How to Play Nemesis

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hello there what's going on everybody today I'm gonna be teaching you how to play one of my favorite all-time games nemesis we're gonna talk about the base game primarily but I will talk a little bit more about the expansion some of the Kickstarter bonus content why you may want to back it because surprise surprise nemesis is coming back to Kickstarter so we're gonna walk through how to play this game and hopefully you'll get a hint of why I love this game so much so have a seat and let's play so before I teach you how to play I just want to give you an overview of what Nemesis is the idea is this is a survival or in space semi cooperative game where everybody's basically just trying to survive and get back home we've all been aboard a starship on a deep-space mission and we've been frozen in cryo sleep and on our return mission we all were woken from cryo sleep unexpectedly to find a dead body represented by this little blue player corpse or human corpse and that somebody who was in cryo sleep that awoke too soon it's a dead body we have to we have to figure out what's going on we don't know what happened and we want to get back to earth and in order to do that we need to make sure two things happen before we try and go back and acquire cryo sleep we need to make sure that the engines are working and we need to make sure that the ship is still headed towards Earth and that's kind of setting the stage because there's gonna be different ways we look to make sure that that ship is headed towards Earth then there's gonna be different ways that we can try and check out the engines and it players will take turns moving throughout the ship you see everybody's a little disoriented so you're gonna see that these there this is an exploration based tile game so when we flip over a tile something will happen like oh that's the monitoring room I didn't know you know nobody knew that and that's basically your you have hibernation sickness so you're a little disoriented you know where the bridge is and you know where the engines are but you don't really remember where everything else is on board your ship but also when you step on board a ship certain things can happen like oh there's slime in this room so whoever steps into this room was slime so we'll talk a little bit more about moving from room to room and how that works I have five different miniatures set up here there are six different ministers in the base game but it plays five players it plays best with more players so I generally like to get games of four or five if possible because that gives you the greatest sense and every every different character has a different job that can do like the soldier here is really good at combat you know the pilot is good at you know redirecting the ship the scientist is good at analyzing alien goo there's a mechanic who's really good at fixing things like fixing the engines the Scout is very good at movement and the captain is very well rounded but good and giving orders and that can be a problem or a benefit when a game is semi cooperative so what do I mean by semi cooperative so while we are all trying to survive and get back to earth on top of that in order to actually win your character needs to complete their objective you're going to be given two different objectives at the start of the game one's going to be a personal objective and another one is going to be a corporate objective and there are decks for each of these they'll randomized so everybody won't be given two objectives and you can read over both of them and once the first alien appears oh yes yes there are there are aliens once the first alien appears you are going to have to make a choice and you will choose one to keep and choose one to discard so you can go for the corporate objective or the personal objective it's not really an advantage between the two it's just a matter of which one you think is going to work better for you so in the case that I had both of these I look at the personal objective first send the signal and the nest must be destroyed will send the signal in this game basically means you need to get to the comms room and send an email back to earth that's there's a comms room and what it allows you to do is it allows you to send a signal so that means you have to find a certain room and and be able to use it and the nest must be destroyed so there's an also an alien nest hidden somewhere on the ship that's in every game and and that one must be destroyed so that one could be a lot of work but this one has an or or you can send a signal and the ship must be destroyed so this one could have you trying to make sure that the ship gets destroyed because there's another way to be able to survive and get back to earth and that's on board these escape pods the escape pods which holds as two players each there's actually four of them on board the ship if you're playing with the max number of players and each of those circles means they can hold two people but the problem is that the game at start of the game they start out and they're all locked and the only way to get onboard them is either to unlock them or have somebody die because then the emergency protocols kick in and unlock all of the escape pods so there is a little bit of cutthroat in this game because maybe you're like I want to get off of this ship and the only way is to make sure that you die so you could make sure that the ship is going to destroy by triggering a self-destruct or something like that versus maybe then I want to look at my corporate logo well this one's a lot easier that's