NEED SOME HELP? Art Dad is Here! | Help Me Art Dad 3 (READ DESCRIPTION)

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everybody's favorite series is finally back don't worry I was always planning a video I know it's been a little while since the last one I'm really excited to be bringing it back and you guys seem excited about it too so let's get into it don't know what that was hello and welcome back to my channel hope you're doing well the series is back I wanted it to be in May because a couple of things I'm giving away ahead of myself first of all I did want this video to be in May because may is my birthday month and I'm actually filming this on my birthday so it would have already passed when you guys are seeing this I should have blown it out better so it was coming out the day after my birthday cuz never Tuesday but that didn't happen but thank you so much for all of the birthday wishes that you guys have been giving me I really appreciate it to new face can setup believe was in my yellow sketchbook review I talked about how now I'm able to throw my room but I don't have setups really figured out yet so this is the best that I had at the moment I debated if it was worth it because since its quarantine I can't get a haircut so my hair looks actually ridiculous and I decided it was worth it because consistency I'm just gonna jump right into it because I know a lot of you guys are excited about it for those of you who don't know what this is this is the series that I have called help me are dead I wasn't expecting art dad to stick but I guess everyone's aren't bad now you guys submit a character that you have under the hashtag that I give for each help me aren't dead and then I scroll through the hashtag of all of you guys's original characters I pick a couple and then we just talk about characters that and I try and help you guys out a little bit quicker we have of the rules for anyone who wants to participate next time first you post a picture of your own original character using hashtag help me art dad three youth every character was chosen for the previous helping the art that I asked for you to kindly sit out of this round just think of other people a chance and then if you participate it and you first help me aren't dead you can now post because you guys set out last round the character must be your original character and your artwork will then make one post in the last couple of videos I noticed people posting multiple times I'm not trying to like fault you guys this is a process we're learning how to do this together but I decided this time to limit this to having one post per person again just to give everybody a fair shot if a description of your characters personality and story / world that they live in just so I have an idea of what direction you're going with you don't need to go super in-depth with it just enough so I know what you want from the character if you don't want your art or my character in my video or if you don't feel comfortable to me making changes to your character then don't pose lastly don't feel obligated to keep any changes that I make to your character because this isn't me permanently changing your character this is me trying to give you a little push in the right direction for the people who are struggling and to teach everyone who's watching this video a little bit about character design so hopefully that is what we will achieve today and with that let's look in this hashtag I'm excited I've been peeking here and there but I try not to look too much at the active oh I think I always start the bottom don't I so let's do that I remember this one honestly like this one keeps popping up and I don't I just I like it I really like it like I don't want to change anything I really like everything about it I really like this character so since I draw a little liliom it's a jar so much I thought I should talk about her as you know this is one of my sees William dude she's 5 foot 4 and the head of her school's cheer squad she is a very [ __ ] ginger and hates cats her boyfriend calls her heart and soul or PB I'm not really 100% on her design recently I changed this leaves the protective to white instead of a sandy brown but I'm not happy with that I like her giant breeds the fact that she's ginger but her outfit has been giving me some problems hopefully I can help you out with that right off of the bat I really like a lot of what your character has going on I think that she's definitely a fleshed-out character I think she definitely has a very clearest that it can a very clear the character type that's what it is she's kind of like a [ __ ] cheerleader which is something we have seen before and like and shores and stuff so I can say that you can look at characters similar to that in the media for sorts of like inspiration though definitely the hair is probably the most notable part about your character it's very identifiable it gives your character a very loud silhouette which i think is definitely suiting to a personality so I would like to I would like to keep a lot of those elements in this design I think it's a great thing to include actually I think if we were to give her not these eyes nice drawing she has her tongue sticking out let's do that and there's the eraser found it no I'm not a cheerleader so I don't know a lot about cheerleaders I just know what they look like pretty much if you were to include a little bit more cheerleader aspects I would be beneficial I think if you wanted it to scream the cheerleader just a little bit more you can give her more of like a cheerleader each outfit then you have two options you can keep the varsity jacket or give her a different kind of jacket I