A Cover, Posca, and a Whole Lot of Rambling (making a sketchbook cover)

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is this why you decided to drink water because I'm filming hello so I have this vision mixed-media sketchbook right here and if you can tell I don't know the lights clearing for the whole gimmick I guess about this that you can customize your cover because underneath this I don't know sure if it'll pick up here but it's kind of like a greeny bluey color tone paper on the camera right now it just looks grey but originally I wanted to do the cover in my gouache paints because I really need to practice my question but I recently bought these Oscar Parker's which I'm really excited for I only have this one set which is the classic colors and then these two colors which I bought because I felt like they were two colors that were missing from the set so I just kind of have like you can't see that look at these color options BAM I got these colors which are counters like basic colors and then like a silver and gold metallic and then I got this darker red and a lighter purple so I wanted to use those to do the cover because I'm in love with them and I think that they're just a lovely lovely art supplies aha found it I thought I would start off by just sketching out some ideas with some thumbnails and then see how it goes actually I have no idea what I'm going to draw I guess the drawing me would make the most sense or one of my OCS because it is my sketchbook but I've been watching a lot of fairytale because it's something I've seen a million times I like to just put it on in the background while I'm filming videos okay well I guess we should start with some thumbnails of me one way your users whoa so you'll make a little rectangle that looks like a piece of paper right welcome to my rectangle tutorial the thumbnails are never anything special so don't be afraid if they look ugly because if they don't look ugly then you're probably doing some nails wrong I don't think I should do a super like a detailed sketch pocket I don't think I should do a super detailed sketch because I don't have many colors and also the markers that I bought are not a super fine point you can buy like really fine point ones and then you can draw with really like broad ones cuz they sell them at different sizes but this one is like that big so I figured I can do that so that I can use it as like a thick liner or I could color just whatever I'm in the mood for that being said I won't be able to get a lot of small details unless I were to use something else which I don't really know what's going on so we're gonna figure this out together Oh idea you may or may not be familiar with some little dudes named buck bot and red shark they are adorable so let's just doodle them and see what happens fun fact i Doodlebug that one time because I was sad I can zoom in a little bit alright aha I'm a wizard it's so weird not having any sound playing right now cuz normally when I draw I usually put on like music or YouTube but I don't want to do that since I'm going to be talking so we're just gonna deal with my awkward-ass commentary I took an animation class boy who I've seen a year of high school and they were both featured in there we were learning to use like sculpting programs like what was it called was it I think it was Maya that I did so I had bug BOTS there for my final project I did just kind of a simple 2d animation thing of red shark which I haven't why haven't I posted that yeah it's hilarious it literally won me best digital art in my art show cuz I entered it there that's cute I don't have any ideas that I like in love with just a humor myself let's do some fairy tale I've been literally obsessed with the Thunder Legion so much in more specific Frida that wasn't a proper sentence let's see I could bring back modern day for you and one of them I think it was the first sketch book tour that I posted I drew a picture of freed but in more modern clothing fun fact I don't really know how to draw people always ask me like where did you learn to draw but it's like I've been drawing literally for as long as I can remember I couldn't even tell you what it was that I started taking art seriously just because I always remember like drawing it's really hard giving people some art tips because a lot of like not super young people that I do have some pretty young artists follow me I've got some like my audience is generally I think like fifteen around there and they asked me like how to draw I'm just like I don't freaking know it's like there are a lot of decisions in my art that just aren't conscious decisions I think people just want a really like easy way that's like improve your arts super fast like you know those like online like weight loss things where it's like Louis 20 pounds in two days by drinking this shake or whatever people want something like that but for art and there really isn't anything I mean you could watch countless numbers of tutorials and you can like watch countless amounts of speed paints and ask artists how they improve but none of it really matters if you don't practice you know what else it all man I'm filming this not too long after I filmed my someone's mowing their lawn [Music] about eating this video and I just wanted to let you guys know that this lawnmowers going to be in the background for quite a little bit because I was stupid and decided to just keep talking over it I don't know why but let me know how stupid I am in the