Needles at the Ready: Episode 47 Sweater Weather

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all right good morning good morning hi everybody welcome to needles at the ready i'm kevin and i'm ray we are coming to you from stratfor connecticut where we live with our dog tarquin this is our little knitting youtube channel where i talk about knitting yarn dying crocheting and all the goodness that happens with that so and this is episode what's anybody know seven um 47 episode 47 and today is saturday october 2nd and it is can you believe it's october 11 a.m it is happy 11 a.m well we're pretty we've been pretty productive i've gotten into workout we went and got a haircut tarquin's gone for a walk and now we're back here chatting with you all yeah so pull up a chair make some coffee tea or an alcoholic beverage depending on the time you say we're not a little early for us well well not really you got brunch yeah true you could have a mimosas totally um with just a splash of orange juice you don't need a lot of orange yes so welcome um back to all of your champagne and orange juice would be delicious oh that would be good right welcome back to all of our returning viewers and any new viewers thanks so much for checking us out yeah if you haven't already um hit that subscribe button give a thumbs up pour it down leave a comment like do all the fun do all that fun youtube good day yeah totally so it has been a fortnight sure has and i have not we have not much to to i feel like i do i didn't do much knitting i've only knit on one thing and it's still not done so but you ran into a little hiccup yes so we'll talk about that later the hiccup yeah and the resolution to the hiccup which was great um so let's talk about our last two weeks all right what have we done um nothing not much no we haven't we feel we were just like talking about that before um don't know that we've seen people well you went out for dinner i did it was really nice my um my boss took us all the managers out for a nice italian dinner it was at a a really nice restaurant that i had never been at before it was delicious food i'm all about the food right now because i'm pretty hungry i almost spelled it because tarquin gets nervous when we say the word hungry not nervous he gets excited like he's gonna eat oh you know i thought you meant the word food i'm like i don't know that he knows food no h and g are why we said yeah yeah um so it was really it was really nice what did i spell to him remember like a couple of days ago like him and i was talking to him b.a.g and oh yeah we're so this is bad we shouldn't be admitting these if you are a dog owner if you are a pet owner and the pet understands what you say yeah you know that you spell out some words of course right like we used to [Music] when we lived in the apartment we used to take talk uh turquoin to a dog park so instead of calling it that we were like oh do you want to take him to the dp right so he didn't know and it becomes part of our everyday language so even when we're talking to each other we still say dp right yeah um so turquoise when he's not around exactly um but so tarquin has a bag that you got him last year for christmas like and it scrunches up and every night him and i it's like a hide a treat bag to make them like think and work hard for their treats so i break up some like a big milk bone and i put it in there and every night i asked him if he wants his bag so i don't know why this one night earlier in the week i asked him i was like hey do you want your bag right and i'm going inside to get it and i was like wait did you just spell that for him and i didn't even pick up on it because we're it's i'm so used to uh spelling these things okay so continue with your dinner well that was it so it was it was a nice dinner um i had a new beer to me uh it was like an italian beer i can't remember polonie i think is the name of it or peyronie or something like that it was really good it was nice and light it was nice and then one of the managers um because i liked it so much he ended up giving me a six pack yesterday which i left at work unfortunately it would have been nice to have today very nice but that's okay yeah so i did that work has been really really um busy a lot of late nights at work these past two weeks and school is uh this semester this class is ending i do seven week courses um so this this course is ending i have like two more assignments i have to finish a paper tonight uh and then i think that's really it my knitting has been monogamous and then i finished something glorious you finished a couple projects i did i have two fos today but i moved on once i once i finished a larger project um and yeah i haven't done much i've worked work there are a couple late nights an early morning um i've done a bunch of dining so you did a lot of yarn i did a lot of yarn dyeing yeah i did some knitting um i got a new video game that a couple days ago that i started playing called new world which i've been enjoying so i can't wait to get to that today um and enjoy that and oh we decorated for fall fall has fallen in our home yes we've pulled out all the fall decorations and did that last weekend last weekend was that and like yard work yep and house stuff just house stuff um yeah so that's kind of been our two weeks yeah the weather's been um beautiful yeah although one night i was like so dramatic today he says oh we we need to move to florida yeah we'll retire really early like in the next year or two not happening um nope and then i think that's everything so we'll jump into admin stuff so tomorrow we will have an etsy shop update tomorrow is october 4th oh that's my parent's anniversary is it no tomorrow's october 3rd but october 4th is my parents anniversary how many years 21 one no how old am i there they'll be 40. it's i'm 40. you're 40 41. 41 years wow no 40 no 41. i don't freaking know i think it's 41. did they get married before or after my mom was 19 when she got when they got married i'm not gonna oh i can't i should have said that no but we everybody knows that she just turned a number a number mom i'm so sorry my mom wants were they married before you were born yes kevin okay so if you're 40 then it would have to at least before 41. okay there we go so happy we figured that out happy 41st anniversary yeah i was gonna say 41 happy 41. um so yeah we'll do a shop update tomorrow october 3rd it's going to be at 3 p.m eastern time yes there'll be some yarn and some of our new pins so they're just a little bit larger than the last batch and we have the original white and teal and then we have a black and teal right so we'll have those up tomorrow um and then we have our accessories knit along going to that started september 1st it will run to the end of november and i love um scrolling through instagram and seeing people posting those things i know so we have a hashtag it's natrful21 hashtag natr fall21 and then we're considering accessories like hats mitts socks i think scarves cowls headbands bags jewelry kind of what we did is anything that falls in the accessories category category in ravelry is an accessory right so this way you can sell us on an accessory don't get a sweater and tell me that that's definitely not an accessory yeah i mean if you knit a sweater during this knit along good for you but yeah um anything and then lastly uh so we have a bunch of coupon codes and last time we felt like it took a bunch of time so what we're gonna do today is we're gonna mention now guys we have coupon codes they're right down below in the description hit the little chevron and it'll expand it and i'll have them all but then when we get to our acquisitions we'll talk about them a little bit more yeah so that is that's really yeah that's really kind of what we've been really up to i feel like it's been oh wait before we get going guess what's in two weeks from today guess where we'll be guys we i'm so excited where are we gonna be we're going to be in rhinebeck we are we're going to go to rhinebeck we're going to go to new york sheep and wool festival in rhinebeck new york is that bananas that it's in two weeks yeah i'm i'm like i i have i'm afraid to get super excited because like i'm afraid that it's gonna get cancelled i don't think so but i i so far it's on and they're like all the vendors are listed um i think we're good i think no i think we're going people have reached out to us already saying that they're going um we're gonna go on saturday yeah this is going to be our last podcast before right we're going to podcast tentatively the day after so that's sunday that sunday um we'll podcast yeah i'm so excited i'm