Netflix’s Queer Eye in Conversation

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happy pride New York City listen I have some breaking news that I am actually going to be the new member of the Fab five honorary so yes I'm filling in for the moment 4:10 who's arriving of course as the style guy fashionably late so he will be with us very shortly but since we are here in New York during Pride Week I want to know what you guys have planned for your pride festivities oh I'm planning on hitting the clubs why not celebrate I am actually performing wedding ceremonies on a float in the parade wow that's amazing Wow I am honored aend minister now congratulation krama aren't you newly engaged i am newly gave the ring so are you gonna be getting married on the float I am NOT I am way fancier than that [Laughter] there was a little Jonathan what are you doing other than wearing these fabulous bit months Oh [Applause] but that's that's your answer love you guys that's what I'm doing great Anthony what about you I don't have plans yet I like to wing it on Saturdays and Sundays I don't like to put too much pressure on myself and kind of see where I'm at so you guys congratulations on the launch of season 2 whoo [Music] I have to say I have been nerdish Lee kind of reading about you guys over the past week in preparation for today and I think one of the things I'm shocked about is reading about the past show and the past iteration of the show and the impact that this show and what you guys have made this show into has had on clearly so many people all over the country did you guys when you were signing on to this project did you have any idea that this was going to be the reception my god honestly I really thought it was like the way full house fuller house was no shade to the show but it was it's a home I really thought it was gonna be like an homage to the original iteration but I think it became very clear to all of us a couple of weeks in how that we were really part of something special can I tell you how happy I am that he just threw shade too so there's a story shade oh Jesus Thank You Anthony I think you should leave like Kimmy Gibbler alone no no we did no we literally were all shocked and surprised we knew that we wanted to do our best and we want to be our authentic selves and every time we had pressures from the outside coming to us and saying you got to be like the original fat five we all would get together on the rooftop of our apartment building and we would be watching RuPaul's Drag Race and I would and we'd be like nope we're just going to continue to be ourselves we're not trying to imitate them they created an amazing path but we're walking that path in our own shoes before we move on you brought up drag race so I have to ask who do you guys think is gonna win season 10 I'm well is there like security for after wheel I know I can get so seriously get so heated so quick I think the top four is absolutely amazing yes the top four is greatly amazing for me for me and I think I'm all about Clarion Yurika honey I just for those cool right now it's like this and I just feel like whoever's gonna be in that finale I don't know I disagree yeah I'm alright and also she's killed because it's been beautiful she's been diplomatic she has her dancers on everything that rooh asked her we're just so perfect my point that that dandelion situation we ever get a season three or four do not be surprised if I come out in there just like it I'll make it for you thank you one of the things that actually I love about you guys is how close you all are right and this all that's like ball of energy when all of them came backstage and I was reading that you guys had to do chemistry readings together like in pre-production right before you guys were officially cast is that right and what does that look like so what they would do is they would bring and it ended up being like 40-something guys even though chroma says a hundred it was 40 right so they would rotate five of us in and out five in each category and just kind of see who got along and from the very first hour of casting tan and Cuomo and I had locked arms and then through midday all five of us had and it just left out that we all happen to be from one category or each category and I think Netflix and Scouts and ITV really saw the natural chemistry that we had and as the day went on fewer because they'd rotate people in and out one less would start coming out and then I was in there Kurama was in there tan was in there Jonathan was in there Antony was in there and then all of a sudden what an hour and a half later we realized we were the only ones left yeah yeah you guys were really like you guys were actually drawn to each other right from the jump yeah it sounds like and here's our third piece of shade no I mean honestly I think that we were I think for me I you know for me I was this was not my first audition I had done gave of Thrones for years I was really hoping to find the thing that was you know gonna be the thing was gonna take my career to the next place she was her independent woman she couldn't attach herself well no I say was that I had been looking for something that was going to mean this to me and to have this opportunity handed to me to be a part of a franchise it was something I was so in love with and was such a beacon of light for me when I was a kid growing up in the middle of America and so I was so focused on that I honestly like I I knew what was at stake and so it was extremely stressful I like stated I was like cheer tryouts on crack like it was it was so and you know I was a college cheerleader honey said saying something and yeah so I was just really really focusing I think that the chemistry was palpable and my baby brain I was like I I was really ashamed because I felt like I was like a broken American so bad so it was really tough well that's good I mean the show had such a major cultural and kind of political almost impact of course and I Bobby you recently gave you guys all were giving an interview to The Hollywood Reporter and Bobby you said that the initial intention of this reboot was not for it to have I guess such like a societal commentary and your direct quote was when we got in there and we realized there are so many polarizing topics right now far left and far right and we have the opportunity to really bring people together I think it humanized us in a world right now where we all don't think of each other as humans so it sounds like really well so beautiful so unlike me it sounds - it sounds to me from that interview the way you guys were all talking about it that this was a decision that you guys made as a band of five that you were then communicating back to the producers is that fair yeah I mean I don't know I mean yes and no I mean I love southern Carla says about this a lot like we never like Chuck our identities at the door I'm like literally stealing an exact same thing these days I love that about that you've said that and that's very true I mean from the very first episode it was like that we you know that we shot it was very clear that we were gonna be talking about like things that we talked about and if you spent like five minutes with me you would know that I'm we're talking about yeah all sorts of stuff I mean I think with Tom cuz he was our first episode like we were talking about like lupus you know and the effects that Sun and nightshade and plants have on it but on an episode when you find out that it's a cop you're gonna be having very different conversations because we are all gonna bring our life experiences into the conversation so we never really had to communicate that we're gonna do this like such a different way because we kind of were always trying to find our own way but it also happen organically as well like when you guys were in the car with Tom and he mentioned like who's the man and who's the woman like when you're in a long car ride and you're living like outside of the suburb like conversations are gonna be had they happen in an organic way sometimes they didn't have to be for us yeah you know it's it's again it's not something we went in prepared to do we went in thinking that the show was probably gonna be I did we went in thinking - the show was gonna be just like it was originally but when those opportunities presented themselves to go deeper to have those conversations that we really knew needed to be had we didn't shy away from it we didn't back down from I will say that Bobby's right but I will be honest with you and these guys know this I went in with the full intention for these conversations and for fully emotional cathartic moments with people and from day one I was like this is what's going to make a special this is what's going to make this show be different would you all like what you yeah and so for me I I just its 2018 and where we are as a country we were divided one of the tag lines that they sold us on to come to the audition was turning red states pink so my mindset was already in it was when they over it into one makeover head time turning red Sates pink and so my mindset was already like oh we're going in here where you want to be politically charged we're going to end toxic masculinity we are going to get in here and fight fight fight and I have to say season two is off to a really amazing initial kind of reception miss Tammy really steals the double sided coin of what I'm about to explore right now I get that Instagram is you know validation it's numbers and it's socialness not where our heart and our souls really should be or where they're going I agree however that social media glow up that mama Tammy had honey and four days can we talk about the impact we follow her right now honey if you're not following on Instagram she is last time I checked she was like pushing 12 K honey and like yong-dae what is it mama Tammy mom TM my a moment Tammy I know she not Graham it is good