Needles at the Ready: Episode 44 Shawls and Sweaters

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hi everyone hello everyone welcome to needles at the ready sorry i'm kevin i'm ray today is saturday august 21st it is just about noon here we are coming to you guys from stratfor connecticut where we live with our lovely dog tarquin and where we are expecting a fantastic fantastical storm tomorrow weather event so as you can see we are preparing incredibly well for that by podcasting her day with you right no we did do some preparing and we have a lot of preparing i mean minimal like if it was um we planned it out if it was an apocalyptic day tomorrow we would not be prepared no but um yeah true we we barely get by but we have some time so yeah so omri is coming um he'll be here with us i think it's such a weird name well it's like henry but it's i think it's like uh but it's not different pronunciation correct yeah so he'll be here tomorrow yeah and um although i thought i thought tropical storms and hurricanes have female names did they change that it they must have it yeah hurricane andrew remember hurricane andrew but it changes every year so next year we'll be all female names gotcha okay i am not a meteorologist neither am i no but we will be reporting on the news no on the weather no in my head and to each other so it's funny because the um we were just talking before we came up here the town that we live in is under a tropical storm warning yep and then the next town over is under a tropical a hurricane yeah so we'll see what happens yeah we're gonna batten down the forts we have we're gonna charge all we have like some extra like backup batteries and things like that for our devices so we'll charge all of that stuff we've secured the outside of the house and like furniture and things like that that we have outsourced correct cut the grass because of course you have got to cut the grass before a hurricane for sure i mean you don't want that blown away no it's a new england thing and so yeah we'll see what happens um we'll keep you posted yeah so let's i always forget how this goes do we do admin or the last two no i think we do like what have you been up to all right what have you been up to me personally us well let's see i don't know you go i don't we just talked about this like an hour ago not much i don't think no so let's see we podcasted on sunday last time it was remember it was the end of it was like right after our 40th my 40th like celebratory backyard barbecue thing right and the next day no no that was a sunday right so then that week that week i went back to work on wednesday i had a couple of days off just to tie up some loose ends you took that monday off which was nice yeah what did we do that monday nothing no i don't think i don't think we did anything probably not i think we just hung out yeah yeah and then both of us back to work then last weekend we did on saturday we did the we went and got our haircut we did and targeted and got hit we do say all of them when so when we tell talk when he's going to the groomer he has a reaction when i tell him or we tell him that he's going to get his hair cut i didn't put sugar in my coffee but i don't say hair i tell him that he's getting all of his hairs cut right and um so yeah so we got all of our hairs cuts on her head and then turquoise got his nails clipped at the rumors and then we did fiber hustle bingo we did do have fiber hustle bendu it was badingo badinga with my mom yes she came over here this time and it was like birthday theme so we had the birthday crown and hats and it was fun balloon behind us and necklace and the glow-in-the-dark glasses and bracelets those were cool so that was a really good time yep we celebrated kind of like everybody's birthday no matter when you had your birthday i won in your mom one i forgot i won you did win i won uh bag by chip it's not the basket that you guys are used to seeing on here it's an actual bag and it's a darth vader one that i've seen before and i'm so excited to get and then your mother won did she win yarn she won the golden girls crochet which i actually have so i'm curious yeah that's right so she won i got this as a i don't know if you all remember um for all of you oh geez i had gotten this for a christmas gift um this year or last year from my boss and um i still haven't done any of it so my mom's getting one as well she won you guys could do it together so we can do it together i think that'll be really fun but the cool thing about this is that it gives you enough supplies to make um sofia and like you can make her like you'll make her little purse and all that fun stuff but it's got patterns for all of the golden girls the couch there's like cheesecake you know because they love their uh midnight cheesecake samesies so this is sophia jesus isn't she cute so i'm i'm excited so i think me and my mom uh there's dorothy i think me and my mom will um will have a good time doing it i feel like dorothy's missing shoulder pads cheesecake i wouldn't eat that cheesecake though because it's got cherries on it yeah i don't like cheesecake with fruit on it i like cheesecake with fruit well that's a lie if it had very fresh fruit i would when it has that fruit that's like in a fake sauce i don't like that and a lot of that i think has to do with working in a restaurant and having their cheesecake and it has that like goopy gel on it okay to keep the oh yeah the fake the fruit fresher yeah i like fresh fresh fruits no yeah so anyway so my mom won this um and yeah i think it'll be a fun little thing for us and she together so chip and aaron if you guys don't watch fiber hustle you definitely should always do a really great job with their bingo it's a lot of fun everybody who shows up is fun it's a good time yeah they have like a uh waiting list and i think the next one that they're going to do is the halloween one probably yeah so check out their podcast let's make sure we don't inform you or incorrectly yeah which i do all the time uh what else so but people know not to trust me right i'm just kidding we did fiber hustle bingo i think that's about it oh we went to new haven for the shop he actually did that on saturday and fiber hustle bingo was sunday so we went to new haven um the day before because then we showed my mom our purchases remember are you sh 100 positive i thought no i think nope 100 positive you can check the receipt still in the bank i understand what went no i think bingo was the same day though i think it was that's that um yes it was please don't trust me what i say yeah don't believe him don't believe me anything ever yeah um yeah so we did we did new haven prior my name's not even ray no it's not no we did yeah knit new haven for i-91 shop hop we got to hang out there for a bit we got our haven hot chicken oh my gosh i forgot about that lovely because and that's why i remember is that we had all the food um but we were so full from haven hot chicken that we barely snacked on the stuff yeah so we make like a little day of it with uh when we do bingo especially now that my mom is like into it too so we'll do like picky foods and then we have like some cheese and crackers um i bought like mac and cheese to make that never happened no it didn't happen uh yeah so it was a really good it was it was really fun and then we worked all week and now we are here here we are so welcome welcome one and all to joker's fun house right wait joker's house of fun mayhem and prizes i think he says where's that from don't say i'd be oh god i'm sorry i'm a little right now yeah hey okay we're not having an earthquake as well guys that's just no him not named ray knocking the table i know what could my name be what who do i look like comment below i should change my name so i'd be really surprised if anybody got that statement where that reference yeah yeah if they do that'd be great yeah i don't know if i can drink this coffee that's okay okay so we have so that's pretty much it let's just jump right into the show shall we folks see the admin stuff let's do some android stuff i'm going to jump in with uh those things that we have we have coupon codes we got a new one guys we do we have a bunch so again like last time i'm just going to kind of fly through them guys they're right down below yes with a link to the shops and details of the percentage off and what the code is so a lot of these if you've been here before you're super familiar with so we have naughty knitting sacks this is for her etsy shop and is prickle pants 15 for 15 off your order then we have trilogy yarns at trilogy we have some yarn to show today the code is natr15 for 15 off anything excluding your clubs definitely check out her site too well okay naughty knitting saks always is having updates i think um i've seen a bunch of her like sewing things she just posted something so they're on facebook trilogy yarns is having up like getting rid of a bunch of basses so there's stuff on sale yeah head on over there then we have knit swag oh yeah product placement oh i didn't i just grabbed it out of the cabinet our cabinet we should probably take a picture of our test cabin there because it's all yeah i'm oh pretty soon we'll have a whole a whole cabinet full all right so knit swag has a website the code is kevin and ray for 15 off your order yes then we have ozone mama who is a newish dyer here in connecticut amber she has an etsy shop the code is strat s-t-r-a-t city 15 for 15 off your order then kitty did bags oh my god you've seen them the little bags that turn into bucket bags she's having her end of the summer sale so this code is good through the end of sept uh september 21st right so the code is end of summer 10 you get 10 off your order then i think this one's new too right is that new as a we did we last week was our last podcast was the first time so then you know we um love our art lila style back i'm getting much better at making hearts with my hands oh it's only taken 40 years i know right what an accomplishment thank you so lila styles we love her bags you have a coupon code available to you for 10 off your order and that is love natr10 and a new one is gosh this one's huge yeah so this code is good until september 10th so for a fortnight for a fortnight wait a fortnight is september 10th yeah it's like two weeks away we're at the end of um oh my god no that's more than maybe september 9th i don't know okay so a door um a door knits and that is needles at the ready and that gets you 30 percent off your order thirty three zero