Navy Survival Rations Abandon Ship & Coast Guard Emergency Food (Part 2) Oldest Pemmican Ever Eaten

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you all right so we got the food pack is survival abandon ship this one's from 1973 this one is from 1992 anyway got that and we have this 1973 data production life but life draft rations containing seven ounces of pemmican 8 ounces of ration C six ounces of chocolate and 11 ounce malted milk or sucrose tablets okay so let's get this out onto a tray nice okay so I'm going to start out with the abandoned ship packets first alright starting with this one there's a slit right here it's easy to open these things contain about 400 calories and are for your absolute bare minimum scenario out on a life draft or you know caught out at sea or on an island you have like extremely low supplies including water and you still need a caloric intake and you know to keep your energy levels morale up but without provoking thirst and also you can't have something that's really high in protein because it requires more water to assimilate so pretty much that's in short this one's a mess because that's right those oh yeah it smells so weird I the they're these little sucrose travels in here that totally liquefied and have like definitely affected everything I'm going to take this stuff out just leave in my hand as I open it and then I'm gonna wash this stuff off look at the tablets what they did you see they're like liquefied and they're like yeah they're not really edible like I'll just try out this little mmm oh yeah yeah yeah that tastes like weird coughs Europe or something and yet like it's the this was such a cool ration I mean you got matches we're actually gonna I'm gonna wipe this stuff down and see if the oh my gosh look at that not that the matches work so that's cool but this packets seen better days I mean look at it that weird sucrose masters I think they're citric lipid tablets or you know something like that there's definitely some sort of rancidity to it plus like bite and vitamins or something they added or a food coloring didn't work out oh yeah and here the jelly board I'm gonna wipe all this stuff down real quick after Narae I'm back and this is where I salvaged and washed up they aren't completely sticky I mean you could practically pick up the jelly bars just by touching it it was so sticky they were probably citric lipid tablets and if they used mint sucrose tablets which were put in food packet survival abandoned ship packets they just not all the mass smells so weird but there's just something weird like an old food coloring and that other and it actually kind of smells a little bit minty from the Chiclets and it's weirdest stuff and I'm gonna check this up manufactured by Fred D a man company Danville Illinois everything was still made in the USA and oh here's the ingredients anyway let's check these out okay so oh boy all right ah no no these just mmm it's sweet with an undertone of like fowl and then mint it doesn't make any sense roast rat warrant hmm hmm there's a weird under ton of mint to like an artificial orange I've great this is a part I dread lime yeah uh no now oh oh all right that's when you got biting the other one get the taste out OOP Oh chase is like the line oh yeah yeah well they're still edible that's the weird part this is still fully edible I'm not gonna say that it's great because it sure as heck isn't but you hold up what is that 43 years later it's not too bad now try out the Chiclets mmm they're kind of wet because I had to wash them I guess water got into the little packet after that weird gooey stuff got on there but yeah bites right in tastes better than modern gum because I used real wintergreen oil an actual sugar back then instead of all the fake stuff they put in gum nowadays I prefer this gum oh the new stuff hmm okay now let's check out the 1992 food packet survival abandon ship now the old ones an old packet a case contain 15 of those and two packs of unfiltered cigarettes the new ones here came in a case of 16 with no cigarettes lift just three packs of charms and a pack of gum there it is it's the first time I've run into peppermint gum on these always ran in this wintergreen yep charms tuffington Tennessee so these charms are probably still perfect and I mean you want to see me try out all the flavors I'm going to go straight for Pina Colada because I'll play this right now that's that's really good stuff you want to see me try out all the flavors I just had some and I think it was the 1993 omelet with ham there's the Pina Colada oh yeah just a nice sweet pineapple tropical flavor see this they're considered bad luck out in the field like if you were needing to be rescued I don't think you need bad luck so Otto about the charms but I'll say this they are good for a survival situation when you're trying to just cut up a little bit of caloric intake without having to worry about having to process a bunch of protein that requires more water and the gum let's check it out hard as a rock go figure the one from 1973 was fresher than the one from 1992 mmm yeah that's always weird okay so there's the stuff from the food packet survival pad and [ __ ] now let's check out this lifeboat and life draft ration all right so so we're going to need that p38 can opener for this one huh this is exciting see how it held up no hiss all right let's get that off there oh wow look at that smells smells old alright now I want to release a little pressure puncture a hole on the other side as well hopefully that helped a little that shortbread hmm it smells pretty rancid stale tropical