would recommend keeping a jacket just because it helps tone down super cheerleader miss of it so I noticed that cheerleaders have really big hair bows and stuff at least that's what the cheerleaders are my school look like and from what I've seen online that's pretty common for like high school cheerleaders and stuff and maybe call it cheerleaders I don't know I think if you kept the pigtails and then put the giant bows on the side of her head that can be interesting because and I don't think it would super scream cheerleader because from what I've seen cheerleaders mostly wear like a single high ponytail so I would recommend looking at different school uniforms for cheerleaders and get inspiration from that because if you like school cheerleaders tend to have a very like a very clear aesthetic I guess I don't know how much of the school you have figured out but given her outfit I'm assuming blue is a main color for them schools typically have two main colors like my school had blue and white for their colors hand in pocket because I'm not actually I think another thing that might help your character I drew the jacket very big and bulky because I noticed that you did that too but given how big and chunky her hair is I think it could benefit your character a lot if we slimmed up the jacket just to have more of a contrast in shapes because if you have her really big poofy braids it can get lost with like the jacket you can just get lost in all of that well know what else you can do if you wanted add bows down here you can add them only down here you can have the bows only on the top they're both good options I guess it just depends on what you personally prefer but yeah I've also noticed a lot of them have like asymmetrical details to them so there will be like a v-shape down here but it'll be like the side but I don't think that would really work cuz I really like a pleated skirt I know a lot of cheerleader uniforms and like schools and stuff they have like pencil skirts just cuz that's my personal preference I mean again you can do whatever you want and again because of the way that her hair is I wouldn't recommend drawing it to poof out just to have those contrasts and shapes if your school has like a logo I'd recommend putting like the lote like the mascot or the text or both on her chest shirt thing so right now with the blue you can make like the main body blue and then you can make these parts right here you can keep those black and then you can have details of the secondary color I'll show you what I mean a little bit more when I get to the colouring stage draw these legs what shoes do cheerleaders were I'm assuming sneakers I feel like it'd be kind of hard to do so you're leaving things otherwise oh forgot our tall socks I gave her these socks because I feel like that's very common in cheerleaders and also I already color your life I'm gonna stick with the blue and white just because that's the I gave earlier but again I'd recommend a secondary color and you can make it whatever you want I'm just going with blue and white like I was saying with the text you can have or we can do that can have like the text you can have like a logo like the mascot or whatever don't know what that looks like I don't know your life can also bring those elements down and do these socks and then for the jacket this one is where this is where it gets a little bit trickier so I do think you should keep with the Brown varsity jacket just because it helps balance that out a lot because I feel like it's really common to see varsity jackets with the school colors but I feel like it would be a lot because she already has the school colors in her uniforms so I think if you wanted to keep the bar through jacket or just a jacket in general you should keep it within the brown color palette and this is also another reason why I would recommend playing around with a non varsity jacket for her jacket and I really like the reddish-brown I think it's a nice contrast to both of the hair and the outfit without being a lot if that makes sense and I actually am going to go for an in-between of your two varsity jacket designs and the one it's like a sandy brown and then the other one it's white I think making it kind of like an off-white like a very light warm grey because I think just the pure white is a little harsh of a contrast but I also think that the sámi Brown is too dark so yeah and with that I think this is pretty much all I have for you hello sister thank you yeah this is what I have for you in your character I hope you like her I think she's a really fun character and I hope you continue to play with her hope I gave you some fun ideas enjoy [Music] okay day two because my camera died unexpectedly quickly but on the bright news bright news bright side good news I have coffee now so I've also scrolled down to the area where we last left off so we can't just keep working our way up this is adorable oh my god Oh [ __ ] don't mind me just an Ivysaur I think I think I've seen this one before some character knows Kira's perpetually I don't know if I said that word right I just don't know how to say that name so I just kind of slur over it but it's fine the perpetually optimistic femme that will absolutely find anyone who talked down who talked down to her or it seems she was ignorant because we're optimism side note there's not a lot of things I hate about her about her that make me want to draw her what does it shame because I love her story also as a side note I'd like to thank all for doing this character design videos because I've been keeping up with them a lot in terms of figuring out designs and making my characters have recognizable silhouettes you guys are so