comments below okay back to the video I'm filming this not too long after heli oh I'm feeling this that's a long after I filmed my drawing subscribers video so I'm feeling just a little bit burnt out but I'm trying to just push through it which might not be the healthy thing to do I should probably just take a break if Hamilton taught me anything it's take a break otherwise I'm gonna end up cheating on my wife and writing like a 90 page essay about it you know I don't know what else to do and out of these three wait it haha and you like the freed one the best so let's go back shall we it's really funny because when I was can you admit when I first designed a modern-day freed I kind of made jokes to myself about how he looked like a gay art student and then I realized that I have an outfit that looks almost identical to the one that I drew him in so there's the gay art student now so I'm gonna let you in on a little secret uh one of the videos that I'm planning on doing their doors hand is supposed to go why today whatever one video series that I'm planning to do if you've seen drawing with waffles which I guess a lot of you have since everybody always mentions her and like compared my art to her and stuff but she has a series I think it's actually finished now I believe she finished it it was her like alphabetical order series where she went through the entire alphabet and then she picked out her favorite characters from stuff that started like worth their names starting with that letter and I've been planning one out literally for like a year I never got around to filming it or like starting the series or whatever and they want to do that but like I don't even have I want to plan out all of the letters beforehand I'm having a hard time because like I could easily put a fairy tale character for almost every single one of the letters but I don't want to do that so I decided to limit myself to five because I figured five is a small amount compared to how many what else said how many alphabets there are how many letters of the alphabet Derek I love so many fairytale characters that it's hard for me to narrow it down I think I've almost got it but one thing is like there are two characters that I can't decide between and freed is one of them why let have a cool guy for my 10 sketchbook alright that's open but I think I'm happy with so let's get started with the actual drawing this is a complete tangent but no offense to people born and raised in Florida but your tap water is literally disgusting like the tap water back in New York tasted so much better than your nasty-ass tap water I'm sorry but I can't okay do this I'll probably zoom this in a little bit later I want to get the base sketch you can't even see what I'm doing what if I zoomed in would you be able to see you then barely okay well I tried so I got a comment recently about my giggle they said that my good girl is adorable which honestly that meant a lot to me because like I got another comment talking about they said that they really admired me for posting videos where I speak with my preachy voice because like they would never be able to do that and then like the fact that someone said that my get goal was adorable kinda meant a lot to me because it's like my I'm a little bit just for ik about my voice but it's not too bad but it's mostly my laugh that whenever people comment saying that like they really I talked about this in my milestone video that I posted but it makes me really happy when people say that they look up to me says not only an artist but a trans artist I do my very best to read all the comments but can't always do that I noticed the more views that my videos started getting the less notifications I got about comments because I used to get notifications for every single comment that was posted because not as many people were commenting but now that more and more people are commenting I don't get notified for them so I have to like watch the video in order to read the comments which I tried to do every few days just for a little bit take a little bit of my time to try and read the comments it looks more weird on camera because it's not an angle but I promise it's not that ugly haven't had much experience with these paint markers but they are so fun like I'm in love with them so much it's they're really fun I would highly recommend getting yourself I was gonna say a pair of these I mean you could get a pair but you know more than marry getting to wonder if I should have done this in gouache oh well do you guys normally decorate the cover of your sketchbooks I never really did before but laughs few sketchbooks I've been really wanting to it's hard to do it when you get one with like stuff on the front use the fun factor fun fact is oh man if I made a merch that's in fun fact would you guys buy it so I was traveling for the holidays recently over this like in December for Christmas and stuff I was at the airport and then I just get a snapchat for my friend which by the way I barely use snapchat but I got a snapchat from a friend that I haven't talked to in like like really had a conversation with and like like a year or something I met her in my health class of my junior year of high school I saw her we know and again in my senior year but we didn't really like talk talk but then she messaged me and was just like hey I know this is random and we haven't talked in forever but do you have a youtube channel and I was like oh boy I wonder who else from like if people knew me