excited to see people you know like just to like meet people we've we've chatted with a bunch of you through you know instagram and youtube yeah all of this it would be really cool to like meet him and say hello it will be our first fiber event that we've gone to since starting this like we've gone and we did the knit in the park in new haven and that was fun we've done the worldwide knit in public day um but we've never been to a fiber event since starting this so that's going to be that's going to be a lot of fun and i've never been as a knitter right the only fiber festival that we've gone to was in vernon connecticut yeah three or four years ago now and you weren't no knitting and you def i mean even then you were barely crocheting right so i was convinced though that i was gonna become a um a drop spinner spinner yes you are we got drop spindles we thought it was the coolest freaking thing that's when like my purchase of yarn would bother you that i was spending money because i didn't understand it i'm like i don't understand why are you spending 28 dollars on this that's what gain of yarn beautiful thing is now it you got it from um dirty dirty water dye works remember that was the first one of the first yarn actually the project is over there yeah super fun yes that's one of the i want to say that's probably one of the first we'll say indie die jars that i bought because prior to that all of my yarn purchasing would have happened at most likely knit new haven and nitpicks right um right for the most part i think so yeah so if you go please um say hi please say hi we'll be there wave at us yell at us catcall nine inch circular needle at us yeah but it'll be exciting to see people people who knows are you bringing me what a project yes i am are you bringing socks no i'm gonna do a sock head because socks i'm afraid i'm afraid that i might finish like a leg or something like that while i'm on it like i don't want to like worry about having to turn a heel or any of that stuff so i think i'm just going to do a sock head or i might do the muscle burg i'm really getting pulled in that direction not to me i don't everybody's knitting it and i'm like i don't have fomo with the muscle burp i totally have foam there is a very similar pattern style pattern in the moon and turtle book that i showed last week that i want to knit because it's i mean it's it's the i would say that it's knit the same way it probably just has a different um increase and decrease for the crown and a nipple i think you're gonna do the nipple hats it does but you can you can go nipple-free it has a nipple or a pom-pom on it pretty much all right sam's needle so i think oh and then one more thing crap what is it oh and then next weekend starts the stephen west m cow oh my gosh which i still haven't picked out yarn for and i'm now leaning towards unless i make a decision today i don't know what colors i want but unless i make the decision today i'm going to wait and buy my yarn at rhinebeck so then it would be my rhinebeck stephen west cal shaw great i think you could i mean you should i mean that might be i don't know yeah his motto is like something don't stress right with this knit along yeah i just don't know what um i still haven't decided on a color palette i feel like i need to see them together i have like 10 colors in mind which means we're going to be spending like hours at one booth or a booths maybe for you to pick out colors well i'm also buying a sweater's quantity of yarn at ryan beckham what am i come on you have your own atm card go make a purchase it's the same account makes us split i do because he's so embarrassed no it's not because of my videos because you're embarrassed it's not because i'm embarrassed because when you see one amount if you see you don't want to see the large amount correct if you see it separately it makes it a little easier to digest what did you make us split up that time our suits oh my god that's right so we're at macy's we i mean we talked about getting our suits and uh we posted pictures of us like wearing them and stuff but when it came to time to check out kevin's like okay you go pay for yours and i'm going to go pay you no i didn't whisper like it was a big secret to the world you kind of did no you're future you kind of did and i'm like well it comes out of the same account you are so susan lucci right now i'm not susan you are you need a snickers i could go for snickers okay all right that's it so yes m-cow starts next week we're participating i will at some point so i'm counting on on october 8th when it is when it comes and i'm staring at my bag full of yarn right now all right i'm so excited i have to kick it all up well let's talk about some knitting shall we let's do it do you have any i have no fos and i have one whip so i'm super excited today i'll carry us today okay i have two whips um nope yes i have two whips and i have two fos okay you want to see my first one yeah so it has been a long time coming i am extremely proud of this knit and i am i couldn't be happier i finished about three months late for um happiness uh knit along cardigan knit along um i knit the ranger by jared flood and for all of you people who have been here for a while you know that this has been like five months in the making or something um it's a beautiful textured cardigan i'll stand up so that you can all see it i'll move to the side i'm wearing it now so this is this is it this is the ranger by jared flood it is a like i said it's a textured cardigan um the the pattern definitely took it's not one of those that you can really go on autopilot with um but i'm i'm very very happy it's my first time ever knitting a cardigan it's a bottom-up cardigan i used um trilogy yarns uh 100 non-superwash merino wool it was a one-of-a-kind colorway uh it's a beautiful like green with you know browns and there's some black specks i think in here any browns no no bra no browns no browns um i had i think she sent me eight skeins total i have to go back in and look um and i have a hundred and seven grams left so i took about seven skeins of yarn i did the 42 inch chest i believe was my size uh 42 and three quarter inch um chest i was a little a little bit nervous because a lot of the pictures that i've seen in some of the projects that i've seen on ravelry it looks like the sweater when it's buttoned is a little bit um a little bit tight tighter and like form fitted i wanted a nice like cozy comfortable cardigan and this is exactly what i was looking for i did not alternate the skeins so you can see that there's pooling and you can see where the you know where i use the different skeins of yarn but i really like that look with this yarn um how do you do a a bunch of different techniques that i had never done before um some short row techniques there was i've never done a button band and you know i've never knit like buttonholes before they do work everything is like works nice um it does when it's buttoned it's not it's nice and loose this yarn was fantastic to um was fantastic to work with yeah like it doesn't look like it's like pulling much no it's good did they tell you where to place the buttons or did you have to figure that no he said to do it um sorry he said to do it like evenly so i actually looked like i looked at the um [Music] the pattern yeah and i counted how many how many um oh smart yeah because it's a two by two rib yep so i i kind of matched it up there so i did two um you know knit bumps or whatever and put it here and then after that was every five and then at the bottom i just put two extra buttons down the bottom there okay no there are two buttons yeah so it's seven buttons total um the the underarms was a kitchener stitch which i thought was great so you didn't i didn't have to worry about like giant holes under the underarms the only thing is and it's not a bad thing because i'm i'm super happy with how it turned out because all my fears totally went away with it feeling like it was too constricting and tight is this yarn honestly this yarn is magical it like you can even see how drapey it is now the only thing is the collar and i'm it's probably user error i probably didn't do the collar correctly um but it like it kind of drapes open it's probably the yarn which i i think it's the yarn because it's super drapey and and um cozy it's a superwash and that's it's non-superwash it's non-superwoman 100 non-superwash whoa did i say that i don't remember it it's non-superwash it's not superwash but i think this collar like this yarn is probably like uh it's there i'm sure it's a shelter yeah so it's it's a lot um stiffer right because it's not but i