NURSERY TOUR | Gender neutral nursery on a budget | 2020

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[Music] hi guys welcome back to my channel I am so so excited for today's video it is a very much anticipated nursery tour I have been working on this room the last few weeks I think I'm pretty much done I have everything that I think I need that I remember that I think it's been a very very long time since we've had a baby in this house but I did want to show you guys what we've done if you are new to my channel and this is the first video that you're ever seen I'm Tammy welcome I hope you guys stick around to follow along with your spine adventure I am currently 30 weeks pregnant so I'm finding it hard to breathe so if I'm petting in this video please just excuse that I'm trying to get everything organized now before baby comes home I have never been past 32 weeks pregnant I've had a Prem baby and a stillborn baby so I'm hoping this will be our first full-term baby that we get to bring home but yeah I'm really really excited about this video this nursery I feel like I've done on a bit of a budget I know everybody's budget is different I want to say all up I think I spent around $1,100 just to be fairly transparent if you are looking to set up a nursery and you're using this video as a bit of a guide as to what you can get I did thrift some things I've got things on sale and I do pay full price for some things as well so I think I did really well considering I know a lot of people spend that just on a cot and then some people think that is crazy and would spend half of that so this is just what we did I think I did it really well on a budget I am so in love with the room Sam loves the room I'm pretty sure he wants to change rooms with the baby or sleep in here with the baby either or I'm sure he'll be happy puffing out I'm just gonna stop blabbering because otherwise I would talk to you guys all day and you'll never get to see the nursery so welcome to our nursery okay so when you first walk into the nursery this is what you'll see so I have some pictures on the wall we have some bookshelves and a little I didn't even know what you'd call that a coat rack we have some shelving and a chair and that which I will explain to you in just a second it was definitely a lot bigger than what I thought it was going to be we have a little station over there for things that I will need and then the cot and the tree and the light so this is just a little overview of what you guys would see if you walked into a nursery I am absolutely obsessed with this room these are not my children just so you're aware obviously these frames I've had for quite a while I honestly couldn't tell you how much they were I bought them when I was pregnant with baby Jackson so these have been put away for quite some time and we have the exact same frames in Samuels room from when he was a baby so I can't wait to fill these up and put our own handprints on and I can't wait to have all five of our handprints on here so if you are not familiar with that story baby Jackson had hypoplastic left heart we gave birth to him at 21 weeks pregnant and I have some little casts of his hands and I'm going to be putting him in that too so that we're all part of it as a big family I just think that'll be super special for the baby moving forward this is actually a really special piece to us just because when I was in my early stages of pregnancy I'll lay bite it and that was a huge commitment me given all the miscarriages that we've had with the full intention of picking it up once we got the all-clear that baby's heart was fine and so at 16 weeks when we got that ultrasound I literally bought my eyes up for the longest time baby's heart had four chambers it was pumping blood evenly in and out and I was just it was the greatest day and that was the day that we got a cot so it has a lot of special memories for me already but I just wanted to share that with you the bumpers from Big W that was the cheapest place I could find them they are there air wrap bumpers with Sam I had the full padded bumpers but I have since learned that they're not the safest so this time around we went for the era and I'm really happy with them the quality is really good I like the fact that you can wash them and they velcro on and off instead of tie because the tires on the old ones never stayed up so I really like them so far so good they haven't moved in saying that we don't have a baby in there yet we'll give you a full review on what I think of them once they becomes home but they are there hair wrap bumpers I think that's what they called everything that I'm going to show you is gonna be linked to down below or listed down below so you can go and check it out for yourself as well this little Muslim blanket the green one came from Kmart and our sheets were very kindly gifted to us by snuggle honey kids if you didn't watch that vlog I will have it up in the cards up above they are a baby store that sells a lot of little blankets and bibs and sheets and bassinet sheets I love these so much this is the enchanted range in case you're looking at getting some for yourself the quality is amazing you guys you won't be disappointed they're a Jersey sheet I love them so