at school and then they found my youtube channel I feel like you would mostly be be our kids because I don't imagine why anybody else would be watching the channel and no we talk more so if you're watching this hi its head almost like fun fact again I've had a few people message me saying like I'm your biggest fan and so it's like who's really my biggest fan you know also like I don't know it's still weird to think that like people say that they're my fans because like I'm still very new to this so there's still a lot that I'm not used to like the first video I posted since gaining a larger following was my drawing subscribers video and naturally since I have more subscribers currently the video is going to get views quicker than my other videos but like I didn't really realized that before I posted the video and so I posted it and I was like wow this video has been up for like 10 minutes and it already has like 600 views or something like that and I don't know I'm not used to a lot of things but I mean that like in the best way possible like I'm very happy and I feel so incredibly blessed to be able to have gotten this following the way did especially because it's like you know I don't see myself as anything special but then like people message me and being like I really love your art and I really look up to you and then then I'm like that's sweet but why fun but when someone asked me out and said that they like I had a crush on me and stuff my first response was literally wait wife so in case you're wondering what kind of self esteem I have Sola can you stop picking at your skin but no one knows how to moisturize your dog's skin please let me know we thought she was digging like that because she had fleas but then we got rid of her fleas and she was still just like going at her skin and so I think that she just has like a really dry skin please comment to help my dog oh you guys should actually let me know if you would like more fair dog contest because I'm asked a literally anybody in my personal life I am obsessed with Fairy Tail talking about my fairy tale already count for a minute I'll shut up about Fairy Tail when I'm done with this I promise but I kind of made it because I was like wow the fairy tale fandoms awful with the exception of like a few accounts I should make this to not have a traction part of the fandom and so I'm planning on that just having being a wholesome fun place or whatever I do I don't know a lot of tumblr artists because kind of my art community place is on Instagram and then everywhere else is for stupid stuff my biggest fear of using these markers is the more I use them I fall in love with them more and more and then they run out which is a stupid fear because it's like just buy more kind of turning the discussion to something slightly more serious but not too serious cuz this is my channel after all how many of you guys also have anxiety if you're comfortable sharing that someone left a comment saying how I seemed happy all the time but I also seemed a little nervous and I'm like yep that's the anxiety the anxiety sucks fun factor very dull again it's just instinct to say fun factor but before we officially moved to Florida my mom was like it's like it's summer all the time there it's nice but like my favorite season is winter and so it's like you're not really enticing me there all right you know if this videos going to be a long video and I feel like every time I make a longer video I apologize for having a longer video but I asked you guys if you wanted longer videos and you guys said yes so I don't know what I'm apologizing for I'm the type of person where it's like you can come and punch me in the face and then I'll apologize to you see I notice that darker colors go down more evenly burnished because I used that skin tone in the green more than I've used this dark red because I know it looks really shiny stuff but that's just because of the light above me these actually dry really really met every time I say the words Matt I think of Matt from Voltron speaking of Ultron what about season 8 guys I'm kidding you guys are probably still suffering I should've waited for that to dry a little bit more oh well waiting if I should color in the sweater black and the paint's gray or with the sweater grade the pants white or 'this order black in the pants white and just forget the Grail together decisions and decisions I don't think I'm gonna do an outline to this I might do some simple outlines to in there but I did color something in my sketchbook with pasta and then I outlined it with a brush pen and I kind of regretted it because I feel like it looked a lot better before I outlined it so - there can you not take out yourself and then she bites my foot you little would you guys feel more comfortable if I censored my swearing so the family who watched my videos I'm sorry they probably wouldn't have guessed it but I swear a whole lot I don't like swearing her own family just gonna feel a little inappropriate but oh oh oh oh I know I'll color the sweater black pants white and the bag can be gray I'm a genius you can barely see this gray because of the paper it'd be like that sometimes I'll have to add something to this so you can actually see it I look like a brown outline or something [Music] it was just some packages being delivered don't worry guys it wasn't a serial killer okay now we get that the Lords are surface areas I'm probably going to do is belfry on do let's do black though the harshest color of