NC3rd 5th Ministers and Workers Meeting Day Session 4-23-21

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this type of anointing yeah thank you for this type of glory i'm thanking for this type of power thank you for this type of love thank you come on thank him god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who shall believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life thank him for no greater love than this that a man will lay down his life for a friend come on and thank him for the love that he displayed come on come on hallelujah thank you for loving us uh loving us it was a love thing god oh god zopora said this is a bloody religion not but i beg the difference this is a love religion now come on and thank him for his love come on and thank him for his grace come on and thank him for his mercy yeah it's a love thing oh god oh god he commended his love to us yet while we were sinners uh christ died for the ungodly come on it's a love thing love on him right now love on him right now pull on your god oh god hey that's right oh glory all glory all glory shall be hey it's a love thing glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god hallelujah then the glory hallelujah amen hallelujah time to glory this revive us here revive us every church in north carolina revive us every member of north carolina revive us every member of the church of god in christ revive us every person in america oh god revive us revive us revive us revive us again give us a hunger for the bible a hunger for the word put the word back on top revive us in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was gonna revive us yes let us make it priority number one again revive us starting to show ourself approved god we thank you as we prepare to go into our morning worship as we turn it over to the expediter of the morning we ask one more time god that you would have thine own way and that you will bless the program of the day and when we come back for the evening god that you would do your will anoint our bishop that the glory will be released and the people of god blessed in jesus name amen and amen come on clap those hands and tell god thank you amen thank god for our great bishop let's thank god for the incoming about dynamic bishop amen and we shall yield to the morning expediter amen if you go tell me amen praise god thank you sir good morning good morning good morning greetings to all thank you so much for being here thank you so much for being in our sanctuary today for we are in the upper room church of god in christ and we have come to worship him we have come to magnify him we've come to bless his name as always greetings to see our beloved bishop god bless you sir thank you so much for being in our presence and as we shall go forward in our worship we want to greet our online viewers those who are watching our conference online uh thank you so much for tuning in thank you so much for being a part of our experience this week and i tell you from watching it has been a mighty experience god has really been blessing and speaking to us about our worship so let's praise god for speaking to us and talking to us about qualifying worshiping servants and i think it was a much needed topic to god be all of the glory our scripture listen this morning as we bring greetings and we want to honor first of all our presiding our god church of our god who's the god of the bible we want to honor jesus christ our lord we want to honor our presiding bishop who is here with us god bless him so dearly we are on our chief of staff apostle tommy quick uh for our first administrative assistant dr christopher stone our second administrative assistant dr uh ronnie gates uh we want to admonish our first lady our mother our super district must have mother beverage d journey our first lady pamela wouldn't god bless her so much and to god be out of the glory for all those who are here and i'm gonna tell you god has really been meeting us here to god be all of the glory as we get started i chose a particular text i heard it read last night i want to read it once again isaiah chapter number six isaiah chapter number six verses one through verse number eight isaiah six verse one two verse number eight isaiah records it this way in the year that king uzziah died i saw also the lord sitting upon a throne high and lifted up and the train of his robe filled the temple how many know you've been feeling god in the upper room this week hallelujah above it stood seraphim each one had six wings with twang he covered his face and with twang he covered his feet and with twang he did fly and one cried unto another and said holy holy holy is the lord the host the whole earth is full of his glory and the post of the door was moved at the voice of him that cried and the house was filled with smoke then said i woe is me for i am undone because i am a man of unclean lips and i dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips for mine eyes have seen the king the lord of hosts then flew one of the seraphims unto me having a live coal in his hands which he had taken with from tongs from off the altar and he laid it upon my mouth and said lo this has touched thy lips and thy iniquities taken away and thy sins purged also i heard a voice of the lord saying whom shall i sin and who will go for us god bless the reading of this particular psalm as god is a particular division of isaiah god has really been blessing us and keeping us according to the word of god this week amen amen come on let's continue to worship let's continue to praise our god let's continue to magnify his name we're going higher and higher every round goes higher and higher god is still meeting us here god is still speaking and while i am talking i tell you i was so blessed yesterday hearing our sister speak on behalf i tell you they blowed my mind i could not take all that they said i was really flabbergasted and all that they had said to us would you please welcome our praise team is that shall come and lead us in our praise and worship and then our bishop shall come hallelujah i will bless the lord at all times and his praises shall continually be in my mouth come on let's give the lord a praise and a place this morning hallelujah now we thank you we bless you we honor you we want you to stand with us as we sing to god who has done mighty and great powerful things hallelujah i will bless the lord magnify the lord with me i yeah bless the bless lord lord i will bless the lord i will bless the lord i will bless the lord it's i will bless the lord i will bless the lord he knows everybody is what he does every day is uh amen hallelujah hallelujah he has done great things for us hallelujah let's put our hands together for our wonderful praise team leading us this morning in praise and worship let's put our great hands together and receive our beloved bishop as he now comes to the podium praise the lord you might be seated to god be the glory for the things that he has done the lord is good and worthy to be praised and where can you believe it we're in the last day of our fifth uh annual ministers and workers meeting and what a meeting this has been i'm still rejoicing off of last night what the lord did through district missionary glory and then what god did through our wonderful supervisor on last evening um it was just a wonderful day all day long i'm thanking god for how god used everyone i'm still praising him for how he spoke through evangelist crystal amanchukwu on yesterday it was just magnificent it was a magnificent day and uh i shared with our supervisor and district missionary corey how you know we people are watching from everywhere and my mama just raved about how they ministered the word of the lord on last evening and i'm glad that she's able uh to tune in and and get blessed like that if she's not able to be here there are many people people watch from all over who can't come but thank god they're able to uh be blessed by the word of the lord god has smiled on nc third nc third have we have preachers and we have teachers and what i love about the culture of our jurisdiction is that we do not demean the teacher and we do not scoff at the preacher as long as long as it is god's truth we don't care how it's delivered and i'm glad that we have an atmosphere where one person doesn't feel the need to try to be a carbon copy of someone else if god uses you to speak in a low tone don't get up and go to hollering you'll get out of your range and you'll make a you'll blow it and if god uses you to be jubilant then do that and but make sure what's going forth is god's truth and as long as it's god's truth you won't have a problem with me if it's not god's truth you're gonna get a phone call amen because god has given us a platform and you don't get but one time to make a good impression a first impression so we're just thankful i'm excited about what we're going to do now covet from a christian doctor's point of view and i want to say you see that both of the doctors that i mentioned um members of the new horizon district both of the doctors are met members of the upper room and they've been a member of our church respectfully 20 years and 15 years depending upon who we're talking about and uh i thank god that god has you know one time the word was out that only you know a certain kind of people were in holiness but that's not true amen god's truth attracts all kinds of people who want to know the truth amen and i'm grateful i want to thank the lord i just want to uh visit their resume so you'll know that these people are qualified to talk about what we're going to hear today dr ojanga harrison was born in kansas but raised in mississippi it is there he attended jacksonville state and obtained a bs in biology dr virginia harrison obtained his md from the university of tennessee at memphis college of medicine and completed a combined residency in in internal medicine and psychiatry at duke university while there he also completed a research fellowship at the duke center for spirituality theology and health during his time at duke he worked with the work with and fostered a close relationship with dr james h carlos senior founder of the carter clinic in pennsylvania who would become his mentor but dr jingle harrison uh is currently ceo and president of the carter clinic uh let me tell you carter clinic pa listen say something funny when he called me one day and asked me to go down and uh to pray to dedicate his clinic i i went to the way he told me to go i'm driving around the block over and over and over because i can't find the clinic so after two or three rotations i called him and he said well i'll come out because i can't find the clinic and so he came out and pastor thomas the reason why i couldn't find the clinic is that he owned the whole complex the thing that i was circling so i'm looking for one room or you know a little section the whole thing was the clinic and i just looked at it i said man ain't never seen anything like that before so i went in and blessed it and they fed me real good and uh if you ever call me and ask me to bless another one i'll do it um but he uh uh um he currently uh serves patients listen in raleigh smithfield fayetteville wilmington dunn lumberton whiteville elizabethtown wilson and shelby dr harrison is also the medical doctor for the the residential department of the idd and doctor if i get all get into these wrong you help me out and um and homes in fayetteville and a level four residential treatment home in red springs he is also the founder of healing herding families dr m o'janga harrison is a faithful servant of the lord jesus christ he's an active member of the upper room church of god of christ and i'll tell you many many many many many many many many people in our church and ministry many people many young people many adults many senior citizens many people have been blessed in our church by the quiet philanthropy of this doctor every time i have called him and said i need help doing this that whatever i've asked for he said just bishop just tell me when you want it and it will be there uh he and his lovely wife dion raise your hand they they uh uh pamela and i receive a blessing from them that comes in the mail every month i think about and i pray a little prayer a gift that just keeps on giving uh they're very blessed but very very big-hearted and he might get on me for even saying this because he you know he does his arms in secret but i've never called him and uh and he wasn't there to help whether he was with the school with the project at the church um helping the senior citizens of whatever the case may be and and i think that uh uh that ought to to be mentioned dr m o'janega harrison is married to dr dion harrison he married her in 2003 and through this union the couple have been blessed with five beautiful children and they are five very well behaved children well you know have no problem with them you know and uh they all come to church they sit down to pay attention uh get the word and go home say amen uh when he is not working at his practice he enjoys spending time with his family i want to present this man of god to you and i love him i respect him with the with all the respect he and i we have conversations we text back and forth we talk about things that spread from medicine to politics uh and just just a delight to know and he's coming to present to us and then after he shall have finished i will introduce uh the next doctor and his lovely wife would you receive dr m o jenga harrison at this time all right well praise the lord thank you bishop for that uh loving and encouraging uh introduction very kind and i would like to just thank the lord for this opportunity again to be before you all to just talk a little bit about um what this unusual year has been like uh for as a from a christian doctor's point of view on to thank my wife we had um uh had her coming up and doing a little something but we're moving a little a little fast praise the lord she contributed a lot to what we uh have to present today i don't know i had decided i wasn't going to be able to get all all the way through it but somebody told me i had like twice as much time as i thought i was going to have so praise the lord i want to say a quick prayer well father thank you for this opportunity to come before your people to share to talk about some things that you have had me to experience and to think about pray that they're blessed and encouraged lord and enlightened as we talk today continue to bless in jesus name amen amen all right well um we have been so blessed to uh be here 20 years um and we have grown tremendously this has been we've been given but you know we've been we've been getting we've been getting a whole lot praise the lord there's been very good ground um to to be sewing in and not just financially but you know blessing of a wife when i came i didn't have a wife i have a beautiful loving wife who loved the lord and trains my children in the way of the lord so that's been very much an encouragement and blessing i thank god for giving me such a wonderful and perfect help me thank you dion um and i just thank you pastor for all the for the given space um i think a wise man once said that he doesn't even agree with himself all the time so so i think that um the main things of course we've certainly have complete agreement on and sometimes well i don't agree you know what i found out he's a man of god and i found out that i agree later it's like i didn't agree at first but then i felt like oh yeah you're right praise the lord i'm glad i kept my mouth shut all right um and uh covered from a doctor's review point of view now i recognize that i'm not all christian doctors i'm just one doctor faithful christians have a different viewpoint on this on this subject john mcarthur said that he was he didn't he wasn't fully supportive of everybody getting the the vaccine john macarthur said you know said that uh he said well he but he would if um he had to do it to go and spread the gospel um you know and there are many um uh from the cmda my wife and i are part of the christian medical dental association it's the oldest largest christian organization of medical professionals and um many of the things we present really come from um a consensus of christian doctrine not all christian doctors agree but the large organizations consensus they agree um christianity today had several articles that again agree with the somewhat standard point of view of of the vaccines and covet 19. so i just want to just say kind of where we're we're thinking about when we're presenting these ideas to you inside the mind of a christian physician in medicine we're trained to follow the standard of care that's very important we learn physics and chemistry and the engineering of how the body works we're taught the biological principles of disease or at least the way medical science understands it at this point that's what we're taught that's what we're tested on and we're tested and we're tested some more to make sure we understand it and how it works and how it is understood to work right um and and so that's a good thing because it gives american public a standard of care this is this is how it this is how we understand things ought to be that means a person with abdominal pain in lumberton north carolina who goes to southeast regional hospital gets the same care as a person who arrives at duke university hospital right um you get you you want the expectations that the care will be pretty much the same um and a high standard of how people are going to be treated because the most part you have an agreement people have an agreement on what's the best way to care for a person with this particular type of problem you don't want a person to go one place in um you know who has that belly pain they go to one place they get exploratory surgery and they're going in there and somebody's trying to figure out what's going on in another place that same problem that you know doctor gave him pepto-bismol and told him to go home i mean what what what is that that shouldn't be right um one person gets treated with antibiotics because they have you know a chest x-ray or something on the lung and then the same thing they go somewhere and that person gets his lung taken out right so that that you know that ought not to be there ought to be that this is there ought to be a right way of doing things for a particular problem and so that's what that's what the way doctors are trained to sort of think about um how things are ought to operate um and that's a good thing um um you don't want somebody making it up as they go um you don't want a doctor inside your brain being creative you know you know being artistic you know you want you know what did that work you want the stuff to work for the 50 000 people you know that's what you do on my brain don't be trying to create something new that you just thought about last night right um so we attempt to have a standard of care about which things are done and we do that by systematically watching um how people have responded to treatments in the past all right now you know that involves scientific studies clinical trials that's kind of how we come to that observation of how things have what things have worked and what things didn't work right um so um this is you know how we describe the standard of care um but as we know not everybody um will receive the same care even if they have the same type of problem all right this is primarily because of medical errors you know mostly because of medical errors and so when a doctor is sort of looking at you they're trying to think not just what do i think is best but what what what is the consensus of other doctors who were sitting in my same seat him hearing my same story hearing the same story i'm hearing what would they do okay i'm not trying to be somebody completely different outside of the realm i'm trying to do really what's consistent if you went to harvard or you know to john hopkins you're going to get i want to i want to be giving you the same standard of care it doesn't it shouldn't matter that's in fact that's why doctors should pride themselves you know no no doctor i even tell my patients sometimes you know just to really to help them to gain trust in me i tell them like you know look you came to the right place i'm the man that's going to help you you know what i'm saying so i'll tell them straight up because i want them to understand that i feel very confident that i can help you and if you give me an opportunity you're going to get you're going to get better all right and you came to the right place um so that's how we we like to understand how we're practicing all right but still like i said sometimes people um don't get the same care and a lot of times it's a human factor it's the fact of human error or um you know certainly doctors you know the the doctor and alcoholic right is the doctor sleep deprived is the doctor racist um is the doctor you know motivated by money the more of these things i do the more money i make okay so all those things definitely can influence um the standard of care but that's why we have a medical board all right they're the police of the doctors so you know if the doctor's going out there doing some news different fun stuff you know um that they there's a police out there to make sure that they are are trying to make sure doctors are serving the public good all right um so not i mean certainly there there's there's a need for innovation and there's a need they're