Natural Healing Salve for Skin DIY

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[Music] hello friends Heidi here from rain country god is good all the time and I'm here to finally get around to making that healing skin cream for various skin issues whether it be rashes cuts scrapes burns infections even if fungal infections depending on whatever it is you want to use it on and I have a few different ideas of ways that you can blend this I've been kind of still experimenting with my favorite blend I'm gonna try yet a new one today but I'll talk about the other ones I have done so some of its going to depend on how much of your healing oil this is the infused oil so you want to start with this this is the I have a video recipe on this that I will link to in the description box down below and remember to hit show more or in that little gray arrow if you're on a smart device and so this is infused with various herbs from my own garden and then the choices of herbs that you use to do your infusion are also going to be up to you and what's available to you as well so this is what you're going to want to start with lots of good healing herbs in this and so this is the gonna be the base of what we want in there so the ratio of your oil to these other things are going to depend on how much oil you really want in this now my goal was to have not only a very strong blend because I put a lot of herbs in this and then let it infuse for a few months and you can see it turned out pretty dark this oil started off as clear that was added in here I used to Novik olive oil and all that color came from the herbs themselves and then to make it into a cream you can just use one of these items are all of the above and even add more to your own now when I make my homemade skin cream I use on my face and pretty much everything else hands and whatever else I have the infused oil the beeswax the shea butter and the coconut oil so I'm not going to be using all that in this particular one because I want to make it as I want as much of this oil going into this recipe as possible since it specifically for healing various skin issues so with that in mind I recommend going three parts to one part of your whatever it is you're going to use now in order for that to work best beeswax pellets or beeswax if you grade it or cut it up somehow pellets are just the easiest ones to use I will go ahead and link to the ones I have down below so if you're doing that you can go actually slightly less than one part of that to three parts of this if you're wanting to use something like shea butter or mango butter then I recommend going a 50/50 so a one part to one part so I want to make a total of 16 ounces so I can fill two of these 8 ounce jars so I want to start off with 12 ounces of my healing oil so what I have here is I have I have a little saucepan and then I have a digital scale so you want to make sure you put your saucepan on your scale first then turn it on if you put it on if you turned it on in them put it on there just hit your power button again if you have this kind of scale to make sure you zero it out you want to get it calibrated you're gonna go ahead and pour in 12 ounces of my oil and we'll just go ahead and pour this in there until I get up to 12 ounces which should take pretty much all of this okay so now what I'm going to do in this one I've done it both ways where I did a half-and-half with the mango butter and the oil and then I made one where I did 3/4 3 parts of the oil to one part of the beeswax but today I want to do a mix so what I want of my beeswax in this is I want two ounces now you can just zero this out again okay or you can just add well plus two would be 14 so we'll just go ahead and zero that out you get two ounces just go carefully since I'm adding it directly to the oil and then angle so what I want to do with this is I'm gonna cut it and add it in little parts until I get let's go ahead and zero it out a lot of times I just keep adding it but just to make it easy will zero it out and just keep adding the little chunks I like mango butter and that into the feel of it a lot better than shea butter you know it's a little creamier you can actually use it straight it has a just a very nice texture it's not quite as heavy as the shea butter okay so then what I'm going to do is even though it's a really nice day we've had some pretty cold nights so we still have a low fire going in the wood stove so I'm going to set this right on there now if it's that time of the year you you have a wood stove and you have a good hot fire going I recommend putting it on a trivet something like what I have right here I have this one these two here are just for decoration but I have more very similar to these that I use when I don't when I want to cook something on my wood stove or heat something and they have a hot fire and I don't want it to get too hot because you want to try to preserve all the goodness that's in those oils so you don't want it to get too hot so if you're using it doing this on a conventional stove turn the heat all the way down to low and then what you want to do is you want to heat this through and stir it constantly that will help the beeswax and everything melt in together quicker so you can take it off the heat sooner so again you don't want it to get too hot you're just trying to melt everything together so I will be back when this is all melted through all right it didn't take long for all my ingredients to melt together well and so there's what it looks like right now and what I'm gonna do next is add some essential oils this is totally optional and the ones you use are entirely up to you what I recommend is looking into each essential oil and what it's good for I'm gonna give you a few suggestions and then I'll show you the blend I'm