DRAWING LGBT+ COUPLES (lgbt+ couples in media)

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[Music] hello and welcome to yet another pride video I'm excited to share all the art that I made in this video and as you can see I am drawing LGBTQ couples but first I want to kind of address a couple things about the video first in my pride flag video which by the way it's been getting a lot of attention which has been a little overwhelming so thank you for that but one thing that I got comments about quite a bit was the speed of the video they're saying that it was really like sped up fast the reason for that is because there's a lot of drawings in the video and I wanted to keep it a decent length and so I had to speed up the footage a lot more than normal to kind of keep a regular video length and it might be the same for this video I tried to I tried to make that not happen and I tried to keep the footage as low as possible and not move the canvas around so much when I'm drawing don't think I did very good job with that but I mean I tried second I also wanted to talk about how I picked which characters to draw because I didn't want to do characters that were just ships I wanted to do characters that were liking a cannon confirmed romantic relationship and I also wanted to do characters from fandoms that I was in for example one couple that kept popping up was bubbling from adventure time and I don't really watch Adventure Titans so I didn't really want to draw that and I don't have anything against the show or anything I just thought that it would be more fun for me to do if they were characters from shows and stuff that I liked so with all that out of the way here's all that here the couples that I picked as you can see the first one is korra and asami from The Legend of Korra and this was the first pairing that I thought of because I absolutely adore them I loved avatar and Korra and just the whole universe this series that means so much to me so I knew that I had to include these and so they were the first one that I picked and the first one that I drew and honestly they're probably my favorite of this entire little group I just really liked their dynamic and I really liked how the Legend of Korra comics kind of expanded on their relationship more some people think that like thoroughly between them is kind of rushed I personally don't really think that if you were to go back and like watch it you would see a lot of like subtle romantic things you would see a lot of subtle romantic development and I just think that it's really cute I also really liked how they were like the two opposite ends of a love triangle I guess you could say but in the end they're the two that ended up together and I think that that helps to make love triangles a little bit more interesting I don't know maybe that's just because I for one have never been the biggest fan of love triangles but I don't know maybe that's just me the actual like drawing it came to mind really easily because as soon as I decided that I was going to draw these two this is how I pictured them incident that's how I drew them because I thought that it was just perfect I had a little bit of trouble drawing the arm that was holding a semi up because like when I was in the sketching phase I drew Cora's arm separately and then drew Asami on top of it which is how that should be done but like I think that the arm itself I was able to draw pretty well like foreshortened but then as soon as I drew Asami Asami kind of covered up a lot of her arm and so by the time I drew Asami it just looked like Cora's hand was big so I had to lend up shrinking that hand in size more to make it looked like it was actually proper size which even though the hand should be like it should be a little bit bigger because of the foreshortened but it just it didn't really look that way I also had a hard time with the colors mostly with Asami Cora's colors came pretty easily but with Asami I had a hard time fighting contrast because her Assamese color scheme is like black and dark red which I think looks nice but when I'm trying to make an illustration it's really hard for me to be able to find that contrast and that up using different shades and tones of like black and gray which I think helps separate them a little bit more in the end I still think that Asami could use a little bit more contrast but I'm still quite happy with the way that it turned out yeah like I said earlier this is definitely my favorite they just mean a lot to me they're two characters that I absolutely love I grew up watching Avatar The Last Airbender and so to see that the sequel has LGBT representation as an LGBT person that makes me incredibly happy they're just two lovely ladies and I hope that you love them as much as I do the second couple that I thought of was a Victor and URI from you Nuria nice they were the second couple that I thought of and I was also really excited to make them almost as excited as Narayan Korra and Asami yeah nice has become a pretty iconic animation I would say it's an anime that a lot of people know about and a lot of people watch or have watched in the past and I don't really know like Japan's political situation but from what I can remember around the time that this anime came out there is some stuff going on with like same-sex couples and like the legal recognition in Japan and I don't know if they like allow same-sex marriage now I know that they didn't at the time that this anime was released and I know that it meant a lot to people in Japan and actually when I was finding some reference pictures for this I ended up stumbling into a little bit of a rabbit hole and I found out that in Japan the kiss between Victor and Yuri actually won an award for most heartwarming scene in an anime so that's pretty cool this is one of those shows that I really want more of and I'm really excited for the movie I would prefer a season two if I'm being honest but I'm still really excited for the movie I'm not quite sure as of recording this one it's coming out but it's something that I'm definitely going to be watching once it does come out it's just a really lovely show and it's