Bishop Wooden Preaches // The Big Picture Part 2 : Saved By Hope

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[Music] bless his father in Jesus name as we Minister the Word of God save the soul that's near his he'll keep us O God in your will may we do no damage to the word of the Lord in Jesus name Amen saved by I was talking to the wife of a gentleman that I was doing business with just a few days ago and his wife is a missionary and she had done missionary work in the Amazon River Basin Amazon River in Brazil or those villages places and she said that the difference was day and night between the villages between those that had been evangelized and cristiano ties and those who had not yet heard the message of Jesus Christ she said the villages that have been cristiano ties were well-kept they were peaceful and they were organized and she said they were clean but those villagers that had not yet been evangelized had not yet been Christianized were filthy she said liquor bottles piled up everywhere violence in the communities she said animal feces and wastes all over the place she described the vileness of those areas where people had not heard the message of Jesus Christ and then she said this and when she said it she got my undivided attention she said hope makes all of the difference and I said what did you say she said hope and I told her I said you know I'm preaching about Hope Sunday tell me more and she began to share with me how they worshiped a bull God some of those islands and there you have it strong rich Witchcraft and and you know what's coming next child sacrifice offering their children to the devil and shared how one woman was demon possessed demon possessed and how they collectively prayed for her and that demon-possessed woman we could see the demons in our eyes and a fearful sight to see like something we would see from a Hollywood movie how in the name of Jesus that demon was cast out and how that woman went skipping and jumping back home and every place where Christ was preached hope came into the hearts oh the people where there is no hope there can be no endeavour hope in Christ raised their standard of living they had no reason to clean up they lived amongst filth because they were living amongst in a hopeless state most of us can't relate village villages that way because most of us whether we know Jesus undying we've grown up in a world where Christianity has been the dominant influence on our culture the judeo-christian concept the judeo-christian ethic is what has made Western civilization in our Western culture possible it explains the American standard of living just of late people have said that Christianity had nothing to do with America's founding and this has never been a Christian country and all that I think I trust the writings of the people who lived back then who wrote doing the nation's founding I trust their writings more than I do someone born in 1960 who just come along and he has a new take on what has been established down through the years and I thank God for the influence of Christianity on our society for it has greatly blessed us all hope gives people a reason to live hope gives it gave those people on that island something to look forward to yes hope hope is the consistency of faith Calvin said that is hope is the firmness of faith you can't maintain your faith you can't keep believing that God's gonna heal you or that a better day is coming or that something's gonna change without hope hope is the stability of faith where there is no hope there is no faith the hebrew writer didn't give the definition of faith but he gave us faiths description now faith is the substance of things hoped for and it is the evidence of things not seen faith is the confident expectation that one will get what very hopeful and the desire and the belief that they will get it even though they don't see how you came aching without hope hey man Aristotle said that hope is a walking dream Herbert said he that lives in Hope dances without music hopeful people are optimistic people hopeful people people who have hope in Christ have they lived with a soundtrack playing at all times and they hear music where there is none they dance when other people know they have a joy when others are sad and when you are a hopeful individual praise the Lord there is a certain melody there is a certain spark in your eyes this is why when you talk to little children third grade second grade sometimes fourth grade fifth grade what do you want to be well I want to be an astronaut I want to be the president I want to be a lawyer I want to be a doctor the eyes a feel with possibilities feel with hope fear with glee a man excited about what they can become sometimes more often than not you talk to that same kid by the time they're about to graduate you ask them the same question many times the answer is it's not even pronounce right nothing the th is gone no not nothing nothing I don't know why are you actually they allow something of someone to come in and read them and you know what happens you stay settle for too little what's amazing to me what people settle for what you could become versus what you become the potential that you have as a young african-american male in this country versus the degree to which you realize that potential it's often it is often puzzling how sometimes those who have everything going for them squander their and a satisfied living just beneath their privilege Romans 12 and 12 the a clause says that says rejoicing in Hope that is be joyful in Hope in Zechariah those who had a blood covenant with God were called prisoners of hope Zechariah 9 and 12 they're called prisoners of hope to have any prisoners of hope in