Art Block & Self-Care | Sketchbook Session #6 PART 2๐Ÿ„ Draw with me

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[Music] [Music] welcome to part two let me just say whenever i was filming this half of the sketchbook session i had been drawing and recording for like maybe i don't know three hours so if i seem a little loopy and i stop making any sense that's why i apologize in advance it gets to be like a little bit much i was watching it back and i was like what am i even saying um but i hope you guys enjoy it anyways okay also thank you for like 70 000 subscribers like what that's literal insanity i'm having a hard time even wrapping my head around that number um but thank you i wish i could reach out and just give a collective hug to my audience but my arms are kind of short so but thanks a lot you guys i appreciate the support and i'll just be here trying to process that big number i was feeling absolutely ravenous so i went to go and eat some food and i had some cup noodles yes very excellent and healthy and now i'm feeling energized and ready to keep going so i'm gonna just be talking about some art stuff for the rest of the sketchbook session i think and um i wanted to do one of my little marker doodles because i have a super fun time doing these um it's just like a very freeing thing to draw with a marker like this and you'll sort of see whatever what uh words what i'm doing with this later as i fill it in but what i like to do whenever i'm doing a study like this or a little marker doodle is just to grab like a marker and the lightest variation of the sort of skin tone i'm working in and rough out the face shape with that um and then from there i'm just gonna kind of go in and start defining the facial features a little bit i'll have um maybe my reference on screen if i remember to do that but i'll just sort of start roughing in the basic shape of everything i feel like this is a good way to learn how to draw faces because you can work with these bigger blockier shapes and it really helps me to focus on the general shape of everything rather than trying to focus on like lines because sometimes lines are just i don't know lines can be annoying that's why i've been more into painting recently because i feel like painting allows you to just focus a lot more on the shapes that you're going for rather than just trying to get these really nice perfect lines um i'm making lines sound like they're really difficult like i just get sick of them you know i've been sort of a line work artist for most of the time i've been drawing if not all of it i'll basically say i've been a line work artist for pretty much the entirety of the time i've been drawing so it's nice to sort of work with shapes instead like there's still obviously lines going on here but does it make sense am i making sense to you guys um i like it because once i get to this stage i can kind of just go and begin shading in sort of like this cheek area that's the main place that i shade in with my marker whenever i'm doing this and i use these like crayola super tip markers because they layer really nicely um if you kind of play your cards right so you have like this first layer on the neck and then you can go in and just layer even more and you'll get like a darker shade of the color um it's taken me some experimenting to sort of figure out how i like to use these but i really enjoy it i think that this is a good way to do like quick studies especially whenever i'm just trying to focus on faces and shapes um let's see here it also helps me to just add some color to my sketchbook that's the main reason i like these guys i think i would say because whenever you just have pages and pages of ballpoint pen sketches like i do it's nice to bring something to the page that's like basically just color or has a more minimal amount of ballpoint pen going on because it can just get boring to look at like a big goal of mine with my sketchbooks is to sort of like have nice spreads and for it to look pretty and nice i almost treat it like a scrapbook half the time because i'll go and start taping in doodles that i did that i like and just taping in random stuff to make the pages look more interesting and i don't know if this hand looks right i think i feel like it's too big um i don't know i don't care i'm just having fun but uh i really like to add a little bit of color and some interest to my pages because it can get just like really boring after a while whenever you just have the same stuff on every single page um i also think this is sort of like an annoying reason uh to like this or kind of a shallow reason to like this i don't know what i would call it but it fills up a lot of space honestly because these aren't super detailed they have like the the tip on them oh my gosh there you go you have a nice tip on them but they're still not the most detailed so uh you have to make your sketches with them kind of big sometimes and it fills up pretty nice chunks of the page i would say so when you're trying to fill space in a sketchbook and whenever you're trying to fill space in a sketchbook so you have a full spread during a sketchbook session you see um where my my line of thinking comes from now i think you do it's a good way to fill space and be kind of lazy but not too lazy because we're making pretty art here um as you can see i'm probably not really following my reference all that closely but with this other color in the hair i'm just kind of trying to highlight the darker spots on her hair and then i'll probably be going in with sort of like an orange color or whatever later once i actually start doing a little bit more um but that's sort of how i go about doing these sort of study type sketches i'll sort of work with one color and then get a new color and since i don't have every single color of the crayola super tips i feel like they sell a lot of them i have quite a few but i don't have all of them i'll try to just find whatever color is closest and i think that's kind of fun to do because it's pretty challenging to try to come