it is and that is just a social media globe I can get behind yes totally and that was the first woman that has received a makeover and queer I correct yeah yeah and our reboot is just true but actually I think that sometimes people forget that the original where I for this straight I have a moment where they did do late they did do it yeah but it was in the dark ages honey bush was still the president we don't trying to think back that far yeah a bit in the dark what did you guys think about doing a woman and having that be the that kind of we were you are you're yeah but I never done lady I'll never do a lady it's just not my face yeah well it was important it was important to all of us from the beginning before we knew that we were gonna have a female hero we all collectively got together again while watching RuPaul drag race and we're very clear about the fact that we wanted to explore outside of just men and so the first conversation we had with producers they were like well we're gonna find a gay man and then it was oh we found a trans man and then it was we have a woman for you ironically Tammy was actually the last episode we ever shot it just came in the beginning of the season so you know we were pushing that and if we are blessed to have more seasons we have already talked we want to continue this like we want to start working with people who have disabilities we want to work with yet give it up like I mean the thing is that we are all human beings who all need a little love and support and to feel see and that's what the show can do so Y will be limited just to men or just to women we should all feel that but okay sorry even with Tammy like she was special she was the anomaly because we went in there and yes we did have a plan but she ran that episode yeah she ran more than our executive producers my name is mama Tammy's Janet I think that's one thing about this about queer eye is that and the first one we just it was like amazing was doing the most but like this show a name is the same and informat the same but I think that the focus on the show is so much more about the connection than it is about like the makeover necessarily and so I think it's it's really a show where like we're connecting with people and so I think that you don't need that the friction of like gay means straight I think it's more just like people meeting people we're using our crafts as a tool to connect to them emotionally and way down the line we just have to be gay yeah well well but yes yeah and as as crema alluded to this is also the first season that has made over a transman yes give it up for Skylar what were you guys thinking when you got the brief actually his social media is lit - okay you go on my social I'm just going to following and just type in Skype I'll find him because it's like his in his not coming to my trans that ginger ginger it's really but they're both really good at both their content is killing it anyway but yes back to the question for me personally that was Skylar I think was the most intimidating going in because I felt like and I'm not gonna speak for ten but I wish that he were here because he had such an incredible scene with Skylar that I learned so much from I was intimidated because I had so little knowledge and I felt super ignorant so I wanted to go in there and be like really precious and like learn about what it is to be trans and I thought I was gonna go in there being preaching what I realized was like no he's a guy who wants to date a lot of it didn't make it to a lot of scenes don't make it to the episode we all have field trips and sometimes they get cut out but like I took him to a sushi restaurant and we just talked about like what general dating rules are and he just had a lot of questions about that so by just like simplifying it and like really tending to what his needs were he actually kind of took care of me and that which I thought was really incredible I love the food scenes that you do because I think there's something really powerful metaphorically should be said about breaking bread with someone especially when you're sitting across the table from to your earlier point right someone who's a cop or someone who you know is probably a card-carrying Republican or an NRA member right and there's something that is transformational about having the opportunity to eat with them and so much of that comes out and your work in the show thank you I mean I think like everyone has to [ __ ] eat and then like and I like for me like being raised in a pretty dysfunctional home like the moment that I had with my sisters and my parents growing up like the one time where we all really got along was when we had incredible meals together from like breakfasts two dinners it's where we would all just either shut up and like rejoice in this feast that was like right in front of or just like had happy moments so for me there's always been a really strong attachment to that and that's sort of just as you're mentioning it where it's like not necessarily about what each of our verticals are but sort of like that connection that we have and how they sort of tie in and I was reading about your culinary journey because I think a lot of people see the fully realized beautiful Antony on screen but I was reading a little bit about your journey and you were basically like trying to make it in acting and working in food service for a number of years I was a busboy a waiter a manager a sommelier like all of it from a family-run polish restaurant with like grandmas in the basement hand making pierogies to like working at Bond Street for a while like I've done it all and so I have experience more on the front of house side of things but I've always had like a strong reverence in a respect for for chefs I just thought of Bourdain but they've always been sort of like my rock stars and I've just always had a lot of respect for them so for me like I don't know I've always felt like it was always sort of on the outside and like I for whatever reason I also like to perform so I think that's why I like being a waiter and it was pretty damn good waiter and so like that's why for me it was you know when you're a student it's really hard it's like tough work it's really long hours but like to put myself through University and while I was working and trying to like aspire for other things it was actually kind of perfect the way that it worked out is even during chemistry testing they were asking me like how is food been part of your life and I realized that like it's been this constant that's always been there in some way shape or form whether it's privately cooking for my family and loved ones and friends to working in a professional capacity like it's always been there can I tell you guys a story about him yes no this is really cute you'll love this I hope so okay so when we are in chemistry audition like when we're in this room we're like going back and forth there was other person that was there for food and he was talking and I was like that's great cuz you know I was like really like single I focus I was like say whatever you want I'm like I'm I'm getting this job right now folks it and so then Antony comes in and and I can't remember exactly the question but he was the first time that I remember like hearing him really talk about food and the same year honey at the SAG Awards stranger things won something for something and the director gave this really impassioned speech and and who's that who's that actress that I always when I totally dress nope no no no right oh yes the one who is like yes yes so I always say Ashley Judd but I mean why No - right I really don't want to mess it up right now though that she's yeah so I remember when she was like she was like [Laughter] [Applause] and so he starts talking about Putin I turn into Winona rather like I want all that and so then in my head I was like should I make a Netflix joke at a Netflix audition like in my head and so cuz like I realized after like the four sentence of your food explanation that I was like making a full scene and then cuz he was like so talented and that guy was like I just like want to eat everything that you know about cuz I was like his like food knowledge and like the way he talks about food was like literally incredible and I've never heard someone talk about like that in my life except cilantro well except cilantro but no you talk about your craft is so like I mean I can be so focused on something and like the job of my life and then you open your mouth and say three words about something about what you're passionate on I'm like you know and that wasn't and not and we had been in a room with lots of different people and like I didn't have that reaction with anyone and so you are when you talk about food and when you talk about the way that you connect with people through talking about food it is like very universal like it is such universal language you how about people with food so yeah yeah and I hate I hate to embarrass you even more but now that those dreams are in the way that you talk about food is becoming even more fully realized because I just read you just inked a book deal is that right if you have a cookbook it's a hundred recipe cookbook oh wow I think not one of oh my god not one of them has avocados it no well I ruin that for you totally so I have a cookbook that you know is turning kind of I realize into like my own culinary memoir which I'm super excited about I have my my editor I submitted 50 recipes and so far and I'm like working on completing them and I'm like super excited for it to come out Wow and that's not all right don't you have a little bit of news you want to share with us so I'm gonna be I'm not supposed to talk about it but Wow well keep it really general I'm really excited are we are we are like just really quick conference are you sure it's fine like Christine I'm all about like cheese in pork belly and like