know you you have a super a non-superwash merino which is just naturally softer so it's um it's so cozy i am i'm really happy with it the i when i blocked it i wet blocked it and i laid it out and i actually spent time which makes a lot of sense and i don't know why i've never done it with the other two sweaters before is i spent time with the measuring tape and actually blocked it out to the measurements that it wanted i looked at the schematic and stuff so it just it really it does if it's if it's beautifully i'm so so happy with this is that gonna be your house coat this is gonna be my housecoat are you gonna wear that instead of your bathrobe so um it doesn't have pockets i could always add pockets probably i do like a good pocket in my bathrobe so i can put my phone put my hands yeah so um i will not wear this again until rhinebeck i will be wearing this at rhinebeck so if you um want to know what i look like well maybe we have to wear masks or whatever well rhinebeck is we just checked it's supposed to be at least here almost 70. yeah so that's going to be kind of warm for a worsted weight sweater you'll have it and if it's temperature maybe i'll just like tie it on it like as a flag and walk around with it i don't know i'm i love it very much it's actually not as um it's it feels still feels like breathable and warm at the same time i feel very comfortable right now so that's it that's my that's one fo okay um buttons oh your butt i mean not i don't know i've never done a sweater before like this with the buttons and stuff i brought up the package of buttons that i i did and i saw it me too i'll find it probably oh here there we went to um joanne's to get buttons we had we went to the christmas tree shop last week oh we got some new fall decor from the christmas tree shop did we get one or two things we went for coffee because we've talked about this before the coffee at the christmas tree shop the victory pods victor allen yeah very affordable we got the pumpkin spice and then our regular like light medium roast and a dark roast blend so um we were at joann's and i just got so buttons are expensive they are like they're super i mean they're not super exciting they're not if you went to these are the ones i used a like a yarn store to get it you'd pay more money than you did at joann's yeah you're probably right um so i think that's all i have to say about it i'm i can't tell you what size angles is that now uh six sevens and eights okay is what the pattern called for i know exactly sorry go ahead i was just saying and it's knit in the round it's not pieced it's not piece it's knit flat flat back and forth not piece so the only piecing you did was your sleeves were the only correct you knit the sleeves first um and then you end up uh picking them up when you like when you do the yolk shaping you start picking up the sleeves um so i think that'd be a good pattern for somebody who would like to knit a cardigan who's never knit one that is afraid of piecing yeah the in seeming the only thing is i don't know if i'm such a fan of bottom up because my anxiety starts taking over i'm like what if this isn't gonna fit me what if this isn't gonna fit me like i had to wait until i was up you know here before i can really try on the sweater to see if everything was okay but what wouldn't fit the length at that point you're really just concerned about that or maybe even the width too like i know you can block it out but i wasn't sure how this yarn would um this is my first time using this yarn from nancy that's probably why swatching helps i did swatch it right and i got engaged i got gauged both ways so if you trust your swatch and you trust your knitting you should be okay yeah but you're right i i don't i'm afraid of piecing i'm watching you knit your sweater and i'm like what that's no yeah nope so anyway my next sweater will be a top-down color work sweater okay speaking of color work i have another um excuse me that i just whipped up um this is uh living in our fancy boy designs so cute bag isn't that so cute this is my good side it says drogu is that his name drogu yes so i've been sitting on this for a while i bought this yarn specifically for this pattern and i actually use the the planned yarn for this pattern i don't have a printed version i'll have to pull it up my intention was to do this the adult size but i did not um let me show the yarn first because i think the hat would be really really cute to show this is using um arbor um so i have i think this is called kettle this is kettle arbor is a dk weight um brooklyn uh brooklyn tweed yeah brooklyn tweed 100 american target wool 145 yards so that is kettle this one here it's gonna it looks a little bit it's it's like a it's got like uh it's got some gray in it yeah it's called thaw which makes sense like a like thawed snow or something it's a white but with a gray undertone to it so that's thaw there it looks like what almost what because it's backwards on our screen and then this last one is called i think it's like honey something crum i was wrong crum isn't that beautiful color so this is what i this is my color palette and i knit this guy it's cute isn't he cute yeah this is the unbearable hat by maxim sear max the knitter on instagram he um it's it's uh sizes for adults to kids i knit this for my niece but now that i'm looking at it it might be a little bit um she likes pinks and stuff i don't know it's it definitely stretches you could do that for dom i was thinking for dominic so but the only thing is this yarn is um non-superwash and for a kid and then looking at it to the floats i'll show you um my floats but i did um i did exactly the pattern for the number two size the second size in so it's got a really cool uh folded brim that you you knit the brim you fold it up and then you know you pick up those stitches and or knit them together is it with a provisional cast on or is it just picking up the stitches like do you have no i did it on waste i did a stretchy okay cast on what's it called um german twisted cap german twisted cassandra so i just wanted to see because a lot of people with folded brims the reason that some people don't like doing them yeah is a good majority of them from what i've seen have you put your stitches on a provisional cast-on so your stitches are on waste yarn um so some people don't like doing that so this is if it doesn't have that that's um a nice way to do that i'm just pulling up the pattern so that you all can see i um i chose my colors basically like what the you know as close as i could get to this because i love these colors together so i did a pretty good job choosing the colors yeah what your understanding match um it's a i don't know but i'd like to try it because it looks like the stitch definition is really nice on there west wool tandem so from stephen west mr mr west himself what so that's the unbearable hat like our song um or maybe it was both max and vincent that put this together but it's cute because look it it goes with he's got a sweater as well yeah um a hoodie yeah the unbearable hoodie and then you know how cute is this whole look there is an option to do um to do bear ears instead of the pom-pom oh that's cute right so like this is kind of what i was thinking for wreaths maybe do like the pink but you would definitely need i even think giving that what dom would i no yeah that makes sense you know what i might do i actually might um i might i might give this to um new haven as a sample if they would want it for the brooklyn tweed well maybe because that's where i got the yarn from the pom pom i used the clover pom-pom maker and i just kind of wanted to include all the three colors um i did not so i'll show you my floats if you're interested these do have some really long floats so you do have to catch your floats um in the color work don't i didn't know what i was going to do yet with the pom-pom um so that part is just kind of on hold but you can see like you have to you do have to catch your floats quite a bit because there there are some some pretty long some pretty long ones and then this one i don't know if you can see i forgot to catch my float here so that's like super long when i do the color work i do it two-handed color the stranded color we're two-handed so um i hold my my background color in my right hand and my dominant color the one that i really want to pop so the black because i wanted the bear to be more defined i held that in my left my left hand and i knit that continental style and then the background color was the white or the grayish at that point um that was in my right hand and i knit that um english style and then the