Natsuki talks about her dad... | Doki Doki New END! | Doki Doki Literature Club

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I-I love you! There I said it. What is up guys Bijuu Mike here! Today, we're gonna finish off at least I hope we're gonna finish off this new awesome freaking mod of Doki Doki literature club. Where basically we're playing the game it and its almost like the freaking same game except they change the story ALL around where Monika stays alive and it doesn't go to that crazy. You know think we're Monica is just you and Monica So far she's like slowly deleting people, but you get to save their lives. It's quite interesting you guys have missed it the episodes I'll be sure to link it right here anyway. We're on the Natsuki routes Let's go ahead and continue it right now alright, so last episode. We just got the literature club so that's one thing that's definitely Totally different now we're actually starting to see the process of what it took to get the literature club except There's only a few members now. There's not four members alright, so now I guess we just cleaned it Monica she's being kind of nice right now. I really want to thank you to you for helping me Thanks to you both. I had the rest of the evening free Oh, don't even mention it really I should thank you for allowing us to join this club heroes should always be or Wait what but ah sorry oh, no this time I did understand it. It's reference to how heroes are supposed to always save the day, right Well, let's say you passed, but you have to keep training, or else you won't reach our level anytime soon Oh, you're saying our level of weebness ah I see Monica can never be one of us all right yes now that I'm cleared that those two will get along I sit down on a Table open my notebook natsuki Monica grabbed a seat near me and continue talking. I overheard a bit They're talking about the festival in which sweets, which sweets to make Monica seems especially happy about this and natsuki's clearly excited I ignore them for a while and I started making or doing my homework making my homework Yeah, the English still a little bad, but hey all right some times passing things pretty normal only a little things happened last episode I Mean we did It was pretty awesome like we want to basically went on a date with natsuki and stuff like that But I'm just waiting for it to get real crazy alright rise and shine my minion What seriously I'm getting scared way too much of this lately. Did I space out again? Yeah? Where's Monica she already left Did you notice I like to run the club when Monica was nowhere to be found I'm starting to get concerned about you. If you hadn't been like this since day one I would have already asked you about your health But you're used to me right what other option do I have? If this were a visual novel I would have loaded the saved and changed my options a little is that what I'm supposed to do now But well you don't get to decide who you get along with in real life. It just happens talking about getting along I'm happy that you and Monica do I had my worries there Oh, well you see I still have this odd feeling about me And her it's like if you do someone back when you were little and you had to move But then you come back then you start hanging out with them again But you don't realize they're the ones you've been playing with when you were little that only happens in manga Natsuki Are you sure hmm? Oh? Oh? oh my god! Wait what is it It's her her Monica. No she goes by Demo or something I'm sure it's her. I'm sorry natsuki, but you lost me at three lines ago She someone when I met a long time ago on the net the person was always saying how light novels are way better to see Those in anime or deceive Anatomy, I know that it doesn't sound like her But that person once posted a pic of herself and it was pretty similar wait if that's true since she says she also has recognized you ah Forget about all this Natsuki ran out of the club probably trying to avoid my further questioning and about no time I got a message to my phone It was nusuki she was telling me that she will wait for me near the front door I have we actually have new music. What the heck, but if I ask again about that she'll just leave for real this time She's adorable when she gets mad But I shouldn't make her more mad than this my mother always taught me that everything has to be done with moderation Evening teasing friends for fun. I grab my stuff and leave the club. I'm confused what happened so they they knew each other online harmonica Done I closed my notebook after finishing the homework for tomorrow today's been rough But I shouldn't avoid my obligations as a student No matter what in fact Nastya might get mad that I do so anyway tomorrow. It should be even better I wonder What kind of poems Monica will do whether it'll have rhymes or not was it it'll be