the decadence of food but also sort of as a result of like the increased vanity of being on camera all the time and working out and eating healthy I'm developing like a fast casual food concept restaurant that I'm gonna be [Applause] good congratulations that is so so so excited thank you so Jonathan wins the beauty line I'm like I'm more like I'm more like a jungle cat with my news you know what I mean you gotta like which was interesting I'm like I'm I really want to get into the beauty space I think that the beauty industry was some things that I am concerned about and interested in or not overtly sexy to sell like one thing that Bobby's really inspired by is he like really wants to work you're an environmentalist and he's I'm I'm really worried about creating with sustainability and we're to get products from and where we get them and where we source them and how we source them I went to school at a beta and that was like really near and dear to my heart when I first started doing hair like 11,000 years ago and and so I think I do want to do a beauty line but I think that the things that I would really need to ingrain into it I I think I need like eight more years of like research and to really know that space and to to make the impact that I want to make there like I'm a little bit I'm a little bit away but I love using products so I just have amazing advice oh yeah I really am a student and so I think whenever I do get into I'm just adjusting my socks but I'm sorry but I do think they wedding into that space of like having a line I really want I just think I need a little bit more time to like mature and to into that entrepreneur that I would be I just saw this video you did with vogue which by the way congratulations how major yeah so great but if you haven't seen this video Jonathan goes around a beauty supply store and is shopping for the other guys and it's hilarious you're stopping for us is this the actual third shade yes controversial okay good actually I did there what we did have a thing with it's very innocent okay it's not I just got you a bunch of hand sanitizer oh yeah yeah that's good that's like um well I guess you go to the video you'll find out I don't think I realize that you do like you do their grooming like while you guys are I did hey doing his hair and his haircuts the whole time okay yeah I mean we have we worked with some amazing drummer named marina so she would would she would be with us like two of the five days but then so anytime we were like in an interview like we had help like in that in those like little Kardashian moments and then the day when they see their house for the first time we would have someone there to help us do our touch-ups and stuff but every other time like the day that you would find them and then the day when we will be in our field trips like when I would be doing their hair we would be doing our own stuff I love the way that you transform people and actually in the in the episode with Skylar you say that you never want to impose your views on someone when you're doing a makeover you want it to be a conversation or a negotiation and then we're not going to say the next planet what was the next line I don't remember I actually think you said but the facial hair has got to go or something like that yeah but I I especially I know that cuz like that one is like that was like actually one of the first like [Applause] [Music] [Applause] have you been thanks for coming by the way you all just scared the mess out of us sorry everyone I was late to run I know I was right we're dead but I can finally like rely it looks on a second look not settle in I was like so fidgety this whole time a lot thank you so much I'm in pride colors yes look great so where'd you been tan you know hustling work in the street trying to live my life we look a server so it's fine what you look like five minutes ago yeah you you know just like this just like this I bet you probably did lucious I'm sure so I missed it but we were talking about drag race earlier do you have a season 10 favorite queen oh yeah oh yeah you know that show what you just come up no they didn't win and I was so to do it no one would have been banjee did you already know it's sparkling the way I walk and honey [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] okay got it big what we can't back okay already my thing that's ever happened on this stage now lucky you guys can we were actually I'm so glad you're here because we were actually just talking about Schuyler and Antony mentioned that this episode was really pivotal for you which we all got to kind of see how that how that played out in the episode do you want to talk a little bit about this is a really serious answer he's gonna be back this year we're gonna be grownups for this dancer that was fine okay that's how it affected me or just in general the episode I it was a really tough I'm sure these guys have all explained it I'll try and give you cliff notes when we plan out a scene for this show we do it a couple of weeks in advance and we really fight and plead with the producers to let us do what we truly feel is right sometimes we were in that fight sometimes we don't that week it was a really tough one and I had to have closed-door meetings with people saying I wanna show that we don't all know the struggles of people within the LGBTQ community so LGBTQ community I do think it's important that people do understand that just because we're a member of this group doesn't mean we know every facet and every fight and so that's not more important to me than saying yeah just because I'm gay I know everything and we never profess to know everything on our show so it just felt like a natural extension of what we ordinarily do meeting Skylar was really powerful he seen him on the show he's an incredible guy but having that moment where not only do I get to see him in a suit for the first time he gets to see himself in a suit for the first time he feels for the first time how he's always envisioned himself being and we're in his mind to then go straight from that it actually did happen in this way where we go straight from that to sat on the couch that wasn't edited a certain way and so you get a real reaction of how he now feels seeing what his life could potentially be like if he is a boy afforded the gender mark is the the lock that will hopefully give him the life that he finally that he wanted that he finally gets to live that out that felt really special to be a part of that and I do that we're on a show that is open-minded enough to be able to say we don't need to pretend that we are arbiters of literally everything that we can say that we want to learn to I learned so much from the episode and it changed me as a person so many times I think we will film an episode and we'll walk away or a scene we'll walk away saying that wasn't it didn't just feel like TV didn't just be like a job this is [ __ ] formidable can you please give a shout-out to the documentary that we watched oh yeah okay so we watched I don't know if you haven't seen this please watch it if you have HBO Lena Dunham produced a documentary called which I call middle and keep you remember it's been doing keep as the brand yeah well done yeah man well done so it was called suited we watched it a couple weeks before the episode and that's how I decided I wanted to really push to ask them to join the show and I'm so glad they did the work that they do is incredible yeah I think just as much exposure as we can give to the plight of trans men the transformation general of the trans man Crom has made a good point many times that trans women are so heavily featured in the media it's not so often that a trans men are and so I love that shows like our show and it shows that suited are really giving them more of a voice oh yes and two that just cuz the Holy Spirit put it on me to say of any more mother nature whatever you want to call what everyone call them it is I think that trans men are underrepresented when you compare it to trans women maybe however the trans community in general is probably marginalized every which way it's like yeah yes you know so and I know that you would know that I know they weren't like brainy but I just yeah it's like we need we could do 18,000 seasons of queer I with only trans heroes and still not get the representation within like 18 football field and I think that question gets asked naturally of you and I just see like the I can see how someone could say that of all of us and that's why just that's why I felt the need to say like we could do like to mean the fact that this is a somewhat me show the fact that we are on the show doesn't mean that this problem is being solved like oh finally the gays represented no one-up there's five of us like there's millions of us out there so yeah we could but what I am proud of and I think is really powerful what I hope that you all are inspired by with the show is we say it's time to take the narrative out of someone else's hands and we allow our heroes to write their own stories and we just help them get to a place where they feel confident in doing that so if you ever earn a space in your own life where you think someone else is writing your story someone else is telling you that you should be doing this you should be doing the exact opposite ripped that pin out of their hand and that's what's happening with Skyler Skyler wrote his narrative now and now it's inspiring so many trans kids LGBT kids our allies to live their life authentically and full yeah like like unless it's like if the opposites like to hardcore the other way yeah just like do like two doors down just an interesting word that we hear a lot dirty pride right if you like talk to marketing people or corporations they call our community Miche yeah do you can you guys do any of you consider this show nice no people call us a nice show which is very frustrating I think