thinking outside the box but i just want to tell you how doctors think about things that's how we think about things okay um and so we doctors are going to be less likely to um to do something that's um some new thing that hasn't been tested um doctors are um going to have to toe the party line on some level um and if you don't you know you'll get in trouble doctors who don't preach the doctrine get in trouble right you heard the pastor say if you don't preach the doctrine what's going to happen you're going to get a phone call all right it's the same thing with medicine if you don't if you're not doing it the way it ought to be done then you're going to get you're going to get a phone call you're going to get an email and people like well hey dude somebody's been complaining about you you know or you're going to say well you know if you know when you argue you need to argue from the book you know you need to argue from okay well what you we hear what you say but where did you find that what was the study done uh you know just because you said that that's what it is that's not what is that's you know you're gonna lose your license so um you know it has to be kind of verified all right that's how doctors think about things um how does that relate to how christians view covert 19 we take the healing art given to us by god's grace very seriously we're not prone to conspiracy theories in general because people are trusting us to give them the best medicine that we know of all right that i mean i think when i go to the doctor i want i want him to give me the best thing that you know that works the most reliable thing okay i don't necessarily want the newest thing i want the thing that has been tested and we know works the best right so that's kind of how dark you know that's what i think everybody wants because when we don't do that um bad things happen and even when we do our best bad things happen right so when you know when you when you really people are not not doing the the right thing we really can see a lot of medical errors cause a lot of negative consequences all right um we all want the treatment that has been studied and shown to be effective we don't want to be a part of an experiment and not know it just syphilis experiment for an example one of the biggest complaints when i was at duke was that i think y'all be doing experiments on people man you know and yeah they do but you have to be consented for experiments you know they do a lot but you know there's there's a fear about that all right so when it comes to the covet virus the majority of christian doctors find it very difficult to go against organizations like the cdc because they've been the truth tellers for the medical community for many many years they're the group um um and there's a group it's not one doctor making a decision just to be clear there's a group of people that may have a spokesperson but the group of scientists that that are um that not challenge but um fact check may be the best way of each other okay um we know medical science is not perfect as i was alluding to earlier 25 000 deaths are due to medical errors every year 25 000 that's a lot of people that's a lot i mean it's really kind of scary when you think about twenty five thousand that's from um came out of uh john hopkins study so you know for that reason we try to keep people out of the hospital because we know that's that can be a big problem for for for medicine other problems we know that makes medicine medical science not perfect big pharma all right big pharmaceutical companies they really do influence organizations uh in our research you know like the world health organization organization and other big organizations even the opiate crisis i treat a lot of opiate addiction opioid crisis can be traced back to these big pharmaceutical companies um who really pushed these medicines on doctors expert doctors to redefine you know this pain pain as a fifth vital sign you know when i was coming through medical school i had never heard of that but then they said no no the pain is the fifth vital sign so you got to ask everybody about pain if you ask him about it what do you say i'm hurting so what are you going to do you got to give him medicine so you're going to give him pain medicine so um so you know which is causing 80 and now up to 80 000 deaths a year in america all right so there is a we realize that it's not perfect and there is some level of uh corruption and um you know the conspiracy you know can't be dismissed altogether there is a healthy there was a place for healthy skepticism and asking questions reminds me of um a saying that says just just because i'm paranoid doesn't mean somebody's not out to get me right um and the big point um one of the big point i would like to put forth is you know when you're dealing when you're dealing with with the devil when you're wrestling with the devil he wants to pull you too far one way or too far the other way it's like a sumo wrestler right he's trying to put you too far this way or too far this way you know and so if you tend to go this way he's going to push you all the way over that way you know so that you know so you want to kind of be aware of that and keep your keep your balance on some level when it comes to these things um the practice of medicine is an art it's an art it's the practice and it's an art right so it's not perfect all truth is god's truth praise the lord but medicine unlike the church has not been given a perfect doctrine all right so medicines medical science the best we can do is to try to think and observe his creation all right and john johannes kepler said we try to think god's thoughts after him so we try to watch what's going on we try to think what was god doing when he did he want god wants us i mean god wants us to to research him and discover all these things he didn't put all this stuff out there for us not to discover once you understand how physics works you have a new appreciation and wonder for god you know in chemistry you you have a new appreciation and wonderful when you understand how the body works you have a new appreciation for engineering and physics and and all these things about the wonder of of this of the creation that he made so he wants us to search these things out and find a found about found out about his creation um and as we do that we medicine is trying to get better and better but we're not perfect but we try to get better so we're learning as we learn about this creation that god has and how he's put it together so most christian physicians in general trust the cdc and other institutions of health care governance we recognize again that they're not perfect doctors see the limitations and failures all the time i mean every day we see that we ain't perfect okay um so um but we do have an understanding that um these statistics and these guidelines that are that are put forth by them um and and i say them in general because really it's them but if you're a physician it's really kind of us because you know the people you know you don't know all of them but you may know some of them who are kind of coming to these decisions okay uh maybe your colleagues or your former professors so you kind of feel like you kind of know them a little bit not all of them but some of them um you know these are the people who write your board examinations i mean the questions on your board you ought to you know so these are not these kind of these foreign weird kind of these are uh to a physician people who have been we who've grown us up who we've trusted and have taught us how to help people and we we do pretty good sometimes right um so in general again so medical science tries to be a check on itself in a lot of ways through journal articles and you know doctors can be very critical are very critical and need to be very critical of one another's research and science um but that's kind of the backdrop of kind of the way doctors christian doctors may become at this when the pandemic started we really did not understand the full impact of what was going on many people all over the world were in denial and remained in denial about what was going on until it really hit their community i mean i admit myself and i was looking over there i was like well maybe it's not going to come over here i'm saying why not but anyway that's that's how we were thinking that's how people were thinking just in general in hindsight it was very clear in the age of modern transportation the virus was going to hit every part of the world period it's going to get it's going to get to every part of the world the way the virus is is is uh carried silently for a little while before it can uh before it shows its symptoms and then some people aren't even symptomatic so it was it was going to get everywhere um and you know when and when when it was in china doctors were saying christian doctors maybe were saying uh well i have this is kind of a fun so uh when it was in china people hoped that it was a chinese thing okay that's what we were trying to fix oh let's hope it's a chinese thing christian doctors are saying probably not you know and uh i recall people were saying black people were saying when it was in italy maybe it was a white people thing christian doctors were saying probably not whites were saying and why some black people still say you know after what happened in new york and a lot of news reports uh it's so it's a black people thing duh it's not a black people thing right uh and you know we've been saying that it's an older people thing right but uh now later variants are actually better at infecting younger people all right so the the new variance and that's really that's really the curveball in all of this the new variants are changing this virus changing right um and so actually yeah it's it's like wow it is that's what christian doctors would be saying yeah wow it really is affecting younger people i was looking at some research for what's going on in india now it's just it's very you know it's they have a very difficult very terrible situation um even in israel against articles that what happened in israel the world was very aggressive about vaccinating their population and what they noticed was that um as they were vaccinating the younger people were people's you know 30s and 40s where people were were the ones who were getting sick a little bit more and uh first they thought it was just because they were unprotected but they really are thinking that the virus has changed and it's really more effective towards the 40 50 year olds than it was initially so it's changing all right um so initially the information was conflicting and the virus you know the but the problem was the virus kept changing so initially the name of the virus changed several times right all those different names first he said no mass then you said a max and then you said two masks right the first one was four feet then it was six feet then it was eight feet then it was six feet again and now it may be three or four feet right so it just keeps keeps changing all right and most medical professionals are going to say well change is understandable because this is new to everybody so we can expect that information is going to change now what they were thinking was y'all making us look bad i wish i could get it right because y'all starting to scare me too all right um about treatments of the virus you know a lot of different treatments of the virus that come out so when the hydroxycholoquine came out i'm sure most christian doctors were thinking you're right it's that simple right anyway all right then somebody said did he just say drink bleach what uh convalescent plasma uh you know convalescent plasma that's a great thing if you can get it right it's really kind of hard to get convalescent plastic steroids that's great stuff for a while um steroids really do work but they only work for a little while all right um then you have the sarge ii monoclonal antibodies um of course um that's a very good that's that's that's a real step forward um and so that's that's better and then vaccines doctors are probably saying that's a little quick but i thank god and maybe we can trust them all right so um we we think you know the idea about the vaccines and we can maybe take questions about it and i have some handouts just to sort of dispel some myths about the vaccine it's really you know um when i first wanted to say and i didn't say it was that in all you're getting get an understanding okay proverbs 4 and 7. that's what i really should have said at first and all you're getting get an understanding i was talking to my cousin last night and he doesn't want to take the doesn't want to take the vaccine he's like man i'm trying to wait about a year see what it's going to be like then i'll try it so you know and i can understand that sentiment but um but you do want to get an understanding and one of the understandings that you want to take away with is that it's changing it's not the way it was okay now uh i'll say more about that a little later um health mental health concerns a big thing please people of god check on your members okay check on your members social isolation can cause depression depression can cause social isolation equals people not coming to church not showing up check on your members seeing what's going on with them people under a tremendous amount of stress right now um children unsupervised a lot more um failing school my children were struggling in school with this virtual stuff you know and beyond i think they're i think they're in class and they're playing they're playing what was the game i'll be playing roadblocks and all these other kind of stuff they're playing um so there's children struggling in school financial distress people have lost a lot of jobs and if you look you know people talk about those a lot of those jobs they don't think are going to come back so that's real serious right um so that's a huge deal increased suicidal rates has gone up substance abuse is going up a lot and then there's just a lot of people experiencing a lot of death um you know just a lot of families i know one lady she said she had nine people in her family that have died you know that's that's a lot of death to be going through so that's a lot of death um and and so you know people are struggling uh check on your members i encourage that um the um fear that has come up as a result of it is is real and it's in and we'll see there's a lot of optimism but the optimism we think is the reason why india is having such a tremendous time in some of these other european countries is because they had a bad episode and went went down they thought it was going away but it wasn't going away and they were relaxed and they really just came back roaring this is real tragedy because india you know makes more they're the highest producer of backs of vaccines in the world india and but they weren't vaccinating their own their people so anyway um so they have a real crisis on their hands um cover 19 has uncovered the fact that it's harder to determine what's true okay there's so much information we live in the information age our society is more sophisticated than it's ever been it used to be that you could uh growing up a car a man could really work on his own car all right but now cars are full of computers and computing only the computers talk to computers you know to tell you what's wrong with the car all right and that's not going to stop right how many of you all can explain to me how your cell phone works all right everybody has a cell phone everybody can get on the internet but can you explain to me how it was made can you explain to me how it works i mean really can you i mean i can't i'm just i'm and if i'm challenging i'm gonna try to learn my kids we're gonna try to learn how that thing works all right do you know how your refrigerator can sit there and make cold air out of hot air i mean um i'm just i'm telling you the society is becoming more sophisticated all right and that's and that's uh for everybody a little intimidating and it's changing how we understand society how we understand ourselves and how uh how the power dynamic in the society begins to change okay when you know people sitting way far away and if they still live in california these tech companies have so much power over your day-to-day life um so that that this society is really changing and so you have to kind of be aware of that if you don't understand something you become more susceptible to being misled all right if you don't understand something you become more susceptible to being misled the devil spoke to eve and he said hath god said all right and eve thought she had an answer uh she didn't have the full answer right so my next point is that because there's so much sophistication in the world what has also happened is it become much more confusion and misinformation all right so if you don't know something you can become confused all right and the next thing the devil said was god had not said he didn't say it and now evil was confused and once you're confused anything can come into that void and give you the answer that you don't know the answer to okay um so you just have to be aware of that okay and and guard your heart guard your mind all right um and you know you all are smart it's not that this stuff is magic it's not magic but you know but you do want to try to understand this mrna virus there you can read about it and take some time and understand exactly how it works one thing about the internet um is that it can be a tool for good or for bad it can certainly we know i did we in preparing for this video to google on christian teachings right because honestly i thought i was always going to be so much garbage but actually some of the stuff was good you know um but they did have some you know lady with no alum lady with no degree but no no whatever you know teaching about um let me think about lust or something you know um and you know just kind of a quack and you can have some other you know so you can you can have some positive things and you can have some things aren't positive on there all right so um just realize that it can be good or bad and you have to sort of take a step back and and uh check the source all right um that's giving you the information um fake um fake news is a big deal there's also this misinformation age that is going on the misinformation age fake news spreads lies as you all know but it's important because it's not stop it's still going on it's continued whether it's the alt-right or russians or antifa and just a random dude is in his basement just thinking it's cool to put stuff out there um that there's a lot of fake news out there and you just have to be you know ready because if you don't have you don't know what the answer is somebody can just give you you know this is it right here and it's because you're confusing you don't know you don't know how you don't know why not to accept it okay what happens next what's going to happen next well it depends on the variance the variations of the virus i think you know we got a lot of education about viruses stuff that i only learned them reading long nights in medical school y'all hear it on the news right now about how viruses change and developed and you know all that kind of stuff all right so that's real i think that's true um we thought that the viruses would just run its course and everything could get back to normal that's what we thought that's what we hope nope that didn't happen all right could it get a lot worse it could get a lot worse it's very much good with more deadly strains right now it's at one percent what happened if just imagine if it was at five percent death rate all right and it has grown i mean you know people i've seen a few reports that you know they're thinking that the new the new variants are more like two percent death rate right so it's actually going up and i already told you that we decided that it does affect younger people more readily than it did before um and then just imagine and if just imagine if it were more like five percent and it affected children you think people were scared a year ago you know i mean look it you know video if you watching those movies will give you a good portrayal of the way society would work that this thing were affecting five percent of five times the number of people were dying okay um just five percent not 95 you know just five percent 500 people and it was affecting your your kids oh my people would go crazy um and that's why all those guns were being being purchased so this thing could be a lot worse um and we what if we couldn't develop the it was mutating the we couldn't develop vaccines fast enough to to our treatments fast enough and we will just get overwhelmed um you know i think imagine if the the people who took the vaccine of half of them died so it could be a lot worse i've taken the vaccine but if half of the people who took the vaccine died america would not you know but not nothing it would not be the same you know would be it would be total chaos if just half of the people who took the vaccine dive this thing could get a lot worse and i just i just bring i paint that scenario just because i mean we are all you all are bible readers and you know all of y'all have read revelations and this is the kind of stuff that it talks about right that's why i bring it up right um not really to scare you i hope i'm not scaring you too much but anyway um and so my my question would be would you if it killed half the