what I don't have to hardly do any work this is very easy I just have to make sure I kill player one or at least if somebody kills player one or the harder option in this case your character is the only survivor maybe I want to kill everybody maybe I've gone insane now they're not all crazy you know this one you know is just sending the signal sending an email and you need to analyze you know the aliens a little bit at least true intruder weaknesses must be discovered so they're not all about killers but there's several that are basically involving you wanting to kill somebody so we're in some games people there's maybe one trader and this one everybody could be a trader or nobody could be a trader it's it could be either/or now at the start of the game you're going to go to the bridge was at the top of the game board in your place a marker on letter B that's basically gonna respond to a coordinate and you're gonna have on a deck of coordinate cards you'll assign a random one but for this case board it's going to look and they all basically look like this they have earth Mars Venus and deep-space on them and in this if this were the card this would indicate that actually Earth was headed towards Mars and it's of course correct this would have to be moved to a however they to be able to check on the coordinates is a different action than being able to actually adjust the coordinates so we'll put a random card over here and whoever decides to make their way up to the bridge can get to the bridge and they can check the coordinates and they mates and they'll do this in secret and they'll look at it and say huh and then they're gonna have this knowledge and they're gonna know that if in order to get to earth we'd have to go to but currently we're on route for deep space now they might have an objective that wants the ship to go to deep space maybe they're crazy maybe they've lost their mind then they can potentially then they can potentially they'll put it back and try and do another action it's like oh well we need to course-correct we need to go to sea well they can do that on a subsequent action and then everybody else would have to take their word for it because hey maybe they want to go to Mars maybe they feel the longing of the ghosts of Mars and it won't be revealed unless somebody else manages to go up there and check their work so there's certainly a degree of player trust and in the back of the ship we've got three different engine rooms we've got engine room number one number two and number three and they all have a spot for engine tiles I've put them both on top of each other but basically only counting the top one is the active one they all are going to look exactly the same except of course when you flip them over because you're going to have a working side and a damaged side and only the top one works or you can keep doing the one that's not in play off the board if you like I like to put them on top of each other now in order for the ship to actually reach its destination whatever that may be whether it's earth or deep space at least two of the three engines have to be in the working state however the only way to see them much like on the bridge is to get to the engine room and to check the engines and to check the engines costs two points so it's not a cheap action to take we're gonna talk about more about players turns and how actions get taken but a player can check on an engine and of course they're gonna look at this in secret and put it back exactly as it was then they will be able to tell the party and the party Casta to kind of trust them so again trust issues are going to be a very interesting thing in this game and not only do they have to check one engine room but they have to check all three or you can split up and you can have other people check now interesting things happen if somebody tells you oh yeah the engines are all working and I make my way back and I'm like well let me just double check wait a second that engine is not working because then we have to double check all of them now you can't actually show people so it does put some social deduction in there and some really good it's a really good party game for that aspect so you can see all of them have damaged and working side another thing you can do is to repair an engine and what that means is basically you can or it's damaged or repair isn't actually the name of the action but you'll you would take the two and you can swap them if you're doing it damage or repair and that will flip-flop the two and allow you to say hey I fixed the engine we are now back on course further when in reality you may have chosen to break the engine the mechanic is particularly good at fixing or breaking things because it's his particular specialty but anyone can do it so down here at the bottom of the board we're actually start out on number fifteen and this is our round counter this tells us how many turns we have the game it's only fifteen turns long turns can take a little while though so this can go for a long time it doesn't have to take fifteen turns because you can certainly win before that but I want to point out that each round you're gonna move this down once you get from nine to eight this symbol here means that your cryostasis chamber is recharged and reset and ready for re-entry so the players can now re-enter cryo sleep and check to see if they've won the game and then you know once once the game ends once everybody is in cryo sleep we make sure we reveal the engines if they're working we reveal the coordinates where we're going and then we're gonna check everybody to make sure they had didn't have an alien