our show reaches everyone we receive the majority the people that we're helping on this show a straight man and their versions of straight line that I think everybody connect with Tom Jackson everyone knows a Tom Jackson so know people say a lot of stupid [ __ ] it's exactly because any time you have underrepresented or marginalized communities of course you want to say whatever they do is nice and that's not it you know what I mean we are all diverse beautiful beings and our experiences and our our stories are valid and it's not nice it's not this one little thing when people keep saying what do you think only gay people love your show and I'm like look at the beautiful people of different genders and colors that are in this audience along a nice kind of chic niche I'm like it's like sorry we're like really funny like we're also like like today they were saying well we feel like it could be a lot more diverse again there's only five of us there's only so much we can represent but I do think we do a lovely job of representing as much as physically possible five people can and do do any of you the rest of you I'm sure get that question a lot right like it's called queer I now you know so why aren't there women on the panel right cuz women can be queer why is there no trans person on that on the on the cast what do you guys think about that conversation I'm down like but not to get rid of any of I mean that wasn't the way that this particular like version like was like like not meant to be but that just like wasn't how I was passive but if it had been like that would have been buying I will say let's test it there was there was I believe in a show that was just women right yeah there was to do that again I think that they this format worked 15 years ago we've just we've done we can share those stories with the heroes going forward but yes all we can do here we are and let's just make sure okay maybe on representative of the whole world but we are trying to bring as many other stories into every episode so they may not be part of the be ensemble book every week you connect with somebody who isn't one of us yes and like I would so welcome that and think I mean transwomen everyone like everyone has something to say and for me even though the show is called queer I and there can be more like then definitions of queer than men obviously like it's more than just game in like I said earlier I feel like our show is about like human connection it's not about like game in connecting with like straight people or trans or women it's like we're just connecting we're just connecting with people and so if yeah I'm gonna just say something and uh it's there we can't acknowledge that as a culture there is a there's sort of this trying to choose my words very closely I know that's we are five men and historically when you're talking about forms of media they want to see MIT in these positions of power and so we all champion diversity and we understand that we are walking into a privilege that we have and I think it's it's we have to acknowledge that the reason that we are up here is five men is not because we don't want diversity it's because we live in a system that values men over women but what we try to do but we'll but what we want to do through the stories is acknowledge the fact that there is that privilege but make sure again that we're saying to other people we are not as you said the arbiters of everything you are just as equal you are just as powerful and maybe Hollywood has not caught up yet and maybe your community has not caught up yet but we are going to help you to get to a place where they will catch up featured in grooming were women like the people that taught me how to like cut myself out of a paper bag we're all women no seriously like I want to know though not a paper bag no I mean honey like when I was bleak when I first started I was like there's like one haircut here there's like one here there's like something kind of else right here and I'm not exactly sure what's going on there all my businesses I probably you could get sued but everybody I had was always a woman because women get [ __ ] done you know there was a recent GLAAD poll that came out so glad does a partnership with the Harris Poll or Harris surveys and forgetting what it's called every year and for the first time in four years they found that trust and LGBTQ Americans had fallen right so we were on this upward slope for a really long time and then we dropped and when they dug into the data and obviously our current political system and our administration has a lot to do with this but when they dug into the data they found that the people who were losing their trust the most and LGBTQ Americans were millennial men we're millennial matter so there is this idea and you know of course to you know to Jonathan's point this is not the only queer show that should exist on television right and we can have representation everywhere but isn't there validity in a show that actually is is encouraging men to engage with queerness encouraging straight men to accept queerness right I love this counter narrative too when people ask us about if there should be more inclusivity like as far as like the five of us that's a really I like that we're gonna use me and I'll be like yes but I think that's important and actually crime most so much of what you're doing on the show is trying to tackle toxic masculinity and you've been very frank and interviews about how you had to overcome those demons yourself in your own journey a hundred percent you know I grew up in a Caribbean household I'm first-generation American family is Jamaican and Cuban and the thing is that in my household the more masculine I could present meant that I was safe and that I could achieve whatever my brothers and cousins and whoever else could achieve and I just remember always thinking why do I have to present this way to feel confident why can't I just be Who I am whatever that means and you know Jonathan brought up earlier I talked about are the intersectionalities of our personalities we have so many different parts of ourselves but yet Society says check that at the door if you want to be successful and that's why we have so many toxic men in the world because they're told to you know to check that there's a story that I used to play football in high school and the first time I got hurt my coach said don't cry walk it off I was like like every bit of Queen that was in me like that I was suppressing was coming out of like I don't let me rip it off yeah I was walking towards the the locker room and I remember on the track there was a young woman that was running hurdles and she got hit by a hurdle and fell and literally that same coach that was telling me to to walk it off ran to her and was like baby what's wrong are you okay everyone and I was like every bit of me was like and those were the first reminders or the first inclination that I had this behavior is wrong and I have to figure out a way whether it was on television whether it was when I became a social worker in a psychotherapist it was like I have to counter this behavior in a way because we cannot have future generations still believing this is the right way to behave so when we hear that millennial young men have distrust in in gay men it's because there's a resurgence of that toxic behavior because there is no resin tation and that's why visibility is so important and us5 showing up and showing up proud and loud and saying we are going to be here but yet we are also going to love you is how we're trying to combat that you've been on television for a long time are you about to date me I'm the oldest of the cat I know the reason is because I read a lot about the real world yes it's a trauma within the real world and that also made you the first openly gay black person on reality television I wa I am what are you think looking I mean looking back on that experience and looking back in the chromo who is like doing the confessionals what do you think of him and because he's such a different man than the person who's sitting here today oh he was a train wreck twenty-two years old on a reality television program fresh out of college and was like where's the booze and the man like there was nothing about that experience all I want to do is get in hot tubs and you know and I had culturally-relevant I had some moments on that show where you know my straight white roommates would make comments about gay men that forced me to then have to have conversations with them and they also made comments about race and when I think back about how young Kurama handled that I'm so thankful for the mentors I have in my life because they taught me that approaching hate with more hate is never going to win the battle and that was the biggest lesson I learned and so as I've grown and I've matriculated through life I've learned that listening is more important and meeting someone where their act so that I could have a conversation with them to reach their heart because if you spend your time trying to reach somebody's brain it's already said they're not gonna have it you reach their heart and then they're going to change their own line so that is a I guess that brings us to an interesting recent occurrence so in a gay Times interview last year you said the fact that the government is against you is hard even in America we have a vice president who's adamant that he hates the gays and is doing everything to remove us from the history books you were right so among the things that Mike Pence has supported during his tenure in office he has worked to roll back protection of trans students in bathrooms and locker rooms halted any and all investigations of complaints filed by trans students who are banned from school restrooms he's shielded health care providers who refused to treat queer patients or people with HIV he supported so-called religious exemptions of