here Abe and the prisoners of Hope are people who who will hope against hope when a thing seems hopeless the prisoner of hope can't help but somehow have hope in fact the whole Bible was written to build our hope in Christ Bible says in Romans 15 and 4 for what things were written aforetime were written for our learning that we through patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope that book in your lap that I told you Thursday night is perfection you want to find perfection just grab hold to your Bible that book was compiled that we might have hope not hope in hope but hope in Christ that through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures that we might have hope and one of the things about hope in Christ is that Christ won't disappoint you Bible says and Romans chapter 5 says that we glory in tribulations well actually chapter 5 verse 1 let's start with it says therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom also we have access look at that by faith into His grace that is through Christ we've been introduced to God the Father a man and wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God the glory of God is a reference to a specific thing that when the Lord shall come and set everything all right oh that we will be a part of it and then that is a glory that is a glory that takes place on this earth in our lives as we serve the Lord God glory fires his servants amen the Bible teaches that he beautifies the meat with salvation God's beauty secrets are more powerful than Mac fact Max Factor's he he will defeat Clinique and all the rest of them every time you can put on all that stuff but if God's glory is missing you look dog a man you you got on that you know what some of the mad get mad and all the rest of ya Mac John all of but without the glory of God something is missing the Bible teaches and not only so but we glory in tribulations knowing that tribulation worketh patience and that patience gives us experience experience there is character a man characters built when life puts you a little bit go through some of life a situation we're pulling in that Beals our character because life is filled with hard knocks hard knocks and bruises but if you're hold on it will bless you and then experience gives us hope and look at this and hope maketh not a shame that is hope in Christ does not discipline if your trust is in him if your hope is in him he will come through every time one way or the other I like what Harville have said about this subject he says hope is not the conviction that something will turn out well but the certainty the certainty that something makes sense regardless to how it turns out I love that because the truth is in life every situation doesn't come to a happy ending sometimes as we have faith for our loved ones while they're sick some times they die sometimes well as we hold out for God to keep us employed you still get a pink slip am i right sometimes despite our best efforts and our faith in the Lord things that don't work out the way we want them to but here's what hope does hope will cause you if you keep your faith in the Lord even though you didn't get the answer that you wanted you will at least understand why God didn't do it the way we wanted him to do it and then we see that it was better that the Lord allowed it to work out the way that it did versus the way that we wanted that's what hope does it reassures us that whatever the outcome whatever the outcome the Lord has our best interest in mind I'm glad of that because see so many times you know we we stand people up and we give examples of how of what happened when it worked out and then now people who are sitting there saying well he didn't heal me he didn't he didn't spare my mother for everybody who testifies that God healed my mama that's somebody sitting there saying God didn't heal mine for everyone who's in here saying the Lord healed my husband that someone has said well he let mine die well both parties can walk in the same peace and have the same joy and shout to the same music if both have hope for those who suffered the loss hope helps them to see down the road that God knows what he's doing and even though he didn't do it the way I wanted him to do it he's still God he's still God and he's still worthy of my praise and worthy of my faithfulness and worthy of my song that's what hope does it calls the thing that make sense regardless to how it turns out famous singing group said Jesus will never say no that's not true the Lord says no a man he doesn't always give us what we want I'll tell you what he always does he always does what's best for us praise the Lord he always has our best interest in mind and sometimes you have to you have to admit that there are times when you say Lord I don't know what you do Lord I don't even know if I agree with what you're doing but here's what I know hope causes me to trust in what you're doing because you were God and I am NOT he knows somebody picked up the song and said we are also often tossed and driven on the restless sea of time somebody's and howling tempers often blocks the bright sunshine but in that land of restless days we'll understand it better by and by by and by as time passes when the morning comes and all the saints of God are gathered at home we'll tell the story how we overcome and we'll understand it better by and by hope teacher praise the Lord hope gives you the power to cope when things praise the Lord don't go right hope is not today today saves hope is not a luxury hope is a necessity proverbs 13 and 12 says Hope deferred makes the heart sick show me a hopeless person I'll show you a Down person I'll show you a depressed person I'll show you a miserable person