Natural Immunity VS Enhanced Immunity: New Data from Israel

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and we're live welcome back to another live session so today we're going to answer the question or help to review some of the questions that israeli scientists have been seeking answers for and that is comparing reinfection rates for individuals who have been prior infected compared to breakthrough cases in fully vaccinated subjects in the largest real world sample and the longest track sample database in the world uh so far to date i should say so now the reason why we're doing this is not to doubt or question or uh you know say that you shouldn't get immunized i just want to make that very clear because this is something that um you know a lot of the scientists are here talking about uh we want to interpret this data with caution because i think a lot of people overestimate how healthy they actually are underestimate the number of you know pre-existing or underlying health conditions or their risk factors so we want to be very clear here and i want to make that clear to youtube and anyone who watches this video this is not an anti-vaccination message whatsoever but this message and hopefully the data from this pre-print study from the title here that we're going to talk about is uh you can see it on the screen here it's i think prior immunity and based upon the data here that we're going to review very very soon prior immunity should count for something and up to now we've kind of relegated it as well suboptimal insufficient uh the the body's natural immune system doesn't really have the capabilities of making something that is you know that we have the ability now to enhance by way of immunization and let's review the data because the data really speaks for itself and what's unique about this data set is this data set was collected during june and up to august uh august 14th of 2021 so this is accounting for of course the delta variant now we know that this delta variant is more transmissible we know that the cdc has published a data set looking at a very s seeking to answer a very similar question what are reinfection rates in individuals who are immunized versus not and what they found is that there was a 2.56 greater odds of non-immunized people getting infected uh compared to individuals who had been prior exposed but that tracking period was during may and june of this year so let's dive into this i think there's some really interesting findings here that that also challenged my beliefs one of the things we've talked a lot about uh you know since we started this channel and of course during the whole pandemic was co-morbidities and what was interesting and this is why it's good to hear data and si you know perspectives from different sides even if they challenge your own biases and beliefs here is that co-morbidities did not influence the efficacy of the immunization and that's what i thought was interesting and i thought wow this is this is really challenging my biases so let's dive into the study and really talk about this and talk about the nuances uh and please let's view this with an open mind the title of this preprint that was published by israeli scientist is comparing stars kobe to natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity re-infections versus breakthrough infections now what's important about this study it was there there were 673 000 fully vaccinated people and what's key here friends is the time point at which they were vaccinated and the time point at which the individuals had had a prior infection okay so they were the same so individuals in order you know the data was collected the criteria here was fully vaccinated people must have had their vaccine before the 28th of february of 2021. now the individuals in the group that had the prior infection must have had a prior infection before that same time point okay so again we're comparing apples to apples that's what's important and that's what makes this study a little bit different from the cdc study that we're going to talk about here now it's important again to view things from two different perspectives we often get stuck in our confirmation biases and i i encourage all of you to listen to different political views listen to different perspectives when it comes to this whole pandemic and everything so that you can you know hear both sides because sometimes you don't know what you don't know okay so that being said uh there were 662 000 individuals that had a prior infection before february of 2021 and then they had a third cohort here and this was 42 000 individuals that had a prior infection before february 28 2021 but they also received one dose of the pfizer vaccine okay now they collected data you know new new uh infections between june and and august 14th of 2021 so during this follow-up period there was 257 cases of stars kobe 2 amongst all of these you know 700 000 individuals right some of which have been infected some of which hadn't and what they found is that of out of these 257 recorded documented cases these new cases what they found was 238 occurred in the vaccinated group and 19 occurred in the previously infected group meaning that those were re-infections okay after adjusting for comorbidities we found a statistically significant 13-fold increased risk for breakthrough infection as opposed to re-infection so this is important to really talk about here when you see epidemiological studies what they are doing is we're just talking about it's it's basically thinking in terms of bets there's a book out there i think it's called thinking in terms of bets it could be off a little bit but we need to think about probability these studies can't tell exactly because everyone's unique and individual and there's different variables but what these studies are intended to look at is what are the odds or what is the probability of a breakthrough in a fully vaccinated person or a reinfection in someone who has already been exposed and the the individuals who hadn't been infected but are fully vaccinated had a higher likelihood of having a breakthrough compared