so i was just in their etsy shop and they have a bunch of halloween themed stuff and like fall stuff so definitely check them out mm-hmm 30 off your order we showed them on the podcast the last time oh i have them wait i well i went to their um instagram and then to their etsy so here is look at all the fun things i'm gonna see hold on i wanted to get to some of the halloween stuff so there's going to be an update very soon oh my god right here's some stitch markers snoopy you have the cauldron you have a um woodstock it looks like a broom and a witch's hat oh my gosh super affordable too guys look you have ghostbusters where um right there on the top oh my god so um yeah just tons of great stuff i mean currently has like six pages of stuff and there's some bags in here go check it out go check out please totes so thank you so much for all of you makers who have um created a coupon code for oh look they have star trek what star trek progress keepers wow you should go buy some i know i might um yeah and thank you everybody who um all right check out these sites uh when we show them for sure when we like we said before when we hear back from the the owners of these shops to hear the um support that you guys give them it's really amazing to hear so um thank you for that and then we have make alongs we do so we have two no that's a lie correct we have one right boy we have a lion but we have a giveaway we have a giveaway i have a winner winner chicken dinner so our make along is our let's hear it for the boys which has about ten days or nine days left whatever and the thirty first thirty first it ends that has been this may be the last podcast we do before we choose winners okay so th this has been running since june first it's just a podcast to celebrate men in the community a knit along i don't want to make alone not about makeup cause this is a podcast to celebrate knitting and friendship and fun so yeah so um we have a ravelry group for it we will not you know what i'm just gonna stop yeah how about i take over so you can there's three ways to win we're drawing three different winners one from our we have two threads in our ravelry group we have one is an fo thread and then we have one that's a chatter thread and then you can also enter via instagram and our hashtag is natrboyz21 there we go all right or is it 2021 the hashtags are down below and then lastly we had hit 10 000 subscribers we had opened up a 10 000 subscriber giveaway and we extended it by two weeks and we closed that thread and we have a winner and have a winner winner chicken dinner you are our winner bb ninja 21 this is lynn coming from sacramento california come on down that's exactly what i thought i was like oh my god this is right so lynn congratulations you have won so reach out to us on um either instagram or ravelry and we will get um the prize shipped out before we will and her post said we had asked the question what has been your favorite moment um of our podcast and uh lin says i'm new to your podcast but i love how you guys interact with each other one just picks up where the other leaves off so in tune with each other in your most recent episode i cracked up about the 15 inches of sock ribbing and just silently shaking your head we've gotten so many awesome comments it's been amazing um reading them and sharing memories with each other um a ton of you love the halloween episode when when ethel and carlotta came out carlotta yep and then um they also loved laura this is for you nine inch circular needles they love the nine inch circular needles i forgot about that oh and for karen i have nine inch circular needles for you too so people like that apparently and so that was really fun to read all of those yeah it was a good time all right so i think that's all the that stuff right i think so um i don't think so i think we're good yeah it was really it was really awesome um and so we yeah i don't know i don't know what else to say okay you guys have been amazeballs and we are very excited to see what the next 10 000 is gonna bring can you imagine oh my god wow we'll be like 80 by the time we get that but so what do you say we talk about some knitting what do you say i think that's great i have zero fos but i have three whips two of those which are new cast ons wonderful you've been a busy beaver i have one fo and three whips i think there you go all right i think i'm done all right all right um why don't you go central i will i would love to just carry the whole episode okay great not like i don't do that anyway i'm just kidding i'm only here for the comic book i retired no so i um i think i was pretty much i was close to being done last time i showed this i cast on um this is the sock head slouch hat by kelly panther aka panthro colorway we didn't look to see if we could find another one no we didn't but we totally should but we shouldn't we're spending so much money on yarn it says no one ever i um i knit this out of malabrigo macheta in colorway storm there you go i did it's a free pattern um on ravelry i show this a lot this is one of my favorite patterns it's just so um i don't want to say mindless because it is mindless but it's therapeutic for me it's like it's nice like knitting therapy just go round and round and run around you can watch tv and conversations you don't talk when you knit i can if i knit with somebody who wants to talk to me you don't ever want to talk to me when i knit i'm just kidding i actually did something a little bit different on this one i did mention this in the last podcast um i knit i knit the um these are the right ones i knit the hat on the 16 inch circular 3.25 millimeter us3 knitter's pride carbons i wasn't a huge fan of the join and a lot of you guys had um you know said something very similar the what i did though is because the pattern i believe calls for a three millimeter um because i went up a little bit i did not i just cast on the smaller size and i did the ribbing in the smaller numbers how many is that i don't know but i then increased to 144 stitches which is the medium size adult medium and then i just knit it the rest of the way on the 3.25 do you think it's too big going doing the 3.25 millimeter needles no highway stitches no no not at all because i wanted this one to be like super light and airy and slouchy so i think for this yarn it worked out really really well this is a single ply you guys probably not gonna be able to see that but this is a single ply um yarn and with the larger needles it creates a very very like drapey fabric i really enjoy it um and i think this is going to be really good for like a springtime you know early fall hat it's super slouchy um which i like i knit it to the pattern um i just i think it's cool do you know what i think that's so cool and slouchy when i see a slouchy hat what do i think of the seven dwarves i think so i think hats kind of remind me of seven dwarfs i don't i think it reminds me of like no i like them i um i love them it's just for me i find that they're too loose on my ear so i am like i wear mine because i have one socket slouch that i made yeah that one's a little bit on that one is a little bit on the loose it's loose for me you might have make a large on that one i did 144. um maybe did you change needle sizes probably not i probably i typically follow patterns um i usually do too so i don't know it it's just something about those that make me keep hitting the table that they're just like so uh thin that they don't sit they just can't i feel like it constantly like pulls back yeah i have i don't have that experience so this for me this is a perfect this is a perfect hat i do wear my sock head slouches in the winter time as well yeah like shoveling snow you wear yours all the time i do i wear it all the time you i mean you have six now i think we counted i think five or six yeah yeah maybe even seven i'm not sure but i'm gonna do another one too so i think that's pretty much all i have to say about this um i was going to ask yeah what type of cast on did you use oh thank you so much this one i used a german twister german twisted cast on good for you super easy and i actually did that for my socks as well and i'll show you that in a moment no i didn't do a german twisted cast on this one remember i started it no you wanted me to and then i i was so quick to cat don't listen to me i was so quick to cast these that's this on that i was on like you know the fourth or fifth row of ribbing and then kevin was like oh i thought you were gonna do a german twisted cast on i'm like oops i forgot so i did not do that on this one but it's still stretchy enough okay all right all right that is that that's my faux show that's our only fo in two weeks that feels well you know what honestly i feel like this past week maybe not the week before but the past week i've there's not been much like blocks of knitting time i feel like it's only been maybe like 25 minutes half an hour here tarquin's been very needy the past couple of nights remember well no because we're gonna go to work yeah we think it and he has very bad allergies this time of year and his medication isn't helping um so that's been that yeah all right well how about some whips i have three i have three as well would you like to go sure i'm gonna go with an oldie but goodie and this guy's just knitting knitting it's i wish it was knitting itself i know right this is living in my nutty knitting sacks the fantastic prickle pants bag even though there are no pants on here but that's where it came from that's where it came from yeah that's why that's the first bag i think that she sent us if you blink you missed it good thing you can go back here we are y'all it's back guess who's back back again ivan's back hello friend this is my ivan sweater let's pull this pattern up let's actually be professionals if you were oh there you go wow you were quick about pulling that up ivan sweater this is a brooklyn tweed pattern by berenick avery yep i am knitting this on the non-recommended needle sizes i did go down i'm using a us6 and i use the us5 for my ribbon and i have previously finished the back panel and the yarn i really love how that yarn looks that i'm using it this is the knit picks yeah it's a worsted weight cardigan so i'm using the knit picks simply wool twist simply the best this is the um wordsworth and wanda so it's the two colors i don't know if they do that anymore i believe they do they do yeah so this is a non-super wash yarn i'm enjoying the way that it looks you like the way that this