better or not since We're Poems freaking suck well thinking about that. I finished my preparations for tomorrow and go to sleep Okay, Oh. What is this? What is this going on account salvo? Privilege to set as administrator success made a character open is what? it what player type cannot act free will continue what? Deleting what is happening or what is this in the files right now? Is this in the files? Crap I don't think I can get there in time Monica character opened is in It's a what is going on You were no longer in control no I am in control Deleted account D salvato dan salvato remove natsuki file is protected What? Name natsuki friend. Oh a style friend last year brought yes Character open is introvert aggressive to introverts unable to change Beaten kid Oh what the heck? applying changed so so Monica is trying to Someone's trying to mess with the files exit change story beat kids what? Now it's Sunday The game changing, that's all I could say Oh, no not that music scrubpie. What are you doing here? Hi Monica? classes just ended so What are you saying classes ended a long time ago wait seriously, I guess I just spaced out hard. Sorry So I get to pick what to say Scrubpie. Are you alright? Can you tell me what date is today? Isn't it Sunday? What to say oh? Yeah, that's what I expected should I walk you off what to say? No, I think I can manage. Thanks anyway it didint Give me options Wait can I ask you a question scrubpie pie I guess so yeah, are you scrubpie? huh Of course on me. I think we're getting hacked like we got hacked right now, right? Why do you ask oh it's nothing it's kind of complicated, but if you're you then everything's fine, I guess You two are strange today Monica. Yeah, I'm sorry to be honest with you I had this really strange dream as if someone tried to you. Ah it's nothing Are you sure I can always hear you you can count on me scrubpie, I thank you Any anyways I gotta go home now natsuki's probably already mad at me, right? I'll stay here a little bit more preparing for tomorrow. Have fun you two where to move home. We're gonna move home What is going on right now? We're getting hacked by dan salvato. Oh hey long time to see I'm still here Don't worry. It seems like something has changed. Let me try to restore things up I'm still a little confused on this character that talking to us Whether it's us talking to the main character of the main character talking to us You know what I mean like in the real world a little confusing, but it looks like they tried to mess with Natsuki Okay, let me try to restore file restored to characters unable to Restore file restore okay hmm I can't restore natsuki. I did restore scrubpie, though Sorry, that's all about all I can do keep pressing on I'm with you So did natsuki get deleted. I reached my home from where oh? My head I feel. I'm feel like I'm about to faint, but I don't remember doing anything strange in fact I don't remember anything. I've been doing today. It's it's as if I just woke up, but instead of being on my bed I was here Did I sleepwalk I almost? It's I most likely spaced out out like I usually do I try to remember the last thing I'm able to oh That's quite interesting. They kind of kind of you know leverage that mechanic Or you know, I don't I don't know if you'd say mechanic, but basically our character does space out even in the real game So it's like that's when our files get messed up. You know That's cool, and the festival comes up. I probably just spaced out thinking that about what we're gonna do for the festival I shake my head as I realized I didn't accomplish anything I turn the knob on my home's door what am I about to see when I come inside? I smell something baking coming from the kitchen oh Okay, smells like muffins. She's alive oh I got frickin shivers right now. Okay? Oh, you're back. Where were you oh? Oh no! No not wifu natsuki I like nasuki When I came here to start baking the sweets for tomorrow you weren't here Oh, yeah, I went out to take a walk. I think you think hey . Okay wait. Can we look at the history? What does she say ah we can't see hey srcubpie are you all rights well? I think I may be a little off today, but it's nothing to be worried about well I think I can't force you to rest but since you won't be doing much. I guess you'll be resting anyway By the way, I Brought you my entire manga collection god I have to watch my back cuse like that freaked out by this game. I seriously get so freaking like tripped out Why her an entire manga collection it's in your room you did what's what gives? Now that you asked I don't really know why I just felt the urge to bring it over here So so I I'd sit I did read that you know you switch it to basically Where her dad beats her so I think that's why she gave us her manga collection Because you know her dad obviously doesn't like that kind of thing. I'm guessing maybe you could