Needles at the Ready: Episode 33

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good morning afternoon good evening and good night hello everyone hi guys and uh welcome back it's been a fortnight it has this is needles at the ready this is a knitting and fiber channel on youtube sure oh wait what say that again this sure is no way before this is needles at the ready i'm kevin i'm ray what what's happening welcome wow i was like really impressed with our opening i'm i don't care do you want to say who you are again no i already said okay did you all pay attention i hope there'll be a quiz um so yes needles at the ready we are a youtube a knitting fiber related youtube channel we are we are coming to you guys from stratford connecticut where we live together with our dog tarquin who's downstairs sleeping in the window and today is saturday march 20th it is the first day of spring is it officially did you look that up i believe saying the wrong things um jen posted it on facebook so it's kind of so it must be true okay absolutely right facebook is is truth so hashtag truth that's nice we're gonna have like 55 degree weather today tomorrow yeah it's lovely i'm so excited i know me too i'm excited for the warmer weather to be able to like go and see people in an outdoor environment and enjoy just sit outside yes i just want to sit inside get some sun yeah like extended sunlight you know speaking of extended sunlight we had daylight savings and that's some crap it was an extended exhausted oh i couldn't i know a lot of people have said that you know it um it's not that big a deal or like one or two days like you're fine the whole week i slept for nine and a half hours last night i think it took me time to get up thursday to catch up really to like be the same to feel awake during the day i know um i agree so yeah so now that we got that out of our system thanks everybody for uh checking us out totally coming back yeah thanks for all your new subscribers and new viewers it's really nice to meet you all thank you for joining us and for all of you old timers thanks for coming back we really appreciate it we love seeing i love seeing like the comments um of people that you know have been with us from the beginning and you kind of get to know them and it's really kind of cool so what's really fun now and it's funny because people mention it quite a bit is in prior episode like let's go back maybe episode one two three ish we had talked about whether or not people would binge like us ever so it's really funny to get comments now from people that are binging the old episode old episode because i'm like i don't know what we talked about but they say something and it jogs in my memory i'm like oh my gosh i totally remember that one of them i just replied to one of the comments yesterday too and i don't remember what it was but they they like mentioned something and it totally made me chuckle because i remember that happening oh somebody had mentioned do you remember the hat fiasco episode where i couldn't wear the hat exactly yeah maybe that was it maybe um but yeah no so thank you guys come a long way i know how to wear a hat we have we appreciate it um you guys coming back and you know the subscribing the comments the thumbs up the thumbs downs whatever the just the interaction is nice yeah the instagram interaction and the ravelry which we are really bad at so totally although sorry i'm gonna i'm gonna commit this weekend okay good for you i'm gonna put all my projects up there and i'm gonna add some notes wow yeah look at you yeah i say that now um we actually haven't put it out into the universe of a busy-ish weekend we do but it's good busy yeah yeah it is yeah it'll be busy a podcast weekend is typically a pretty busy weekend with you know we don't edit so the filming and then the making sure it gets up and then just you know posting stuff and then replying to things so it's it tends to be a and then clean up afterwards yeah sometimes it doesn't happen the same day yeah but sometimes it doesn't have no um but that's okay so we have what have we done the past couple of weeks or do we want is that how we yeah let's do that do you all want to hear about what we've done or no i didn't know if normally we do admin i don't know what we normally do so we're just i don't know the admin thing we just kind of started so no we haven't yeah like past couple episodes no you're such a liar welcome to the poop show ladies and gentlemen so yeah what have we been up to the last couple weeks so last after last podcast that evening actually um my brother and our sister-in-law came over with our niece and nephew for our like monthly dinner that we just started up again i don't remember when i want to see maybe just january this is the second time that it's happened oh you're correct so february i went over there once yeah um in february they came over here in march we made lasagna and it was so good chocolate chip cookies yep and it was just a nice night hanging out chatting um yeah we just had it was just nice uh to have them here and it was really cute so um our niece is five and she just like chopped off all her hair so it's like shoulder length and adorable and my nephew he's just getting so tall i think he's going to it'll probably be like my brother's height if not a little bit taller oh yeah um yeah it was a good time it was nice and then that following day no that was pretty much that that weekend i don't know that we did much else other than that we went to ikea last weekend we did so we had the intention of getting some new cushions for our outdoor furniture and we have on our deck we have the we got it from ikea a couple years ago um really nice set i can't remember the name of it no i it's too hard to pronounce it most of the time but um we got like white cushions stupid poor choice don't do it guys don't ever do it especially with a dog that decided that that those are now his like beds especially when the sun is like shining yeah and um so anyway so it's it we're due to replace the cushions um and the like the outer fabric cushion sleeves what are they called pillow cases cushion cases fabric and uh we went there with that intention and we struggled we couldn't find really what we were looking for so yeah this ikea trip was like there's two types of ikea troops oh no i forgot to bring oh that's you should go get it i don't know where it is it's on the chair in the dining room is it yeah for sure okay can you talk to them without me okay brb so there's two types of ikea trips there's the one where you go fully prepared and you know what you're getting and it's kind of like a quick one like oh i just need to run in and get this then there's that other one where you go prepared you know what you want and then you go completely off track and you buy everything else except what you need and that's kind of what we did we did not leave without with any cushions or any new covers for the cushions that we have we came home with everything else we got i got some stuff for dying because it's inexpensive and they're really nice measuring cups um they're glass they look like kind of like sign speakers so i got a few of those got some stuff for speckling and then we just got like a new area rug we got some of the ikea their classic blue bags because they're great for grocery shopping and laundry like bringing it up and down because we have to go from our second floor down to our basement to do laundry so it's good for that and just like carrying stuff so and now they have a bunch of different sizes they have like a super small a medium a large and i think an extra large um we also i don't know what else like we just went and got everything that we didn't need is what we got totally yeah yeah and we got cinnamon buns cinnamon buns are delicious from there oh my god we got them in the parking lot i no i like them in the park not warmed up not even in the parking lot i ate them on the highway on the way oh yeah i ate my parking lot oh no we yeah i started in the parking lot so what else with so we did the ikea thing yep we went to christmas tree shop to get our pot our coffee pods because they're a lot cheaper there we get the um what's the name of it vixer allen victor allen brand they're really good it's like 20 for like 80 coffee pods which is a really good price um we worked you did school because you're you're still in school you have a couple you should be about midterm time-ish right you're about halfway through the semester yep um the weather's like been kind of nicer so it's good because i've been able to take the dog for walks on my lunch break yeah and i've been taking him in the evening so he's been getting two walks a day which is really nice yeah yeah we didn't have any snow but yeah i kind of i guess that's really it like we did the dinner and then the ikea trip those were like our big things for the past two weeks it's just nice to get out of the house yeah although we went and we went grocery shopping i forgot what day maybe it was the ikea day it was and somebody had walked in the store without a mask on i didn't honestly realize you did as we were leaving they were coming up it was very awkward yeah yeah it was very awkward yeah we have we're still under a mask yeah we have to wear masks yeah um all right so that's kind of been our two weeks yeah let's talk um let's talk some administration admin now admin let's do the ad administration okay so first up we have some coupon codes we do these are very exciting we have a brand new one too so first up is the lovely naughty knitting sacks we have a coupon code for fifteen percent off your purchase we do the code is prickly um then we have a coupon code from nancy for trilogy arm 15 off your purchase which excludes any of her clubs good and that coupon code is natr15 yep and then the brand new one which is super exciting and we really appreciate it we so appreciate this and i think you guys will appreciate this as well so much so we have a new one from knit swag we do this is an ongoing uh coupon code so there's no expiration on it this is it is kevin and ray that's it kevin array and it gets you 15 off your purchase this is where we bought these lovely mods and these have become our absolute favorite mugs yes we also got the saint patrick's day or the shamrock ones yep um and we were using those until just the other day which i guess we can still use them it doesn't matter no we don't have to put them away totally not when the luck of the irish i'm irish so i could use it whenever i want you don't know what you are because you still have that ancestor i do know i'm irish you can just spit in the cup it's like whatever not just spit in a cup no but you need to do something i don't know what you have to do our coupon codes yes so check out their shops we will have the links below we will have the codes below so cool beans we love those yeah totally take advantage of that and it's nice you know it's good for the shops i think too to know where their customers are coming from you know i think they appreciate that for sure um so that's good um and nancy just had a uh big trunk show i think you did so that was seen in pretty successful portland area yeah i know i'm so jealous because a couple of people from our knit nights were able like live in that area and were able to go and meet her yeah and it was really cool to see the pictures and all of that i know yeah one day i know one day um and then last little ad mini piece is we had mentioned oh no two things i forgot about this one i feel like you're very organized i'm just here for the ride today i think ladies and gents i i've got nothing you're such a liar you have more stuff knitting wise than i do maybe but i don't i don't have any i'm usually pretty organized well not really not organized but in