in their chest and that it bursts out and so that's kind of one way you can end the game of course if it goes all the way down and we aren't there yet then the game is going in and everybody loses so there are a lot of mutual lose conditions and on one other corner of the board we have the self-destruct timer if somebody triggers the ship's self-destruct you've got six turns until the ship blows up now within the first three turns of that countdown timer it can be nullified if somebody wants to go in and reset the self-destruct or turn it off but once it passes that halfway point it can no longer be canceled also once it passes the halfway point all of the escape pods are go switch to be unlocked so this way you can actually leave and that's a little unlock symbol in there so the beginning of the game we're gonna do a couple of other things we're gonna draft player number and we're also going to draft about which character we are and so everybody's gonna have a player number from one three five and they're also gonna get a card that go shows it as well as their little board here this is gonna worth where they can hold this is a little card holder where they can hold their little small cards their little inventory and secret items and you're always gonna be the certain player number regardless of if you're going first in the round or not but that's an to indicate you know a player number one is always going to be player number one so if you have a mission to kill player number one then you're always gonna be able to look at them and see where they are so characters gonna have ten action cards and they're all gonna look the same on the back but this is for the scouts deck and everybody has a unique deck exactly ten cards and then they're also gonna have three small cards with them which is gonna be a starting item as well as two quest items things that they can unlock once they get enough you know once they play enough and they decide they want to you know unlock this item and that's going to be something else to help them out like this one might be a motion scanner for the scout and this one would be a security key and it's a one use only thing so those are buffs that are unique to that particular class so I've chosen the captain here I'm gonna take my 10 action cards I'm gonna put them in the action card deck I'm gonna take my two quest items I'm gonna set those down right below there and I'm gonna take my starting item which for the captain is a six shooter and there's a couple of things here for one the gun means that you can only use this in combat there's other symbols that have a symbol of a gun with a red line through it that means those cards cannot be used in combat and combats defined on if you have an alien or an intruder in the room with you this game calls them intruders I called them alien fur for shorthand because they look like aliens right and then this handle on a briefcase here means that this uses up one of your hands you can only have two hand held items in on you because you have both a left hand and a right hand slot so I will just decide to make my captain right-handed and I will put that item there now it's gonna have an ammo of six so I'm gonna get these little ammo cubes and I'm gonna actually put those on the card because every time he shoots he's gonna actually have to lose an ammo so ammunition is very important here so you don't want to just take shots willy-nilly there are ways to reload but it's not that common so M ammunition is also very important your character board is also going to have a couple of room einar's on you I tell you can mark if you've sent to the signal and that's really only applicable if you have a mission that wants you to you can mark if you are slimed if you have goop on you and you are also going to mark your wounds you can have a light wound a second light wound and when you get a third light one two becomes a serious wound and we've got serious wound cards that are going to have something really bad on the other side and that basically counts as three ones and then you'll keep going once you have three serious wounds the very next wound kills you some basically in a rough amount of speaking you have about 10 hit points each wounds can potentially be healed but again it's not easy you're gonna have actions that you can do you there's this little symbol here and you're gonna see the symbol like this on every card on whether it's a zero or or a two or a one right and then this is the symbol the little square basically is the cost of doing an action and doing an action can be everything from basic actions which is moving and shooting or advanced actions which are room based actions like if you're in the engine room and you want to check the engines or doing a card based action like so so at the beginning of the game let's just say I was first player as the captain I would take my character and we will talk about ourselves and we'd say hey what should we do you guys want to split up do you wanna have some you know one team move towards the front and the other team move towards the back or whatever I'm going to go ahead and move I'm gonna move into this room and to do that movement cost one action so and to pay the one I'm actually going to have to discard one card out of the five cards I have in my hand and I can look at the different cards now I'll get them back because like a lot of deck builders this is gonna play in the same way that deck builders play when my deck runs out of cards I'm gonna shuffle my discard pile and then repopulate my deck so considering I have five different cards of turn and only have ten cards in my deck