I'll show you a pessimistic person I'll show you a sense Souris individual I'll show you a mother and a complainer and I'll show you somebody that nobody wants to be around because when hope is gone sickness is present praise the Lord the psychologist will tell you that hope the hopelessness is pathological hopeless people are sick people you can't stay in a hopeless state for long it says Hope deferred makes the heart sick but when the desire cometh it is a tree of life that is that beats all says but when hope comes back or when hope is present hope is like a tree of life hope hope makes you think hope gives you power to imagine power to invent power to live power to come up with ideas praise the Lord if just don't work then we are try that if that doesn't work we'll try this and I've been through this that in the other but I still have things going on in my mind because I'm believing God for a brighter day so hope changes things a man and let me tell you you don't hang around folk who robbed you of your hope the devil the devil don't have to get you to drink say don't have to get you to commit fornication adultery or to do any of those things all that's gonna rob you of your hope he robbed you of your hope he breaks your spilling I know when you're hopeless you can't say Amen oh I know what a person hope that they can lift their hands when hope is gone there's no wagging of the head and there's no sparkling of the eye when hope is gone with Hope takes you from being a prese to a mannequin when you lose your hope you lose your joy my mind somebody shout hope Paul said we are saved by hope word that save salvation listen not just born again okay limited to being born again as important as that is but their words that save souls the first definition is delivered from it is temporal and material deliverance if you're in a quandary if there is surgery planned if there's a problem hope get you through before it even gets started hope begins to show you how oh my you got a truck with the IRS whoa got behind on your taxes you're in a hole your your your whole life is in the red you don't like the round you don't even like the way we're read anymore cuz your life is in the red but if you could just get some hope hope will show you which credit calls the tear up hope will give you a budget hope we'll put you on a payment plan and you see yourself coming up I'm coming out I'm coming out maybe slowly but surely Oh Samaras out today I have how hope heals our broken heart yes I won't let you stay there it will not allow you to stay there on a stupa having a pity party have you noticed that they're not well attended people don't show up people stay home hope we'll get you out of that situation and it will get you delivered and when I see people brother Davis when I see people who have that indomitable spirit praise the Lord like yourself when I see people like that you know I know I recognize I'm looking at folk wool full of hope folklore santa hope keeps you from quitting my god that that time when life when life delivers a blow and life's blows all the time aren't fair they're not fat they're not fat and you sit there you sit there oh how unfair how wrong why me and after all that when you get through all that hope hope goes our knocking and then your hope says hope says let's do something about it hope says don't stay here amen hope says you can still rise again hope praise Allah takes the open hand and you know I hope does it balls up the fish because hopeless fight back in you God Almighty somebody today Oh relax the Lord fear me [Music] yes hope we'll get you delivered from danger of course hope gives us eternal salvation granted by God I mean hope calls us to be saved that is eternal salvation but but is also deliverance and it's the future deliverance for the Saints we're saved by hope hope in short is desire of some good with the expectation of obtaining it it is the desire of some good something Goods gonna have with the expectation of obtaining it wherever you are today in life don't you let the devil rob you of your desire for something good to come your way and hope will call you to believe but even though I can't see how gonna get it I'm going to get back you can't wrap me you can't stop me I don't know how it is gonna make away somebody with hope prays along with your hopeful hands and your hopeful boys yeah [Applause] if you have hope let me see you wave your hand wave your hand hope will it get you up because you look you're looking for something better you expecting something better and I'll tell you when people live without expectation they show up late all the time they stay in bed all day they can't maintain a job and if they do work there's no that's no choice there's no Spock but for those who have hope hope I have you stuck in traffic on your way to work praise the Lord and while you're sitting there the car next to you did they notice you that you go with a bump in your head a praise in your hands that's something going on cuz even though you may not be moving you still on your way yeah hope is the conviction that I'm on my way you may not see me moving you may not feel it moving it may be Stan it may be stationary but I'm still on my way because even though I'm at a standstill I see God working it out for me I see the Lord walking behind of scene habitation I believe that a Potter day is coming if you have hope today praise the Lord like you're full of hope [Music] thank you franca see you I can't give him a hope because in some cases all I got left is hope lost the money lost my homes lost this lost that that people in here lost my help lost this lost that but I'm not alone I'm not a loser because that's one thing that I haven't lost