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okay welcome to the video if they wanted to listen for a while about to do an under way it's gonna be a small under way but it's pretty much the same thing throughout the video that you can get for deployment or any duration of under ways so we're gonna go into Walmart I wasn't go to the commissary but it is 10:30 tonight you can see it and yeah schedule this whole entire week he's been crazy on the ship trying to get the ship underway for those of you that are watching this that will be going to a ship or ownership now you understand it or you will be understanding how crazy the ship life is but we're gonna go in here some of the stuff we've already gotten so it's not going to be every single item but majority of it I'll just show you probably after we leave the store and just go over each piece but he's gonna go into Walmart over here yeah get some stuff [Music] she's so happy she swears she still a knight takes me okay pick a lock a combination locks for good and the queue ops are good but you already have plenty but I'd highly recommend that being a couple of those because you're gonna need them for your walk there [Music] we're not gonna get it now y'all heard it words don't butter that I used to I'm a good for you to a Feeny this ring let me things a bit so great [Music] [Music] Pitambar these cases if you and I you spoke but I don't see your face there it's just a party arrested I'll go over some other stuff as I'm putting it into the sea bag I like to you to see bad one because what we are required to have him on board to use a lot of stuff in it and it's easy to carry all your stuff back on board and it fits nicely inside your act once you take everything out and it's not like carrying of a duffel bag or some type of a suitcase that you don't have space for so recommends still using your sea legs and they're using their sea bags don't forget you can roll it down same way we do make it into a square and then just start building up and unroll them at the top okay oh well these are the same hose that I've been using the they used to be weight control but approaching the fire we're just old mill just because it's good for breakfast and snack time and popcorn as you'll have time later in the evening see if you download movies things like that you can use it or if you just want a good snack kind of punch it turn it back in because the galley does not always have foods that you're gonna like to eat so these are good one for snack and if you need to use them for a dinner then you can I'm probably doing this tomorrow Barbara on station so I just got that just because you don't - no more snack items chip check that's my wife her okay so supplements it's good to put I have to punch these packets I'll put this in at the end but it's good to have protein whether your unemployment award it's going under way high-protein snack add to your meals and then you can't workout on the board if your gym is ready to go so whatever supplements you're taking if you take any make sure you pack those that's the position an issue at the Penrose issue that it's an issue but upon this little bag on Amazon really really cool to torch you back I've had this actually boarded while on deployment and super small but it fits you can hang it up while you're doing also that you need to do we get a shower where things like that but strippers should be cheap and I can find it I'll just link it down below in the description box but I mean as you see like how small it is but it that's a full full can of shaving cream little thing of lotion toothpaste some face wash back there toothbrush and then also carries everything up here to razors and some extra razors up here and then some other small stuff sir I recommend get one of these that way all your stuff is not sitting on the counter there's a lot of time those cameras get wet so make sure you got your torture items and then make sure you have extras feel like I was saying last night extra toothpaste deodorant lotions whatever you're using to body wash and shampooed because you're either going to lose them forget them in the shower in the head leave them out people going to still on things like that so interpreters once you have water officials next we'll put in our detergent so keep it simple these pots a lot better than having the liquids or the powders they fit into your locker and things like that you don't become about halfway and you're going to need you're gonna want baby wipes so make sure you have plenty of those wet sprayed will you wear boots every day all day so make sure you are protecting your feet extra razors and these are just some stuff that we need around the ship or that I need for my work space so sandpaper some caulking sometimes hard get hazmat items and it's hard to get those kind of items in the store the ship to pay for so it's either just to go ahead and take care of that I'm gonna put this at the end but just a cleaner that way your workspace smells good in your your living space smells good and then I have a hanger I have a metal hanger you can use plastic or metal but I like to hang up my towel and my my loofah or washcloth or whatever you're going to use on your locker so make sure you have something convenient like a hangar Olivia we gotta buy extra undershirt yeah shower shoes so I have a pair of my rack right now but I'm going to make these my primaries and then I'm going to use the ones that are in the rack now as as the secondary got your shower shoes here your lights all spring so obviously make sure you have your uniform items or your coveralls you're in dubs and make sure you got boots whether you have coming pairs of boots or whatever make sure your boots I got plenty of extra socks because we're going to be sweating a lot you're usually on station you're doing a lot of stuff running on the ship so you're going to be sweating and running around a lot more than normal day today so have plenty of socks plenty underwear plenty of undershirts so I think I buy a pack on undershirt or two when we go to base to jump off the seat ride but I'm just going to put the rustic clothes in here that's pretty much all that I need to need to do clothes towel me yeah so I gotta fold let alone the rest of some of these clothes I have feel Emily packing and then devil gonna go pick up some stuff from base and then we put it all on the ships next time you see it will be at ship all right so it's kind of messy but this is gonna be my locker it's very very small smaller than your normal school locker but I got this little shelf in here that I've had since deployment I had to modify it a little bit but um Walker and then I have a metal rack so little bit of snacks uniform clothes and I put anything here we do have a good nice drawer dirty clothes we'll go back here whenever they fill up and then I'll just wash them uniform item towels and shower stuff and shower shoes blanket you need a blanket [Music] and then lastly you have curtains someone tried to steal your Kurt or use there are all these are credits ladies are here because that curtain here you know creates a nice where to [Music] so I said be a quick video and you have any questions about it everything let me know this is our medical space so a lot of things I keep here I'm having a small little Walker I like to keep my snacks and some personal items but I try to keep a lot of the uniform items inside of medical or outside my workspace because it seemed to disappear when it comes to birthing you have it hanging out boots I don't like that so yeah only a couple days so what you guys saw is what fun will happen for the next couple days pretty much everything is good to go and I'll be here tomorrow morning bright and early and then we're going to take off and we'll see how that away goes so but you guys doing the video if you did make sure you comment down below some more topics or some questions that you want me to enter pertaining this video or whatever video or any information about Corman or should and I mean Goods you left no address [Music]
Channel: Matt Owens
Views: 78,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: corpsman, navy, us, United States, United States navy, theowensmatt, matt owens, deployment, underway, sea, sailor, packing, traveling, hawaii, shiplife, viral, education, military, oahu, vlog, lifest
Id: Y7jLfOBhVsE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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