to individuals who had a prior infection and having them get re-infected now in both groups there was both cases in in both but uh as this the study says here that 230 breakthroughs occurred and now we need to understand this data set is very large of the of and i'll just share with you uh this right here this image so you can see this um we're talking about 673 000 fully vaccinated versus only 62 000 uh prior infected and unvaccinated but again the difference in the breakthroughs versus the reinfection was 238 breakthroughs versus 19 reinfection now this is what's really important because when you talk about the vaccines there's like ideas all over the place right like people get this gets very controversial very quick now some people actually think that if you get the vaccine you're more likely to get sick from covet obviously that's not really true here there's only 238 documented breakthroughs out of a data set of 673 000 so please stop spreading the idea that these these vaccines don't work at all uh there's obviously some breakthroughs but you know there's a lot of information out there and i tend to be more in the middle on this and i think this is a more nuanced conversation now the reason why we're sharing this video is because so many people will have had a prior infection there's been 217 million cases throughout the world and probably many more that haven't been recorded in the u.s alone i think there's 38 million cases right so now there's probably five times as many of those cases now why aren't we accounting for the fact that some people myself included i have antibodies and i have t cell immunity um shouldn't that account for something i mean i you know as this data found here uh individuals who had you know prior immunity uh are much less likely to get reinfected even compared to individuals who are fully vaccinated so again this this is real world data accounting for the delta variant shouldn't prior immunity count for something why are we just writing this off as insignificant now let me just paint to you a little picture a little analogy uh you know i just wanted to kind of share this with you because we do hear uh that natural immunity basically sucks it doesn't work there's no such thing so if this is the virus okay and you get exposed to this virus and this right here is the spike protein so this is stars kobe 2. this is the spike protein okay when you get exposed to this you have the virus replicates but your immune system makes antibodies and t cell immunity against the spike protein against the nuclear capsule against envelope against all these other factors right when you now it's your own immune system that's making antibodies making the t cell immunity making every everything right it's your own natural immune system when you get immunized your immune system is your own natural immune system that's making immunologic memory to this antigen the spike protein so in both cases whether you get infected with the whole virus which is here's the virus here's the spike protein there's multiple spike proteins this is how the virus latches on to your to your cells through the h2 receptor and so forth so either way it's your natural immune system that makes the immunologic memory so when people say natural immunity is bs you're like well it doesn't again the source of the antigen is just different when you get immunized you're getting the straight-up antigen without any of the virulent elements of the virus when you get exposed you're getting potentially all the virulent elements and a lot of unknowns associated with that what are the unknowns of star wars kobe 2 now this is coming from someone who's been infected i would have rather not have been exposed and infected because there's unknowns here with cardiovascular issue lingering issues with regards to sort of this dormant virus that may linger in your cells there's documented cases of now you know shrinkage and gray matter in the brain like there's a lot of unknowns here so we need to you know again this is where the conversation should be more nuanced and personalized based upon your age your risk factors your prior exposure when it comes to immunizations so we need to understand that friends now again this isn't an anti-vaccine message i think the public health message is more nuanced but it seems that you know the powers that be just want to make it very simple everyone gets immunized no matter what whereas the science is a little bit more nuanced based upon our risk factors our probability our age and everything like that okay so let's continue on here i just want to check in and see how we're doing um and if you're enjoying this content you can hit that like button i want to be very careful here because i know that when you talk about these topics they're controversial so if i see your comments that are egregious when it comes to immunizations i'm going to delete them so please do not leave any of those comments here friends we're trying to share information because there's tens or hundreds of millions of people who have natural immunity and that should account for something and i could understand if we didn't yet have the science but now we do have the science and it's in over 773 000 individuals uh in one of the most highly vaccinated countries in the world so let's continue on here now here's where my um well i think it's important um in terms of symptomatic breakthroughs and symptomatic reinfections so as for the symptomatic stars kobe 2 infections during the follow-up period 199 cases were recorded 191 of which again again these are 191 symptomatic cases we're in the vaccinated group compared to only eight in the previously infected group again so for all the people that say natural immunity doesn't work or anything you're like again i'm reading to you verbatim what researchers in in you know israel and other folks here at different universities this was a paper that we're going to talk about published in the journal science have talked about so again i'm just saying like shouldn't natural immunity account for something uh okay so let's carry on and continue to talk about this okay