COMPLETE TRAVEL GUIDE - Budget, DIY Route, Fitness, Food, Stay | Annapurna Base Camp Trek (ABC)

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hey there I am saraje and I'm going to give you a comprehensive Guide to the Annapurna base camp Trek by the time we are done you would know the entire route food availability where to stay what to pack the budget should you do a DIY or with an organizer and so much more so this is a moderate to difficult level Trek covering about 90 kilometers over seven to eight days and I will tell you how you can get this done under INR 12K [Music] getting straight into it best time to Trek spring and Autumn see the maximum number of Records while snow makes it difficult to Trek in Winters the rain makes it difficult to Trek in monsoons to be specific during spring March April are the best months to Trek when snow patches are relatively easier to walk on the temperature varies between 20 to 25 degree celsius during the day and 5 to 10 degree celsius at night and during Autumn October and November are the best months to enjoy the clear skies right after the monsoons the temperature will be a little colder as compared to Spring varying between 15 to 18 degrees Celsius during the day and -5 to 5 degree celsius at night in the trekking Community October is definitely the most popular month to do the Annapurna base camp Trek next up the route this map shows the entire route depending on your preference you can choose to start your Trek from Naples or Gand Rook you can save a day if you start from gundruk but if you do choose to start from Nepal then you will be in for a treat with all the greenery around you a chance to experience the local Village Life and my favorite the year two years Smiles a small caveat here all the distance figures that I'm telling you are the ones that we captured on our devices and may differ a little from what you see online also there are small villages in between these major Villages that I'm showing here on the map on day two you will be going from gandruff to lower Cinema covering about 13 kilometers and gaining around 260 meters in altitude majority of the first half will be a descent through Forest cover and then you will cross your first major hanging Bridge which is 280 meters long over the Modi River after the bridge the ascent will most likely be in the noon hours and it felt like one of the steepest ascents on the Trek the rest of day 2 is going to be a mix of ascent and descent till you get to lower cenova on your way you will pass a village by the name Chum wrong and for me it was one of the most beautiful villages on the Trek and the views that you get here from the international Guest House are simply amazing day three you will be going from lower Cinema till literally covering about 14 kilometers and gaining around 900 meters and there are four highlights for the day first one having hiked a little bit you'll reach a person over it is a good spot for taking some amazing pics especially in the morning lighting and if you're feeling it you can go for some iconic poses too second you will pass a village called bamboo named as such because there are a lot of bamboo trees growing in the area third the waterfall in the evening is one of the best I've ever seen without a doubt a real gem try and spend a bit more time here it is peaceful indeed and the fourth hinku caves it has an interesting story behind it which our guide told us about on the Trek you can find it in my Vlog which I've linked at the end day four you go from there Ali till marchere base camp covering about 4.5 kilometers and gaining around 500 meters if everyone is feeling all right you can push for the underpuna base camp the same day you will be covering about 3.5 kilometers and gaining another 500 meters putting your total altitude gain at a whopping thousand meters for a day between dear Ali and MBC we cross so many River Crossings and they were ferocious to say the least I actually found that quite adventurous on the top at ABC you will be met with Majestic snow-capped Peaks teleporting you to a different world altogether and obviously the iconic ABC word greeting is after covering 47 kilometers and gaining around 3000 meters you will have finally scaled the underpuna base camp day five your goal is to reach bamboo if you start from ABC you will be covering around 17 kilometers going back down the same route day six you go from bamboo to Gino covering about 10 kilometers the road stays the same till charm wrong and then you go on a different path day seven Geno is actually popular for its Hot Springs you can go there early morning giving your bodies the much needed respite and then go till Nepal covering about 13 kilometers having done that you would have completed the Annapurna base camp Trek with a lifetime of memories now how to reach your starting point that is never most likely you will not find a direct flight till Pokhara the city this Trek starts from so you will have to take a flight to Kathmandu airport in Nepal and then either a 25 minute flight or a six hour bus ride to Pokhara do note the domestic flights between Kathmandu and Pokhara can be canceled due to weather fluctuations and the like so keep enough time as a buffer just in case you have to take the bus instead you can take a tourist bus a local bus a shared cab or a flight between Kathmandu to Pokhara if you're flying from Delhi the round Fair could be anywhere between 15K to 30k depending on when you book your flights if you need something on the budget side then you can get to Delhi take an overnight train to gorakhpur and then a 12 hour cab ride to Pokhara for estimate an Innova will cost you 17K this could actually become a lot cheaper if you're traveling in a group you