gold then you did continental so then i did yep so then i did the gold um continental yep and then once you get up here obviously i just you know i hold them both in my left yeah you can do in my right hand you can do both you know both ways i just i don't know i found it easier to do with um with both and then once you get into a flow it's like oh this is cool you know you feel like you're whatever so but that's that that's unbearable isn't it cute i think it's so cute my intention was to make an adult size an adult version um have this for me and i kind of wish that i did now but now that i got the pattern down i think what i can probably do um because it calls for dk weight yarn i might hold i might be able to hold two fingering you could together we've got a bunch of stroll um two what colors different colors i think for reese i would do the black still black pink maybe um and then for dominic i was thinking of doing like polar bears so maybe doing like white and then like black and then like a different contrasty color maybe like a yellow or something like that or a blue maybe blue yeah you could do so their birthdays are coming up in december i thought it would be cute you know i thought it would be very cute to have for them and then for dominic i was thinking about doing the ears and reese doing the pom-pom or or uh i'm sorry i'm sorry and pom-pom for uh for dominic so i might give this to new haven do you think they do they take samples like can you just give it to him i don't know you're also probably then gonna have to knit one for emma wow that would be cute do you think patrick wouldn't wear one i don't i think patrick's a little i think he's a little too old for that one i think i want to for patrick look how cute oh my god i could totally pull this off i tried putting this on my own head oh it didn't work yeah don't don't yeah so anyway those are these are my two fos good job yeah i'm very proud of this guy he's so cute um what else can i tell you and i use the recommended needle size for the pattern which i think was a us4 okay yeah okay i'm pretty sure and i told you i knit the size two oh us6 us4 and then the us6 so they're larger needles for no that's about average for dk six yeah maybe oh yeah probably okay that's it all right see you guys later all right and i have one whip so guys picture it sicily 1964 i cast on this sweater this is living in my naughty knitting section your prickle pants she had a shop update last night i almost bought a bag i didn't i didn't because i'm out of the loop i'm waiting for i'm waiting for the merman one merman yeah she'll have a merman one yeah really like a sexy merman one katie so i'm still working on my i i know it's not pronounced ivan but i call it ivan it's ivo n well how would you say that ivan ivan ivan so here we go are you guys ready so this is what i did i finished so i've now finished my right panel so this panel is done i really love this yarn kevin this is a worsted weight pieced together cardigan by veronique avery for brooklyn tweed i'm using nitpicks simply wool worsted in wadsworth and heather this is a non-superwash wool and when i have um did my swatch it softens up beautifully this section here is actually going to so this whole section folds in and gets tacked down behind it once it's pieced together so this is actually my neck piece actually this goes behind my neck up there and gets seamed with the other side so i finished this since our last episode and then i so now all i have are my sleeves so my sleeves are probably like three-quarter length sleeves if not a little bit shorter and it is a tulip sleeve so i'm on sleeve one so here's what i have so far wow so here's bulbous sleeve so the sleeve starts knitting flat you do a tubular cast on do some short row shaping and then that's where the trouble began y'all once i got my short row shaping done and i had um it's german short rows and i picked up all my stitches close your gaps well no gaps just like you know closed my short rows whatever oh yeah the stitches so what the pattern has you do is take so your i had it on circular needles the pattern asked to take the backs um a certain number of stitches off the back needle or the needle without your working yarn attached and then the pattern just said move it behind the needle set up to work in the round and knit those stitches together from your front and back needle keeping in mind that my front needle was always going to be the circular needle i tried this for three days i looked at it too i felt so bad for you i think i got to that point on sunday so i tried for three days i even sent a message in our um to our virtual midnight group um to see and ever and like they were helpful and i knew exactly how it was supposed to look but based on the description in the pattern i couldn't see it and i couldn't get it to work so on wednesday night i actually emailed brooklyn tweet through their website they have a pattern support i got an email like almost immediately that it was like um after hours and that i would be contacted by their customer service rep i think it's mary is what they said and then thursday i got the email with a drawing of how to do it in a little more of a description and i did it and it was a great customer service i did it wrong again though yeah so then finally i went one more time and i got it so this is where i'm at now what's kind of interesting so i'm waiting to see how this is is i'm like i'm doing a different type some type of shaping or shifting so my round started here at the bottom but now my round as you can see has shifted a good probably seven stitches so i'll be interested to see what this looks like once it's done it's going to be like this is interesting yeah there's one the one thing i'm not sure that i like is that this edge wait you can't see that this edge here is not finished well throw a liner crochet on there so i mean nobody should see if you're looking at my elbow we have a different conversation that we need to have um but this pattern is knit on us four fives and sixes for me i went down needle sizes for it so yeah that's kind of where i'm at i'm hoping to have it done by rhinebeck i don't know that i will because i have to do this sleeve a second sleeve then i need to block it and then i need to seam it together so we'll see and this is all that i've knit on so i finished the one panel and then i'm more than halfway done with this yeah but there were a good like probably five days that i haven't knit over the last couple of weeks i know it's that's that's so frustrating well no when you get to that point yeah that was super frustr when you i couldn't um like i knew how it was supposed to look kind of yeah and the only way i knew that is that i i had a look at an image i'll actually show you guys let me pull it up all right so this again is the sweater i'm like looking like i've never seen it before right and here's like it kind of shows you but you can't really see because the yarn is dark so you can't see the sleeve all that well and then going through the pattern the next time here it is again just in the schematics doesn't tell you much then the neck the only picture i saw that showed any of the sleeve detail to get an idea was here there so i had to look at that to figure out how it was supposed to kind of look look yeah and i was working from that image to try to determine what i was supposed to do um once i got it completely made sense and i'm like oh now i know but the i will say the pattern could be a little bit clearer when you're moving your dpn to the back of the needle which needle you're moving it to the back of right because i is not the one that if i have a needle on my left and a needle on my right and i'm taking the yarn from my left i was thinking that it had to go behind this needle but it actually had to go behind this one it had to come around and come behind this which took me a long time to figure that out but at least you did and with the help of brooklyn yeah it was super like super great customer service yeah that's awesome really helpful i actually have to email her back and just let her know was it really mary yeah it was mary i think there's i don't know who is mary hi mary are you watching i'm just kidding great so that's it that's all i have knitting wise so you may proceed and carry the rest of the episode because you have two whips i have two whips first one we'll talk about this one this is i cast this on like late last night um i needed a break from my paper kevin was playing video games tarkin was like chill last night which was nice um the gents over at fiber hustle are having a uh dishcloth revelation