just a really sweet story I don't have any interest in figure skating but thanks to this show I'm definitely able to appreciate it a lot more may or may not have cried a little bit when watching this show for the first time so just how much they made me emotional I was actually kind of surprised to find that like I was having a difficult time finding reference pictures this show you would think that like with a show on this scale and how much the internet loves it it would be easier for me to find references than it was but it for some reason wasn't it was actually quite difficult I ended up looking at like cosplay like cosplay costumes online for a lot of my references and for Victor I can't quite tell you why but I decided to change up his clothes just a little bit because the outfit that I'm drawing him in he normally wears like a white shirt and then a gray vest but for some reason I got rid of the vest and then made the shirt gray I think and I'd have just been like by the time I had finished the liner I forgot to draw the vest that I was too lazy to go back and put it in so I'm just making the shirt gray and I made the tie I believe like a different shade of blue actually think that in his original up at the tight was black but I made it blue to kind of tie and with his like blue lanyard saying that he had hello yes it's me all over the future at are getting this video I just want to say that I made a plan cuz I changed his tie so it could tie in to the ha ha ha I'm a G I'm sorry I'll go I mean it's different but it's definitely still recognizable as Victor's so I don't think it's really too big of a deal I have a lot more experience drawing the Victor that I do with URI because Victor's my favorite character in the show so I've drawn him more times than I've drawn URI but I still think I did a good job with both of them and I'm really happy with the way that this one turned out [Music] next up we have George and Lance who are both dads from the new Shira reboot and they're actually two canon couples that are LGBTQ so far in this show the other one being two princesses named Natasha and spinner Ella I believe it's her name I always forget their names but I was having a really hard time deciding which one of the two draw and so I actually asked Instagram and the voting was really really close like I wasn't expecting it to be as close as it was but bosz dads were just a little bit of edge so I ended up drawing them I've never actually drawn them before this so I should have done practicing didn't do it but I'm so pleasantly surprised at the way that it turned out it turned out a lot better than I thought it would at least at the moment that these two were introduced in the show I just fell in love with them they are the most adorable parents their relationship dynamic is actually something that I really like in a ship where it's like one character is more like professional and serious and then the other one is like happy-go-lucky bubbly child and I just always really like that kind of relationship so I was really really excited to see the rest of the episode as soon as I was introduced to them if you know the boat is as a character and then you see his dad it's really easy to see why he is the way that he is he definitely it takes a lot after his dad's and I hope to see more of them because I would like to see more of like just the relationship between the three and how they were as parents and how oh we got to be who he is because of them and Beau's just a really cool character so it was really interesting to see like what kind of world he comes from this one I also I had a really hard time finding references for but for this one it was a lot more understandable because they are still fairly new characters the world is just starting to get to know them but I did the best that I could I actually have tumblr to think first over them because that's where I found these references the color scheme was actually really easy to make with them because their outfits like low-key kind of match they have like as a unit they have a cohesive color scheme so that was really easy for me to like not make the colors too overbearing and I just really liked that the way this one turned out again I'm saying that all of these but I can't help but I feel like this really captures then the next pair we have is Shiro and Adam from Voltron and before you comment I'm aware I'm just aware now Voltron has its problems and I agree that like this pairing wasn't handled very great yes I acknowledge all of those things Voltron though is okay Ultron is still a show that means a lot to me though so I wanted to include these and I really like sure it was a character where the full tron has its flaws but I love them so please just chill because the Voltron fandom is wild anyways I started to draw Shiro and Adam versus what's his name I don't even remember the guys name the guy that Shiro ended up getting married to because it's like that part just I agree that that was very very rushed and kind of just like a cop-out and I really like thinking about like Adam and Shiro's relationship and what that was like before things and stuff happened I decided to draw old-school and Shiro cuz I just really liked thinking about what they were like in the garrison and like how they could have met in like what other people thought over their relationship and it's just the thing that I really liked so instead of going for it like them fix it a you I guess that people are calling it where it's like them in the future and like the plot happened but Adams alive and all that stuff I decided to just draw them in the past because one I liked thinking about them in the garrison like I said and two I've never actually drawn a garrison uniform for so I kind of used this as an opportunity out of all of the five pairings that I drew this was definitely the easiest one for me to draw because out of all of the pairings I have drawn a lot of Voltron fan art in my days if you haven't really drawn a dime a whole lot I've drawn many many zeros so I have a lot of experience drawing him so this definitely came really easy to me and there wasn't really any