bring it to the club tomorrow. Oh (she said I hate being called cute) God, I wish I could read what she was saying you guys could pause it But I can't I'm too little and cute to carry that that's your excuse. That's my excuse Well now natsuki, insisted that though that be the only reason. I you knew better I knew that natsuki actually didn't know herself Why she had done that and I wouldn't have a mind her randomness But knowing that I myself had to deal with such a thing earlier the fact that I was doing something without know why? Natsuki, can I ask you something serious? gha? Why what the kind of serious? What kind of seriousness? Are you asking for it the concern type? Oh I guess you can okay? Then are you natsuki? I? Asked a stupid question one so stupid So simple is so easy to understand yet one that could easily throw any kind of concern. I have for natsuki Are you blind or something of course? I'm natsuki. No not like that I mean what I meant to ask is are you really the same natsuki? God oh god guys, can you see the chills I guess I can't hide anything from you. Can I? I really I was really hoping for a positive answer here I would have given so much just to hear her complain to give up my stupidity Just to see that I was being paranoid or even that I don't know as I thought I did I'm not feeling okay today or rather. I don't want to go back home today I even rushed out as soon as I woke up I natsuki are you alright? No for some reason I really hate my home I snif I fear my father, I fear he finds out I come to your house. I really fear that he finds out that I like manga I Went to natsuki he was silent for a while she sniffed as her tears continue to flow down her eyes or from her eyes she's troubled seemingly unable to react to nothing, but she proved me wrong when she ran towards me Please help me Oh God I? embraced her slowly and lightly And that was a strange moment - it was a strange moment to realize it but for the first time I noticed how petite she was that only maybe wants to protect her even more guys It's like it's like Earth Chan we gotta protect her Protect natsuki. She's so little You dummy me you can always count on me even when you think you're alone. I'm here for you scrubpie. Can I live with you? Huh? I'm sorry. That's probably no don't get me wrong I was just surprised, but if you ask me for something like that with such a serious tone I can't say no. Are you sure now she's gonna live with us. How cool. I don't have it I don't have anything to give you I'm useless I don't care what you consider yourself to be you'll always be natsuki for me And I've always heard you out help you and be there for you Sad sprout why is it okay? If we stay like this for a while? I feel really safe of course you can't silly you can always ask me to hug you I won't complain in fact I'm also scared. I felt like I could disappear any moment being with you like this I feel like I'm here and I won't go I held natsuki tighter She didn't make any move, so I guess she doesn't mind I do find you a little terrifying that she was you know switching back and forwards did she did it right now that would not Be good. We good are we good We stay like this for a while some time passed and we separated I'm sorry about all that me, too But I guess it just shows how much a friend you are to me and for you and you for me I guess I never thought we would end up like this well me either, but I guess I'm really glad you were here No, please don't make me go back there natsuki relax. This is freaking random. I won't make you go really. I just asked I'm sorry. No. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you that yet what? It's like the game skids it's like so did we ask her to go back to her dad's house Anyway, don't worry about that. I took my school uniform in all the money I had at my home as long as you give me a place to live I would start working to get some money to live On you're already doing a lot for me I will sleep on the floor, but if I may I would like to ask for some blankets No, I won't let you sleep on the floor. You'll sleep in my bed. Oh We go in there now, okay? God, I can't I can't make you sleep somewhere else when I'm when I'm comfy in your bed And I can't let you sleep on the floor either then sleep with me, haha Oh, she said that what I said sleep with me of course I don't intend anything to happen, but your bed should be big enough for the both of us well I think so let's not talk about that anymore until we go to sleep. I need to concentrate on the sweets for tomorrow Yeah, sure go ahead. I feel like if natsuki really were to say that. She'd be really shy about it I feel like it's a little bit out of character. I'll sit down here. Tell me if you need any help I don't think I'll want to explode it anytime soon Natsuki continue making some more muffins the ones that were already made by the time I