my head i'm organized we have uh make along we do have them well we forgot to write that down so we have our spring cleaning and oh my gosh you guys are already posting stuff which is amazing um so i'm gonna do this on the fly somebody had asked if it was only on ravelry and i always forget that some people aren't able to use ravelry any longer yeah so they want to know if we were doing it anyplace else in it so i'm thinking of doing a hashtag okay to on instagram so let's do um a hashtag that's going to be spring let's do and let's see our spring okay 21. okay okay so that's going to be the um so i search to see if it's available do n-a-t-m-a well hashtag right um no you could go tap on works this tags i have to teach them how to use technology guys so bear with me a moment spring then 2-1 somebody's there somebody posts always we have a post we do somebody created it okay no i totally didn't i know there's two of them so we have two we have two hashtags thank thank you um who's this julie did oh my gosh and she's got a knit swag mug in the post julie you are on top of it you are so let's use julie's hashtag hashtag natr spring mal 2021 there we go really i love it and you've got cookies in there at least some people are into our podcast this is the birds of a feather this is by dre renee knits and she's using dragon hoard yarn oh my god with our mug she is like you people are really good at posting what's that bag julie what's that bag it looks like a mrs brown's bag it kind of does there's i know that there's another bag maker who has similar style baggage she does um so she's just i'm gonna follow you this is jewel we don't follow b makes so this um the idea behind this she's a podcaster what okay i'm i'll set that aside let me whenever you're i'm ready are you ready to continue carrying on needles at the right now welcome this is how we roll gents so the idea behind the spring cleaning mal is just to get rid of our whips um get some of them finished it's running from the beginning of march to the end of may so it gives you three full months thank you for saying that because i had made a mistake when i put the post on uh ravelry i put that the mail ends on march 31st it does not it is a three month march april may yes spring time to do it so we have a uh chatter thread and an fo thread we'll be pulling prizes from both or winners from both and now we'll use that hashtag which we will include below and we will pull a winner from there as well yes we have some cool prizes i don't know some more had just come in as well which we can probably use right we have a bag i think we still have some naughty knitting sacks that are available i think we have some yarn i may dye up some yarn for it so exciting um so that is the spring cleaning now yeah and then the other thing that we had mentioned in the previous episode is our men's knit night yeah which we've had an overwhelming response i think we're up maybe about like 70 guys i'm so humbled by that i really didn't expect that yeah it's going to be awesome we're going to get all the details set up and hopefully emailed out tomorrow um we did rajeed have a form below in the previous episode we think we're going to remove it from this one just to see how it goes um yeah because i i there's a cool feature for zoom where you can do like breakout rooms and i think it would be neat to kind of get everybody together in the beginning there's going to be a lot of people right you know just to say hellos and all of that stuff and maybe do some like breakout rooms and give everybody an opportunity to be in an uh a smaller smaller group to have better conversation right you know and then we can kind of jump around and say hello to everybody and i think it'll be really exciting and if it works you know who knows we can try some other things as well with some other people yeah but it would be really neat to do it like once a month yes that's idea the idea is once a month at the like probably last saturday of the month um the time may vary so that people from different time zones it's easier to manage uh this one we plan on doing the last saturday of march at 7 00 p.m eastern time um so we're gonna get all the details next week it is so we're going to get those details out um probably tomorrow okay hopefully work work work work work uh and then yeah and i my idea is that with the breakout rooms that it's probably going to be about 25 people to room because on our on our thursday night knit nights that seems to work really well when we have that many of us or even on chip and aaron's bingos like 15 to 20 25 is like a really good number manageable and people don't end up talking over each other and all that stuff so i think that might be a good one are you talking over me yeah okay um so yeah that's kind of the admin stuff so why don't we uh it's fantastic get right into some knitting today we have um a couple fos for you guys we do we have a couple whips um in nene i know i was just thinking that in my head do you guys remember that the whip whip nae nae no it's not whip whip nae nae what is it called isn't it say the whip whip it oh lord no it's let me see you whip in nae nae oh yeah remember remember yes we did we did the was it wasn't memorial day no it was just it was just it was a girl's night i think we just we crashed the girls night over there but i remember no i remember oh maybe in the some of the guys came over yeah they probably came back because they went to go it was five things and we went to go sit by the fire and drink like fancy drinks that was a fun night that was a fun um so yeah so we got some whips fos some um owl posts which is super exciting super exciting oh my gosh so such generous purchases some break in the bank and some yarn dying wow we've got a jam-packed we do episode so let's um you have more fos so why don't we jump in and you can start us off with an fo okay so oh my gosh there's a pile of things here i know um oh dear oh dear oh in the crinkling right now okay so i needed a little bit of a palette cleanser after doing some sweater knitting and i did oh no i did um i did like a slouchier version of the ross hat so oh thanks i used nitpicks felici worsted in beyond the wall love colorway color it's working striping i love it so much it's 218 yards per 100 grams um it's a superwash 75 superwash merino 25 nylon it's super soft i love how it stripes up yeah the stripes are great right they're so good and i did it a little slouchier because i do like a slouchier hat but i also like to fold the brim i i did about two inches a two inch brim um and i think it fits yeah very well when you have the brim when i have the brush it fits really nicely and then but if you want it like super slouch you know you could definitely do that too and pull it off yeah and then you're kind of like a small yeah so totally like a smurf so i did um this is the ross hat in his worsted the worsted weight version on his website uh smells like yeah um he's got a ton of patterns actually and all of his patterns are free um he's really you know he really wants you just to knit his patterns and he's not asking for any money or any of that stuff he just really wants to kind of share that and see what you're knitting so um this is this is free i did the recommended cast on numbers and i i did a two by two rib i think he calls for a three by one i think that's kind of like what he likes i like a a two by two which is one of the cool things about his patterns is that they're so like modifiable modificable that sounds like uh does that sound cool it sounds like a um let's hashtag that no it sounds like an appetizer like can i have a serving of modification doesn't it it sounds like a dessert almost with honey drip drizzled on top oh okay right maybe yeah so um i did i did about i don't know nine inches yeah i did nine inches total um no until you started your bind off until you started right so i think it's like it's like it's 11 inches the hat totally from from top to bottom what size needles do you use i use the us8 okay on this i love the decreases it's a simple decrease but it looks cool like that spiral it is it's a nice decrease yeah and um it knit up so fast and i really love the self striping i think i want to get some more colors from from felipe from uh nitpix the felici but i don't know how many more that they have in this because they release at the same time that they release their socks and they do that like new colors every six months or something like that um so i don't i haven't checked i haven't been on actually nitpicks in in a while i want to say since we bought our sweater yarn really yeah i probably haven't been there so i haven't even soaked this i don't think i was i don't think i'm going to but i love the stitch definition i don't know if you guys can see that no it's very even yeah it's very even agreed and i love it so that was that was a nice easy quick project yeah quick project to do free pattern the yarns are really inexpensive um when you're looking at a and it's a 100 gram ball which is different than the felici sock because the stock is only in 50 gram skeins so this is 100 grams and even this their wool of the andes most of their yarn the majority of the yarn is uh 50 grams and i have stuff i have left over nice yeah so i could have done i might maybe if i do another one i'll do a four inch um brim but i kind of look i kind of like how when it's folded you can see that extra little pearl like that purl bump on the bottom what if you see that i think that looks kind of cool so if you did just like rinse it up a little bit if you did a four inch brim would you still do um then five inches of knitting or would you then do another because if you did two inches another seven inches yeah i would probably do seven inches because then you wouldn't be able to wear it without folding the brim right which i like wearing i like wearing the folded brim although it's worsted so i like a folded brim for fingering weight hats because it keeps my ears um warmer because this is where i usually get very cold not necessarily on the top of my head so i don't know but it was really fun and it was so nice to just like sit down and like knit knit while you're watching tv and the yarn was easy to work with it was nice and smooth the you know on a us8 it goes like super fast yeah so for me this was uh this fits fits very well i love it awesome yeah good job i've made quite a few ross hats um it's just like my it's that's my go-to like pattern hat pattern like that simple vanilla hat pattern that you can just do so much with it like the counts are all right there i love his decreases are super easy to do just like no thinking you know yeah yeah so that's one you have another one i do wait how many do you have three no just a two oh really yeah well i think you have three i don't know i i'm not uh i'm i don't i don't i didn't do that much oh well okay i'm sorry all right i have a lot of whips though that's disappointing no i'm just kidding oh my god geez talk about no pressure so our next we're gonna do our next fos as a set because we're both wearing them what yes is that what you're wearing we are we both finished our montrealers spy yes so um by vincent's over at like our zone by down by dells this is the montrealer so this has been fun this has been a lot of fun what we did designs by dells i think he still designs by dells for his patterns i think everything spidels you think so yeah so aaron and i um so aaron from fiverr hustle and i came up with this crazy idea at some point in our lives yeah that we thought it'd be fun to do a like a knit along but not you know like a knit along from a podcast so our thursday night midnight group a bunch of us decided to knit this sweater we cast it on january 1st so it took us about a month or two and a half