Network Boot ISO files with iVentoy and PXE

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one of my things I've always wanted to do is to be able to boot to an ISO over pixie instead of a USB drive or a DVD or or whatever uh and it's been doable before but it was always it was kind of a pain but ventoy you could put a whole bunch of isos on a single USB drive and boot to ventoy and then select which ISO you wanted to run and it would boot up to that well ventoy there's a version I ventoy that can do the pixie Boot and load up one of the isos and you can see here on this virtual machine I have a bunch loaded right now doing it is really simple uh all you need is a Linux installation you can do it on Windows too but really do it on uh and pretty much you just run a few commands right there and you have it so we're just going to go through real quick I'm not going to do the whole thing because I've already done it but uh I'll show you the commands see if I can make this print a little bit bigger um don't think I can um do a little bit bigger than that spider I don't know if you saw that on the screen it's pretty cool um let's make that just a tiny bit bigger appearance do 20 yeah you can see that good now right okay so what we need to do is first we need to download vent ivent toy and to do that you just go to ivent select downloads go down to GitHub releases find the release and this case we're doing Linux just right click copy uh link and then you go back to your SSH session and you do a w get and paste a link and I already had it so it named it one but um just go get rid of that one all right so we have it there now we just do a tar hyph zxvf z is for zip X extract V is for Bose F is for file and the file is ient toy like so I'm not going to do it because I don't want to overwrite what I already have but that's what you do okay so you got that and you CD to the new directory that was created ient toy version number just do a list and you'll see an executable there ivent toy. sh all you do is do sudu Slash ient toy start and that'll start the service and then there's status tells you if it's running or not it is running and you can do a stop status again makes see it's not running and then and uh let's see start and once you start it it'll tell you to open up your web browser to the IP address col 26000 and I have that right here let's just tell I'm going to shut down the service and when you go to the IP it'll bring up this page now you'll see a green arrow here that's saying it's not actually running the service is running but this uh actual boot is not right and that's fine uh now on the Linux server you'll want to set a manual IP address um I assume you know how to do that if not well it's pretty easy just look up in that plan um so this would be the server IP and you want to come over here to configuration and the timeout and everything here it should be fine you want to go down to DHCP server mode and you want to select extern the only time you'd want to use internal is um if you have this virtual machine segregated off another to another Network that's not um your primary Network most people have their internet routers as their DHCP server and if you have two DHCP servers there'll be a conflict and they'll fight and things will just go weird and sometimes it takes a while to find because uh you just don't know it's not one of those you just know there a whole bunch of weird things happening unless you've experienced it before you don't think that's what it is so you want to set this to external um and this you could this will be your router or whatever DHCP server you have okay so select external boot mode goey you can set a CLI it looks fine whatever uh boot resolution doesn't really matter in my case because I'm just going to be booting to uh virtual machines but if you're doing it like on U nor like on desktops and laptops and stuff it can make a difference 1020 by 1080 is pretty safe but if you want to go so almost everything will work except for really old machines do uh 720 1280 by 720 uh and you can do a password here if you want to this would be useful if you're doing this in a production environment um that way your end user just don't um boot to pixie and then do an image or Boot something they should be this is where this would be nice um so yeah that's the configuration and then under image management this will be all your ISO files if you add some or remove some just hit the refresh and you'll see them in here okay right now I Got U server 12 uh 22 uh serg boot CD Windows 10 installer Tails U to server installer and Windows XP Windows XP is just sore one of those things I threw in there just to see if it'll work it doesn't uh by default anyway uh and also under the conf uh boot nope there's an option here somewhere oh no it's not here okay the ne next thing you need to do is go get the boot file name so you want to go back to the vent ient under document and go down under to uh third part DHCP server they meant party but whatever scroll down to external mode and find the uh file name I use this one down here I don't it it works I just never changed it back to this one to see whatever um yeah so whatever there's different options here this one I believe is safe it'll automatically choose the right one but this is the one I used and it works just fine okay so you got that now you need to set up your DHCP server in my case I'm using a ubiquity Edge router X um and to do this you need to go under config tree it'll be different for your router well unless you're using this one so you want to use what it uh look up your settings for your DHCP server on your router and see where to add this not all routers have this so um if you really wanted this and your router doesn't have it you want to get something like uh pfSense or or something else to run your gcp service on um and then disable your DHCP server on your router um I do not suggest doing that until you know exactly what you're doing um or at least make good backups so you can restore configurations on your router so that's a warning um and for the edge Max to make a backup you just go down here to system on the bottom scroll down and find download backup file it's that easy uh okay so let's get rid of that so in my case I would go under service DHCP server shared network name um in this case it's landan the uh VLAN 20 something different I was messing with uh and then subnet and then you select your subnet and you'll have boot file name this is where you want to put uh this ivent toy loader file name under boot server you want to put the IP address of the iin to a server if you don't know what it is you can do go back to your Sage session and do IPA and you'll see it right here under ethernet the 1921 16833 sl24 is the subnet you don't need that in this case uh the default route the rest of this should be set automatically for you most of it um the default router would be your router IP address usually do one uh DNS server in my case I use um I can't remember 1.11.1 I