businesses that refuse service to queer people thereby endorsing state sanctioned discrimination against our community and he used to oppose gay marriage and he once likened himself to Noah crying to everyone about an impending flood that the gay fled I guess and he effectively endorsed and protected so-called conversion therapy of queer youth thank you so I have to say I was taken aback to hear that you recently met with his wife chief of staff is that correct yes I went to the White House about five months ago and the reason and one of the things you all should know about the five of us is that we have very strong opinions and especially Jonathan I we are very political and he's one of the smartest people I know this baby right here you all know the comedy side let me tell you if you haven't downloaded just get curious let me get curious but yes I did go to the White House I was working with an organization called the creative coalition and it's all about making sure that arts it's funded in inner-city schools I'm a big advocate for art therapy and so yes and when having the opportunity to go to the White House it was something that I jumped on for me as a black man I have been told many times that I do not belong beside being a gay man you don't belong in this room you're not welcome and because of my ancestors I've learned that it is my duty to make sure that I bang on those doors and try to get in those rooms does that mean that I'm going to effect change in that moment no but it does mean that for someone as like Jonathan who fights adamantly in different spaces my fight is going to be trying to get in those spaces and to make sure that people understand my struggle does this mean that I want to give any attention or support to the Pence's no duh clearly but but at the same rate being in that room everyone told me you cannot bring up being gay you cannot bring it up literally as we were walking the halls of the White House they were like don't bring up being gay can't bring up being gay doesn't mean you can bring up black but don't forget a gay and I was like it's like girl you must not know me too well because the minute I sat down I was like so I used to be a social worker for LGBT youth and art therapy helped them and immediately they were like oh we're bringing up gay and the thing is is that for me it's important to go into spaces that don't want to hear me it's for me it's important to go into spaces that adamantly fight against me so that I could try to fight within that room do I think they're gonna change no that's why after I walked out that room I went on social media and said to every single person in here and there's a lot of young people in here get out register to vote and make sure that you vote because the next election we have to make sure that we are there and that this administration is no longer in power Jonathan since coeur MO has kind of compared the two of you in terms of your views and how you express yourselves I think it's interesting because you you've said multiple times and in particular you said this week in my case we all want to look a little cuter and feel a little cuter I don't need to know that you're a card-carrying member of the NRA we'll leave that for a different day let's focus on a connected issue for now so how are you especially as the one who is the most effeminate one could say of the bunch right you know I remember this scene in season one where you and Kurama walked into that with a comedian and he was doing like a little set at like this like what was that alive oh yeah yes and you were there in like full Rick Owens like gorgeousness regalia you know and therefore suddenly no honey that was first season we didn't have budget for that that was homemade in there anyway I wondered what it feels like for you to be engaging with a lot of the folks that you engage with because clearly you're saying this from experience that you know that a lot of people you're helping and transforming may not agree with you or even believe in our quality but you want to make them beautiful at the end of the day well I mean look where I come from people I am like I will never forget but we had this lady that can see we had this um this lady that would come to our house like once every other weekend like good clean the house like it wasn't that was like once ever the week like calm down I don't like Simon title but I will like leave her name out of this conversation but she was like a born-again militant Christian like I'm talking like she would wear kneepads and blast Joyce Meyer like the televangelists is loud she could out of a boom box on kneepads like scrub the floor and just like jam out like Joyce Meyer Joel Osteen like you name it like she was about it and so I remember when Ellen Oy kind of be the country to the punch on gay marriage and they they legalize gay marriage before the country did and she called me and she was like oh I bet this is like a really good day for you and I was like guys is a really exciting day and she's like why just wonder how long it'll be before the pedophiles and the bestiality want their equal rights too and this is someone who like I have known since I was nine years old like this is someone who I've spent like so much time with this person is like taking me to school this person has you know and that for me was the point in our relationship we were like I've never been able to come back from that point in our relationship like I'll see her at Christmas but like before she said that I would call her for advice like I would call her like week I there was times coming up were like the faith that she had and Jesus and the faith that she had in her fate to deliver her from crack because literally like her faith delivered her from crack and that is some hard [ __ ] to beat seriously like I have not personally beat crack but like that's clarify he's never been on crime okay sorry no need to beat addiction is incredibly hard and she used and she has her paid to overcome down so but when she said that to me I was like there are certain things that are like in your heart that like I can't reconcile like I can't give I can't make you look I can't do the French term anymore because I used to like do her roots honey I did orange and everything I couldn't do any of that and so but I only say that because I'm used to being around people who like will look me square in the eye and like say some crazy stuff like I've been in the same room as you for a really long time but also at the end of the day know that she's not a bad person she does everything bad in her heart heart like this is all just stuff that she's in bed and like it's actually like my connection and my faith with God that makes me the kind of the bigger person that can like allow her space for that [Applause] and and that gets cool but it like it doesn't have to like move my heart but it is it is I don't think it's easy but also I don't go into those situations and like think about that like I'm really thinking about what am I that side burn what am I gonna do with that like so really for me like I focus on our commonality which is like you want to look cuter I want you to look cuter let me focus on that I don't want to I like at least in me tell like episode six to one I never talk to you again but I think also when you're connect with people like you again if you build a relationship so you don't go for like I'm not gonna have that conversation with that person like very first and and like actually when like in my salon in LA like I actually have a couple people who like cuz I am really unprofessional I will talk about politics with my clients like by the second or third appointments I can't help it like when I'm like I like what I have said something I'm like their shoulders are like and I'm like oh [ __ ] like like would have thought like in Brentwood honey like a like a full-on Republican but I like someone should have like a good haircut and I want you to like going to come back so like free market enterprise but that's that's what's beautiful about each of us and we do it in different spaces and I think that's to go back to what I was saying with your question and while I was highlighting John as we do it we it's about connection so for me to go on one space it's about trying to connect there will it work I don't know but someone has to try he connects in his space he connects in his space and does as well I think we all have to have the courage to try to connect in it in whatever spaces that we feel comfortable enough to go into because that's when real change happens and that's why I think people resonate with queer I and I'm gonna give him a really big thing on this really quick really quick this is really gorgeous don't hold your breath I got you okay because I too had a hard time wrapping my big gay brain around I saw around that you flipped out in the intro and so I think that for me what what I really admire about krama other than everything that he just said I think that there is a perception from the extreme right depends included that people on the left are not capable of coming to the center not capable having a conversation where hysterical or emotional were okay we're not capable of just having a direct conversation and so I don't so that's not for me to decide like you know how she feels about it but two of the people that are on the right in the extreme right to see someone like krama going to have that conversation I my hope is that you're moving that tally more towards our direction that you're making people like me and him go like what are you doing that for so that's really like that's what my conundrum comes in because I want you to like I'm like but I think that's so important because like we need to show people from every side that we are capable of coming I mean do we always have to be the bigger person like with me my cleaning lady like [Laughter] life that's like compromise