I'm gonna be going through this every other round so it's not like if I lose a card I'm not going to see it again I'm just not gonna see it for probably two turns and now I in this case I'll just go discard reload because I I have full ammo I can't go above my six it's a six shooter I can't put seven bullets in a six shooter so I'll go ahead and discard this one to pay the cost to move I'm gonna move into this room a couple of things are gonna happen first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna flip over the tile and we're gonna say oh this is the shower room so I'm in here and this is where we can all shower which is useful for if you get slimes because the the shower room is gonna have a room action on it's got the two symbol and do that if you want to take a shower and you have to discard two cards it's gonna be one of your actions everybody gets two actions and then they pass to the next player and we keep going until everyone passes I'm also going to flip this over as well and this tells you what happens in that room and also the number is going to tell you how many times this room can be searched searches one of the cards that everybody's going to have it lists them go to the item deck and get little things like duct tape flashlights or ammo or things like that so what we're gonna do is you see this room here it's got a little red symbol right here let's zoom in on that all right so the red symbol here is what's gonna point to the loot counter and you notice every room will have 0 1 2 3 & 4 & 4 represents that this room is loaded but what I'm gonna do is because the the item hex on here has a 1 on it that means this is going to be angled this way with the one pointed to the red arrow and that's just the orientation that this hex is gonna have now that means if somebody searches this there's only one time that it can be searched after somebody searches this room it's then gonna go down to zero meaning there's only a finite amount of times that you can search in a room like this but it'll start at 1 and these these can be all kinds of different numbers like this is a different one from a different tile and it's gonna be 4 but it also has the slime condition now this one has the X condition and that's important because that applies to the noise dot so what happens is after you move in now you're gonna roll to see how much noise you create and I'm going going to roll and list in this case I rolled a 2 so what I would normally do is I would find the corridor that has the 2 next to it in this case this is corridor number 1 this is corridor number 3 this is corridor number 4 and court I'm sorry cord over number 2 and corridor number 4 right here is the air ducts right these these technical corridors that have the red symbol well there's a whole separate spot on them on a map for those but whatever wherever I made noise I would put a noise token and if there's ever than one noise token in an encounter we're gonna spawn aliens and that's or intruders and that's that's pretty bad but because I actually had the X on there the X treats it as though I had rolled an X symbol which means I moved silently and there is no noise created which is actually that's like a rare because that's one of the few tiles that's actually good usually something bad happens in every tile alright so now that I've moved here I still have a second action I could move again or I could just I could stay here and maybe do a card based action off of my hand but there's one thing I want to point out if you move into a room that already has another character into it you do not have to roll for noise and that's a good way to incur it it's basically as if you both moved in together but that's a good way to encourage teamwork because you're less likely to make noise and which eventually pulls in intruders well but in this case since I have another action I would go ahead and move into this room this is the fire control system room and this is a room that basically can put out fires and trust me fires in space are a bad thing now I also want to talk about the colors of rooms there's three different colors of rooms rooms can either be yellow red or green or in some cases they'll be white like this and it has a little symbol for all three and that's gonna basically correspond to the type of loot that you can get there is an items decks so if it's a green room you can search from medical items and these are gonna be things like something to heal wounds or some kind of first-aid kit if it's a red room it'll be from this item deck and this has everything from like pulse batteries to ammunition and then if it's a yellow room like the fire control system it'll be through the mechanic item deck which basically has everything from fire extinguishers to rent wrenches to duct tape and all kinds of stuff like that and all of those cards will be self-explanatory for example this one is clothes you find some extra clothes that you can use to discard a slime marker or dress a serious wound and that's when you have one of those bad serious wound cards that does something really terrible well let's you turn it face down and ignore the specific bad thing about it so plus we're dressing or wound and that's a very nice thing to have so I move into this room but again I've got the three with and this is a door symbol here and and all of the different symbols that can show up on these cards are talked about in the in the in the rule book but basically there's everything from the room is broken and you'll put a marker in there to indicate that it doesn't work you can't do the room action or the room is on fire and you'll put a fire