people who took the vaccine would you want to be alive anyway because society things are going to change though it would be it would be very bad scenario all right so justice and revelation talked about when one third of the earth was was people on the earth were killed and even to that what i say is even so come lord jesus right even so come lord jesus all right more likely the more likely scenario is that this virus is persistent and it will be around for a long time and that we will learn how to protect ourselves from it we will develop better treatments of it whether it's ppe or social distancing will become smarter as it relates to it it may be the case that people have to get a vaccine vaccination every year or every six months even just like we they do with the flu and we'll be back to normal but with a few modifications all right thank you so much for your time today um i that is what i have to tell you all about maybe how a christian doctor one christian doctor would have to think about what's been transpiring in our lives over the last last 12 months to a year all right thank you god let's give them a big hand the presentation i found it to be quite easy to follow and to to to make sense of what he's saying especially from one where i was in maybe i put the hours in going to medical schools and all that to try to understand it so doctor i i thank you for not talking for talking layman's speech amen so give him a hand thank you sir all right our next doctor and he um elected to have his wife to come and stand with him who is also in the medical field and we most certainly extended that opportunity to dr ajinga harrison as well is dr carl pete dr carl pete diplomat american board of urology dr pete is a board-certified urologist is board certified in urology and joins us after many years of providing eurotic uralic urologic care for the full spectrum of urologic disease both benign and malignant he earned his undergraduate degree from the college of william and mary in williamsburg virginia he thereafter received his medical training from the duke university school of medicine he spent most of his career in north carolina where he worked at wake med and served as a clinical assistant professor of surgery division of urology at the university of north carolina chapel hill at unc he was involved in the training of urology students his clinical interest encompasses the full spectrum of general urology including kidney stones the kidney stone disease andrology a minimal invasive treatment of bph prostate disease uh hypo doctor hyper goal hypergonadism amen and i pray to god i get none of these things and cancer of the bladder the testes the penis uh kidneys or the brothers stop laughing then so you already know you can get cancer there you go what's that rock and uh and uh prostrate uh and blood in the urine he also enjoys offering uh all right dr pete completed two years of general surgery training at the university of california san francisco uh east bay followed by his urology training at the medical college of wisconsin dr pete has presented several lectures on men's health issues over active bladder and prostate cancer he was also appointed by the governor of north carolina pat mccurry to serve for two years as a member of the imported north carolina state health coordination council he is recognized by his patients for his compassion and his attention to detail he takes pride in establishing excellent physician patient relationships ensuring all ways that his patients understand their medical condition and participate fully in medical decision making he serves he strives to be an honest effective communicator outside the office dr pete enjoys attending church deep sea fishing reading biographies and viewing sporting events he is married and has two children dr carl pete has been a member of the upper room church of god in christ for 15 years would you say amen for dr p and uh i want i'm going to tell you now how he got to upper room uh uh church of god in christ and has given us these 15 years and and he also have been one that i have gone to on multiple occasions and asked for help and he has helped us whether with the school or helping people you know when the lord blesses you the lord blesses you to be a blessing and you can't take all of that god gives you and keep it for yourself i praise the lord for these professionals who have just quietly you know without fanfare uh has helped as we've sold into the lives of other people felice pete she's a nurse and anesthetist she received her bachelor degree this is dr p's wife who lured him in praise the lord he met her and flipped and she said well i'm a member of our blue church of god in christ we're holiness you got to come on in here and he came and we've had him for 15 years thank you police uh listen to this uh she was uh she received her bachelor's in nursing degree from the university of north carolina chapel hill she received her master's in nursing degree from the university of north carolina at greensboro she also attend wake forest university school of nurse and anesthesia has worked as an and a nurse anesthetist at wake medical for over 15 years specializing in heart open heart surgery um you know the anesthesis is the person who puts you to sleep a drop too much you don't wake up i drop too little and you're gonna feel the whole surgery but you can't say anything so you know you want to make friends with your necessaries am i right sister am i right oh yeah you're in trouble if that don't go right um in 2013 she was appointed to the commission of public health by governor pat mccrory dr dr felice pete has been a member of the upper room felice has been a member of the upper room church of god in christ for 20 years it is my honor to present to you uh dr carl and mrs felice pete to do a presentation on covid and from a medical christian doctor's perspective would you receive this husband and wife team good morning saints i thank our bishop for this opportunity to speak this morning regarding covet i'm a urologist but i am a physician i've been practicing medicine now for many years i graduated from residency in 2000 i received my md degree from duke university in 1992 regarding my wife i asked her to help me today she's more vivacious and talkative than i am at times so i thought i'd ask her to help me um i'd like to say to go back to what bishop mentioned i was operating at wake man i've been there maybe under a year definitely under a year and one day she was in my room putting my patient asleep and she saw me and her eye said that's my husband now margaret moses here and she can testify to that she was in the operating with with us but not in the room that day she said that's my husband um it comes as a surprise that my wife knew uh people that i knew what i'm saying is my roommate in medical school dated her roommate who was in college at unc they all went to unc but i had never met my wife because i studied in the library when i was at duke and they were partying and my roommate like to hang out with the undergrads and so although my wife had literally been in my apartment i had never met her until i met her at wake med in my room when she asked me if i knew this person and that person so that's how i came to know my wife now on a christian standpoint she invited me to the upper room and i came here in april 2006 and i heard him preach and i said that man really can preach he really told the truth and i've been here from that sunday ever since that's my wife she brought me to church okay that's the truth of the matter and eventually two years later we got married we've been married 13 years uh march 30 march 29th march yes okay so um we're going to talk about covet this morning i want to say that we're not going to be conspiracy theorists i want to say as our bishop has always said to the congregation covet vaccination receiving a vaccination is an independent decision i agree with him on that um it's an independent decision there are things that have not been explained regarding covet that i think is important that we do understand and we'll touch on some of that and um hopefully uh we're not uh being a bit too technical here i'm gonna give more the medical side hopefully of covet vaccines and where we are so here's a small quick lesson in science viruses are common in the world basically there are trillions of viruses available uh they're viruses and people they're viruses in animals you know there's a feline virus and so forth uh it's the most common biological entity on earth experts estimate that if we put all the viruses one behind the other one beside the other was stretched through the galaxy there are so many viruses and viruses can be comprised both of rnas dr jinga said or dna the genome the genome that's that's the way the virus at the cellular level is constructed um and reproduces now a virus cannot survive on its own it cannot survive independently it has to have a host for where survival has to have energy and it has to basically enter that host and uh effectively we are the host for the virus next next so from a historical basis the oldest uh ancestor coronavirus has been dated as far back as the ninth century bc some studies published in the nineties specified the most recent recent common ancestors as follows the beta corona virus was around around 3300 bc the delta corona blaris 3000 bc and so on you see the alpha corona virus approximately 2400 bc next so coronavirus it's the the novel virus that we're seeing covert 19 is a new virus however literally coronavirus has always existed 20 of coronaviruses are part of the common cold that occurs all the time the covert 19 virus is a sars virus and even before last year sars virus existed there was mers these viruses have existed there has been the avian flu but this is a new virus covet 19 the 19 comes from 2019 so the covet the co is actually covet virus it's 19 but this virus has existed previously next so here's a picture of a virus a virus is usually contained in a capsid for protection and what you see on the surface of this virus here are proteins or antigens that's that's the way the virus enters uh usually the covavirus enters nasopharyngeally in your nose your mucosa that's where it came about wash your hands simply because you're touching your face you're touching your mouth it has a have an avenue for entry and in humans that's the nasopharynx basically your nose and mouth therefore wash your hands the most effective treatment against coronavirus is actually hand washing so stars we wanted to give a pandemic timeline and we'll do that but we're going to mention sarge so sars is contains a unique fearing cleavage of the spike protein this greatly enhances the effectiveness of the virus and that's why some people actually believe the virus was created in the laboratory this virus is a bit different it's it's uh we have not been able to discover the original genome the original kind of uh template for how this virus looks generally viruses we can figure out the genome this one's been a bit more difficult to figure out go ahead next she's going to give you a pandemic timeline and then i'll tell you a little more about viruses so good evening or good morning everybody i know everybody thinks oh and most felice is here and yes she does talk a lot but i am a honey badger about the things of the lord and i am a honey badger about things that i know that i know and um one thing about this virus that struck me is the way we've handled it um differently than any other ever virus in a hundred years and i um was appointed to the public health commission so at the time of the pandemic we still get even i still get emails from things of concern and so this popped up that there may be something that people are talking about in china and that was back in december and i remember i told my husband about it in january i said the the south china times says that there's a sars virus well they changed a name from sars virus at the behest of president xi of china because sars would alarm the people but had the people been alarmed they would have been on the right path to do the right thing next slide please so i put the question because i don't think enough questions are being asked is this the hand of god or the hand of man and there are a lot of people that think it just may be the hand of man there are many coronaviruses that are common in a natural setting as my husband has discussed and there are many many in china and in their animals one of the things and why the focus has been on china is that they eat a lot of their meat from these markets where they kill the food at the market and that that so that was an easy way to possibly get the origin of this virus they china has given the world the avian flu the swine flu monkey pox sars and now sars covet two is where it originated just like the zika virus um was in the town in the region of zika so we're not trying to assess bling but only tell where it came from so what we have been told is that there is a bat cave and that bat carrying the coronavirus has bit a pagulan which is the animal that they are saying was at this wet market and that bat flew a thousand miles to wuhan bit this paglin and that pageland ended up in this wet mark to this woman who was um patient zero there are some people uh who you can go to the next slide who uh say that um you know that just kind of seems unlikely we're gonna try the occam's razor occam was a friar english friar he was a philosopher and akan said take away all of the things when deciding on divine miracles and let's do the simplest thing so the simplest thing is that in wuhan next to this market maybe about 10 miles is a lab and in that lab what are they doing they are doing something that they should not be doing which is what's called some of the research that they are doing on these coronaviruses of bats and they are trying to intentionally make them more human-like so in december first here's our timeline we get a report of the first case of the stars like pneumonia and in december 31st taiwan's cdc sends a message to the world health organization about a possible human to human transmission of asars like pneumonia the who replied and said that there was impossible that there to be a sars like information sars like pneumonia and then the information was removed from all social media from at the behest of the communist party of china dr stephen hatfield next slide please dr steven hepfel on january 23rd did an interview on a radio podcast called war room dr hatfield is a virologist an emergency medical physician and specialist on bio weapons and pandemics in his book um three seconds until midnight he discovers that the next pandemic would actually be a virus and it would spread because the world is unprepared and it would come from one of the chinese areas dr hatfield said that this pandemic was novel we didn't know a lot about it but as most things that humans have lived through he believed the best way was herd immunity that was the way we could get through this after saying that dr hatfield was banned from social media next next please dr scott atlas is a medical was the medical advisor of president trump at the time he also believed in his research that herd immunity was the best way to get us through this novel pandemic until we could develop therapeutics and or vaccines which he thought would take a long time dr atlas was scolded silenced and he later was forced to resign carl is now going to talk a little bit about herd immunity and what that means for us so we heard immunity we've not heard much about it we hear about the vaccine a lot i think herd immunity is a true consideration for dealing with this vaccine dr jinga mentioned variants occurring now after people some people oversee the vaccine so herd immunity is a form of indirect protection from the vaccine and this can occur either from actually receiving the vaccine or in some populations people will become immune from exposure so i want you guys to think about something put something into context there are four states in our country north dakota south dakota tennessee and rhode island who did not completely shut down in new york and other places especially in the northeast there was a tremendous shutdown and what we found is that in the four states that i mentioned there are rates of coronavirus infection have been lower what happened in those states they did not shut down and people had coronavirus uh without symptoms okay so populations were being exposed the key to any virus one of the aspects and i'm going to talk about this more later is the development of antibodies after exposure one of the problems i have with the way we've dealt with uh the vaccine is if you've had covet and this question has never been answered or been explained to the public if you've had covet that means you your body and you've survived it you've developed antibodies against that disease so the simple question is if i've had covert do i need a vaccine do you need a vaccine an example hepatitis um there are so many other viruses where we draw titers okay what is your level of immunity and it's never been clear to me why we are vaccinating people who've had the disease or or why we've not vaccinated why we've not tested people tiders who've been exposed to covet okay um the end point has been everyone needs a vaccine but i'm not absolutely sure that's true i've i've been exposed to covet i've operated on peace patience with covet when i was in atlanta before i came back everyone who went at the hospital in atlanta was tested for coded when i came back to north carolina they weren't immediately testing everyone and so that i think that's an important question the shutdown when you lock people down what happens when you release those people especially those who don't take the vaccine okay so you protected me in a lockdown i don't accept the vaccine what happens when i come out these people who've been exposed in these four states have effectively taken care of themselves for lack of a better way of explaining it depending upon how contagious or infectious uh the fact the the virus is to achieve herd immunity you need typically 70 of the population um is what they're shooting for to be vaccinated the thing we don't know about this vaccine is its effectiveness and later on as we move along i'm going to explain to you dr jinger mentioned it shortly but i think it's really important that we understand how generally vaccines go through phases of trial and how this vaccine was created with what president trump said warp speed how we created this vaccine in such a short time how that can occur and how that did occur in this case next slide please dr anthony fauci has become the face of of the vaccine really and how we navigate our way through it he's the head of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases and now chief medic medical physician for president biden i am not a conspiracy theorist but i don't believe that there are any coincidences on january 15 president xi came to the white house for a trade deal and reassured that uh president trump that the c and the cdc that there was no human to human transmission now i've already told you that december 31st taiwan said that they had seen human to human transmission at the same time china had stopped flights within china but on january 18th they hold a large lunar new year celebration in wuhan and the chinese government knowing that the issues that proceeded allowed 500 000 and i hear now up to 2 million people left wuhan to all parts of the west to celebrate lunar new year and this is different than stars of 2003 because in 2003 china was not part of the world trade organization so their people were not flying everywhere for many of you who know some geopolitics next slide please china has all but colonized many countries in africa and in europe and in south america on january 24th china has locked down finally locks down rouhan and totally locked it down on january 26th dr anthony falci is on abc radio repeating the who's talking points that there is nothing to worry about here in america there will be no human to human transmission on january 29th president trump stops to travel from china and quarantined citizens returning from asia for the first time since world war ii dr anthony fauci advised against this travel restriction and at the time about a year later in february he said that he was glad that he took that he made this decision to further raise suspicion of the virus being weaponized is the fact that china has shell companies in the shale company heads go buy up all of the p e p p e in january and february from countries in the west australia being the first to report it then it was italy both of those places were hard hit and both have huge chinese manufacturing plants there and so what happened when in january and february when we had ppe shortages here in america as well but we didn't know we had shortages because we hadn't felt the effects yet we were sending our ppe to help italy but countries with that were hit by the virus then had to depend on china for the ppe to defend themselves and they were buying back the very ppe that china had bought from them at an increased price mr bill gertz is a national security expert of washington times and he has written a book and i'd like to give you books to read because i like to let you know where i got my information from these books of well researched um deceiving the sky how the communist china's drive for global supremacists and in