months to finish it a bunch of people already finished some people are almost done in different phases because it was like without the stress right it was just end date whatever and some people made modifications didn't do pockets or hoods or you know only two stripes or whatever so um we try to stay true to pattern mistakes have been made mistakes have been made um but i'm really happy with the with the outcome of the sweater i have knit mine we both knit ours out of bowl of the andes we just i did i don't know why i put mine so far wool of the andes delft heather yep is my main color this one is fjord heather and then i don't think i have the last oh i do look at me and then orange so these were my three colors wow good for you what are you looking for i was my yarn is over there i have a lot to walk over though so i was thinking that maybe some oh here i still have a lot of yarn left over yeah you have well you also bought a lot because you were not sure of your stripes remember truth okay so and i did mine out of bamboo heather this is also wool of the andes um superwash bamboo heather um this is avocado this is the stripe here and then this is the oyster heather and that's my contrast contrast colors which we'll show so i'll just stand up briefly i will say i love the sweater i love how it turned out it's longer than i had expected i probably should have taken off maybe like three inches um and i knit the fourth size which is for a 44 inch chest i have a little more positive ease than i was expecting but so this sweater to me is going to be my like night cool night absolutely like i can see myself wearing this around a bonfire like a fire pit going i mean not that we're really doing it because we don't hang out with people but just imagine just imagine it would be hanging out with friends around a fire pit it gets chilly at night you go grab this from the car or the house you throw it on and it's super comfortable so i have no it looks i don't see it's like super long i don't know if you could see it comes all the way down behind my bum i did my pocket stripe i did just a couple rows of the orange and then i finished off in the dark blue i did my an i-cord for the hood with the hood the mistake that both of us made and it was just our interpretation of the pattern is i believe we were supposed to pick up these stitches here when working the hood and neither one of us did so it should be in like this oh yeah look at that right so what i believe we're going to try yeah is crocheting it together um like i don't know i'm going to figure out how to fix this i had to done an i-cord yesterday in orange and i didn't like the way it looks so i cut it and took it out but i believe we can fix this so i'm going to i don't think it looks bad actually no with an open either i like that look i don't think it looks awful but i do think it would look really nice like this so i may try to find a way to um fix that i think what i thought was just picking up the stitches and knitting no you could you can pick pick them up and knit back and forth and then just pick up along the edge of this and do some decreases and then um i don't know what do you think it'll just bring it together i don't know bring it together and then we'd be able to fold it over and seam it okay that seems like so i don't know i might mess with it a little bit but it is i would say it's like i think it's fun you do but i think it's it's like a sweatshirt and it's you know it's super long it is very sweat shirty um but i love it i think the pattern's written incredibly well me too what i i don't know if we've ever shown this and this is true with max's patterns as well when there is something in their pattern it says technique and it lists the name of the technique and then if you go to the back of their patterns like this one has the technique for what am i doing the mattress stitch right so mattress stitch and picking up stitches through fabric so it's written and there's a link to a video as well which is fantastic correct and throughout the pattern what's really nice is if there's the technique sometimes throughout the pattern there's the um link as well and if you're working off your mobile device you just tap on it takes you right to youtube so it's super um i mean super easy very well written i think if you took the hood off and you took the pocket off it's a really great just raglan style absolutely um sweater as well sweater and there's so many techniques in here that i had never done before that i thought was so good you know it was cool it's always cool to learn something new yeah yeah so i'll stand up and show mine so this one's mine all finished it's nice yeah they came out really well yep i did um i did a little bit more on my pocket um here with the contrast color i did a contrast color um right before the ribbing here as well and then what i tried to do um i'll sit back down but um but what i tried to do so so oh and somebody had asked about pic so i have like some positive ease here you know as well but what i somebody had asked um where you carry up your stitches okay and how the color yeah the colors so we both carried up um the contrasting color yes and the main color like as we were knitting so we didn't cut the yarn um and and rejoin it we just kept carrying it up and it gets carried up along the the right side and it's a it's not soon so noticeable like you can see it a little bit here yeah but i actually did that too because i went to the comments for the pattern which i always recommend to do if you have questions about it if you go to the comment section of the pattern in ravelry somebody had asked it in there and vincent had replied to them and said that he doesn't like weaving in his ends so he carried his colors all the way up yeah and so um i started carrying mine up every two rows as opposed to every one row because i found that every one row gave you a little bit more of a bunchy type of seam but and i started that up here and you can see it's a little bit bunchier or it feels bunchier if you just oh yeah maybe and so once i switched to doing it carrying the yarn up every two rows um it kind of relaxed that fabric a little bit better nice along the side i don't know if that's just the way that i knit it um so if anybody else has some experience with that or if i'm just maybe i just i don't know it just got lucky um but that's what i did i um i also for the hood i did i did a a stripe or i did the um the band in your contrast and the yeah the first contrast color which i really like the one thing that i did not like the mistakes that have been made on the hood i'm not a great seamstress i picked up the incorrect number of stitches so you knit the hood and panels you you seam them together and then you pick up the stitches all along the front of the hood and that's where you're going to put your cord and so i picked up the stitches and i think i was like 40 stitches shy of where i should be a lot of stitches did not realize it until because it's still a lot of fabric that you're knitting you know and whatever and he says how many stitches that you should have not the pattern's fault um so i kind of just went with it and then when i went to go seam it together i have i'll show you guys i have a little bit of a of a pucker here he said a little bit yeah so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take that look i'm gonna take that out oh yours looks perfect yeah it looks really good it's even i i took some out and i redid it yeah so i'm gonna um i'm gonna take out this whole this whole section okay um because it's just the picked up stitches so i'm not gonna like lose anything so i just pick out the the like um avocado color here i have we did i cords as well i did a 40 inch i did a 60 inch but yeah i like the 40 i think but it's okay yeah yeah it doesn't matter teach their own really um i know we both did our i-cords in oh no i did my i-cord in the yeah i did mine in my secondary the oyster in myself oh that's good i liked it i almost went orange and i was like you know what no it looks great it does i like the light blue i didn't know how much orange i wanted around my face either so i stayed away from it i do like the idea and i may if i fix this and can figure out how to fix it i may fix it in orange um yeah because i thought it would be cool like i kind of like how it's it's open though like that i don't know actually i kind of want to fix this i probably will i i will probably fix it but um so what else can we say about this so we knit it on the recommending needles which are six and seven us-6 and a us-7 yep needles um yep i and i also knit the same size as kevin so i did the fourth size the 44 inch um chest because i wanted some negative ease positive ease i would go i want to see what the next size down is i don't know if it's 42 or 40 but i think if i were to knit this again what i would do is go down a size um the next size is a 40. so i don't yeah i don't think i would i would just i would you can always go down a needle size if you wanted to well but i'm really happy with the fabric that it created i am two on the us sevens and that was one of the struggles remember i did two swatches i swatched with a seven and i swatched with a six and i like the size of the seven better right or not the size i'm sorry i like the fabric that the seven made better so that's why i stuck with this um but again i'm super happy with the way it turned out i this is going to be a type of sweater that i can live in i wasn't going for a sweater that i could wear with like a pair of slacks or um a fitted sweat uh fitted sweater i wanted more sweatshirty style yes uh so it has checked off all those boxes same um and i i i love i actually like the more that i'm wearing it this is the first time that i've i've worn it for an extended period of time this is the first time i've worn it at all yeah you're right it just finished drying this morning i blocked it yesterday you're right mine's been done for about talking about that too okay and um i i love the feeling of this and the fit of this much better than my flax flax okay yeah yep so um i don't know i probably would i would i would look more when i if i do it again i would probably alter some of the raglan here and start my stripe sooner so that was something we found too is that you're a looser knitter i am than i am your rose yeah so your stripe although i don't think it's too different i think both of our stripes could be up a little bit higher um but you're raglan i think you're supposed to get let's say 11 inches you got 13. yeah you got like an extra two inches right doing the same number of right um increases so that was interesting to see that difference between our knitting working on the same project i wonder if you can just do the raglan section on smaller needles and then just like switch to larger needles for the body or if that's gonna like if that changes so many things i don't know because i am i'm we're i'm prior to starting this i was working on the beauceron and i am doing the chest in a smaller needle than i will the rest of it yeah really yeah it's the body's in a larger needle size than the no smaller needle size than the chest the chest is a larger needle so i so maybe it wouldn't make that much of a difference but for me maybe that'll be all the difference in the world just to go down a needle size just for the um the raglan increases i am i'm just so happy with this and to your point what you wanted to say about blocking is yes the sweaters we were so i was very nervous about um it's stretching like very very nervous because already like there was so much positive ease already built into it um and knowing that i was a looser knitter at the more and more i was knitting i was like oh geez oh geez and so we we used our spin cycle on our