marker in there when a fire will do damage to you at the end of your turn in this case it's a door marker and the door marker is bad because that means that the door is going to slam shut behind us and we'll put this door right there now that's really bad if I wanted other people to be able to follow me and move into the other rooms with me because now that door is closed and we all have to use some type of special action to open or close it now there are rooms that can open and close doors but I don't want to get the shoe and involved in every situation but for right now that way is blocked I want to talk about a couple of other things because I kind of went through a player turn you'll pass and you'll keep going around and round until everybody has taken to actions and we're done but there's some cards that go at the top of the board that are important we talked about some of the item cards already there's craftable items which if you have enough of these items you can turn them into a craftable item which is nice we also are going to have a couple of interesting things like the event deck the event deck is actually gonna be really important at the end of each round there's gonna be a different event that happens and this is a way to stop people from staying in the hibernation chamber and doing nothing for eight turns and then just getting back in and rolling the dice because different things are gonna happen there's going to be fires that happen there's going to be aliens that just spawn in certain places or malfunction markers happen and if enough fire or malfunction markers occur or are on the ship the ship can just blow up ahead of time but these are also going to in addition to talking about different things that happen during the events these are also going to give indications for other things whether or not aliens spawn in which ways that aliens move or intruders move there's also a contamination card and this is a really type of interesting card if you get attacked by by intruders you will get in an action card that goes into your deck but it is actually a contamination card this is bad for a number of reasons for one contamination card can lead to more negative things but it also is a dead card in your hand so it's less actions that you can do it during your turn and so eventually you discard at the end of your run and get new cards but the cool thing about the contamination cards it comes with this nifty reader I mean it will tell you if you're actually contaminated or not because you don't really know if you're contaminated enough you can only scam my card with this if there's a certain time that tells you that it's okay to do that and when we do that we're gonna stick it in there and see if any of those five words say infected and they're all written to closely resemble infected but none of them actually say infected so now if I've skin this card I'll know that this is that I'm not actually infected what does that mean well that means that I don't actually have an alien growing in my chest I don't actually have the infection because if an alien grows in your chest and then you get another you know you fail another check than the alien bursts out and you die and then you've got an alien on the floor rolling around in your blood and it's really really bad and I think that's important is the intruder board this is the board that basically is referencing everything that we know about the intruders there's a whole deck of intruder weakness cards you're gonna deal three of them at random underneath three these three different conditions and on the ship somewhere you're going to find a laboratory you can bring certain things to the laboratory to analyze it to be able to flip over one of these weaknesses like carrots or corpse if somebody dies you can take their corpse to the lab and analyze it if you don't want anybody to die remember I mentioned there was gonna be a blue character corpse right at the beginning of the game the one that you found at the beginning of the game so you can carry that to the lab analyze that and then flip over one and look at this it's gonna be like 'hot combat blank combat die results against adult intruders count as a damage instead so I get basically let your guys work better in commenting we're going to talk more about combat in just a minute if you get if you find the nest and you can take one of the eggs and the eggs are all gonna be up here but you'll move them to the nest once it's found you can bring an egg back and analyze that or if you kill an intruder and you bring its car key back to the lab you can analyze that now the lab is gonna be hidden under one of these hexes on the board so it's gonna be a it's gonna have a different location every round you don't have to find the lab but some players mission may want you to do this and it's also just a generally a good idea now also a good reminder on the intruder board is for all these different symbols because you've got different you've got larvae which is the smallest one creeper which is the kind of rarest basically when a larva bursts out of somebody's chest and it can't quite stand up yet you have adults which are the most common breeders which are really really powerful adults and then the Queen which there's only one Queen and and that's gonna be useful when it talks about combat so let's talk about combat all right so we're gonna talk about combat now one of the most likely ways combat is gonna happen is when you're in well in a room with an intruder but usually that happens by surprise so if I were to be moving into this room and there's nobody else there I roll the die let's just