is knitting up so if you remember i had struggled with what to do because my stitch count what or my row count wasn't matching what the pattern was asking yeah so i did my decreases here continued with the decrease and i got to right here um and i was supposed to knit a certain number of rows supposed to knit like 29 rows and i cut it back to 27 to meet the row gauge so i picked it up i was i actually think i was just about here when i picked it up so i've made a good chunk of it and what where i'm at now is i've done some decreases on this side here are my decreases it's really hard to see them i feel like you can see them from this back at the back side yeah if you look at oops the back you could see it actually really no yeah so here you can it's those are slip stitches it is busy but it's gonna look so cool when it's done so what i've going to do now is i have to start some increases for my armhole again and i've been matching this up against the back just to see if my row counts are pretty much the same and they are [Music] so i think i think i'm going to be okay i think it's going to be all right this is i did measure the back piece and i don't recall if i said this last time because it's been a while since i've knit on this yeah but my back piece is an inch and a half longer than recommended size so there's that as well yeah but these are as of right now they're actually the same length so everything's working and like i said i'm okay if it's a little bit longer than um it's supposed to be so these are on my um chow boo red lace and this is yeah so uh us6 four millimeter is what the i'm knitting the body on it recommended a seven so my gauge is obviously still not enough if my row count but it's so a lot of the people i've talked to have also said that it's very difficult to get your stitch count and your row oh yeah exactly the same and that your gauge is probably going to change as you knit you're adding more weight you're you're relaxing it's relaxing right you get into a good flow so maybe you loosen up a little bit yeah um so i'm okay i'll figure it out i would like to uh have this panel probably done this weekend and cast on the next one because the cast on is a the tubular tubular cast on which is tubular one by one two be either ribbed cast on yeah it's a tubular two by two cast on um i used a straight like six inch us4 needle to cast on because it's much easier for me to cast it on on straight needles than it is on um interchangeables yeah so yeah i again i really love the pattern my goal is to fingers crossed to have this done by rhinebeck fingers crossed that's going to still happen and this have this be my rhinebeck sweater love it but i think it's going to um i just think it's going to be a really great cardigan i'm going to try to show a picture and this is another picture of it cool beans yeah there's no buttons no pockets just a good oversized throw on over your current clothes and this is this is a nice fabric this is going to be a nice fabric to just throw on it's going to be warm yeah it's going to be warm and it was really really nice fabric when i washed and blocked it the swatch so i'm really pleased with the way that it's currently turning out and now i'm in the right mind frame to um continue on yeah because you loved it i like kind of broke my heart that you had put it in timeout for so long but well sometimes you know what yeah sometimes you need to do that sometimes you just need to throw your crap in a bag so you're going away it's kind of like send you know going away to boarding school i don't want to see you for a while but when you come back you better have some manners correct yeah all right nice i mean i can stay in the same genre because i also worked on my sweater get out of town yeah i mean you make me want to have a hot dog real bad i um i did a lot of work on this actually i'm really proud of myself i would say this is probably the pattern or the knit you focused on the most yeah i i definitely did i feel like i knit on this almost non-stop my last couple of days off especially and then you know um that week i wanted to get to a certain part this is the ranger uh by jared flood it's a textured cardigan uh we originally cast this on june 1st i believe july 1st no no june 1st june 1st if not even may 1st i think no yeah whenever um the happiness yeah i feel like it was longer than two months i feel like it went made for i really think it started may 1st alright well it doesn't matter it's okay i've been knitting on this for a very long time we both have we both have so when you last saw this sweater we i had this um just the body panel um knit like i had it's hard to show i had from here down to the bottom and then i have the two sleeves individually knit so i knit a ton i added my sleeves i'm wondering if you can just like help just hold it yeah i'm just holding this i'm just going to pull this yarn a little bit because it's tight okay okay here we go um so i added the sleeves attached the sleeves i'm gonna have to kitchener these apparently coming up next in the pattern at some point so um attach the sleeves this is the way this is hard to show this is the front panels here like this it's knit bottom up um the sleeves are knit separately everything else is knit in one piece and now that my sleeves are joined everything is still going to be knit in one piece just back and forth which should be very interesting um we have the yarn is trilogy yarns it's a one of a kind that it's a hundred percent uh no 100 non-superwash merino um worsted weight i'm using the recommended needles for the pattern i did get gauge i haven't checked my gauge since um but this is a us85 millimeter and then i believe you go to a us6 for like the ribbing and um different things so i'm at the point now which is why i stopped knitting on it because i didn't want to be i didn't know like there's been a lot of techniques that i have i had to learn like we did a lot of i did a lot of short rows which i've done short rows in the past but these are a little bit different how you're picking them up um the decreases were in a a weird spot the um the pattern itself like trying to to maintain the pattern during all of like the decreases and things um i think it's cool and it's also like there's a lot of pooling and like separation but i think where i added the new you know the new yarn it kind of looks like it it just looks like it's um in like the perfect spot once it's gonna be all done you know and it it's going to look what i've really actually enjoyed because it's going to look different far away mm-hmm so is i love so let's try to open it watch all the way so we can kind of like see the whole like there's your front my front panel the sleeve this is the back the other sleeve and then the front so that's how the pooling is going to go it's kind of like it's like very camo right or relish relish so um i added an extra cord just so that i can show it in the podcast it's like the first time that i've opened it up fully um i'll probably try it on i want it to get a little bit more knit so that i can try it on and this is where we're gonna see how it goes all right good job thanks but this is going to be my sleeve is good though it feels good feels good i feel like a woman do you no all right so that's that any questions no no thank you that comments concerns nope so oh i'm at the point i don't think i talked about it i'm at the point where i am decreasing and um doing my yoke decreases which is going to be great and then after that i will bind off and then i will pick up stitches to knit the like shawl like the you know the shawl collar straw collar and then the ends and then there's some collar shaping and different things like that so that's that it was a lot so i didn't want to be like stuck in the middle of a row you know that's a lot of knitting like you don't think about it really oh it's just a shawl collar but no that's like a significant amount of knitting that's involved with that all right so just drooled everywhere good job thanks up next this is a new cast on and this is living this lovely bag it's beautiful that was um i think gifted to me for my birthday this is the bag is all by longview creations so that will be linked below this is a new oh my gosh i haven't seen this yarn in the daytime and i was looking for a another like one skein shawl to knit and i initially thought if you remember last week last week last episode i had that fingering weight yarn that i got from lane and lotus and i thought i wanted that to be by itself so i mentioned knitting the lightweight hipster which is a shawl by hohilo catelli this shawl is a one skein shawl um it is knit on us sevens which is a 4.5 millimeter which i'm using and i looked at it again and then i spoke with um aaron from fiber hustle because he admit that and i just wanted to get his take on it and i decided that it wasn't something i probably wear for myself so i didn't want to use lane and lotus so i came up to the pantry i picked out some yarn because i figure i'll just gift this to somebody so i am using the um downton abbey march 2021 um upstairs and downstairs club so the main color that i'm using is called trophy rose and here is my progress so far so it is a really fun just garter stitch shawl and it has these fun little crisscrosses that you create this section here is a really quick pattern repeat so you fly through that pretty quickly it looks super complicated um i actually just ripped out to here on thursday night so yesterday i've knit this oh yeah so it's not that bad garter stitch super easy it has a really quick gorgeous um here it is the key guys it's a mess because i took it out don't judge it actually matches my shirt yeah it's pretty um you can use it put that on a like a pin just pin it to your shirt and walk around for the day yeah so this is a really nice pink color very tonal it has some yellows greens yeah so what i plan on doing i have to finish the garter section do another repeat of this and then one more garter section for my final garter section of this i'm going to throw this in this is the mini that came with this yarn what a beautiful color combination this one is called flower show so it's just gonna pick up the green yeah the little green bits that are in this it's a really fun knit if you do knit this i know that people have said when they knit this their count is off a lot you just really really have to read the pattern i overlooked i didn't i never know what we can say you know oh if it's a paid for pattern yeah well