that he stated that he believed that this virus did come from the wuhan lab from all of his experience in china and during research in china and not only did he believe that it was let out of the virus but he believed that it was gain of function and gain of function is deliberately manipulating a coronavirus that came from a bat or another animal and making it to be infectious to humans and gain a function studies were banned during uh the tribunal area um with the nuremberg trials and china did not get into did not agree to it until 1982 however because they're so limited in research and letting people come in they're still doing it uh doc mr gertz would soon be banned from social media and not and not allowed to speak of gain of function again peter navarro was a assistant to the president in a in a long china long been a china hawk he's a doctor of economics from harvard and he also has a doctor in philosophy from stanford he wrote a book called death by china i i suggest that everyone read it um and this was in 2011 and he actually says and he predicts that the next fire pandemic will come from china and it will stop the world and this is not blaming but just saying the carelessness and why we have handled this pandemic in a way that we have never handled before dr navarro also wanted to look at dr fauci because he had been at the seat at the nih for so long and so he saw some other complaints in the way that dr fauci handled um these the way he's handling where you can't second guess dr fauci and whatever dr fauci is putting up and holding the treatments the therapeutics that have long been how we have treated viruses in 1993 in an article in the san francisco times in the treatment of aids dr fauci actually withheld some of the cocktail treatments that would prolong the life of some of the aid victims because he wanted act to ride azt to rise to the top it is a long article by a complaint from the san francisco mayor talking about the number of people that may have died why dr fauci was waiting for his um actual therapy to come forth which never came forth and now we are using the cocktails and people with a's are living longer next slide please please dr lee man yang dr li man yang is the chinese virologist and ophthalmologist who was studying the actual cova virus she actually looked at it and made a call next slide please to beijing saying that she found these foundings and she think that there's been manipulation of this virus she does not have an original genome so how are we supposed to get the treatment if we don't have an original genome the person at the other end at the lab in beijing told her to never say anything about these fine findings or she would be made to disappear she defected to america to tell her stories and warn doctors of this strange configuration of the virus she said that the genomic sequence is very very unfamiliar she says it looks like a frankenstein monster if you examine it and it is like one virus built onto another virus built onto another virus built onto another virus and it has been manipulated to cause the human infection she talks about a person named dr she who is the actual lab technician under the communist china chinese party at that wuhan lab who was actually doing the study and in nature magazine she actually reported that she had cleaved the virus to change the sequence to infect humans and they recorded it as to make vaccines dr lee yang said in 10 000 years of china china has never made a vaccine so it would be impossible for them now to try to be doing this research to make vaccines next slide please this is a picture of the wujong lab with an insert of dr peter dasig dr gasic next slide please dr dasic is the person who is doing the research on coronaviruses for the world health organization and he is a zoological research out of great britain he has been saying there is no way that this has been a that this virus came for the lab the cdc complies although he he blocks every time anybody wants to investigate this lab he has previously reported in several essays of nature magazine that the manipulation of viruses to jump into humans from animals has is very easy and he has many patents to do it and he is being paid by the communist chinese party and now he is representing the who as a representative for the lab and the vaccine there are no coincidences i'm not a conspiracy theorist next slide please these are doctors and there's more like them that have been banned this um the one on the left and set that is dr harvey grish of yale university he's an epidemiologist in the top the black woman um she is um her name escapes me right now she's a doctor from texas um and she actually is using the therapeutics um hct the doctor on the right hand side is dr goldman she actually was fired for saying that you can use hydroxychloroquine as a therapeutic along with zinc and um in antibiotics and so my question is uh next slides jump two slides jump to the next one the next one um my issue with this and in our fight for liberty our christian values our american values is why in america are other voices being silenced they're not being questioned they're being silenced the information is being suppressed it has not been allowed to come to the forefront of information given to people i think we need to have all of the information it is so toxic because um i returned to work and um one of the doctors was saying that because he because of covet he now tells his family he loves them every time he leaves i said well that's the christian life we tell them we love them because we don't know if we're going when we will see them again that's how we live tomorrow is not promised but he said it was since covet and then he looked at me and got in my face really one of the surgeons he walked around the drapes i was doing anesthesia he said you have to believe the science this is not a game he said you must believe the science and um so i told my husband i was like well the game has changed because to me science would prove it out because science isn't going to lie but now science has become political um dr harvey rich of yale talked about carl mentioned him earlier about saying that herd immunity is the way and he actually has yell made a statement actually put out a statement that these thoughts of his own um that he did not represent yale when he said this when he talked about hurt immunity and he said that hydroxychloroquine has been the best test or any of the anti-malarials along with aspirin zinc green tea natural antivirals vitamin d herd immunity and yes of course vaccines and the vaccines that we're talking about are not the true vaccines that we've had in the past but these are actually gene therapy therapeutics and he actually says that you know you can get hurt immunity and we can we can get through this you don't need to push the vaccine but he because of saying that yael had to um put out a statement next slide please this is dr vladimir um zelenko he is actually the first doctor um he took uh who actually used hydroxychloroquine in the united states to take care of her 2000 patients um and he uses zinc hydroxychloroquine and zithromycin as his cocktail and he was in monroe new york with a heavy heavy dense population of acidic jewish people um the older people he treated the younger people and asymptomatic people he did not treat he told him to go home and get rest stay watchful for any signs he said that the the treatment was in the first two days of symptoms any symptoms even if you have cold symptoms go seek help make sure it's not um coronavirus the thing that happens so often especially in an older population you feel bad you feel like you got a cold what does everybody go do they go lay down but with covet you can't go lay down if you lay down for 24 hours by the next day because it is actually a sarge you will have double pneumonia and so you cannot lay down so early treatment and actually get in a cocktail and that's what he does and he has had amazing success out of the 2000 people i think he had six deaths out of the 2000 even with a heavily population of 65 plus years he had this man in all of his cocktails his reports and his statements was banned off of youtube twitter facebook and instagram and he said that when someone asked him wasn't he afraid of the government he said he did he serves uh one god with two worlds not uh two worlds with many gods and so he said that he's not afraid to die he's going to continue to treat his patients and he's going to find the truth for this and so we said now next slide please why was this handled this way it to me seems more more like it was perfectly purposefully extended the locks down a lot opportunity to take advantage of other things now that we know like mail in voting was necessarily done by keeping the pandemic extended the who quietly removed natural infection as contributing to herd immunity last year in 2020 they quietly put it back in february of 2021 that natural infection carries herd immunity i find all these things interesting next next to what we know now a year later next on the left is dr tedros and dr tedros is the head of the dub of the who which is the world health organization and he gave pre special preference to um china why did he give preparations to china even though the united states gives 10 times the money that the communist china chinese party does he is part of the marxist party of ethiopia uh china has extended contract grants signed by dr tedros in ethiopia and they are doing infrastructure in ethiopia i'm not a conspiracy theorist but i do not believe there are coincidences we also see that black lives matter riots went on in in peaceful protests without mask yet we had to be masked in every corner of the earth next slide please governor cuomo returns his covet patience to nursing homes it has now been found that in an email that um one of the assistants wrote governor cuomo said that he could not give president trump a win even though we had put the um the ship was there for awaiting patients to have to go to and the javits center was made a hospital he took the people in the nursing homes back even though they had been positive with covet the result of that is over 13 000 elderly have died and they did not want president trump to get the credit next please i would like for you to take the time to read this time articles magazine it says the secret history of the shadow campaign that saved the 2020 election it really is the tell-all tell-all of why they they needed the extended lockdowns to have people afraid to go vote and they took advantage of the voting system again there are no coincidences and i'm not a conspiracy theorist next please um chaos under heaven another very good book um this is by josh rogan a washington post um news editor who is not he who's on the left and uh very liberal politically but had a lot of questions that weren't getting answered and now he has even asked that the problem was the problem for china was president trump trump and everyone is on the take for the chinese money next slide the chinese government has infiltrated all of our institutions there is a bunch of money connected to it um and even in our hospitals any disagreement says josh rogan said any disagreement with falsey now is the is deemed conspiracy and unsafe many will be many well-known physicians and scientists were no longer allowed to speak their minds or their reputations and their livelihoods were threatened that's from josh rogan of the washington post josh rogan tells meg and kelly this was just last week in an interview and science and medicine have become very political however now the scientists are starting to say the quiet part out loud dr red phil of the cdc has stated that he now believes that it comes from the wuhan lab and dr gupta cnn finally is on board this was revealed from an undercover tape that says had it not been for cnn i don't know if trump would have been voted out this gentleman goes on and he is a he is a technical director for cnn he goes on to say that fear sells and had we not been able to um spread the fear to keep the people in we will never have had the voting in matt and mail on mass now we're going to go to what the future holds and we're going to talk a little bit about the clinical trials and next next slide please and traditional vaccines so traditionally um vaccine with creation there are pre-clinical trials and that's done in a laboratory setting and we're studying the vaccine looking at its safety and efficacy how effective it is generally starts in the animal model and then after that's done we move to clinical trials which uh usually occur in in three phases usually uh each phase is planned next slide okay usually each slide is is planned to occur one after the other so with covit it was a little different so usually the first phase of the trial is a study after you've left the animal phase and those studied in a hundred or so people and that's designed to determine if the vaccine is safe uh the best dosage of the vaccine and if there are side effects next slide and then if that turns out okay we go to phase two of the clinical trial which is a larger study we may uh have a few hundred volunteers and we focus on how the vaccine works now i gotta tell you this vaccine was a little different in that there were about 40 000 volunteers up front which is amazing and many of those volunteers were health care workers and what happened with this vaccine is that they did not go phase one phase two phase three they were running the phases concurrently phase one two and three at the same time that's how warp speed occurred they ran the phases at the same time that's not the way it generally occurs i think there were some brave people to allow this testing in that manner i would not have volunteered actually to be in a phase they're running phase one two and three at the same time can you show me the next slide please uh and then we get to phase three of a clinical trial this is the way it normally occurs you get an even larger study now you get thousands of volunteers and this usually allows comparisons of those who receive the vaccine to those who did not so you have blinded people some people did it some not the placebo in general in clinical trials you don't know who they don't tell your friend who's getting the real vaccine and who may be getting injected with saline you don't know but in this case it didn't occur the vaccine safety and effectiveness can be better determined obviously when you have a larger population regarding the mutations that are occurring right now there's no clarity uh it's not clear at the vaccine that's being administered by pfizer or moderna and so forth if those vaccines if the vaccine is going to be effective against the mutations that are now occurring effectively any scientist knows that in dealing with the virus there's going to be a mutation there are going to be changes in the sequence and so that's not well established um if the vaccine uh will be effective moving forward um i think you guys heard recently and i have a slide on this that the ceo of pfizer saying that a third vaccine may be necessary so that that's a bit concerning how many vaccines do you need is this similar to the flu vaccine will you need a vaccination annually do you need one every six months do you need one every three months we don't have any of this information yet we're moving at warp speed but we don't this is not generally the way things occur so we're moving towards a pandemic lifestyle i think we've gotten accustomed to wearing our masks and so forth more recently it's been announced that some when we return to travel some of the countries are going to have you uh you're going to have to have a vaccine passport next for covet 19. um you're going to have to um basically show that you've been vaccinated so international travel is likely going to be limited for some if you don't get the vaccine i do have a few friends who are infectious disease doctors actually who have not gotten the vaccine because they want to see how things turn out in new york they are talking about having a qr code called excelsior where you're going to have to show this code basically they're developing an app so if you want to go to the opera you know you have to show before entering that you've been vaccinated so this is going to be limiting depending upon you know what you plan to do there's an app being developed one of the things about the app is how are they going to protect your health information so they're trying to figure that out that aspect out so you know in future you'll have to have an ad next slide um so to take it home a bit uh duke university my alma mater are saying that next year to attend you have to be vaccinated this is an amazing step i think it somewhat violates your freedom you won't be able to turn return to college next year at duke unless you've been vaccinated that was reported april 7th here in the news and observer that's a little concerning next so you know again a point i want to make is two to ten percent of healthy individuals who receive any vaccine uh fail to mount antibody levels uh high enough uh to mount a response and the problem is i see it right now is we're not testing people for antibodies either those who've been exposed and may have enough antibodies or even i know we're still in you know kind of a pandemic phase but how do we know that i or you have enough antibodies even after receiving the vaccination so you know i think you can look at this in two ways there will be people who are vaccinated who will be vaccinated and they may not have a reasonable antibody level and still get covert it's given us a false sense of security it's been reported recently that there have been individuals who've received the covert vaccine and afterwards still got coveted okay that is happening the reason is we have not developed what is the tighter what's the level you need to be protected from covet actually what i think we're really dealing with what falci has not said getting a covet vaccine may not protect you from getting coveted it may diminish the severity of having the disease okay so that's that's what you're not being told everyone needs a vaccine that's what's being preached but you may still get covet but the severity may not be as bad so you may not die from covet i don't know what the levels of antibodies you need to be protected sterile protective from receiving covet we've seen changes in viruses the hiv virus uh it mutated and we had to find rich we started out with azt then other retroviruses and and the uh medications that have been developed for hiv over the years is incredible that we're not having the uh deaths from hiv that were occurring when i was in san francisco doing my training i was in san francisco training during the time of the aids epidemic so there's a lot of unknown out there that's never reported on you never hear on cnn any talk about antibodies or titers or the fact that you can still get covet even after the vaccine next slide please one of the things that we are concerned about again is our liberties and it's the push to get the vaccine obama urges the skeptics to trust the covet vaccine because the wealthy and the powerful are taking it um who is benefiting from the vaccine has always been my my question next slide please and i like to leave you with this as i am not a conspiracy theorist but there are no coincidences president xi of china warns that the economic decoupling from the u.s and he calls for a new world order as the chinese president launches a veiled attack on the u.s and that was just on the 21st and next slide please and this is what i believe should happen the christian must rise or america will fall because the communists never sleep this is my sincere belief that what is happening is all backlined by what is happening throughout the world with marxism on the rise and marxism is the enemy of the christian period it is going is where we're hearing science-based database if you paid attention to last two weeks or maybe two weeks ago the new york times put white evangelicals resist the vaccine and will cause more people to get infected well two weeks later it just dropped white and now with evangelicals resist the vaccine and are at a threat to cause more infections that is targeting that is isolating so um we're glad that you had us here today we're glad you gave us the opportunity but i do just want our christians especially black people to be most informed of what is happening and again always think there are no coincidences what's happening in the background thank you i want to leave you guys with two other points the vaccine adverse event reporting system where doctors and patients voluntarily report adverse fasting events received approximately 56 000 reports in 2018 including 412 deaths and 1200 plus permanent disabilities and 4 200 hospitalizations related to vaccination hhs funded uh review of this reporting system uh shows that fewer than one percent of uh vaccine adverse events are reported so one thing i think you've noticed recently is some of the adverse events occurring from the vaccine have shown up in media and so forth but these aren't adequately reported they've been silenced as far as telling you the adverse events that are occurring from the vaccine obviously you can't give a novel vaccine and have no complications or side effects from the vaccine and those are being readily reported so i just wanted to leave you with that another thing i wanted to uh mention is that