think is cloud flare I think it's Chinese one but whatever uh and then a Google D DHCP or a DNS server I got my own setup that I haven't switched to yet but uh I'm going to eventually and then tftp server name you also want to set that to 33 I don't remember if this is actually required but um if you don't have it in here and it doesn't work put it in it'll probably work I can't remember I I'm pretty sure you do need it uh so once you do that you just on this case you just hit preview and it's not going to come up with anything because I didn't make any changes but it'll come up and show you what changes it's going to make and then you just hit the apply button if you're want to give it a go okay so that's it we're done setting up now we just go back over to the ivent toy server web interface oh no we need to copy files up so um you need to put the files into your ivent toy directory and you'll see a directory in here called ISO this is where you want to put all your files right your ISO files so to do that from me if you can download them directly from the internet from here just you know do a w get and then paste the URL to the iso or whatever other option you want but I already had them downloaded so I used SCP to do it SCP is secure connection protocol I think basically it's SSH file transfer so I use when SCP to do that and you just do a new connection um um yeah you do a new connection put your IP address in select SCP and then you put your SSH information in here you hit to login and you'll get your home directory then you just go to the ient toy and then ISO and then from there you just um you can just uh let's pick one here um Prett Android on there is drag and drop and it'll upload it and you're good as far as that goes and then once you put something new in there you go back to the image management wait for that to finish and then hit refresh and you'll see the Android one in there go back to the boot and hit the start I don't know I don't think you need to restart this every time you put an image in there though so um so let's go ahead and watch a boot um for I'm using hyperv so to change the boot mode settings um you go to Firmware and then I move the network adapter all the way up to the top uh different if you're using a desktop computer uh it has a specific key combination to select the boot menu to choose which media to boot from you often have USB CD drive hard drive and network not all motherboard support network boot but modern ones almost all do um and they have a each one has a key combination of push during the boot process to get that menu and for Dells I think it's it's F12 for some it's delete uh and I think HPS might be F2 um so yeah you try F12 F12 seems to be pretty Universal from almost all the ones I've used um but delete and F2 might be an option for you too so you can Google that or doc do go at whatever you want to use so we're just G to reboot this um virtual machine and it loads up to I ventoy and now we have our boot menu here um let's go ahead and open up Tails I think this will work I haven't tried it yet oh I don't have I don't think it supports it yeah so that that one's not going to work with this current file so it'll take you it'll time out and take you back we'll just go ahead and use this Windows uh Ser a boot CD or surge surge surge I think that's how it's pronounced right and if you don't know Windows PE is something that's generally used for Diagnostics and deployment um sergay is basically hirn except for updated and you can get this from um and when you find Serge's boot CD at the bot you download it and then on that same page on major Geeks it give you the password for the raar file um so you just put that in and then extract that ISO not sure why it's password protected but I'm kind of glad it is that way just normal script kites that don't know to look for the password on that page um don't just get this because it it's it's pretty powerful uh it has a lot of utilities on it that well any any person could get any it person should have this um and I guarantee you almost every uh security tester probably has one too that they would take to a computer boot up to it and then start stealing and changing passwords because that's something you can do with this um we're just going to change a resolution here should probably update that and just to show that it can see the disk drive um use the windows dis management and it also has opera on here too somewhere yeah and other internet utilities so if you do get a good network connection with the internet you can open up a browser or whatever and yeah you can see the dis drive this is my own cast server uh so it sees the Linux partition that's fine and it's not opening up Opera very fast so I'm not GNA worry about it um oh there it goes and you can see it takes you to the internet do whatever I probably shouldn't have clicked some of these things because I don't know what they are actually but yeah so yeah I know this is a video about ivent toy but if you're an IT person definitely get this boot CD it's better than um hn because it's basically because it's updated or hn last time I looked has been updated for a long time so yeah that's it uh let's just uh do a reboot now we're just showing off and you can customize the interfaces and such um however you like it's similar to vent to last I looked uh we'll just to start want to start a server 22 installer here I don't have very much memory well maybe I do what I have assigned to this one guess I do have quite a bit of memory assigned to it and yeah it'll take you right to the installer and you can do whatever I'm not going to do it because I don't want to break this server so yeah that's it ivent toy awesome um I highly suggest it I really do if if you need a pixie boot option this is where you go now it you can do you can do stuff like fog and windows deployment services and Norton Ghost nort go still exist I don't know Clonezilla Network option that sort of you can do all that stuff um to do installs too which are all great they are all great to do that but if you just need one for utility uh to run things like uh hen's boot CD D band that sort of thing then this is what you want this is what you want so yeah if you need to play services this is probably not what you want but if you just want uh Pixie boot for other things then this is good I love it it's great get it um if for no other reason just to play around with it all right I know this isn't similar to my gaming videos like seven days or a while but if you're setting up servers to do those things then this might help you a lot so yeah that's it uh subscribe like share all that fun stuff it really helps um see you in the next one right I hope so
Channel: JoeCast
Views: 5,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iventoy, pxe, network boot, ubiquiti, dhcp
Id: upq7n4OXpMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 34sec (1174 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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