Navy Ship (Destroyer) Berthing Tour

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hi i'm gonna give you a tour of my birthing um birthing is place where you live on the ship i hope this gives you an idea of what it looks like and i hope it's interesting and helpful okay so let me turn this around on the lower level um this is how you get down it's really steep but this is what it looks like when we're coming through here um we have boot cubbies where we put our shower shoes this one's fine our shower shoes boot cubbies um pt shoes this is our ironing board and here we leave our iron and this is one aisle this is mine i live on the bottom rack so there's good and bad things to each levels of racks um and i'll explain it a bit so for mine i've lived in here since i got on board three years ago and i haven't moved ever since just because i got used to it so good thing about being a bottom rack is that it's easy easily accessible i can crawl into my rack and get out easily with having without having problems for the most part um it's easy for me to see my stuff okay let me open this so this is the compartment space that we have in our racks mine is pretty empty i'm in the process of moving out right now but i put the stuff that i need easily accessible right here my hair stuff this doesn't get expected like it does in boot camp so you can just organize it however you like i usually put my toiletries in here workout clothes and civilian clothes here and put underwear here and uniforms there obviously it's not in its space right now bad thing about being on the bottom rack is that sometimes the birthing floods and it could be from maybe a toilet leaking or anything like that and it could i've heard of it i wasn't here when it happened but it could come up to up here and the water can seep into your stuff so that kind of sucks um we have emergency escape breathing devices down here um in case of an emergency we need to get out um and there is no clean air to breathe so that will provide us about 10 minutes until we can escape the ship um this is for privacy of course our rack is the only personal um spot that we have for ourselves so um this is the curtains help with privacy when we're sleeping in here we can have our own personal blanket and this is for our towel hook and i have a little air freshener in there also right here we have a ventilation it keeps our towels from being disgusting inside of iraq that is a book cubby and we have a little light oh and these are to keep us from rolling out of our racks from whenever we go underway out to sea we don't want to be falling out of our racks because it happens and this is a little secret compartment secret box um that opens to another spot in here i keep a spare key just in case like i lock myself out and i left my keys at home or something so i keep a spare key in here so the middle rack is usually reserved for e5 and above i could have moved into a middle rack but i was i was too comfortable down here to move um so yeah it depends on what ship you're on and what the rules are but here on my ship it's e5 and above so the good thing about being a middle rack is for obvious reasons is that it's a metal rack you don't have to crouch down so low to get your stuff like you do for the bottom rack um the bad thing is that people usually leave their stuff on your rack like if you're a top rack it's easy to just you know leave your stuff here sometimes when people are folding their clothes they like to use the middle rack for the top rack the good thing about it is that there's so much space so much more space up here see it's not like it's not like down here where it's like you're limited over here you have so much more space you can sit up um whatever if you're a taller person you can see all your stuff but for me like my head doesn't even like reach up to here so i'm gonna have to like step on this thing or step on that you know like crawl into everything even just to see what's in inside um so it's fine if you're taller i wouldn't want this rack um but yeah pros is there's so much more space cons that you can't reach it it'd be hard too so in this aisle there's 12 girls six on each side and then we have our stand-up lockers [Music] this is our bathroom like there's three one two and three and the toilet i don't i don't know if i want to show you the toys kind of gross and we have living room space down here couches can fit whoever and we have a tv and a c-bag locker which is for the entire ship i don't have keys out right now but yeah so that's our birthing and how we live that one's mine right here so i hope you found that kind of helpful for any of you guys that were curious i know i was before i came to the ship so yeah if you have any questions let me know [Music]
Channel: Joann Basilio
Views: 230,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: us navy, ship, destroyer, berthing, tour, deployment
Id: hwGCQrQ8jU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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