although the cdc and the fda are supposed to work for the american people uh there is a conflict of interest uh related to all of this the cdc frankly is a vaccine company it owns 56 vaccines patents and buys and distributes 4.6 billion dollars and vaccines annually through the vaccine for children's program so there is some conflict and the cdc and the fda have become dominated by the interests of obviously the vaccine companies remember the difference in this vaccine in case you're not aware is in effect the government and private entities pushed all the chips on the table and paid for the science behind this vaccine and i remember also as as bishop has said you can't sue vaccine company related to adverse events with this vaccine so they have a free pass here and you know in america you know although i'm not i'm not telling anyone to get the vaccine or not get the vaccine that's an independent decision obviously but you know there are some financial pushes to this uh dr falchi had no interest in any of the natural therapeutics because i'm sure he is likely benefiting from the distribution of this vaccine at the end of the day where we had it with this i think as has been said your and my liberties may be a bit distributed going forward uh in relation to this vaccine as far as education as far as where you can travel entertainment uh and so forth so we'll have to see where america is going with this my biggest concern is in effect we don't have uh enough uh data even yet from those who were seeing the fact receive the vaccine and i've always questioned uh why haven't we tested i think antibody testing is is important from a personal note who needs the vaccine does everyone need the vaccine at what point have we reached herd immunity there are community there are states as i mentioned north dakota south dakota tennessee and rhode island that did not completely lock down and so what happens when we come out of the lockdown i can tell you my expectation will be that we'll have a second uh the covet rise uh more than likely so i think as dr jinga ended i think covet will be here for a while and we'll have to adjust to it and hopefully eventually i will be able to take the mask off thank you let's give them a big hand what a presentation by these doctors to give us information and in the interest of time i want to uh open the floor while they're they're here they're busy people first of all thank you all for taking out the time thank you thank you thank you and as you can see that when they received the call they took the invitation uh thank you doctor seriously because they didn't come and just throw something at us but it was very well uh prepared uh for for the saints and prepared in such a manner where those who may be watching and streaming and stuff they they see that we didn't present a bunch of quacks say amen but but it was done in a manner very professional and and and also very very respectful that's very important you know this this is not crossfire we when you come for no fight we come to inform you and then let you uh read the books and uh check things out and and do uh pray to the lord uh because there's a lot that's that is going on um but before i close uh are there any questions or comments that you may have related to this all right sir okay he'll be the early speaker tonight too preach man yes sir amen bishop i'm so grateful for being here and these doctors dr and mrs pete and dr harrison um what a great job i thought um dr pete was going to get my question in the end and then he kind of veered off um we are familiar with vaccinations we've been vaccinated with for chickenpox measles rubella so vaccinations are not new what i heard or read somewhere was this particular vaccination has a new kind of development that's different from other vaccinations am i i don't know if that question could be answered um but i was just curious you didn't say anything about it but that's what i read that this the development of this vaccination the coronavirus 19 has a new kind of technology all right yeah um that's true this vaccine is mrna-based and it's gene therapy i'm not sure about the entire genome it has been developed differently there's a lot of unknown i don't know if dr gina knows how it was uh completely developed but it's an mri an mrna based virus and it's a gene therapy based yeah just real quickly so it's you have the physical modern those are the two of the mra and a vaccines and then johnson johnson was really kind of a dna vaccine and it was a question about whether it's gene therapy i think the way it works just real briefly is mrna does not go inside you know dna is in the nucleus of the cell right so mrna is uh what comes uh the dna becomes mrna mrna is in the cytoplasm of the cell or outside of the nucleus mrna does not go inside the nucleus so some would argue that it's not strictly speaking um changing your dna okay because it does not affect your dna it's after the dna and the purpose of that is that the mrna codes for a protein all right your body's millions of different proteins right but it goes to a protein that looks just like a part of the virus the covert 19 virus and when your body sees it it says ah that's not supposed to be here and it develops an inflammatory response and that's that is the learning that goes on in your immune system about okay well i know that this is foreign and i'm learning how to kill it so the next time that i see it i know how to get it okay that's what happens with the mrna and vaccine so again some people would argue it's really not gene therapy because genes mean dna okay but now you could again so you could argue that the johnson johnson vaccine maybe you could say that it was it's it's it's dna because it does go and it is a dna transcription can doesn't engage with the dna but we don't think that that it changes your dna permanently right so it doesn't change it permanently but science is the practice of medicine can i say this a hundred percent no but um it's not perfect but you know from far as we can tell they've done a lot of research they've done a lot of studies they've looked at it and it doesn't change your dna so and one of the things i wanted to say again is dr lee ming yaon said that the heart one of the issues with trying to get a vaccine is that you cannot get to the lab to get to the genome you don't have the original genome it's changed so much and so all of these different variants will continue to come because the variants are what's been what has been released the original is has not been found first lady quick amen uh bishop thank you for all my will remain standing because for bringing these doctors here this morning and um thank you dr harrison and thank you peace because uh i do believe in the standard of care i've been rn over 40 years and i do believe in the standard of care we have to have a standard to be able to make it i also believe that these are the last days and i know what's going to happen in the last days and i know we're setting up for the mark of the beast i do know that and so just being very careful is so important to me uh i have a lot of questions i would love to get in conversation with y'all but i'm gonna try to limit it to uh one and a half and that is if you feel uh ethically that you can answer this question i would like to know because this would tell me a lot my question is have you and your family been vaccinated and the second part of the question is what is it one vaccine you would prefer over the other if you were vaccinated yes you don't have to answer the first part if you don't feel comfortable but please answer the second one however you feel about it what was it what was the second question the second question was is it a vaccine that you prefer over the other i'll answer first the first question i will not answer because i that would be me in effect impressing on putting people what they should do and it's an individual decision and i don't believe we should do that as far as you started out by standard of care i'm a surgeon so there is standards of care for every decision i make and i always assure my patient that what i do wherever i am i'm meeting a stand of care and that the surgery they're having provided by me will be quality and no one else could do it better anywhere else so i'm going to meet the standard of care but meeting the standard of care is a bit different from whether you should receive a vaccine or not that's an individual choice and there has not been a standard as to whether you i or whoever should receive a vaccine or not these are individual choices even before covert there were people who were choosing not to be vaccinated against for for different things there are children who are not vaccinated and so i i think using standard of care when it comes to uh in the in the context of vaccination um i i can't i can't jive the two together because there is no standard um and there has been there's a lack of information at present as to the effectiveness of the virus i know i think one virus the fives are maybe reported as 50 to 60 percent effective maybe i mean um j and j the pfizer vaccine has been reported as more effective maybe 80 to 90 percent but we don't even have two year data on on the outcomes of this the physical co is saying people may need a third vaccine so there is no standard developed yet regarding this it's not like measles mumps and rubella or some of the other vaccines that we have generational history of being effective we don't have that i know we're in a pandemic i know people were frightened i know people are afraid um you know but realistically fear um there was not a day eyes as a surgeon didn't go to work and take care of patients because i was fearful of getting covet there was no expectation that i would not come to work for most nurses or most health care providers you as the layperson did not have the expectation covet exists now i can't go to the hospital so even fear is relative because we went to work every day and no one was concerned about i guess to a degree the frontline worker possibly losing their life to covet that's an expectation that most people have that we will be there for them so we move forward with the same concerns that you may have we have families we have loved ones but um i i've never missed a day from covet um and one final thing i want to say that i didn't mention earlier is and i think dr junior would do that would agree with this that the virus in general we can't forget some of the basics and one of the basics is uh is your individual immunity your immune system okay so some of us are going to be you know even with covet our immune systems will be strong enough to withstand covet i am sure you have we've been exposed to a lot of things i've been exposed to a lot in my career as a as a surgeon so uh to some degree it's not only this virus exists but additionally some of us will have stronger immune systems than other others and you can't discount that in looking at effectively everyone needs a virus i mean everyone needs a vaccine because our immune systems are different some people are more susceptible maybe frontline workers should be vaccinated because they're being exposed maybe the elderly should be vaccinated because their immune system is not as developed i mean there are there are so many multiplicity of things why are children less likely to be die of covet and then the thing that has that none of us mentioned today is that even in the absence of a vaccine greater than 90 percent of us are not going to be affected are going to live and i think it's 95 98 even in the absence of a vaccine we're going to survive it so we've got this hysteria vaccine vaccine vaccine one night over percent of us are going to survive if we did nothing and all none of that is is talked about when you're listening cnn and msnbc my immune system is different and so forth i would say it was um yeah my both my parents and my wife's parents have been vaccinated my wife and i i've gotten one shot we need to get another one um everybody did fine i would say that you know pfizer would be my choice on that um that's what we got it you have to have to keep it about a negative 70 or something like that so that you can um so of they can remain so i figured you know room temperature is not lasting the whole very long time um so uh if it gets in there and does something positive it won't do anything for very long but you know that's just kind of how i think about these things um and again you know i respect love the peace there on fire for the lord um just um not as um skeptical i think that um um one of the the you talk about the percentage of people they're dying and whether or not the system can support it just think about it now if it was one percent it would happen in new york one percent that was what happened to new york that was when you were seeing trucks of in in new york city the capital of the world i mean you know most developed place in the world they had trucks with refrigerators with bodies that was one percent um i don't know if i know the elected officials could not you you know could not have a policy of hurt immunity when people are dying like that that's just well not tenable you think he you know trump would have had no chance of winning if that was his policy and people dying like that that would not have hey he would have lost tremendously um if that was his policy we're just going to do nothing to watch see what happens um so i i just think them sort of we have to take a step back and i think that there is a there is a reality of hurt immunity that's real but what could i mean um who how many people is going to be acceptable to die and will america really accept that um i think that i don't think we would accept that and you talk about more than one percent um you really take a step back to see how fragile the society is how fragile you know our health care system is i would not have believed that just one percent of the virus would have shut down newly shut down the new york new york's health care system um i would not have believed that but but it happened and it would have done the same thing all over the country if people hadn't done shutdowns and things that we would have done um so that's kind of how i think things uh uh i i think that was that's the reality of it um and i think it's very humbling to just to think that it was only one percent that did that i think that's kind of god's warning y'all are pretty weak you know what i'm saying you're you're very fragile society if it had been five percent you know we would have been in complete chaos that's my that's my thought thank you both i just have one question that wasn't brought up in either presentation and it's not about the vaccine but i think it affects i think it may affect the vaccine which is the oral um oral um cocktails that are being developed i mean we have them for like you mentioned hiv we have them we even have tamiflu i was wondering do you think that as they're developed it will make the vaccination of maybe a moot point at that at when it comes out and that it may be received emergency authorization as well one question again the oral cocktails the antiviral cocktails that are being developed right now for um coronavirus for treating coronavirus do you think that as those become i guess um as they become off right now they're being studied so as they become available do you think the vaccination at that point would be a moot point do we even need it i i think i think that is happening already um dr harvey rich from uh yale said that basically the only population that's really kind of pass herd immunity is israel because they've had the um i think they've vaccinated over 80 percent of their population and it and actually and they used pfizer most of theirs i think and they it's good immunity for you not to get it but what the fda i mean what the cdc and nih um and what we hear and why there is still the mass concern is transmission even though they have they are at almost heard immunity um with the vaccine the transmission is still high like you could still give it so with that people are more likely to say well let me go do these cocktails rather than to get the vaccine they're already seeing that in a lot of countries and we're starting to see it in the states so i do think as the cocktails seem like with the zinc and azithromycin and the anti-malarials or whatever the people are using um have have some effect as being therapeutic plus herd immunity that we will see the vaccine go go down willing people i think there's gonna still be the push for for people to get the vaccine but i do think we're already seeing or at least dr harvey rich from yale said they're already seeing the demand for the vaccine going down and people go into these therapeutics i mean specifically they're developing specifically antivirals for coronavirus not like the cocktail that you talked about in your presentation they're studying animals you tell them antibody testing is also being developed as well as these new anti virals are being tested as well thank you yes sir so i have a question is the vaccine fda approved and if it is not how are they able to distribute it to the people so if you listen to cnn or so forth you may believe that the vaccine is fda approved but it's not it's being distributed under an emergency authorization it's not fda approved we don't have i you know i guess i would say the data yet to long-term data it's not it's not fda approved it's the short answer uh it's being distributed under emergency authorization so excellent question and dr p uh uh did answered the question and uh the only thing i was going to say was that um yeah and so it's very important to know that this they happen quickly it is not nearly as uh well studied as we would like for it to be and i think they did that intentionally to sort of you know highlight the integrity of the fda and the um integrity of the system in general where he you know hasn't gone through all the hoops that we would like for it to go through but we think it's our best chance of keeping people safe and alive and so we're going to give it emergency use although it doesn't have our official complete stamp of approval we think it's we it's our best analysis that is safe and it's the best chance we have of sort of thinking of a thinking at a national population level if you're the person who's looking over the three almost 300 million people in america figuring out how to keep them safe what do you have and you also have to try to keep the economy going you take your best analysis of this this is what we have there's no reasons to necessarily think that it's going to hurt people we think that the studies that we've done so far show that it helps people you know they made the decision that this is our best our best shot at this point so that's that's kind of the thought process of it so it's an excellent question um again i think it keeps the integrity of the system you know that it doesn't actually have the full fda approval yet but you know very likely in time it will right thank you sir yes sir yeah it's basically to the peace because i heard a make a statement about uh conspiracy theories and things um one of the things i know for a fact as being a christian myself is without knowledge we perish and one of the things i treasure is seeking knowledge and you made this comment and you stated and showed some pape uh some slides stating about um certain people that had gotten banned from being able to tell or to give or even to present a information to people that needs it um i wonder and i'm asking the question of are these people still able to communicate with the public or they just banned where there is no chance of them being able to give information they were banned from the social media and youtube which is where we with the popular destination to give me information it's where most people who have information so all of the media outlets youtube twitter facebook instagram took them down i think that's very interesting because of the information that they hold whereas one heard immunity i mean these weren't crackpots these are people who've been at harvard at some of the prestigious even in i mean for dr hatfield in the united states army who helped us through the anthrax scare and done all his research but because he said that in january february and stuck with it he then was silenced now sure he had a podcast you can go find his podcast if you knew about it but we couldn't share his information if you shared it on youtube it was taken down it first had a warning but now it's completely taken down so i just find that very interesting um in america where we have freedom of speech where we should have the right of ideas and these are doctors some of the other doctors that i showed they're actual doctors treating people they treat people a lot of the academics dr fauci some of those who are doing the research aren't actually treating people they write a lot of papers they're not actually treating people so um that's what i i find very interesting that dr hatfield bill gerks and dr harvey reich of yell feel like they can't speak their mind on these issues yet they're treating people back to the vaccine issue i'm not pointing out to anyone that i'm opposed to the vaccine i'm saying we don't have the general information the usual information with clinical trials and so forth before given this vaccine and i understand the acuity of a situation and that's why such an individual decision when you decide if you want