um washing machine right so this is kind of like a a spin dryer update guys too so we was talking about the spin dryer talked about a spin dryer going back and forth about spin dryer and an axe spin dryer and a chainsaw but people have recommended and i kept forgetting to use our top loaded washer and just use the spin cycle right so done and it's super successful so what we did with this is we both soaked ours at several times and then we have these like little we have this little bin i actually took a picture of it carry on and then instead of picking up the sweater out of the the soak because that's just naturally going to stretch it because of all the weight if you don't pick it up gently we threw the whole bit right in the washing machine like we so this is my sweater soaking so we took yeah so all of it the horizontal liquid and washer and then put it on the spin cycle and it came out incredibly like barely damp yeah like really really well uh and it dried within a day yep this has been drying less than 24 hours yeah so and it's a lot of it's heavy it's a heavy sweater right the fabric is you know it's heavy it's a worse weight so if you have a top loading spit dryer and you haven't tried this totally do it it works incredibly well it really did like just to pour and i was like so scared i'm like i don't know i just pour this whole thing like right in yeah changed my life um i will be knitting more and more sweaters now all right cool so i i think that's everything on this one right so again montrealer videls great great pattern yeah um oh and so i had a question about the i chord because i wasn't sure how thick to make the i chord because there's a couple of different you know you can do it uh different ways you can do like five stitches three stitches two stitches and not two stitches but um this is a three stitch oh yeah and i think it's perfect perfect width i've never done anything other than a three stitch i-cord honestly um well they i was looking on very pink knits and i forgot who else just to see like a recommended um drawstring because though the pattern um does not give instructions on how to make a drawstring it just says to have a drawstring like as part of the you know when you go through and it lists the needle sizes that you're going to need and the type of yarn that you need like his doesn't look like he made it his looks like a normal drawstring yeah that you would buy so it says drawstring measuring at least 40 inches so um so you could buy one or make one yeah and we decided to make them um i used a size six needle for mine i used a size six needle as well um yes okay so that is those are our montrealers guys they're done yay good for us first sweaters of the year cheers um all right so that's it for fos let's move on and that's it for f.o.s i have one i have three then you can start us off okay so let's stay on theme with our sorry if i shook the table with our um spring cleaning mail so i had mentioned that and you guys who have been watching for a while probably remember that i started a blanket i started knitting a blanket on um the lion brand cover story and thank you for all of those who had made some comments and letting me know what it was called i couldn't find the tag for some strange reason um but this is lion brand cover story it's a gigantic cake of yarn that we got over at joann's it's 2.2 pounds uh 547 yards and it's 100 polyester i got this in the mercury color i don't know if you all can see that mercury color and it's a super bulky i took out the entire knitting and i started crocheting it so i started a crochet blanket here i am actually and i went down a hook size quite a few hook sizes actually because i wanted a denser fabric for the blanket and like less holy so this is the um i believe these are clover it is clover yeah this is a nine millimeter um hook it's got the the the bigger hook sizes have plastic the smaller hook sizes have that um brushed metal on it it's super comfortable i i just i love the feel of these crochet hooks and so this is what i have so far i'm just i just made it kind of made it up um as i went i wanted to do like 60 inches width so this is going to be the width of the blanket it's going to be huge do you think you're going to need another i will i'll need i'll likely need more than one so i just did a simple um half double crochet with a smaller hook size and it created a really dense squishy fabric that's going to be super nice to cuddle with how many um did you chain to start i just i just so went with crochet i just chained it to about 60 inches oh so you don't count you just no for something that large if i'm doing something like a scarf or or something with length when i crochet you just i just chain the length that i'm looking for and i don't necessarily keep track of my stitches um the one thing that sometimes can get me is the the edging you know with crochet especially with this yarn it's like okay is that a stitch is that not a stitch but so far so good i did about i don't know 10 rows or so which knits up or crochets up so fast and this is the gigantic cake or what i have left of it i had to put it in a box so this is this is cover story and i'm doing center pole so this is the width of the the actual you know ball of yarn itself i did go through quite a bit of yarn on this which is why i feel like i'm gonna need quite a few more i'm not opposed to doing a bunch of different colors what if they don't have it anymore that's what i'm saying i'm not opposed to doing it oh my gosh gosh that would give me stress in my life that's unnecessary oh it's okay it's gonna be nice and and and cozy i'm not really in a rush for this i don't know if i'll be able to finish it before the end of our make along because i have a lot of other things that i want to do as well i know but you did that pretty quickly you just started that this week yeah this is a couple nights ago this is two days yeah yeah but it's just like a couple of hours really and i was like yeah i think it's just so much quicker than knitting it is yeah but it uses way more yarn it does but i really enjoy i enjoy the process of crocheting i do want to try those crochet hooks that i've been seeing on a lot of people that chavis got right i can't remember the name of it maybe if somebody remembers if they can put it below i know i think they're a little on the pricier side but i would love to get like uh a nine i think this would be perfect for that because it's it's comfortable to work with they were saying and there's some wood ones and some metal ones so i wouldn't i would um i'd like to try it for this for this blanket but anyway i i love it it's been nice to to crochet and a half double crochet is yeah that's him oh and a half double crochet is um it's pretty easy and quick to go through the yarn is just a little bit thick and on the smaller hook just a little bit more finesse but that's one okay okay and the next one i only put a few more rows on this one oh this is part of our backwards i know so don't no not yet no take the bag out take it out no i can't because i want to show how everything is it's beautiful i'm going to get him i think okay i can talk about this guy yeah all right so this this is living in a knit for brains bag from laura i love this bag we showed this um not too long ago this is a medium i think her like medium sized tote um it's got drawstring it's it's just absolutely amazing there's some harry potter fun things on the inside so what i did here is i was looking to i was looking to use up the yarn that i got from our local yarn shop and it is the brooklyn tweed dapple yarn and it's a wool cotton blend i showed this boy i feel like we got this a while ago but i got it in um these two colors this one i think is called denim but i'm i'm probably wrong because i'm usually wrong on a lot of things this one is cold oh blueprint so this is blueprint and this one is called natural so again this is 60 merino and 40 organic cotton brooklyn tweed tarquin there's nowhere for you to go my friend and we got these over at new haven a couple months ago yep and my intention for this yarn was to knit um that cowl that kevin had designed a while ago and we knit a few of them and this is what it looks like finished i did not do this i did this a while ago um but this is this is what it looks like finished and so we are writing out the pattern but we also wanted to see what it looked like in solid colors because both of them had been knit in speckles yes so i have like a bunch of the whole pattern written out on little note papers and this is what i have so far i only did one section so it's kind of hard to see i'm afraid that the stitches are gonna pop out he wanted to go lay in his chair in the sun oh he did well he can't because we're busy so this is what i have so far um you can't really tell yet with the pattern but i love the colors together i think they're they're really bold and i have to say knitting with this the stitch definition i believe i think is really good on this the one thing that i have to say is that it does feel like knitting with cotton um when you're actually knitting with it so it's a little bit resistive i think if that's the right word you know it's a little bit um not yeah and it's not as stretchy it's not as stretchy when you're knitting with it it's 50 50. no it's 60 40. 60 wolf 40 but the product is super soft so i'm excited um i think it's a cool color combination the white and the blue yeah i mean i don't think you can really go wrong it's very nautical to me it seems very nautical or greek like those greek frescas and stuff that you yeah it would go more like that than nautical because nautical i think navy and white oh maybe not yeah okay maybe that's almost like a water blue it reminds me of like water but i love the features that this this pattern has like the the rolled um brim before you start the ribbing and then it's a simple pattern yeah it's like an it's it's a very simple it's an eight row repeat eight stitch repeat and i'm probably gonna do eight panels maybe that would be kind of cool if like you know i don't remember i think this one is like nine or nine repeats maybe something like that i'm not quite sure very nice thanks so did you talk about your bag that it's in yes i did oh good and it's it's a six pocket bag i believe there's like six pockets in here oh there's my stitch marker that i was looking for so i love this it's been it's been going well i just started this the other day um so i'm hoping to have more of that done soon okay those are two of mine do you want to go with yours yes so mine is living in my lila styles bag which i love has a little deathly hollows i love it you can see deathly hallows so this is i've made very little progress on this oh i love the inside i'm working fun yeah the inside is just like polka dots and blue polka dots that's fun it's great little yeah good sized bag here um this is coming out amazing i am knitting the paris tajour by isabelle kramer it is being knit on a dk weight yarn that i dyed here is the color a really bluey gray yeah and i'm not i didn't get too much further so i'm putting a stitch marker when i complete a section and i believe i have to do this repeat like six times so i'm in the middle this is the end of my first repeat and my second so i'm working on the third repeat now i'm actually going to put a stitch marker on it today so i can keep track of my progress between good idea episodes because i really haven't knit on this much right but i do i love the pattern it is super simple and it's so dry it feels like it's going to be so drapey and like wonderful i haven't knit on this until this morning i had a knit on this since the last episode that we recorded oh yeah i didn't even look at the pattern to just start again like that's how easy it