say I roll to one there's already a noise token in the one section well then oh that I'm gonna remove all the noise tokens adjacent to this room and then I'm going to spawn an alien and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go to the bag and I'm gonna pull something out and let's just say I could like I'm gonna pull out one of these tokens is gonna have a number and it's going to have a symbol on it and these are there's a lot of different ones of these and you're actually going to randomize the bag set up based on how many players are in the game so it's every you know player account is gonna have a different bag set up so you're going to have to prepare the bag at the beginning of the game and there's instructions for that based on how many players there are in the rulebook but generally at the start of the game you have fewer adults I mean you have a lot more larvae and you know there's the smaller ones and there's always one Queen in the bag as well you don't want to pull the Queen but let's just say I pulled an adult and that was going to be you know and we've got different types of adult models there's actually the adult is the only one that has a lot of different models we've got this tall standing up and we've got the crouched down for example so that means there's an adult and they're gonna spawn in that room with us now then we're gonna flip this over and we're gonna look at the number of cards that are here now if we have this many or more cards in our hand when this is pulled out then we're safe for now if not then they're gonna get a surprise attack on us so let's talk about intruders attacking us first so when a tutor is going to attack a player first thing you're going to do is just pull an intruder attack card and this is gonna tell you a whole lot of things the cards in this game have multiple meanings first thing is you're gonna ignore the number on the top we actually use this when we're attacking the intruders so we're gonna ignore that number for right now we're going to first look at the symbol in the middle if this matches the symbol of the intruder that's attacking or if at least if it there's multiple if it's at least one of them matches the symbol of the intruder that's attacking then we're good to go now this is an adult and if we reference our board here we're going to notice that that's the symbol for a creeper and a creeper is actually going to look like this this is somebody who bursts out of the chest but hasn't grown legs yet so the creepers and by the way these are all gonna come unpainted in the box I've painted all of these but if you back on Kickstarter they're I believe they have some some painted levels or shaded levels and all those are really nice as well so you can check those out but some people like to paint their own stuff that's that's me so I painted my so just so you know your yours isn't gonna look like this necessarily alright so then I would ignore this and that's basically treated as a Miss but let's just say for sake of argument that I had pulled this card claw attack again we're gonna ignore the number up in the top and we're gonna match this so this would work for an adult a breeder or the Queen and since he is an adult so it's gonna work so then we're gonna see he gets hit with a claw attack he's gonna attack me and the character suffers two light wounds and gets a contamination card now that contamination card is the card that we talked about before which is going to be bad for the future it's harder for us to get rid of these and these can potentially mean that even we can even die at the end of the game if we end up being contaminated as we're you know sailing off into space it could be one of those deals where you think you're home free and then an alien bursts out of your chest at the end so contamination their cards are bad for that reason but they're also bad because they clog up your action deck and I'm also going to get two light wounds so I'll mark the two light wounds on my sheet and if I already had light wounds that can put me up to a serious wound and that's just generally bad so that's and that's basically it for combat in this way what if I wanted to attack the adult intruder well if I was going to attack the adult intruder it's gonna cost me one card I'd have to discard a card to do that as a basic action as one of those actions I can only do in combat again I'm in a room with an intruder so I'm in combat so I can do that so I'll discard an ammunition and discard a card to my discard pile and and then roll the attack die we're only gonna roll one attack die and there's different size for this a blank is always gonna be a Miss and there's only one blank and the two hit side is always gonna be two hits and then the one hit side is always gonna be one hit and so those are really good sides you have an adult side and then you have a creeper I'm sorry a creeper symbol so basically if you roll this hit on an adult that is gonna count as one hit on anything that is a dolt or smaller so this would be a Miss against the Queen for example if I roll the creeper symbol that is gonna be a hit on anything there's a creeper or smaller and again referencing the intruder board here we can see that that's not going to hit too many things so generally against the adults we have only got a 50/50 shot because a blanket will certainly be a mess either of the creeper symbols will also be a mess but if we roll the adult or the one or the two for you that you would it be best in this case we can you know we'll deal a wound two also we want to reference any of the weapons special text when we do combat in this case when you