to take the vaccine or not because we don't have uh the long-term data usually these clinical trials these phases that i mentioned each phase may go one to two years or even sometimes longer so this was very rapid let's give these gentlemen a big hand and lady and all of the questions i thought were very good i um as we close i would like to get your thoughts on your opinion on are you concerned that um on our southern border the current administration are allowing hordes of people into the country h uh covet without even testing them and uh they're just coming in 500 800 at a time and being released into the american population what uh it that can't be good can it yeah i mean that that things like that uh it lends itself to believing at least for me that there's more to it than just medicine because why would you allow sick people with all the deaths in new york it's one thing to want to defeat your political opponent but i never met anybody i want to beat so bad that i would kill somebody to be you got that big ship sitting out there with all them beds and he sent those sick people back to the rest homes and said you can't even test them and people died people died if the cdc doctors between the two of you and this will wrap it up if the cdc is it independent where you can trust its findings or does it have skin in the game in terms of patterns where their ability to just say yay or nay has been affected is there a conflict of interest in your opinion with the cdc with regards to this based on whether or not they have patents or their own they stand to make money or have a political interest in it based on what you know based on what i know i think that they don't have a pattern to the vaccines that are out so i think that in this information age if they had significant conflicts of interest where their i think the cdc has had more scrutiny in the last 12 months than they have ever had in its existence and more eyes and more people kind of not believing them uh you know like it like like never before so i think that if there were uh i think they are much more reticent to uh i think they're much more circumspect than how they're behaving just in general uh now as compared to what they have done in the past and i don't so i that's what i know now uh that's that's all i know i don't know a whole lot more than that right i mean i'm just saying so that's that's all i re that's all i really really know about it um certainly if somebody has more information that they'd be very much more better to speak today well i would be circumspect to say that as i mentioned in presentation the fda does hold patent to several vaccines i i think i don't want to definitely don't want to be conspiratorial i'm a physician uh but um you know we live in a um you know it's an economy-based society here so um you know that's you know it's a very tough question because i don't want to be conspiratorial but i would be circumspect in thinking that you know i don't think it's unreasonable um for you know to think that things aren't above board i you know obviously we have not heard you know we're not being given all the information uh in you know regarding this or nor nor do we know all the information at this point uh because we don't have any long-term data we don't have one year a day in a two-year so it's it's all up in the air last question to both of you the world health organization has determined that they're and i'm not i'm not citing my source i'm not quoted but they've determined that there are too many people on the earth i think they made that determination 2010 2015 or something if with that being the case can be trusted well you know when you couch it like that fast no you know i i think um you know we live in a fallen world and you know we have these institutions that run by fallen people who have agendas some we know some agendas we don't know what their agenda is um and that goes for you know for any institution and you know i was just happy to say world health organization we just was reading some things about um how they uh make decisions and they do have a they probably are very conflicted in how they uh what they choose they're influenced by a lot of different country interests and pharmaceutical interests um because they don't you know it you know it's tough when you you're when you don't generate your own money when you have to you know go somewhere and ask people other countries organizations to give you fund you to give you when you don't have relevance on your own you only have relevance if the countries agree that you are a relevant organization then you are very uh dependent upon that you know those those entities for your existence and so you there's a lot of opportunity for you know influence and wrong influence and manipulation so and that has been you know we've again read some studies about that in the world health organization uh but particularly about too much population in the world you know a lot of people have some you know speculation about that and it makes you you know makes you makes your concern makes you um you know and i just think that as it you know i think as time goes on things that will become more and more obvious about those types of things that's an excellent answer answer that question i can't add to that i i think time will bring us clarity as to whether we're overpopulated and and what all this was really about um in general so i think i think time will bring clarity okay thank you our time is up uh you had a question if you have a quick one to their own laws that's how to determine who actually died as a result of coronavirus well i there was initially obviously some financial incentive when covet first showed its face to hospitals to count to account for covet deaths there is no doubt about that so there were financial incentives uh for that i you know i don't think um we should be overly focused on the numbers how many deaths there were although it got reported to us every day but that was the scare aspect of covet and now you know you saw after the election after inauguration nobody reports the numbers they're reporting on wral every day and now it's gone away immediately so i don't think the numbers is that important and you know we'll never know the true numbers nor do i feel it's relevant um as a physician you know we're here for health and you know prevention of disease and helping people live a healthy life as best we can so i don't think the numbers are are important were important then and before trump left or important afterwards that was all the scare only thing i would say though is that the numbers uh across the world are much less than what they reported much less than what the reality is there's a tremendous amount of suffering as it relates to this over 19 um and particularly in countries uh in african countries uh what i'm more familiar with is tanzania know the president died the former president died at least two or three health ministers within the country had died all within 12 months um so i i think you know you know there's tremendous amount of suffering it really that's not being counted for sure so anyway let's give them a big round of applause thank you thank you thank you i i think that uh you can't you couldn't find a better uh just a format a flow a presentation and how about uh what is evident is that their their christian control and being under the unctions of the holy spirit so we thank god for them and that now it's time i have some awesome preachers lined up and we're getting ready to move to the next part of our service and we're going to make this transition uh you know we always like to have a song but uh i think the preachers i was the one one time they asked me do you do you need a sermonic solo i told them no get up and preach amen so uh uh do you all need a song anybody who need a song i'm gonna let you go out there in the hall start singing uh what's next we should have our minister me uh jamel m harris from the new horizons district followed by minister milton richardson jr greater truth district followed by elder sherrod mccoy new horizons district followed by elder joshua quick from the south carolina district all right now i see people uh they may need a song before we leave the bathroom pray amen and you can't hardly hear the gospel when you're sitting there and you just got to go man jesus is coming back you go so i tell you what why don't we do this uh play some music and we're going to take a three-minute break and if you got to go get up and leave now come on back in just a moment now this is not we got food for you and everything it's not intermission and uh i mean this is in a mission but this is not the benediction and uh we we're going to have our service in uh just a moment but i think we didn't waste that we didn't waste a minute did we this was time well spent amen so do do we're returning to our seats somebody's on the run church so all right praise the lord amen god bless you god bless you god bless you welcome back we're back praise the lord uh from intermission and thank you for watching the north carolina third ecclesiastical jurisdiction day session of the ministers and workers meeting and at this time minister jemele williams is coming to preach the word of the lord and after he shall have finished preaching all of the other ministers who are lined up to minister the word of the lord will come in succession as you own the program and god is going to bless us real good will you receive these preachers oh magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together you may be seated i give honors to god of the to the god of the bible and to my lord and savior jesus christ and to my pastor bishop patrick lane wooden senior truly is a it is an honor and i do appreciate the opportunity and to all the dignitaries in the house in their respective places god bless you and to my proverbs 31 woman my wife missionary lashonda williams and to my family god bless you amen i will be reading from psalms the 15th chapter the first and the second verse and it reads lord who shall abide in thy tabernacle who shall dwell in thy holy heal he that walketh uprightly and worketh righteousness and speaks the truth in his heart for your consideration i want to preach from this subject qualified before entry and my sub topic do not become familiar maintain your holiness it is believed that the backdrop of this text stems from the book of second samuel the sixth chapter the 12-17 verse where david is now on his first second attempt to transport the ark back to the city of david known as jerusalem we know in his first attempt david did not stick to the instructions or qualifications given by god to transport the ark some of these qualifications were that one only men of levitical descent were to transport the ark but we read that david not only called for the levites but everyone else two the ark was to be carried by the kohathites on the prescribed poles but we see that it was placed on a cart three the holy furnishings were to be thoroughly wrapped and not seen or touched by anyone else and due to the irreverent actions of david and aza towards god towards god's instructions on transporting the ark in his first in the first attempt we see that ozza lost his life and it is in the wake of this where david gets angry and takes the ark to the house of obed edom where it sits for three months which caused obed edom and his family to be blessed so david he hears about this they be like what they prosper because of the art oh yeah we got to bring this ark back to jerusalem and so david when they go and get the ark they now follow the specific instructions that god told them in the first place amen and so on their way to the city we see that they are uh this is where we see david is dancing the people are rejoicing there's music playing there's uh they're blowing ram horns and if you ain't guessed by now yes there was a party going down amen and so upon reaching the destination we see that david builds this tabernacle mentioned in psalms 15 and he sacrifices burnt and fellowship offerings unto god so this is the recollection that david has in mind when he composes psalms 15. so verse one the eighth clause david says lord who shall abide in thy tabernacle the hebrew word for shall abide is in reference to a sojourner a sojourner is a stranger who resides in a place temporarily now according to the text this place is just not any old place this place is god's tabernacle and i don't know about you but me this is not a place where i want to be temporarily but this is a place where i would want to reside and according to the context in the next clause it's important to notice that there is a sense of permanency here and the question that david that david is asking david says verse 1b clause he says who shall dwell in thy holy hill this dwelling is in the sense of citizenship as to live or to be a resident so the question is what is david trying to convey to us in the first clause when he talks about a sojourner temporarily residing i believe the emphasis here is not so much on the temporary state but more so on the stranger or the sojourner who will be accepted or approved to come into god's tabernacle let me explain we being leaders of our homes amy sojourner just can't come in and whine and dine and the reason why is because one we need to protect ourselves and our families two the majority of us have names to protect and reputations to uphold two it's important that this stranger upon coming in has proper home etiquette and four most definitely there are valuable items in our houses and because of these requirements or qualifications we must be confident that the one coming in is not a threat to our family we need to be sure they will not ruin our reputation we need to make sure they have proper home etiquette and we need to be sure this sojourner is not a thief and as we liken this to god understand that god has people to protect god is concerned about his great name and his reputation he makes sure we are endowed with the holy ghost which enables proper christian etiquette and most definitely there are valuable spiritual items in the house of god and he wants to shield you from the enemy so that he will not try to come in and steal it from you so whether it's god's tabernacle god's holy heal god's tent or the mountain of god understand it is all a representation of being in the presence of the holy god and before you're allowed to be in his presence you must be qualified before entry and until these qualifications are met their access will be denied so what would qualify a person to come into god's tabernacle or his holy heel verse two eight clause says he that walketh uprightly that is with integrity that means what you do what you say how you act and how you respond do it all with integrity understand integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong godly principles and morals but not just that church you see if we want to make the lord joyful over us if we want to be pleasing in his sight i find it to be simple just do right the lord is pleased when we do right third john the first chapter and the fourth first uh the bible says i have no greater joy than to hear my children walk in truth so david lets another qualify for entry into god's tabernacle or his holy heal verse two to the b clause david says and works righteousness that is practices righteousness for some time or for some reason covert 19 has been an excuse for people to stop practicing they have stopped practicing righteousness they stop believing in god they stop trusting god they stopped praying to god and praising god and they even stopped coming to the house of god and because of covet 19 in these political issues they have compromised with the world but yet still claim to be in god but we see in this pandemic god is still in the revoking business we got leaders thinking that it's by choice that their churches are still open but could it be that god has been stamping people unqualified ever since the non-essential order was lifted off the church and they still refused to come back to the church but i thank god for leaders that have chosen to open the house of god because i'm reminded of a statement that god said in the book of first kings in the 19th chapter he said but i have left me seven thousand that has not bowed the need to baal so what else qualifies a person to enter god's tabernacle or his holy heel verse two of the c clause david says speaks the truth in his heart that is speaks and holds the truth in his heart it is said that an upright and righteous person is known by the way he speaks luke says luke says it better in the 6th chapter and the 45th verse he says a good man out of the good treasures of his heart bring it forth that which is good and an evil man out of the evil treasures of his heart bring it forth that which is evil for of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks so if you have to say something make sure that something is equipped with truth amen so the one who walks upright the one who works righteousness the one who speaks the truth in his heart most importantly this is the one who gains god's approval of access into his presence so the stranger or the sojourner that you allowed to come in now has the blessings of your presence and not only your presence but they now have access to the blessing that comes from the amenities that are in your home so instead of being labeled as an intruder you now they now qualify to come in and enjoy the comfort of sitting on the couch they can enjoy basking in the heat when it's cold outside or maybe in the ac when it's over 100 degrees outside maybe sitting on your couch watching netflix or maybe a sports game possibly enjoying your the food you prepared while quenching their thirst to a cold water or a a cold glass of lemonade in a bottle of water that you provided even even even charging their phones using your electricity and your wi-fi password to stream all the while being protected by the outside elements and the danger that comes from the outside understand when we qualify to come into the presence of god there are amenities that we have access to so when the lord qualifies you to come in there's access to comfort and rest there's access to refuge from danger and power to fight back when the lord qualifies you to come in encouragement and deliverance is available to you healing and liberty is available to you when god approves you to come in love that surpasses all knowledge is accessible peace that surpasses all understanding it was is within your reach strength when you're feeling weak is obtainable for you correction when you're done wrong is free of charge when the lord qualifies you to come in we have access to endurance when you need that second wind to press on perseverance when things get rough patience to wait on god knowing that he's in control when the lord qualifies you we're qualified for peace when the world is in chaos confidence in god when the government has gone mad signing into law evil and perverse things but because we're in the presence of the lord we don't have to worry about the government because even one day the government will be upon his shoulders and his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty god the everlasting father and the prince of peace all because we're in the presence of the lord we have access to the we have access to benefits that the world cannot have so if i had to sum up the qualifications in one word that one word would be holiness holiness because holiness is right holiness will keep you holiness will protect you and holiness will qualify you to come in the bible says in first peter 1 and 16 uh because it is written be holy for i am holy and in my clothes and i leave you with this in second samuel the sixth chapter and the third verse the ark of the covenant was at abinadab's house for some time before the first attempt to transport the ark to jerusalem understand that abinadab is the father of uzza in ohio could it be that while the ark was there azah became so familiar with god that he disregarded the holiness of god which cost him his life let us learn from us that we do not come that that we do not become so familiar with god that we forget the qualification for entry into his presence is still holiness because we all have that hope of glory that shall be revealed in us thank you jesus and holiness will qualify you to get there and holiness is the qualification to keep you there pray my strength in the lord glory to god hallelujah hallelujah we praise his name hallelujah i want to thank you bishop for the opera excuse me for the opportunity amen thank you i want to give honor to my pastor first lady hallelujah to my church family and to my wife hallelujah praise god today i'm going to be preaching from titus amen amen the word of god hallelujah i'm excited i'm watching oh the clock's not started but i'm watching it amen so let me start with a quick prayer lord i thank you for this opportunity lord i ask that you speak through me father with your holy ghost oh god lord i ask that you touch hearts and minds father let this word accomplish lord hallelujah thank you father let it accomplish this goal that is sent out to do god and i know you will because you never fail in jesus name amen hallelujah so titus 2 verses 11 11-14 and it reads for the grace of god that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men teaching us that denying ungodly ungodliness and worldly lust we should live soberly righteously and godly in this