Neuro Linguistic Programming Techniques You Can Use Instantly

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Neuro linguistic programming techniques, what are they and what can you do with them? I'm going to show you some basic yet powerful NLP techniques that I use so then you can use them to so that you can get more of what you want out of life. Keep watching. Hey there, this is life mastery gym and I'm Damon Cart and I teach people just like you cutting edge processes and techniques so that you can lead a more fulfilling life and take charge of your destiny. So if that sounds good, please click subscribe to this youtube channel so you can get these videos on a regular basis. I've been practicing and teaching neural linguistic programming for years and the techniques I'm going to show you are just as powerful as when they were created. Full disclosure here though, there is no way that I could teach you and one youtube video. All of the techniques and processes that neuro linguistic programming has to offer. I have trainings that are hours and hours long that teach these techniques and these processes and full. So what I'm going to give you here is an overview that will help give you some guidance on NLP techniques that you can learn which ones are going to be more appropriate for a certain areas or certain problems that you're solving. And then I will show you at the end of this video. A way that you can take this even deeper with some free training that I offer. Most people aren't aware that were NLP techniques came from is they came from modeling successful people NLP itself is a model. It's a model for modeling and in the process of modeling successful people comes this abundance of techniques and processes for solving problems for achieving outcomes, achieving more success, achieving more fulfillment in life. If you already knew that NLP was first and foremost about modeling type yes in the comments below. I'm just curious how many people actually know that because when I talk about NLP or when people ask me what NLP is, they'd often don't realize that it is about modeling and that the techniques were sort of a byproduct of those modeling processes. I will link videos that go in more depth with these techniques and processes. So check the card and the one of the corners of the screen. If you click on it, it'll open it up and you'll see that there's other videos linked to this video so that if you want to take a deeper, you can see the other videos that I've done on these processes. The NLP techniques that I'm going to cover in this video are the swish pattern, eye movement patterns, language patterns, anchoring and values elicitation. So let's start with the swish pattern. What is the swish pattern is probably one of the most well known in LP processes. It's very simple, yet very, very, and basically what it is, if you're compelled to do something like a habit or something that you don't want to do and you want to break that habit, you would use the swish pattern. So let's say you're compelled to eat food that's not good for you. Like you, you, you start a diet or you want to start exercising. You have this goal, you have this idea of what it is that you, how much weight you want to lose, and despite planning this out and thinking this out, you end up not doing it. You end up procrastinating. You end up eating a bunch of food that is not healthy for you. You just end up watching TV or something other than exercising. So how would you break that compulsion, the Swish pattern? What it does is it gets inside that experience of what it's like when you're just sort of following a, a program and unconscious program that that guide you to do something that you don't really don't want to do, which is procrastinate and eat unhealthy food. What normally happens is you're very associated associated meaning when you think about that, you're actually in the memory, you're, you're, you're in the experience itself rather than seeing yourself in the experience. So that's normally how we feel compelled to do something. And this is also the case when we experience trauma and people experienced post traumatic stress disorder. It's because when they think about the experience, they snap into it as f as if they're actually there. And so they feel, uh, feel a compulsion to panic, to feel fear, to feel whatever it was that they were experiencing. The same thing happens with your habits. So when you keep breaking your plans or breaking the, the, the goal or the, the, the activities that you want to do to achieve that goal. And instead you're, you're going, you're falling back on old habits. It's because you're overly associated into that and you see chocolate and you can't help yourself. You just go for it. You see any type of food that you shouldn't be eating and you just go for him. And by the way, it doesn't have to be for just food. This could be for any type of habit you're trying to break. So with the Swish pattern does, is you replace that very associated image of being compelled to do whatever it is that you don't want to do. Whatever that habit is. And you swish it with an image of yourself, an ideal you, where you see yourself rather than being associated you suddenly it's suddenly swishes to the ideal you, the person you want to become. Now the reason why this is so powerful is because most people are lacking a vision on the other side of what it is that is holding them back. And I'll do another video about this because what happens is people that say, okay, I have this problem, I I need to lose weight. I have this problem. I need to stop spending so much money. Uh, you know, I have this problem, I keep doing this or I keep doing that. Well, most people, they only are focused on the problem. They don't, they don't have a vision on the other side of that problem. So with the switch pattern does, is it gives you a vision of the you, you want to be on the other side of the problem. And this is tremendously motivational and gives you that vision to aspire to rather than just saying, I need to stop eating so much if you're focused on, stop on stopping eating. So much. Then you're focused on eating rather than the vision of yourself on the other side of that. And when you create that vision of yourself, you actually want it to be kind of vague. And then what I mean by that is you don't want to have it con context specific and you don't want to have it