Install This Dashboard on Your Homelab now!

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so if you guys run a home lab I highly recommend checking out this dashboard called homepage so let's check it [Music] out now one of the first things that I remember when I set up my home lab was some sort of homepage now originally I was using homer which I have a video on before but I quickly switch it over to something called Flame this is what I'm currently on now where I have links to my services and I have bookmarks to certain things that I go through and it's a lot easier and I also a search bar that goes to my search ultimately this was the page I stared at every single day anytime that I needed something from my home lab now the main thing that this is missing is statistics so I can't view any of my statistics going on down here and that's when I upgraded over to something called homepage now this is the main website you get this off of and you can actually make it look like this this is actually a pretty clean version of what he's got going on and you could have Plex MV PVE your NZ all this information dashboard and actually gives you uh statistics on that particular service now this is my version of what I have going on right now and it's not complete I still have a few things I want to add on to here but I do have a lot of things I usually use now first off I have my statistics for my uh Linux container that I'm running this on so I have the CPU usage I have 1 gig of RAM and I have 701 free and I have this much storage free out of 2 terabytes so yeah this is a pretty decent amount of information I need the date the time search this runs right through duck go if I was to search through here and I have stats for my services now main thing is I have here is sonar and you connect this directly to your sonar and it'll tell you like how many series you have what you wanted what's cued same same thing with radar and then if you have Plex and you have this service you'll be able to pull more statistics like what active streams they are what's playing what who's playing and what time frame they're up to so this is pretty good information over here now I do really enjoy this calendar which is actually linked up to my Sonar so basically if I highlight this one right over here it'll tell you that the anime that's coming out that I'm currently watching is on Sunday and this is it and what episode it's up to and on Friday that's coming out it's the misfit of demon Kings that's going to be out soon but you could see it's not on there on last Friday because it didn't come out last Friday it's actually on coming out soon and I like the statistics I could pull from sonar to pull up into my calendar so I know what I'm what series I'm up to or what's going to be released moving on to my network section I have my speed test so I know my internet speed my ping everything I also have my open wrt but I did not set this up yet because it requires a lot of um Access Control list that I got to play around with so I didn't do that yet and then underneath that I have my delusion on my right side I have my Nas so I know what the CPU usage how much memory I'm using and what's the pool storage at my prox MOX so I know my VMS how much memory I have left over my containers and then underneath that I have my Docker set up which is my painer and you can see it's running 24 and then four stopped and total of 28 now underneath all that is all my bookmarks so say guacamole there really is no statistics for this I mean I guess I could grab some statistics for it but it really is just a bookmark it'll bring me right to what I need and say if I needed snippet I could just go right into my snippet same thing like how I used to use flame which I would go to my snippet box and it'll bring me right over here so yeah I really enjoy using this one it is a lot easier to set up what than I thought to get all the statistics up so that's why I highly recommend trying to set this up yourself so now I'm going to show you guys how to set this up so first head over to your Pro Mox and you can run this as a Docker container so if you're planning to just run this in Docker they do have a Docker installation right over here in my case I'm just going to run lxc so I'm going to head over to my mini PVE over here going to Shell I'm going to head over to prox scripts and I'll leave a link in the description below and also on the top left to my video of this called The Secret Sauce video now from here all you have to do is head over to dashboards and we are going to be using homepage we grab that and all you have to do is just copy this head over to mini PVE back to the shell and paste this down on the bottom and it'll create the LXE for you I'm going to hit yes and I'm going to create that even though I have one set up I'm going to create a second one and I'm going to use default settings right over here and I'll just store this onto my lvm and the IP address is 117 for this so I'm going to head over there soon all right while we're waiting for this to install I'm going to go through their web page so here we have their homeage page and a lot of this is in configuration and I got to tell you it's so easy it runs off a yaml file and just basically go down the list so there's bookmark services and widgets those are the three things you really have to be concerned about otherwise if you want to customize with ccs and all that stuff you can over here but the order that it breaks down is like this it's basically a dash and then the word you want in this case which is the bookmarks that you saw on the bottom of my homepage there's three groups which breaks into three groups right over here and entertainment developer and social and then underneath there there's links and that's how you would actually add more links in the service it's the same way if you want group two groups or it'll go down this way if you want three groups you could just make three groups like this and then it'll make three groups if you want more groups or less groups you could just keep adding the groups because that's the first indent right over here is the groups and you can just keep going forth and widgets would be a underneath or inside a service if you want just to pull the statistics and they have a whole lot of widgets that you could pull from so say if I go into widgets this is all the widgets that you could actually pull from like they have sonar tar traffic tons of stuff and if you don't see it here don't be shy about searching for it like right over here I don't find open wrt like I could keep looking for this and I won't see WR open WT but if I search openwrt it's actually here and they have documentations for the widget for open wrt so if you don't see something on the list do a quick search to see if you're able to find it now my server should be set up by now there you go and if I head into this