is to to memorize this pattern i just picked it up and went and i knew exactly where i needed to be um so i do i love this pattern um i was inspired because of aaron from fiber hustle again he was wearing it several episodes ago and i asked him what it was and i wanted to make it so this will be one of my focuses now that the montrealer has done and i love it i love it too i have four skeins of this dyed up i'm knitting this how much does it call for how much yarn i don't remember what am i knitting this on i'm knitting this on a five millimeter or a us8 these are on my addies which again i talk about this before i do um i have them on my addi rockets on five inch tips for my interchangeable set just because i really do love how slick the needles are and i like having that extra length so i have more stitches on my needles it makes it a little more manageable um with the shawl and it holds the weight a little bit better so you don't have all the weight on your cord i do have to say that the the adding needles are definitely i think slicker than the chow goose absolutely chow goose almost feel like they're brushed yeah um they're not um they're not as slick yeah at least the ones that we have if chow goose and addie's have ever had a baby had a chatty a chatty it could be a chatty oran or an algo ad gu ad goo and ad gu i'd go that would be the perfect needle adding needles chow goo chords make it happen let's back together what do you say that's my only whip and i honestly think it's the only reason it's a whip is because i knit on it this morning this morning otherwise i don't think i would have had a whip i don't think i i really don't know that i've worked on this since the previous episode no you were you hunkered down like you knit so much on that sweater in the past like week it's ridiculous so you did last episode i hadn't even finished i don't think i started my pocket so i did the pocket joined the pocket to the body did my ribbing did both no i think you did the pocket you just didn't join it yet i don't i don't remember i don't know either way did the ribbing for the body the both sleeves the hood the i-cord the seaming so i did a lot of knitting in the last two weeks it was literally my main focus yeah um and then so that's it for my whips and do you have another one i have one more i don't oh i do know what it is now i want to show this in like what i have it stored in because this is beyond okay is that okay if i do that now yeah go i mean hey it's your day princess thanks so speaking of fiber hustle aaron and chip are amazing individuals chip is extremely talented if you guys do not watch fibre hustle please give them a go um aaron aaron nitz and chip um shows and chip makes amazing quilts and he just started he's looking to break into the basket kind of game so we always joke around about getting a chip basket after we saw him show it on a couple of their episodes prior a while ago a while ago and during bingo he must have like sewn his little fingers off because during bingo he had some chip baskets as prizes yeah and i'm going to show you in a minute because kevin won i did win a bingo and because chip's heart is apparently three sizes bigger than we all thought it was just kidding um such a jerk he sent me one as well so i have my next whip housed in this and i i just i want to show it like in the bag because there's so much room in here or the basket because they're baskets they're not bad they're not bad so this is the basket that i got it's so it is i i'm i'm like there's no words there are really no words for this amazing it's amazing it's quilted as you can see um the inside is like a jersey cotton soft ness thank god we don't have a cat because i feel like the cat would be like living in here fosho faux show and in here i have my whip which i showed last time i didn't get much more done but this is the honeycomb painting honeycomb shawl by stephen west and these are the small honeycombs there's also a large honeycomb um pattern which is so which is so good our friend elizabeth um is probably finished by now no i don't she only had a couple more rows left she said she was doing this amazing like fade and i think she's using um she's using an alpaca alpaca so it's like drapey and beautiful so um anyway so this is the small version and you get both when you buy the pattern you get the small and you get the large honeycomb pattern so this is what i have so far and i was i only did about four more sections so this is this is where i was this is our cute little oops that the bear yeah yeah our little leg are sewn so keep it here because you can kind of see the colors yes a little bit better than from far away right now so i'm using our trilogy yarn advent uh her halloween hocus pocus advent and i'm calling this like the chaos shawl because it looks but it's like beautiful chaos beautiful chaos i'm going to call this the beautiful chaos shawl isn't that that book no no yes what i think it was so remember that book the beautiful creatures where the movie was awful it was i think one of them this is not awful no but i think one of the books was called beautiful chaos oh because they were all beautiful something darn it maybe i won't call it that anyway um i so what i'm doing is and i have this in this basket along with so this is this is my this is what i've been doing so it's a 13 color um advent so you get 12 sk uh mini skeins and then the 13th is the 100 gram scheme i believe there might be 14 actually there i think 13 13 colors in a second and then i don't remember actually so what i'm doing is i'm i'm just pulling at random so this bag has the balls that i still need to go through and then when i'm done i just i've been putting them you know just in here there's so much room in this there's a lot of room in there i actually i had my sweater housed in mine yeah and so i'm just pulling them out random so these are the colors i just i just took my hand in and grabbed the colors out um i'm gonna continue to do that i think i'm gonna repeat it like four or five times i think that's what the the number count breaks down to so i'm just pulling at random i love how it's i really love how it's knitting up it's actually very drapey too which i'm surprised that it feels so drapey i love the back isn't that so good yeah and don't worry about these tails people were like oh my god you know your ends try this i've been i've been doing the weaving steven method the entire time so i could really just snip these um these suckers right out which is exactly what i did for the slipstravaganza shawl so um these are these do not need to be woven in because they already are as i'm knitting i just need to cut them and yeah this is what i have so far it looks good it looks good so have you so interesting have you used i wish you all can see it in person have you used all 13 colors yes so that's where this was so i i wanted to get all the colors in gotcha so this from here down okay those are all the colors but the neat thing about these minis is that they're so like variegated and speckled that every time i knit with one it's gonna look it looks different because it's not like nan the way that nancy did it it's just like it's just amazing from you know from start to finish so even though i'm grabbing them at random it's not gonna look like they're repeated in weird ways because then well yeah because the the next section you're using more each section so the color variation is going to be even extended over more stitches so it's not going to look the same way and that's what i'm really excited about so i was really looking for a way to use up the um the advents this is our first year of of getting advents so we got um the halloween advent and we also got the christmas advent too and i was like instead of doing like a blanket or something i wanted to try something different so very nice so far i'm very happy with it and it's it's a very fun knit it's very easy to memorize the pattern as well but um i'm not quite at the tv knitting phase because you kind of have to count before you slip your stitches and then um i i tend to forget an increase from time to time yeah so i'm not there yet but i think as i as i knit more i'll be able to do it while i'm occupied on other things cool beans thanks so that's all of our f o's and whatever that's all of our whipped cream we're gonna move into uh-oh hey booger hi sweetheart what's up not yet yeah you gotta lay down i'm getting there too i know it's almost um lunch time but it's so not go lay down um so we have let's jump into um some outpost okay i'm gonna follow up yours with my chip basket sounds good um so this basket oh i forgot that downstairs what the oh no it's over there okay so i won my chip basket and fiber hustle bingo oh so my fellow my chair is also quilted i i love this too this i was so excited when i saw this yes um you want to come up come here so mine is uh like raises cotton mine's like more of a canvas fabric really great and i still have my yarn left over from the sweater in here it holds so much and it's so convenient because there's no zipper so you don't really have to worry about your yarn getting stuck on anything um and it's always by on the side of the couch yes that's where it's been living yeah with projects that i'm working on here books do you want to go in here you could sit in there he could tarka needs a haircut next week you getting your hair's cut next weekend yeah yeah um so that is you talk about the inside is a little bit different yeah i said that bolt it's my inside two is also like a canvas fabric yeah um and the foam is a little bit different so mine's a little sturdier so which i love i love the the sturdiness of this um they're both just so good they're incredibly well made chip did an amazing job with these so amazing job oh it's such a good it is so hopefully i think you know he's ironing out some things no pun intended um i think they're gonna look at potentially making them available but i'm not i'm not sure so he's still working thank you you're cute on a couple of things but um chip thank you so much yes thank you chip so so much you guys are fantastic did you show the the book you got with it oh and then i got a book chip sent me a book with mine the jock strap murder what i don't know is it a gay novella it is you know i love my gay novellas so thank you get an education while i knit yeah quite the education you'll get um the next came from an amazing this is uh prairie dog bags on etsy bag works on etsy on etsy so i was thinking dog because he's like right here it will be linked below it will hi and um so sue sent us a couple items that we can um use for giveaways or keep i know i want to do both how do we do both she sent us a really nice um letter with it so sue thank you so much first we got two size yarn bowls so these come so these are yarn balls that she makes yes these are the two sizes so this one's like a medium this one's a small this one has a little thing on it that says eat sleep knit this one is blank um i checked the etsy shop and there's multiple like things that you can get i think one was like an alpaca one yeah she has um um i think it's in here too right yeah there's a i have it somewhere all right so these are rope bowls and you slide your yarn i think through here it's just so well made it has a little so well over here i love it it's very sturdy i don't know where the um the other she has a like a there was a little paper or something that had the different we may have look at the handmade tags i don't even notice all that yeah there's um um care instructions that come with it look at these tags that you can use yeah for care instructions we're gonna definitely give those away i think those would be fantastic gifts and then i know he's gonna freak out probably oh there it is i