yet I haven't lost my hope it's the fourth quarter I'm a mole one yard line I got 99 yards sugar but I believe that I can make it believe that I can take it ya don't have any here Oh still believe and you're filled with hope why do you believe make away won't it get you up won't hold make you shop won't hope in Jesus want to give you JA I'm gonna give you power to keep going somebody may look at you and said why are you going you tell them I'm hoping for a brighter day that's a brighter day coming somebody said that hope is the poor man's bread may not happen it may not have any bread on the table but you find yourself chewing smacking what am i eating I'm eating hope cuz if I have hope hope will give me the wherewithal I need to get a loaf of bread hope will give me the way with all I need to get out of this hole because the Lord is on my side because g-gosh is a with man now that Paul said let me execute here Paul said we're saved by hope we're saved by hope but hope that is seen is not hope what do you mean what do you mean Richard here's the understand the mr. lies in the meaning of the words si si is not used as insight but C is used as in having you see if it's already happened and you already have it then there's nothing for you to hope for because you've got pain that already you'll win that gray suit with that black tie and that white shirt you don't hopefully you already have it but there is something else someone else out there's something else there is something else that I'm hoping for si hope deals with that which is beyond your reach what what a man see if why does he hope for it but if we see but if we hope for what we see now if we keep faith but what we have not obtained yet then we will patience we do wait for it that is we wait on the law and we're all good courage we haven't gotten there yet but that's alright we'll go our ways do I have five people here who's waiting on the Lord to do something for them you haven't seen it yet that is your having obtained to death it had to happen yet but you'll put patience waiting for it but why you with patience waiting for it give the Lord of dance give the Lord a praise give the Lord a shuffle of your feet be a waiter for Jesus Christ wait on the law they have good and he will strip in your heart over the god ah and then I had him let me closer I'm preach I'm gonna preach long today I heard him I heard him say wouldn't hope just like hope gives you just like hope gives you strength then I heard him say you got another got somebody else working with you mm-hmm someone else working with you to deal with the sufferings of this present time that's what it's about now the everyday up and downs of this life you got hope that won't let you give up but thank God hope it's not the only thing that's working for you hope to see God bring you out you're not the only thing that's working for you the big picture hope in the glorification of the Saints is not the only thing that's working for you that was someone else working for you and it works the same way hope does in addition to hope the spirit help me power infirmities no we don't you we don't just have hope but we have the Holy Ghost the Holy Ghost gives us power to deal with our human limitation the Holy Ghost gives us power to deal with good ole almighty all and humanity but we all go through and the Holy Ghost gives us power well the Bible say that's my grandson let him preach let him free you please he's look at him look at him look at him and look so I got some new preachers already look at God him and face it not as Ferguson that's right got a new preacher let him preach let me tell you something and know what they're learning [Music] god is good at knee here's here's how the Holy Ghost helps us and Holy Ghost is brilliant he's brilliant oho legals thank he says for we know not what to pray for let me read it now we know not we know not what to pray for as we all know it didn't say that we don't know the art of prayer it didn't say that we didn't know how to pray that's something to be said for knowing hi the best that's the art of play but beyond the art of prayer more important see the more important then the art of prayer is though what a prank now if I had to choose between the two mastering the art or knowing what to say to God I'd do it - what now I'm glad he came better to have the high and the what but he says here we know not what to pray for now Wow I said Lorna what's the best way for me to get the people to see this and he gave me a simple simple simple analogy let's say you're the newbie on a job you just got hired you know nothing about that job your first day okay and letter breach and you asked questions on the job but you don't know anything about the job okay you know what else you don't know you don't know the right questions to ask you don't know what you should inquire into but not but the experienced people they know that you're asking questions but you're asking the wrong question yes sir many times we talk to God about things and the Holy Spirit is standing there saying father they're talking to you about the wrong stuff yes she's praying about that soil or her foot which what she should be praying about is that person who's going to be influenced after I healed her foot but she don't know that so she said seer in talking about the sole owner foot because she's human and humans are limited he's praying about his waiver child but he really father shouldn't be talking to you about the waiver child but the reason he's talking about the waiver child it because that's all he knows he thinks and he sincere father that that's the what he should be talking to you about but father let me through groanings and moaning which cannot