up with a pleasing color palette whenever you don't have that many options so it's also an interesting way to sort of uh get used to using colors and interpreting colors in different ways so that's always fun for sure did i mention i like these because they go by pretty quick and i'm a really slow artist i mean you guys know i'm a slow artist that's one of the reasons why i was afraid to even start doing sketchbook sessions for the longest time because i was like oh my gosh if i do this it's gonna take me like an eternity to get it done and it does and for some reason you guys still like it i i'll never understand why you guys still like it i mean i i kind of know people tell me they like my sketchbook sessions because it means that they don't have to go and find a new video whenever they're watching along or following along when they're drawing which like much respect i feel that exact same thing whenever i'm trying to like draw along with i don't know some commentary video or something else like that try to find longer form content whenever i'm working and i don't want to be interrupted but still like it just takes me a while to get things done and it just makes me wonder like do you guys like actually care about the quality of the art that i am making in these sketchbook sessions because sometimes it feels like i'm just putting out literally whatever garbage came out of my head that particular day you guys are like it's great we love it thank you for the uh for the trash my dude um and if that's the case i'm more than happy to provide my trash art for you guys i love to do it i have fun it takes the pressure off me you know uh i whenever i was uh working on sk words sketchbook session number five the most recent one before this one um as you guys know i wasn't super happy with the stuff that i was drawing in that sketchbook session it just like didn't really vibe with me a whole lot i didn't really like how it was coming out um it was mostly like the angle was weird that i was drawing at so everything got kind of skewed there's like um that classic art lean going on so i was like ah it doesn't look good it doesn't look right i covered up a bunch of stuff i was like oh people aren't gonna like that people aren't gonna watch it i feel like that sketchbook session is like maybe my most viewed one if not like next highest viewed one so you guys like really don't care what the art looks like do you you are just out here consuming content like insane people and i love you for it it makes me so happy that i can have garbage art and you guys don't really care you're like sure we'll take it um i'm joking around but also it's nice to know that like you guys still appreciate these videos even whenever the art doesn't come out like super amazing um because for a long time i was like man if i don't draw something that looks really good people aren't going to stick around people aren't going to really enjoy it or like it but a lot of times you guys still do and it's just really nice it takes some pressure off of me like i know in the past i've been talking a little bit about how sketchbook sessions aren't my favorite thing to film they make me a little bit nervous um but that hasn't been happening as much anymore like i've enjoyed the process more um i would say that i kind of have to get in the mood to do it i have to get in a mood where i can just sort of talk and i'm not constantly running out of topics like right now i'm kind of in in the groove now um this one made me a little bit nervous just because there's an ad read on it and it's like they wanted me to talk about something specific and i go off in so many tangents and it was kind of like a serious topic to discuss so it's like oh boy that made me a little bit oof but whenever i'm doing a normal one and i'm just drawing like this i'm just chilling out and i'm just talking it's gotten a lot easier because i just don't feel like there's so much pressure to make my art like perfect and i can kind of just make whatever so i guess thank you for being patient whenever i'm having a day where i'm just i'm not creating the best stuff and um i feel like it's just relatable and that's why you guys kind of appreciate it because i know everyone has days when they're just not doing it they're not really feeling it so and i understand the importance of seeing your favorite creators have those days too and not just seeing like the absolute best work that they put out because like everyone has those days it doesn't matter how long you've been drawing and i as someone who also consumes content like yeah i make content i also watch a lot of content i definitely appreciate it whenever someone's like pretty transparent whenever they're having like not a great art day they're just kind of struggling it makes me you know relate to them more makes me be like okay i'm not the only one who gets up some days and just can't draw a hand you know it's it's good to have solidarity you know i mean um so that's definitely helped me to enjoy filming sketchbook sessions a lot more the last couple of months um even though i've only put out one sketchbook session in the last couple of months uh i'm gonna try to do more for sure um oh i will say this is the uh next to last page of the sketchbook now don't get your hopes up quite yet because yes this is the next to last page of this particular sketchbook but does that mean all the other pages are filled unfortunately no i've done a lot of jumping around in this sketchbook this is let's see this is my um third one yeah i think it's my third one um i would just get in these places where i was trying to sketch in it and i've used a lot of different weird mediums in the sketchbook so pages would just be like all wrigley and warped and stuff and i just i would go and i would flip to the middle of the sketchbook basically and i would draw there and then i kept doing that because i kept using like acrylic paint in this sketchbook i just kept on messing up like multiple pages so now there's just a bunch of pages in the middle of the sketchbook