so they had two different models and they compared different sets and so forth and when comparing the when comparing the vaccinated individuals to those previously infected at any time we found that throughout the follow-up period there were 748 cases of stars kobe 2 infection recorded 640 of which were in the vaccinated group and 108 in the previously infected group so again for all those people like that say that all those employers that are saying hey i know you've been exposed before but that doesn't matter you have to get two doses it's like well shouldn't natural immunity count account for something shouldn't our conversation be a little bit more nuanced than that i mean that you know the data is clearly right here and we're talking about hundreds of thousands of subjects okay after adjusting for comorbidities a 5.96 fold increase risk for increasing having a breakthrough infection as opposed to a re-infection was observed again so we have a 5.96 full greater uh you know risk for getting re-infected in people who are fully vaccinated now so again this is not to say that vaccines don't work clearly they work there was out of you know 673 000 there was only you know 600 cases so do the math so this has definitely reduced the number of cases especially in israel um but that all this also finds that you know natural immunity does work i mean my gosh it is effective so um that and you can do the rates of reinfection so let's let's continue on here uh and dive into some of the conclusions now again i want to be very careful in sharing this data especially on youtube because i want to be responsible i want to make sure that the youtube folks know that i am not here uh saying immunizations don't work i am not saying go out and lick the toilet seat in the icu i know people who've gotten really sick from this i know people who have lingering lasting health complications there's unknowns with getting this virus friends um this message really is for people who have already been exposed and are getting pressure from friends and family uh you know you know for not getting booster shots and all the stuff it's like hey man you know we we have proof that natural immunity uh you know you should feel safe around around me um anyway so when the science changes our conversation should change and that's part of what science is about is is having uh you know answering questions and relying upon newly published data to help us address new questions so uh these researchers and again we want to take this data with a grain of salt this was a pre-print it's not yet published in a and third party uh you know reviewed by editors and all that but the scientists go on to say uh the scientists go on to say uh this is the the largest real world observation study comparing natural immunity gained by previous infection to vaccine-induced immunity afforded by the pfizer mrna vaccine our large cohort enabled by israel's rapid rollout of the massive vaccination campaign allowed us to investigate the risk for additional infection either as a breakthrough infection in vaccinated individuals or reinfection in previously infected ones over a longer period of time than has been previously studied although in a moment we're going to challenge this paper in one second so again trying to hear hear it from both different perspectives friends our analysis demonstrates that stars could be two naive vaccines so these individuals who have not been exposed to the virus but have been vaccinated had a 13 fold greater increased risk for breakthrough infection with the delta variant compared to those previously infected when the first event infection or vaccination occurred during january and february of 2021 the increased risk was significant for symptomatic disease as well so friends um i'm not saying one is better than the other but all i'm saying here in this video i'm gonna make it very clear for like the seventh time natural immunity should count for something prior infection if you had to deal with this virus for some people there's a cough for some people with a headache for some people it's gray matter shrinkage for some people they were out of work for a month right if you had to deal with that that should account for something should it not like like literally um the science shows that here so now let's challenge our beliefs friends because this is what it's all about it's hearing things from totally different perspectives you need to listen to podcasts and news channels and media that you disagree with so that you you know can can hear both perspectives so this is from our own cdc all right now this paper did not sort of corroborate with the recent published paper from israel okay so this is the kentucky resident study this was published by the cdc's morbidity mortality weekly report the title of this as you can see here on the screen is reduced risk of reinfection with stars covey 2 after cover 19 vaccination in kentucky now what's different about this study and as um what they found here essentially is kentucky residents with a previous infection who were unvaccinated had a 2.34 times the odds of reinfection okay now here's what's a little bit different about the kentucky resident study versus the data in israel is here in the us as many of you know we rolled out the vaccines a little bit differently based upon age and risk and and all of that israel did a quick and rapid roll up and again as that large data set in over you know 780 some odd thousand subjects that we just reviewed found is they they stopped you know individuals to be included in that study had to have had two doses of the pfizer vaccine before february on or before february 28th okay now in the kentucky residence study individuals could have had the vaccination pretty much at any point prior to may or june of 2021 now again what they found is that compared to unvaccinated individuals vaccinated individuals had a 2.34 times the odds of re-infection sorry unvaccinated had a higher odds of being reinfected uh compared um to the people who were fully vaccinated okay now the difference here with this kentucky resident study again you know