you can talk about one stitch okay so let's talk about the stitch i read it as an ssk it's an ssk so you have to slip slip slip knit but other times you're just doing an ssk so you really just have to pay attention read it and follow it because when i did the i missed the whole ssk and my count was off yeah i went back took it out did it correctly and my count was correct so but being that being said i think i made extra stitches somewhere because i had two extra and that's why i took it out and i couldn't figure it out i was taking out like four rows at a time to see i didn't enjoy them together no and the reason i didn't i know when you get to this section actually i was showing you guys the back so this is the front when you get down to this section this is like a in between your these two rows there's some lacing lace detail here so a lot of yarn over work oh yeah that if your count's wrong yeah the placement of this is going to be incorrect so that's why i didn't want to just do my decreases and call it a day but that's going to be really quick yeah yeah i think this is another um i think you chose a great what a great springtime shawl right with the colors right the easter shawl or something like that we have all this yarn and this is something um you know i think that as knitters that we run into is that we love yarn yeah so we buy it and we buy one skein right so it's really hard to do stuff with one skein sometimes right i think that's why shawls are really great because a lot of shawls use multiple colors or if you can find a way to use multiple colors but if you can find that one skein um one to kind of just knit up and use one that's great so i think this will be a good one yeah and i think i'll do that is maybe always have a one skein probably shawl i love um schlankus though and that's why i decided that i wouldn't wear this and i didn't want to use the lane and lotus because i really like a bigger shawl mm-hmm this i wouldn't wear this during the summer time so yeah i just think it would be a good little uh gift naps agreed and um if you're looking for some more ideas for like a one skein project caleb over at drowning in yarn has a um like one skein wonders video which is really cool i think i don't know if he talks about the hipster but there were two um one scheme shawls that he talks about um which um yeah which look really cool yeah and speaking of him we just watched his fiber chats with ireland yeah that was fun so check that out too that was that was such a good one that was um so much of the what he said in there just resonated yeah i agree um yeah totally so that is my second whip wonderful wonderful i have um i'll show one more i have two more i'll show you both but this is living in my favorite bag uh my lyla styles bag oh it's so good do you think that that's your favorite bag or do you think every new bag is your favorite bag well i think it's going to be very hard i i actually highly i totally agree this bag i agree with that this is like my nostalgia childhood brings me peace it's a freaking amazing bag um so this these are the dk socks that i showed you last time um i didn't i knit the one i showed this finished sock what yarn is that this is lane and lotus i'll show you oh yeah oh i i yeah so i had every intention of um finishing the second sock oh yeah i forgot about this so i started well here let me tell you a little bit about what i'm doing here okay so oh i didn't bring the the baggie up but that's okay i am using here's what i have i'll show you on the uh the magic loop magic loop magic loop some people want it to be a thing i i don't know that that's a thing i don't think it's a thing either but it's fun to say magic loop this is uh lane and lotus it is gravel road by lane and lotus can you guys see that it's probably a little washed out um we have that link down below we got this over at uh you and you fiber you and you you and you yeah yeah when we did our shop that's what i'm talking about yes and i'm holding um nitpick stroll in rainstorm heather double for my heels toes and cuffs here and here and here i knit these on 10 inch circulars the knitter's pride dreams y'all during bingo look what happened oh that's a picture i don't know if you guys can see this look my needle broke oh my goodness i was like what the hell do i do look what happened so the needle completely came off the cord like and it was like frayed on the inside so i got these from webs i contacted webs just to let them know via email because it was like a saturday or sunday whenever we did the five hustle bingo i got a response right away there's a lifetime warranty on any of their knitter's pride um things so they sent me a replacement like no questions asked just wanted to know what my address was um and so i got they just came yesterday so the whole process it probably took about five days or so oh yeah you emailed them on saturday they had already closed so you heard back on monday and you get that on friday yeah so really quick turn around so i'm gonna put the socks back on this um and try again i'm i'm a little hesitant because i'm so afraid it's gonna happen again if it does these will not be the needles for me but i totally enjoyed knitting um on the 10 inch circulars i thought it was it was very smooth um i had more of the needle to hold on to nine inch circulars don't bother me so much obviously like with the small needles i feel still feel like it can go um pretty fast but the 10 inches i feel like i go even faster for me with the knight in circulars i feel like it's really hard until you get a good like inch of your ribbing done because then you have more of your hold on too sure um so it's a little finicky until that point yeah so i tried to fix it but i had dropped a stitch and i thought i fixed it but i have a funky stitch here where it was dropped like where i broke my my needles i think it's just i think it's just a looser stitch um so i might be able to like tighten that up there because like it's not frayed or anything like that it doesn't look like a drop stitch just looks like a bigger stitch so i'm gonna fix that you know after but you may absolutely totes thank goats you're welcome um but what else can i tell you so no it's just a larger stitch i think it's just a larger stitch too so i can tighten that up i'm sure so um i am you the pattern i'm using is by um kaylin this is the dk weight vanilla socks it's a free pattern on ravelry it was her way of saying thank you for all of the support and you know a lot of people are jumping on the dk sock train which choo choo i am all aboard for that um so i can't wait to get these done so that i can do some more dk socks because i thought it was really really fun yeah opening sorry go ahead no go ahead i'm just gonna say i'm hoping that those 10 inch circulars work out for me but look what i have this in and somebody asked what i didn't what i didn't say yeah i'm actually surprised you didn't say that because that's not very it's not offensive i was gonna say ball sack [Laughter] but that's what it is well it's a yarn condom ball sack yarn koozie yarn koozie i think that's the proper term but that's where i caught myself anywho um i love this so i want to get these done so i can put another project in this bag and i'm going to use this bag all the time okay i would like to have a project in this bag at all times so i think that's pretty much what oh i did um sorry so i did the 48 stitches on a us-3 no yes no oh yes us3 3.25 millimeter needle that's the same needle size is my sock head slouch would you look at that huh huh who would have thunk what a thunk boy it's like a knitter's pride fiesta over here i mean knitter's pride are great needles they are great needles these are they're affordable yeah i think actually i wonder how much these were it doesn't say i think they're like ten dollars no i think they're cheap maybe cheaper than that because i know i feel like when i was needle shopping for my first set of interchangeables yeah the knitter's pride dreams are they're the set that i bought they're they were the cheapest ones they were definitely under under a hundred maybe more around like 70 to 80 if i'm not mistaken where you're looking at addies and addies are well over a hundred so are higher highest and children's or struggles were like yeah you can get a good deal on chiaogoo sometimes yeah um but i think i think knitter's pride is a really good starter set because wood's a good one i think to start with because if you're a tight knitter or you're a loose knitter it's i think it just helps you i think wood's a good starting type of needle these were wood and i was surprised because i've always used metal um because i used the chao gu nine inch circulars and i thought these would be an issue like getting stuck and like snagging it and stuff but it wasn't it felt pretty smooth but i'm i'm hoping that it's not my technique that's causing the needle to break no like if i'm too rough on it or something so interest interestingly speaking of needles and materials that they're made of so we had mentioned last time that we've been watching the andrea mowry i'll knit if i want to in one of the episodes and i don't know if you saw it or if i watched it like when you went to bed she had talked about gauge and how the type of needle that you use could affect your gauge so if you're finding that you're really like i don't know loose it was like try a wood needle or if you're really tight go to a metal needle because the metal needle is going to allow you to just slide off so sometimes it could just be as simple as changing the material the type of material your needle's made of switching that and your gauge could kind of fix itself yeah all right my last whip this is living oh i love these bags this um yarn creative bag we showed this last week these are gore with the pockets we do have one as a prize so we've got to find a cool giveaway like boom i know drawstring you could fit a small dog in here actually well wait till you see what we have coming up this is a small dog no we have a gigantic santa sack of gifts so this is another new cast on so let's just show the pattern first this is another stephen west shawl who stephen west if you haven't heard from him no um this is the pierre shaw it is a dk weight shawl cool it is using four colors um i'm going to try to well there we go hold on those colors are very similar so it's nice yes so in this picture um when he knit it it's very much a fade yeah really pretty yeah i'm gonna see um oh that's beautiful