Neighbors Left it ALL in the Trash

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alright y'all get in my truck please got to be polite manners matter yeah I don't think it dolly would work right now just sayin scraps led should I stack it in the back so I still have room for scrap that heard these two appliances just filled the truck up well I'm a few go from the side cuz this lip is catching all right there so I cleaned up my mice nippers yesterday my angle putters and I left him at my house alright now we gonna sled this one over this is probably heavier because it usually has a concrete block and possibly water in it yeah I can hear the water hey wrong way please don't come apart it's not what I want you to do I said please guess my politeness isn't working [Applause] definitely heavier should put this one on first cuz to get this on top of that one yeah that's gonna be a bit rough Oh man that's crazy stuff all right let's let's see how much is there a bicycle in the trash right there wait a minute I'm definitely grab it before I go away over here yeah let's do that that's funny right across drew from the scrap yard I thought it was a bicycle averse they'd have been a cool color Wow that is old school right there boy hey sup how you doing it's thing about dragon this is so funny all right get on my truck it's a Schwinn to do with a chain ashwin xr8 all right I know I'm in front of the scrapyard but as speedometer to speedometer doesn't work well 1464 miles are on this man what a shame I almost don't want to scrap it but you know what can't keep everything just stuff all right now let's go away the truck someone's saying what cheeseball put the tailgate down back up fast slam on the brakes it all falls out I wish it was that easy but I would definitely get some tire damage all right so to me this like the perfect scrapping weather whoa one two three four five six snowblowers huh or is that seven I can't tell what a snow blower do you guys ever use the big magnet on the ground here okay huh magnets are pretty handy stuff definitely you don't be grabbing those things one at a time see actually is nice but you know it's garbage day in this area and it's what eight thirty in the morning so uh people had all day to grab it all night I should say let's be gentle about it okay someone wants it okay not so gentle with those actually I like this is just a little bit below freezing so it's comfortable to work in because you cool down easy this yards get cleaned up yeah maybe 200 now a lot of folks would say that that Schwinn should be you know given to someone or kept but to me that metal is actually gonna become something else who knows maybe a third time or a fourth time yeah let's keep making stuff with that metals hi good morning how are you good I filled my truck up too early with white goods so I need to stop by here first well what's that citrus drink that you were talking about oh yes Celsius do you still drink that it's a drink [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he'll deliver it cool thank you dear I'll see you later hopefully see you in a little bit all right it's so I need a minute thank you my math wrong yeah so 4222 3900 so it's 320 pounds so $12.80 because it's $80 a net ton or $80 per 2,000 pounds yeah thank you Lord we love you God and thank you for allowing me to not get hurt keep giving me that discretion I want to see something too heavy to not pick it up and give me the strength when something is just right for me to be able to pick it up in the name of Jesus amen let's go find some stuff morning Ralph morning Stan how are we gonna do this so I don't know if I'm going to slide it that way to get it to the street but there's a pile right there hmm it's not the most perfect spot for it cuz this is uphill it's going downhill that way so it's actually this corners uphill so probably should just slide it that way on its side but take the front take the front door off and whatever that rangehood thing is yeah just to make it later so this has been here for a wine hopefully comes off don't be the one that doesn't come off yep that's the one that doesn't come off I wish me luck with this now we don't need a snowplow on a snow sled yeah I start of pinch me No [Music] right what he catch now this metal thing caught my attention it's a broom now it's a scrapper broom yeah oh here comes the g-man there's just some cool stuff let's watch how he does it I think this stuff goes in there doesn't just go in there right on man what's up barking at my job away dude that is my goal yeah good see you man how you doing good good yeah that's the one from aa like 13 yeah that's the one another appliance I want to stand this one up it's just so slippery and awkward see just awkward the knife come from oh here comes the g-man that is the actual g-man man you get my nippers my house maybe I have an extra set on this side but at any point maybe maybe maybe yes an extra set of nippers and these ones aren't the double-hinged that that's of the messed up bed frame thing and a toy box oh is it helium steel might need a tie a string to it just see fold-up looks like it does I think it folds up somehow fold up this way what fold it this way yes cool that'll work to take a little look a look-see hey what might you be an Emerson DVD for head VCR yeah I'll take you here I going in a straight pile you're going in the test pile all right I said some guy tell me that both of my brake lights are out so I'm not sure how to check that except for like maybe yeah you know what I'm gonna back up and see if I can see the reflection in the glass all right I can see my reverse lights there's no brake light I can see the top my top ones coming on my bottom was yep no brake lights wow that's actually kind of important I've replaced these brake lights so many times it's like I don't once every six months so annoying so I am gonna put in not incandescent bulbs they usually go in there but I'm gonna put LEDs in hopefully I'll make a difference with them not burning out all the time all right there's these little tabs and the brake light is this top Li yeah you until it burned out there's a little straight out led this is the 3057 okay now I'm going to put on the brakes and see if I can see the reflection okay now you can see that the brake light works okay we're good is it if you can see good so the reverse light is gonna be LED at the regular driving light which is this one it's going to be incandescent and then the brake light is LED as well the tabs in here oh hey I tested it before I put it together the corset to go through this thing I was like a work wish good luck my whole balancing act here worked you got a new dumpster here normally was a super low one and this the dollar something I I get a mixed up the Dollar Tree and Dollar General yuck broken glass hmm take a peek though whoa that's a lot of fungus I mean deliciousness look those mushrooms cucumbers strawberries all right we're to metal at a little rearranging I think it fit yeah did I just roll up on oh my