March 1943 US Army Field Ration C Dinner B Unit MRE Review Vintage Meal Ready to Eat Taste Test

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I was in the US Army when I married my first wife in 1960. We rented a studio a few blocks off base that we could barely afford. If we hadn't been able to buy marked-down C rations, we would have had to live on love alone. My wife was a Navy brat, so she knew how to use the stuff.

Most of the canned food was actually well-known brands, but packed in olive-drab cans with generic descriptions. Names like "Lima Beans with Ham" or "Beef Stew" were clear enough, but "Vegetables with Meat" always provoked flights of fancy at our dinner table.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SemichiSam 📅︎︎ Dec 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] we're gonna be checking out a 1943 data production World War 2 US Army Field rash and CB unit specifically a dinner B unit by June 1942 that the B units not only had coffee but they also included lemon juice powder and cocoa beverage powder just depending on which being that you were getting this can is in great shape he's still on the bottom just a couple small dings it's amazing the gold lacquered can biscuit confection and beverage now the M unit of course meat meat unit you'd get three M units and three beans per day says save key to open M unit that was 43 and onward the sea ration B units they would change and very pretty much like month by month a breakfast be and it would have coffee printed at the top actually was always five letters instead of six so you were always short that e but then a supper be in it had cocoa all right so let's check this out pull off that key with that tab no hits check that out right off the top one in one to five ounce domino cane sugar granulated American Sugar Refining Company New York New York whoa what no wait sorry I'm freaking out it's it has cigarettes in there dude yes this must be a March 1943 date of production I've read about this okay a little that's a little 3-pack Chelsea better cigarette trademark registered u.s. patent official manufactured by the makers of Edgeworth America's finest pipe tobacco made in USA Reed tobacco company branch florists and bro Company Incorporated Richmond Virginia new mildness yeah a little 3-pack so this is this is the original c-ration cigarette okay it was only in the breakfast and dinner B units didn't fit in the suppers because the cocoa beverage powder took up too much space all right so you get three candies hard candies this is unbelievable I can't I'm sorry I'm just so excited they only had them in B units breakfast and dinner B and as they tested it for a month I read that the tobacco poisoned the flavor of everything else like it made everything taste like tobacco I don't know we'll see lemon juice powder synthetic that's hardened up but not like a hundred percent manufactured by Henry Hyde incorporated new york new york USA vitamin c potencies 60 milligrams will seven gram pack of lemon juice powder synthetic he a bunch of sugar a pack of cigarettes no matches three hard candies it looks looks like you get two of one flavor and then one of another lady butterscotch maybe orange this is like glassine you know it's like a parchment paper double layer near your biscuits and they smell fine actually you know what they do kind of smell like tobacco a little bit yeah so then you get five biscuits so there you go that's looking pretty good all right let's get sat on your tray nice okay so let's first start off with that synthetic lemon juice powder got to kind of work it around a little bit so this is 75 years old going on 76 Chelsey's will be I've had Chelsea's out of a k-ration oh my gosh even this is looking pretty good and I think it's at the front whoops yeah well it's not all black and you know like oxidized man this is one of the coolest rations I've ever opened it really is okay drop this in a mess cup yeah we're not the smell it smells dull of lemon like a dull must eat lemon but it's not that bad that's the best looking lemon juice powder synthetic that I've seen yet well you that box sweeten it with domina that's a big old box of sugar little box of sugar might as well use it all see if this stirs up very well at all or they're not kinda looks like yeah you'll be getting those these like little lemon bits they'll take a minute I've seen this kind of thing before but you know just heavily oxidized so I'm going to stir this up and take a few minutes potentially is try it as is like a nice mild and very sweet surprisingly strong lemonade considering that they're still so much like at the bottom that's not you know mixed in yet yeah that's awesome it's like tasty lemonade this is a ration that is perfectly preserved as far as I'm concerned the cigarettes they they don't feel crunchy in these biscuits speaking of crunchy let's see if these have a nice crunch here let me grab a candy too actually a grab all right looks like a lemon juice powder yeah that's pretty pretty chunky but it's getting there yeah these the biscuits they do smell like tobacco and you just try a little piece of