and meet these [ __ ] [ __ ] in the middle but like I think we do you guys it's our burden it's our burden tan I wonder how you relate to this conversation because you allude to in the episode you talked a lot about coming from a very sheltered background and you also have a book forthcoming is that correct yes yes and I'm just wondering you know how you've experienced some of these things in your own upbringing right and what this isn't for you when you're dreaming I agree with a lot of what I'm just what the demand spread on the panel I know it really is breathtaking I'm not I feel so closed off from the old you'd say I feel like I'm just trying to actually all just like there you go there you go don't shave me for my public so like it's like a man spreading something it's like it's like the so just [Laughter] [Applause] anyway it's okay I agree with a lot of what carama says I feel like I love how you say say much okay so yeah I agree with a lot what Kurama says I do think that it's really important for me personally again there are people like Jonathan who who don't fight this fight this way for me it's really important to have those conversations I as you said I was raised in a conservative household we don't watch a lot of Western TV and so and so we don't have the luxury of watching Will and Grace and then making it easier for family and friends to get used to that our community doesn't see that so when you have no visible a visual representation it's like we're in America in the 30s or 40s where it doesn't exist and so when you meet a gay person you're like damn them to hell let's kill them because we don't know what that means so I think it is so important when when people are so ignorant they don't understand I think to give them a voice to give them a face to make it so that they truly humanize this is super important when it's not easy being my color in this industry um it's really not and these conversations are very hard I don't talk about a lot of this stuff if you want to hear the story listen to get curious first time I talked about it I don't talk about it a lot because I don't feel comfortable with that question on the whole I need it to come from somebody I love and trust and know is going to do something very responsible with that that answer because it's it's so easy to just die somebody in my community for saying well you're not being visible enough you're not talking about it enough and you're not being out proud enough let me tell you if you were trying to do this in the 20s it wouldn't be that easy being the first one is a very [ __ ] hard like very [ __ ] hard and so when I'm quiet about it the reason why I'm going into this is because I've heard some criticism over the last day or so after our people are saying you're not loud about you don't talk about it you know if I'm like you have no [ __ ] idea the pressure I'm under to talk about it isn't easy and so my answer is this my answer is yes it's easy to just say we don't need to talk those people they're [ __ ] bigots they're closed minded they don't deserve to have a conversation with something like me me speaking to those people isn't me saying I'm backing down I'm giving in to what they want it's me saying I need to be visible I need them to hear my voice I need them to see that I'm [ __ ] normal I need to see that I haven't become a monster just because I'm gay so when I talk to those people when I step into those rooms when I'm having those conversations with people who are [ __ ] closed-minded it's sorry I swear a lot it's because it's because I need them to hear my voice and realize I'm just as worthy is every other person on this stage let's this thing about [Applause] Bobby I think this is also a theme that really emerged this season in particular for you right episode one really struck me and I got emotional when I saw you standing outside of the church like there was this invisible force field that you somehow couldn't pass I was good I would have burst into flames yeah you've talked a lot about I guess growing up religious and how that's formed the man you are today I mean I I wonder now that the season is over and you've done two seasons of this show how has your journey to faith changed at all what do you think about all of that my journey to faith honestly it hasn't changed I definitely I don't instantly closed off people now that are religious for years I carried so much resentment and frankly hate towards a religious community for completely turning their backs on me you know I grew up very religious there was not a day I did not go to church I went to a Christian school I got up at 5:00 a.m. every morning to go to church to pray before school carried my Bible to school everything about my life was religion and the day I came out everything was taken away everyone who had said they loved me no longer did you know or it was as Jonathan I like to talk about love the sinner but hate the sin you know oh I love you but you're burning in hell you heathen pedophile you know that's what you would hear and so my whole life I just heard hate after hate after hate about anyone who was not heterosexual and I remember it's begging and praying God forgot not to make me gay and that just didn't happen and at 15 I ended up running away from home because I it was it was kind of to the point where it come out or or die because I couldn't wear a mask anymore I couldn't live one more day of my life with not without one person on the planet knowing me for who I was and that's I think why the suicide rate is so high in our community is because you are the loneliest person in the world and so I left at 15 so I could come out I moved you know to the big city of Springfield Missouri [Laughter] Oh big city move to the big city just to get away just so I could be who I was because I had to be me and it's it's amazing that I can now get up on stage and be me and be unapologetically me but going back to that episode I actually told production I refused to do it one of the very first things I said to Netflix and ITV when I got cast was I'll do anything anything you want I'll ride a pony I'll just fire but don't ever ask me to go into a church and I'm like that is that is where I draw the line I know where I have to draw the line from my own mental health and that was my life and of course as chromo said earlier that was actually the variable last episode that we filmed it was a surprise episode the person who was supposed to be in that episode had a major major health problem and could not film and our production crew had to and then this is a testament you didn't know this I've actually not surprised you didn't know that you were usually gone on Mondays filming gave thrown so he would miss a lot of production movie no so forth piece of shade one water go in executive producers frantically found somebody else to cast and you know I did this is work thank God it was Tammy but my design crew came to me because a little secret my design crew does go out and take measurements and stuff I need to know a little bit about the space free time there's there's no way I can do that all like Tuesday so my my design director he knows me very very well he knows how I feel about religion he grew up in the same time space that I did he comes back to me and he's like it's church and so I went to the exact producers and I was like so I hear it's it's a church and they're like no no it's a community center and I'm like [ __ ] Allah to me oh my I grew up in a church I know what the rec center is next to the church it's still the church and I had to come to Jesus moment with them no pun intended and I was like this is not something I'm going to do I told you from day one don't put me in this position if you literally want to see me just break down and maybe never be able to put myself back together don't do this to me and after multiple talks with a creator of our show and it was actually one talk in particular that I had with the director of marketing for scout Productions which is the original production was pretty clear I he called me and he said to me it's like I know that you're probably thinking oh I'm not going to go in and going to help an organization or a group of people that you feel does nothing but spread hate and again I'm not loving every Christian into spreading hate that's that's not what I'm doing but from my experience the the pain that I still have on a daily basis when you're a gay person when you've been taught your whole life to hate gay people so thus you hate yourself and that's what all these little kids are going through every single day they're hating themselves and they're killing themselves because that's what their God is telling them Jew he said don't do it for the church don't do it for Tami do it for all the little bobbies that are still sitting in those churches and all the little Joel's and the chromos and the tans and the Johnathan's and the antony's that are still sitting there with hate being taught to them in hopes that somebody in their church will see this and one of the most amazing teams I've ever gotten was from a pastor and he messaged me and he said my entire career I was taught that gays are wrong they're an abomination to God going to hell and I in turn have taught that in my church not every Sunday but if that comes up gays are wrong they're going to hell he's like hearing you talk about how every day of your [ __ ] life you begged God to not make you gay you pleaded all you wanted was to think a girl was hot interested hearing you say that made me realize that being gay is not a choice that you are born that way he's like I will never again preach in my church that being gay is not [Applause] there you go there you go so that is why we do what we do you know was that I literally Kurama noses there were nights I would come home and I would literally come down his partner I would curl up next and I would cry that week