revolution revolution revolution it's a week-long knit along for nothing but dishcloths because um why not why not and chip loves dishcloths so if you have any extra dishcloths you want to send to them don't do that reach out to me i'll give you their address i'm just kidding um so i started a dishcloth and that's all i have it's a it's dishy twist um this was downstairs sitting on my razz cog i think i originally tried to like the reason why it was down there is because i remember i wanted to like crochet some beer koozies well you also wanted to have a dish cloth kind of on your needles at all times too so you decided to have cotton down there yeah and i think that was back in 1999. yeah that worked out well yeah so um this is dishy twist in the mulberry colorway this is one of my this there's different dishy twists i like it it's this one is my favorite it's super soft um this is called does she tw oh there's a dish yeah twist multi or something no that's my favorite one to knit with the time over there i haven't knit with a solid one yet though this is oh dishy multi yeah i like the dishy twist for some reason better than even the multi i feel um i don't like plushies no just feel it you can even tell a difference oh yeah right there's just something a little bit different about this so this is probably my favorite yarn from knit picks to knit just pause with is the twist so i am using and i don't know the name of the pattern this is by um stacy perry from very pink knits it's a free pattern uh her dishcloth patterns like traditional dishcloth um it this one has the holes in it because you're doing something like yarn overs as your increases i've never done the ones with the holes we've always done them without so you're like knitting front back and then you know knitting the rest of the row but uh but yeah it's i mean it's a dish cloth it's uh dishcloth revelation revolution they also have some hashtags i think that's the hashtag on instagram or it's like hustle your hustle your clean something hustle clean your hustle clean your hustle clean your hustle hole so that's one um my second one uh these are socks that are still on the needles i talked about these a few times as well because i've been working on larger this large project and then i went right to the hat afterwards um i did knit a few pattern from stacy oh thank you so traditional dishcloths square and rectangular and it has it for with or without holes in it and it also has like these elongated ones these little rectangular ones which i tried and i don't remember why i took it out i never finished mine for that so i'm knitting these in tandem um [Music] with uh with two nine inch circular needles kevin nine inch circular needles i like ten inch circular needles better i we had this conversation last time some of you enjoyed talking about the firmness of the wood and others i'm gonna tangent real quick because it just reminded me about last time you sing last i love this sweater can i just say that one more time please do so okay i love this work um i had we had some questions about where i was looking for color palettes like what apps are using and i don't use an app i just google color inspiration and then i go to images and that's what i use a lot for um like ideas for dyeing and ideas for color combos so i don't use an app and i know that there is one that sarah uses from yarn hellions oh and i had looked at it but i was cheap and i didn't want to buy it it was only like 2.99 but yeah what i didn't know how often i would use it so i didn't want to um buy it i forget the name of it you also don't want to use atm machines from other banks because you don't want to pay money absolutely not here's the thing if you or you don't want to have um groceries delivered to the house or any of that stuff nope i don't want to use grubhub ubereats piccadilly whatever delivery piccadilly i don't know maybe it's a zamato um my watch is telling me to stand up which i stand up yeah i don't like paying delivery fees i know it's bad enough that when we use the pizza delivery app i pay a delivery fee on there we might use that tonight no i'm not gonna get chinese food what do you want i don't know let's continue with your whip okay so i i threw away the box this is the unique sock um kit thing it comes with two 50 gram self striping um yarn it's 75 superwash merino 25 nylon and i like i said i am doing these in tandem but i kind of do like um so this is my i think i showed you this last time this is my second sock i um i knit the heel i'm doing these toe up i started with a germ uh nope turning the turkish cast on and um got up to i cast on 14 stitches then i increased to my 72 stitches i'm using a us2 no us2 uh two point two five millimeter needles i can't remember i couldn't remember the the size of my um my needles um i knit so i wear a size 12 foot so for me i knit one two three four five six seven eight whoa no one two three four five six seven eighty rows of um knitting for my foot and then i did a fish lips kiss heel and then i'm just gonna knit to finish off um the ball of yarn so this is where i was on that that second sock um this one this is getting like so fun now look at how the colors are changing i have um i still have a good amount of yarn left over too so recently i feel like you did not recently no no but i read them both afterwards and i had the same amount of um of yarn so um yeah so here's where the heel is everything is matchy matchy up to that point does it tell you where to cast on like does it give you you know how like reggie has the yellow so you just have to like yeah i just i just sit yeah i just cast on the same amount of yarn but i think this is so this is gonna be so much fun the self striping plus like a little fade going into it here yeah so um we'll see we'll see how much you know how much longer i go these are it's nice for when tarquin's like laying on my lap or we're watching tv that we have to pay attention to so that's all that's all i got i'm not i'm not in a rush to have these finished or anything that's it that's all of our knitting it's been a lackluster not lackluster oh we have we have had great things to show yeah but it's not yeah i just didn't knit typically i have more projects so so buttons now we talk about our let's do this um i will post and some acquisitions or break in the bank yup so if you're not interested and we don't have much in a way of showing all this so if you're not interested it's okay love you bye i know this is going to be a light episode for us it's much it's going to be a much shorter than normal so first i'm going to start with coupon codes um we have naughty knitting sacks we do which is on etsy oh my gosh i just looked at her prickle pants 15 for 15 off your order then trilogy yarns at trilogy and that code is natr15 for 15 off anything excluding clubs we have knit swag which is code is kevin ray for 15 off your order then we have ozone mama yarn on etsy that's amber they just saw amber yeah we saw amber last weekend hi amber and we'll see amber probably in two weeks at rhinebeck and that code is strat city so that's s-t-r-a-t city 15 for 15 percent off your order then miss lila styles which is love natr10 for 10 off your order and i believe this one's still good there's a couple we have to reach out to see if they are still good always queenie believe on etsy which is nine inch circ for twenty percent off mesa skeins oh gosh needles at the ready for 15 off and that is good until october 31st that excludes her at no that i think it excludes her advent and that um her special boxes and then we have i believe this one's so good doodlebook doodlebug yarn shop which is natr yarny friends20 for 20 off your order and then we have one new one which is gonna tie right into our post so we received a very generous package in the mail oh generous awesome bags yeah here you want to show here i'll show these two so we are going to probably keep two and then we'll add to to our price um this is from creations mad hook and needle on etsy we'll have this link down below we have a coupon code um for 10 off it's mad for you the word for for we'll have that shown down below wait hold on is that koopa yeah right yeah i would say or is that coupon code can i see the card because the card says this does it go with that dawn of the dead day of the dead do you think it just goes with this bag i'm not sure there wasn't a note to explain what we were supposed to do okay we'll get i don't know all right try it we'll have to reach out i didn't even think about i didn't see that before so let's look at the some bags let's do it right so here's our first one so this