Design and Print Using Elegoo Neptune 3 Pro

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hey everyone welcome pop out Workshop one of the things that I really like to be able to do in the shop is make things that I need without having to go out and buy them and today I made a little foot that will go on to my um X tool D1 Pro Laser Now what I plan on doing is making a template for that and I need to be able to have that footprint where it will not move and the easiest way to do that is to make this little foot right here where the base of the a laser will just sit right inside of it now of course I need four of them this was a test and I want to show you exactly how I made it today so that you could duplicate this and do the same exact thing in your shop I'm using the tinkercad software to be able to design the projects that I'm going to take over to the 3D printer now the nice thing about this this software is 100 completely free and it's designed and built by the Autodesk people which is the group that did AutoCAD which they build skyscrapers Bridges and more but this is a free software and this is the little guy right here that I took just a few minutes to design and it is absolutely perfect this round area is where the foot of the X tool the one laser drops in I have the two holes there for the screws that will screw to the plywood and that will be perfect to be able to hold this in place and then to look at the part this is the actual part that I printed out and it's amazing I absolutely love this it is so simple to be able to take the project from tinkercad into printing now this program is actually designed time for the absolute beginner if you have no experience whatsoever with the cad designed you can actually design your project very very easily when you open up tinkercad you're going to find that the blue area is the work plane and that's where you build everything and you can use the scroll wheel on your mouse and the right button and be able to move this around to be able to see it I started with these images and it was just a square I'll put it right over here so that we can see it and then I'm going to change the size of it now this object started out just as a little box like this and you can change the shapes of it you can use the right Mouse hold it down and you can look at this from all different angles and see exactly what's happening with your object and you can see the exact dimensions of this item you can see that this is the 50 millimeters long you can also see that it's the 30 millimeters wide at this point and I can actually recreate this completely we'll make this 50 millimeters and we'll make the length of it 30. and we'll make this um as far as the height we'll drop this down we can also use the little arrows to be able to maneuver this and do all kinds of different things with it okay I have my 50 millimeters on the x-axis and I have the 30 millimeters on the y-axis perfect and I know that this is two millimeters High so that is exactly what I want to be able to have happen now the next thing I can do is just take this and duplicate it and I have these little areas up here that I can duplicate you see right here I can hit Ctrl D and I can make a separate one and I can also rotate this 90 degrees so if I take this one slide it right here and I can take this one and I can rotate it around and just like that I've got it rotated and I can bring that up right to where I want it and we can check and see if that's exactly where we want this to be you can see how that snaps right into place just like that and that gives me the same look as I have here and then I need to have a circle so I come over here and grab a circle and bring that into the workplace I'm going to change this around now the first thing you can notice it looks like it's a little bit Jagged and if I zoom in you can see that well I can change the sides I can bring that up to 64 and that has 64 sides but it also makes it look very very smooth and that's what I want that works out real well now as far as the size of this this is 20 millimeters right now I want to be able to have this set for 26.6 I found that that has worked real well and I want to change this one also 26.6 now I have a round sphere and that's perfect so let's just look at this right here you see that's 10 millimeters high so I can take this one and we'll just scroll right down to the 10 millimeters and have the exact same thing so that's going to be the inside so let's bring out another sphere we'll bring out another one right here and we're going to do the same thing we're going to bring this up to 64. and we're going to bring this down to 12. right like that and I want this size to be different I want to be able to have the sides two millimeters thick I need to have this not 28 I need to have this 30 millimeters and 30 millimeters there we go now let's take this object and put it right over on top and we'll Center it into its new home now I'm going to take these two objects and align them and I can hit right here and right there and that perfectly centers it and so that takes care of the centering of this item then I can group this together group it right here and now you can see that that is perfect that's the image that I want and then I can take it and slide it right over here onto this object one of the things that I can also do instead of seeing both object I can just hit F and we can focus just on this one and I want to look and see if this is where I want it to sit all the way around now I have this slid in exactly where it needs to be and you can see how that looks all the way around and that is just perfect so next thing I want to go ahead and just highlight everything and group it together now this is all one object now to make these holes you notice that these are tapered that way I can put in a screw and it's going to be tapered easiest way to do that is just take a cone and we'll bring that over now with this cone we're going to hit F again and bring