them all whoa who cares if it's stronger than you are freed is one of those characters where I find it hard to accept the indie and he wasn't confirmed gay but you know knowing fairy tale I couldn't have expected anything more as much as I loved it it's definitely got its problems like the middle part like I'm not too fond of like the beginning arts or the ending arts but I really like the middle it's not that I dislike the beginning or ending part I mean the ending part is its own thing but it fun fact about me I have another fun fact I have really small hands and feet like I am generally a really small person - anyways but I feel like my hands and feet are like too small for my body I'm not very tall and I wish I was I feel like I could pass a lot better if I was taller been out for almost three years now like a little over two and a half and out of the entire time I just messed up her there I can only think of like one time where someone called me sir or like boy or anything like that without me having to tell them that I was a boy I'm like when you're out for a long time the fact that that's only happened like once a little bit frightning so you know I'll be there someday I told my brother that one day I would grow a beard and he was like no you know like yeah just watching I want to talk about my webcomic for a minute so nothing is out right now nothing is out at all um but just so you guys know it is about my vampire character and my werewolf character and my Jackalope character in case you're so like Andy and their friends are not going to be in a comic and I know that's happy alright solo it's probably disappointing for a lot of people like I just wanted to explain why and it's literally nice because like Andy and like that group of characters they mean so much to me and I have such little experience with writing characters and like writing not really writing characters but writing like a comic and so I'm terrified to put them in a cop that was my cat's tail by the way I'm terrified to write a comic with them in it and then have it be terrible because I don't know what I'm doing and so as I'm sure you guys are very eager to read their story and have me make their story but their story probably isn't going to be made for many years because I want to be able to get experience writing before I write their story because since they mean so much to me I want to be able to make their story as nice as possible and I want to make it the best that it can be and since I've never written a comic-book board I can't really do that right now but I'll definitely continue to draw them and you guys will see them so don't worry where was his eyeball now color his eyes are they blue I feel like they're believe we're gonna make them blue that's look like legs right okay hey it looks like he has really short legs in this angle I promise it looks more like this so my camera is dying so I'm just gonna let that charge and then I will finish this baby up okay I'm back I did some housework it's lunch feeling good caterer wonder he goes in San román saw Carla shouldn't be feeling good but so what I did off camera I actually added some little details like the people love his eyes a little beauty mark thing and then I did a second layer of white on the pants familiar with my modern-day fries and you're also familiar with the cacti that's on his sweater now you might be thinking Oliver why cacti I don't know I don't want to do more in the style of this where it's like kind of mindless a merely simple like blocks of colors cuz I really like the way it looks I think it looks really cute sometimes we're not get really excited about something in my art it's easy for me to just go overboard and then do too much okay one thing that I'm really excited about for this year I believe it's coming out this year is the Fruits Basket reboot if you haven't seen Fruits Basket I would highly recommend checking it out especially since the reboot is coming out this year a little bit older I believe the anime came out in like 2001 or something and then the manga came out like in the 90s see whatever anime do I like I have not watched my hair academia I know a lot of people like that and a lot of people want me to watch it I'm going to at some point I just need to find the time because I don't like watching shows that to me when I'm like working or something because I want to pay attention to it I also really like noragami it's a great one I need to hurry logics I haven't watched it in forever but I remember just absolutely loving it so leader is another one that is pretty popular that everyone likes I wanted I hadn't watched it since I was like her like 15 what does it stuff it's it's not that it would sound like it's that long ago but then I remember that like I'm gonna be 19 this year but why I always shave with purple but I just feel like it's a lot nicer I don't know if you guys noticed but I never really draw years I'm not happy with the way I draw years so my solution is just like just to draw everyone with a lot of hair so then that way you never have to draw yours you know I wonder what came first with free was it his little hair spiky keys that look like lightning bolts and then he joined the Thunder Legion or did he style his hair like that because of the Thunder illusion the important questions that demand answers for have no idea what I'm gonna use to shade this you know one thing that filming YouTube videos is helping you with is to not put my face literally directly