Jujutsu Kaisen's Back, Baby! - Geoff Reacts

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get in the car losers we're going reacting this isn't a car it's an office so new season of Jiu Jitsu Kaizen just dropped I don't know about you guys but I'm pretty hyped for it they got a new director on the series who's giving it a sort of slightly different animation style some people are iffy on that I really like it I'm super excited to see how they handle this flashback Arc and then especially the Shibuya Arc if you haven't read the Manga like absolutely Peak so I figured you know it might be fun to sit down watch the first episode with you guys and and share my reaction also it's a convenient excuse to throw to the very fun ad that Trey and me put together for gamer sups and their new Jujitsu Kaizen flavor I'm gonna take a swig of this while you watch that all right first year I got one very important question for you what's your favorite waifu cup well I wait what waifu cups highly collectible transparent Shaker cups Precision designed to measure and Mix A Perfect Blend of no no I love gamercepts keeps me focused and energized for hours with no hard crash and eat sugar-free flavors more delicious than the last I was just a little confused because like you were trying to kill me a second ago stop stalling and answer the question kid knows his energy drinks I'll give him that but he's dead the second he throws out some boring safe answer like it's not fair to pick just one I love my whole collection but it's Gotta Be season three cup nine Temptation they put that big juicy thing in them shorts right front and center no hiding it with a double side design now that's a cup for dudes who know what's up laughs [Music] yo if you tried that new cursed energy raspberry tea flavor yeah just came in the mail yesterday with my limited edition satoru Gojo cup shit's delicious wait why are there cups of ham and me and all my don't think about it anyway you think that's delicious mix in some lemonade flavor Suddenly It's raspberry lemonade huh I'll have to try that wanna go beat off to X-Men first Class hell yeah dude it seems we are best friends [Music] oh man that's really good okay let's get watching some very nice looking pavement okay so we're starting on Ghetto before everything went down with him kind of a chainsaw man feeling shot there I don't know like Alleyways and and uh air conditioning units just kind of make me think of that now that's a really nasty image not the animation that looked gorgeous I just means so this is before the movie and this is setting up how he becomes an anti-human extremist I man this VHS or like camcorder effect is really nice they're doing a really good job of setting this in like the 90s or I guess early 2000s with those flip phones internet okay mid 2000s okay so we got a haunted house story to kick things off I think this is a pretty solid way to like suck people back into the series and you know maybe introduce the concepts to people who are starting fresh having this be a flashback kind of makes it work on that level definitely uh seen better days since that video that it's a body oh no trash that's some really good environment CGI it's almost feels like a start of a rest of the needle game doing a good job of setting up that spooky atmosphere oh bet we're gonna get jump scared in one of those shots some really solid animation okay so it's kind of like the eternity devil in chainsaw man hey original I don't remember it from the manga this is clever clever problem solving but also by splitting them up they allow for maybe some more spooks although I think we're past that point holy holy crap crap that was some Peak animation right there cocky bastard I love you oh the lp oh man this action scene is so cool that was I love that shot with the with him reflected in the glasses that's such a cool transition there's definitely some some like interesting foreshadowing in here but like my main takeaway is they're they're they're doing a lot of like Tick Tock transitions almost in this op real slick Banger of a song too okay well they couldn't have jump scared us with that I wonder if he'll use that infinite looping trick later with the captured spirit [Music] it's interesting you know having satoru be like the class screw up slash Class Clown very fit like it fits his character but also it's a nice contrast to the you know the very very effective hero that we know from the main story also very interesting contrast with ghetto and what we know of him later you know he's espousing effectively the opposite of his philosophy God I love their Dynamic I really love how like oh yeah Dion references hell yeah that that actually sums it up very effectively wow but yeah I I love how like this series plays with the idea that Jujutsu is really dangerous and like even the useful stuff that keeps people safe can go wrong very easily that's a cool transition too foreign he will not he will never stop being so full of himself this this OST is fire okay so these guys don't know what they're dealing with clearly is that a JoJo reference immediately ignoring that advice about not being so full of himself gotta love it either okay that's a good Cliffhanger that's a really good cliffhanger just gonna enjoy these end credits then I'll talk some more ah this is such a vibe oh I like them sitting on the border that's really cool uh yeah and we get that that like early 2000s nostalgia the series is doing a really good job of like creating a different sense of time and place for each like time period that the story takes you to it's a solid ID very stylish uh next episode preview too yeah I think that was a very strong first episode to you know set up the new season sets up like obviously a lot of interesting mysteries for people who've watched the first season and you know know who mega me is and stuff like that they're like oh fushiguro wonder wonder how this guy's gonna play into that clearly he's going to be some kind of badass but I mean you know I read the Manga I know where that's going it creates a solid sense of mystery around its character at the same time though you know assuming that somebody's a new viewer to this the fact that this is a flashback and like the earliest point in the timeline and you know the way that they set up the idea of cursed spirits and everything I I think this does make kind of like an effective jumping on point for somebody who's just surfing channels and happens to see it and you know obviously that that's probably not going to happen in North America or anywhere outside of Japan it's probably not that likely to happen in Japan I don't know I think it's really neat how they've set this up so that like if somebody does just stumble across season two or the movie they aren't necessarily being blocked from getting into it and then going back and checking out the other stuff you know that's that's some very smart series design I'm not sure how effective it's going to be but I see what they're doing and I I just think it's neat I think it's neat if I have any complaints about the first episode kind of spends a little too long on the exposition maybe but you know that is necessary to set up a conflict with the star plasma vessel and everything that they're going to be doing through this flashback doesn't really get into the main conflict of the series it just sets it up and the you know the first fight scene that they have you know some solid action definitely showcasing the action in that prologue scene in the infinite house and the uh op obviously but like this is this Arc is gonna go some places you know this is just kind of bits and pieces of set up for it still pretty hype opening to the second season overall I can't wait for it to get where it's going in both the flashback and the next Arc because again um I'm having a fun Journey getting there I think they've done a good job of like you know fleshing out this earlier point in time and and fleshing Out The Supporting Cast around satru and suguru I remember from the manga that after they pick her up this flashback kind of goes at a Breakneck Pace but I'm hoping that what they've hinted at with like the Ed and the slow pacing of this first episode sort of holds true and they give us more time to spend with these characters and in this time period because um I don't know I think it's fun I'm enjoying the Vibes very very impressive use of 3D and like that VHS filter at the start I think that the team behind this could probably make a pretty effective horror series if they wanted to you know they're obviously leaning more in the action Direction with Jujitsu Kaizen but like while they did not ultimately go for a jump scare in that opening scene I think they could have and I think that might have been fun who knows anyway thank you for tuning in don't forget to get your Jujutsu Kaizen gamer sups cursed energy flavor and of course those very nice Jiu Jitsu Kaizen gamer Subs cups you'll find the link below if you want to check those out as for me I'm gonna go get to work on the ones to watch and then the video that we're doing after that which I think you'll have a lot of fun with especially if you like Jujutsu Kaizen or Shonen action stuff in general let me just uh check my outro stuff here just leave the video running and pull a dark side fill why did I write that keep it real guys
Channel: Basement Life
Views: 19,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen season 2, jujutsu kaisen season 2 reaction, jujutsu kaisen season 2 ep 1 reaction, mother's basement jujutsu kaisen, suguru geto, satoru gojo, anime, anime reaction
Id: 1bYjlGhI9JU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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