one obviously we'll be keeping harry potter stained glass right this is a good size this is a good sock bag oh for sure right zipper little handle here handle here um i love the um stitch markers they're little um let's see if i can skull cute very cute like day of the dead stuff yeah very nice and then this other one well this kind of goes in the same game that will this will yeah you show that one this will be the other one so check this out the size of that one whoa look oh wait there's more how cute it's got a little pocket here yep there's her tag this also has the skull and little bead there the inside is i mean like it's a huge it's we're gonna so we'll put this one in here when we go to um ryan back and we'll just carry target around oh my gosh can you imagine you imagine can dogs go to round back we were talking about this we're not bringing him this year no we're not bringing him okay so that's that it's humongoid and then this set will go into our prize bin i think this is such an amazing oh my god we'll have to do a really big um what we'll do is we'll see probably save this for next year we'll do like a halloween one so it comes with this bag has a pocket then you have handles i love the paint then you have a zipper which is fluorescent like badass then you have the interior which is flames then you also have a pocket right here on the inside and again it's a good like yeah box bottom box bottom sweater size bag and it also has a nice little like notions pouch the fabric is gorgeous and this gorgeous is a red zipper yeah and the inside is the same fabric as the outside oh i love it which is actually really smart totally less seaming here let's throw uh one of her cards in there if we're gonna do that yeah that one's gonna so that will go in the giveaway bin oh this one also came too yeah that one's going in the giveaway then that one i really like that fabric i like this one too i don't want to give it away oh well this would be a really nice i know it's like a all right this is another nice like hat small project bag or you can use this as a large notions bag this has a oh is that a popsicle where what is that a stitch marker i don't know i don't know either i love it though what is that ice oh it's really pretty um this has a pocket on the outside with the snap so you have a pocket here you can also put your needle um hanging out here if you if you wanted to that's why i'm thinking this would be a really nice like notions pouch for all your accoutrement the inside also has a pocket here this is a perfect sock bag i don't want to give this away but we'll give it away love it thank you so much that was so incredibly generous of you so please go check them out so cool and then this week this has been sitting here forever and a day and we keep forgetting to talk about it but a friend of the podcast sent us look some thundercat thunder thunder thundercats so you know what i'm gonna do what are you gonna do because this goes way back to one of my um probably episode four or five of this podcast when i knit the sock head chatara sock uh hat remember that yeah and i said oh man i wish i had a thundercats pin or something to put like on it i'm gonna i'm gonna put i'm gonna put this on it i should have brought it it makes me wanna watch thundercats really bad me too so you can catch them on uh youtube i think the original thundercats not the the trash that's been on i don't know that it's really don't don't talk about oh my god so thank you very much for fine i know this is gonna look great on the hat my friend um so my old co-worker jeff he has the thundercat tattoo on his leg he does i always wanted to get one i'm glad i didn't but a thundercats tattoo but i do i'm i'm um i'm actually looking to get another tattoo all right and then so that's everything for owl post and then oh yeah i will post yes right and then so thank you so much yes thank you for so fun nice little i know things and then i'm the only one who's made purchases yeah who doesn't want to spend 2.99 on a stupid app but yet you'll buy you know all right first up if you haven't received it look away this is a this is gorgeous this is from my uh discovery of witches i thought you were gonna say my nancy this is from nancy from trilogy yarns the discovery of witches club this is on her glamour space which is 80 20. my favorite base so this is my sixth shipment yeah have i already been doing this for six months no yes yes you have yeah so this is um absence and desire so nice like green and brown and yellows and chartreuse yeah chartreuse no yellow nope that's chargers not yellow um so this this would be a good um hat i mean this had to take a while to die all the different like yeah i should do there's like some speckles in there i don't know how literally i would i don't know how to do this like i couldn't do this if we move out to omaha wherever she lives but you know what i always mean to do too is when prior to like scanning up a skate uh uh hank of yarn is to actually look at it unraveled and just to get an idea of like color placement because that's the one thing that's really hard when dying is to really understand how did you get any of your yarn to show i did not so because of some beautiful colors i know what i'm going to do is i'll share um pictures tonight okay on instagram um but i always mean to just kind of like look at it and it also like yeah but it's a beautiful yeah i think it would be a good half it'd be really nice in a shawl too yes it would be a great shawl it'd be a good one i think it's a good one skin troll and then my next purchase came this is beautiful i mentioned it a couple weeks ago if i'm sure maybe longer than that yeah i mean like a while ago two months ago or something like that so most people know um hugh loco and nicole the owner of it um one of her good friends had passed away suddenly and she was doing like a fundraiser for the family because um she left behind her husband and i like two or three kids and so she put up a pre-order for um yarn you got to choose your base it was going to be dedicated to her friend who had passed away so this i know of the process went to the family everything went to the family um there's a huge turnout for it and i got this um earlier in the week this is called laurel um laurel is named aft is was her friend is her friend's name so this is on a 7525 superwash merino and it comes with two minis it's gorgeous it is it's beautiful blues and you got this orange and purple in here and this like almost mobby color and then i mean this orange is one of my favorite tones this is actually is the kind of orange i think i may want for my steven west are not vertices um what else do you have in here yeah you just have blue some yellow the speckles are really beautiful there's just a whole bunch of this would be a cool um single shawl skein using the minis as even to make it like yeah to make it bigger or stripe it or whatever yeah this is a beautiful totally skein and then the last thing i have i haven't opened it yet because it's a advent so this is uh halloween advent halloween advent so this is i got the um nancy's practical magic halloween advent and it comes with a bag from joanna as stitching the high i know i know so i haven't even opened the bag so what i'm thinking guys is i think i'm gonna open this the last i guess it would be 15 days of the month because there's 13 skeins 13 minis a full skein and then the bag that's kind of what i'm thinking i don't know if i'm gonna follow that what's this oh my receipt um so they come wrapped like this with the number on it all different colors and yeah got some candy is that a warhead yeah extreme sour blue raspberry yikes some tea in it um look at how fun this is gonna be so much fun kevin you're gonna have to let me open it hi bud some of them hi handsome right on time yeah and that's all we have for breaking the bank wow this is going to be our shortest episode ever no i don't think so all right so let's talk about what we've been reading and watching all right all right so watching we have so we're back on lucifer we're almost done with season three which is the longest season right we checked the other day season three is 26 episodes every other season has it's between like 10 and 16 i think yes so this is a very long season so we're almost done with that we actually stopped like mid episode the other night then oh cause of the dog and then we started watching a new show on apple tv plus called foundation it is based on a book yes series which neither one of us read um apparently it's not very similar to the book series it has a goes this way from the book series um there's the