that are sort of just unfinished so my mission at this point for the most part is just going in and filling in the empty pages and filling in some of the pages that aren't quite complete because as you guys know i really like to like completely fill my sketchbooks um at least since the first one the first one i think had one or two pages that were like mostly blank or something but then other than that it was mostly full and then the second sketchbook that i filled was completely full it didn't have any empty or blank pages so i would like to have you know everything be full in these sketchbooks just because um i don't like wasting paper for one and for two i just think big full compositions look really nice um i really enjoy making them i really enjoy having a lot of color so i think it's really enjoyable whenever someone's doing a sketchbook session and they have like really full pages i think it's fun to see that and to see like all the stuff that's going on it just adds to the experience i guess yeah i just i really enjoy making my pages pretty full so um that's going to be my mission until i finish up this one and for those of you who are waiting on the sketchbook tour for the tiny homemade sketchbook that i made i'm almost done filling that one you guys might be thinking like wow it's taking you a while um it really didn't i think i finished it all for the most part in about two weeks and that's after not really even drawing in it every day for a while there i was like taking breaks and everything and the reason it's taken me so long to finish is eventually i just started putting acrylic paintings on every single page of it um because i was just like on an acrylic painting kick so now i have about two or three pages that i need to finish up um and it's gonna take me some time because they're all acrylic paintings so i'm gonna have to actually commit some time to finishing those where i can just like actually paint so i kind of did it to myself with that one if it was a normal sketchbook i probably could have finished it in like a week or less than a week if it was just sort of ball point pen drawings or marker drawings like this but because i decided to basically just paint every page and some of the paintings are pretty detailed they're like photo studies and stuff like that um because of that decision it's taking me longer so um just bear with me on that i think i'm gonna finish it up pretty soon i started um blocking in and working on one of the little paintings uh the other day it's a painting of my character orchid so um we'll see i'm thinking at least by september it'll be done that's like a very generous timeline i'm thinking i'm gonna get it finished up before that but expect a video on that no later than september and um finishing up this sketchbook is gonna be a big project for me because i want to sort of get it done by the end of the year for sure but probably even sooner than that because during my winter break i'm thinking i want to start a new sketchbook and get pretty far into a new sketchbook so i have things that i'm doing i have plans i just i'm struggling to finish some of my sketchbooks just because i've been having some art block um it also made me neglect this sketchbook a little bit whenever i was working on the other one uh because i just got into painting and it was like my little baby my little baby project that's the other reason why i haven't finished it because it's like i'm genuinely like in love with most of the pages in that sketchbook i'm really proud of a lot of it so i don't want to go and make like an uggo page that i'm not going to be proud of you know i want all of them to look really nice and i want all of them to sort of be like something that i enjoyed working on instead of something that i'm like forcing myself to work on because i'm trying to finish it up so that i can like show it to you guys so i'm not making myself rush that one for the most part and i think that's a good idea because uh again it's sort of my little baby project i've really enjoyed working on it so and i also probably will honestly uh just start a new homemade sketchbook over my winter break as well so that is also going to be a factor i might actually make one that i finish in two weeks or something or a week i might do one that's just um studies or just smaller ballpoint pen sketches um because i feel like you know that would be something that's really manageable instead of uh just making one that i have to paint on every page and i don't i don't even know how i got started doing that i think i just whipped out the paint for one of the drawings in it and i was like okay i'm actually addicted to this how do i stop also this girl looks nothing like the photo that i was uh using for reference whoops the photo of her looks very sweet and like cute and ginger girl and then um she looks very eager um but the e stands for evil she looks slightly evil i guess is what i'm trying to say so that's kind of unfortunate but she's still pretty fierce she still slays um let me add a little quick color block background to this and then let's start on a new doodle after that i've got to say i also don't like how this girl and aaron have the same like head tilt it's bothering me a little bit with the composition of everything whoops okay so in general one of the things that i love to add to a good composition is a beautiful house plant so i have become a house plant person over the last couple of months and i've spoken of my house plant children in videos before but i'm going to talk a bit about my house plants again um or just house plants in general just i like house plants they're just like they're really pretty they brighten up a room i just absolutely adore them so and in this little section here i'm going to be drawing a house plant that i want but don't yet have because i don't know if it can even survive in my room my room has very high humidity um very low light because i have like a north facing window um i don't know if this can survive in my room i'm thinking i'm going to