bars rate these things and it's always fun look at that fruit panicking and it's bulged it leaked on the top bummer a bunch of candy just a can full of candy and a like oh geez look at the bottom I can uh okay so like click it food for sportsman fruit pemmican look at that picture that's pretty cool I know gosh look it uh-oh that's totally foul oh gosh look at that thing it's just totally it looks like coal but it won't even come out but I don't know oh look at that it looks like really compressed coffee grounds or like like really rich soil or something like and it bulged I don't know it's let me just try out a little taste hmm oh yeah I don't know good eye kind of tastes fine um I don't know it's just look at this stuff my gate don't mind me chewing tobacco like alright one more try here I like it hmm I don't know why but that's actually not that bad alright so like it tastes like beef jerky mixed with dry fruit and um yeah I don't know how that's still actually good cuz stared bulged you know like they the seal is done for good why did I I hope I'll be alright with that a little bit that's all I'm gonna do with that cuz you know what if it's like I mean there's meat in there something could have gone wrong I guess it smells pretty foul but then it's like God then it has this like nice fruit leather kind of undertone to it I don't know let's try out one of these weird biscuits alright um where do you even open this thing oh there we go that works alright oh they're pretty crumbly right let's just here let's just throw that one down let's grab a whole one I want to show you I want to see what it looks like okay let's see here shortbread uh-huh okay well these are some nice-looking little cookies when you're out stranded hmm sweet rhythm up Oh with the leg up undertone a really sharp rancidity oh man I just its butt I just want to make sure no I mean I don't think it's edible anymore okay let's go for it Andy it's kind of nice yeah it looks almost like maybe like a strawberry sort of thing hmm it is maybe cherry oh that's so good hmm hmm yeah all right so you got one two three four five six Hershey's tropical bars too bad these always get all bloated and nasty like after you know a bunch of time yeah this one I might go for that one any of these good for display I don't think so they're all kind of messed up what a shame I could never find any of these like intact well that's like Ashley D snow it went and loaded at the end there and they all did that that's a shame how many of these little candies do you get two I wonder like one cheese I don't even know it's like we give you a ton of candy okay it looks like at least 50 pieces of candy with that pile of candy they give you just a pile of candy biscuits and some chocolate and Pamuk and it's actually a decent survival ration back when it was fresh this thing was a good survival ration look at this tropical bar here huh that's just like getting everywhere and I couldn't open that wrapper like wanted to the wrapper jeez alright that well so no turning back now mmm oh it's so brittle II OOP Oh like it's like it kind of tastes like sweet bread oh yeah Mikey ow it's just so bad I don't like recommend anyone try and survive I'll hold her she's tropical bars I mean I guess the Candy's still good the biscuits aren't edible anymore the pemmican tastes more edible than the biscuits and the pemmican burst so like yeah I don't think that's a good idea eating either and these Hershey's tropical bars hmm what that's all yeah well Hershey's tropical bars don't hold up and I don't know I need to get that taste out of my mouth something a little more normal here this thing would have been great if it came with some gum or some cigarettes even better oh come on thing great that cellophane gets stuck on it No all right it's a nice cherry with some weird some other tone up the red coursing through it it makes it seem a little bit more natural although I bet that red dyes probably banned now hmm not bad well I guess the ration see are the biscuits and sucrose tablets so you get 11 ounces of that so I was like you know five ounces short of a pound of candy and six ounces of chocolate so they give you 6 1 ounce tropical bars these don't hold up I've subjected myself to enough I mean it's not going to kill me but no it's just not a pleasant experience you could probably actually live off it that's the weird part mildly rancid but not to the point where you're in the danger zone anyway I'm going to see what I can restore off this I can't see it doing much but I'm I feel like I can't really just throw it away this is the end of part 2 the survival ration series and that was a life boat and life raft rations US Coast Guard approved August 1973 data production along with the 1973 food pack of survival abandon ship and in 1992 we would pack a survival abandon ship all right this is Steve 1989 off Emory infocom we'll be coming back with part three all right cool see ya you you
Channel: Steve1989MREInfo
Views: 449,066
Rating: 4.9041824 out of 5
Keywords: navy, ration, pemmican, food review, mre review, ration review, abandon ship, coast guard, emergency food, steve1989, mreinfo, oldest pemmican ever eaten, gschultz9, gundog4314, kiwi dude, bailout ration, ration pack, food packet, food packet survival, abandon ship food, emergency food liferaft meal, liferaft food, emergency meal, survival food, apocalypse food, meal ready to eat, charms, jelly bars, survival kit, mre steve, air force, army, us military, us ship
Id: 7aU84_xCWKE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2016
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