noah's been playing with it shock but here is noah playing with a pot but here is the nursery all done all finished and we're just waiting for the changing mat it didn't come but that's right um but yeah look how cute it is i literally love it so much look how cute the bedding is and all these like wall hangings i love them so much i literally i'm obsessed like this is how i pictured it and i love it this is probably my favorite section um with all baby girls clothes we still need to get more i'm literally being terrorized by a child right now no sad ass so yeah i will leave everything linked down below for you guys as well just because going through everything right now will be very difficult but yeah i literally love it let me tap on this to see if you can you can't see let me turn the light off that's it up close it's a little globe it's so cute and i love all this furniture it's from mamas and poppers a lot of this stuff was kindly gifted to us which is amazing but yeah everything just looks so cute and i love it and i'm so happy with it and i love all the prints i just love everything here and this is a really good camera as well it's called the lollipop um if anyone's looking for one but yeah i'll try and leave everything down below and like i said it's all tagged in a post on my instagram everything so yeah this is the final pretty much the final nursery tour which is exciting thank you to everyone that gifted me anything in this bedroom like it's amazing and yeah i hope you guys like it let me know what you think
Channel: Liv Guy
Views: 14,769
Rating: 4.9120879 out of 5
Keywords: nursery, neutral nursery, nursery inspo, baby room, baby room inspo, baby nursery, baby haul
Id: p2PSWO83A1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 45sec (1965 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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