cuz it was hard you know there were so many scenes that that scene that it's um I had sitting down with Tammy that probably went on for you mean you were outside with Miles on the fort for a while yeah I would say that scene went on for 30 minutes in real life and it went deep and it was it was hard yeah Tammy you know and I actually she knows all there there there was there was a family in particular that I grew up with it was very close their son was my best friend who once I came out I've never actually heard from him again and his parents who turned their back on me as well had since reconciled and they're a nice part of my life but I never really realized how much pain and hurt is still there and how much animosity until I was literally in Whole Foods two days ago shopping and I got a text from my best friend's mom and it said I watched the first episode dot dot dot I just broke down and started crying at Whole Foods my husband comes back over with yogurt it's like what but what do you mean like whatever right like I watched it dot dot dot or like we like her like what I've got gum wait I'm getting there okay but I instantly like I didn't even know what she was gonna say but it just brought up so much of that pain of and I just realized I'm like she knows I was gonna be like see I feel like she's like an [ __ ] but I'm standing there in Whole Foods and I'm so just paralyzed by the sex I couldn't even open it I had to go out sit in the car yes there was more in my text I could only see the first line and I was like I I do not know what she's about to say punctuation yeah but I got out and she basically she realized it was about her and she poured her heart out and she was like I'm so sorry that we I'm so sorry that we took a part in causing that hate and she she actually told me a story she's like I cuz I ended up calling her she's they you know became born-again I think like when I was in middle school so before that they were partiers and when they devoted their life to God she's like you know I gave my just like I said to ITV I will do anything that going to church she's like God I will do anything for you just don't ever make me work with homosexuals I will not do that but I cannot I cannot wrap my head around that right and she's like I'll be damned if God didn't make somebody that's basically my son gay to teach me a lesson it's like there's your sign yeah what do you think like I just want to say something because what I love about what you all got to experience is that each one of us could cry a lot yeah but we're exposing our pain and our trauma we're exposing our pain and our trauma because it's important because what I need for all of you to understand whatever my hold on I wanna make this point I wanna make this point I went to this point sir that I'm at this point because this is something I really need you all to hear is that where we're in a space where a lot of us are in a very traumatic time and we have a lot of traumatic things that are happening in our lives that are cutting us deep and the thing is I want you to relate it to an actual fizzell cut a physical cut if you gassed yourself right here on your arm you would not ignore it you would pay attention to it and you would try to use every tool you had at your resources to heal it and that's what you're seeing up here by us talking about our trauma talking about our pain it's only making us stronger so once you leave here today if there's one thing you take from the fun we're having and from the conversations we're having about this is that use our trauma as a vehicle for you to go home and explore your own and say you know what I can actually heal myself by acknowledging it and tending to it stop ignoring the pain that you all have because it's killing you I I literally that's a lie go ahead just like a wound like a wound honey yeah but like I had won this one time and it looked like a nasty one and I was like like wouldn't it happen I was like like afterwards I was like when you have like a cut you'll be like I'm gonna like go everywhere with like some hydrogen peroxide honey I'm gonna have like for being AIDS a backup thing I'm out disinfectant it's true it's like on the forefront of your mind it's like all you can think about so that is true but our emotional pain we push in that way exactly do not push it away with it so that works that's really that clicked for me that was like what trying to drop some nuggets on y'all y'all still with us okay sure speaking of still with us we have time for just one more question before we move to the audience Q&A okay and I would like to hear from each of you and a quick sound bikes we're running out of time what the hero who most impacted you is from the Scylla should I pretend like I don't have a favorite Scylla because I learned so much from Scylla I learned a lot from everyone but Scylla I just think was so impactful not just on me I think that though the world who's watching queries gonna learn so much from Scylla so yeah for me Scylla for me it would be quarry in season one because this was a white Trump supporter who never exposed himself to black people to gay people who is part of a community that is completely turned off from watching a show with queer in the title and because of the experience he had with us he texts me constantly saying I tell my friends if they don't support the LGBT community that we can't be friends and he's now an abacus can I add one more thing too we're terrible at sound bites yeah I've gathered I'm amazing in a sound buy it let me see you try and do this sound bite but you're the sound by mine was - that was good yours was about do you want this I think the episode that affected me the most was neo and I don't actually think I've even talked about this the effect that self-care has on your mental health Neil was in a very dark place in his life he was very depressed he had lost the passion in the zeal for anything in his life and I've been there I've had those mental health issues we just get to the point where you don't care anymore and you're not passionate about anything so to be able to show him and to show the world that just a little bit of self-care and a little bit of self-love and a little bit of encouragement from people who love you can completely change your life means that man has texted me tile samples now he's redoing his house he's in such a happier place because he was just shown a little love that's I think what affected me the most y'all see him hanging out with Joe Galois that's cute two of our heroes joke out while the comedian and Neil are like best friends now hanging out final they took one selfie let me tell you some if I've been yourself it would be on say tomorrow we're best friends okay selfie of the commitment Neil's actually a comedian and super talented yeah for me and what he was talking about was they did a comedy show together go ahead I bet I could help Neil definitely left a mark but I think I don't know I got Tammy on my mind I guess I wish it was documented the reaction that I had to Tammy unfortunately that was a joke cuz I smell cried at the end with with Tammy just having somebody who was so she shared about being so set in her ways such a conservative Baptist and to have like a complete shift in perspective at her age I just thought was it's like it's ex-employee and I just wanna I try to like take that into every facet of my life I think she's like such a symbol for where I want the show to go to hopefully in future seasons and she's just like she's the essence of unconditional love and we got to spend a week with her how [ __ ] yeah okay guys now it's your turn I've done enough talking I'm gonna have I have a couple of questions for each of you from the audience our first one is for Anthony and it's from Nikki Nikki where are you hello baby loves pasta but the only pasta dish she knows how to cook is spaghetti what's a pasta dish that looks impressive but is secretly really easy to make here we go now we can see you five beautiful people there are so many more of you than where's Nikki where's Nikki hi Nikki by Nikki so you make pastas and you just boil pasta and it's that's it oh that's good okay yeah that's impressive no cut you put me did we do Kochel pepper oh yeah that's my new cookbook look at your damn book our Lydia you [ __ ] oh stop you can try something different there's bucatini which is actually like a wider spaghetti that has a really beautiful bite to it that lends wealth you're using the drive variety lens bottle like a really fatty sauce Cacho pepe is like a rather I think underrated and simplistic and kind of complicated dish to make wow you got a flow though the slow clap it's all about like using pasta water to flavor your sauce but also to add as a thickener and melting in the cheese and pepper it's literally three or four ingredients no pepper pasta water and bucatini and don't get rid of the pasta sauce water it's like such a big deal pasta water is very important no true Archy don't store it but like don't drain your pasta lose all the water it's yeah chef Jonathan throw a Pete sorry we ready yeah Jonathan Julie just dialed in Julie Julie is a new mom and she's struggling to get her self-confidence back oh my god my hair is thinning she says do you have any tips for her um well I think that hair loss for anyone is really difficult and I think that for minutes a lot more often talked about a lot of women deal with it you know but a lot of women deal with it I think that you know that my heart like breaks for especially for women day because we don't talk about it that much and then people that do deal with it aren't really that forthcoming about it because like in a society that doesn't allow women to like have an issue with beauty and be open about it and like give a real story it's like it's really really difficult for me also another general thing that's out there is like we have propecia which I have