Native Catfish Farming│Inside the most successful catfish farm

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[Music] oh hey guys it's another beautiful day once again and welcome back to Dexter's World channel today's video is the first video for 2020 and we would like to say happy new year to all of us and as what I have said this is gonna be the first video for 2020 and this is one of the most exciting video that we are going to upload because we will visit the farm of that catfish and with me as my Dexter's World Junior and we will go to a place that's a very far place from here and it's gonna be 300 kilometers from this place where we'll live in [Music] [Applause] hey guys we are finally here at the farm of the catfish and this farm is really known here in our place as you can see this is the rice field and some parts of the rice field was converted into a fish pens and you will see that we are now making the pan preparation they are draining the water and they are going to throw the fertilizer for the catfish our purpose of coming here is actually to buy some catfish for us to also be able to engage in this farming and I was told that the breeding method for this catfish is artificial and I don't know if how it is done but I am pretty sure that this is just like the same procedure of the Japanese Koi now come on we are going to buy some twenty kilos of this catfish and what is good about this is the handling is not really that difficult we can just put this cap fish in a small basin with small water and then we can travel this for more than 24 hours without fear that this catfish will die so this will really survive during the trip in case you will note that the source of the water is the irrigation of the rice field and this irrigation is connected from the river and this catfish will really tribe in a freshwater and they have thousands of finger links of this catfish and I'm planning to buy some 500 of these fingerlings and they are selling this at a very cheap price this is only four pesos per fingerling so guys I have here their kids decided the floater pellets and you will see that the caretaker is making a sound to alert this catfish that they are going to be fed according to the caretaker this catfish we not plucked together over here without this sound so this is now the signal that they are about to be fed so we will do the feeding now guys I think the scat fish are already fooled so they are not actually very eager to eat the food because they had been fed already just few hours I was told that the adult size or the full size of this catfish will weigh around 7 kilos you imagine 7 kilos is big fresh and this is the you know the best delicacy in some of the restaurants here in our place I was told that we are going to make a sound see that the purpose of this sound is to alert the fish that they are about to be fed you look at that they're coming right here so we will feed them down wow that's amazing you see that that catfish is used but it is not the feeding time because they have a schedule for this I thought they said that they are filling this in this 7 o clock or before 7 o clock in the morning and all the scat fish are already food so they are not very eager to eat the food but this is the food that they are giving this are the floater pellet and this are the kind of pellet also that are given to the milk fish and I was informed that this is more lucrative than the milk fish farming because the milk fish is seasonal but this catfish can be harvested all year round and this s and amazing facts that I have discovered that this catfish is one of the look at the businesses in fish farming and aside from the catfish they also had Japanese koi come on we will feed the Japanese Scott [Music] you know this set up is really very appropriate when you are racing Japanese Koi they were just raced on a mud pond the depth of this water is around three feet so very shallow aside from the Japanese Koi I also have spotted some of the native carps they're also reading the native carps so come on we will now weigh some twenty kilos of this catfish and we will bring that to someone gas city so finally we will catch the bigger size by a 150 per kilo and it is estimated the per kilo it will reach about six he says of this country and there is no problem about transporting this because according to them this will survive even without water so no problem about handling [Music] [Applause] we'll remove the injured ones I don't want to buy the injured ones akela [Applause] [Music] so they are actually adapting the the artificial method of breathing and of course they are going to select the most pregnant catfish and they're going to extract the eggs and then get the melt out of the belly of the male catfish and then they will mix that together after ensuring that all the eggs are provided fertilized they are going to put that in a clean box and this is the result right now they have here plenty of fingerlings of this country so we've bought some 500 pieces of these fingerlings I should have bought more than but they're just they're willing to just sell us 500 because they already have the hooking on it so that's how in demand is this business and they are just putting oxygen inside a plastic bag and then ready to be transported for within 24 hours so we will transport this catfish that weighs 20 kilos and I think there are more than 100 pieces of them are right here and we will transfer them now to San Juan de city it's gonna be a long trip it requires us 8 long hours for this trip come on let's go guys [Music] so guys finally we arrived safely after a long trip I've been driving for more than 10 hours and I'm really very tired and now we are going to unload our catfish to our tanks right there so can't we see if they're still alive I don't know oh ah one skipped a layer can you please help me this is not easy oh we also have here our fingerless they're all fine I guess no cash what do you think so case we are making this as a temporary tank for our catfish and we will unload this one here and I think there are 300 of them we bought just 20 kilos and we estimate that this to reach around 300 pieces of this catfish so we will do the process of optimization we will now drop this one we will fill in slowly the new water and then after a couple of minutes we're gonna release them all we are ready now we are ready so maybe in the next couple of months we gonna be able to grid this successfully and we will be able to produce our own catfish well I understand that they are employing an artificial method of breeding and I was told that the moment this catfish gets pregnant then a hormone will be injected in the belly and also in the belly of the male catfish and then they will ovulate and then they will spawn their eggs so I have no ideas at the moment what particular hormone are we going to use but I am going to make a research on this and I am very positive that we can produce our own catfish in the future so thank you guys for watching I hope you will continue to like and share our videos this is our first video for year 2020 and I hope that you will continue to like and share and subscribe if you are new to our channel only here Texters world [Music] [Music]
Channel: Dexter's World
Views: 2,883,424
Rating: 4.5643005 out of 5
Keywords: Hybrid magur, magur fish, fish business, catfish, catfish farming, mugur farming, hito business, india magur, india catfish, million catfish, hydbrid magur farming, magur breeding, catfish breeding, catfish harvest, magur harvest, feeding catfish, feeding magur, magur business, mud crabs farming, mud crabs, milkfish farming, magur farm, hito farm, catfish farm, crabs farm, catch, clean, cook, Farming Business, Fish trap, Trap, Pond, Mud ponds, DIY TRAP, Travel_Tride
Id: b36FArmZ8M4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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