be uttered communicate with you what she or he should be talking to you about in the first place so while we're over here we mean right we're in left-field talking to God about what we know Oh God Lord heal me Lord this Lord that the Holy Spirit is saying father let me help them see hips are affirmative let me help them let me help him and the Holy Spirit through groanings and the groanings which cannot be uttered is not speaking tongue this is the language of the Spirit and the father because North where it says it's talking of the Godhead he that knoweth the mind of the Spirit see the next verse tails about it going he goes a little higher says and he that such after hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit because he maketh intercession for the Saints according to the will of God see he that search of thought is God its Christ he knows the mind of the Spirit because the spirit makes intercession for us even why we are interceding for ourself even why we're praying and this is by nobody saying don't worry you should pray all that you know to pray but know while you're praying that all you were praying is all that you know but don't assume that that's all that there is the Holy Ghost knows exactly what should be said to the Father and so you know what he does he interferes he intercedes on our behalf and says father father what they what they're really whatever we're trying to say is that they I know I know she's concentrating on her little boy a little God know when and when when did you have to be praying about this thing we over here so let me talk to you about this thing because this whole thing that they're worried about and bit out of shape about that's already fixed but they don't know see it's humbling it's humbling when you realize that we are just way down here way down way down but what we who we have working for us is God the Holy Ghost who steps in on you know in on our behalf and when he talks for us he brings us way we're back up to where we need to be and the conversation is on point Holy Spirit thank you for your help thank you how else how else do you explain the Lord answering prayers that we don't know the pray I look a few nights ago in winston-salem I prayed as we dismissed I said God give us traveling mercies and Lord keep us and oh God watch over us in Jesus name Holy Spirit says father he's praying oh he knows the pray but Barry and and his wife over here see something getting ready to happen and that's going to be a collision and really intercession need to be me for them now they didn't pray for themselves they didn't know what was going to happen matter of fact unless they're told you don't know what happened BAM you got hit but the Spirit knew and he makes intercession on our behalf how many times have things worked out why we were looking over here it happened over there while we had our concentration in one place God the Holy Spirit said it's actually over here and you see the Lord moving and you go in the world that's our guy next time it happened say old man God the Holy Ghost you did it again you did it again you interceded on my behalf because even though I was asking God all I knew the asking notice the book of Job is about a man asking all the wrong questions and everybody in the book of Job came basically to the wrong conclusion except one man job came to all kinds of conclusions people say job never did say he didn't say it from for chapter 1 and chapter 2 read 3 and and through 42 you find he's sitting quite a bit it's amazing to me you gotta be an intellectual to read a verse in the end at the end of the first chapter or the second child and assume that that verse speaks for the whole chapter got 40 you got 48 more four chapters ago John never did sin not in the first and second chapter keep reading you read what allowances and job in this dial did his sin and he lays out his sin you wouldn't like job before God got through with him he was no self righteous man you ever met in your life matter of fact when he said though he slay me yet well I trust him when I understood that I stopped preaching it mmm no he slay me yet but no Joe was saying I'm more righteous than God for God is unfairly hitting me but yet I'm gonna trust him anyway no do you really think that that's a good thing to say you would think that's a good position to take I don't deserve any of this but the Lord is he's hitting me but I'm gonna trust in me now aren't you glad God doesn't deal with us based on what we deserve [Applause] because if we got what we deserve we'd all be lost there is none righteous the Bible says no not one thank you for your help thank you for hope thank you for your healing power thank you for the strength the ability to keep going and thank you Lord that when I asked all the wrong questions and and and and miss the point when I pray Thank You Holy Spirit first step it in and say well what he's trying to say yeah what he what he needs it what needs to be said to your father is and then God works on our behalf when you combine the promise of our glorification the Ministry of Hope the assistance of the Holy Spirit and now we know that all things work together for the good to them that love the Lord these are the things they is talking about the spiritual realities they team up the coming glorification the ministry of hope the work of the Holy Spirit these things team up to cause good to come our way glory to God and I thank God are they up would you praise him go ready God pray for me preach you pray for me I heard something today that bless me fill the way to God pray for me pray that I keep my hope pray that I walk in this ministry pray for me pray that God hallelujah if you're here and you won't pray