that over let's look at the different things that I can do the top radius you can see how that can be from 0 to any Dimension that you want and I need this to be at about three millimeters so I'm going to put in three millimeters right there and that gives me the cap now the base radius you can see this is 10 right now but you can see how that changes and I need that to be about five millimeters and the height don't need it 20 millimeters I need that height to be about two millimeters the thickness of this material right there so I'll put in the two millimeters and that gives me exactly what I need I'm also going to change this again and we're going to make that 64. and I need that to be a whole now only thing I have to do is place this object over into my place and I'll need to duplicate it also so we'll rotate this around you can see how I can rotate it just like that and let me zoom out I'm going to hit home that way it'll bring me back to the main board and I can take and first let's duplicate this I'll hit Ctrl D there we go there we'll separate it and let's bring it over to where I need we'll hit home I'm going to slide it over right into there we'll take this one and we'll slide right over where it needs to be that's 10 millimeters I wanted that five millimeters okay made a mistake it says base radius I actually put the diameter in so I need to change that and this one will be the same thing because I know I'll duplicate it five millimeters five millimeters there we go that's what I want and then looking straight down on this I'm gonna zoom in and I know that I need to move this over right about there same thing on this one yes I could have used the Align tool and did it exact but this is more of a demonstration it's not really a complete tutorial on exactly how to do this but this gives it the idea just how simple it is to be able to make these projects and put this right where I want it which will be right there now that I have everything where I want it I can highlight everything group it together and you can see there's the model that is perfect exactly what I want and that's going to be the same thing as what we had here so this is very very easy to be able to design you can make anything you want in literally just a few minutes so at this point I don't really need this one I'm just going to cut it and we're going to use this one right here as my example and I've renamed it this is for my X tool leg belt and this now will be saved and I'm going to bring it up into the 3D printer and we'll be able to print this I opened the file that I had created and you can see the object right there and what I did when you open this up the first thing it will ask you down here is to go through the slicing operation now because I've already printed this once it's already been sliced so it is ready to be able to print now this is the cura software this is the slicer that I'm using and elegoo software actually has adapted this program to be able to work very nicely with their machines so at this point all I really need to do is Select print V of the USB and it is going to go through the steps now and the first thing you notice over here is that it needs to heat up again said 155 it needs to go to 200 and the same thing with the bed it's already at the 60 degrees Celsius so the bed itself is ready so when this reaches the temperature then it will immediately start printing temperature has been reached and now it's going through the cycle again now it will go through and actually Z itself automatically I don't have to do anything at all because when I click the print to the USB from that point on it's all automatic it knows exactly what it needs to do it sees itself and it comes right over and begins printing now the first thing that it does it prints out the brim layer that way if you have brand new filament in there or you've changed colors or anything like that this sets up the base for it and it makes sure that the filament is flowing and make sure that you're going to have good adhesion to the work plate all of that is very very important and then it will just continue on and print out this part now this part takes a total of about 20 29 minutes to be able to print not really that long and I'm amazed at how quiet this is this is extremely extremely quiet now it's continuing to print the base right now and it's looking absolutely amazing now this is the first one and there was a little flaw in this one that was my own doing because it was my fault but I literally have some little strings right there in the center and that was because I literally changed the filament in the middle of this printing not a good idea but I was able to do it without it stop printing and that was a result so there was a slight flaw it's all finished printing now and I just used a little spatula and lifted off and clean it up and it's ready to go now because this is the test I'm going to discard this one one thing I want to point out is when you first turn the machine on you do go through the leveling process now this is an auto level so it just steps you through the process you only have to do this once and I printed all four pieces without re-leveling I'm going to hit that because we've done it we'll calibrate to bed now and it's going to go through the first thing it's going to do is heat up once it reached the temperature of the 140 degrees Celsius and the 60 degrees Celsius on the bed then it will go through these 36 points to be able to level the bed so you can see the temperature has been reached and it has started its operation and it'll go through and measure each one of those 36 points on the entire bed and one of the things I wanted to show you with this is this little screw that I'm going to be using we'll just drop down in there and that literally is perfect and that's what I wanted to be able to have that little tapered hole to be able to receive that screw and that of course will screw into the plywood so that I'll be able to make the