i wanna it's like it is a fade how he knit it yeah so i did not do that i kind of did but didn't two of my colors are very similar so this is part acquisition as well so if you guys know during our i-91 shop hop pretty much i got obsessed with madeline tosh and i bought a bunch of it but i wow look at the twist on that it's called madeline tosh farm twist whoa it looks farmy i was just missing one of the colors that i kind of wanted for this i didn't feel like i had them and i don't think i have any more up there no so i bought one skein while we were at new haven last weekend to kind of complete the collection to make it and i posted a picture of this on i think my instagram account and here are my colors so we have these two this oh hi and i thought it was going to be more fitty like but this one's very deceiving here's going to be color number three and then this is going to be number four the darker color so i feel like it's going to have it's going to do what i wanted but not as much as i thought it was so i am currently on section four of 10. this is knit on a us-85 millimeter i'm using my knitter's pride mindful collection that rey bought for me for my birthday and here is happy birthday to you where i am so far i think this is cool so this is section yes i love this border is freaking fantastic this was a bizatch to um do though like it's super cool this was very difficult to get done um but i'm love the way that it's turned is this a reverse or uh um no so here i'm gonna show the border i'm gonna move this up just so you guys could see so this is section one here section two is here then we have section three which you can't really see you can kind of see here yeah you can sort of see but um and i'm on section four which is where i've added this color i'm only like four or five rows in so you can see it's a little bit different it's definitely different there's a little bit um more variegation yeah more variegation there's more gray in this too there's some gray some different colors so i'm hoping that you'll see it a little bit that's going to be neat but that'll look like a fade almost it's going to go these two colors are combined yep for this section section four and five i think and then i want to say you drop it and use this for a bit so we'll see we will see so let's talk about the yarn it is um the madeline tosh farm twist i have it in colorways i will know them when i see them um so this is red fox beautiful this one is modern fair isle yes modern fair isle this one is rye bourbon and then this one is coffee grounds yes so these two i love together yes yeah i do and that's why i picked this one um because it has that little hint so this will be all these would be your colors together right in this way yeah totally which i totally see it i think it works i just don't think this one here has as much of that orange and kind of gold in it that i thought it was going to might i mean there's some darker pieces there so we'll see i'm still going to love it i love the fabric that this is making this yarn this yarn is good it's a pleasure to knit with yeah i love everything about this yarn i really really love this color so what i'm going to do is each of these skeins are 225 yards and i believe it runs about 187 yards of each color oh great you'll have enough i'm going to do a hat out of these yeah i'm going to do a lyell cap beautiful a striped cap with these colors when i'm done just so i could use it up and i'm excited because that means i've used with the three two new shawls that's five skeins of yarn out of the pantry that's amazing so that's really nice and that's kind of what i want to do is get just have some projects on the needles even if it takes me 5000 years to do this but i really love this it's a really easy pattern so far do you find it difficult to be knitting on two different shawls at one time no so the hoagie shawl i do find that i need to look at the pattern quite often um during well no that's a lie too so in the garter section i don't right but when i get to the lace section and i just worked that at one time are you using a chart for the lace section no there is a chart in written instructions i use the written instructions for it it's just easier for me to follow yeah um [Music] so that one i would always knit two rows at a time so if i had to step away i would make sure i finished the wrong side pitter patter of little feetsies hey bucks what's up hi handsome i know you're kind of like right on time you are but yeah this is really really good um and i did see that stephen west will start talking about the mcal yeah are you going september 1st is when information will start coming out about the mcal and i will totally do it what's he into right now that he might incorporate into that you know what he's actually a lot of stuff lately he's been and brioche bubbles and brioche he lives to be doing those but he's done bubbles before i don't know but then he just put out that sweater that bubble yeah he a lot of bubbles but i feel like he wouldn't i don't think he's gonna do bubbles because everything's been bubbles lately what happens is he releases that pattern and then like last year i thought like a bunch of nuts well first extravaganza like like that that middle set that you know section with the bricks the color block yes things that he turned into a bunch of different things right so i think it'll be something similar to that so i think we're gonna i don't think it's gonna be bubbles and i it makes me nervous be surprised that there's brioche but his shawl that just came out like yesterday is easy brioche so maybe or beginner brio if there's i may try it if there's beginner brioche but if you need to be a brioche barista then i'm not going to be able to do it and that's all my knitting okay i have one more whip tarquin's sleeping right next to it so i may wake him up let me see if i can be quiet he didn't even look up okay this um this has been hanging out for a little while as well but the good news is you all can be knitting this too this is maxim sears opus um beauty oh that's the chart sorry guys i'm gonna get fired this is um the color the pictures are much better um like the the colors that you can you can really see the colors um on his pictures on instagram and on ravelry this pattern is linked down below um i believe oh yeah he's having a uh knit along right now for this and um you can go ahead and join in the fun on i believe it's instagram and ravelry yes but i i made some progress not as much as i wanted to obviously i wanted to get this done but i've i've like knit i knit a lot on my sweater and i just was i my attention span is just not where it should be but it doesn't matter because should who cares it's my knitting right so this is where i was last time i did about four inches or so um here i have uh one of these sections left to go plus another half of a section oh so so i will be almost done and then i'll do a um i'll do a i-cord bind off in like different colors which would be interesting oh that's so you'll see how it goes but this is the opus shawl um it's it's really a beautiful um beautiful shawl and i know you guys are probably tired of seeing it but i love it it's very graphic um it's very fun that the alternating the alternating um rows and then the columns stay the same but you they're broken up by this beautiful little pop of an accent color i'm using wolcott yarns in their opus base which is where the name came from because this is what the yarn that max actually used it's the first time i think i'm using recommended like yarn with the project which is kind of cool um this is 70 falkland merino and 30 baby alpaca uh it also says 100 awesome um there are the deets the green which i'm almost ready for my second i'm surprised you're not in your me too i swear max said he used almost two full scans i don't know am i doing something wrong maybe i hope not i might be who knows probably am but that is ivy that green that runs all the way through you will need two skeins of that color whatever you decide to do um for those vertical stripes you this is uh gray i'll wait for you to be done do you have one more yawn on you are you good i don't know okay go ahead we have gray here and this darker gray is castle rock and then this accent color here is plum it might be kind of hard to see um but you can see it's a nice deep plum color so that's that i think it's gonna be really awesome it's super squishy it is very squishy it's gonna be very warm it's gonna be so warm um i think it's gonna look really really cool i would love a cardigan out of this like this pattern so if you want to knit me one i'm sorry what yeah oh okay that would be great or max i could want to design a cardigan with this pattern i could barely finish my own cardigan you want me to knit you on yeah so another cool thing about this is that as you're um as you're slipping the stitches and and creating that like i-cord border uh along the sides it's alternating yeah colors isn't that neat would you do a full cardigan in this pattern or just the front panel oh i personally wouldn't knit it like this but um if somebody wants to knit it for me that would be fantastic but imagine like the back just being one color and then the front pant like the front panel is that pattern that would be neat yeah yeah talk to max convince him to knit me one so that's the um that's the opa shawl it's been really fun and um i was lucky enough to test knit that but of course i fail as a test knitter so that was my very first test knit um max said testings are supposed to be fun so it was fun um i did put some pressure on myself towards the end but i don't think i needed to so it'll be done when it's done but i am almost done with it i'm pretty close right oh my gosh your face looks you look very weird right now what he's his ears look um they're like oh yeah half up hi bud you look like an alien he does not look like an alien he kind of looks like an alien he's cute all right let's um so that's it for the knitting now let's talk about some [Music] post okay and some acquisitions or pants yes pantry restock and yarn piggery all right no there actually hasn't been what do i have over here i don't know we filled up a freaking bag over at new haven i'm relaxed i'm just stating the the truth oops all right so let's do some i will pose i'll post all right i'm not gonna take this out of the package i'm going to show this one first because i want to give a little shout out okay guys well i'll go first so kevin showed this last time