arrived. I had already go I got cold enough. I even the ones that were oddly shaped had natsuki Put them what last ones over the table invited me to eat one of them I decided to come up eat the oddly shaped muffins with something to read and thus I became a prisoner of my attention problem one again ignoring everything on in my surroundings God, what's she gonna do to us now? I'm really happy natsuki's here for me I in more than one way I liked her and the only thing I'm ashamed of is the fact that I had to face This is our problem it in order to realize that she's something really precious to me Of course Monica has become something precious for me as well during this week During this week, I just realized. What was off the problem. I've not been realizing for a while How could I be this stupid the last thing I remember. There's the day we three formed the literature Club We were cleaning the place and we didn't have much time for the festival But I'm sure it was just one day away. Did I forget the entire week? I can't sort it out I'm really oblivious of what the heck happened during this entire week And I don't want to worry natuki any more for now So I'll keep this quiet for now maybe Monica could help me with this Oscar tomorrow Okay, so the rest of the day past I was reading this entire time but for some reason I wasn't able to concentrate or rather I didn't space out like I usually do does this mean I've overcome my problem am I this awesome after all and That's done nice job natsuki My mouse is trying to control my body so I could steal one of those you made No bad boy ntsuki pointed at me with the wood spoon, and she's been using for the recipe this entire time besides I already gave you what I didn't consider good enough, didn't I? But no buts I had to go I had to content myself with the dough, so you've already eaten a much better I don't know what that means, but okay? You've already eaten a much better thing to me speaking of which I stood up and got near the kitchen There a bowl of dough left over was lying near the sink. I assume she hasn't clean it Yet So she was looking She was looking towards the muffin so I guess I hadn't noticed what I was going to do I pick up the dough with my index finger And I got near Natsuki not this again There and a swift move faster than I could ever imagine something to be I felt the exact same sensation I felt last time that is to say Nastya was two steps ahead of me Ah, ha ha that's what you get for trying to best meet serves you right Yet, she hadn't realized that I'm already at her level. Oh oh no we got it on her oh no wait was that. I don't remember her actually having that on her face before yeah, you haven't one It's draw this time that you shouldn't put this to waste. You know when natsuki picks the dough off her face It eats it look who's talking I did the same thing tasting the sweet dough not scared be eating this entire time I don't get why but raw dough has its own appeal. It is raw cookie dough is super good They say not to eat it. They say a can you sick, but I'm still alive so it's already late I should be going oh, sorry. I'm not used to that I don't mind by the way, would you like to go for a first bath? What I can wait and you've been working all this time, so you should go first Oh sure, I'll finish up soon enough. Take your time natsuki, and please call me if you need anything Do you intend to summon such a common cliche in mangas your wish? I'm already going to sleep with you I can wait gosh way to make me feel grossed out here. You asked for it anyway. I'm gonna take a bath now Okay as I said take your time natsuki went upstairs to the bathroom? I stated the kitchen Thoughtfully fighting my inner urge to take a muffin and swallow it But just as I started to move towards them. I heard some knocking on the front door Coming oh god. It's late late at night some was knocking on the door That's just not good, and what the check who was knocking excuse me. I'm searching for a lost kid. Oh god. It's her dad It's her dad isn't it? As I opened the door I found myself facing an old man whose eyes looked as if he had been a really had a really Bad day nonetheless he's searching for a kid so I must at least answer uh I'm not sure I've seen any how does this kid look like the man raised his hand is almost as a Natsuki size from the ground it's about this size has an unnatural hair color and its name is it's it's Its name boy. What'd you call her? It's name is natsuki. Oh? He's her father my mind went completely blank unable to hide the sudden surprise I tried to talk I well she shouldn't be here. I mean. I don't know anyone like that Natsuki father raised an eyebrow I clearly knew I had already been caught you said something interesting there How did you know I was talking about a girl when I didn't state her sex Even Natsuki isn't a unisex name so actually that it is it