Navy Racks - USS Sampson

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Hey, welcome to Naval Base San Diego. I'm BM1 Jesse Crider from Detroit, Michigan. And welcome to my home away from home the USS Sampson. Let me show you around. Request permission to come aboard ma'am. Any time you come aboard a Naval vessel we're going to salute the Ensign and we're going to request permission to come aboard and then we are going to greet the officer of the deck as a courtesy. How you doing Master Chief. Master Chief - Oh good morning, good morning. This is Command Master Chief Fortson, she's the senior enlisted leader on board. She's also in charge of the crews welfare and morale. And she's the enlisted liaison between the captain and the enlisted crew. Master Chief - Good job Sailor of the year. You are in good hands today. Enjoy your tour today on board the mighty warship - Sampson. Alright, so now we are down in the berthing area. Every Sailor is issued a stand up locker and also a coffin rack. Underneath your rack, there's plenty of storage space for everything that you need to bring on board. Uniforms, toothpaste, toothbrush, you can also store civilian clothes. The racks might looks small, but they are actually very comfortable. As you can see there's more than enough room for you to get in here and get comfortable and catch some z's. If you guys'll excuse me, I'm going to catch a nap real quick. Alright, so where I'm going to take you guys now is over to the shower and head area. Catch a drink of water down here, then you can come over to the head area and take care of business. Maybe wash up before you go get some chow. I'll take you over to the showers. Ya know, everyone needs to stay fresh and clean. But we're gong to go ahead and get out of here 'cause there's someone using the shower. Right now we are at the ship's kitchen, it's also know as the galley. At home you might cook for four, here we're cooking for 270 people. These guys are always in here turnin' and burnin'. Right now it looks like they've got the dessert laid out, prepping some vegetables for the salad bar, gotta get your broccoli. Alright, let's take a look at what we got in the refrigerator today. Chocolate cake and some OJ. Let's go check out the mess decks. This is the ship's lunch room. It's called the Tin Can Alley. Every ship's mess deck has a name. Right here you can come grab a cup of coffee, maybe a cup of cappuccino or some juice. Gotta a soup and salad bar. We also have the Salior phones so you can call mom. Besides coming in here and grabbing three meals a day, sit down maybe watch a DVD or some TV, play a game of cards or sit down and play some video games. It's a good place for the crew to relax. Right here we have our Navy cash machine, it's our ATM on board. I'll go ahead and pull out some money real quick. Looks like my card was declined. And we also have ship board mail on board. One of the best things while on deployment is to get a package. There like gold. Here we are at the Combat Information Center also know at CIC. This is where we find out who is friendly and who's our enemy, and decide what we're going to do with them. You're not allowed in there, because it's classified. Alright, so were up on the bridge now. Up on the 04 level, I have to go up four flights of stairs to get up here. We have everything from remote controlled machine guns to the ships wheel or helm. This is where we steer the ship from. At any given time we might have ten people up here standing watch. Either navigating at the table over here. Or standing lookout up here. You guys want to follow me over to the next space. Here we are out on the focsal. We do a lot of important things out here on the focsal. I know it's covered right now, but that's where we take fuel. And we can't pull up to Chevron when we're out to sea. And we also have the spy radar, this gives us a 360 degree picture around the ship. Over here we have the VLS deck or the Vertical Launching System. And we have the five inch guns. This is what we use to get the bad guys and keep you at home safe. Now I'd like to introduce you guys to Thunder and Lightening. They're our ships small boats. Also known as rigid haul inflatable boats or RIB for short. What we use them for is transferring Sailors from ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore. We can also use them to protect the ship. These boats are seven meters in length, and they go about 30 knots. Alright, well thanks for coming by. I showed you the ship, I showed you my weapons, I showed you the berthing. I showed you where we eat, where we sleep. But now it's time for me to go back to work. So I need you to get out of here. See ya. Announcer Voice: departing.
Channel: America's Navy
Views: 853,993
Rating: 4.8218679 out of 5
Keywords: Navy, Naval, Sailor, USS, Sampson, destroyer, sailors, racks
Id: eXDdh5zRle0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2009
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