sweet there is a lot about your character that I really like I really like the ears that you've drawn her how they're kind of like exaggerated and like a focal point of her design I like how she's kind of like spunky without being angsty if that makes sense I really like that about her I'm going to exaggerate the length of the tail just cuz that's what I like doing feel free to not do that it's just a personal preference whenever I have characters with tails I like to make them I noticed you have a lot of flowers in her hair which the aesthetic is nice but I think if you wanted to do that kind of limit how many there are it can my tablet work my computer sucks why are you opening I've noticed that the tail and then the ears years years there are different colors than her skin tone so I think that what the first documented that the recommendation I have right off the bat is either make them the same color as her skin or bring that darker color throughout the rest of her skin because if there are two separate colors they just tend to look a little detached from one another when they're supposed to be a part of the same character designing characters with these sort of ears can always be a little tricky making hair but it's comfortable it looks like all of the hair is like pulled back and like above years I noticed that you have like two curly pieces kind of framing her face I'm just gonna take that I'm just gonna make them a little bit thicker so it's as if she's not pulling all of her hair back just for comfort of her years I do like the flower element I think it's really soothing to her personality but what I will say is that I can imagine drawing all those flowers can get a little bit annoying so here is what I would recommend if you don't want to have flowers in the hair at all I would say incorporate the flower I was just through my pen incorporate the flower aspect there are other parts of her design I think I'm going to shorten up her hair just a bit I think that's what's making it feel like fighty I feel like this shirt looks a bit odd with the skirt so the main thing I'm going to say is that on the turtleneck I really like how the neck piece and the cuffs on the sleeves are different colors but at the same time I feel like the pink is just really random so I think I'm going to eliminate the pink and if you wanted to keep the collar and everything a different color than the rest of the shirt I would suggest going with a darker version double collar that you already have instead of another color why is this more like tuna fish all of a sudden what the [ __ ] I do really like the skirt I don't think there's much I'm going to change about the skirt one thing that I think could be very interesting if you wanted to like if you wanted to keep a flower element but not have just literal flowers you could look up different flower shapes and then you can have her skirt kind of mimic the shape of the flowers if you made her skirt a little poofy that's I think if you made your skirt a little poofy like if you added ruffles or like a second layer underneath it it can kind of give that same effect you can also play around up the length of your skirt you can make it you can make it this is why you draw long skirts instead of just making these but you can make it longer you can make it shorter yours looks like it's about like medium ish length I really like the detail that you have on the skirt I think that's definitely I think keeping a more detailed skirt and then a plain shirt it's definitely the way to go at least that's how I want to do things if you wanted to keep flour to you telling you can have like a that's not at all flowers but you know what I mean just like could be to a detail thing I feel like the shoes feel a little out of place I think it looks like they're a part of a different outfit and I think that's the biggest complaint I have with the outfit it's not that the shoes are bad I just feel like they don't go necessarily I would recommend getting rid of boots but there are definitely ways to give this outfit boots I think if you wanted to have a similar silhouette you can give her like socks that are about the same height as those boots and then shoes what are those shoes called Mary Jane's that I'm thinking of that's a read why did I call up that I feel like I should change the way the tail looks I didn't draw that well did I I also move her legs but it's fine it's totally fine sometimes you just have a third leg coming out your butt and it's totally chill if you wanted to keep the separate colored color and everything I would definitely go with a darker red and then to tie those in I always like matching Footwear with shirts I don't know why so we can do that we'll select those I think this needs a little bit more contrast I'm not super in love with that but I mean something to play around with let's color in her skin and then see how I feel about it think what I'm actually gonna do try making her socks this darker red I guess black is the best option for now I really like the blue eyes so I think I'm gonna keep that there's ringing in my ear I don't work came from oh actually that gave me an idea what if we made the shoes a cool gray instead now for her ear situation I would say either keep everything this similar color or if you did want to make them a different color then add some sort of pattern on her skin to make them just to tie that in a little bit more I don't know how non-human you wanted her to be say maybe she has a pattern around her eyes but looked like a mask or maybe she has it on her note on her nose now this is something that you would have to play around with a lot more and it's something that's going to