goodness shut the truck off there's a clutch oh yes look at all that auto glass oh my goodness let's just do an assessment there's palates haha that's funny [Applause] that actually looks kind of cool whatever that palate was holding up Wow all right handlebars motorcycle handlebars this is crazy Paulie like did I just say where's the where's the medal at alright let's get to work frozen stuff that even gonna land in my truck pretty well wow that's a bicep workout yeah probably should know where this is gonna go before I start but something the trunk that bed is gonna have to get in can you stay without falling that a dumb idea it might be so kind of clutch equipment clutch parts is that a catalytic converter I think it is a positive I think it is yeah cuz there's a sensor right there I see a honeycomb on the inside maybe I can't see anything in there I don't not sure I don't wanta resting on my tailgate though handlebars that's empty running start over dude easter easter is coming up it's Santa Claus it is okay that floor jack looks amazing I bet it works just fine oh that thing's not moving at all no way yes should heavy for me to pick up especially with a clutch lighter now let me get that whole tub in there yeah they're not light okay now No that it starter maybe I can pick it up now oh are you going up there buddy still not light enough for you to pick up is that another clutch of some sort you want to get that floor jack first that thing is nice more starters this frozen to the ground runnin assembly your steering column or whatever yes then all tied up to those hoses hope it's not food never deal with that here a second Wow some beast [Applause] really [Applause] all parts there I'm sure I get this in the truck mine all right couple starters bucket clutch I don't know what this front end if it's attached although hoses it can't be I mean it's hydraulic can't be too long okay oops I wanted to do what how was this even happen at floor jack I have to resell that seems so awkward why are you in that bin okay it's a mountain [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] that was a nice stop okay so leaving everything else I know there's Santa Claus that's stool I think there's another stool over there but there's a bunch of plastic stuff to you that that palette Oh might have to come with me that is the coolest thing I'll hang some something up on it it's a pallet it's nicely done too I don't I don't think this is a real power I think this was a and made from for art which I'm totally cool with that bench is like please let me go with you take me with you [Music] this is awesome no idea what it is but it's awesome oh god yeah that's why I don't want it happen with my face no all right I think I'm on a rope some of this stuff down and take off all right so I got the standing in which is the long end a guy throw whatever end this thing's called make my low number six and then so this part camera one is called goes up through the hole around the tree down through the hole then I grab these two and I starts making this so that it's a little loose isn't it why is it let's tighten that up a little bit there we go all right I always has that fun little loop here so I just got done posting to my Instagram just a short little 30-second video of the scrap and you know I think I'm gonna stop my video for today for the simple fact that I'm not sure what to do with all of those starters are the starters electric motors is there a market for the core I know that you know some auto parts place like O'Reilly's or that they can be turned in but do you have to buy a starter to get a core so I'm not sure what to do with it so I am NOT going to take this stuff to the scrapyard I want to kind of go through it a little bit more off camera just kind of take my time and because there's some stuff in those buckets and I'm not sure what to do with them so if you know like do scrap yards pay more for the starters and alternators and things like that I really don't know I guess I could call and find out also there's that catalytic converter I'm not sure if it is a catalytic converter so I might stop by the scrap yard later to check that out I'm not really sure so that's the that's the thing I do learn as I'm going but I kind of forget half of what I learned I got to relearn stuff and then I only remember half of that so it just takes me longer to to in a lot of that a lot of stuff doesn't stay in my brain like you know I have my battery-powered sawzall and and drill and stuff like that so sometimes I'm scrapping and stuff yeah I could pull it out and I don't think of it you know I got all the tools in the world in my truck I mean I got I brought my tool bag so yeah sometimes I just don't think of it so what I'm out scrapping just and I think this goes with anybody when we're out doing our things there's just a thousand decisions to be made and how do how to go about it that's why we all prot scrap differently we all process differently some stuff you know like like on my Instagram post I did just now drastic G he's a absolute fantastic magnet fishing person you know that puts the neodymium magnet onto a rope and casts it out and find stuff in rivers and so he was up commenting on my Instagram post while I was having lunch in here and he said hey do you take apart all of those those motors and starters and alternators and get all the components out of I said well no I don't but a lot of people really enjoy it and they do I don't enjoy that stuff it actually hurts my hands to do that yeah there's wonders of getting older so I don't do that stuff and I don't think mentally I would enjoy either I don't so what a lot of people do so he was asking me those questions yeah so anyway thanks for hanging out thanks for watching um yeah I'm gonna pray right now lord thank you for just bringing us all together Lord because right now I know that you might be a different times you know I'm I'm here right now at this time but someone could be praying right along with me at a different time God but it's with you time I don't get it but you do God thank you for bringing us all together as as a group as a community as a family as friends this is amazing god it makes no sense how all of this this YouTube friendship how it's happening it'sit's overwhelming God it's overwhelming on my part I don't know how you keep it all together you do God thank you for the love hmm in the name of your son just want to praise you give me Thanksgiving amen [Music]
Channel: Scrap & Pallet Man
Views: 118,317
Rating: 4.8754945 out of 5
Keywords: Make Money, Garbage Picking, Dumpster Diving, Trash Picking, Trash Day, Garbage day, Found in the Trash, Treasure Hunting, Treasure Picking, Scrap Metal, Scrapping, Junk Man, Junker, Junk Collector, Dumpster Diving Hauls, Dumpster Finds, Found in Dumpster, trash man, Recycle Metal, Trash to Cash
Id: 5KEj8rFHtoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 19sec (2479 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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