Neptune 3 Pro by Elegoo Setup and Review

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hey everyone welcome to Papa's Workshop in today's video we're going to talk about this alago Neptune 3 Pro 3D printer now this is an amazing entry-level printer that is absolutely fantastic now the nice thing about this it is perfect for the beginner and the professional alike because you can do some fantastic prints with it this has quite a few improvements over the previous versions and is perfect for someone who has absolutely no experience now this video today is really designed for the beginner I want to show you just how easy it is to put this together and how to use this Auto leveling bed and get that set up perfect for your prints and then in the future videos I'm also going to show you just how easy it is to be able to use the tinkercad software to design your project and print them out onto this machine and of course we have to have a slicer now it comes with the slicer program that you can just load into your computer and it's called Cura which is a very common slicer for the 3D printers I'm going to also show you step by step how to set that up so again this series of videos is going to be targeted specifically for the beginners with no background in 3D printing at all this will get you up and running in no time I'm very pleased to be able to introduce to you today the Neptune 3 Pro 3D printer by the Lagoon Corporation now I want to do a quick unboxing and assembly of this 3D printer this is ideal for the beginner as well as the professional alike it has so many excellent excellent features and the first thing I want to point out is this unit is virtually completely assembled there are so few parts to actually assemble I almost chose to skip this but in the end I decided to show this to you because there's a few little tips and tricks that I want to point out as I'm putting this together now you can see also this base is virtually completely assembled now as you would expect the packaging is outstanding and this unit is very very well protected I want to go through each of the steps and show you exactly how to assemble it but for the most part when you take this upward part of the machine and put it down onto base there's four screws looking at the owner's manual itself very very straightforward very easy to be able to understand and this outlines exactly the step-by-step identifying each of the parts what's included in the particular kit that we have here and exactly how to be able to assemble it so even though it's very very easy to be able to assemble these step-by-step instructions or extremely detailed and give you everything that you need to know to be able to assemble this unit I do encourage you to be able to read and follow the instructions completely especially if you're brand new to the 3D printing and even if this is not your first time with a 3D printer there are some unique differences that I certainly would encourage everyone to be able to read one of the things that I really like is this Auto leveling process that we'll be going through the software installation again is very straightforward easy to be able to understand and the nice thing about this this machine is designed so that if you were an absolute beginner with no experience whatsoever you would easily be able to set this machine up and have successful prints from the very first time trying that's what I really like about this in addition to that in the manual they do have a complete picture showing the exact control board with every single component identified and listed when you first open this up one of the first things that you need to be able to do is verify the power setting in my world 115 volt is what is standard it's very very important that you set this correctly from the very beginning let's take a brief Overlook at all the different components that come with this machine and you're going to notice that one everything is very clearly identified and each has its own package and quite frankly there are very very few parts to be able to assemble that and of course you do get all the different tools that come with this now this control pad just plugs right into the machine and the nice thing about this this is mobile it's not tied to the machine itself here's a brief look at the data plate and you're certainly welcome to stop the video at this point and zoom in and look at the details should you be calling to do so here's a look at the parts that are actually broken down into the different bags like I said there's not many there the first step to assembly is to take the base unit and the upper body and be able to assemble it with these four hm 5 by 45 millimeter screws now there's four of them and all you need to be able to do is just lie these in to the bottom and that will go right into that upper body now there's a slot on the base that makes it where you can't make a mistake it will go directly in now you did have that cable that you need to work around a little bit but you can just easily slide that out of the way and on the other side these hm5 45 millimeter screws just slide right into place and it's very easy to be able to take these supplied hex wrench and be able to tighten it up as always when I'm assembling a new machine I will Loosely attach all the different screws and not tighten up anything once I have all the screws in place then I go back and tighten all of them and secure them and then move on to the next step as I had indicated this cable just slides right out of the way so you still have easy access to these screws and now after they're all tightened up only thing you need to do is just slip this cable back into its original position and in essence it will cover up the screws but that's okay that's not an issue the next is this little stem for the control panel that