i got a package from amanda over at amanda nets with uh the um bobby's rust bucket month one subscription for the uh what you call it which macaulay did i not bring that up did you bring that thing up what the big i did okay good why do you need something nope oh so yeah what is it called supernatural supernatural her supernatural club so she sent me one too so amanda thank you so much so nice such a good and such a good color i know i mean i feel like i can use this in so many different things it's beautiful she is a very very talented dyer she's very meticulous and i love that she also talks about her process yes yes that's very cool yeah and her clubs when when you join them she includes so many extras i don't even know how she keeps the price the way that it is because like there's stickers and pins a story printed beautiful things um she's very very talented so amanda thank you so much if you're watching really appreciate it all right i'll go next sure all right so this is from a viewer who sent us thought it would be fun to include this in some let's hear it for the boys yeah prizes so this um both of these are male dyers the first one's willy nilly knits and he has a service too where he'll cake it up so it was caked up this is called thunderstorm it's 100 superwash merino worsted 218 yards it's pretty yeah it's fun color totally i feel like it's a thunderstorm with a unicorn flying through it yeah and then like a rainbow riding the back end well that's why i'm thinking a unicorn yeah and then this is um [Music] knitting wolf yep this is called pewter wolf and it is um hundred percent seventeen micron superwash marina 210 yards so this is a very beautiful um tonal gray really really pretty and it has this little light bulb stitch marker and a little wolf on it which is cute very cute both of those shops will be linked down below yep one of them shoot i can't remember which one when i was looking at them this morning um to make sure that they had like websites and stuff one of them does like body um like lotions and like body butter and stuff yeah cool all right you up next well when we were at knit new haven i only have this as a it wasn't sent to us as owl post it was hand delivered correct to us so it's like errol came and handed us who some yarn oh yeah when we were over at um knit new haven we have talked about her before because i can't seem to not buy her yarn um this is laura over at the knitting word um here and we'll have her link down below as well she's working on her shop um but right now she's got like a blog style and a place for her to start putting her yarns but she's exclusively selling her yarns right now through knit new haven she was so kind and we walked in and she says oh my gosh i've been meaning to give this to you guys i want to donate four skeins of yarn two for you and two for the podcast and i thought that was so awesome this is on one of her new bases this is her aaron weight yarn it's her um no shoot we asked her uh so this is a three ply air and weight 80 superwash merino 10 cashmere 10 nylon i love this it's gonna be very difficult we got to choose four colors and we did but i don't know which ones to keep and which ones to give away because i do want to knit with them um it's 181 yards sorry i should have totally um said this so this colorway is called awful this one is called y these are good together that's why those two were picked and then this one is called uh traditional values values and that's called o delay o delay no yeah have fun so we're going to be using two of those for a giveaway we'll be keeping two so we can knit with them and then um and she also has she has a new sparkle base um so she's definitely one to look up yeah keep it up oh excuse me i don't know what happened there i had like the half hiccups um yeah follow her on instagram keep an eye when she's when she posts her things you can always um i don't know if nick new haven ships i don't think so let's not speak of things that we do no but you can definitely reach out to linda or laura over at new haven and ask or if you're interested and you can kind of i'm sure they can work something out truth yeah all right so that was amazing so thank you so much that was really made so next day was exciting i actually have to reach out to him i forgot to send him a message you did yeah that's rude i know jeez don't know what's wrong with you me listen i can't do everything around here look so after a previous episode we got a nice little package in the mail from elijah a little well you know beautiful from fancy boy designs guys i know you got your yoga slob got a yoga sloth look at him he's so sticky cute oh my gosh all right not only that says this is my good side isn't that cute and then we have one for giveaway pearl garter slip stitch isn't it amazing he is so talented i love his bag me too this is and i love how he like you know who has a good bag out right now laura i knit for breakfast she does i know i'm gonna look at it go ahead please continue here talk okay so um this is fancy boy designs he's linked down below um we showed his um his bag one of his bags is going the sloth bag another one of these guys is going to be included in our let's hear it for the best giveaway along with um two skeins of yarn um so definitely check him out he's so kind and so generous um thank you so much all the makers really were yeah so and so maybe we'll um we've got a couple of bags now that have been donated to the podcast it would be really cool to do like a another nice like big giveaway we'll have to figure something out well we'll do some no we'll save them for our upcoming okay knit alongs that we're going to do and then yeah stay tuned for uh we might do something like off the cusp oh are we yeah who knows i see we don't speak to each other he's probably just going to mention i just i just it just came to my dome today all right just right now so um speaking of laura knit for brains oh my god i didn't see this one right is that is she sold out she probably sold out hocus pocus it's super cute is she on the vacuum oh is she i don't know i'm asking i'm trying to see yes she's on a vacuum shut up yeah yep okay so moving on is this our last owl post here yes all right all right so this again y'all so i i ordered another bag from lila styles well that's not true if you all remember this bag i had ordered and then our wonderful friend um sent it to me for my birthday or had lyla styles send me this bag and so we were talking and she had an update 90s update and i um i asked for her not to refund me my money just send me you know keep it send me another bag or you know whatever and look what look what we chose and we just saw a picture of like the fabrics right but i i can't even put it into words boom what's fluffy and it has everybody on there everybody is like go ahead it's i didn't take it out of it no faith oh wait there's only one person missing who kendra joyce ah rit willow only in for a season though unfortunately we have buffy like season one-ish buffy i think actually i think this is the picture when she fought the maybe master spike she might be fighting the master because she's wearing the no her hair was different yeah her hair was up in a ponytail and curly yeah cordelia giles oh no it's missing like no it this is fantastic but fantastic is an understatement um oh and then i know you're gonna open it you can't have that that's all mine i'm i'm just kidding we can share look at you so she also sells these little like notions cases and like some notions on her shop as well and so she sent dobby with a um tape measure like your little tape measure holder and then dobby with the little and look at this story i've always wanted stork scissors so you probably don't know this when you sent it but when i learned to crochet i watched um coco coco knits no no um dahlia no bella coco on youtube she taught me me personally she taught me how to crochet and she always had these really fun like stork looking scissors and i always wanted a pair and i was like oh i can't buy those so i feel like this is like full circle this is so amazing look so thank you so much the pool what his vampire teeth no way yep let's hold it um show it oh yeah super cute super cute and then it came with the thing the pole the uh wrist wrist wristlet wristlet um and some teeth you might just wear a wristlet by itself why can't we oh asian pear harmony which we've had before yeah and a little cute sticker yeah that's adorbs this could just be a bracelet another bracelet no but you could put it on your keys does it remind you of the show remember the jingle what show you're right we'll talk about that in a minute all right um all right and then so along with the bag she sent us a little gift these are not available in her shop so maybe we shouldn't show them well let's show them she typically has similar looks she will have something similar oh we do have one more um owl post that yeah yeah that i asked if you brought it up guys her daughter adorable thought of us and said she wanted us to have these bags so that we can because we take the dog for a walk a lot of times together and i'm on leash duty and tar and kevin's on poop duty so he's got the poop bags so we can like walk and knit while we're walking the dog she thought is that not cute yeah and they came with i know i can't i feel like we're going off we're probably not even talking to anybody anymore coherently we're just showing things it's like christmas morning well no you were speaking and i thought that i was but i was just kind of mumbling that i could continue to no you were talking about um the thing so my bag is like a leather i don't think it's real leather it can't be but it feels like real leather so maybe it is it's beautiful it's embroidered um kevin's has like this velvety yeah mine's like a velvety velour velour it's beautiful wonderful stuff like thank you and the embroidery on this is so amazing like look at this line now so so good check out lila styles there she's linked down below um her shop the update i'm not sure exactly when it's happening but we have the coupon code so please use the coupon code and stalk her shop amazing things it's been great too because a lot of you bought um that one this bag the he-man bag i call it the he-man bag but the 80s bag um and some other fun things have been tagging us in it and it's been really cool to see what else did we see though i saw the um the fancy boy designs i saw the yoga bag oh yeah i saw another bag just recently i love being