meet me at the altar Oh God thank you Jesus pray for me I don't have to pray that the Holy Spirit continues to give the groanings which cannot be uttered because that's like that's like a the heartbeat that's an involuntary muscle that happens he's been doing that all my life he was doing he was doing these things for me even when I didn't know I didn't understand the scripture he was doing it nevertheless glory to God hallelujah what a mighty God we serve he's so good he's so good he's so kind he's wonderful thank you Jesus thank you Lord a brighter day is coming a brighter days come Joel's wife says what you still have your integrity curse God and die the job was right that time you talk like a foolish woman don't you let anybody talk you what you still believe in you're still worshiping you still at the church you still praising the Lord whoa you you know your answers you're being more so now than ever my joy in the Lord is not abated neither is my hope in God of the Bible God of the Bible we come before you right now we thank you today but as we stand on the altar we can see ourselves coming out we can she see us being made better for we have the belief in some good something good coming our way and that somehow we will obtain it hallelujah Heavenly Father we stand before you long we stand before and we thank you for the ministry of the holy ghost hallelujah Jesus now God fill us Alleluia with that spirit of optimism with that hope that gets us up with that hope that gives us strength to continue in the things of God and father we embrace it we thank you for it we see these things working together for our good o God we love you Jesus we love you Jesus we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you we love you Oh God you set us up to succeed you didn't set us up to fail you set us up to succeed for whom you did foreknow you did predestinate to be conformed into the image of your sons so you put all these things in place ahead of time so that we can make it so that we can get through all we got to do is know these things and grab hold of these spiritual realities in the name of Jesus now father we just praise you right now we praise you right now praise them for the setup praise him for the setup praise it was setting you up to succeed you have not been set up to fail somebody nailed or refined you have not been set up to fail you've been set up to succeed original glory to God glory to God glory to God glory to God [Music] thank you thank you there may be someone here who is not saved we will pray for you and Christ will save you if you're here and you're not saving you don't know Jesus raise your hand and we'll take the time to lead you to the Lord hallelujah glory to God there may be somebody who is not filled with the Holy Ghost not filled with the spirit oh you want the Holy Ghost at work in your life now to be honest what he describes here in the text though it's not the baptism of the Holy Ghost it's the Ministry of the Holy Spirit on behalf of all believers because he tells us in the succeeding verses for whom he did foreknow he did predestinate to be conformed into the image of his son and see and he talks about how he justified us and all that see he said all these things in place sylia before you got saved said it all up see the Lord have not set up any of us to fail if we fail we fail despite him if your marriage fails it fails despite the Holy Spirit speaking on your behalf the Holy Spirit telling the Lord how to pray so you got to work hard to fill in because you got to go against all the things that the Lord has going for you all the things hope the the the day of reckoning when we're going to be glorified all these things are in your favor and if with all these you still find a way to mess it up you're good God takes a lot of work to ruin what the Lord had put in place and I'll tell you I'll identify the work I'll tell you what it's called it's called a hard hard hard heartedness some of you hard huh I'm done I'm done I'm not gonna get stuck I'm not going down this road hard heartedness will ruin you nobody's willing to budge you won't give you won't move you you take you take more joy in standing your ground let's all my stand on scripture don't standing your ground God hadn't called us to stand our ground God called us to stand on the Word of God and then sometimes you'll have to you ever let just dawn on you next week sometimes in standing you don't just stand on the letter but you stand on the Spirit of the law not it's not just a letter but the spirit of the thing see the the the Pharisees got caught up in the letter of the law for the Sabbath but they didn't understand the spirit of the law for the Sabbath if you get caught up in the letter of it then you walk around on Sabbath day to see who's working if you understand the spirit of the fast day you walk around to see who's faster and who's not you if you if you if you if you if you own the ladder but if you understand understand the spirit of a thing the spirit of the Sabbath was designed for us to rest in God get restored so that we could go back and do the work the the spirit of a day set aside for faster is so that Saints will learn to consecrate and to have a disciplined life and to to learn how to go before the Lord it was not designed for people to be each other's inspectors I'm gonna leave that alone and the letter that is the spirit and so I think [Music] you
Channel: God First Official Channel
Views: 1,828
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Id: x5Z9tB_BRXI
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Length: 57min 19sec (3439 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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