present world looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of the great god and our savior jesus christ hallelujah who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works hallelujah hallelujah today i'm going to focus on verse 14 and the title of my message is zealous of good works hallelujah that means to be committed to or eager to do good works amen this book the book of titus is a letter written by the apostle paul to his coworker and son in the faith titus in titus 1 and 4 paul addressed titus he said my true child according to a coming faith hallelujah how many of you know that as christians we should have a common faith hallelujah a common goal and that's to glorify the lord amen the reason for this letter was paul heard of false teachers that were spreading a false gospel amen uh he was spreading the gospel to the people that it was okay to live ungodly but paul encouraged titus to rebuke these false teachings amen paul charles titus to teach sound doctrine this sound doctrine includes a theological basis for why christians should live holy hallelujah and why they should be committed to good works hallelujah i'm committed to good works hallelujah thank you lord hallelujah you see that it says who gave himself for us jesus gave himself for us hallelujah how many of you thankful for that amen i could just stay right there but it's so much more it was a gift that we cannot earn romans 6 and 23 says for the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our savior hallelujah there is only one way one way to god and that's through jesus christ amen hallelujah you can't go any other way even jesus said is it possible that you could take this cup from me hallelujah but he said nevertheless not your not my will but your will father hallelujah there was no other way so jesus he suffered for us he bled he died hallelujah he was buried and he was risen hallelujah he did it all for us not for us to say can we come up some other way hallelujah he did it all for us because that's that was the price that was the price of redemption hallelujah redemption means to that we were bought we were bought out of slavery amen first corinthians 6 and 20 says for you are both at a price therefore glorify god in your body and in your spirit which are god's hallelujah we belong to god hallelujah and the bible says like i said he said the wages of sin is death so the greatest power that sin has over us is death but since the penalty of sin is death and christ paid the penalty of sin fully with his death on the cross hallelujah his resurrection from the dead demonstrated that the penalty has been fully paid hallelujah and the power of sin has been defeated glory to god hallelujah so he paid our debt with his blood he's made us free from sin hallelujah our bodies are now the temple of the holy ghost hallelujah the holy ghost is living in me hallelujah in galatians 2 and 20 paul said it like this he said i have been crucified with christ it is no longer i who live but christ lives in me and the life which i know which i now live in the flesh i live by faith in the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me let me read it again and the life which i now live in the flesh i live by faith hallelujah and the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me glory to god so that means that the old man the always are dead they're passed away and now that same spirit that resurrected jesus lives in me and they have changed my ways glory to god i no longer serve sin i'm no longer a captive to sin but i serve the living and true god hallelujah i now no longer drink or hang at the club but i break bread with my church family hallelujah and i pray i no longer have to gamble hallelujah what i do is i give to the lord to the kingdom of the lord hallelujah and i'm sure that god will bless me and he has good measure pressed down shaken together and running over glory to god hallelujah so it's it's jesus hallelujah that purifies us it says and purified unto himself a peculiar people so jesus purifies us hallelujah because we have a mission because we have to be pure to go to heaven and we have to be pure to be witnesses here on earth amen glory to god in john hallelujah let me read this in in hebrews 9 14 it says how much more shall the blood of christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without a spot to cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living god hallelujah let them purify us hallelujah you can't do it yourself as you heard medicine fails the things of this earth fail but god never fails hallelujah so jesus was that once and forever sacrifice that we needed hallelujah and he came for a mission and we ought to do the same glory to god in john 4 and 34 jesus said to his disciples my meat is to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work in john 6 38 jesus said for i came down from heaven not to do mine own will but the will of him that sent me glory to god the incarnation of jesus is the epitome of being sent on a mission he is the perfect example of how we can stay focused on accomplishing god's will in the earth hallelujah and jesus gave us all a mission amen if we see in matthew 28 18 through 20 it says and jesus came and spake unto them saying all power is given unto me in heaven and the earth go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you and lo i'm with you always even unto the end of the world amen glory to god so he's with us he's sending us out on a mission mission and we're not alone we're filled with the holy ghost hallelujah that holy ghost is a person hallelujah and that spirit lives in us and it quickens us to do his will to do his good works hallelujah god has a kingdom mission and he has entrusted that mission to us his church glory to god in other words the church doesn't have a mission but the mission has a church hallelujah so jesus has purified us and filled us with the holy ghost so we can have power to go out spread the gospel and other souls can be saved other disciples will be made hallelujah this thing's gonna spread you think the coronavirus is spread this is gonna spread hallelujah throughout this earth hallelujah right now you can't stop it you can't kill the holy spirit it's a living spirit all eternal and it's gonna be here forever glory to god hallelujah and this whole mission is going to culminate in jesus presenting to himself a spotless church a glorious church ephesians 5 27 says that he might present it to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish hallelujah somebody say jesus is coming back hallelujah that's enough right there to make you want to do good works i want to be called working when he comes back hallelujah he gave us his word and his spirit so that we may be sanctified and cleansed hallelujah somebody say cleanse me father in the name of jesus glory to god hallelujah so we must be committed to doing works good works here in earth we got to make a habit of it now hallelujah you you don't want to get caught sleeping and and not sleeping in the wrong bed or whatever when he comes back you want to be called doing the work of god hallelujah for good works is a mark of those who serve christ hallelujah ephesians 2 and 10 says for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus for good work which god prepared beforehand that we should walk in them hallelujah we can't earn salvation but our good works are the fruit of it hallelujah our good works show people that we're saved they see our love it draws them in hallelujah so we have to do good works and those good works demonstrate gratitude good character our actions amen so being zealous for good works means that we need to be eager we need to have a good attitude hallelujah we should be cheerful givers hallelujah we should preach the gospel to all people we should feed and clothe those in need love our neighbors even pray for our enemies because the love of god has been shed abroad in our hearts through the holy ghost which has been given unto us glory to god hallelujah yes lord glory god so and performing these good works and not only glorify well we get benefit from it too amen amen we will have peace in our hearts philippians 4 9 said those things which you have both learned and received and heard and seen in me do and the god of peace shall be with you ah hallelujah joy will abound in us romans 4 17 14-17 says for the kingdom of god is not meat and drink but righteousness and peace and joy in the holy ghost hallelujah his joy is my strength hallelujah assurance in us will be strong second peter versus uh chapter 1 verses 10 and 11 says brother give diligence to make your calling and your election sure for if you do these things you shall never fall for so an entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly into everlasting kingdom of our lord and savior jesus christ somebody say i want to go to heaven i want to be rewarded hallelujah god says he's going to reward us in matthew 5 and 12 jesus said to his followers followers rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven hallelujah somebody say let's do good works let's honor the lord with our lives hallelujah let our bodies be that living sacrifice we love you lord and we're going to glorify your name in the earth not only with our mouths but with our actions in jesus name glory to god god bless you thank you let's give the lord a handclap of praise i'll be praising him let's praise god for our great leader you may have your seats leviticus chapter 10 verses 1-3 i want to thank the lord for my wife it is a very special day for us today is our wedding anniversary so love you my daughter and my grandson is back there five years bishop five years father in heaven we thank you we praise you we magnify you we thank you for this great opportunity god asks you to anoint me for the task of preaching your word to your people with power authority and with clarity in jesus name amen we're going to begin in verse 1 and i will end at verse 3. leviticus chapter 10. and nadab and abayu the sons of aaron took either of them his censor and put fire therein and put incense there on and offered strange fire before the lord which he commanded them not and there went out a fire from the lord and devoured them and they died before the lord and moses said unto aaron this is it that the lord speaks saying i will be sanctified in them that come nigh me and before all the people i will be glorified and aaron held his peace i want to talk from the subject from verse three i will be sanctified in them that come nigh me and before all the people i will be glorified my subject this morning is god still has a standard for worship god still has a standard for worship the book of leviticus tells us tells the new testament christian how to appreciate holiness and do and to appropriate it in our everyday lives the word holy is used 91 times in leviticus and words connected with cleansing are used 71 times references to uncleanness number around 128 this book is quoted or referred to over 100 times in the new testament the book of leviticus explains five basic themes that relate to the life of holiness a holy god a holy preacher a holy priesthood a holy people a holy land a holy savior god had declared that the people of his covenant were a kingdom of priest and a holy nation ideally the entire nation was a theocracy and every person was priests and god was king this priest nation needed an order of consecration if they were to learn the proper ways of worship to god they would need some direction so god set up the levitical priesthood the high priest were to be cleansed clothed crowned and claimed while the other priest had to be cleansed clothed claimed and charged god insisted that the priest be holy men set apart for his service alone this was god's method of preparing these men for a sacred career in the text that is before us we have an example of two men who were not qualified or disqualified themselves as worshipers of the god of the bible in chapters 8 and 9 moses was commanded by god to consecrate aaron and his sons for the service of the tabernacle you could say that this event was an ordination service aaron and his sons by the direction of moses were given the qualifications to be the servant worshipers or the worshipping servants they were presented with but not limited to the priestly garments such as the ephod or robe or turban and god had designed and provided these garments for at least three reasons number one they were the priests were given this dignity and honor and it set them apart just as a uniform identifies a soldier it was commanded by god thirdly if the priest didn't wear the special garments they might die according to exodus 28 35 in verse 1 the bible says and nadab and abayu the sons of aaron took either of them their censor the word took is the past tense of the word take which means to seize grasp to treat roughly to snatch they took and swung their sensors as if it mattered not how they ministered before the lord as if god deserved no special reverence at all they had entered into the presence of god without awe and wanted to engage in his worship without adoration or respect isaiah 1 12 says when you come to appear before me who hath required this at your hand to tread my courts the bible says and they offered strange fire before the lord the word strange means unauthorized the word strange in hebrew is zarah which means that the fire came from someplace other than the altar of the sanctuary which was the only authorized source they offered counterfeit fire and the last clause of verse 1 says which he god commanded that not no explanation needed and there went out fire before the lord and devoured them and they died before the lord on the same day of this high ordination service we should have ended with glorious worship to god but instead it ended with nadal and abayu experiencing how god was a consuming fire but why but why did nadab and abayu offer strange and unauthorized worship to the lord and why and what was their real motivation and why such a severe punishment the answer to the first question is presumption they chose their own method a method that was unsanctioned by god's commands and unauthorized by their official superiors their motivation may have arisen from their own foolish pride their deed was an act of willful and wanting disobedience nadev and about you believe they could have produced fire just as good as god self-confidence one man has said is the natural result of the intoxication of success the god of the bible must be respected matthew henry says this about this passage of scripture he said god was teaching his people obedience and to do everything by rule as becomes servants for priests therefore to break rules and disobey was such a provocation as must by no means go and punish you see everything these two men did was wrong number one to begin with they were the wrong people to be handling the incense and presenting the fire before the lord this task was done by the high priest according to exodus chapter 30 7-10 they used the wrong instruments their own sensors instead of the high priest sanctified by the special anointing or exodus chapter 40 and verse 9. they acted at the wrong time for it was on it was only on the annual day of atonement that the high priest was committed to take incense into the holy of holies they acted under the wrong authority they didn't consult with moses or their father to seek to seek or follow the word of god which moses had received they offered the wrong fire again the high priest was commanded to burn incense on coals taken from the brazing altar but these two supplied their own fire and god rejected it they had the wrong motive their desire was not to sanctify the lord but they wanted to promote themselves and be important and finally they depended on the wrong power themselves verse 9 implies that they may have been under the influence of alcohol they should have known that it is better to obey than to sacrifice then moses said unto aaron this is it that the lord spake saying i will be sanctified in them that come nigh unto me and before all the people i will be glorified moses gives his nephews a quick eulogy and then explains to his brother aaron that god is not to be trifled with number one god requires holiness from his people sanctified or sanctified means to set apart to a sacred purpose to consecrate that which is regarded as being holy sacred sacred or having divine qualities since god is holy the whole nation was called to be holy one translation says among those who approach me i will show myself holy in the sight of all the people and i will be honored those of us who are to approach god must know he is separate from everyone else god requires exact compliance in worship to him he will not be robbed of his glory and the character of the worshipper is of great importance one man said character should be the style and stamp of the believer a singleness of purpose to honor god should be the true motive in every minister's life good intentions do not excuse willful disobedience and we cannot offer god what the bible calls will worship which is self-imposed worship that that is not worship at all attendance in god's house is not proof of true worship either by habit or by force and ceremony is easier than consecration say amen so men satisfy themselves with outward observance while the essential need of inward sanctification is overlooked jesus said but the hour cometh and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth for the father seeketh such to worship him god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth to be qualified to come near to god one has to be holy or sanctified the believer has to set themselves apart for god and from the world john says in first john 2 and 15 love not the world neither the things that are in the world if any man love the world the love of the father is not in him to be sanctified or better sanctification is not entertainment it is the state unto which god and his grace cause sinful men to be saved you can't do sanctified you have to be sanctified and the sanctified will do you it is clear that god only accepts what he himself has inspired and requires for worship to worship is is to reverence stressing the feeling of all and devoting but what qualifies us to worship the god of the bible and who is qualified to worship him for the levitical system could not fully satisfy the requirements of worship forever hebrews 10 1 says for the law having a shadow of good things to come and not the very image of the things can never with those sacrifices which they offered make the compass therein to imperfect hebrews 10 and 4 says for it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away the sin of the world you see man's greatest problem is sin sin separates or disqualifies us from worshiping god isaiah 59 and 2 but your iniquities have separated you and your god we can practice sin and serve sin breaks fellowship but the blood of bulls and goats could not take away humanity's sin it could only cover and postpone sin and the law couldn't do it for the bible says for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh god sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh condemned sin in the flesh that the righteousness of the law might be revealed in us or fulfilled in us who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit but jesus with his vicarious death and with his my victorious resurrection made it possible for those of us who are saved to be qualified for worship for we not have an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of infirmities but was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin for he taught the veil that means every barrier to the presence of god has been forever torn down through the sacrifice of his blood and flesh the hymn writer said there is power in the blood and i know it was the blood there is a fountain filled with blood drawn from emmanuel's veins and sinners plunge beneath that flood lose all their guilty stain every time we enter into the presence of the lord in worship or in prayer let us remember that this privilege was bought at a tremendous cost if you've been washed by the blood of the lamb your sins are forgiven you have access and assurance through jesus we have an open invitation to enter into the presence of god but we must prepare ourselves spiritually to have fellowship with god because true worship requires preparation we gotta stay saved live a clean life stay filled with the holy ghost we gotta pray and fast study god's word love one another and if we live accordingly to the word of god the god of the bible will be satisfied with our worship remember god has given us his blueprint for how we should worship him we cannot worship god any kind of way because god still has a standard to god be the glory to god be the glory we honor the lord on this morning this afternoon amen i honor you bishop bless you sir thank you for the opportunity i don't take it lightly i want to give honor to my pastor my father the chief of staff apostle tommy quick the greatest man of god that i know a man i thank god for him he is a man of god that has a hammer in one hand building families building generations and a sword in the other hand fighting the evil of this day and i thank god for my pastor i thank god for my mother on tonight and i honor my brother co pastor quick um it is a pleasure to serve in ministry with you sir i love you dearly i honor my wife who is back home and probably live streaming right