much that I actually went back and ordered stack more stuff from them which I'll show you guys in a second but yeah the enchanted range if that is what you're looking for in the corner here I just have a little dummy or pacifier chain if you guys have been following our channel for awhile you'd know Sam has a little monkey that he sleeps with every night and takes everywhere with him we call him bear when I saw this at Baby Bunting I could not refuse it's like a little mini bear and Sam is just as obsessed with this one as he is his own and then this little toy is actually something that sound picked out for one of the babies that we miscarried and I figured we could just give that to this baby as well it's just a leapfrog toy Sam's really excited to give that to the baby so we'll probably get Sam to give this to the baby when the baby comes home and we'll get a present for the baby to give to Sam as well baby monitors are all the uniden brand baby monitors we have the same one in Sam's room and I have one above a bassinet as well it all goes to one monitor in our bedroom I like this monitor I can't say that I love it there are some things about it that I don't like and I don't know if this is something that all baby monitors do so if you can fill me in that would be great it has a ring of red lights in where the camera part is and Sam sometimes gets scared by it because obviously a round circle of little red lights is not the greatest thing in the dark he's had it since birth it's worked really well for us we have like I said the three cameras to go with it so I can put a camera at some point maybe out in the family room just so I can keep an eye on the kids if I'm doing something we don't have it linked to the Wi-Fi or anything it's literally just in our room and we've never had any problems with it so if you're looking for a baby monitor it's not bad it's just that it's not the greatest it's probably better ones out there on the market but yeah Mobile up here is actually from market place so I can't tell you where it came from this by no means is a gender-reveal by the way I actually didn't realize that the balls were blue I thought they'll gray for the longest time until I actually looked at it but they are definitely a blue color it's totally fine if it is a girl I can add some pink to it that's fine I actually bought it because it matches our pendant light up here which again is another market place find I'd actually been eyeing off this light for the longest time I managed to pick it up for $50 off of Marketplace I was incredibly happy with that I believe beacon lighting sell them I can't remember exactly how much they are I think they're around 110 to 120 dollar mark for full price they are amazing if you're looking for a really really cute nursery light they are very cute you can actually extend it down even further so if you want it longer it can be longer we just like that height because we're not going to bump our heads and things on it and the best thing about it is it literally just clicks over the top of your current lighting so you don't need an electrician to install it so that's a just stack of money in the corner we just have this tree right here if you guys have been with us for a while this is the tree that I stole from Stan's room and let me just say he was not happy about it I honestly don't blame him this is the most beautiful tree this is from Ikea again this was a marketplace find I paid $40 that off market place probably like eight months ago a little bit longer I don't know if I had it before we moved you I think I bought it before we moved in maybe I can't remember but I cannot make this particular tree anymore and I tried but on the longest time to buy a second one for Sam's room I did however I managed to find him one off of market place that's the new model but they just they're not as good as this one and the basket is from Kmart we have the exact same one in our room you guys will see that when I show you our bedroom makeover which will be coming out possibly next week if I can keep this momentum up with videos and then you guys will get to see where baby is sleeping as well so I really like the way this came out it's just super simple I love the tree the grays the greens the timber and the white I think it all just goes really well together like I said this is a gender-neutral nursery I feel like the colors are very plain there's not really well I guess there is some blue in the mobile but if it's a girl I could add some floral to it quite easily and if it's a boy more green in this corner we have some cute little shelves put up here these shelves are from Ikea I can't remember what they're called but they are just the picture shelf picture rail I'm not entirely sure we have the shorter ones above the chair we also have the longer ones for the bookshelves again I haven't filled the frames yet because baby isn't here I did get the little rain money box cloud rain cloud money box from Kmart it was a discontinued item forever ago I think again it was one of those things that I picked up before we miscarried a baby in the hopes of bringing one home so I can't tell you how long ago I got it likewise that I feel cheeky or I feel or I am or my feelings blog they were