is delta during you know may and june was about 10 to 15 of the cases according to some of the data back then states like missouri new jersey pennsylvania colorado had a much higher prevalence of the number of cases that were from delta so anyway understand that um two different data sets but it's it's so easy to get in this confirmation bias loop uh you know you know we can you know it just happens on the internet you start reading and then just you just really get confirmed into your biases now there's one thing i forgot to mention on the study and now this really challenged my own biases is these the study in israel going back to like the 780 000 subject study check it out comorbidities didn't influence the efficacy of the vaccine that to me i would have thought for sure that people with hypertension and obesity because we've what we've seen in other data sets is potentially that is a factor but in this data set it didn't statistically influence the efficacy or the risk for reinfection really interesting so that to me of course i would have thought for sure like you know the obese the hypertensive the overweight the metabolic syndrome they would have had less protective effect but um evidently they didn't so again it's good to good to challenge your beliefs and biases uh friends so uh going back here's the summary from the cdc so check it out you can share this information if you found this helpful if you're here right now and you're enjoying this content please hit that like button and again i just want to reiterate for our friends on youtube uh and and so forth uh this is not an anti-vaccination message uh in fact i've had several friends as of late um who have recently got vaccinated especially people um who have uh either are on hrt or anabolic steroids or who have done that in the past uh that subset of the population seems to be uh very vulnerable to severe disease so i've had some friends mark bell has been you know very public about this you know um and getting immunized and all that so i think you know a lot of us we under i'm sorry we overstate um our health so to speak just like we think our house is worth more than it is we think our used car is worth more than this we we all think we're sort of healthier than we really are a lot of people that i work with they don't even do blood work um you know like i said hey when was last time you had labs oh i think like six years ago you should be getting labs all the time so a lot of us don't even really know where we're at and so i i you know my i was a little bit reluctant to post this video number one because it's controversial and it draws a lot of you know polarizing people from both sides of the perspective and all that but also um i don't want to uh inadvertently you know have someone who thinks that they don't have any health issues say yeah i'm just going to get the natural course of infection or whatever and not have the tools at their disposal to to help them and they could get severely ill so um anyway friends so take this with a grain of salt and let's go on to to this article this was in science magazine the title of this and all these are free by the way i'll link them uh having stars kobe 2 once confers much greater immunity than a vaccine but no infection party please and so um you know these researchers uh demonstrate you know the power of the human immune system uh but infectious disease experts emphasize that this vaccine and others for cova 19 nonetheless remain highly protective against severe disease and death now that obviously was shown in this data set right out of 673 000 fully vaccinated subjects there was only like 700 breakthrough cases and so this is where again there's there's some people on the internet who literally think that um they've heard about antibody dependent enhancement and that's sort of this idea where if you get immunized from something or if you have antibodies for something that it enhances the uptake of whatever has the antibodies against so for example stars cov2 you know if so if you have this antibody dependent enhancement that these antibodies will increase the uptake of the virus and increase the viral load that has been shown in animal model studies but the real world data about the ade or antibody dependent enhancement for stars cov2 immunizations doesn't seem to be there so um what what i'm seeing here is is this conversation is so polarized and i i take a little bit more nuanced approach and you know think that you know people with risk factors individuals over the age of 60 should definitely get immunized because this this viru or sorry this this this therapy has been shown to reduce disease severity now i know that's going to irritate some people because some people think that these vaccines are going to change your dna and they're going to cause you to grow with third harm the people who think like that are in my opinion just as following for these logical fallacies uh compared to people who who think we should all double mask for the rest of of humanity right um this is a more nuanced conversation and and we need to understand that uh that we're all individual we all have different risk factors and susceptibilities and everything like that so um anyway friends that's where we are i just want to check in and get to some of your questions here so um let's see see what's going on okay is ivermectin effective well i don't know that i can answer i really will get in trouble if i start talking about that on this platform all i can say is i have had some friends uh who have felt symptoms of a cold and um they they found success with that okay
Channel: High Intensity Health
Views: 909,720
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Keywords: fat loss, lose weight fast, ketones, exogenous ketones, keto, keto diet, ketogenic diet, autophagy, autophagy fasting, autophagy fast, autophagy fasting how long, Mike Mutzel, fasting vs calorie restriction, fasting vs calorie deficit, Free donuts, krispy kreme, Healthy Living, Healthy eating
Id: xaIqLW9gtLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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