third episode is out it came out last night so the first two episodes i thought were really good the i mean the just the world building is gorgeous like it is i and i like the um yeah the not culture but like the yeah i guess it would be culture that they they built there too like with the cloning and all that stuff well that's kind of weird well it's it is weird but it's like it's different we don't even know if it takes place i mean on or it doesn't no earth i don't think is part of yeah it's i would say a totally different universe kind of like a star wars thing but way more advanced than star wars we could be completely wrong yeah i have no idea but it takes place um it's sci-fi the cloning well i don't want to give that away either huh we travel to multiple planets um in it and i i want to go back and watch the first like five minutes of the first episode and it starts off and it says like it began with a a murderer a mathematician a something and then a person's name and i can't remember what that something was i feel like there were at least three different things and we thought maybe it was a martyr but i don't know it would kind of make sense martyr mathematician murderer but i don't recall so i'm gonna watch that again just so i could figure it out because now we know who two of those people are um so yeah so we've watched that we've been back you know our good mythical morning we've been just that's just on all the time yep and our try channel try channel try channel and i've still watching teen wolf oh we watched top gun you we've never seen i was just waiting for you to say that ray has nev up until last weekend had never seen top gun not all the way through i've caught bits and pieces of it never no seen it all the way through and i just got the goosebumps again because goose i almost cried like i almost cried i could have cried i could have absolutely cried i did not see that coming i could have cried it was it's just such a classic and the music the music's fantastic it gets you it gets you down gets you down and down deep against you and i mean you know what it does make me want to watch every time i watch it i thought i was going to make you want to like fly a jet plane no i absolutely don't want to do that at all um it makes me want to watch the movie great balls of fire i have no idea which is based on a real the guy who sang it his life oh yeah yeah and i watched it when i was probably like early teens and i haven't seen it since then i would like to watch it just because i think of that movie every time i hear that song okay um what else have we watched i don't think that much of anything actually other than that um yeah i don't think so obviously our podcast like we we always have you know we're always watching podcasts yeah almost every day we watch at least one well we gotta catch up like this week that's where we get our ideas from it is you know we did we you know which one was fun to watch and there'll be another one about it so some of people that we follow went to the wool gathering in ohio so we watched aquila at a lefty knitter yep then we watched and i would love to have met them i know like i had i had fomo really bad i did not i totally did i just wanted to meet all you know what though i don't generally get fomo i don't i don't get fomo um i'm good i'm good um i wasn't no you get i'm still not good you get fomo for most things but so we watched aquila um at a lefty knitter podcast then we watched andrea from the cat lady podcast and now chavis from chevrolet stuff is going to have hers coming out and they all got to meet each other and they had pictures and some videos you don't have fomo for that they ate good food they like camped no i don't i don't have i just don't get fomo i don't have it all right well i do no would it have been nice to have been able to go and see them absolutely do i fomo no maybe maybe i don't have fomo but i wanna i wanted to go i wanna meet everybody i would love to we will meet people at rhinebeck so i'm very excited about that yes i'm gonna be like a fan girl probably with a couple of people if i see them uh yeah for sure i'm gonna embarrass you i think probably we're not even we're not even gonna be together no we're gonna walk around separately um so [Music] what else oh yeah so that that was kind of what we been watching so i'm i know that chevis is coming out with her episode soon she's doing a two-parter she's gonna do her episode and then her and dan are going to do a separate one just about the wall gathering oh really yeah that's fun um so we did that and then reading what have we been reading i finished one book um i had oh did i yeah i don't think i had started anything the last podcast i had finished a book i finished three books you did i finished one and i'm about halfway through with another one so this book this is called before the coffee gets cold cold um how do i go back to like the actual picture it it doesn't allow you to do that it doesn't so this is before the coffee gets cold i can't really pronounce the author's name it's to um toshikazu kuagu no it does nuts yes it does yeah the kindle tasha tasha kazu kawaguchi that person right there okay um so it was it takes place in tokyo the story is really neat um basically this there's a coffee shop uh at like a basement level you know how like in the larger cities they have stairs that you can go down like shops and different things like that this is a coffee shop down there um it's been there forever and a day there's something very special about the one was one particular chair in this coffee shop um that if you sit there and you get served um this this like coffee service you get to go back in time and you can go back in time for as long as your coffee stays hot once your coffee gets cold you have to come back to the present um when you go back in time you cannot leave the chair that you're sitting in and you can only interact with people who have been in that coffee shop before so there's a lot of rules um which they make kind of fun of the rules and that's why a lot of people don't want to go back blah blah blah very cute story um i'm not going to spoil like the actual like story line but that's pretty much the premise you can also visit the future though uh nobody ever does because you can't like they don't because it's underground well under the streets they don't they don't get cell service so you can't really like call people you can't see outside so you don't know you know so there's no point in going into the future or whatever um well you could talk to somebody and ask them a question maybe who knows but you have to make sure that they're there no i'm just taking any coffee shop but it's a very um not a very busy place so people aren't just gonna like wander all in so um very very cool story it's a feel-good type of story i was not a fan though um of the writing style and i don't know i don't know if the book was translated from japanese to um english and there might have been some something off with that translation probably it was originally published in japanese yeah so um i'm not you know the description of like the scenes and how people were feeling i felt was very like elementary almost like um i can't really think of a good example but it didn't allow me to like flow like as i'm reading it it was a very short book though i i read it in just a few days but um before the coffee gets cold if you're interested you know it's a cool story but just i would be prepared to you know it's a little staccato when you when you're reading it how the descriptions are okay yep um and then right now i am reading discovery of witches again yeah and i knew that and i was just thinking i was like what is he reading discovery of witches this i'm not doing the real time read which somebody actually just i and i hadn't commented back yet but somebody asked what the real time read was for discovery of witches so it's a trilogy we talk about this all the time it's one of our favorite book series and the way that it works is the discovery of which is you can follow the timeline uh and match it up to like the dates yeah which i actually in real life so the book starts you know um and they mention it the books starting in like september 29th or whatever the date is um like this is the yeah current that's the real time read so you're supposed to read the chapter on the corresponding day or chapters right so that what you're reading is actually happening on happening on like october 2nd or whatever and um you know so you read a chapter or two chapters and then sometimes you skip a night but it makes you kind of feel like you're participating