tagged and things like that i don't think it's so cute it's actually really i like it's it's one of the i love it but one of the downfalls of us is sharing an account is that if we look at it at different times yeah one of us misses it um but no i love seeing it do you have the the tmt bag or do i leave it downstairs you must have left it downstairs we got it okay um we have one more um one more owl post to show and this comes from a really good friend of ours so we'll um i'll wait for kevin to um go ahead and show that meanwhile i can probably clean up just a little bit but um i'll show you one of my i'll show you one of my um acquisitions here i'm one of my break in the bank pantry restock so i talked about this last time um i trilogy yarns we love nancy is one of our favorite people in the world i was going to talk about this but do you want to talk we could probably talk about that first yeah all right so this bag came in yesterday my friend todd michael's home in a bag it's a what did you call it you said it was the same sack so our friend todd michael thomas has recently started showing over the last several months and he's showing that holy cow and he doesn't have an etsy shop right now it's just word of mouth but look at this huge bag with two huge front pockets and like guys i love the colors this is so um perfect autumnal totally right the it's like a canvas but yeah like beautiful is it canvas or lin maybe canvas or linen oh i don't know and then the inside this beautiful fall fabric such a good job nice big rope drawstring so it doesn't look like i feel like if santa claus came out in the fall he would take this bag with him his showing is so todd honest to god and he just started right he just started over the last several months you totally would not know no look how straight everything is here's a the bottom of the bag yeah it's a really great size really will fit every project that you need this could actually oh my gosh we can bring that we can bring that to rhinebeck and put all of our projects like if we're going to be knitting are you going to knit that right back do you know do people knit at rhinebeck i'm sure you knit at rhyme back while you're walking around do you know maybe i'll bring this bag and walk around and knit on your 10 inch or 9 inch circular needles good for you i don't do that i wouldn't do that i don't think i wouldn't knit and walk i don't think no no i feel like i'm just gonna be like anyway it doesn't matter okay like but beautiful bag so thank you todd michael thomas yes amazing he can't be todd he's always taught michael thomas i know he's a full name person yes i think it's not a one because he's a presence right so he's a he's a he's a presence yeah totally so um like kevin said he's not um on etsy so just hit him up on instagram if you want to back yeah why is his instagram on because i thought it was different it is different i will we'll find and we'll put it below okay and that was it for owl post that's it for owl post um so we'll go back to uh pantry restock i was just talking about nancy over at trilogy yarns this um if y'all remember i was part of her happy hour club she has three clubs going on um there's the happy hour club there's the princess bride she's four clubs oh yeah she's four now yeah wow she's a busy how does she do it so princess brides sock club happy hour club um discovery of witches and that book pride and pride pride and prejudice i was part of her um happy hour club and i wanted i saw a lot of her um princess brides sock club like colorways and people knitting with them and i do love i'm a sucker for a mini with a um a socket yeah a socket thank you am i going too slow i feel like you're rushing me are you hungry no actually no okay so look what i got wait did everybody get theirs shoot probably hopefully yeah that okay this came a little bit last weekend yeah okay great so this is trilogy yarn um sock set it is in her eighty percent superwash merino twenty percent nylon it is 400 yards in the full skein 100 yards 20 grams in the mini and the colorway name is when i was your age television was called books and that is a quote by the grandpa which i just watched that movie yesterday but how how awesome are these colors yeah it's a good color isn't that good yeah i really love that me too that papa pop there yeah orange yes yeah like a orangey salmon color yeah yeah that's what i see too so anyway um if you're into it jump into her one of her clubs she's got a little something for everybody so that was that was one of mine all right so one of mine was when we were at new haven last week the rest is what i got from the new haven this was they had a bunch of like they had a great selection of stuff up and they have this kit this is a great selection of stuff up right um this is for the mosaic cal i don't know who it's there by weaver knits yeah it doesn't have like i think it's like kim weaver or whatever it's linked down below so mosaical and this kit i'm not sure what her first name is was up there this yarn is by primrose yarnco primrose evadine and this is the homestead worsted as well as the rhone dk the dk is a three ply it's 230 yards and it's 60 american superwash merino 40 domestic non-superwash merino and it's um locally milled locally mill spun hand-dyed in york pennsylvania so the homestead worsted is a three-ply and it's 150 yards so ann weaver and weaver yeah so in the rhone i purchased this is cool how this comes i don't um oh the colorway is called true calm and then in the home set it's called burnout so here's the two colors this would make the small cowl i wanted to do the large one so i got a second one of each as one does as one does so you can see that these are actually no they're pretty good they're really good these really remind me of the way that spin cycle spin cycle looks yeah um with the different colors and yeah so yeah it's going to be um a nice gel little pattern so i got that i've never knit with this yarn so i'm excited to knit with it and see it feels weird it looks like rustic but yeah totally rustic no but soft no it's very i mean it's it's incredibly well yeah it is it um it feels strong this is a feels like it's gonna be a very squishy yarn the uh which we'll call it the homestead worsted yeah i love this color me too so and actually these are just slightly different in color too it's interesting i mean obviously hand dyed but these you could just see right there on screen they're just slightly they're a little different so i'll probably also i feel like this one is a little bit darker so i'll put the darker yellow with the lighter green oh that's fine vice versa okay so that's with that cool let's color work too so it shouldn't be that bad all right yeah yeah so it's gonna be cool yeah um and then on a [Music] i was very excited to get this because if you all remember which i just had them they're over there i can't reach them but um i have i think during our shop hop i had gotten the earth yarns to make some socks it was um earth unique fingering and then all of you had a lot of you had said um because there was no nylon or anything and it was just 100 superwash merino a lot of you said that they make an actual unique sock and they come in 50 grand minis well our new haven happens to carry them so i got i got some so this is the unique sock by earth yarn it's self striping this is a matching kit this is what this is color number 56 which is absolutely one of my favorite colors i love 50 yeah but how fun it's like a rainbow right that looks like such a that's a knee-high sock yeah right yeah i mean maybe that person has a small foot you know what why why can't i just knit well i'm gonna so here's what i'm gonna do so i'm gonna do toe up yeah so i'm gonna do toe up because i wanna use the most of the yarn so i'll do um i'll do jenny's magic cast on or something there's another one that i wanted to do somebody somebody was talking about i can't remember what it was was it michael somebody was talking about a um toe up casting on a toe up sock using a different technique that i hadn't seen before on one of the podcasts that we watched anyway so i'm gonna do toe up um on these not sure when i'm gonna start them because then once i get my foot and everything done i'm gonna just knit and just see how long i can go so i'm excited about this um there are two 50 gram minis um 220 yards each 75 extra fine superwash merino and 25 nylon made in turkey and then for every um purchase they plant a tree and then if you share a picture of your socks finished or in progress using the hashtag uh knit one plant one we will plant an additional tree for every post did you do that last time no i just learned about it on this box it didn't say that on the ball band this box has a plethora of information so i'm excited about that so that should be fun a lot of you had said that you love the um the sock set or the you know what i mean and then i have one more thing me too here we could show them at the same time okay so new haven started carrying sweet georgia tough love sock so we each got a skein just to try i bought uh my colorway's windswept oh i love that one how can i see that one and this is eighty percent superwash merino twenty percent nylon 425 yards oh i forgot four of these and this is beautiful this reminds me of fall for sure this is what i'm thinking about doing a sock head um another sock head in this reminds me of the ocean it does or like a it's wintery or like a lagoon water yeah you know what maybe frozen maybe elsa made something like this somewhere else it probably did yeah if elsa was in it or that would be her colorway first yep yeah um and that's it holy crap that was a lot that's an explosion of riches you all showered us with lots of love but we also spent quite a bit of money which is good so why don't we talk about what we've been reading and watching all right and that's how we'll end the episode sure so i finished two books i finished i feel like you've been finishing things left and right no because remember like the aragon book took me three years to read yeah i finished by kf breen i had finished um warrior faye trapped and warrior faye princess that is books seven and eight yep of her day witch night vampire series d it's like dv envy something like that okay and now i'm reading i couldn't put it in there no you didn't tell me which is i actually i pulled it up on the ipad and i forgot to tell you so i'm reading um revealed in fire which is book nine revealed or revealed revealed oops revealed yeah revealed