is natsuki it At least I know if a boy natsuki from the YouTube channel brought in Japan his name is natsuki this guy Just saying that's all saying okay Plothole you do know where my daughter is don't you getting his nervous I could become I tried to excuse myself out of the situation I don't really know anyone like that her father glanced towards my home entrance and seemed to notice something What a nice pair of shoes you have there are those your sisters Then I realized he saw natsuki shoes my mind was completely utterly utterly blank and my reason switched to off like React, and I can't react you're lucky. I'm an officer. I can't enter your home without a permission. I'll come oh he's a cop now Okay, that's a twist of fate or twist of events here. I'll come tomorrow with an official one, and it doesn't matter what happens I'll keep my daughter back of course I'll send some co-workers to seize his home And I'll know immediately if Natsuki comes in or out of this home is that clear yes? But as I said Save yourself to the lies for someone who actually buys that crap I been at the shop for too long to allow myself to get lied to by a student I really wish natsuki not here for your own good the old man turned around showing his back for a moment there I could See him smiling that sends a chill down my spine I need to protect natsuki from this guy my whole body was screaming that sentence But so I'm gonna stupid his plane like me could tell the under the skin of a serious police a cruel man was hiding oh So he's a cop and he's a bad cop. He's a bad person has a cop at least Yeah, sure so we closed the door locked in which our room once. I was there. I sat on my bed I was then able to say I was unable to say anything And I'm still not able to think of a solution for this what am I gonna tell natsuki should I even tell her anything? As I still was trying to think about what to do? I heard the bathroom door opening natsuki must have finished taking a bath all I heard was the door opening I decided not to say Anything there I've done what no pajamas You're kind of disappointing me here. Ah Of course I'm not wearing pajamas I'm even using what I brought before I should I clearly instead you can do some of my clothes for the time being To turn you on No thanks this situation is bizarre Delilah this situation is as buzz I can't even say the word wow the situation This situation is bizarre let's not make it any worse by the way. I heard some noises. It was just a Salesman Don't worry. My mother is too kind my mother's kind of got addicted as those subscriptions and stuff. I don't care What happened there, but please don't lie to me? I know your mother hasn't come here for about a year or so I guess I can't hide anything from you either Yeah, what's up with that? What's up? Where's her parents at it is kind of animate cliches that you know we're home alone They're all for some reason kids are always like alone in animes and stuff like that I can't keep this to myself after all natsuki gonna find out by tomorrow anyway. Whether I tell her or not We can't even go to the festival. We're home stuck That's a plan isn't it? Your father came I figured out. I don't remember him being specially hard on that the people But I have a feeling that whatever reason since last week He's been really harsh What did he say he said that he'll get a permission to investigate this home by tomorrow I guess a warrants is what that would be called and should he find you you know take you back and God knows what will Happen to me I'm really sorry. I think I'm gonna go back home. What no no don't be stupid you're being stupid here You're just dragging yourself into this without even considering how I feel about it What if I don't want you to get involved after all what if something happens to you and ask you went silent without even sinning That I'm finishing that sentence And what if I want to be involved? Because I also feel like if something happened to you and knowing that I could have done more I would have to live on knowing I had the same chance, but I let it slip. It's not fair. It's not about fairness It's about facing a complete crazy guy who has more contacts and influence than you You literally you're you're literally asking yourself to get hurt I simply can't allow someone as precious as you to harm himself just for being just because he wants to be reckless Nastya was right her father is smart He has contacts given his job and by tomorrow and that even my home will be a safe place Someone like me who could just stay there dump found it before him couldn't possibly win Even so even when everything's going down the street with no brakes. No, please I know it's best for you Even if I can't recall this type of stuff happening before I know for a fact that he's dangerous He's gonna kill you and then he's gonna kill me You don't want you to get killed