gonna do here so lavender is a really really good option tea tree oregano make sure you don't use too much eucalyptus and white time so what I'm going to be using the blend I'm finding I really like is the tea tree eucalyptus the white thyme and then adding some lime to it it just adds an extra just a really nice scent the four of these together both very effective but also have a nice clean smell to them that should appeal to most people so I'm going to put up to a whole cap full in my total of 16 ounces that I have going on here of each of the oils so you can see obviously the caps for the tea tree and the eucalyptus arts are bigger so I'm putting a little bit more of those in one capful of the time and then one of the line citrus oils are also very good for your skin too but again as I've said in the past one has to be careful if it's something you're going to put on your skin where you're going out in the Sun and you're very fair you may want to skip the citrus oils it's it's not been an issue with me and a lot of times the different oils and things that you're mixing it in with are already have an SPF in them and I have a video on natural sun protection that I did a couple years ago I think it's been now and I'll go ahead and link to that in the description box down below now a couple options for containers would be some stainless steel tins I use those when I'm up for the skin cream that I make in self they like the tins because they're lighter weight and I don't want to worry about them breaking so they're easier to ship but for around here I just like to use these these 8 ounce mason jars like this they work very good for this kind of thing and so we'll just go ahead and want to make sure that your jars are not too cold or you might break them so we'll go if the if the oils too hot of course we're trying to not let it get too hot either okay so then what I'm gonna let that do is I'm gonna let that set up show you what it looks like when it's all set alright well my healing cream is all set up and ready to go as you can see it's not pouring out anymore it's set up nice and yet it's still very soft and then what I like to do is put one of these so-called leak proof lids they do link a little bit when you're talking about pure liquid but they are still more airtight than those cheap white ones I like these ones much better I would I'd recommend they're more pretty expensive to find on Amazon usually so I recommend looking for them locally but anyway instead of messing those up right now because it just looks so nice I'll show you this is the one that where I topped it off so you can see the difference and I did take a fork and kind of mix it up a little bit just to soften it and you can see right here it's very creamy it's got a nice texture and very easy to use very easy to spread on any spots like here's that scratch it's almost gone now where that gooseberry that I was moving I had it put a pretty good scratch on my arm because they have some nice thorns so I've been using this on that scratch and the other scratches I got from it and just been healing it up really nice and so consider the different essential oils I talked about you're gonna want to tailor that to suit you consider your allergies or your family's allergies what you want to tailor the skin cream for or the healing cream I want mine to be a general all-purpose but if it's something you're wanting to use specifically for a fungal infection I would recommend adding a little bit of the oregano oil now I did in my original batch that I showed you here I did actually add some oregano oil in that one as well and even though I used it right on this when it was the scratch was fresh it didn't hurt it at all but because oregano oil is very hot you do have to be careful with that so what I recommend you do before you decide on what wells you want to use look into each one find out what they're best for even do a search specifically on let's say you're looking for something that's good for eczema look at all the different oils that are good for that and same thing will apply for the herbs that you choose to use in the infused oil it from the beginning but don't forget to check out my recipe video on that that I will link down below so you can see the different herbs that I use and the ratio of each herb that I put into the blend and again you can even just do one of those herbs let's say all you got is some plantain because most people have it grown wild somewhere then that is a really great option plantain is excellent so is calendula and dandelion and yarrow and comfrey so many great herbs out there and there's I could go on and on there's a lot of good ones marshmallow pansy rose petals lavender again check out that video and also check out my other video I have on another infused oil that I use specifically for the skin cream that I like to use up mostly on my face and I will also link to that one down below and then if you want you can also check out the videos on how to make your own skin cream that I like that you can use for just whatever alright I hope you enjoyed this video and that if you give this a try this is something that will work good for you and for your family will save you a little bit of money in the long run and it will also be a lot healthier for you than most of the stuff that you can buy in the store ok thanks for watching take care and God bless you
Channel: Rain Country
Views: 22,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: traditional, old-ways, Health, Garden, Frugal, Homesteading, Self-Sustainability, Cooking, DIY, Homemade, natural-living, herbs, skin salve, skin ointment, healing salve, excema, rashes, cuts, scrapes, burns, natural
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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