slides right over onto the side of the base unit itself and it has three holes that are pre-drilled and tapped and you just screw those in it doesn't get much easier than that now the screws for this are in a separate package you take these three screws and be able to slide them right into those pre-drilled and tap holes and screw it in um nothing exciting or nothing difficult about this process at all now the nice thing about this little pad it is magnetic so when you put in the control panel it just drops in place and it's held there by the magnets and so it's not going to flop around or fall off can you just remove this protective covering and assembly done and you can see this just snaps right in place and it's easy to be able to lift off the control panel and be able to hold it in your hands and of course this plugs in at a very convenient point right on the front of the base unit itself I like the fact that this now has the magnetic it's handheld and is easy to build to use much better than the previous versions of this that were built into the machine the spool holder itself easy to assemble you just screw this into the bracket and then there's two screws that will hold it on top of the upper body and again everything is pre-drilled and tapped you have the two screws right here which is the m420s to be able to put this in the next step to assemble this machine is to be able to take the filament indicator and it has one screw that you need to be able to put on adversely it's pre-assembled just take that one screw slide it right into this pre-drilled and tapped a location and that's it now this does have the opportunity to be able to move left and right as the print head moves left and right on the x-axis and that works fine now it's time to start securing all of the different cables now this is one of the things that I want to show you on this little bracket right here the easiest thing to do is to be able to curl this Cable in half gently so it just slides right in place and then that cable holder has one screw that you screw right into the back of this print head assembly and that will hold it in place again the hex wrench is supplied to be able to tighten all the different screws and this one is no different and this takes a smaller hex wrench but it is included in the kit as I have showed you at the beginning now it's time just to take all of the different wires that are clearly labeled and be able to plug them in so this first one on the x axis will plug in right here and then over on the stepper motor you have this one and it will plug in right underneath on the bottom of the stepper motor itself and this is a close-up view of a better angle so that you can see exactly how that plugs in now if you're new to working with the stepper Motors and these types of plugs there is a right and wrong way to be able to plug that in so make sure that it's oriented correctly and then plug it in now right now this wire is coming from underneath that needs to change this wire needs to come over the top portion of this Gantry and plug in there next is the z-axis itself again it's clearly labeled just identify which wire has the tag on it for the z-axis and then you can plug that into the stepper motor right there again make sure that it's oriented correctly so that when you plug it in it goes in very easily and those two little tabs on top go in just like that and you can see it exactly how it goes in Don't Force It it will go in quite easily and then on the other side you have the second stepper motor for the z-axis and again you'll do the same thing just make sure that plug is already ended correctly and then plug it in this cable is actually the most difficult to be able to do it has a little tab right here that needs to line up with the tab that's on the print unit and it has a bracket already pre-installed that you need to be able to do it and again the easiest way that I have found is you just gently Bend this Cable in half let it slip right into that bracket and then pull this cable all the way back this is the easiest way to be able to plug this in and one of the more challenging little plugs to be able to get to but when you plug it in it snaps right down in place it has two pins on each side that will lock this cable into its position and that is it the machine is assembled and it was so easy to do it's time to turn the machine on for the first time and when you turn on the switch you'll see the control pad come to life and it will start loading and it takes literally about 30 seconds for that to happen now when you turn the machine on the distance between that nozzle and the actual platform needs to be calibrated and you do that using this leveling mode right here now the actual thickness that needs to be set is about the thickness of a piece of paper so when we turn the machine on we're going to select level and then you can read this this operation will trigger The Return To Zero action whether to continue so we're going to hit confirm thank you now that it's turned to be to the is zero position I'm going to hit this right here to calibrate and it says calibrate to bed and yes I want to confirm that so it starts the heating cycle and yeah that's right the print head and this bed has a heater in it that's going to heat up before it starts and this will just take just a couple of minutes now the nozzle itself is going to get to 140 degrees Celsius and the bed itself will get to 60 degrees Celsius on the control panel you can actually see the temperature and watch it increase to the desired temperature after reaching the preset temperature start the 36 point automatic calibration no other operations can be done during this period until the nozzle returns back to the center point of the platform it's reached the temperature and it's now starting at 36 point automatic calibration