roll a double you deal one additional injury so if the captain were to happen to have done that he would be able to actually deal three damage with like basically a direct hit right between the eyes there are certain characters that are bad at combat that will you know do only one damage even on a double like the scientist for example and so and then the soldier who's really really really good at combat but the capped is actually not half bad at combat now he would do it alien would now get three wounds and we'll track those with with extra little wound markers and now this alien is gonna have three wounds now is the time where we go back to the intruder attack tech we're gonna pull the top card off of it and we're going to then compare the number on that card to the number of wounds he has if it's the same or higher than he's dead if not then he's just wounded no this is a really interesting mechanic of this game because you you know first off this really only applies to creepers and adults the the larvae or any of the smaller aliens are gonna just die off or one hit but the bigger you know the adults are gonna require two I mean one card but the breeders and the queens the big ones are gonna require two cards and and the thing is it's gonna be different every time so one you know one one round you may have five wounds on them and you pull a card with six and he lives and the next round you may pull a card with with only two and he you know he dies cuz it wounds will carry over so it's your Hilda always die eventually but if you're attacking the Queen for example let's pull her out here you know she's and she is gorgeous - she's pulling out the thing she got with little babies if you're attacking the Queen when you after you do wounds to her you have to get actually gonna have to pull two of these and so you would actually in this case you would have needed eight wounds on her now there's another symbol that can show up on here and that's this symbol here and that basically means the the alien runs away and that's actually not a bad one that's not a bad one if you want to determine which way an alien will run away you're gonna pull a card from the event deck and reference the number on there and when they run away they're going to go that direction so in the case of the room that we are in he will go that way over tunnel one so that's basically the flow of the game everybody's gonna get those two actions they passed the person on the left you keep going around until everybody is taken to actions or everybody has passed and once everybody's passed you're gonna end the round pull that event card and then you're gonna also do a bag development phase where you're going to pull a token out of the bag follow the instructions depending on which one you pulled and then you're gonna put something potentially new in there and that's basically a way that the larvae that are hiding in the guts of the ship grow up to be adults playing the game basically gets harder and harder over time and sometimes if you pull an adult out of the bag that may mean that you have surprise attacks on people in the in the ship so you know nasty stuff happens at the end of the game or at the end of the round then you start another round you'll move this to the next round and keep going and you just keep doing that until everybody dies or somebody wins or the ship blows up usually the ship blows up because this is a very hard game especially when you have objectives out there and people are trying to kill one another I want to draw your attention to this room sheet that will be included in the game but this is a very very very useful sheet because like I said every one of these rooms also has a room action that you can take and that is extremely useful like evacuation section a maybe you forget what evacuation section a does and now you can look at it up on here and this is gonna tell you all of the stuff now this is a big piece this is almost as big as the whole board game box if you're looking at us from straight down but it's got a front end bag and it's got all of the basic rooms which are number one and it's got all the additional rooms which are numbered - also the rules for the special rooms for the engine rooms and the cockpit and the different actions that you can do in there they all cost - but it's gonna tell you what all of them do and some of them are actually very very important we talked a little bit about the nest and we talked a little bit about the laboratory where you can analyze stuff but there's also important rooms like the evacuation sections for example because if you'll notice this section for the escape pods is B but you can't there's no path to get in there the only way you can get to the escape pods in Section B are from evacuation section B there's also rooms that can potentially unlock the escape pods early if everybody on the team it says you know what screw this let's just get off of this ship right away well you can't because you have to find the way to unlock them you have to find the way to get onboard them and you probably gonna encounter aliens along the way and there's a lot more but I'll let you guys discover that and now and one thing to know though is every number one tile is always in the game whereas you're gonna have for number two tiles that do not go into every game and those are all gonna be different like air lock control lets you open up a1 TX and vent it into space which will put out fires that happen to be in the room but also lunches whatever is in that room out into space it could be aliens it could be the Queen it could be half of your team so you know there a lot