part of this drawing that I had a difficult time with necessarily honestly the hardest part was coming up with like a concept for drawing because I feel like all of the good fan art of these two have already been made I had a really hard time coming up with like a pose and stuff because whenever I'm coming up with these poses I want to keep in mind the personality of the character and also the relationship between the two and so it was kind of hard for me to like really come up with something because I haven't washed voltron in a while at this point it's like normally I would rewatch it every now and again but especially whenever a new seasonal is coming out but the show ended and I'm not really like interested in going back and watching it anytime soon I can definitely see myself watching in the future but this is going on and on and on pretty much I had a hard time coming up at the pose but other than that this drawing was pretty easy to make it came really easily to me [Music] [Music] [Music] the last pairing I have is Simon Ingram from love signing and I remember when this movie was first coming out and I was so so so so so excited for it but actually when it came out of DVD I actually woke up early that day to walk to Target to buy it on DVD so at like 7:00 in the morning I was at Target in line with a copy of love Simon that's how much I loved this movie and how much this movie means to me and before I actually watched the movie I bought the book because it just happened to stumble upon it and I loved it I cried and both watching the movie and reading the book it's just such a great story and I love the characters in oh as far as like finding references goals kind of like a weird fan where it's like I could find references but not of the movie like I was able to find plenty of references like for the like actors in the movie but I can really find like screenshots from the movie that weren't like same five screenshots so I couldn't really find a lot of good references for like the clothes that the characters are wearing so I kind of just like looked up some references and then when I was drawing just true what I remember I'm wearing so the clothes aren't exact and a lot of parts out of them are just made up because I just couldn't find the references but I still think that they're identifiable as the characters that being said I don't really think I captured their likeness which is weird sound of how they could look like the characters maybe that's me but I'm still really happy with the wood of this one turned out but I decided that I was going to be making Pride videos for every week this month I knew that I wanted to include love Simon in some way because it's a movie that means so much to me I know it's a movie that means a lot so many other people and I just feel like that this movie has done so much good for the LGBT community that it just it was really important to me that I included it this way so I'm really happy that I was able to make it no I definitely don't hate this drawing because I do think that it's really nice and I think it's quite cute but it is rushed compared to all the other ones because I was kind of running out of time to film but I feel like I wish that I which thought I was able to spend a little bit more time on it so I could do them just a little bit more justice and try capturing their likeness more than I did again I like it I'm not saying that I hate it by any means but it's definitely my least favorite out of all of them just because I didn't have enough time to work on it speaking of time we're now at the end of the video haha look at me with smooth transition stupid but yes thank you for watching I hope that you enjoyed I hope that you enjoyed the pairings that I picked out let me know your thoughts on then and what you think of their relationship and also let me know what LGBT couples and media that you like whether it's like from a TV show or a movie or a cartoon or just whatever I would love to hear the couples that you guys are interested in and also if you like these designs they will be available on my RedBubble shop is stickers and such so click the link in the description below if you're interested in getting any of that I would really appreciate it if you would check out my read it up so that will be down below so yeah thank you for watching give this video a thumbs up if you liked it and comment down below which of these pairings is your favorite mine's definitely still korra and asami and if you're looking for more art content and your life consider subscribing because i'm post a new video every single week they're mostly art videos every now and again like the one last week there's not in our video and it's just a random whatever but if that's something that you're interested in consider subscribing it's really appreciated speaking of subscribing thank you for over 30,000 subscribers that's really cool I believe at this point I'm at like 35,000 I don't know where I'll be when I post this but that's really exciting so thank you thank you so much and my social media is unscrewed now as well as linked in the description below I am most active on Instagram so if you want to follow me on any social media I would recommend follow with me there over anywhere else because that is where I give updates for videos and post my art and such whereas everything else is just me goofing off and being a nerd okay there is a video on screen now as well as in the iCard for you to check out if you are interested and I will see you next week for the last pride video I'm going to be making this month hopefully I'll see you next week and happy pride [Music]
Channel: Oliver's Antics
Views: 168,424
Rating: 4.9717126 out of 5
Keywords: art, artist, drawing, sketch, sketchbook, illustration, speedpaint, speed drawing, digital art, anime, manga, avatar, avatar the last airbender, the legend of korra, korrasami, yuri on ice, victurri, she ra, she ra bow, voltron, voltron legendary defender, vld, adashi, love simon, pride, pride 2019, lgbt, couples
Id: FSW3RMaj4rE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2019
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