put up glow light glow lights grow lights at some point here soon but i really would like a monstera deliciosa i love their name i think they look absolutely delicious and i just i want one i need one so i'm drawing one because i don't know if i can even have this beautiful plant child in my life but it's it's like a wish fulfillment thing i'm putting it out into the universe because i would very much like this house plant and i'm gonna see what the universe gives me back we'll see if i end up with a monstera deliciosa if i don't that's okay too i just i wanna plant i know i'm being dramatic if i want one i can just go down to the lows and like buy one right i just need to research and see if i can actually have one in my room but i also hear like such different things about the environments that house plants can be in i feel like i've heard people say that you can raise a monstera deliciosa in like low light or in humid conditions or something like that but maybe it's not ideal for that plant but you could do it i don't know in general i don't trust myself enough with plants i have already killed i don't know how many cactuses and succulents although my current beautiful succulent baby is doing wonderfully it's grown so much since i've gotten it to the point where i'm thinking that i might have to repot it pretty soon um but i'm incredibly apprehensive to do that because like oh boy like i feel like when people repot their plants that's when their plant dies so i'm like oh no i'm gonna just like leave them in the pot so that they came in for as long as possible because they're doing decently in in those pots it's not like they've completely outgrown the pots i am keeping an eye on how root bound all of my plants are i have a maria arrowhead plant that is getting pretty root bound but i don't think it's quite ready to be transplanted into a bigger pot yet um but even that it has it's in its like little nursery pot so i could probably just pretty easily cut the nursery pot away and like get some soil and stick it in new pot i don't think it would be too difficult the succulent on the other hand is a different story just because as it's gotten bigger some of its little succulent leaf things have been falling off and people say that's normal i think it is normal because most of them look healthy the sort of root or the base or whatever of the stem looks healthy but it is scary because with this succulent i don't know what kind of succulent it is it's sort of just like the assorted succulent variety and i've had absolutely no luck determining what it is from sources online so i don't know exactly what it needs um for most of my other plants i've been able to just do some late research and find out exactly what they need and then it's just been so easy from there like i'd say i forget to water my bromeliad and my ravens easy most of the time and they're fine they're chilling i mean they haven't grown that much more in the last couple of months they grew a lot in the first few i think it was because i was really being good about watering them and even washing them they probably need to be fertilized as well which i don't have any fertilizer on hand i need to go and buy some but i i generally don't know how to deal with plants half the time so in general if there's a plant mom or dad out there in the audience and you could tell me hey can i have a monstera deliciosa in like low light and humid temperatures let me know because i want one i want to become a parent of another plant i love plants they really just they bring so much joy to my life and i i need more i just need more ever since i got my first few plants i've been like obsessed i've been like whoa this is what it's like to have living things in your room sign me up i want more so you guys give me all the advice that you possibly can because i need it i don't even know what i'm doing with the coloring on this little doodle i also don't know it doesn't look amazing i've gotta say um it it looks okay but it doesn't look great you know you know i really don't know what i'm doing i'm like spiraling a little bit here i've been doing this sketchbook session for quite a while i didn't i don't even want to know how long the recording for this sketchbook session is gonna be but you guys like the long form content apparently that's what you tell me so i'm going to keep making it um i'll probably see if i can finish out this spread and then we'll call it a day for this session so that means still quite a bit more space are you guys prepared to stay along around for that much longer i'm really starting to get tired here so we'll see let's outline this dude i really like the way this plant looks like who allowed this who allowed this plant to look so magnificent i i just i marvel at it i look at it and i'm like wow you're so beautiful i would like to take you home with me would you like to live in my room with me mr plant i love you wow i look at plants and i start talking like bob ross they just bring so much calm energy to my usually frazzled demeanor speaking of being frazzled i have this weird effect on dogs and cats too but mostly dogs where a dog sees me and they get just like insane they want to jump on me and they want to bark and they want to play like immediately it's like they can detect in my spirit the chaotic energy but then my brother is literally the exact opposite he is like my exact polar opposite energy in many ways and yet he is also like chaotic i feel like he's a chaotic neutral anyways so whenever my grandparents had their pomeranian that was actually pomeranian corgi mix they refused to accept that this dog was a mix the breeder told them it was purebred it wasn't purebred it was gigantic it was definitely a mix anyways every time this dog saw me she would just literally freak out she would lose her tiny brain and then my brother would have to calm her down with his calm energy and then i i would literally the second i touched her all i'd have to do was like touch her and she would she'd lose it again she'd be ready to play she would