left it in the bag oh here we go so here's some of the things that come on it so alpaca a sheep um i love yarn yarn snob knit sleep repeat knit sleep repeat so really great and then she also sent us a couple bags so sorry for the he's crinkling crinkling so bag number one is the yarn sheep but there's they're skeins of yarn and balls of yarn how freaking cute that's why i call them yarn sheep look at the in the inside is polka dots and there's a ruler right here like in knit or sewn into it and there's like a little hook grommet looking thing on the inside too yeah there's some grommets yeah or or uh you can put your stitch markers on there this has this has stitch markers i can't right so we have a shoe oh my gosh stitch marker i got some light bulb ones and then some of the cards there is one two pockets inside and they are incredibly well made and then we have a nice this one's a drawstring right so really really pretty yeah well made has her little um tag here i love it and then this is a larger one this is really pretty oh my gosh and look at the bunnies on it how perfect for easter and springtime so really nice handle it's really thick and sturdy it is then this and i like how she seamed them like above each other do you see that so that you can um carry it around a little bit easier and then this has a little on the zipper has an eat sleep knit progress keeper or you could keep it as a zipper pull nice green zipper on it and then here again is that little cute ruler what it's sewn into it this also has two pockets they're very nice large pockets and then same thing we have a little sheep this is a stitch marker with the little bead on it and then some light bulb ones and then the care instructions and this one here has the kitchener stitch on the back of it so does this one it's just really well done um thank you so much sue that was absolutely generous and i really think i i would love to be able to give all of this away because yeah i mean they are so when we got them i don't think amazing no we got them after last episode right yeah so yeah i mean we have our look at this is her business card we will have a link to our etsy shop below in the description of this episode um so go check out her shop buy some of her stuff you will love it we love it and then we will be sending these out to some lucky winners for uh maybe for the spring now we'll see which yeah but yeah we probably even do sooner than that too we could let's not get ahead of her let's not yeah but right now yeah but how cute would that bag be for like a little easter giveaway or something no i'm probably nope blame kevin nope blame kevin so again really thank you so much we we cannot express our things and then we have one more enough um ugh oh they have a facebook page as well and an instagram prairie bagworks on facebook and instagram so check out sue and prayer bag works guys yes and then our last one is kind of a spoiler so before i show it we will speak of it i have more things from from our ikea trick oh no i'm i meant from oh my gosh this i can't believe oh and then after this i'm going to jump into yarn before we do acquisition uh breaking the bank because typically i talk about yarn before we do this so if you purchased i didn't know that there was a typical with us there isn't but there is there's some type of to what we do okay in order in a weird way okay it's like my shawl right um so max and vincent are they're super great guys we've had the opportunity to chat with them on instagram they're really nice they're super funny um and they this is max and vincent from from max the knitter and by dells yeah so um we've been fortunate enough to like chat with them here and there and they without um without speaking with us we just got an email that said oh we had an order from lake our song coming to us and they were very generous and they gifted us their i feel like it's so crazy his dark materials we talked about this so we know that it's showing on instagram so some people have received their shipments if you haven't um then look away i'm gonna give you three seconds three two one so it came packaged incredibly well oh my god this is what the yarn came in and i couldn't kevin couldn't i couldn't bear to rip this yeah which is funny um so it came wrapped in this and look at the little sticker of um uric he's so cute ruin it it's so cute that's designed by max yeah amazing artist that and then this is the yarn this yarn is based on lyra in her demon pan pan are you ready so this is two skeins yes we have the red which is lyra yes we have the white which is pam and then this stitch marker progress keeper is him too and then look he's right there he's very cute so this white is mohair we've never touched or worked with mohair so no thank god i shaved i feel like it would be all over and then if you look at it this way the this down here is a much darker red yes beautiful we actually watched their most recent episode last night yeah so it's happy hour with lagarson they have a youtube channel right which maybe we'll link below um episode 3 was on last night or we watched it last night and um they talk about this and like kind of like the significance of wrapping it together which is really really smart if we ever go to montreal we'll have them make us some drinks because boy they make some amazing cocktails um hot totties hot toddies and then the yarn in addition then came wrapped did you say what the other base was oh it is a bfl yeah it is so that's the first time that i've i've i'll have worked with bio i believe that's the same with me i don't know that i've used bfl before i you correct i haven't used bfl i've only used coredale um bfl 75 befl and um 25 nylon and then you got this oh it's a kid mohair silk blend i know how freaking cute is that so this is lyra yeah in her hat which is i love the hat yeah she's knitting something pan and uric sleeping with his arms with his golden arms and trees in the forest under the sky with stars so when this came i like sent them a message i was like so excited very really i just like i went i went crazy like oh my god can you tell i'm excited like no we couldn't tell i always wonder if people can tell so a lot of the times like our group discussions are happen under the needles at the ready account so i always wonder if people can tell the difference between you and i responding sometimes i just do a like a dash k at the end of mine so people know like it's coming from me chances are if you receive a message from needles at the ready and it's very expressive and emotional it would be me yeah for and if it seemed dry and to the point it would be kevin um so that guys is that for oh tarquin for um i will post owl post so now let's talk about some yarn that i've died yeah thank you i just want to say thank you again for all of you who have sent us things yeah just it it's you don't have to and it's just incredible when we get these little packages in the mail and we get to share um you know your shops and some of the things that you make it's it just it opens up our eyes too just how creative and amazing all of you people are who do these things yeah it's just incredible and it's and i hope that we're able to express to everybody else watching how you know how appreciative we are and how amazing some of these products are and um we just really want to support you so thank you so much yeah we really appreciate it really say thank you so it's really awesome when we get to share stuff with you guys yeah looks laying your bed all right so all right you aren't dying a few more things oh my god these can be great oh so i haven't seen these like these are i have four things of yarn that i've dyed that i haven't shown yet so these two are really recent i should have brought this one up so this one is um a tonal gray with some speckles of green and speckles of gray it is on a dk base here it is un wound it came out really really well oh i love this little like shadowy love this section um this was really fun this was the first time i used citric acid when dyeing yeah which i really like that way more than using vinegar so you can see some of the green over here i use the same gray that i made the dye stock with for the speckles so it just came out much you know darker i love this this i love the way this turned out i think it's really really pretty um yeah and it's so soft it is it's a really nice um yeah dk base then the next one is based on a picture which i meant to bring up and i thought oh yeah so i have we have a picture in the living room that i took a couple years ago going to like an abandoned beach area here in stratford um it's kind of like on the stratfor bridgeport line and in the picture um it is this old abandoned shack that has like a rusted red orangey paint on the outside and you can see some almost like gr it's like a what did it like the grasses that that's like a straw color um a blue sky and then going through it the picture i took is you can see from the outside past it it like through two windows so then the interior of the building just came out like this really gray black so i wanted to incorporate the straw with the rustiness of the building the black of the interior and the blue sky so i dyed this with a like a darker yellow tone and then just tried some speckles of the orange the blue and i used gray instead of like true black so i don't know that it came out exactly the way i had envisioned in my head but it's still beautiful it yeah it's it's really nice it's not one of my favorites that i've attempted um but i like it um there's definitely some i think this one too i use citric acid and probably too much because there are i don't know no you can because the amount of acid that you have in your water um that's what causes the dye to strike so it's the more acid it's going to stretch faster and sometimes faster instead of giving it an opportunity to correct i see correct so you have some wider spots on those yeah i see yep um so that which that's a technique in itself too probably yeah figuring out your um acid the amount of acid that you want like i've watched fiber for the people and she uses a ph um like litmus paper no she well yeah but she also got a tool that you just put in the water and for certain um color she has a very specific ph that she wants so she brings it back down with baking soda she's a very talented so then bring it back up yeah her yard does not last long in her shops i tell you that and then i dyed up three of these they're a mess but blues so i have three i love it so this one is very tonal against some light to really like vibrant blue down here and on the back these are such a mess still though i have to figure them out i had a lot of trouble with this die staying it kept bleeding but i was using vinegar so um and that's your older dyes right that you had gotten that or that i don't remember to be honest but yeah so i did three of these blues and then let's reskin them yeah and see if that helps um and then i have three well i did three of these but i'm keeping one i already caked it up this is very autumn yes like a burnt orange some yellow some like dark dirty green in it almost dark dirty green yeah so you got some of it up here too so they're actually pretty they're gorgeous yeah but they're gorgeous yeah i have a skein that i caked up for myself i'm probably going to do a sock head hat with it oh good idea and see so and then i have i'm going to do some either today or tomorrow i'm i'm planning on messing with some green and some gray and making a tonal out of it just one skein on probably dk so what i may what i'm thinking about doing because obviously i can't keep all this yarn is we're gonna look into opening up an etsy shop and then like these one-of-a-kinds posting them on etsy would you guys be interested see