with you doing any specific behavior. The reason for that is if you connect, not eating the compulsion to eat with say exercise. So you swish up an image of you exercising. Okay, that'll work sometimes. But what happens if you wake up in the middle of the night and you've got the munchies and suddenly this image of you switches up of you doing exercise when the middle of night that's not even probable or likely to happen. So you're likely to break this and not doing the same thing happens for people who smoke cigarettes that are addicted to cigarettes and they swish, they use a swish pattern. And so they switched the compulsion to smoke to maybe doing exercise or to something else that with and were to wake up and say three in the morning and really crave a cigarette. They're not, not likely to go and do. So you want this to be vague in general, no specific context, no specific behavior, just the ideal you. And so what you do is you reprogram this habit by swishing the compulsion away or down. Or sometimes you can even explode it and throwing this image up of you, the ideal you who you want to be. So any time you feel compelled to go do the habit or the thing that you don't want to do, suddenly you get this image of you that swishes up automatically without even having to think about it. And you go, oh yeah, that's who I want to be, not this other habit, which is now gone. And what's amazing about this is that when you actually do this process and you've practiced it many times, it becomes unconscious. You practice it enough to where you don't even think about it. So it becomes just as unconscious as a compulsion was to do the thing that you didn't want to do, the habit that you didn't want. It becomes a compulsive to become that ideal. You the one who solved this problem, the one who is whoever you want to be. It's fascinating how well this works and most people actually get this process wrong, which is why you need to watch the video that's linked to this video about how to do it right. In fact, I was taught this process wrong by some of the top NLP teachers in the world and it wasn't until my mentor Steve Andreas pointed it out to me how I had this process wrong and when I changed it, this process became so much more effective and LP anchoring. Many people are really fascinated with NLP anchoring and then some people say, oh, that's, that's nothing. It's just classical conditioning. That's Pavlov's dogs. Whenever he rang the bell, the dogs would salivate because he would ring the bell and feed them and then all they had to do was just ring the bell and the dogs would salivate. Yes. That anchoring is based on that type of conditioning. But before NLP came around, nobody was really using this to induce states in themselves or induced states and other people. And whenever they were creating an LP and they were modeling these incredibly effective therapists, where they started to notice is that these therapists were using this type of conditioning. Basically they were using their words or a particular word or emphasis on a word or a touch to induce a state in their clients. So if they were working with their clients and they started to notice the client going into a particular resourceful state where they were sort of open and more light and they felt more empowered, they might reach over and touch the person, or they might say a word, and then they would repeat the touch or the word later to see if the person would go into the state. And if they did and they knew that they were anchored and so they would do this purposefully to put the person in that state and the founders of NLP realized, well, we can do this to ourselves. Probably the most successful student of NLP, Tony Robbins uses anchors a lot. If you see him slap his hands like this, that's an anchor that he has to put them into a certain state. You'll see him hit his chest a lot. That's an anchor for him as well. So you can use anchors on yourself to induce particular states, resourceful states that you want to be in, especially if you're about to give a presentation, you could touch wherever you put your anchor at and go into that resource will stay whenever you give that presentation. Now this can also be used in persuasion to put people in the states that make them more likely to buy from you. And some people can get very, very clever with this and they can actually anchor people with their eyebrows. Um, they can make a certain face when they notice a person is going into a particular state. So all they have to do is make that face again at the person and they will go in. They will be anchored to that. And then we'll go into that. State might be thinking, well, how do I do this? Actually you can start. The first step to being good at anchoring is to recognize how you're already anchored and your own life. You go into the room, you go into the bathroom and suddenly you feel like you have to go. Even though before you stepped into it, you didn't feel that at all. That's an anchor. So we have spatial anchors as well are somebody, you see somebody smile a certain way, like uh, the, your partner, you see them smile a certain way and suddenly you get these feelings that are triggered and it's not just any smile, it's a very particular smile. So start noticing how you're already anchored and everyday life and notice how you may have anchored other people around you. There's a really funny skit or a really funny segment, and the office, the American version of the office where one of the characters, every time he boots up his computer and the sound comes on like God, it's like a Microsoft sound, like a little jingle comes up. He offers his, uh, his coworker across from him an Altoid. And so every time he does that, he offers him the outside. He does this enough times that finally one time he just boots up his computer and he doesn't even offer his coworker and alto, but the coworker opens up his hand ready for the altcoin. That would be an example of he anchored his coworker to that sound. So you can anchor with touches, you can anchor with sounds and you can even anchor with tastes and smells. If you've ever walked down a street and you smelled a certain smell and they brought you back to another time or brought you back to another feeling. I get this a lot whenever I smelled books, I think of memories that I've had in libraries or memories that I've had when I was in school. Or you can maybe