discontinued maybe a year ago I can't remember they're really cute I wish that they would bring them back the week blocks which I intend to use for photos of the baby they're from Kmart if you're looking for them the plants were from Target at some point again another Pierhead picture frame the matches the ones that Sam has in his room and then a couple more frames so that frame there I intend to put baby's coming home from the hospital outfitting I've done the exact same thing for Samuel and then just a family picture and then this one here will probably be a picture of the baby once it's born so that is how that came together I'm really happy with it I think it looks super cute underneath that we have the rocking chair this is the Aldi rocking chair again an affordable piece of furniture it was 199 dollars I did run and grab that we've had this for quite a while now part of me wishes I waited because now they are discounting them down to about one hundred and fifty dollars and you can find them on marketplace as well quite cheap so this is just the ld1 obviously I could have gone for a more expensive one but this is very cute my nephew bag is a from skip hop again I've got this is off of market place and I paid $20 I think for it and I'll put it through the washing machine and disinfected it and cleaned it and now is full ready to go to the hospital with a baby and then this blanket is something that I had from Sam it is by the brand I think lolly living or living textiles let me have a look here so this is just from their brand living textiles baby and I just I really like it I think it's a cute print I've had that since then was a baby as well so then now let me just say I bought this off of ebay because I wanted a footrest that was big enough for Sam to sit on for Matt to sit on for the family to come and join us while I'm breastfeeding baby a while I'm hugging baby or cuddling baby or if Sam was to sit on the nursing chair and rock baby I wanted to have a place to sit and be clothed um I didn't think it was gonna be quite as big as what it was if I can find it I'll have a link down below I will tell you it took two bags of the bean bag beans to fill but yeah is quite giant so beware if you are looking to buy one it does take up a lot of floor space I thought it would be a lot smaller than what it was but it turned out okay I think it turned out okay and then the blankets that are on it one of them is an electric throw rug so if you guys have been following us for a while I've raved about these so many times before you can buy them for many different places we get ours generally from Kmart at the start of the winter season they plug into the power you turn them on just like an electric blanket that you'll have on your bed but they are a soft throw rug we actually have six of them in our house you have so we have one in the office where I edit one on Sam's bed one on a bed one on each couch and then one here so they are the best they are the most affordable way of staying warm in winter I cannot recommend them enough if you are on a budget and you don't want to run the heater all the time they keep you super super warm and you can wash them in the machine as well just so you know so that is that and in the little white blanket that's on top there again is another blanket from when Sam was a baby so that is that explained like I said very very large hopefully it works beside my nursing chair I actually have this little table set up this is from Kmart in case you're wondering it was $20 I actually liked this I was going to get a bedside table but I like this because it was so open and just simple and also it matched these shelves perfectly so if you have these in your kids rooms for bookshelves or display shelves this will match absolutely perfectly with it on here I just have a little caddy with all the things that I'm going to need when baby comes home so the Caddy itself came from Kmart I think this was $15 from memory I also have another one in my bedroom which I'll show you in another video when I do that reveal you know I've just got a bunch of stuff like I said before that I thought that I might need when a baby first comes home for breastfeeding and things like that the first thing that I put in there was this thermometer so this is the fever insight thermometer by Bix if I can get that out in one second it has a reading in as fast as eight seconds which I thought was pretty good given that it's not the digital one it's supposed to be much more accurate than the digital ones and the thing that I liked most about it is the traffic light if baby's temperature is fine it's green if it's borderline it's yellow and if it's not in there right like if it's high or too low or whatever it will go red so in the middle of the night if you're checking your baby has a temperature it's pretty easy to read we also have this little book so again this is something from Sam's childhood baby is he knows how to read this book exactly obviously it's a pretty easy one but he has insisted on having this one next to the baby's chair so that he can sit down and read baby books which i think is most adorable being in the world I also have some tissues in there I have one of these breast pumps I don't know if I've mentioned