if anybody's interested in buying them because i'm enjoying it so much that i want to keep doing it but i can't keep all this yarn yeah and i don't intend to do like an indie dire like become an indie dire type of thing but it's just another part of the process that i've really enjoyed so um i like messing around with colors and see seeing what i can come up with like that the gray green i know exactly how to repeat that i'm probably going to try it again because i want a skein for myself um so yeah i think we're gonna we're gonna look into that so yeah let us know if that's something you guys would be interested in and then once we get things going we'll we'll let you know we have some interesting things maybe on the horizon who knows and so that's it for yarn that i died so let's talk about some breaking the bank breaking the bank why don't you talk about this because you i bought three things that i bought first things first is i saw this color on instagram um she's one of our favorite dyers yes and i saw the color and i was like i have to have it so i signed up for a club i don't know that i'm gonna continue because i don't know what the future colors are gonna be but the colors based on this picture oops sorry i hit the mic and now i have the hiccups and here is the colorway this is from savvy skeins it is on her sensible sock the colorway is called barn owl it's a 420 yards it's a 80 20 blend so 80 superwash merino 20 nylon and here is the it's gorgeous this is beautiful i love it so good love everything about this skein love the speckles back here of the like brown and black yeah look at the speckling on on the actual picture what's so good yeah really cool so i was really really happy and excited to get this um i wonder who did that picture i don't know but it's a good picture it is a good picture and then this came from lolo did it this is my downton abbey club upstairs oh my god downstairs i watched downton abbey with you you did watch one episode or two one one one so this is um this is about daisy and williams love story here is let's take these out it's they're they're really cool colors actually so this is william the mini that came with it i love that this is a it's reading like royal like a royal purple almost yeah it's much more purple in person yeah and then this is war widow it's a really nice um like if you look at them together it reads blue here like it's reading navy now with the purple so we have purple and some white and black and some like magenta pink tones here really really pretty this is an 80 i think this is 85 15 because it's super soft yeah 85 15. i love her base actually because she used that same base i think for the dumbledore club no right dumbledore was 80 20. are you sure i thought it was 85 15. no dumbledore's not i don't think dumbledore was as soft as this no no but yeah and then my last purchase came from lyla styles guys yes so i was i favored a lot of 5 15. oh really yeah okay yeah so a lot of the shops that we talk about i favorite the shops and then oh i want to talk about another shop i go and i look at their stuff i check um the updates tab on etsy all the time on the app and see what shops that we favorited that have um updates so i saw that this room is such a mess i'm sorry to cut you off but holy cow um i saw that lila styles shop had an update so i went and looked and then i saw this and this led me to my purchase i love all of her stuff because she does really like geeky star wars harry potter stuff so that's right up my alley but then i saw this and i was like this and then i saw one section of it and it's what sold me so i'm easily swayed so i got um a cake koozie right grey's anatomy and then it says dance it out i saw the words dance it out and i was like oh i have to i really miss christine this is one of my favorite shows um we are behind a season and a half about we stopped watching mid-season last season um because yarn yeah because yarn but i love it and then i saw a double-oh-seven i was like oh george o'malley oh and it has mixed mcdreamy on it and it has meredith and christina so i loved it so i purchased this one and then i got purchased the platform nine and three quarters because how could you not yes and then i purchased the patronus one so i thought this was fantastic because as moaning myrtle as harry as dobby the chocolate frog the gryffindor like everything great about it so and then um i think then it was this one hello star wars luke leia oh hey han how you doing chewie i think it's got all of them in there yeah it has um yoda it has padme does it have it has some ewoks which i swear tarquin is part ewok totally rey oh it's ob1 jar jar uh bb8 bb8 has my heart he does and then she was so generous she sent two additional ones look at these so cute and it's got the chewbacca bandolier it has chewbacca that's chewbacca yeah so cute like look what and then this one i love dobby another one who stole my heart he did steal my heart poor dobby and with it came some fun stickers i love this stuff this one's great it's a great sticker and save dobby adorable so great purchase i've never used one so i'm excited to try one so this is the concept if you all don't know what they are this is a large caked skein of yarn already um but you put the the the yarn inside these little and it keeps its form so as you pull from the center it doesn't get all cracked yeah it doesn't get all funkadelic um and that's everything that i've purchased in the last two weeks yeah and then we have this not yarn related i just thought it was really funny so i'm gonna show it yeah please anyway so um i was downstairs when you were talking about the ikea trip so i'm not quite sure what you talked about i didn't see everything that we bought so you did get this i forgot about that for your um storage yeah i got this little like bag for three dollars um that i'm gonna keep like all my needles and stuff in and probably like my notions just to try to be a little more organized i don't know it probably won't happen guys it this may just stay somewhere but i thought it was cute i like gray and yellow yeah um and how could you go wrong for 2.99 totally speaking of how you cannot go wrong we love our ikea bags we use them i talked about how we got some of them we use them for groceries and laundry so in addition to getting some smaller size bags how you doing so they have ikea hats hats now made out of the fabric and when we were there did you talk about the lady no i didn't the weird lady she was not she was not weird no no she was just very passionate about the ikea bags very passionate so she was very excited about these hats and she bought quite a few of them and i was like oh okay that's so funny how funny and then she kind of kind of convinced me to get one i don't know that there was much convincing to be no because come on and then it's a it's a hat bag so but then yesterday it was raining here right it was rae says oh i need an umbrella [Music] i was like just go get your ikea hat back your key bag hat hat bag your ikea hat bag because it's waterproof you'll be fine and it would be good to go out gardening when i go when i cut the grass keep the sun out of my eyes i would love all right you do that tomorrow when you go together i'll hold your hand and we'll go walk up and down the street um so i just thought it was funny it's one of those like jokey things i think it was only like two dollars yeah but the bet their bags are great their bags are great i love their the ikea packs they're huge and they're only a dollar i think when you buy bags but so that is that let's talk about um what we've been reading and watching sure so watching there's quite a bit um one of them is from we forgot to mention it in the last episode so let's start with that okay we had watched the movie hustlers with um jennifer lopez and candace i think it's woo candace wu yeah she's from um crazy rich asians oh yeah super good movie it was i thought it was good too um i thought jennifer lopez was good in it yeah yeah jennifer lopez what looked phenomenal she's like 50 yes she looked like she was like 30. yeah amazing like what i can't holy cow she is something else but i thought the story like was great that acting in it was really good um it also had haley i want to say her name's ryan hart she's from that show that's on cw archie with archie in them um riverdale river riverdale um she was in it cardi b was in it for a little bit oh she made an appearance it was it's a movie about um i think it's based on a true story it is it's based on um so they're strippers and what they did once the market crashed and how they kind of flipped the tables on men and what they did like it is pretty bad they drugged these people and stole their money basically that's what they did true um facts right but it was a really good movie it really was i enjoyed it and then recommend i recently watched the movie chef with john favreau and um sofia varga from modern family and dad it was good it was a really good movie um it was like a happy-go-lucky movie you need those every once in a while i wish i had watched it is a chef and things just kind of went to crap and he decided to start a food truck and it was about that and then his relationship with his son um his ex-wife so just a really good i thought nice little story i i will probably watch that again i may buy it um for apple tv because i i did enjoy it and i i would probably watch it okay multiple times okay um and then i've watched i mentioned this last time i finished season one of teen wolf and i finished season two so i started season three but i didn't get very far i think i stopped actually mid episode one and then together we finished season two of a discovery of witches which i really enjoyed it i enjoyed probably season two more than i did season one i thought that with season two they things were out of order yes um but in the bigger picture of what they showed and what they covered in the books and what they showed almost all the major things happened almost all the major events if not all of them it showed some of the background stuff that kind of you would infer happened in the books yes right but you see it in the television show so it gives you a bigger picture um and i've gone on the record to say that i did not like marcus's casting however in this one it actually explains something which i feel so stupid that i wouldn't have thought of before so one of my issues with the character marcus in the first season was that he is when you meet marcus in the books marcus is from california he's blonde hair where's his shell necklace has another necklace with all these little charms on it and he's easy going and blah blah so i american swagger right so i just envisioned marcus like a surfer right so not speaking like a surfer either not being like but just that that like that persona chill mentality right so i just had this dude and then you watch these one and he has a british accent and i should have picked up on this reading his book after he becomes a vampire he lives in europe correct for a very long time for hundreds of years so why would it have surprised me that he picked up a british accent correct so for some reason in this um season two it just kind of made sense i was like okay and he's a cutie patootie the actor in some of these scenes i thought um maybe yeah you like marcus i like um i do like i thought kit was adorable he's crazy in the show don't get me wrong but i think he's a good looking actor no i mean he's not like he's not like you're going to throw him overboard no i wouldn't throw him overboard but um but i i agree with you i think i i loved i actually loved this season yeah because of the what was happening in the modern times yeah you know book two is all about diana and matthew and her finding herself and