been taking since like I was 19 like it was running away from me honey it's mm it's that pill that like helps you like stay about hair loss um so I would say like there's a lot of topicals that um that are effective I'm gonna thing with topical czars that you have to keep using them would you stop using them it stops working so gotta stay on it also there's this new pill called like it's kind of like David Scott or no that's it that's a vitamin it's called like it's something for something but if you google it do like it's like and it's a prescription pill does someone know what it is it's like a prescription yes my mom's been taking it since I was little really she's had penny yeah like hormone stuff and it doesn't but I have this girlfriend who was losing her Aaron Chi but this is the thing about seduction she's like a prescription thinking I think that Kim Kardashian got in trouble for like endorsing like a thing and I don't know if you're supposed to but my client did telling me that libel she told me she got out and then like six months later she had all these like baby hair and like [ __ ] like I feel like I've seen it like kind of work but like I don't know like you talk to your doctor um and then like and then but this but yeah there's a lot of like topicals that are great and then also it but the other thing is this and that's everything I just addressed is like topical and beauty speaking this is the other thing there's an amazing book called you can heal your life by Louise Hay and she's kind of like preaching it and there's some things and when she talks about I'm kind of like I almost sounds like you're saying that like I brought this on myself which I don't appreciate Louise but it's a tonal thing and that's how she's trying to say but the point of her book is kind of major and and there's all these affirmations that you can do for like on want to help things and there is one for losing hair and something really beautiful to the effect of like because if you are dealing with hair loss in this like more Eastern philosophy it's dealing with like too much anxiety about future and past so it makes you to ten in this cup so your hair like starts to fall off sort can be like started to choke off this is like we're the long answer so sorry you guys but basically there was like a little meditation that she offered it was basically like I trust a universe to provide me what I need so to her I would say like to try all the topical stuff but also realize that you're a beautiful soul inside and out like maybe put a little baby laughs this is looks like judge that fate like we don't cares about hearing I hope that actually sorry took 20 minutes to get ROM Oh Kimberly wants to know how many bomber jackets do you long a lot of shoes y'all don't want like a self-help a question see this is the problem y'all confused with the title culture okay let me tell you I'm the life coach on this [ __ ] okay I fixed the inside no no no no no no no no it's okay no I'm joking I have I have at least 200 ever seen Yuri wear one I'd never I have to know the one with the leopard printed sleeves and the gold he's wore that one twice that's it [Applause] like Rhys like a pop-up store honey like a little like gorgeous like come get like a gorgeous like brown jacket honey yeah like about the onesie you worn you know look at like good Princess Diana sort of moment except we were very much live I'm down and I really really really really really really really really really obviously Bobby I'm asking you this question it's for anyone I'm gonna ask just you though because I read a tweet that said that Bobby has the hardest job or he has to do the most visible so if you had to switch jobs with another cast member who would you pick and why we you know what we've actually already talked about this so I think I'll let him address yeah no I'll let him address the hardest working part but we already know who would what job we take is what you take Anthony Anthony Anthony's hey I didn't know very plant-based friendly I eat vegan at home as much as possible when traveling whoa he bugged up when when traveling it's a little harder especially I'm living in Atlanta for five months it was quite hard there's so much good fried chicken you pissed him off now he was it but he's over you at home we cook I would say 99% vegan somebody tried to be discreet somebody tried to be the speak thank you regards work thing my job might take the longest and I might have to lift the hardest but it's not the hardest job I actually say Cuomo has the hardest job because every week he has to he I know I'm gonna remodel something you know Jonathan knows he's gonna cut something tans gonna pick out some clothes to make them feel better and he's gonna cook every week chromo has to literally create and design what he's going to do for a completely different person so no I'm not the heart of I don't have the hardest job it just takes the longest I really love this question with the current political climate would you ever makeover or help an immigrant family that's struggling to make it here in America yes well of course but could you imagine if our answer was simply no yes of course their issue here no but there's an issue because like in this political climate if we help an undocumented family in the United States of America like Jeff Sessions the Department of Justice is knocking at the door that you just renovated and taking it away and separating the entire family so what I like to guess but are we gonna have to do witness protection program and make sure we don't talk about like what state it's in or make like I mean honestly like I want it like I want to help them but like I then we should and like we just get on the down low but not even for our preferred I'm I just want like I don't it this is like three months ago it was like oh like this is getting scary like this is kind of like this is like handmaids but Thao but like no but you guys like Jared like this is not normal right like there's like camps of like children that aren't allowed to be spoken to like by the adults that are keeping them there it's really insane so it's it is such a big but it's almost like I just can't even like really joke about it or like what we are like whatever because it's such a big like it's it's like literally an atrocity like happening under our nose and we're like in here having a panel about our show which i think is great but also like holy [ __ ] you know it's so that was a debbie downer but no that's totally valid is there a team inside joke or pre-show ritual that you've got five have there we have loads of insights ritual is like the Starbucks pickup running yeah yeah loads would like to make a freak out for like fast food like that does happen if it's like well if it's McDonald's or Taco Bell you talk about because you do that oddest so well is that a satin bomber Thank You taco because it's impressive it's so good with no drinks on themselves move on let's move on no no we're losing our moving on is really really great for anyone who wants to answer it or if each of you want to answer it but this is the perfect closing notes when in your life did you need the fab 5 I think probably in my early 20s I was in university studying psychology I fell in love with someone with with a guy who was straight what's so [ __ ] funny sorry I actually just it just dawned on me that I was in love with my best friend maybe like six months ago and he was like oh my gosh why didn't you tell me [Laughter] and I I didn't really realize it at the time and it's something that I only really kind of like came to kind of appreciate and and and and understand now my early 20s I was an international disaster I didn't know myself and I was just listening to music that would try to like appease the existential angst but I went through it and I'm here today so I'm fine but and I'll also say and I've said it before that I really wonder how I would have developed if I was a five year old with someone like Jonathan in my life just in terms of sexual identity and how I sort of walked and talked and did everything I probably would have ended up a little different but that's all I probably would have been like crying about the fact that Michelle Kwan was here tonight and said she took she rode with wait where are you oh my god that's why you be so extra like God just been performing for you oh yeah I was in late but partway through I was like [ __ ] hell he's on it hold on Oh Michelle you know I love you and girl I respect you but I just relations to the next to my new fiance [Applause] that's not baby daddy we did Mary and Mary before we before we leave this stage we were so good at that one yeah you see how we did I think going into when we already where I could go dark again so I don't know I'm like did you answer when you know cuz mine's kinda dark it's like they'll have no more crying I honestly right now I'm clearly struggling well there's always a time when people can do with about five moment it's not just a big time in their life every day for two just to remind yourselves that you should love yourself that you should be who you want to be be proud of who you are and not to be tacky but it really does get better like it gets better and better and better um where I I know you're about to end it we don't end it with ourselves we ended with them so I think we should take what tan just said we can do I'll repeat after me Oh old Colin or P girl go on repeat I want everyone here to say I am worthy I ain't worthy I am beautiful and I am loved [Applause] you you
Channel: The 92nd Street Y, New York
Views: 825,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 92Y, 92nd Street Y, queer eye, queer, eye, tan, netflix, lgbtq, lgbt
Id: noRolBwYkYQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 15sec (5715 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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