take more time than I have in this video and yeah thank you for letting me you play around if your character I hope you liked it I hope you have some sort of direction now and thank you for submitting place I noticed you submitted twice okay day three of filming to be honest I just needed a nap so so I'm going to start from the top this time and work my way down and then we can end sort of in the middle so let's see what else you guys have got for me this is cute grab thinking the name Celia I don't know yeah I think she looks too much like a Sunnah Miku so I wanted to change her design a bit well still keep the hair long though because hard eyes I really don't like the bangs so definitely change that and maybe the hair cell too and whatever else would look good what that's for personality she kinda does what she wants like she's got a very I don't care attitude very sassy but because of that she can be hard to get along with but when you are her friend she could be very sweet protective of you I kinda want her design to contrast though she's like so like she has a lot of pastel fun colors especially really the first to keep to herself and be very sceptical of others got it let's get to it so I've said it before in one of the other hope mirrored I think it was the second one and one of my other helped me our third videos it's not a bad thing if your character resembles another character what matters is if you are intentionally ripping off another character so in the video someone said that they didn't like their characters outfit because it was running them too much of my characters outfit my character Luka but then I pointed out that luca's outfit resembles maka Albarn from Soul Eater which was completely unintentional that being said it's perfectly fine because even though they have very similar outfits they're still like their own character and they're still very different so you wanted to change the bangs and I agree that they look a bit off so let's see what we can do if I'm allowed to zoom in that would be wonderful oh wait I know what the issue is sick behind-the-scenes action behind the scene action huh me ts not the k-pop group so if you wanted to keep a pigtails I would suggest avoid parting the hair a certain way now that type of hairstyle can definitely work you could put her hair down the middle you could keep the pigtails which those are really messy but you have a point if you didn't want to have the pigtails you could give her a ponytail so it had a similar vibe I can either haha I know how to art sometimes so I really like the big bow on the hair so I'm just going to add one since it's now just a pigtail you could make it a bandana like a headband a thing is inconsistent it's fine it's totally fine I do like the hair bow and I do like it red I think that if you wanted to keep that though you should bring the red throughout the design a little bit more I noticed you started putting it in the shoes but that's more of like a purpley red whereas the headband seems to be more pure red headband I do the headband your bows it seems to be more of a pure red flower would suggest picking one or the other the sweater seems to be kind of baggy and it's tucked in which I love that sort of silhouette and so I think if you just push that a little bit more it can make your silhouette seem just a little bit stronger okay well that's fine it's not a video about my hands I do like the general like shape and silhouette of her clothing I think if you wanted to change the shorts and everything the fires because I don't have to nameko si house then you could change them into like pants or I can give us some more silhouette or you can make them shorts and then tights personally though I love thigh highs I am going to keep them those are some ideas for you to consider I think I'm also going to suggest the changing the black parts of her design to white just because you did want it to be a little bit more pastel I think it could also be interesting if you brought the bow detail from the hair if you brought that down throughout her design a little bit more and then that can also help tie in the red like I was talking about earlier I really like the high-top sneakers I'm not quite sure why her shirt says liar I don't know her life so one thing that you can do also you can keep it blue but you can change the hue just a little bit so instead of making it like a greenish blue which i think is more Hatsune Miku you can make it more of a purplish blue I noticed you made the strings a different color I think that's a very fun detail to keep but I think you should also add that throughout the design you could go with the more purpley red but just for contrast sake I would recommend going for a red red her shorts and socks I know what things are they are looking a little bit plain now that they're just white so I can suggest first of all we can make this red and then we can also add like a stripe or something on her sock and just those little details can help make it to seem a little bit more finish actually I wonder what it would do I know that I wonder what it would look like if we made because I'm keep I'm going with the mindset of the socks and the pants are the same color we can make those black and then the shorts right or we can do the opposite they like that but also with the shoes being white I'm not sure we could make them black to take it like this kind of goes away from everything I was talking about with avoiding black because pastel but it's fine it's totally fine anyways I hope you enjoyed me playing with your character I hope I was able to do something that you like hopefully one of the suggestions sparked an idea in your head and thank you