and it all ends on halloween yes and that's where the book ends as well so i'm not doing that though because i i can read for five minutes and then fall asleep um so it's not good for me so i just gonna i'm just reading it as i read it um it's again it's still one of my all-time favorite books it's such a great story um and that's by shoot deborah hartman deborah harkness yep all right that's what i'm reading that's okay so i've actually finished four books three that i write in one audio wow so i finished on audible i finished listening to wolf song by tj clune so that is in the now you've read that before you just this is your first yes i've read the entire series that is in the yeah um i want to say it's like green creek or green river i always forget what the where they live um so it's a series of books it's a male male romance shifter but there's the story is more shifter than anything i think um so i love the narrator for it i thought the narrator did a really good job it was nice to i listened to it strictly when i was at work um so it's very nice i'm going to start raven song which is the second book and then reading wise i finished by kf breen i finished battle with fire so that is book 11 in the demon days vampire night series which follows regan and darius penny emery and charity i guess those would be your main characters so this one was just really wrapping up the series and there were supposed to be a big battle but it wasn't like a big battle to me i feel like the battle part was a letdown maybe it was just there to to see how everything that's happened in the past 10 books kind of played into it um because there's magic and premonitions and so the battle itself there was a lot of uncertainty around it so i don't know that i was a fan of it okay but then something else was introduced which could be interesting if she goes in writes about that or uses this maybe entity in the future um but i i do i love this series together all 11 books i thought that they just go really well together i love regan i think she's hysterical she's such a she is funny potty mouth bad mama j bad mama jamma and i do like kiev k f breen as an author i've read a bunch of her stuff even outside of this sure so i do tend to like her writing style and her character um development and world building and i really do i love lucifer lucifer's in this book but it's not like you know it is the same lucifer that we would know from like religion and stuff but still not the same um he's just he's actually he's a nice guy i'm just saying he sounds like a nice guy he is and then i started a new series i finished the second book in it last night i'm not sure how i feel about continuing with this oh really so it's a book series by lt ryan it's the rachel hatch novels the first one was called drift rachel hatch is ex-army like and she was uh we'll say almost like a police officer in special ops um so again she's another bad man pajama she's like 510 smart kill ya in a second pretty much that's pretty much what's going to happen um she gets a a family member dies and it brings her home to her hometown where she hadn't been in 15 years so she like the first book is her trying to solve the the mystery of like who murdered this family member but also like unraveling this whole thing that's going on in town sure the second book plays on um any you find out when she was young a family member died they were murdered well she never knew what really happened and so now she's trying to figure that out so in the next book the second book which i finished reading called down burst took us to new mexico and it was just kind of far-fetched like she went to go find out like get more information but then it was like oh i'm gonna intervene in this gang violence biker war town under control by people and i was like okay it would have been cooler if you got to this town where you were trying to get information about the person who died when you were a kid and it was something tied to that but it wasn't so now we find out she has to go to africa to get this information so i'm like okay so now we're going to africa and it's all military related though like it's still military now we're talking that this person was a mercenary possibly so it's like just trying to find out all this stuff so i don't know i don't know if i'm gonna go on like i'd rather be back home in her small town like do stuff there um and she's kind of stupid sometimes she does make some really stupid decisions so i'm not sure where i'm at with that um so that's what i fit those were the four books that i finished that's a lot yeah i wonder why i didn't get a lot of knitting done no i didn't i no i think the knitting you got a lot we got knitting done yeah i got knitting done i got a lot of dyeing done too yeah you did um so now i just have to today i have to take pictures skin it all up ball band it put it up on it i think you should just give yourself another week no it's fine it actually it it really doesn't take that it takes a long time not that long it does a ton i'll get it done no i need to do it so i could buy more yarn i know but usually i get to help you but i have to finish my paper and we have other things yeah we'll have it tomorrow at 3 p.m eastern time and i think that's everything i think so too this is a short episode yeah but that's okay you all can go about your business yeah and then um don't forget if we if you are going to rhyme back on the saturday you know stop by sunday is probably going to be a very long episode our next our next podcast oh show all right so we'll make up for it so prepare yourself for like a two and a half hour episode i'm just kidding no it would be cool if we can like show like we can show pictures we could probably maybe we'll edit that one and throw pictures on from rhinebeck no no we could do no we'll do it like normal and we'll just show it from our phone screen and we'll definitely post on instagram so if you don't follow us on instagram please follow us on instagram um because then we'll know what we're talking about i don't let yeah no we're good we'll do it like normal we're not changing no all right so yeah so if you see us at ryan back don't change yeah come say hi say hi yep yeah don't be afraid yeah we'll be there i'm get i'm assuming we're gonna wear masks maybe i don't know what the rules are i don't know either all right well everybody thanks for hanging out with us again um like subscribe leave comments oh we haven't done a question of a day for a while oh i knew what it was you have a lot of energy right now what is your favorite halloween movie really yeah we're that time of year it's october i have my halloween advent calendar i was thinking of it last night okay um because there's a lot of good movies that are scary or not scary that are halloween-ish like teen witch i love teen much practical magic i love that's not a halloween movie though uh but it has witches oh kind of and then on halloween they jump off the roof yeah hocus pocus hocus pocus is amazing the good witch is really good halloween town the good witch mm-hmm it was like a i know with like a lifetime it's um i think it's called the good witch it's abc family there's somebody's in a tv show yeah i mean there's probably about like 12 different movies or whatever but i feel like she would never did magic like it was she always did but it was but it was just so like it was so um you had to assume that she was doing it i know which annoyed me i i couldn't get behind oh you know it does start though it also saved money on their budget probably probably is hallmark countdown to christmas what yeah they have new movies out every saturday night so put your the 13 days of halloween is probably going to be coming up soon oh you can match your your advent to that abc family i think it's a uh is it abc family probably or no free form it's free form now it's not abc family oh anymore that's gone that went what's other good halloween movies i mean you have all your freddy jason movies right yeah you have your like scary things for sure yeah gremlins that's a christmas movie so is harry potter so star wars i know we have weird um all right anyway yeah so facebook you tell us what your favorite halloween movies down below sounds alright so i hope everybody has a good two weeks yeah and we will catch you all in a fortnight bye everyone bye guys
Channel: Needles at the Ready Podcast
Views: 15,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: FnAqTlcrQX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 37sec (5077 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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