be ready to go this dog loved me my dad also had the same effect on this dog i don't know what it is this dog was just very easily excitable if it was me and my dad but then my brother would come around and she would just instantly calm down instantly i don't know what it is he just has this effect on animals where it's like they interact with him and they just they calm down it's it's really amazing it's incredible is it interesting how someone can have chaotic energy and still calm down a dog it's impressive it really is all right let's do another sketch now shall we okay we are now going to speed run and draw some ocs i love drawing ocs on these little pieces of paper because i mentioned this earlier but the composition is just so tiny and small that you can just like draw an oc pretty quickly and easily it's a good warm up for drawing faces and stuff like that so i'm going to just quickly doodle orchid because she's one of my favorite ocs to draw um i feel like her face recently has been getting a little out of control i know that that seems quite dramatic um but like i used to have this very sort of set in stone way that i would draw her face and i've been struggling to get back to that and like draw that correctly recently probably because my art style has been literally all over the place but um whenever this is happening it's usually because i need to go and do some studies and brush up on anatomy and stuff like that like i go through these phases of doing a lot of studies and drawing with reference and then i'll start not drawing with reference as often because my art style is getting a little bit more like solidified and taking over more and sometimes i just straight up just don't want to be bothered and that's part of the reason um but i'm having one of those moments right now where my art's just starting to get a little bit janky and weird and when that happens i always go back to doing studies and sort of using references so that i can figure out like what am i doing wrong why can't i draw an arm a face what whatever as you can see on this sketchbook session i was using references for most of these and they're just not really turning out exactly how i would like them to turn out so again it happens sometimes and it's because i'm not as brushed up on anatomy and i mean i've been having art block too that's like a huge contributor to things not looking the way i want them to look so once i get past this hump of the art block it should improve a lot this doodle of orchid is coming out pretty good it's actually the second time i'm working on this doodle of orchid i started doing one and then i was like already this doesn't look right and it doesn't look like her at all but this one looks a lot more like her or at least how i'm sort of trying to draw her these days um hold on one second my brother needed something well that's really cool and funky and fresh the power just went out because it just storms literally every day here so that's super cool wow i feel like this has been a really eventful sketchbook session um really glad to have you guys around along for the ride with the uh power outages and interruptions and the who knows what else it's it's really never a boring moment with me is it what was i even saying several things just happened didn't they you know we we are dealing with several things um but yeah if you've never tried drawing on a sticky note like this uh go for it give it a try it's really fun it's a nice way to do little doodles my google home just turned on because the mic wow my google home is being really loud so apparently when the power goes out literally all hell breaks loose so um wow this this i'm glad to have you guys here along for the ride because we've had a very eventful couple of minutes but like i was saying if you're like at school or at work and all you really have around is like sticky notes and you're like man i really wish i could like draw right now draw on the sticky notes just leave them on the stack and then when you get home just stick them in your sketchbook see we're really thinking big brain we really said elon musk um spacex big brain kind of thinking so uh i think we've established i'm a genius and uh you know we can leave it at that let's add some little blushies to this because we love some cute little doodles i need to get some markers that are better for like various skin tones because that's one thing that i always struggle with with these crayola markers um this one's like okay for darker complexions but it's still too dark to do things like blushies you know um i need one that's sort of like an intermediate tone that works better for doing the blushy kind of things for black characters and stuff like that so actually if you guys have any brands of like water-based markers that don't bleed through sketchbook pages that you can recommend to me i'm like kind of always on the look for stuff like this on the look on the look out for stuff like this um i really enjoy using these kinds of markers uh and if i think i mentioned it a little earlier but the brand of markers that i use is just crayola super tips one of the packs i got i got at the dollar general for literally like 250 u.s dollars so it's really inexpensive if you need something to just add like um big color blocks or something to your sketchbook these are great i tried to do a little bit more toning on this orchid doodle i think it looks okay but it's still it's not quite there yet we'll figure it out okay so i've been wanting to draw emily's new purple hair from the owl house uh for those of you who have been bugging me to watch the owl house i did it okay i finally did it i watched the whole thing i binged it in like a couple days i'm caught up now i'm just waiting for the new episodes to come out every week and i loved it so you can stop bugging me now i posted some fan art i did of it um on my instagram if you want to go check it out if you're a fan of the owl house um if you haven't watched it go watch it because it's like such a good show it's witchy and demonic and