will be Crossing into Nepal through the sonali Border goes without saying if you're going by air or road that you need to carry an ID if you are an Indian national then the past port or the voter ID will work and no Visa is required for other nationalities feel free to refer to Embassy of Nepal's website for Visa details and costs I've linked the website in the description now once you are in Pokhara stay the night and the next morning get to your starting point that is you can either take a taxi for 2000 NPR or a bus for 300 NPR to get to neapol and a pro tip while booking your travel bag after the trick keep at least one buffer day for contingencies I will add another Point here since we're talking about Nepal that INR is accepted as a payment however that I recommend that you convert it to the local currency NPR or Nepali rupees you can get it done both at the airport as well as at the sonali border at the time of Crossing moving on you do not have to worry about the accommodation on this Trek tea houses are available throughout it is about 300 to 500 NPR for a room per night and a double sharing room around 100 to 300 NPR you shouldn't expect anything fancy in any of the tea houses a clean bed hot water charging Point hygienic washrooms Wi-Fi this is really the extent of facilities that you can find across the Trek and as you go higher up the trail you will be charged for these Services as well as for when you're not on the Trek you can choose to stay in the Lakeside area in Pokhara the area has quite a feel-good vibe to it and you will find a lot of accommodations to choose from as well next up food pizzas noodles rice Momos Dal sabji eggs you name it they have it this Trek is quite commercial that way however do note that the prices that you will pay for the food is a decent bit and they keep on increasing as you go higher to give you an idea these are the costs for some of the items these prices are fixed by the Nepal tourism board and you do not have to worry about being overcharged best value meal would be dalvat it is quite healthy and you get unlimited servings as for when you're not on the Trek then the main street in the Lakeside area in Pokhara is a must visit The Nightlife here is really good and there is no shortage of good restaurants as well if so far you are finding this guide helpful then do consider giving us a super thanks it really enables Us in creating more such guides absolutely free of cost appreciate the help as for the difficulty level if you were to go by what the trekking companies say then this is a moderate to difficult level trick and having done it myself I sort of agree with them so initially going through the villages the terrain is quite good however as you go further up the terrain starts to become a little challenging and while descending if you decide to go till bamboo at a stretch it becomes quite an exertion physically in general the fact that this is relatively longer than the usual treks covering about 90 kilometers trekking about five to six hours a day for continuously seven to eight days it does end up being a moderately difficult Trek also as you gain altitude especially around the matcha Butchery base camp onwards people sometimes get down with AMS or acute Mountain sickness It generally happens when you gain too much altitude too fast headache or feeling extremely fatigued could be the symptoms Diamox every 12 hours with a good amount of rest is really the cure for AMS however I still recommend that you consult your doctor beforehand and in case there is an injury or depending on the emergency you can come back down on a horseback or a helicopter rescue can be organized do note however that the helicopter rescue would cost you a lot and it is advisable that you take insurance especially since you are in a foreign country I personally didn't take insurance however my friend in the past has recommended ASC 360 travel insurance I have linked the same in the description next up tracking permits you need to register and pay an entry fee in order to Trek in the ernabuna sanctuary area the fee is 1000 NPR for Indians and 4000 NPR for other nationalities if you have hired the services of a guide they can take care of the paperwork however do note that you would need three passport size photographs and a valid ID proof If you have not hired a guide you can complete the registration in Kathmandu or Pokhara you can ask your local stay owners to guide you where you can go for the registration and alternatively if you're not able to do it before the trick you can do it at the neapol check post that is the starting point or you can do it at the bhirathan T check post do note that the process will take you less than 30 minutes as for hiring a guide you will have to do it beforehand in Pokhara itself and it will cost you around 1000 NPR per day then Network and Sim I bought an ncel SIM card it worked fine in the city area however since the beginning of the Trek the network was on and off instead the NTC Network seemed to be working fine which the locals were using to including that guide for the Trek it would cost you around 600 NPR for basic data and talking minutes Next Step what to pack for the trick I'm quickly sharing the packing list here on the screen feel free to pause the video and refer to it next up dilemma of DIY or trekking company so both doing this trick DIY or doing it with the trekking company has its pros and cons I think on a trek you need a tracking company or an organizer for five reasons taking care of food taking care of accommodation of loading your luggage sense of security and good company the fact that this Trek is so commercial food and accommodation are not a problem also if you are doing this Trek at your own pace and