her her powers and you know the book and blah blah blah but we do we infer a lot of we're supposed to infer a lot of what happened during that year period right in the modern world and this i feel like this season showed it all so it showed you know when they come back spoiler alert for those of you who haven't read the books but it's been out for a very long time um when they come back from the past marcus and phoebe are like already together they're talking about turning her into a vampire getting married you know like or whatever um you know poor we we learn a little bit about um her aunts her aunts and you know doing some of the dark magic but we don't know all the details like this showed all of that stuff and i thought that was really cool and i really liked and i think i said this before about the first season is when they go to um oh shoot what the heck's the name of it the the covent no oh the island the island what's the name of the island i don't remember that me neither but we never like a lot of a lot of the the series the tv series takes place on the island and you get a feeling that it's not just a place to go to hold a meeting like there's actual things to do right because again they infer that in the books about that there's a big library there and there's all these different sections but you have that feeling also that like they only go there when they need to meet in a giant group correct um which is not the case so it was cool i liked those aspects of things there um so i think they could have taken a lot of liberties which they did take a lot of liberties but especially with the modern i thought it was just done incredibly well yeah you know i missed a lot of things in the second book i really enjoyed the more and more i read it because the second book is not a lot of people's favorites correct if you don't read it you know often enough you just like a one-and-done kind of thing you're like what was that was a lot it gets better every time it does and i i missed the interaction with the queen i think they they did not establish that the queen and matthew had a history which i really liked seeing that in the books no they they did towards the end you didn't really get a chance like he you know they did they they did what they could yeah no i get it i totally like it could have been if they had a huge budget there it could have been so much grander there were so many scenes in the book um that had huge crowds of people where in like the wedding show it was like five people yeah you know so so they definitely had to make some adjustments but i thought i just thought it was done so well yeah and it gets the point across of that second book really well yeah i just feel bad because they did leave out some like my favorite parts of the books well i didn't see it i mean the first season left out the yoga scene which is one of my favorite scenes ever but it doesn't i like the whole it's not going to translate well i know television and a lot of the stuff that happens in that second book isn't going to translate well to television um so they have to quicken it up yeah two is long book two's it's very hot it's very long but i like that i i found that i likes the the growth i like reading about growth a character's growth like for example when diana goes to septors and she you know and um philippe is just like hard on her at first and she's learning how to how to manage the household she's learning how to speak different languages because they i mean i'm sure it was difficult to address in the tv series but at the start of the book she doesn't fit in she comes from modern day you know times back into elizabethan england england and even though we can understand a british accent or an english accent some of the words that they use different is different the inflections are different i liked that stuff and i liked learning about her growing and then finally feeling like she's ready to fly that nest when philip was like i've been conversing with you in three different languages and you've been conversing back right no issues and now she's like ready to go off on her own i like stuff like that it would have had to be a 22 episode season in order for them which i wouldn't have been mad at because i was thought it was good no but the production company who's doing it is a newer production company so they definitely wouldn't have had the funds and because it's made i don't know i wonder like i think here in the us a lot of our television series are 22 episodes give or take a few i don't know if that's typical in other countries because if you think of things that we've watched that are canadian based shows they're not like lost girl um that was a great show too right that wasn't 22 episodes per season so i think that's what we also have to look at is that tv and other countries and productions in other countries are very different than what we have so we also have a pandemic going around too well that too yeah um all right so that was the discovery of witches and the last thing is we watched the first episode of the falcon and the winter soldier did last night and it was a very good i thought it was good too i'm interested to see where they go with it you didn't get much of an idea of where they're taking it like but you kind of got some glimpses i love yeah i liked it too and and i i love that they i love that they're using the actors that they use in the films well they would have to no but not really because like how many times do they redo like a superman or something and it's a different actor and it's a different it's the same universe so in order for them to stay in the same universe they have to do that i know i love i just i thought it was good too i think it has a lot of potential the special effects were great yeah i felt like they were movie quality for sure um so i'll be interested to see where that one goes and then lastly um because we should we're almost at an hour and 45 minutes we should start wrapping we are yeah we just talk we spend a lot of time on our sweater though um so for books i finished in the darkness and i read thicker than blood that is the zoe bentley series by max o'mear i or not max mike sorry mike you didn't like mike no i like i loved the series i thought it was done incredibly well three books murder mysteries um the same serial killer is in all three books so by the end you know things are pretty get wrapped up um so i i might read more of his books i'm not sure but okay um it's nice to find a new author and then i started six of crows by leigh bardugo which is part of the grishaverse and i'm trying to read the two books in this separate series in that same universe before the show comes out next month because there are characters from these two books in the tv show because i don't know if the timelines of the books match okay so um i'm only like a couple chapters in so far it's the names are very hard in this book like the i don't you know how like you read a name and all of a sudden you're just making stuff up yes and i've made up i've made up a lot of names because i have no idea how to pronounce them but yeah that's what i'm reading great i finished uh i always get these confused core of a court of mist and fury how do you know that did you write it down no thank you i finished the court of mist and fury wow i love i loved it i and you know people were saying like the first book was was great second was like their favorite this one was my favorite this one was really cool that was the second book this is the third book oh that's oh i thought you're from okay yeah last night i did i finished that last night and um i thought it was really cool how you know like there's a happy ending but not a happy ending um yes i kind of like that a lot but it did tie things up but it left things open which i know that there's more books and i actually started reading the fourth book um last night which is kind of like a novella it's apparently it's it's shorter it was almost set for like a filler before the next book so not much is not much happens i read some reviews last night because i was like why did this book get so many less reviews than the other ones and people were just saying that that like it's just it's kind of like filler material there's not many not much plot advancement in this but um it's perfect for me though because i kind of i'm ready for that you know that that chill don't really necessarily need to like advance the plot tell me what's going on with the characters that's why i like my like i go to uh one of my gay novellas because i need that again a palette cleanser and just something that's an easy read yeah and um and because i've been reading these back to back to back it's it's gonna be a nice transition it's not like and i i can see why people would have said that it was kind of a disappointment if you read each book when they came out because it's like did i really wait a year for nothing really to happen and for a book that's half the length gotcha for me it's going to be a great experience i think um and that's that's called a quart of glass and something else oh that's the crochet those crochet hooks um and that's kind of where i'm excited for the book six of crows the two books in this series got amazing feedback from readers they really like it they think it's better than the first three books oh really um the shadow and bone collection so i'm interested to see if i feel the same once i'm done okay this is a court of frost and starlight is um the book you're reading is the book that i'm reading now okay yeah so um yeah and i think there's i think there's just one more after this okay i'm not quite sure or there's another spin-off or something which i may not read the spin off but it's been highly enjoyable and i know people were just i guess a little bit uncomfortable sometimes with some of the like the sex scenes and stuff oh oh no but um it wasn't really bad all right i only blushed once or twice i think that's everything we call it a lot we did cover a lot this is actually a little bit longer than where we've been going so um if you're still here thank you so much yeah thanks for thanks for hanging out i forgot to release you during our um acquisition phase but i'm glad that you hung out if you did yeah so if you stuck around this long guys thank you so much uh we appreciate it i wanted to mention one more etsy shop which one i wanted to talk about what not um oh this is kathy from we love catherine we would totally love kathy from the whatnot you should also watch her podcast you totally should so i was um to kevin's point like what that reminded me when you were save etsy shops yeah and see about um you know their updates i had just randomly the other day gone to her etsy shop and she has so many amazing things there's yarn there's she's got some sock blanks on there she's selling a couple of her shawls that she put together um she's got a ton of stitch markers and progress keepers she's got some yarn bowls as well like the the cloth rope bowls um so i just wanted to mention that because i was so surprised at how much stuff she had in her shop so um so give her a check if you haven't already she's from australia yeah anyway sorry thanks that's why i'm glad i got that out so um guys again thank you thank you we appreciate y'all for hanging out chatting yeah um we will do this again in a fortnight so until then um hope you guys stay safe enjoy your crafting and enjoy some good weather if you're getting it make sure you try to knit with those nine inch circular needles whenever you can goodbye bye guys
Channel: Needles at the Ready Podcast
Views: 16,117
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 51sec (6591 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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