now i love you honey thank you for everything that you do god could not have blessed me with anyone greater amen and i thank god for my son my son asked my wife she he said uh mommy do you know what daddy's to preach she said no i don't he said i know he's going to preach that you can't play and preach at the same time we're like hey amen let's go to the book of jude somebody say amen we're going to take our text from the book of jew the chapter book of jude we're going to begin with verse 24 and 25 but before we read out of jude i want to quote our scriptures psalms 15 1-2 lord who shall abide in thy tabernacle who shall dwell in thy holy heel he that walketh uprightly and walketh worketh righteousness and speaketh the truth in his heart who shall ascend into the heel of the lord or who shall stand in his holy place he that hath clean hands and a pure heart who have not lifted up his soul unto vanity nor sworn deceitfully bear with me and pray with me father god in the name of jesus i pray that you will anoint me now in jesus name amen after reading these two scriptures what i realized that we as the people of god need in order to come into the presence of god in order to qualify is we need grace now i'm not talking about the kind of grace that gives us a free pass to sin and live any kind of way i'm talking about true biblical grace ephesians 2 and 8 says for great for by grace are ye saved through faith and that not of yourselves it is the gift of god modern day christianity would have us believe that grace is some flowery feeling that god has towards us however it was not god's happy thoughts or flowery feelings that saved and redeemed man it took a painful glory and agonizing work somebody say work performed by jesus christ to save us yes grace is works how else would we know that god favors us if he never did anything for us now i hear you saying minister quick elder quick the bible says in romans that if it is by grace then it is no more works but the bible also says in philippians that work out your own salvation with fear and we're tribbling for it is god which worketh in you both to wield and to do of his good pleasure the truth about grace is that grace does not negate works grace simply changes where the works originates from my works cannot save me but the works of jesus christ can save me i simply must surrender and join in with the work of god i am his workmanship according to ephesians 2 and 10 for we are his workmanship created in christ jesus unto good works which god hath before ordained that we should walk in him i am a man that ships god's works into the earth jesus christ was the prime example of what it meant to be the workmanship of god he himself said that the son can do nothing of himself but what he see if the father do that he does he was the prime example of a man that worked to work and ship the works of god from heaven down to earth and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and he was full of somebody say grace which is works and truth jesus christ was full of the work of god and he conveyed that work while he walked on the earth now it took the death of this holy cree creator it took the death of jesus christ to save us whose blood did not come from fallen man whose spirit was the holy ghost and who was the only begotten of the father i only have one question why did it take 33 years for him to accomplish this work why couldn't he have died when hera tried to kill him as a toddler why couldn't he have been stoned by the jews when they were tired of his message why couldn't he be pushed off the cliff was he not just as innocent just as holy just as pure during those days as he was the day he was crucified the answer is that christ had another mission not only did he have to fulfill the prophecy that was spoken of him but he knew he had to qualify the holy spirit to be the qualification for mankind he had to prove that the holy ghost was enough to get mankind through this dangerous world the reason satan wanted to abort jesus early in his ministry is because he wanted to stop christ from proving that the holy ghost is qualified to qualify mankind to enter the presence of god christ was tempted in all points yet was without sin proving that the holy ghost is capable of enabling us to fulfill the commandment of living in leviticus that says be ye holy for i am holy this is why the holy ghost led jesus up into the mount into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil the holy ghost decided it's time for a showdown i'm coming to show you that i am capable of taking a man and enabling him to do the work of god in the earth he proved that he is qualified through these things the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life jesus faced them all and through the power of the holy ghost he overcame them living sinners for we have not a high priest which cannot be touched by the feeling of our infirmities but in all points he was tempted like as we are yet he was without sin let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of god's works of his grace that we might attain mercy and find work in the time of need i don't know about you but when i'm in a time of need i don't need thanks i don't need happy thoughts from god i need them to step in and do some work on my behalf jesus disciples thought they had it made as they walked with jesus christ they thought that they had it going on in that day but jesus sat him down and said nevertheless i tell you the truth it is expedient that i go away because if i don't go away the comforter will not come but if i depart i will send him unto you howbeit when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth for he shall not speak of himself but he was whatsoever he hear he that's what he will speak and he will show you things to come he will glorify me and he shall receive a mind and shall show it to you the truth of the matter is we can't get to god except by jesus christ and the only way we can be sealed to jesus christ is through the holy ghost god is we are connected to god through jesus christ and we're connected to jesus christ through the holy ghost the problem is we ask god to come into our lives and wash us clean but then we don't cultivate a relationship with the holy ghost we don't ask him to be filled and refill we don't ask him to cleanse us out continually we don't worship we don't pray we don't seek we take it for granted and feel like we can come in the house of god any all kind of way we don't qualify only the holy ghost qualifies but if we surrender to him he'll make us holy he'll make us pure he'll make us whole ephesians says that we are sealed with the holy spirit of promise sealed until the day of redemption yes the holy ghost is proven to be the only qualifier after that the holy ghost has come upon you you shall receive power power simply means the ability to get work done after the holy ghost has come we have the ability to get the works of god done so why why is it that our hands are dirty clean your hands if they're dirty why is it that our hearts are unpure we got the holy ghost clean your hearts the bible says in isaiah wash you make you clean put away even doings from before mine eyes and cease to do evil in romans chapter 8 it says who shall separate us from the love of christ what shall break our seal the holy ghost from christ shall tribulation shall distress shall persecution or famine or nakedness or peril or swore nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us there's not a trial or tribulation a test a temptation that can take us down we have the overcomer on the inside of us we have no excuse somebody look at your neighbor say neighbor you got the holy ghost you have no excuse for i'm persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come can disqualify the saints of god that have been qualified by god when we surrender to him and live holy and do his work well i'm struggling with this or i'm struggling with that and you don't understand what's going on where the problem is you ain't surrendered to god my question is what are you doing with your holy ghost are you praying to him are you watching tv are you seeking after him are you doing your own thing are you spending too much time on facebook or are you fasting and turning your plate down how are you treating the holy ghost that's the question because if you treat the holy ghost right he'll be that constant flow that you need if you pray you'll stay away from sin but if you're sin you'll stay away from prayer can sickness do it sadness pain lowliness i remember the old folks used to say he's a company keeper can temper take can temptation do it it's the holy ghost that keeps us from temptation now we go to our text right here jude verses 23 and 20 verses 24 and 25 now unto him that is able to keep you from falling to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise god our savior be glory be majesty be dominion be power forever and ever the reason the world don't understand why we praise like we do is because they ain't been sanctified like we have they don't have our testimony they can't say that they were once in darkness and been brought to the marvelous light but if you've been washed by the blood of jesus i dare to raise your hand and say thank you thank you i thank god i thank him for the blood of jesus i thank him for the holy ghost i couldn't save myself i couldn't cleanse myself i couldn't heal myself but the holy ghost he came he filled me he made me whole thank god for the holy ghost somebody give god praise give him glory hallelujah hallelujah i'm going to my seat but i want to say this that not only does the holy ghost qualify us we're walking around with this holy ghost and the bible says that after the holy ghost comes upon you you shall be witnesses i want you to ask yourself this question who have you left behind if your holy ghost can qualify you then your holy ghost can qualify your sister it can qualify your brother it can qualify your mother it can qualify your sons and daughters we ought to be the witnesses of jesus christ in the earth if the holy ghost can sanctify us then it can sanctify them who have we left behind i want you to think about that right now somebody lift your hands to god and say god give me an anointing give me anointing god fill me with your holy ghost i want to see my family saved i want to see my family delivered i want to see my family set free god give me the holy ghost somebody say give me the power to qualify somebody else i want to come into your presence but i don't want to come alone i want to bring my family i want to bring my friends i want to bring my co-workers i want to bring my neighbors give me strength give me wisdom give me the anointing give me power to get your work done somebody give god praise hallelujah hallelujah to god to be the glory hallelujah you ought to just lift your hand and say glory hallelujah god god is qualifying me to be a worshipping servant hallelujah somebody to god be all of the glory i'm telling you i'm glad we stayed a little bit longer to hear these young men come and rightly divide the word of god to us i'ma tell you these boys was like pet bulls in the pit ready to preach ready to say it and that's where you ought to be don't play when you come to the house of god give it all your god hallelujah y'all did it shall appear hallelujah glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord hallelujah hallelujah i'm about to get happy here now glory to god yes lord yes lord hallelujah i believe sometimes you got to give god an undignified praise you all not care who's looking you're not care who's around you but you all remember what god has done for you and praise him just because he is who he is hallelujah yes lord hallelujah hallelujah glory to god hallelujah thank you so much on behalf of our bishop bishop wooden for staying just a little longer and giving these young men your time allowing them to preach the word of god to you we thank you for giving them your time and at this time we're going to ask if the second assistant ronald gates will come and lead us in our offering and followed by that bishop our very own bishop will come and close us out so let's receive our second administrative assistant ronald gates as he said come and lead us in the offering time god bless you give and it shall be given to you oh give and it shall be given to you press down shaken together running over to you give and it shall be given to you help me out say give and it shall be given to you oh give and it shall be given to you they'll press down shaken together running over to you give and it shall be given to you can you help me stand in the man give and it shall be given to you oh give and it shall be given to you press down shake it together running over to you give and it shall be given to you i'm gonna ask everybody to stand amen and greet your seed in your hand get your seed in your hand and they when we going to amen go through those lyrics one more time but let me give you the scripture text amen proverbs chapter 11 verse 24 and 25 it says only give freely one excuse me one who gives freely yet grows all the richer another withholds what he should give and only suffer one whosoever or whoever brings blessings will be enriched and the one who water will himself be watered i want to abandon just to sing those lyrics with me amen coming from numbers chapter six amen for a familiar passage amen and lift up your seed amen glory be to god as we stand all over how glory be to god it says this give and it shall be given to you oh give and it shall be given to you those who can give on easy time press down shake it together running over to you give and it shall be given to you come on help me sing it and it shall be given to give and you shall be given to you tell somebody press down shake it together running over to you give and it shall be given to you here's the ways that others can give by easytide.comforwardslashnc3j or lift up your seat as we water it amen i'm asking all those who can hallelujah to follow us amen with an offering of a hundred dollars i myself is giving a hundred chief of staff is giving a hundred amen the first assistant is giving a hundred and so that you can lift up your seed amen before the lord amen hallelujah chairman superintendent cooper has given a hundred dollars a man to give in this offering at this time lift it up hallelujah amen first lady wooden115 oh and excuse me this bishop of bishops 150. pastor james parker 100 dr marshall amen glory be to god fifty dollars praise god hallelujah how many have just really wanted to give unto the lord on today did you hear a fiery word from these dynamic preachers amen that blessed our soul amen hallelujah glory be to god expository amen preacher with extra jesus and abandon isis jesus glory be to god oh my god hallelujah they blessed us any man in a tremendous way while they're coming while they come and continue to humble continue to amen hum that song number six amen 24 25 they bear their glory behind it come on save mother beverly fifty dollars amen first lady quick amen twenty dollars first lady shelley gates 25 amen glory be to god hamlet of 1825 bless the lord hallelujah glory be to god thank you give and it shall be given to you sis come on hallelujah what we're doing is watering the seed we're watering the seed we're watering the seed that it shall multiply because he said abandon the scripture text that uh amen whosoever bring blessings will be enriched and the one who waters himself will be watered with worship amen margaret most 25 district missionary gore 25 first lady laverne cooper thirty dollars amen glory be to god well praise the lord as we just stand all over and neither got the receptacles say man we'll be able to receive the receptacles i hope that is appropriate amen chief is to have a man bless the lord with time say amen as you stand amen with your seed lifted up father we bless your wonderful name we thank you god we worship him and we have heard the word of god hallelujah and the word of god that go forth out and shall not return void we worship you and we praise your wonderful name we acknowledge your holy and wonderful presence you who are yahweh jehovah who as i am that i am in the ancient of days we acknowledge you jesus who is the christ who is the son of the living god who is the resurrection and life we thank you god for the blessed power of the holy spirit now father amen as we receive oh god we give back unto you in a way of offering in worship in this in this we pray in jesus name amen amen god bless you they will receive it through the receptacles amen at this particular time amen glory be to god we want to receive the chief of staff amen hallelujah superintendent tommy quick hello hallelujah is anybody home certainly we have been blessed today it's been a fantastic day would you give the lord a praise it's been a wonderful day from the moment that it started up into this present moment the presentation amen by the resident doctors when i say resident hear from amen the upper room church of god in christ and what they shared with us is priceless today and then to hear these young men expound the word of god today listen i'm persuaded the devil is in trouble amen because god is raising up some mighty witnesses that are standing to preach the gospel truth uh i want to i certainly enjoyed every one of them and of course i enjoyed uh my son that you know his emotional attachment there and he preached today you gentlemen something i heard i heard something today i talk about that guy right there because he's a quiet fella stands on the side always so respectful so kind and uh when he started i said i think i hear some guy named apostle charles oh miles and then i tried to run his roots down young man you preach today too and he's a special friend of mine i want to mention that all of you were fantastic you're wonderful and son he did something i told bishop he didn't raise a voice and i told bishop well i never heard him do that before say well he didn't hear what you said you preached it was awesome now tonight is the finale come on and give god praise tonight we're going to hear from our prelate the bishop patrick l wooden senior and he's going to preach amen and we are going to be blessed you know it let's come on time we come to receive and we come to sow we're going to come and bless him tonight and we're not going to be on a strain to do it we're going gonna do it amen with a with a willing heart a good spirit and we're gonna sow somebody said uh the rain don't matter if there's no seed in the ground amen so we're gonna put some seed in the ground so that when the rain come we will be hopeful that a harvest is going to take place so on the night i'm asking all superintendents all administrative assistants all pastors all elders all missionaries all evangelists all deacons all trustees all lay members everybody to come with one purpose in mind that is the worship of the god of the bible and to bless our leader on tonight and so we're looking for you to be here on time and then when we get ready to do it we're not going to sell him we're not going to uh amen promote him as a product we're just going to honor him as our leader as a man of god and bless him accordingly and god is going to bless us in return i'm so grateful for pastor thomas this is the first meeting that he and his wife have been able to just come and stay the entire time and it blesses me uh so much to see them here and i know they've been blessed and oh man what about that district missionary amen of the south carolina district oh on last night man i'm glad she going back to south carolina i'm so glad she's going back i would not want to go back with her without her and we're just grateful for her husband is back there dig deep raise your hand dig digging raise your hand i'm trying to recognize you talk about your wife can't talk about your wife don't talk about you stand up he's a he's a minor league baseball team owner and he's famous he's a famous player i ran into somebody doing some electrical work or something at the house hvac i don't know what he was doing anyway i brought up bud and i clear i thought the guy was going to fall down and worship him for his 97 mile-per-hour ball and all that he can do he said even at you he said even at his age he's the baddest man i know and he is a great amen chairman of the deacon board and he keeps the promised land i tell you amen he keeps it in order we praise god beside him are the peters and ella peters is the best man that i know anywhere and his wife helps to make it so and we thank the lord for them let's go home today i'm grateful for you first lady god bless you we love you all it's been awesome it's been an awesome day it's been a joy for the father bless this offering in jesus name amen let everybody stand glory to god hallelujah all right uh superintendent for uh gates is going to be in the foyer and he's going to have his books is that right and we do have uh to go uh packages in the fellowship hall for everyone for everyone we're gonna not gonna sit we're gonna go so we can return on time tonight amen ready to praise the lord all right it's ready raise that right hand come on say goddamn first god bless you you
Channel: God First Official Channel
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Id: _6ffAcGqgbA
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Length: 244min 35sec (14675 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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