just because you tried to play the hero here. Hey, it's okay I know a plan well Go to Yuri's house get her knives and we'll have protection right natsuki stood there tears flowing down her cheeks that fast pace She's crying isn't she not because she's sad She fills impe impotence like someone who realizes that when she needed the most she's unable to change the simplest of things I Want to help you natsuki please? Let me help. I can't trust me I want to be helped, but if it costs this much I Hmm, I think we shouldn't we should intervene wait a sec scrubpai. I what what's happening Main character promoted temporarily There that should do it. I gave you partial control of scrubpai Tell her you've got a plan. I think that I think that by tomorrow. Yeah, I should have everything sorted. I've got a plan You have to trust me on this natsuki. I'll save you by tomorrow. I'm still so confused, but okay, who are you? Huh? I'm not asking scrubpai why I'm asking you who Are you? Why are you talking to be using scrubpai body? How did she know that I'm doing that you couldn't tell him not him how I just know you're not him But I guess you're also him in a way Are you the one who made this mess you turned my life upside down answer me I'm the one trying to avoid that then who made all this. I can't tell you that I'm afraid of what the heck Sorry is my sorry Monica right now You do know is that fault to you in that case, please help help scrubpai I then allow him to help you I'll have something figured out by tomorrow fine, but if something happens to my scrubpai Oh, she call me that I'll kill you What's happening right now to think not c-could I could find out She's really strong isn't she she even remained calm and listened I'm really sorry for breaking her I felt that we could have gotten much more along I revert a scrabpie control to himself This is all new so you have to be extra careful find the weak spot in her game modifications There must be one somewhere What huh nasty wiped out her tears and looked at me. Are you awake? Oh, yeah? Did I space out again kinda, but? Well? I hope you didn't use that as an excuse after what you promised what? You said you had a plan and you promised it would wouldn't be dangerous. Uh yeah, of course. I meant it You'll see to be honest I don't have a clue what she's speaking about, but if she says she allows me to protect her so be it well I was going to finish up homework for tomorrow, but I can pretty much tell that we're not allowed to exit this home So I'm really are we really worried about homework right now, so I'm gonna go to sleep now. I Left the bath with the new replenished water for you before but it might have gotten a little bit cold Maybe I'll go take it anyways. I don't dislike lukewarm water natsuki sat on the bed while she watched me leave the room that was actually nice. Oh wait I stopped talking as soon as I seen natsuki is falling asleep her cheeks still red and the side of her cushions She's lying on his watery. She must have started crying soon as I left a room when she's sleeping She really looks like a little innocent girl. I closed the door slowly trying not to wake Natsuki up. Yet somehow I managed to make up just enough sound she woke up She just opened one eye looking at me, but she remains still I'm sorry. I fell asleep unintentionally. Oh, it's okay I don't mind natsuki looked at the wall avoiding my eyes Can you now see try to ask me something, but couldn't in the petition in Finnish? Luckily enough I didn't know that she was trying to ask beforehand I did know I turned the light off and went to bed carefully crawling to avoid touch key not touching natsuki woohoo Which itself was something stupid I didn't without realizing it because of what she asked me once I lied on the bed natsuki turned around there. We were facing each other Yeah, she quickly buried her face in my chest not even allowing me more than a glance at her eyes You're a warming cozy Hugging you almost makes you forget everything. That's happening I rat an auskey in my arms again She didn't react to that am I allowed to fill this You smell nice too natsuki was being a little off now, but knowing all that has been happening lately. I guess it's fine Hey scrubpie. Yes, isn't it weird to see isn't it weird for you to see me like this I've always been harsh on you haven't I I wouldn't say harsh but I guess strange to see you being it's strange to see you being this clingy I Want to confess I thought at first you were coming near me just because I was a girl I thought you were kind of disgusting at first, so I really meant all those insults. It's something I've always been doing instinctively not only to you but to everyone and most of the time even when I don't want to do things those things I still Do them And that's why I was all alone back then the fact that I like manga didn't help at all to be honest most