above the sheet of paper that I'm drawing up probably shade the belts that might be good it also had a belt buckle I'll do that later I want to add some yellow in this because I wanted the sign back here that says my textbook I want it back to be yellow but I feel like if I don't add yellow in other parts then the yellow and the back will stand out too much oh yeah shading this is not a fun time I only add a tiny bit of shading to the sweater cuz it's so dark I mean I doubt people are really looking at the screen too much watching this anyway it's not to try and throw shade I do the same thing it's just nice to put on art videos in the background and be sketching well I was embarrassing I've seen fairy tale a countless amount of times and watching back some of the parts still makes me cry I don't really see can't even see that but like I was watching fairy tale when I was like working on videos the other day like filming and I'm just in the background and then I got to the part spoilers if you haven't seen it and you want to watch it but at the end of the Edel isarc when everyone in 1d skilled like it disappears cuz they weren't real people and she was like crying that messes me up let me tell you it's so hard with any scene where wendy is crying just because like the actor who plays her she's just so talented and something I didn't know is that the same actor who voices Wendy in a fairy tale is also the same actor who voices blocks are in Soul Eater which is man those are two very different characters I wish that there is some sort of way to make these pasta pens just slightly more transparent add a little more great bag okay okay that's I need to really figure out which way is ooming in which was zooming out that's too much oh wait no I meant to zoom out well then this is awkward one thing that I really liked with stuff like this like yellow highlights and then some other stuff I never realized until pretty recently actually how much I just love color I know that this yellow looks a little awkward on this black but trust me and I know what I'm doing kind of not really but I want you to think that I do finally he can put his belt on yellow you know we go in orange and do kind of the same thing a lot of orange is gonna go in this letter tone down that yellow a little bit more sometimes do you ever just say words just for the sake of talking no no if anybody else does that but you'll just say literally anything just for the sake of their being noise it's good to see the pants are pretty light so I don't think they need too much bringe almost this step and then kind of how I shaded with the purple and did something like that fancy stuff with elevators I don't know what I'm saying a blue and do kind of the same stuff but in the shadows I love colors alrighty I think I'm pretty okay and now we zoom in oh you know here's where I'm going to use the brush pens add a little bit of detail in the face and stuff should make his eyebrow a little bit thicker there we go that's a face oh boy you know I have to remember where his nose was you think if it's not that big of a deal look as if I messed up I can just color over it with the paint Locker and then try again not entirely happy with that well I guess it's okay no kidding I hate it one thing that might also be throwing the face off is the eye I think it's misplaced just a little bit one of those parts of my art where it doesn't matter how many times I change up how I draw my noses I just I'm always not happy with them okay so off-camera I did like a little bit of touch-ups just like you're in there so if it looks a little bit different that's why whatever I should add some grade of the pants life's too short it's okay think I'm ready to do the pig in the background get my hand again even where it should get a bigger one but oh no I just smeared it yeah it's fine no one will know Shh don't tell anyone that's not zoom in don't know if there's an easier way to do this but this is the way I'm doing it a lot of this is probably going to get cut out cuz I'm not sure if you guys want to sit here watching me color in a yellow rectangle let's I don't know just go for it this is probably not a straight line but neither is free so it's fine wowza think this is knit here we are this is the fitness probably don't say it so you don't think he has tiny legs this is the finish product of this video so should I add a little bit of yellow no I said I'm done I'm done I'm done I had yellow anyway as I was saying thank you for watching I hope that you like this video I'll probably do more stuff like this filling out my schedule book pages and whatnot if you liked it give it a thumbs up my social media are in the description if you're ever curious about that also link my fairytale art blog that I was talking about along with my regular stuff that I opposed to there's a video on screen now and in the iCard if you're interested and thank you for watching let me know what you were drawing while watching this cuz I'm sure you're drawing something alright I'll see you next week goodbye [Music] freaky lawnmowers
Channel: Oliver's Antics
Views: 92,354
Rating: 4.9728041 out of 5
Keywords: art, artist, drawing, sketch, sketchbook, ink, pen, illustration, anime, manga, fairy tail, freed, freed justine, posca, posca paint pens, posca paint markers
Id: mTrALIkxRww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 9sec (2109 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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