robot and it perfectly fine okay so late tastes like a whole wheat like a little bit of a roughage course you know green texture I'm just gonna dip it in lemon juice oh well lemonade would sit down to crumbs it's bothering me get out of spoons from 1917 the lemon juice powders you know small extra space that's freed up would be allotted for that three extra sugar cube amount but in this one they're not messing around they give you a box of sugar you're gonna need it and this stuff was really not light a lot of times but it was also the only perform if I even see that those soldiers were getting I think I'm gonna stop stirring at this the spoon this 1917 spoon just smells and tastes like metal mess of batty boy I'm gonna eat my World War 1 ration with it but that's about it and he doesn't matter that it's just really old it's like you know I'm not worried about the the spoon smelling like metal with that one but this I want a pleasant experience it's a perfect ration mmm this is so cool well little mop the metal excuse me a little bit of metal oxidation on that one probably not gonna eat that one the helmet looks fine oh yeah I'm just gonna eat this real quick has a hearty wholesome biscuit every time is the airy kind of like wafer get those sweet white for the lemonade I'll admit it has a slight tinge of something I mean it tastes awesome but then there's just this weird other flavor to it anyway so it's candy we have a cellophane really not wanting to come off at 100% how it looks like Yammer check this out it smells light of butterscotch hmm it's a fruit flavor it's not butterscotch it smells like butterscotch but it's like a fruity flavor is hard candy this really reminds me of a cylinder shaped charm like an orange pineapple hmm you have these biscuits yeah he's happily go really satisfying and unique Airy crunch and natural whole grain flavor and texture they're relatively theorist provoking they have a slight metallic flavor something that's probably stale or I'm not sure but I actually I couldn't get to sleep and this is what happened so then this candy this definitely looks different from the other one hmm okay now that's the butterscotch I knew I smelled butterscotch whoa hey I got an extra I'm gonna eat that thing I should save it for display too you know with this biscuit but it'll probably liquify if I dip the candy in epoxy or something and then rewrap it that's a natural sweet butterscotch flavor I'm just gonna stand here and enjoy this thing alright let's check out this smokes I don't want to mess up the packaging too much if possible yeah it's a little 3-pack that's for sure the only other time ever seen a 3-pack was in that emergency parachute ration smells like raisins sweet flowers I think it's some kind of like gardenia or something and a light amount of vanilla which is something I've never smelled in a cigarette before that's no joke you smoke not as notable on the drive home just lightly sweet that's me that's for sure smooth a little bit dry and again I mean the smell was the most notable part the dry pole was very mild the flavor is so far at least pretty mild just tastes like a you know full flavor and unfiltered cigarette that's a little bit dry whoo yeah this is this is strong that's a strong cigarette but it's not nearly as strong as that Chelsea out of the cater option dinner that that was awful this is a real cigarette experience it's not like a a drag this is kind of burning fast but um so the things exceptional I mean I read the Raleigh's which we haven't come across in Raleigh yet looks like a guy from the three musketeers on the front of that pack [Music] two or three packs of Raleigh's would trade for one pack of Lucky Strikes yeah so those weren't very good tobacco not sure how this would fare I'd still say Lucky Strikes and candles are the best I think I like this more than Chesterfield it's not quite as strong and bold a little bit lighter and you know tobacco and for being an unfiltered that's nice because usually these things will make you feel like you need to sit down halfway through this taste like a normal good quality slightly dry full flavored unfiltered cigarette can't go wrong US army field rations see dinner be in it from March 1943 you don't find that every day it was the first generation of the sea ration cigarette well anyway this is Steve 1989 I hope you liked the video I'll be coming back at you with something new her old alright cool see [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Steve1989MREInfo
Views: 1,796,827
Rating: 4.9443045 out of 5
Keywords: mre, ration, army, food, military, meal, ready, to, eat, pack, survival, camping, emergency, ASMR, steve1989, mreinfo, steve, mci, ww2, korea, vietnam, gulf, war, modern, civilian, packaged, packet, oldest, cigarette, smoked, eaten, tasting, crazy, rarest, amazing, SHTF, review, MRE, Steve, Taste, Test, WW2 MRE, Oldest Cigarette, WW2 MRE Taste Test, C Ration, US Army Field Ration C, Oldest Food Eaten, WW1 Ration, Steve1989 MRE Taste Test
Id: 52SpfF1yvA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 28 2019
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