of the time The people I talked to me were boys And they always wanted to get along with me just because I was a girl who happened to like manga It's nice for you to be people who can talk with but I don't want to be treated better Just because I'm a girl and that's why I kind of hid the fact that I love manga this much Oh, that's cool. Little backstory there, but this day I had to urge to read the latest issue because I was waiting for it less since last month You found me then you started talking to me And it didn't matter how hard I went on you you just kept coming back for more and that's what I thought Hey that kinda reminds me a toreador it. That's kind of the relationship They have if you think about it because you know she's Sundari and all but I soon realized you weren't there for me you were There because you wanted to talk about manga after the first two months I started feeling that I wanted to meet you more often You allowed me to be my by myself and stayed there for me all this time even now when I need some of the most The only one that's here for me is you and asked you pushed her face towards my chest a little more. It's ironic Isn't it the same one who rejected all those guys because she didn't want to be treated better Just because she was a girl the same one who avoided relationships that girl now she has found someone different someone she can be with herself with she selfishly fell in love with that guy I Did she just confess her love I really don't know what to say she's obviously waiting for an answer But I'm probably just it's just surprising speechless my brain is trying to escape the situation my heart is already He already knows the answer I inhale hard pushing Nastya away a little bit And I release all the air in one short sight what am I gonna do with you? Why it's hard to answer what you just ask, but well. I'll try my best on what so on answering me There's no need to think really you don't need to up. No silly. I will try my best shut up stop talking I would try my best to live up to your expectations Natsuki stayed there frozen in place in silent. I was probably the same. I probably brought the 200 beats per minute mark already I oh, this is really difficult. You don't need to force yourself Natsuki I don't mind if you just say now you know just get it out. No, please I've made up my mind. I love you I I love you There I said it. I hope I'm not required to pass the test of mine again Well, then I'll try to ask for this thing as much as I can Shut up natsuki hit me with her right hand in my chest separated a little bit, and we started laughing I couldn't help but to laugh with her. This is the happiest I've ever been in my life. Ah It's so he is so cute. Well guys. I think this episode's gonna be way too long isn't it well guys I thought we'd be able to finish the episode there But turns outs a lot longer than I thought I had no idea this crap to beat well It's not crap, but like I had no idea that the story would be so freakin long so next episode We're gonna see what our plan is and hopefully see at the end of the game But I'm not really sure who knows, but I find this really interesting It's like a what-if if we were really together with natsuki and it's just so cute You know and it really does remind me of the anime Toradora because I loved it I really really love that anime it's one of my favorite freakin romance animes ever And if you haven't seen it you guys really are missing out you got to go see it Anyway guys today scope of the day goes to melenz you piano plays every day I imagine a future where I can bi with juu That's a knee-slapper right there now. I see yeah. I see what you did there That's pretty clever clever scrap If you guys want to be scrap of the day be sure to drop a like on this video leave some comments down below guys I always do scrub the day for people to show support. It really really means a lot to me Thank you guys so much that I get to do this freaking make videos and just geek out with doki-doki literature club I'm VG Mike subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you scrubs in the next episode of d DDLC bye guys
Channel: Bijuu Mike
Views: 1,426,679
Rating: 4.8910379 out of 5
Keywords: bijuumike, Natsuki talks about her dad, Doki Doki New END, ddlc mods, ddlc, doki doki mods, doki doki, Doki Doki Literature Club: Monika After Story, Doki Doki Literature Club Secrets, doki doki literature club, doki doki literature club secrets, doki, bijuu mike doki, doki doki mod, doki doki literature mod, doki doki secret end, monika, ddlc secrets, doki doki literature club mod, we saved yuri, We're dating natsuki now, dating natsuki, natsuki ddlc, natsuki secret ending
Id: cqLWFhQTYms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 46sec (1786 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2017
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