IP address right over here it should bring me to the new dashboard and there we have it's plain it's got nothing going on I didn't have any statistics going in here but what I can do now is head over to that new VM or the lxc I'm going to change directory over to opt and you see there's a directory called homepage I'm going to change the directory to homepage and in here there should be another folder called config and this is all your configuration files you got your custom CSS your bookmarks ketes Dockers these two you don't have to worry too much about unless you want con the connection to it and then you have service settings and widgets so in my case how I'm going to break it down to you the top is the widget file so this up here with the CPU information and everything is called the widget yaml this in the middle is the service yaml and then on the bottom is the bookmark yaml and then all this other stuff that you have in the background or stuff like that that's your settings so if you want a background photo you have to change your settings. yo file there's a few things that I noticed about this is one if you are using this for particular access it does ask you to write your password in there which is something I'm not too comfortable with sometimes depending on what situation you're in because you're basically putting your password in plain text same thing goes for like if I say qap same thing it ask me for username and password obviously you can create a username and password with only read with read only access that will pull this information but you will still have to put that password in plain text now let's set up a quick widget so let's see I had speed test tracker on and all it asks for is the widgets for URL and the type and speed and stuff like that so what I'm going to do is head onto here I'm going to go into Nano and I'm going to go into service and I'll just put into a first group and this is my first service I'll just rename this for service to speed test and then the URL to it herf 192.168.1 5.93 and I believe this is 3,000 let me go to my homepage and find out uh 8765 8765 like that description you don't have to keep this but it helps speed test now in here I would have to add a widget so I'm going to go Dash widget colon and then now I could break that down and do type and it's going to be speed test what is it that's a speed test and then the url url actually I need to tab this in one more time because it breaks down this way from rigid and then over here I would type in HTTP and then the same thing 1921 16815 93 8765 8765 crl o to write the file so I don't have to exit and then now the new homepage oops I actually didn't need that Dash there you go clean that up save and there you go now I have my new little widget now if I only wanted specific things and I only want to download and upload I could head back into the speed tracker and says allow Fields download upload and pay I will go into here and and in widgets I would just do fields and I would do down download comma and then upload and then close that save that control o and then now I'll just do download and upload again every service has their own little thing of fields so if want just to know VMS or lxc you can just use those allow Fields same thing with qap if you just want CPU usage and pool usage you just need to put those two it if you don't and these are optional if you don't it'll actually just display everything that's there so in my case I only want to upload and download then I only have upload and download right over here now because I want an icon for this now what I can do is actually go over here and do icon and if I head into a homepage and head head into the configuration go into settings actually go into Services scroll down a little bit and there's this right over here icons there's going to be a couple links here called dashboard icon and material design icons you could use either one so if I go to dashboard icons I'm going to open this as a new tab it's going to bring me to GitHub I go into PNG and I could choose any one of these so if you have like a specific program or your software you're using say like quac it actually have the guaco PNG in here and you're actually able to use guaco PNG so in my case if I wanted to use guac a m.png and now contrl o to save that it'll just give me a guac M you see that how just pulls from there now because they don't have a speed test icon what I ended up doing was going into material design icons and then went in here and did internet and I took this which is called web and by going into like home assistant or something like that you can see MDI colon web so what I'm going to do in my case is I'm going to do md- web you basically replace the colon with a dash and I saved it and then now it's going to have that Earth icon like that that's how you add your custom icons into those specific services that don't originally have icons for and then again you could keep building building this for other services like open wrrt or Dockers or whatever it is now in my case I did add some special which I don't have on everything since my Sonar is actually being ran by my painer and I have my Docker Linked UP which means I configur my Docker yammo it actually will pull the running state of it like if it's running if it's not running I could pull different information from this but for now I'm just pulling to see if it is running or not so you see this the one doesn't have it it's because I'm not pulling from the docker but if this one has it it's because this one's pulling from the docker so you can see the difference now all these Services if they're already on my Docker service and it is connected I am able to pull detailed information for each service like what the Ping time is memory information stuff like that but again you could do a lot more than what I'm showing you here and the way how he has it setup is really pretty where you could do the background and you got the semi-transparent stuff anyway that is it for me guys I really enjoy using this web page it was super easy to set up after playing around with it for a little and I got it to pretty much the way I want to minine is a few things I don't have here like nexcloud and stuff that I'll be putting on but yeah it works wonderfully and it's pretty quick if you guys have any questions about this hit me up down in the comments below and if you guys are new to the channel consider subscribing and also hitting that Bell notification icon so you know when the next vide is going to be out and I just want to say thanks for watching
Channel: Novaspirit Tech
Views: 19,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: novaspirit, tech, homelab, dashboard,, homepage, startpage, proxmox, container, lxc, ttech, script, lxc container, proxmox lxc, flame, homer, dash, home page
Id: ix5q6deTT18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.