so it's touching 36 different positions on the platform and as it progresses through you can see how it's identified each of those points so there's point seven is working on 0.8 and then it's moving on to nine and you can see how that is working over here on the platform itself as it steps through this 36 point calibration this makes calibration so much easier than the old machines where you had to adjust it by turning knobs underneath the platform so now that the leveling process is complete we need to actually make a z-axis compensation and that's where the piece of paper comes into play so if I slide that paper under there it's a little bit too tight so I want to raise this up just a hair and I'm going to change that to .01 and we'll go down and now it's just beginning to touch I'm going to go one more that has a little bit of friction so that should be set exactly where it needs to be now this is the pla filament that comes with the machine to be able to do the test printing so we'll put that on here and we'll take the end and slide it through the filament detector and then we'll slide this on down then we're going to put it right into this point and slide it all the way down to the print head turns right here and that brings it all the way down to the print nozzle in the next step we hit prepare and we hit extruder and then click load okay insufficient temperature please click to confirm to start heating so we'll hit confirm so now it's heating you can see it says 140 and we'll hit return and of course it has to reach the 200 Celsius I'm going to hit temperature and see you can see the temperature how it's increasing so the temperature is still increasing 178 and it needs to come up to 200. and I'm taking the little SIM card the TF card we're going to plug that in right there and then hit confirm we'll hit this print this model when you select a printer model there's one test model that is showing and that's the little uh Buddha so when you select that the machine will start the operation now it's going to go through the various steps to be able to Z itself so it knows exactly where it is and then it will move over to the print location now the first thing that it's going to print is actually called the brim and what this does it makes sure that the filament is heated and it's flowing and it's doing exactly what it needs to do this is also a time that you can check to make sure that the thickness is correct because if the machine for whatever reason is too low that brim layer is going to be very very thin and not sufficient likewise if it's too high it is going to be bubbling up and you're not going to get good adhesion so if you can see under here this brim is perfect this is what you want it to look like after the brim is completed of course it'll continue with the print we'll come around the back side you can actually see it just a little bit better and this is turning out looks like really really nice I want to zoom in real close as you can see exactly what's taking place a couple of things to note this printer actually moves rather quickly and it does an amazing job as it's moving through this layer by layer or in a better term slice by slice thank you this test file all total is going to take a little over an hour to be able to print now at this point we've covered about 30 minutes worth of the print time and it's really starting to take shape at this point you can see the details starting to come out now you have to keep in mind this particular test piece does not have the extreme detail in it it has a lot of smooth areas but it's still showing the detail that it needs to to be able to have a successful print when the printer is done it moves the printhead out of the way and shows you the finished project this absolutely looks fantastic I really like the way it turned out the brim at the bottom was a perfect thickness to be able to have good adhesion to the work bed itself I'm very very pleased now this took an hour and seven minutes to be able to print and once you're done you can just hit return and it brings you back to the main screen removed it from the bed now and I clipped away the brim and you can see the finished result very very impressed with this and I can't wait to start doing some additional projects and I hope that you will join me in the future videos to be able to show all of the different exciting projects that can be done with this Neptune 3 Pro by Eller goo thank you for watching this video today on the Neptune 3 Pro 3D printer this is just absolutely a phenomenal machine and I am looking forward to the next several videos that I will be doing to show you step by step not only how to assemble it as I did today but how to set up the software and start designing right away so if you like this video by all means give me a thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe right down to below so you're not going to want to miss out on this series of videos I have quite a few different projects in mine to be able to use this 3D printer and I can't wait to be able to share them with you so until now I'm going to say bye bye but I look forward to seeing you real soon
Channel: Paw Paw’s WorkShop
Views: 12,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inventables, Easel, how to, create, torched flag, CNC for beginners, DIY, april wilkerson, i like to make stuff, steve ramsey, izzy swan, dude perfect, the king of ramdon, 5 minute craft, build something, socket storage, shop orgnization, inkscape, pen turners, Beginner woodworking, jig saw basics, EDC, cabinet building, laser engraving for CNC, wine rack, tiling on the XCarve, Ninja Turtles, shop upgrade blast gates, Electrical circuit, micro and relay switch, Fox Alien
Id: ri0D3O_ZIdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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