How to Make an Herbal Salve

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today I'm going to teach you how to make your own herbal home scent infused oils you'll need these to make salves and some other soaps and products on your homestead today we're going to go over the infused oils and then I'm going to show you how to make your own healing salve [Music] you so salve ourselves however you say it depends on where you're from but today we're going to go over and paste oils and fast assisted in the beginning and this is a really really easy task something that any homesteader can begin with if you're wanting to get into herbalism this might be the best place for you to begin with making products now I know making products with herbs can be a little bit intimidating but it doesn't have to be so in past videos we've gone over how to make tinctures or salve not fast but infused oils there's a couple different ways to make infused oils but before you can make a fab you to make an infused oil most of the time now there are some stats that we make better just use strictly with essential oils and that's okay you don't have to worry about making and infused oil at that point you just buy the essential oil but today we're actually using calendula chamomile and arnica oil we don't have those in essential oils we have them in infused oils so there are a couple different ways for you to make the infused oil before you make your sad the most commonly popular way that you're going to find online is to fill your jar up with one part herb and five parts oil I just use olive oil you can use fractioned coconut oil grapeseed oil whichever you prefer but I prefer to use olive oil just because it's readily available at all times and so you're going to weigh it out for a one-ounce herb to 5 ounces of oil now this is calendula you can see that the oil does not cover the entire st. part of calendula but you're going to fill your jar up you're going to shake it really well and that's going to sit in a sunny area for about 4 weeks that's just ensure that you get all the best attraction from the oil that's the hard way or the long way to make an infused oil the next way to make an infused oil is to actually put the oil in your oven so what you do is you would set your oven to 300 degrees measure out your herb and your oil and a jar and a glass jar just like this and once your temperature has reached an or degrees you turn your oven off put your jar into the oven to set for two to three hours you're not going to bake or cook the herb you're just wanting the heat to heat up the urban extract it the final way to make an infused oil is to do your same ratio a 1 to 5 ratio 1 ounce or 5 ounces of oil and to put it in a double boiler on your stovetop that takes about 30 minutes to an hour just depending on your herb and how hot it is in your oven so that's the next bit of making the Z's a little 3 easy very easy ways one more time consuming than the other I definitely up for the oven option I actually have herbs in the oven right now that I will show you I've extracted chamomile and arnica this is calendula that I actually had extracting for four weeks in my bathroom cabinet medicine cabinet which gets a lot of sunlight sometimes so I want to put that in there so I'm going to get started and we're going to make a homestead SAP I've gotten my herbs out of the oven this is the kimono oh my gosh chamomile is my favorite herb to extract and oil it smells on - I could eat it now your oils are going to be strained I'm going to go ahead and strain it through a mesh strainer but sometimes for certain herbs they can actually there can slip through the strainer but I'm going to go ahead and try the strainer first and you're going to need to go ahead and separate them into separate jars because I'm actually going to be using these probably more than one time you're just going to go ahead and push down and get all of that oil out now there is some of the flower head that's coming through and that's okay but I may want to go ahead and put it through a mesh towel just one more time just to make sure we get all of that out wisdom soon the the [Music] straining the oil's is probably one of the messiest jobs you have during this entire process so you're going to get dirty make sure you wash your hands after each straining of each oil that way you don't have any contamination and the oil isn't soaking into your skin for a really long time so now that you've made and strained your infused oils now you're going to want to make a salve or some kind of product with them today we're show you how to make a SAP now it's best if you go ahead and do your fu stove ahead of times once you make your infused oil you can actually keep it on the shelf for about a year so you can make it way in advance and then use it when you need it now I'm probably going to have some that will lift so I'll just keep it in the pantry and I'm out of sunlight and it will stay good for a year now your next step with making this app your friend is going to be your kitchen scale you're going to need to measure out your oils because you want to know how much exactly you're putting in to your salve you're going to have your infused oils your beeswax and then you're also going to add you can add essential oils or things like that but today we're just using the empties oils and v-flex so I'm going to show you how to do that alright so with this nifty kitchen skill if you go ahead and put your jar on first it's actually going to measure out the tear for you this is the ocre scale it's really good great love it so just going to hit the on button it's going to calculate the weight for you and it's going to start at zero so for starters I need 2 ounces of calendula oil one and a half ounces of arnica one ounce of chamomile so I'm going to go ahead and measure that all out [Music] I thought it had Mexican ate it all sick bounces even so I put in just roughly one and a half ounces of the beeswax give or take you can add more place the recipe to what you like now we're going to take this and set it and make a makeshift double boiler and melt it all down now I've got a saucepan here that's heating up it's on a medium heat you don't want to be boiling but you do want it to be hot water I'm going to go ahead and set my jar down in there the reason that we put the water in there so that we're not scorching the oil or the herb I'm just going to let it sit there for a few minutes as the water heats up and then I'm going to kind of come in and start really good once it's completely stirred and combined then we're going to go ahead and put it in our little tins and it'll dry and be done all right all you got is melted now we need for a medium your 10 [Music] Oh [Music] and just like that you have your very own SAP and this particular side with the Colangelo arnica and chamomile we use specifically for boo-boos and bruises to heal was if you've had a cut or scrape this is great for that this is also great healing for sore muscles it helps relax the body and it's just a really great faff to hat but here's what it ends up looking like and it's just really great to have here's what it looks like you just rub it like this and put it on you're done so there's your basic fab recipe for the day I encourage you to make it make your infused oils make your staff they do really really well they hold up well the last about a year in your medicine cabinet or pantry and that was really good too so hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please like and subscribe so you'll get a free to share it so if you guys have a great day happy home studying
Channel: Amy Fewell - The Fewell Homestead
Views: 127,152
Rating: 4.9388266 out of 5
Keywords: salve, herbs, herbalism, homesteading, diy, handmade, how to, healing balm, ointment, salves
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2017
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