haven't over packed I don't think there is a need to offload your luggage either alternatively you can hire the services of a porter preferably beforehand in Pokhara itself and it will cost you around 1000 NPR per day the trails are well marked and are busy with trackers up and down the trail especially during spring and Autumn all the locals are more than happy to help you and you can find solutions for all your concerns at the tea houses between all that you should get a certain sense of security as for good company if you're already traveling in a group then you're obviously sorted otherwise I do agree a trekking organization can provide good company and make it fun but if I'm being honest given how friendly people are I'm sure you can find Good Company otherwise too however do note that the trekking company could save you the hassle of finding and checking in a treehouse sorting the trekking permits and other such small things throughout the Trek having said all of that if you have Trek before and in general know the risks associated with trekking then I do not think that you need a guide or a porter for this Trek however should you think otherwise then do contact gyalgi sharepaji the guide who took us on the underpuna base camp Trek now moving on to the all-important question the budget for the Trek having seen the video until now you must have a decent bit of an idea nonetheless I'm trying to keep this budget economical and as such this is a rough estimate at best feel free to pause the video and refer to it if you include the cost of a guide and a porter for seven days then the cost would be around 33 400 NPR or 21 000 INR without the guide or reporter it would be around 19400 NPR or 12 000 INR you could buy bump it to 15 000 INR for miscellaneous expenses and I recommend that you keep extra cash in case of emergencies so let me tell you about an important notification so at the time of recording this video the Nepal tourism board issued an announcement in which it bans foreign Trekkers from trekking in the Nepal's national parks and conservation areas without a guide or a porter for the entire Journey so in ABC's case you Trek in the underpuna sanctuary area and after the guideline it would mean that you cannot Trek without a guide or a porter if you were already planning to hire a porter or a guide then there is no problem however if you weren't then make sure you take note of this having said that I did check with a local guide that these guidelines have not been enforced yet at the time of releasing this video however when you plan your Trek make sure that you check this beforehand so that there are no complications later on here are some other helpful tips that might come in handy come physically and mentally prepared as this is a long Trek and you will be trekking for r hours every day for almost a week as for physical preparedness if you can do 10 kilometers in 60 minutes then you will be really able to enjoy this Trek anything less than that you will still be able to complete the Trek but it is possible that it will be quite tiring For You Second this is a long Trek so do pay heat to the weather forecasts for example if you are coming in early Autumn there's a good chance that you can be on the receiving end of unexpected rains and you should carry good quality ponchos for that similarly if you're coming in early spring because of the snow there is a possibility that you might need micro spikes and Gators as well make sure to keep yourself hydrated and walk at your own pace so that you give your body a chance to acclimatize this will be helpful in avoiding AMS or acute Mountain sickness a good practice here will be to keep 1.5 liters of water and keep refilling it throughout the day fourth if you are someone with past injuries or aches then do put on some support wear especially when you are coming down and fifth Point make sure you are traveling responsibly not disturbing the local life being sensitive to the local culture and not littering anywhere and now the last section my personal ratings ease of reaching three stars especially because there are no direct flights till Pokhara track difficulty four stars simply because you need a good level of endurance to be able to Trek for that many hours for that many days value for your money if you're doing a DIY then it is definitely five stars given how cheap it is compared to every space camp and the like and you get to see an 8 000 meter peak views on the Trek this is my third Himalayan Trek and the section between MBC and ABC is really why I give this four stars overall Trek rating four stars I already loved trekking and yet the satisfaction at the summit was Unreal if it was a little more accessible I would have definitely given it five stars and with that I have equipped you with all the information that you need for your Annapurna base camp Expedition if you want to see Adventures from my ABC Trek then do watch this video and if you've made it till here then do drop a like and a comment on this video see you in the next video bye
Channel: Xplore The Earth
Views: 6,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: annapurna base camp, abc trek, annapurna base camp trek, annapurna base camp trek cost, xploretheearth, xte, annapurna, annapurna circuit trek, annapurna base camp trek solo, abc trekking nepal, trekking in nepal, annapurna base camp altitude, abc trekking, abc trek itinerary, abc trek in october, annapurna base camp trek route, pokhara, annapurna base camp 2023, annapurna circuit, annapurna sanctuary, annapurna trek, budget, fitness, stay, food, DIY trek, complete guide to abc trek
Id: CCvgcXAr15M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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