there's just all the characters are so good they're so cute i love lose so much lose is absolutely adorable cinnamon nugget and i love anime too amity i can't talk amity my gosh i've been doing this for too long um did anyone else kind of like have a difficult time liking amity at first because like before i got into it i knew about the lumity ship because i so i was like okay well if lumity is like the main ship right then amity must be a pretty cool character and everything and then at first amity was like mean to loose in a lot of ways and they had like a character development type arc so like i get it and everything i like the way they did things but i just it was hard for me to like amity for a couple of episodes but now i love her she's great i really like that they sort of gave her a bit of a miniature character arc um and her crush on blues is so adorable like they're really really cute he's a very good ship um i'm not using reference for this so forgive me if i'm kind of butchering um amity's new hairstyle a little bit here because like i didn't expect them to completely sort of restyle it the way it is uh words i didn't expect them to do that i kind of just figured that they would maybe dye it a new color but it really does look pretty different in a lot of ways so i hope that this serves as a pretty good representation of how her hair looks now we will see i need to like draw more fan art for this show and um if you're watching this now also let me know if you want me to make any prints for the owl house because i'm not sure how the show will be with ips because it's like disney and everything right but i know some shows aren't as strict with their ips so i could maybe make a couple of prints for the outhouse and not get a cease and desist letter in the mail um that really annoys me i just want to like make some art so people can have some art on their wall i'm not even going to sell that many prints and then you get all worried about getting served some papers um i know that used to happen to people with ruby because rooster teeth is kind of a lot with how they do that kind of thing so i'm weary of companies now uh let's see here eyes i also really like the animation style for the outhouse i feel like it has a pretty unique style in terms of like popular cartoons right now um especially compared to stuff like steven universe and stuff that was popular a couple of years ago um i feel like they've done a good job of having like a pretty decently unique art style for the show one of the things i noticed that's like one of the biggest unique things is that the characters actually have five fingers on each hand and it's like whoa you used to never see that so i know i'm like whoa this is really inconsequential i shouldn't be impressed by them having you know more than four fingers on their hands but i just like it i also really love the character designs i also really love that they change the characters outfits depending on the episode you used to never really see that either so that's it's just a good show i recommend it um here is the amity i'm being a little bit too lazy with how i'm coloring this in but it's a sketch right it doesn't have to be super clean i'm also starting to like go for a long time here i don't supermind if this video is really long but it also just makes me nervous whenever i make videos that are this long because then the main issue for me is is davinci resolve going to want to actually render it out and by far the biggie uh my mouth is so tired by far the biggest issue that i've had with rendering longer videos out is the sound just will be gone it won't render out any sound and i'm like okay tell me how you really feel maybe can you have my sound back i didn't do anything to get rid of the sound just i don't understand it at all it's really really frustrating and the clip studio paint tutorial that i just put out uh i had to render that thing out probably like four times maybe at its big size it's like a hour and four minute long video i had to render it out a bunch of times because it just wouldn't render out with sound i was like what gives why is it doing this to me i still don't know why i finally got it rendered but i have no idea why it was refusing to give me any sound so that's fun i love how it literally rains every single time i have a sketchbook session it also rains every day here right now though like every day without fail it rains at around i don't know between four and six pm it's gonna rain and i'm so sick of it because half the time it's like raining and i'm trying to go for a walk or something and i'm like can we maybe chill so that i can go walk and be active thanks my dude [Music] okay ladies and gentlemen her i was feeling unhinged so i wrote the chorus to all star by smash mouth in this blank spot i'm kind of regretting this decision now i also drew this abomination okay to finish up let's try to actually draw like a full body person that's not a meme and kind of actually serious and kind of sort of cute you know because i've just been doing literally whatever here uh which is always fun but let's try to at least get sort of one actually good sketch out of this i think it's always good to get like at least one that genuinely looks kind of nice at least i have sort of like a reference of a girl wearing some like harajuku fashion which is always very cute so that's sort of what i'm trying to draw here does anyone just really struggle with legs sometimes oh it's just me fun i'm joking i know people struggle with legs i just feel like i struggle with legs more than a lot of people do some people can just really whip out a leg like in point five seconds i'm just like how'd you even do that how do you like there's so many curves in a leg you know how do you draw a leg that fast i don't know especially whenever i have arc block and i'm spiraling i can't draw a leg that fast let's see here i guess it's sort of looking okay so far something i'm also not good at drawing is like platform shoes i can't really figure them out like the anatomy of