taste something and it reminds you of your grandmother's a dish that she used to make for you that that was your favorite dish and it brings you back. It brings back all those memories. Well, you're just taking all this stuff that you're naturally doing anyway. When you associate sounds, touches and smells and tastes to states, and you're doing this on purpose so that you can then engineer the states that you want to experience, especially when you want to experience them. It's about getting more control over your states. NLP is also very well known for language patterns, so language patterns. That's the l and NLP neural linguistic programming language is basically the code of how we think when we think we often think of thoughts as language. We think of words a lot of times that our thoughts, our words, and just by listening to someone's language patterns. When you start to learn NLP and you start to learn these patterns, it starts to give you a map of their reality and you can also turn this on yourself of course and listen to your own language and then you can start, you can start to understand how you create that map of reality for yourself. Now you might be thinking, what do you mean by map of reality? We don't interact with reality directly. We interact with reality through our filters and the first filters that we have, our five senses, there may be more to reality but we can't sense it. We can only sense through five different senses and so once we receive this information, we have to coat it in order to make sense of it and we also, we can't take it in all at once. We can't take in 100% of all sensory based information all at once. It would be too overwhelming. We wouldn't be able to make sense of the information, we wouldn't be able to make decisions. So we have to code it, we have to limit it, we have to delete some of it. We have to distort some of it. We have to generalize some of it. And language is a huge part of how we do this. And so NLP language patterns is a way of understanding how you're creating your reality. Your language is a huge clue to that and how other people are doing it. And once you understand how you create your own reality, then you can change it. And this is what makes NLP so extraordinary. And then if you noticing it and other people, you can help them as a therapist, you can help them as a coach are. You can persuade them if you're in sales, if you start to understand how they're constructed reality, then you can better, you're better able to influence them to shift it into change it. NLP eye movement patterns are NLP eye accessing cues are also something NLP is very well known for. And then it starts to get a little, because people start to say that you can detect liars are people when they're lying by their eye movements. And I would say not quite. It's one piece of evidence that can help you in detecting deception. But I wouldn't depend only on eye movements. So what they found in NLP is that we look in certain directions when we're accessing certain neurology or when we're accessing certain sensory representations, sensory internal sensory representations. So for example, you see images in your head or in your mind, you see movies in your mind, you hear things in your mind, you can, you know, when you think of your memories, you're recreating them in your, in your mind, you're not accessing externally, they're coming from within. So these are things that you can see, hear, feel what you can do all the five senses internally and represent those. So, and NLP would they started the fine was that we tend to look in certain directions depending on what we're accessing. So for example, if I'm constructing an image in my mind, something I've never seen before, but it's something I'm imagining, I will tend to look up into my right. If I'm remembering something I've seen before, I will tend to look up to my left. If I'm hearing something, I will tend to look in either direction of my ears. Typically to the right one, I'm creating something the left when I'm remembering something and then I looked down to my right when I'm accessing either emotional feelings are feelings in my body. I looked down to my left when I'm talking to myself. That's the internal dialogue. Now here's the problem with this is, and I'm going to do a complete video on this, on how to overcome the problems of this. The problem with this is we can do a variety of things. If I'm associated into an image, just like I was talking about with the Swish pattern, I can feel like I'm actually in the memory and if I'm actually in the memory, then I may look to my right or to my left as if I'm looking at the person who was in the memory who was next to me. And that doesn't mean I'm hearing something. That means I'm actually in my mind, in the memory looking at the person. And then there's also a timeline, and I'll do a video on this too. Um, when we look, when we have our timelines and some people put their timelines out in front of them, I may be looking to my past or to my future and that can affect my eye movements as well. The thing they remember about eye movement, so is to track them with the person that you're working with and you can start to again understand how they're creating their reality. Where are they putting their images, how are they accessing memories? And when you start to understand this again and it gives you a tremendous amount of influence. Now to use it on yourself, which you can also do is if you find that you're dealing with a problem in your eye, movements go to one specific direction every time you experienced that problem, every time you think about that problem, try moving your eyes to the opposite direction or at any other place besides that one. And think about the problem that this is really fascinating because you're accessing different neurology in a different part of your mind and your brain. A lot of times you will find the solution you looking for. The problem was is the stuckness was you were stuck accessing only a very small part of your neurology. But when you access the problem within yourself and you start going to different parts of your neurology, a lot of times you can find the solution to it right there and it feels like you become unstuck and you find what it is the answer to whatever the problem was that you were stuck in. Values elicitation is probably one of the more overlooked but extremely powerful