that I bought this to you guys but I really wanted to try out the hooker and it was I feel really expensive for what it is this was half the price I believe this was like sixteen or seventeen dollars it is just a manual breast pump but it's also just captures your letdown so you just I guess good on there or something I don't know it just catches you letdown no no I'm going to use it which is why I didn't want to five full hugger brown one but I thought I would give it a go so once maybe comes home if I use it and I like it I'll let you guys know the other thing that I have in here is my medulla again this is another thing that I had from Sam I have brand new tubing that I ordered just to make sure that was new and they've actually come out with a new Cup which I'm going to buy as well that has silicone around the outside which is a bit more comfortable so Philippe they're like $27 definitely check them out if you've got a medela pump cause it's a little bit older or if you bought a secondhand one you can get the disposable parts well disposable I guess they're not really disposable because they're expensive you can get interchangeable parts like your tubing and stuff like that brand new so that for the most part it's new if you're worried about germs and stuff I also just have this little plant this came from Big W I thought that was super cute and this lamp I actually got off of marketplace I got three of them for $20 Sam has two in his bedroom and baby has one here so just a simple lamp I do have an Edison globe in it because at nighttime you just want a soft yellow glow rather than the full white harsh light but that is pretty much my little station setup obviously once baby comes there'll be some snacks and breast pads I'm pretty those breast pads in here actually I'm not entirely sure but all the things that I'll need will go in there and it just kept in a nice tidy little space again like I said the bookshelves were from Ikea they are just the picture rails I believe these ones are about $14.99 each from memory I'll have them linked down below the little ones up there I believe we're maybe $5.99 or $6.99 very very inexpensive but we do love these for bookshelves we have them in Sam's room as well the little fox is from keema I believe they might still have them in stock if I can find it I'll have it linked down below most of the books are books from when Sam was a baby except for this one which was kindly gifted to us by some great friends for these babies so I'm very excited to read to the little baby I can't wait and I can't wait for Sam to join in on it I think it's gonna be super fun up here this is just from Kmart they do sell a smaller option if you're looking for a small option I am waiting for them to come back in stock so I can put one in Sam's room because he wants one really really badly this one here was nineteen dollars so again really inexpensive that is probably the only thing in the room that is not screwed to the wall I have it hung on command talks so I hope that it stays so far it hasn't budged and then over here we have babies coming home from there up coming home from the outfit coming home from the hospital outfit I and so excited about this you guys so the little romper is again it just from Kmart this was part of a three pack to be honest I feel like they've probably sold out of this now I got this a couple of months ago and I haven't seen it in stock so this is a Kmart romper snuggle honey kids like I said before they sent us a package I showed that a few vlogs ago they sent us a headband a beanie so if it's a boy or a girl if it's a girl she'll wear the headband home if it's a boy he'll wear the beanie home and then the most beautiful little Jersey wrap again snuggle honey kids it is in the same print as our cut sheets which is their enchanted range I love it it is the cutest print boy or girl it honestly doesn't matter it is the softest softest material I just think it's so cute and I can't wait to wrap baby up and bring it home in this cute little outfit I'm so excited now that I've shown you guys I can put it back in this bag I've shared this before on my channel this is the most amazing nappy bin before a rave about it too much though I will say Sam worked it out in about three seconds so maybe not so amazing for the older kids but for the little kids this has some really great features so I wanted to share that with you so this is the Korbel brand it is just like I said and nephew Ben the thing that I loved most about it was eventually kids learn how to get into things this one here has a lock so they can't get into where the dirty nappy is and things go so you can lock it and they can't get into it like I said Sam what's that in five seconds he is almost 5 so I probably should have expected that just like when I put the pack and play out in the family room thinking that I could separate the children that sampled and get into it again mum fail I don't know what I'm doing with 2 kids this is a whole new world for me but I did want to share that with you because I thought if you have two kids closer in age it was a great way of keeping the old one and the younger one out of the mess I also want to mention the rug on the floor is from spotlight if I can find