the shoe is like inherently kind of strange because they're platforms i also feel like it doesn't help because i don't wear platform shoes so i don't really have point of reference for like how they even work you know let's see here i need to zoom in on my reference a little bit so i can actually see the face of this person i hope this is gonna end up looking proportionate because in my reference the person's wearing like this giant scarf which is really cute but it's like it makes it kind of hard to see how the neck connects to the rest of the body um and i'm sort of drawing it as if the scarf isn't quite covering as much of her face so hopefully i can make it work let's see here i find it very difficult to draw references um or to draw faces on like a figure drawing i know that's probably not a unique struggle but you're focusing on so much of um the body and the pose and other elements that like when you get to the face i feel like it just doesn't always work out you know what i mean that's why i'm kind of trying to do the face kind of first in this one lay out the body and then do the face and then go back to everything else i feel like it's coming along okay this choppy haircut is also kind of difficult to draw i have not been liking how i've been drawing hair recently it's just been kind of like all over the place in a lot of ways like whenever i look at my first sketchbook like you guys it's so annoying whenever you have um like an older art style of yours that you like better than your current art style and you look back at it and you don't even remember how you made things look the way you used to make them look and you're like wait huh what happened how did i get worse at this thing that's not how it's supposed to work i'm supposed to get better at this thing but not for me and how i draw hair apparently oh no already i don't know how i feel about this can we save it and make it look regular that's the question my neck is starting to get sore because i've been sitting at this desk for a couple hours now filming this video man i need to learn how to draw fabric better i'm really just whipping out these like shapes do i understand the shapes no i don't they're just kind of there would i like to understand the shapes yes yes i would see already this doesn't look right i think i'm gonna have to make this skirt longer also i love the like giant denim jacket that the model's wearing in this photo sorry i forgot how to speak for a second there um it's so cute and like big and puffy i love a big jacket like literally give me the biggest jacket that you possibly can i'm gonna curl up in that thing and i'm gonna take a nap i love drawing like tiny hands and fingers like just a tiny bit of a finger sticking out of a jacket love drawing that it saves me so much work like my dudes that's where it's at because then you're not like completely avoiding drawing the hand you just like you can't see the hand so you don't have to draw the hand if you can't see the hand you know what i mean it's all good it's fine don't worry about whether or not that hand is actually there it's it's totally all chill and regular this skirt is also really cute um it's like it's not checkered it's like diamond checkered almost which is like i don't know that's like adorable we're like sleeping on diamond checkered stuff you guys because it's cute as heck i'm thinking about just coloring her hair in black maybe i would hate to do that because the skirt's yellow and the model's hair is yellow but i've just made such a mess of it thinking maybe i'll just like add some dark roots so like the roots have grown out like you can tell that i'm rusty right now all this sloppiness is like the sign that i need to practice i need to like actually go and do some studies instead of just like trying to like this technically should be a study right but like it's not a study because i'm not like paying enough attention to how the reference actually looks and i didn't break it down i didn't do anything i just i just drew it and didn't pay much attention i'm just copying down the pose really which that's like not the best way to study things if you're having an art block i need to do some figure drawing i need to actually like put the work in you know what i'm saying oh my gosh i just heard my mom say to my dad don't eat her pizza okay i'm back i literally can't do anything in this house my dad was literally about to eat my dinner why is my family like this literally i'm working in a room and i have a sign on my door that says don't disturb me because i'm trying to record something and people just periodically keep um popping in and disturbing me or i just hear loudness from outside the room of someone who is about to eat my pizza that i spent too much money on and i would like to consume it because i spent a lot of money on it so yes a very eventful sketchbook session isn't it i sometimes wonder how much noise from outside of my studio it's my bedroom gets on the recording of the sketchbook sessions and how much you guys can actually hear because my family is loud they're loud so i'm assuming some of the stuff that they say just gets on the recording and i'm like um we have a special guest today everybody my mom welcome my mom to the sketchbook session you have anything you want to say oh that's that's cool so glad to have you here can i offer you a refreshment oh my pizza sure why not all right i feel like we're almost done we're on the home stretch this has been a long one let me know if you guys enjoy like the even longer long form sketchbook sessions like if you guys could let me know um i guess what oh my gosh words i'm getting real tired if you guys could let me know what the ideal length of the sketchbook session for you guys would be i can kind of like control the length somewhat because i know ballpark how long it takes me to draw most stuff so if you guys could let me know that would be great i feel like it helps me to sort of engage everything and figure out what kind of content you guys actually want to see and everything so