template and you can see how this is progressing along and measuring each of those 36 points now that it's finished it's going through that leveling process I'm going to go through this Z offset I have this set at .01 millimeter and I'm going to go down until that just touches and now let's just touch it and that's the way that I want it just like that so I can calibrate the bed now confirm so this will calibrate the bed to exactly that Z offset and now that that's finished I'm going to hit confirm and we can back out of this part this will be ready to be able to print now rather than using the uh SIM card I'm going to be using the computer with the USB cable now you can see that this is almost reached the temperature once it reaches the temperature then you're going to see it's continuing the printing operation because as far as the computer is concerned it's already in the printing mode now it's going through the Z operation all on its own and the first thing that it will do in a printing operation is print the brim and that's a thin layer that goes all the way around the project and that helps to be able to make sure that the filament is flowing through the head as it should once that is completed it'll give a good solid base now this will make sure they have a good adhesion to the work base with this Brim and then it'll go ahead and print the object you can look at the Quality of the brim itself and see it's looking really really good the brim now is almost completed and now it's starting to print the actual lag itself and you see the first thing I started with the screw holes now this would print a much much better than that first test piece that I had now I could have grouped this and printed out all four at once but I just decided just to print out one at a time to be able to show you the operation it's so quiet it is amazing how quiet this printer is and there's our part delivered right to us I can use the little spatula to lift underneath this and break it loose but I also can lift up this part now this is magnetically attached and this just slips right off and I'll be able to break that loose and that comes right off just like that that is perfect I want to get this up close so you can see it this is absolutely perfect smooth smooth on the top no strings on the inside very very nice looking at the bottom it doesn't get any better than that that is a perfect part [Music] that fits in there exactly the way that it should perfect if I check out the screw [Music] and then take the little screw drop it in and that is perfect that's right down to the surface just exactly what I want now I went ahead and hit print again the bed and the tip is hitting up to the temperature and it'll begin printing so it's just about at temperature now and it'll begin the printing operation and there we go beginning of the second one again is printing the brim and that makes sure that the filament is Flowing just as it should with the correct temperature and that also provides a good stable base for this part to rest on the next part is completed it's amazing just how quickly the time flies watch it as print now one of the things I like to do is just lift this plate off which is magnetically attached and I can take the part off this way in the last video where I did the test print of the Buddha that was provided in the elugu software they say well it's always going to be perfect well here's an original design original print and it's still perfect and when this cools down just a little bit you can see how this just will stamp right off foreign perfect beautiful absolutely beautiful I'm gonna take this little tool and slide underneath and it removes the brim and that's as clean as when it was brand new we'll put this back on now and we're ready to start the next print I just went back to the preview screen and come down and hit print it'll go through the heating process again and then it'll begin to print I hope I've been able to demonstrate to you that this eligu Neptune 3 Pro printer is absolutely fantastic with the complaints that I had last time I'm printing out the Buddha which was a test file and everybody said it was just always going to be perfect this is the proof this shows an original design that I did and printed out can be absolutely perfect also thank you for watching today making Parts with a 3D printer for different things in the shop is fantastic and these absolutely came out perfect I love how these turned out now designing with the tinkercad is very very simple quite frankly this is the first item that I actually have designed in tinkercad and it worked great so this is something that even a beginner can do with these is not that hard to be able to do and I think quite frankly that this is the way of the future you no longer need to buy tools print your own you don't need to buy a part your own part I think the possibilities are quite frankly endless and I absolutely love this technology so if you like this video please give me a thumbs up and while you're there go ahead and hit the Subscribe button if you haven't done so already and don't forget hit the notification so that you'll be notified on the different videos that I'm uploading and I look forward to seeing each and every one of you in the next video so for now bye bye can't wait to see you real soon
Channel: Paw Paw’s WorkShop
Views: 6,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inventables, Easel, how to, create, torched flag, CNC for beginners, DIY, april wilkerson, i like to make stuff, steve ramsey, izzy swan, dude perfect, the king of ramdon, 5 minute craft, build something, socket storage, shop orgnization, inkscape, pen turners, Beginner woodworking, jig saw basics, EDC, cabinet building, laser engraving for CNC, wine rack, tiling on the XCarve, Ninja Turtles, shop upgrade blast gates, Electrical circuit, micro and relay switch, Fox Alien
Id: jxlTQ0Qd7Ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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