so so much for submitting I really liked your character and I hope you keep drawing her already next one this is the fourth fourth one I can remember things oh that's cool love that this one is really neat this is my boku no hero oh I don't know boku no hero well I can try and help you with I I don't know anything about the show though can you top defending her hero outfit I hope he can help me about her she is sixteen and wants to become a hero I'll see what I can do even though this is not a phantom that I am in try my best I really like those ears those are neat no I have helped with fantasies before I was a little bit more helpful with the Pokemon one but I'm probably going to be with this one because I'm actually a fan of Pokemon and I know about it and so keep that in mind don't want him doing this and also like the Pokemon one I will say keep in mind of the sort of aesthetic of the universe that she's in hi you can probably help me with this because you like my hair academia so I'm Nick I'm filming the help from your dead and this person this is their my hero academia OC and I've helped the fantasies before but I don't know anything about my hero thoughts you're not helpful why would you you come in here still my whites for you are birthday ok but you didn't even offer me any help anything you think that make that can make it better somebody get seem like it's like I really like the shape of the eyes which I'm completely failing it's a capture here I really like the idea of the hat helmet it's probably helmet I really like the idea of that but the way that it is now it seems kind of out of place and not necessarily like I don't want to say not practical it just seems very thrown in there I think it could be interesting if you had it like kind of wrap around her ears think he did a really good job of capturing both a slight aspect and the aquatic aspect the thing are on the face seems a little bit odd I think if there are definitely ways to play around set if you wanted to keep the face obscured I have a couple of ideas so one you could just give her like a face mask like that which I'm not super fond of that is an option since she is like an aquatic creature I think it'd be cool if you gave her like some sort of face mask it looks like a pig nose look like breathing mask even though it looks like she has gills it's purely for aesthetics like I said I like the ears I think if you were to incorporate that detail throughout her design a little bit more it can help make that more focal point because I really like it I think that that's something you should try and bring out a little bit more in your character my sister was also saying that the things around her waist can be like incorporated throughout her design a little bit more and I 100% agree I really like the shape of the outfit I think if you were to make it covering the rest of her torso and make it more like a bodysuit that can give it a little bit more practicality you know I feel like a superhero a hero or whatever I don't know anything about the show what did I pick this one I feel like it would just be a little bit suiting to her role and I feel like if you're like fighting and things you would want be covered up but also she specifically would need something a little bit more aerodynamic and so I think that would be kind of a good middle ground so something that she can easily move around in but it's just a little bit more productive and then I think if we made this thing on the waist like her belt thing I think we can kind of make that coincide with her face mask and her helmet a little bit more feel free to play around with the design of the belts a little bit more and make it more suiting to your character I don't know anything about my hair Damian either so I don't know help me I don't really know the thought process behind the characters costumes and then I notice she has like the scale pink detail on her belly so we can show and incorporate something similar to that no these Speer detail things I think it would be really cool to add them on her arms so you can either add them up here or you can add them more down her wrists which i think would be cool and then I would also recommend keeping the gloves and just like the helmet mask thing that could also be another way to tie in the belt and the things on her legs I'm not quite sure what purpose they serve and now I talked a lot about practicality in character designs and the big question of that is will they be a hinderance I can also add the fins on her ankles I really like the webbed feet too that's another really nice detail and drew them horribly here but it's you get the point well just pretend that these look good okay color time I really like the general color palette I think I'm gonna miss around too much I think I'm just going to play with the placement of the belts color thing like adjust the colors in her gloves in her helmets make the whole design seem generally more cohesive so I really like the yellow eyes I think it's a really nice pop in color in a great contrast to the rest of the design and then I think a great ways to make them seem not so out of place is make me pattern this swimsuit like a kind of like this like a cream color the belt thing is a very like pinkish thing I would recommend toning down the saturation and making it more of like a purple violet I think that would suit the color scheme more you could bring that color into the gloves the helmet I forgot to color her hair but it's totally fine can't tell if her hair is actually a lighter color than her swimming suit or if it's just way that you had the other face thing pink actually let's go for a darker purple them in that way it