of really interesting things and there's a little of room covered in slime you can't even search that room it's got no other symbols on it you know there's a lot of other really cool rooms that you can find in here I'm not gonna go through all of them but that's also something else that's kind of cool with some of the expansions so if you have any questions let me know in the comment section but I want to show you guys a little bit of some of the expansions that are available as well alright so the first and biggest expansion / stretch goal box that came with the original campaign was the aftermath and void ceders box this was actually a whole bunch of different stretch goals all combined into one and so I'm gonna kind of just give you guys a quick rundown I did paint these again but this gives you a whole different type of intruder type called the void seeders and they're gonna take the place of your regular intruders and they are going to play differently there's gonna be different cards for them and some new mechanics and a whole new rules insert this is also going to give you a bunch of new characters and you're going to be able to swap out like instead of you know basically color-coded characters you're gonna swap out your red die for your red guy your purple guy for your purple guy your green / you know green for green etc purple for purple you also have if you've got the medic which was competitive part of the original like early day back her stuff is a spot for her in this box as well and I'll point also the medic is pink in the mechanic is orange those ones don't have an alternate version counterpart just yet but you know you really are supposed to only use one of each color in a game seem not supposed to have like the CEO and the captain cuz they you know they're both blue and they do kind of similar things but I mean there's nothing stopping you from the house ruling that would still be fun are you gonna getting some new tiles you're also gonna get a new way to play with basically there's aftermath part which is this little shuttle board that kind of docks to the ship and you have some extra spaces here on board the shuttle and so that's gonna add some new stuff to your game as well so that much is really cool and an optional buy was the karna morphs expansion and this is just a different alien type and they are or brutal and they have a different more on board and they evolve during the game so they instead of just finding weaknesses like you know they kind of take that for a spin on its head and I painted these a little bit too but yeah they're like more of a more brutal almost like a kind of like a Resident Evil kind of kind of feel to them yeah they're but yeah there's the in this box is basically just the karna morphs it doesn't have a whole bunch of extra stuff in it that's you know this is again the aftermath box had a lot of different things so that much is cool I haven't used these guys yet so I don't really know much about how hard or easy they are and then also I do want to talk about the terrain expansion it's in this smaller box here and this is gonna have and this is just a way to in the waiting rooms does this a couple of times in some of their games so they just give you if you want to lots of components and you don't wanna use all the cardboard like I just showed you in the demo like the escape pods they have like a locked version and an unlocked version for these scape pods they've got doors if you don't want those little cardboard doors you can have fancier doors you can paint them up I painted these was up a little bit just briefly and those are all come in here no I didn't use this box for that because this is actually a really good sized box for cards so because at a certain point I've got so many character cards and ivory character deck and all the different event decks and all this other stuff and even a couple of promo decks that I've been out for other Kickstarter's and different things that had conventions and stuff so I have all of the full-size cards in this box so I like that the terrain expansion kind of doubles as a box for that and I keep these all in the core box well alright guys I hope that was helpful if you like what you see and you want to still get a chance at it that's coming back to Kickstarter with Nemesis lockdown on May 28th there's gonna be some new stuff as well as the option to get all the old stuff too so definitely you won't want to miss that this may be your last chance to get nemesis I will put a link when it goes live in the description but definitely check out nemesis is one of my favorite games ever for a very good reason folks you will not be disappointed alright that's all I want to thank you all so much for watching if you liked the video give it a thumbs up let me know what you think down in the comments below don't forget to hit that bell so you can be notified when new videos come out I do a lot more gaming content a lot of Star Wars content a lot of board game content where the to me there's a lot of Star Wars board games and this one actually captured some of that Syfy board game feel for me as well so I really loved that I want to thank you so much and as always have a great day you
Channel: Crabbok
Views: 5,233
Rating: 4.9470201 out of 5
Keywords: Crabbok, Game, Star, Wars, Tabletop, Miniatures, Awaken Realms, Nemesis, Board Game, Aftermath, Carnomorph, Stretch Goal, Expansion, Void, Seeder, Seeker, How to Play, Tutorial, Instruction, Watch it Played, bg1, guide, How to, Setup, kickstarter
Id: ZpSjB8C3Ejw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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