techniques in an LP would values elicitation does, is it makes you realize what motivates you and it makes you realize that whatever you, whatever you think you want on the surface, that there's so much more to it. And the more you can understand that, the more you can already access it within yourself. The building block of NLP was the present state versus the desired state. So I have a present state, which is, I want something, which means I feel like I'm in lack or scarcity. The desired state is I get what I want. So let's say I want to make $1 million. So my desires, my, my present state is I'm lacking $1 million. So the desired state would be what $1 million will make me feel like, okay, notice I said the desired state and feeling of what $1 million will make me feel because we don't actually have any use for money at all. As a, as a substance, as a green paper, it's nothing. It's the value we project onto it and cumulatively we project value onto money, but it's not the same for all of us. $100 to a beggar or a person or a person who is homeless is going to be a lot, is going to have a lot more value than a millionaire. When a millionaire, it looks at $100 versus the homeless person. There's a distinct difference between the value of that money. So it's completely subjective when, so when you think about the, the goals that you want to achieve, the success that you want you, a lot of people think that it's the thing that will get them, that the new car, the big house, the trophy wife, whatever it is, you start asking a question, okay, we'll, what would $1 million to do for me? What would a new car do for me? What's important about a new house? And now I have to sort of detach from the object and go deeper into what are my values about that? What is, what is the value that I'm projecting onto that? And eventually if you keep this up, you will understand that a lot of this will lead to a lot of the things that you want actually lead to high level values like peace, happiness and joy. And then you have to ask yourself, well wait a minute, can I access peace, joy and happiness within myself now? And then if I can do that, does it make it easier for me or harder for me to get what I want now? I think I know, I think you know what the answer to that is. If I can access these high level values within myself now and we all can at any time, even though it may not feel that way, but if I can access that now and then go after the million dollars feeling happy and whole and fulfilled and at peace with myself, yeah, it's going to be a lot easier to get that million dollars or that new car or that new house. So this is why values elicitation is so powerful. It also lets you know what is motivating you and how do you draw, how do you connect the dots from the material, a material object or the goal that you want to achieve or the outcome to fulfillment of your highest values. And when you're fulfilling your highest values, that's when life takes on purpose meaning and all that joy and happiness, what you're seeking, your, you become the living embodiment of that. So that's what we're really after. It just on the surface level consciously, it seems like we want all these objects. So we went all these things or we want all these achievements and all of those things are great. There's nothing wrong with any of those things. But if you're going to go after them, you may as well go after them accessing those values already feeling happy, whole abundant and wealthy now, and then go after your goals. And it'll make us so much easier. And it actually makes it extremely enjoyable instead of what a lot of people are doing, which is they withhold joy and pleasure for themselves as they go after a goal. I can't be happy until I have this. I can't feel joy and, and I can't be at peace until I achieved this. You're just cutting off all of those resources in that wonderful state that would help enable you to get that. And so now you've just made it so much harder for you. So values elicitation gets your mind on the other side of achieving what it is that you want. And when you come from that place, achieving what you want becomes show much easier and so much more enjoyable. So like I said, if you want to go deeper with any one are all of these NLP techniques, check the card that's linked to this video. Also check the description and put it in a comment below a list of the video links. So it's easy for you to access. Now you're familiar with these neuro linguistic programming techniques, but it's going to be really difficult for you to use them effectively unless you take this deeper. And so what I've done is I've created a four part video series, which is a wonderful introduction to NLP and it's for free. And I put the link right down here in the description so you can just click the link, sign on for the free training and get this introduction and it'll really help you understand neuro linguistic programming is for you if it's something that you want to study. Have you actually tried any of these techniques and processes? If you have, I would like to know about what your experiences of using these processes and techniques. So go ahead and tell me about it right here in the comments below. Remember to take advantage of this free four part NLP video series. I'm not sure how long I will keep it up, but as of the creation, the creation of this video, it is available to you right now. If you found this video helpful, make sure you hit that subscribe button and the bell so that you'll know when I upload new videos and think about a friend who you think would really benefit from this video, and go ahead and share it with them. Also, click that like button. If you would like me to make more videos like this one, I'll see you in the next one. Take care.
Channel: Damon Cart
Views: 216,355
Rating: 4.8663096 out of 5
Keywords: life mastery gym, nlp gym, Damon Cart, nlp, neuro linguistic programming, neuro linguistic programming techniques, neuro linguistic programming techniques youtube, nlp techniques, what is nlp, what is neuro linguistic programming, neuro linguistic programming for dummies, neuro linguistic programming example, nlp basics, nlp course, what is nlp techniques, nlp training, nlp for dummies, master your life, learn NLP, neuro linguistic programming practitioner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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