out I have it linked down below but this is something that we've had for quite some time again I believe I bought this when I was pregnant with baby Jackson I could be wrong maybe it was after we signed on to build the house I can't remember but it is from spotlight if you're looking for some affordable rugs that are super soft spotlight always have great deals sometimes 40% off I think this particular one we paid something like 140 dollars for which i think is affordable again what I think is a portable might not be affordable for you or might be very inexpensive so yeah just each their own this is just what I think how I've sold anniversary okay and then in the closet we have change table so I don't know if you guys have ever seen something like this setup I thought it was a super good idea when I saw it it just saves having an extra piece of furniture cluttering a already quite small room I just have a change pad again this is from snuggle honey kids in the enchanted print I love it so much I think it's very sweet the change pad we already had from Samuels old nursery and then this dresser I picked up off of market place again this is just an IKEA dresser we have the same one in Sam's closet but with extra drawers so this worked really well for us above the change table I just have this garland hanging this came with the mobile for $20 so I wasn't really sure what to do with it or where I wanted to hang it in the room at the moment it's just here to give something for baby to look at while I'm changing it snappy I'll possibly change it out at some point I don't know it's just it's there for now and then over here I have just a clothes bag the dirty clothes and I just have that hanging on a hanger in the corner there because I use that a lot when Sam was a baby well I'm changing baby I can just put the clothes in there and then literally zip it up and throw that in the wash to make things very easy for myself on top of the change table we just have a baby balloon I'm actually saving this for a baby brunch that Matt and I are hosting for our friends it's not a baby shower baby sprinkle or anything like that but given that we've been through quite a lot to get to this point we did want to celebrate this is the first gathering that we've had at our house we haven't had a housewarming party yet we've been here for nearly nine months and it's not just for us either I feel like that is for sin as well I'll talk to you guys about that a bit more in a vlog but I just have this sitting here to bring back and use again for that we actually use that in my pregnancy announcement photos so if you head over to Instagram and go back through my feed you guys will see the cutest cutest photos of sand telling the world that he is gonna be a big brother again so in the drawers the top drawer I have this kind of setup I just have things breast pads I'm nappies wipes disposable and nappy bags you guys get these from Aldi I did not know about this these are the most amazing thing ever because you can literally just pull one out and I don't know I just think that's super convenient I have some disposable change pads because if baby has a blowout I will put one on top of there so that we don't destroy our beautiful cover Taylor the beautiful Taylor gave me a baby book for baby and then we just have some extra things all of my pregnancy tests that I took I don't know why I keep these it's kind of gross really because it's pee on a stick but I do keep them I think I've kept some of the sands as well yeah like I said a bit gross and then more nappies at the back so this is just how I have this set up like I said I have no idea what I'm doing it's been five years this will probably all change but this is just what I have for right now down here we have baby's clothes all of these inserts by the way are from Ikea so yeah everything is from Ikea basically we have some pants boy and girl pants I don't know what the gender is going to be I just have a couple of things to get all my bases covered we have singlets little rompers which as the baby gets bigger will be hung up in the closet but for now they're too tiny to hang on the hangers so they're just here these are Sam's beanies from when he was in hospital and Sam's little son hat which is filthy something that I've noticed with a lot of Stan's hand-me-down clothes is that after five years of them being in storage a lot of them have stains that I cannot get out so they've had to go which means we don't have a lot of clothes I thought I had a lot of clothes for a boy but I don't a lot of Sam's baby stuff was gender-neutral anyway because we didn't know his gender when he was born but yeah once baby's here it'll just give me an excuse to go shopping sorry to get some more clothes but for now we've got enough to get us through the first week or so in here we just have a bunch of socks again these are all just Sam's little socks I have a couple of just I don't even know what you call these little blankets from when Sam was in the hospital then some bibs and then some shoes are these not the cutest shoes in the world I don't even know where they came from Sam didn't even get to wear these I think they came in a bag and stuff that I got off of market place for free so yep just little