in fire so we are kind of back at regan um so if you actually if you guys don't know this series it's a like vampire shifter bounty hunter series and the first three books your main character is regan is that by kf brain as well yeah same one um and your third books or so that's books one through three books four through six your main character is penny who is a witch and then in book seven and eight your main character is charity yeah charity i love that name is it charity yeah yep and now we're back to regan being the main character but all of the characters from the three previous series are all making appearances in this and this is going to just wrap up the entire series so i'm excited they're quick reads nice um i'm about i just started the second book a couple nights ago i'm about a quarter of the way through that and then i'm still listening to wolf song on audible by tj clune that is the green creek series green river series something like that which is the shifter male male romance which i love and it's just nice to read or to listen to that and it brings me joy good so that's what i've been reading and you i am still reading which i think i'm almost done actually i'm still reading king of scars by leigh bertigo it is book one of the duology um the third duology in the grishaverse reverse um i'm actually really enjoying it um there was one section in the book where i was like oh that's a little farfetched and i think i might have talked about this last time but i'm over it um and it's totally awesome one thing now um you know like in books the the main parties split up kind of and then you jump from one to like the other they've split up now there's three different story lines so we're jumping from three different story lines um which just when things get like so exciting for one then you jump to like the second one and then things get exciting there and then you jump to the third one so by the time you get back to the first one you're like oh i completely forgot and then you almost feel like you have to get like reinvested in the story again so i'm very i think we're getting to the point where they're hopefully gonna like some of their paths are gonna start crossing again um which i'm really excited about but i think they do a good job with character development i think they do a good job linking back the previous two um series okay because they mention a lot of those names um they don't give you all of the details about them you know sometimes when you're starting like a third book or a third series the author spends some time talking about like hey kevin you know who was a knitter in the pre blah blah blah like goes on and on like they don't do that it just they they mention which is nice because sometimes it's awful yeah especially for me it's been nice because i i've been reading them straight through um so if you are if you have not read the first two series then like uh what is it bone uh blood sugar shadow and bone and then i don't know what the middle one is and then um you may not get some of the references if this is the only series that you read so i recommend reading those first two series first it's been really good though yeah it's been really good you know yeah they develop a lot of um i still have to read character developments i have a lot to read i still need to read that series yeah so when i'm done with that i'm for sure going to read the the second one and i'm going to finish the duality okay obviously we have to decide if we're going to do discovery i know which is real time read because that's coming up in about a month now yeah or just under a month totally so that's what we've been doing that's what we've been reading all right watching watching one i'm going to talk about a podcast quick because we've won i'm glad you're bringing this up because i feel like we've meant to bring him up a few times we've watched all of his epis his episode so he has five episodes now yeah this is um jonathan day on youtube yes right so his episodes i've so it's on jonathan jonathan's day's knitting um his episodes are really great he loves using non-superwash yarn he's a garment and sock knitter um he's over across the pond he's originally from ireland but he currently resides in england and yeah it's just um i've really enjoyed his episodes me too he's got a lot of information um a lot of his techniques i think his pattern choices are really cool i'm wondering if that's where you heard of the toe up maybe johnston was that you because he does he yes it was him i think it was him because he knits his socks toe up right and he says like he knits his socks like when he's on uh break or something like that yeah at work but he had mentioned i think he i think he knits his sock's toe up and i think he uses a different um cast on well if this checks we'll have to see um yeah so i think it was him so definitely check him out yeah really cool really cool yeah i i really enjoy his channel yeah so other than that we've finished watching c s-e-e on apple tv plus it's only available there it's produced by apple um we talked about this last episode it's nine episodes i think for the season season two will be coming out soon so the whole premise is that aft in the 21st century there's a panda and due to that only two million um humans survive and they all lose their eyesight and that continues to future generations so in the very very far future i think it's a few hundred years i don't think it's past a few hundred years no i like 150 to 200 years i mean it's quite a bit yeah it's definitely far away nobody knows what site it like nobody has sight they're they're not used to they forget what that even is it's like a myth almost it's also now it's considered a curse like religions against it so this whole thing so it's been cool to watch how people adjusted to life without having sight the entire species um so there's you know politics war um you know but then children are being born who have sight yeah so how that's affecting their world and um it's really cool the scenery is beautiful i checked the other night it's actually filmed in british columbia and i want to go to this place that they've showed in the last i don't know how real that lavender road is though because that would be beautiful it really would be but yeah it's i mean it's a really good show i'm excited for season two me too i was very surprised i was how much i liked this show the first episode was great first couple episodes were good you know but then like as you as things unfold you're like yeah whoa the acting is superb i i thoroughly enjoyed it and then um what the hell else did we watch we said something right so we also did um i have no idea i do but it's on the tip of my tongue see no i don't know we watched a lot of the irish people we did watch a lot of the tri channel we we watched a lot of podcasts this time around we did um a lot of people um had some had podcasts yeah which was nice to see yeah um and i don't know i don't know what else we did i don't know either i think there was one other thing but you started playing video games last night which was kind of started i played for like an hour i know but it was nice to like sit there i love a video game me too and i i like um watching you play video games like because i feel like we like the types of games that you play sometimes like you have to figure things out sometimes you know what i mean i'm trying to think what else i watched the princess bride yesterday i watched harry potter and the sorcerer's stone yesterday extended version i've been watching virgin river here and there i almost done with season three um yeah i don't know maybe that's it that might be it i don't know i think there was something else in there but it's probably not oh dune there we go dude you're right so we watched oh yeah the previews for the new dune movie we watched that on the monday when we were like hungry yes no we weren't hungover oh we weren't hungover we were just like fat pigs we just like wanted to veg out and you know right on the couch um so we there's the new doom movie coming out in theaters and i think like october with um jason momoa um timothy chamele zendaya oscar isaacs like brolin dude who played thanos like seriously a phenomenal cast and i love the dune mini series that showed on sci-fi in the 90s and i have it and i have children of june but i'm missing one of the discs so i'm just like going through youtube one day and it shows all three um episodes one two and three of the dune made for tv series and it's so much about those last podcast no i don't think so we talked about it on our knit night two weeks ago so we because we had watched that like sat sunday and monday he's snoring so yeah so that was lovely to watch it was fun it was that's what that that's something that we watched a lot so we should do children to do next okay i love children to do that's the first time i was introduced to what's his face james mcavoy james mcavoy yeah yeah and that's it i think i think that's everything this time i think so too so hopefully so here so today marks the last day of the i-91 shop hop and just a reminder i mean we're gonna close the giveaway tomorrow so if you watch this now and you're in the area um i don't know what the storms are gonna do you know what that does for some of these shops but we're gonna close the giveaway tomorrow all we ask is that if you've been participating in the shop hop you just post a picture of yourself outside the yarn shop or with your goodies or whatever from that shop um to be entered using hashtag natr91 and um we've got a couple of entries which is really cool and it's been looks like one person actually hit all the shops which has been that's awesome incredible so um there's that and then that's that's about it so and congratulations again lynn for winning our 10 000 subscriber giveaway and for those people who are finishing up some projects or have their projects on hold for our um let's hear it for the boys get on it because you think you've only got like a week left correct all right all right well everybody thank you for joining us and sticking around and um we're gonna go continue to prepare for a tropical storm and then we will see you all in a fortnight bye everyone bye guys
Channel: Needles at the Ready Podcast
Views: 16,316
Rating: 4.9336281 out of 5
Id: B_pv3e0Pkd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 55sec (6115 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 21 2021
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