contrasts with the helmet it's supposed to be your hand in case you couldn't tell I really should have picked a different pose but that's okay hey Tully Tully Hey thank you no okay well anyways I hope I gave you some sort of moving on hide stay for filming this and I don't there's something on my glasses did you clean them so I'll have them fro that this video I'm tired did I mention that normally I do seven like that's how many I've done in the other two about to do character five I don't know if I'll get to seven I think if anything I'll do six just because I mean clearly this one's taking longer to film and there's a lot of things happening while I'm filming this so let's do this also I'm just at the top again you're very cute woo this character can be fun Galia Galia Galia one of those probably really yeah I created a super flat back when I have indeed since she can be very timid although she gets flustered and annoyed easily she can control the corpses also applying to dead plants love that of the dead but she prefers to only use for me mutation and dying plains in the forest where she lives there is more to her story although it's kind of hard to explain if you weren't in the server good luck everyone that's fun alright first thing I can say right off the bat is that her outfit looks a little confused like it's not theirs it's kind of hard to tell what's going on and what's supposed to be what so I think the main thing I can help you with is helping that he said that she prefers to use her powers and dying plants so I think it could be cool if she could have some sort of plant inspired design which i think is like I think it's hired I think that the green in her design can definitely help with that I really like the short red hair if it's a nice contrast to the green but I will also say that you have a lot of colors going on you've got red you've got blue you've got yellow you've got green you got you've got grey you have orange a whole rainbow and making sort of like rainbow color scheme for a character can be really really hard I would suggest narrowing it down I always recommend having about three colors in the character design I also really like the bow in her hair I think that could be something to exaggerate a little bit more my dog's wig sucks wowser love if you're naked feet I'm gonna keep the general placement of the bow same say yes I think that made sense well then I really like the big sleeves I do like the skirt paired with it so there are a couple of things that I can recommend there are a couple of things similar to this one I believe how I have the really baggy sweater tucked in to the pants or in this case would be the skirt to give it like a boxy like shape up here you could do that or if you wanted to have a boxy silhouette throughout all of it you can have her sweater be like longer and then you can have her skirt digging out the bottom bringing the sleeves back you can have them covering her hands or you can have them like bunched up a little bit more who had her hands exposed I guess it's up to you considering she has like powers and stuff I would assume she would use her hands for a lot I would recommend having the hands at least a little bit exposed she doesn't have shoes you don't have you did that or you don't like the one that you have I do think sneakers can be a good option for her because again if she is the type of person who uses powers and she's out and about often she'd probably need the ability to run we all know I love the big sweater chunky shoes skinny legs combination for a silhouette so that's what I'm gonna do here too but feel free to change that because again that is just something that I personally prefer and I like to see in character designs but if you don't feel the same then that's perfectly fine I think the stripes on the shirt or something to keep I just think that there's a there's a lot going on because there's the gray there's the yellow and there's the green and again I think the color scheme is the main issue with this character design I really like the red and I really like the green you can always tie in a little bit of black and white just for like a neutral balance then I would suggest choosing between the blue and the orange personally I like the blue I think it stands out like if you were to make the hair bow like completely blue it could stand out really nicely against the red hair and then you can do other things to tie that blue in I also forgot her socks I like the socks I would like to keep the socks her skin isn't colored in and there's a drawing so I'm assuming she's meant to be very pale and since we're going to have red hair green and then blue we have to warm colors to cool colors and one warm color so I think I'm going to make her skin warmer to think what we should do we should have the sweater like the base of the sweater be very like great feel like red and green is a color scheme that can be very tricky to make a look good so generally the way I think people make it look good is by having one of them much more saturated than the other so for here we'll have the really bright red for the hair and then the rest of it you can have a much more muted color in the bow the eyes and the shoes I think can all be blue or primarily blue and again we're going to keep this one pretty muted and pretty late because the hair is such a bright and vibrant red I don't think any other bright vibrant colors could do the color scheme eating good who made the slacks this is great Hillard can also add some dark colors through the shoes he wanted to black and white those are a couple options yeah thank you for letting me play around at their character actually we hope this could be of