this is not the right color for this this is the right color for this okay i don't even know if this is the right color to be honest let's see what color is this other thing the colors in this outfit are kind of all over the place which is like the height of fashion right the height of fashion is literally nothing matches and i'm here for it because i don't have a lot of stuff that matches anyways and a lot of my outfits don't ever match and it's like that's me being fashionable right whenever nothing matches well this red is almost out and that's like the saddest thing i've heard all day here we go isn't that just like everything doesn't that just pop cute the primary colors of it all really let's see we need our little diamonds let's do that next let's see i feel like this is going to take me forever if i do it this way i don't think i have a better way to do it honestly so join me for the next 18 hours as i draw these little tiny diamonds onto this skirt i feel like a lot of people would make a pattern like this look pretty cute and nice and then there's me i'm just literally drawing whatever on here because i'm tired and i want my pizza i really do i just want to eat my pizza already but i decided the sketchbook session is going to last my entire existence wow boys we're really eating it up today aren't we look at this pattern beautiful sophisticated high fashion it really is it's high fashion it's visual interest it's having a mental come apart at 3am at a denny's those are all the things it's serving what am i saying at this point you guys why am i like this whatever gave me the brilliant idea to make long-form content and just ramble on about literal nonsense is i draw diamonds these aren't triangles they're diamonds i forgot what shapes were i went and forgot what shapes were somebody call the shape police i disrespected the sheeps literally losing my mind i keep staying up too late every night because the olympics are on i just like want to watch the olympics i was watching what was i watching last night i wasn't diving oh i think it was like three on three basketball y'all i eat that up i love that it was like i'm trying to remember who won it was such a good game honestly i'm not someone who cares about sports but when the olympics come on i care about sports i eat it up i absolutely eat it up and it's everything that i need everything um what color should i do is like the color block background does it need one should i add a little color block i'm gonna add something here just to fill space well that just looks ugly doesn't it i think what i'm going to do to make this look less putrid is actually have a uh like dark outline behind her i feel like that might look kind of cool it's going to take away from how awful this orange that i just added is because it's not the moment i tried to make it work it's not it that's not it and sometimes you just have to accept that you didn't chart i didn't chart with this one if i did it was low it was really low losing my mind absolutely losing my mind all of you who are out there who are like oh i love your sketchbook sessions because it feels like i'm drawing with a friend how does it feel to draw with someone who is certifiably insane does it feel good does it make you feel warm and fuzzy inside i really hope so um i'm really going off aren't i i really appreciate you guys am i really about to get sappy i think so let's let's just go for it i never thought anyone would want to just listen to me ramble and draw in my entire life and yet look at you guys you're here if you're here give us an f in the chat press f to pay respect i'm not even kidding if you watch this far comment f comment f is for friendship no comment f is for funnel cake who likes funnel cake out there comment below let me know if you like funnel cake i know people who don't like funnel cake and it's a cardinal scent i mean i get it it's greasy it makes you feel terrible some people are allergic to gluten whatever you in your weak gluten stomachs get out get out of my house i'm kidding one of my best friends has celiac disease i understand the gluten struggles anyways um just eat eat the funnel cake funnel cake is great and it was a big facet of my childhood so just comment below tell me if you like funnel cake i'm so sleep deprived right now [Music] i'm so sorry for anyone who's still watching please click away so that you don't see my mental come apart i want to scream especially since half my markers are almost out love that for me what should we draw right here you might be saying you don't need to fill that space you're getting obsessive you know what i say to that no you're getting obsessive let's let's just write something let's let's draw a weird eye [Music] so here's the finished spread in general i'm pretty happy with it some of the faces here aren't really my best work i'm kind of just not a fan of the same angle that i keep using to draw like almost every single one of these characters but i think it was good practice to kind of get back into the swing of things and i enjoyed using like the different mediums that i use like i use some watercolor i use some markers i use some ballpoint pen you know we're slowly getting back into it here and back into like trying to get cool compositions in my sketchbook i actually really enjoy the composition that i've come up with here i feel like there's a little bit of everything so i really enjoyed working on this spread and i hope you guys enjoyed watching along too i hope this isn't too long but i've been told by many people that they enjoy the longer videos so i hope you guys got something out of this thanks for sticking around and if you watched this far you're the best thank you so much and i'll see you guys in the next video or a sketchbook session [Applause] goodbye [Music] you
Channel: PricklyAlpaca
Views: 16,250
Rating: 4.9973245 out of 5
Id: H4snuGXWbPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 27sec (3987 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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