NEPAL! - Annapurna Base Camp (ABC) Trekking - October 2019

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[Music] [Music] hey Ron Klein agitator here we're just at the Melbourne International Airport on just waiting for our flight to our Nepal [Music] [Music] we just like to say a massive thank you to everyone who came with us on this incredible and memorable trip to Nepal from exploring the streets of Kathmandu drinking lemon ginger honey tea playing cards at tea houses and soaking up breathtaking views this trip will be one that we will never forget we've just arrived in Nepal from China and luckily merge to meet up with both NIM mullah and Harshal at the airport we're now on our way back to our hotel room to freshen up and then hit the streets of Kathmandu Cameroon do is both the largest and the capital city of Nepal and has a population of about 1.3 million and an altitude of 1400 meters [Music] the Monkey Temple or swag bruna was the first stop of the day the Monkey Temple is one of the oldest Buddhist temples in Nepal and was founded in the 5th century we got to see some really intricate Buddhist paintings that take up to 5 years to make and we try to not get attacked by monkeys this was a really cool place to catch some nice city views of Katmandu although there were a little bit smoggy [Music] [Music] next up we visited the patan durbar square which is a World Heritage listed site this square houses a royal palace and many temples in the nur re architectural style [Music] we visited a local family restaurant that has been run for over a hundred years and we went there to try the traditional Noir a dessert Jamari it's a steamed rice flour dumpling we tried one with a brown sugar and the other with a milk based sweet inside [Music] day three saw us take a tourist bus trip from Katmandu to pucara now this was a very long journey of about seven hours and there was a lot of traffic on the road but luckily we had some pretty spectacular views on the way and we got to stop by some local fruit stores and have a really nice lunch [Music] [Music] [Music] once we arrived in Pokhara we met our guide surgeon and he took us to a place to collect all our trekking gear after this we visited the streets and went out the deer the tracking component of our trip totaled nine days from now I purl all the way up to anapana base camp at 4,000 130 meters [Music] everyone just started a trip to an upon a base camp day one we got seven hours of trekking today and 3600 steps as supposedly straight up so hopefully you'll see that soon [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey everyone so we just wake up on day two of the trek will be going to ghorepani about a 4-hour track so quite an easy day we tried to wake up early to get the sunrise and see a bit of a mountain peace [Music] [Music] we made it end of day two ghorepani hone hill we are at two thousand eight hundred and seventy four meters it says [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we just finished our day trekking and are enjoying a nice very late lunch in ghorepani with an amazing view out the window behind us [Music] everyone just starting our third day of tracking for the ABC Basecamp this morning we got up nice and early to go to poon Hill unfortunately it was a bit cloudy but still an enjoyable walk [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is malaria [Music] [Music] so just starting our day 4 of the track and Janita has already broken her shoes the soul has completely come off what happened here Janita so we're gonna have to get a new pair but other than that woke up beautiful sunrise a bit clearer than it has been the last few days so that was really good and today we're doing a bit of up and down and then we end up at the same altitude as where we started so that'll be fine [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] hey everyone just just started day five of trekking we just stopped at a teahouse waiting for everyone else it's been an interesting start to the day everyone's feeling a bit worse for wear but we started off alright I think five hours of trekking for us and we should be good I'm sure how you feeling this morning good to hear what do you think the view behind us pretty spectacular what about you Michelle how are you going this morning good pumped up what about you Jin you've had a bit of a rough rough time of it you've been complaining a lot this morning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so the cloud cover just came over you you literally cannot see anything taralli is right over there which you cannot see this helicopter here is just caught in the cloud cover and it's just waiting it out and it's now clear in its now clearing and it looks like it's coming close to the ABC now but look how twice it is that's where it's been just over in there for last five [Music] [Applause] hey everyone just about to start tracking for day six we're going to ABC going to the base camp so pretty excited bit of a pink track we're going up to the 4100 meters today so we're going to go pretty slow help take it as one group hopefully we can all make it and don't feel too bad so hopefully you'll see some footage you seen just one last thing we're going up nine hundred and thirty meters today so huge elevation tray [Music] this is an ice tunnel [Music] [Music] Oh just on the last trip to a base to base camp as you can see beautiful views behind us this is pretty incredible in front I just got about I reckon half an hour left hey everyone's feeling pretty good [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we're just starting our track back down from ABC Basecamp it's pretty awesome morning we woke up for the sunrise and last night we had a spectacular sunset which really lit up all the clouds a bright orange like the sky was on fire so today we're tracking down to bamboo having lunch at Himalaya should be a pretty fast and nice day weather is looking pretty good so hopefully you'll see some nice footage coming up and one last additional point we had a very cozy night sleep all nine of us in one room it's definitely something we will not forget anytime soon don't cross in dog just killed it dogs drinking the icy water this is how dangerous this trick can get this whole place is just ice and we have to cross it there is no easy way all come down from up there which is very very cold hi-oh just the better I get to bamboo and finish the day's Trek all the way down from ABC today and as you can see behind me the terrain has changed dramatically so as now we're in the forest around the greenery I'm very different to the mountainous barren landscape that we had this morning so very keen to have a bevel relax for a bit before dinner tonight everyone just starting our eighth day of trekking go into the hot springs today stopping off at UM wrong for lunch it's a pretty chilly morning but everyone slept pretty well so just leaving bamboo now it's quite a nicer accommodation so hopefully my footage [Music] okay we're just starting a last day of tracking day nine going back to pakora it's gonna be quite a quite a easy day and relaxing day just got an hour and a half tracking down and then the powers that be have chosen that we're you know you taking the Jeep back so that's actually pretty cool as well a bit easier on the knees and legs instead of an eight-hour Trek and then hopefully we have some celebrations tonight with our porters and got a pretty exciting thing we're doing today as we're going along the longest suspension bridge on this on this track so that's coming up pretty soon [Music] sujin Iran film a give us away [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] after dinner we had a really special moment where all of our guides and porters went around the table and explained a little bit more about themselves and about their goals and aspirations for life this was an incredible moment for everyone [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Glen Burns
Views: 38,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Annapurna Base Camp, Vlog, Travel, Nepal, trekking, hiking, travel vlog, mountains, nature, annapurna, ABC, annapurna base camp trek, annapurna base camp trekking, annapurna base camp trek october, annapurna base camp october
Id: CT9vxN-nLUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 2sec (2342 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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