some help to you even if your character is up looking completely different from what I suggested and thank you I hope you enjoyed her I enjoyed her so I don't know what I'm saying it's hired thanks ok we have time for one more character we'll just continue hurried on oh that's fun trying to redesign an old character of my mind I kind of struggling my name is Genesis and she works as a messenger in her post apocalyptic the post-apocalyptic town full of monsters she easily trusts people and lacks better judgment but is overall a ball of sunshine for design I really like look at the bomber jacket but I'm unsure about the rest especially her bag well I really like a lot of what's going on so let me see if I can help you give it that little push I think immediately right off the bat I'm gonna give her a messenger bag because she's a messenger so literally how can I talk I really like the headband bow thing I think we could make it just slightly more practical if she is in a post-apocalyptic world and she is kind of like a delivery girl I think if we use that to kind of keep her hair a little bit more out her face feel like if you're like a messenger in the type of world that she's in your goal is just like get to point a get the point B as fast as possible without dying we don't need to go super crazy with it and push all of her hair but I think if it was just like if we had bangs a little bit more swept to the side like if we just have the hair like this where it's still a similar style but just a little bit more out of her face the rest of her hair I really like so I'm basically just gonna draw it the same I also really like the color scheme there are just a couple of things that I would suggest tweaking I do like the idea of the messenger bag and it's something that you can really play around with since there's a messenger bag and it's more on her side instead of on her back you're more likely to see it in drawings and stuff so feel free to really play around with the design and make a really soothing to her like people tend to put like pins and stuff on their backpack if there are some pins that would be important to her or just that she would like and would suit her personality you could put them like on here I really like the pants what I would recommend for them is just slamming them up just a tiny bit because if she is a messenger she would want to have a lot of mobility in her legs because walking is like literally her main job instead of making them just a little bit tighter but not too tight because she still needs to be able to walk easily just enough to give her to give her legs a little bit more these shoes that I gave her yeah no real thought behind it I just thought they'd look nice if you don't want to keep these and that's perfectly fine it's supposed to be like kind of low-cut sneakers I guess again not everything in the design has to be super 100% practical there's nothing in a character's design that should prevent them from doing the thing that they need to do you know so if there is just an aesthetic choice you want to make with your characters that's perfectly fine just as long as it doesn't get in the way of their purpose so this color scheme I feel like has the opposite problem with the last one had the last one there was too many bright colors and I feel like in this one there isn't enough brightness I guess and start with her skin tone in her hair I think those are the things about her that I'm not really going to change I don't really like the red to think that that can be the pop of color and I think I'm going to keep the pants red but I think I am going to make them brighter and then the jacket we can keep in a similar sort of hue and saturation thing and then I think we can also pull this brighter red down into the bottom of her design so in either the socks or the shoes you can also add some different tones in the pants Lee if you wanted to make the cuffs I don't think I'm going to make it as bright as you had it I do like having the bomber jacket two different tones but I think if we take the brightest tone and make it a little bit darker see I think I like the idea of the socks being black and then the shoes being the same red color see if we could tweet that a bit have a kid be like a middle ground of the pants and the hairball and the original her eyes were like a golden color then what if we made her bag the golden color we'll have to do something to tone it down a little bit because this is a lot but have her bag and her eyes match I think that's a little bit fun I mean of course the choice is always up to you so if you don't like any of this then feel free to completely disregard it but hope I was able to help you a little bit I really like the base that you have I think you have a really really good start to an amazing character so I hope they really keep up with it I hope that I was able to help you in any way shape or form and thank you for submitting and sharing your with me my camera kept cutting out throughout the filming of all of this and so no I don't have an outro honestly making this video has dreamed my life was completely it is 10:18 p.m. as a recording miss on the day that this was supposed to be posted I'm so sorry that it's late but here's the video subscribe and thanks bye
Channel: Oliver's Antics
Views: 40,121
Rating: 4.9894676 out of 5
Keywords: art, artist, drawing, sketchbook, illustration, oc, original character, character design, olivers antics, digital art, help me art dad, art advice, art tips
Id: c-2nIE0RtgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 35sec (2495 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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