shoes there and then down here I just have a car mirror this will have to go in Matt's car because my car won't to take it I actually have to find a mirror but my car will have in here I just have a little headband this is another one that snuggle honey kids sent out in case it's a girl and another change pad or bassinet cover by the way this here can either be a bassinet sheet or a change pad cover which i think is amazing because I've never seen that before so if you're looking for something that's more versatile like that stock well having kids and then just here we have a blanket that my grandma made from me she's passed away so if it's a girl I would like to bring that out if not probably just stay there until one day we might be blessed with a girl and then in the bottom drawer I just have a change pad this is just one of those little hatches that you can take out and about with you and then our go baby carrier thing with the insert there so and then right up the very top all of these tubs actually contain all of Sam's hand-me-down clothes so there's a container there full of shoes and then tubs all the way across the top with everything the Sam has grown out of and then just the baby monitor box over there as well in this side of the closet I have all the babies at clothes that currently has that is gender neutral so here we have a Moby Wrap again marketplace I think I put yourself in twenty to twenty five dollars you guys and it is basically brand new it was only ever used a couple of times and it's in a really nice grey color so check out marketplace if you are on a budget but you still want to have all of the great things and conveniences when Sam was born I only had the Ergo carrier and I found it really really bulky plus he was a very small baby he was 4 pounds 4 ounces born at 32 weeks so he didn't really fit into it for a really long time and he loved to be cuddled so I figured this no matter how big baby is I can have the baby closer to me I can still be doing stuff with Sam cooking do you know whatever I need to do while soothing the baby and just having those extra cuddles while having my hands-free so I'm really excited about that that is something I definitely wanted when I had Sam but I never never bought myself I don't know why I didn't do that anybody we have four zero three zero and two zero clothes in here and then we have some were these called love to dream swaddles again the descends swallows from when he was a baby in a few different sizes I have an go Pat's funnel and then you guys these are amazing so when baby gets a little bit bigger this is what baby will sleep in I cannot write them enough Sam slept in one until he was three and a half almost four to be honest these are the Ergo patches they can either be a sleeping bag or a little romper pantsuit and they are incredibly thick and warm so highly recommends those and then the last thing I wanted to show you is babies toy box so we actually got these off of catch Sam has the same one in his room again pretty much all of these toys of Sam's when he was a baby apart from these puzzles which I found at Aldi a couple of weeks ago I thought that was so cute you guys adorable of these so just little puzzles that Sam could help the baby do yeah this was off of catch I believe it was 98 dollars just under 100 dollars to me it looks exactly like the ones they sell at Pottery Barn it is a little bit smaller than the Pottery Barn ones but I figured it was good value for money and Sam has really liked being able to see what toys he has and be able to get to them a lot easier we used to have these toys in a cube storage system with like the fabric baskets and I found them really hard to keep clean that would always get dusty and dirty and just really goody so that is very easy to clean and keep tidy but yeah that is unnecessary I hope you guys love it as much as what we do I think it is the most peaceful beautiful room Sam really loves it make sure you click that subscribe button if you haven't already so you don't miss out on any updates when baby's born baby is a boy or a girl next week I'm going to be posting a video of where baby's gonna be sleeping in our room and a bedroom makeover because I also made over our room as well so if you want to see that definitely keep following give this video a thumbs up if you liked it I am painting because this is really hard you guys talking and vlogging and being pregnant it's very hard yeah we'll see you guys in our next video thanks so much watching bye guys [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Tammie Arch
Views: 8,264
Rating: 4.9300294 out of 5
Keywords: nursery tour, baby girl nursery tour, baby nursery tour, nursery tour 2020, gender neutral, gender neutral nursery, gender neutral nursery tour, surprise baby gender, surprise gender, 30 weeks pregnant, pregnant, pregnancy, budget nursery, nursery on a budget, boy nursery on a budget, girl nursery on a budget, gender neutral nursery on a budget, baby boy nursery tour, nursery reveal, scandi nursery, nursery 2020, baby room tour, minimal, minimalist
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 34sec (2014 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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